Steppe here. Natural zone of the steppe of Russia: where is it located, map, climate, soils, flora and fauna. A large open grassy area is what a steppe map is in World of Tanks

AT game world of Tanks, there are a huge number of interesting tactics that tankers use with pleasure, playing on different playing cards. However, with the use of new versions of the game, the developers, in addition to standard battles, introduced new modes, such as Encounter Battle and Assault. After that, the tactics of the game on all maps have changed significantly. Today we will consider the map "Steppes" with standard mode fight. The size of the map is 1000 by 1000 meters, and the level of battles is from 4 to 11.

If you look at the view of the Steppes, we can see an open plain, well shot through by all tanks and artillery self-propelled guns, but this is absolutely not the correct opinion. Specialists have been modifying the terrain for a long time to improve comfortable conditions for the game. Bumps, mounds and a lot of stones appeared on the map, which can cover your tank from the next enemy shot. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, but consider the tactics in more detail.

Approximate siding routes for all types of vehicles.

Yellow dots are light points.

Red dots are art.

The green areas are the location of the PT/TT.

Red areas are the main battlefields.

Green arrows are the directions of illumination/shoot through.

Yellow arrows - direction of attack ST.

Blue arrows are directions of TT attack.

Bottom base:

The first place of the battle is a ravine. It is located on the right on the 8th, 9th and 0th lines of the map. A rather narrow direction, which is able to cover the tank with dense bushes or mountain slopes. Usually this direction is restrained or covered, which can easily go behind enemy lines, bypassing the ravine from above. Some play through the tower and deal damage to opponents through mounds and rocks. Others play with the help of the sides, hiding the tank itself behind the slope embankment. Playing in this direction, you can avoid direct hits from artillery shells, get numerous ricochets and non-penetration. They can also realize themselves well on this flank, attacking the enemy and defending themselves with strong armor.

The second place of battles is stones. The stones located on the first, second and third lines of the map usually serve to fight heavy tanks and . On AT, you can deal good damage against exposed enemies, but there is a risk of standing under direct artillery fire, which makes you vulnerable. Therefore, most often such a technique remains to guard the base, standing next to the stones. Heavy tanks can hide behind a pile of rocks, waiting for their guns to reload, and then again inflict damage on the enemy by playing with a turret, sides, or bypassing enemies to the rear. Medium tanks can be good helpers on this flank, but only if they defended the ravine! They can drive into the sides of the enemy, give enough damage, thereby helping to break through the direction and win the battle. But such a maneuver is quite dangerous.

Review video tactics map Steppes World of Tanks

The third direction is the Center. Center - work Possessing a low silhouette, low visibility and high speed, such a technique can easily illuminate the enemy by determining how many vehicles are moving in one direction or another. However, we do not recommend driving along the straight road that connects both bases, as it is usually guarded by tank destroyers or medium tanks that have decided to stay at the base to defend. Dense vegetation and huge stones can hide your light tank, preventing you from taking damage from enemies. Taking advantage of the fact that all the enemies are distracted by your allies, you can drive directly to the enemy base and destroy all the artillery, which can decide the outcome of the battle. By killing the self-propelled guns, you will not only help your enemies, but also be able to claim victory in this battle. As you can see, the light tank is an integral, albeit a small, part of the team.

While playing artillery, find the bushes in the lower corners of the map and stand in them. This will prevent a light tank from quickly spotting you. Move forward or backward so that the enemy self-propelled guns do not see your tracer and kill you when the gun is reloaded.

Top base:

The tactics of the upper and lower base are absolutely similar, but the directions are different. On top of the base, the rocks will be on your right, which was completely different on the bottom base, and the ravine will be on your left. Accordingly, you should use the old tactic that is used on this map: if you are playing on a heavy tank, then you should drive to the right, towards the stones. If you are playing on a medium tank, then go down into the ravine and fight with enemy tanks. But, if you left on a light tank, shine the field, and at the right moment break through to enemy artillery.

Hide behind the railroad while playing this map with an art destroyer. Such an elevation serves as an excellent protector from fireflies. Also change your position every time after the shot to avoid death.

Today, your attention is another tactical review. This time, after long and godless torture, all the tactics and secrets of the game were given to us by the Steppe card.

Steppes is a fairly old map, the style of the landscape and the arrangement of objects and directions on which gives us a vivid idea of ​​​​the philosophy of creating the first maps of the game. But, despite the first impression of monotony, the map is well thought out. Therefore, it has survived to this day with minimal modifications. This is the main qualitative difference of absolutely all old cards.

Strategically, 3 directions can be distinguished on the map: the ravine (1), the center (2) and the stones (3). How these directions will show themselves from a tactical point of view - already in the following paragraphs. It is only worth adding here that the Steppes are one of the few maps where each type of vehicle is able to realize itself in several directions at once.


The ravine is one of the main bridgeheads, a narrow direction with few shelters in the form of slopes of a hillock that covers the side of the tanks located there, and by placing the tank with at least one caterpillar on the slope, you will more or less save yourself from artillery (since for targets located on slope, artillery is much more difficult to hit). In fact, this is the most favorable environment for TTs: no protection from artillery and narrow focus of fire - die-hard TTs will be able to count on ricochets and non-penetration.

In view of the last feature, the narrow focus of fire, anti-tank units (2 positions of each team) will also be useful here. This is especially true for the red team's anti-tank units, since it is from the red base side that the most favorable conditions for the anti-tank operation are created: practically a rear position, which, however, takes the most active part in the battle, having the opportunity to support its own anti-tank units in position 1 with light fire. On hand PT and a long distance - the enemy from his position 1 will not immediately notice you. Bushes will serve as an additional disguise for you.

