How to build a fence in minecraft. How to make a stone fence in minecraft? The fence can be found…

Of course, such a thing is necessary in every household, and even on open area game world and even more so. Therefore, it will be useful for each player to know how craft a fence in Minecraft, and what it is made of. By the way, without it, your farm will be trampled by zombies, cattle will scatter, and evil griefers - players with a penchant for self-mutilation - will plunder the settlement and smash all the acquired goods to smithereens. Of course, it is difficult to protect yourself from the latter with a simple fence, but this does not mean that it cannot be locked up, moreover, the information will not cease to be quite useful for you.

The fence itself does not seem like a complex structure, but players are constantly looking for ways to solve the problem of the open area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir constructions and, in the end, for lack of the necessary skills, come to the search for how to build fencing structures right next to their home. In this article, we will try to answer the question that concerns many, how to build a fence, we will analyze its various types and construction algorithms that are currently available in the game.

Material set

Of course, with an eye to the usual, well-known construction of fences, the first thing you need is a set of materials. So, in order to craft a fence in Minecraft, first of all we go to the forest for the necessary materials. To do this, it is not necessary to look for a particular type of wood, thinking that its strength or other characteristics will depend on this. Only the color of the finished product will depend on the type of tree that you cut down for your needs.

By the way, in fairness, we note that you can get a fence at your disposal in other ways. For example, find it on the ruins of a former village and take it with you. This method, of course, requires a certain amount of luck, but it cannot be dismissed as absolutely impossible.

After a lot of wood has been chopped, we move to the workbench, and the stage called crafting begins. There is one block of wood - 4 boards. Two boards - 4 sticks. Using this arsenal, you can already make a workbench from one block of wood, and you can build a full-fledged fence from 4 boards and 2 sticks. Therefore, when going to the forest in order to collect wood, count in such a way that the extra components do not subsequently take up space in your inventory.

Usually the player's crafting menu takes up 4 slots. In our case, the missing 5 is provided by the workbench that we built in advance in the previous step. So, having opened the crafting menu, we see 9 cells in front of us. It is most convenient to make transitions between them using an additional panel on the keyboard of a computer or laptop, on which numbers are presented in just 9 pieces.

Now we will put boards in the cells that correspond to numbers 1, 4, 6 and 3, and sticks in cells numbered 2 and 5. After completing the craft, as you can see, we will get three units of the fence. By experimenting with types of wood, you can get yourself a light or dark colored fence. True, if you have an incomplete edition of the game, then you should not expect such a variety - you only have access to an oak fence, which is crafted from sticks, in the amount of 6 pieces.


However, what is the point of the barrier if the owner of the estate in Minecraft himself cannot get to his property? That is why when building a fence, do not forget about the gate. It will not become a loophole in the user's security system, but, depending on its status (gate open or closed), it can be passed through if necessary. And in order not to make a hole in the protection yourself, you just need to close it after use.


A wooden fence in Minecraft is only one side of the coin. If you want to protect your territory in a more original way, you can choose one of the following ways to protect the territory:

When erecting a fence on your territory, it is important to remember that it does not provide one hundred percent protection against vandalism or attack by creatures. Other players can easily climb over it using a special potion, and spiders do not hesitate to move on its surface. But for standard mobs and inexperienced players, of course, it will become a tangible barrier.

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Greetings to all Minecrafters, hardworking and tireless workers of our great world of Minecraft. If you have only recently appeared in minecraft, but have already managed to make a home for yourself, then you can feel relatively secure. But we should not rest on our laurels, especially in such an important matter as our own security. We want to tell you, dear friends, what other measures can be taken in this regard and what to craft for this.

Why do we need a fence near the house

In our beautiful world of minecraft, not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance. It also happens that various unpleasant monsters appear from nowhere and walk around our territory (actually, every night :)). And in order to protect ourselves from such uninvited guests, we must craft and put up a fence around the entire perimeter of our property. This is not quite an ordinary block, its height visually looks equal to the height of the others, but when you try to jump over it, it appears to be one and a half blocks high. Thus, it becomes impossible to overcome it for any monsters, as well as more harmless animals.

How to create a fence

So, my friends, to craft a fence, we need boards and sticks, arranged on a workbench in a certain way. In this short video, we talked about crafting a fence:

In this simple way, a fence is made in minecraft. Recipe:

You can put torches on the fence to illuminate the area and by the way, it looks very nice. You can also “nail” the sign, or we can take and put another row on top. It will become like a wall, but not solid, but with holes. Of these, if desired, you can shoot at the monsters that annoy us in Minecraft.

We get the boards we need

To craft boards, we first need to stock up on a decent amount of wood, and the breed does not play a role. To do this, we destroy the tree with our hand, if we have not yet acquired an ax (better, of course, iron or diamond). About how to make an ax, we will write soon.

And on the workbench we can create the boards we need:

We get fence sticks

Now from the boards we can already craft the sticks needed to craft the fence. Read more about them in the article how to make a stick in Minecraft. Here we will manage with a simple recipe and place them on the workbench in the following way:

We create a gate for our fence

We will open it in the same way as doors. In functional terms, it is similar to a fence, also has a height of one and a half blocks and is impassable when closed. By the way, there will also be an article about her the other day :D

Where else might a fence be needed?

In addition to fencing our home, we need to make a fence also in other areas in minecraft. Namely, around the wheat fields, which we ourselves must create in order to solve the food issue. You will learn how to make them correctly by reading our article "how to make bread in minecraft" - in it we tell everything about wheat in Minecraft.

And also we can create a dairy farm with the help of a fence. Do not be surprised friends, we have in minecraft, perhaps, if not all, then a lot. And in order to make a farm, we will simply enclose some territory with a fence, drive an “ownerless” cow there and close the gate behind it. And then, we won’t start chasing her through the forests in minecraft, but we can get milk at least around the clock. Or, for example, put pigs or sheep there. From the latter, you can constantly get wool (unless of course you know how to make scissors in minecraft :)).

You can use fence blocks to make them: all sorts of poles and also as part of tables. And you can put in the openings of the walls, instead of windows.

What other types of fence can be put

You can make a fence from ordinary or mossy cobblestone. Only she, in minecraft, will be called: a cobblestone wall, however, the name does not play a special role, the essence does not change from this. Such a fence, just like a wooden one, will do a good job with the protective function in minecraft. On it, you can also complete the second row, turning it into a "fortress wall" with holes. And why are they, you already know, my friends: to shoot monsters. And our article will help you with this.

Wherever the player has to be, he must be sure that his property - and this is a house and structures on the territory - are protected from enemy mobs. For these purposes, a special fence is built in the form of a stone fence, over which only a horse can jump or a spider can fly over. Other mobs will not be allowed to enter your lot.

Externally, such a fence has a frightening and even impregnable appearance. For construction, several blocks of stones will be required. You can destroy a stone fence with an explosive wave. But the gaps formed between the blocks can be used as a place from where there is a chance to shoot accurately.

Going for building materials

We get cobblestone for construction. We need six blocks of it. Where to find the right amount of material?
At first, we look around if there are any cobblestone blocks nearby. They can be seen from under the grass, earth, leaves. If there is none anywhere, we go underground and look for the required amount of rock there. We break the blocks with a pickaxe.

Building a stone fence

Open the workbench and combine the cobblestone blocks. We fill them in the cells of the third and second row. Leave the first row blank.

The result - the fence is ready.

wood in Minecraft game obtained from the trunks of various trees. There are six types of wood, all of which have the same properties, although outwardly blocks of different species differ.

To get a block of wood, go to the nearest tree, click on the left mouse button, pointing the sight at the tree trunk. Do not release the button until you get the block you are looking for. Get as much wood as possible, you will need it not only to obtain, but also to create most of the necessary tools. In addition, wood can be crafted into boards, from which it is easy to build the first shelter from monsters.

A fence can be used instead of glass to create windows if there is no sand nearby or you are low on fuel. The fence lets in light, but does not let in aggressive monsters or .

After collecting enough wood, open the inventory window. Place two or three units of mined blocks (the rest may be needed to create charcoal or decorations of a future home) into one of the crafting or crafting cells that are located to the right of the schematic image of your character, so you will get boards. There will be four times more of them than blocks of wood.

minecraft fence recipe

To create a fence, you will need a workbench. This is a work surface with a 3x3 crafting area, which allows you to collect most of the tools and items on it. To create a workbench, open the inventory window again, fill all available crafting cells with boards. Take the workbench and place it on a suitable horizontal surface.

The fence is made from sticks. Sticks can be crafted at any time from planks by placing two planks on top of each other in the crafting area of ​​the workbench or in the inventory window. Two boards make four sticks. To create a fence you will need six sticks. They need to be placed on the workbench so as to fill the two bottom horizontals of the crafting area.

Fences are often used by players to enclose farms to keep them from being trampled by animals and monsters. The ability to install torches on the fence allows you to adequately illuminate the crops grown.

There is a special type of door for the fence. To make a gate or gate, in the fence creation scheme, replace the two central sticks with blocks of boards. The gate greatly simplifies the interaction with livestock.

Greetings to all Minecrafters, hardworking and tireless workers of our great world of Minecraft. If you have only recently appeared in minecraft, but have already managed to make a home for yourself, then you can feel relatively secure. But we should not rest on our laurels, especially in such an important matter as our own security. We want to tell you, dear friends, what other measures can be taken in this regard and what to craft for this.

Why do we need a fence near the house

In our beautiful world of minecraft, not everything is as cloudless as it seems at first glance. It also happens that various unpleasant monsters appear from nowhere and walk around our territory (actually, every night :)). And in order to protect ourselves from such uninvited guests, we must craft and put up a fence around the entire perimeter of our property. This is not quite an ordinary block, its height visually looks equal to the height of the others, but when you try to jump over it, it appears to be one and a half blocks high. Thus, it becomes impossible to overcome it for any monsters, as well as more harmless animals.

How to create a fence

So, my friends, to craft a fence, we need boards and sticks, arranged on a workbench in a certain way. In this short video, we talked about crafting a fence:

In this simple way, a fence is made in minecraft. Recipe:

You can put torches on the fence to illuminate the area and by the way, it looks very nice. You can also “nail” the sign, or we can take and put another row on top. It will become like a wall, but not solid, but with holes. Of these, if desired, you can shoot at the monsters that annoy us in Minecraft.

We get the boards we need

To craft boards, we first need to stock up on a decent amount of wood, and the breed does not play a role. To do this, we destroy the tree with our hand, if we have not yet acquired an ax (better, of course, iron or diamond). About how to make an ax, we will write soon.

And on the workbench we can create the boards we need:

We get fence sticks

Now from the boards we can already craft the sticks needed to craft the fence. Read more about them in the article how to make a stick in Minecraft. Here we will manage with a simple recipe and place them on the workbench in the following way:

We create a gate for our fence

We will open it in the same way as doors. In functional terms, it is similar to a fence, also has a height of one and a half blocks and is impassable when closed. By the way, there will also be an article about her the other day :D

Where else might a fence be needed?

In addition to fencing our home, we need to make a fence also in other areas in minecraft. Namely, around the wheat fields, which we ourselves must create in order to solve the food issue. You will learn how to make them correctly by reading our article "how to make bread in minecraft" - in it we tell everything about wheat in Minecraft.

And also we can create a dairy farm with the help of a fence. Do not be surprised friends, we have in minecraft, perhaps, if not all, then a lot. And in order to make a farm, we will simply enclose some territory with a fence, drive an “ownerless” cow there and close the gate behind it. And then, we won’t start chasing her through the forests in minecraft, but we can get milk at least around the clock. Or, for example, put pigs or sheep there. From the latter, you can constantly get wool (unless of course you know how to make scissors in minecraft :)).

You can use fence blocks to make them: all sorts of poles and also as part of tables. And you can put in the openings of the walls, instead of windows.

What other types of fence can be put

You can make a fence from ordinary or mossy cobblestone. Only she, in minecraft, will be called: a cobblestone wall, however, the name does not play a special role, the essence does not change from this. Such a fence, just like a wooden one, will do a good job with the protective function in minecraft. On it, you can also complete the second row, turning it into a "fortress wall" with holes. And why are they, you already know, my friends: to shoot monsters. And our article will help you with this.