A surprise compared to other maps will be that on the same bridgehead, STs also fully realize themselves. Their maneuver behind enemy lines across the upper edge of the ravine (dotted lines in the figure) will play a decisive role in his environment. Only enemy STs pursuing the same goal will become an obstacle for them. Maneuverable STs will be able to take cover in the folds of the terrain, as well as use a boulder located above the central part of the ravine. From here it is also possible to subsequently threaten the heavy forces of the enemy below with their rush.

Another ravine tactic that is rarely used in RNG, but which is no worse for it, is to not go down into the ravine at all. Instead of positioning yourself in position 3 (on the side of each of the bases, depending on which team you are on) and enlisting the support of artillery, hold back the enemy advancing from below. The main advantage here is that while the enemy's cannons are pulled up when lifting and he cannot target you, in the meantime you are already pinned down and in the vast majority of cases will be the first to deal damage, but until the enemy rolls out enough to target you, You are already reloading. Thus, you have an advantage of 1 shot and artillery support. The main requirement here is a sufficient number of tanks to meet the enemy here. However, the enemy has his own trump cards here: he may not attack you, but simply shine you for his artillery if the enemy is not sure of the success of his breakthrough. In this situation, for the first time, you can be saved by the folds of the terrain at the red base and the bushes at the green one. Taking the ravine, like any other direction on the map, opens up an almost clear road to the enemy base.


The central part is the place of work of LT. High maneuverability, low silhouette and visibility of the LT can be realized right here, in the center. The central road connecting both bases across the entire map is the most short cut LT. However, in the initial stage of the battle, it is he who receives the most attention from teams. Therefore, it is replete with many shelters in the form of boulders and uneven terrain, where nimble LTs can shine, being not always at the enemy's front sight. Usually, the light in the center is most relevant only at the beginning of the battle, when the teams have not really dispersed yet. Such a light will help your team understand the potential alignment of enemy forces in each of the directions and properly prepare for it. However, it is worth remembering about the enemy anti-tank units hiding specially for you on the outskirts of the bases (positions 1.2 at each of the bases). Blocks of stone and bushes will perfectly hide them from your field of vision until a point-blank shot. Then it will be nice to highlight the ravine in order to make it clear to your own which of the enemies is in which position. If you are still alive after that, then, taking advantage of the enemy’s busyness to fight with your allies, you have good chances to directly get close to enemy artillery with impunity, which is a formidable and decisive force on the flat spaces. By depriving the enemy of it, you will make life much easier for your allies and make a serious bid for victory. As you can see, light plays a huge role in the Steppes.


Stones are a springboard, where, as in a ravine, both TT, PT, and ST will be able to realize their advantages. For ATs, there are excellent rear positions for shooting at light, protected by stones and terrain folds. TTs will be able to use rocks as cover while waiting to reload there. The maneuverable CTs, especially as a group, will be able to provide significant assistance to their TTs, going into the side of the enemy and eluding retribution in time. Of course, all this is very risky for the CT, since the stones are located in such a way that the territory between the stones is well cross-shooted, and the PT has you in full view. However, this is the element ST. And with the proper support of the allied TTs, which are assigned a decisive role here, they will be able to help a lot in defeating the enemy. The last frontier on the way to the base will be only the position of the PT. Here, depending on the combat readiness of the forces, you can either attack the anti-aircraft guns, imposing a close maneuvering battle unfavorable to them, or, if there are not enough forces, simply highlight the anti-tank units of your artillery. PT positions here are too vulnerable to artillery.


The steppes are a rather old, but very thoughtful map, and its footholds are replete with conditions for realizing the advantages of simultaneously TT, PT and MT. Due to the extent to which the maps have already been studied, at the very beginning of the battle, by distributing the team across bridgeheads, it is already possible to understand where to expect a breakthrough, and where you need to push yourself. The map has excellent conditions for playing on LT. It is in the Barrens that a LT player can finally understand that the outcome of a battle often depends far from the thickness of the armor and the power of the gun. On each of the bridgeheads, the opposing sides have almost mirror positions, which implies identical battle tactics, which makes the game very predictable. Therefore, on the Steppes it is often the personal qualities of the player and the VBR that decide.

There is such a well-known Russian folk song "Steppe and steppe all around." Starting to sing it, suddenly a feeling of patriotism and love for the motherland awakens in the heart. After all, what beauty can there be in the steppe, and the dubrovushka is nearby and the girls are beautiful. But in the game World of Tanks, in addition to the beautiful view of the map, battles also take place at this place, so this is not the time to admire.

A large open grassy area is what a steppe map is in World of Tanks

With patch 9.6, the map has been noticeably reworked, with a lot of leveled terrain, rocks removed, and smoothed out hills in both bases. They made grass with the road smooth and the mountains at the railway crossing. The lower descent to the "green" has been completely redesigned; now you can go there without fear. The main places of the fight on the map are stones and greenery.

On the stones are mainly armored vehicles and brilliant green for faster and more maneuverable tanks. You can still highlight the center, but at the beginning of the battle they practically do not fight here. And so we write everything in order. Armored vehicles are usually located near the stones, which will allow them to protect themselves from artillery salvos. The main mess happens right there, the weaker players are usually a little behind, and only medium and heavy ones enter the battle. But recent times tanks gather at the lower base, from where it is possible to lure the enemy into pincers.

In random battles, the map of the steppe in World of Tanks uses "green" more often, and this is where the main collisions take place

Shooting usually comes from the hills, to avoid hits from artillery it is best to go down. It will be hard for slow tanks in this place, since there is practically no protection other than stones, and even then they will hit them. It is best to wait for the opponents at the embankment, from there you can already get a good hit.

Well, the last place for battles is the center. It becomes relevant only towards the end of the battle, in no case should you go there at the beginning of the fight. The only exceptions are fast tanks, they benefit from the fact that they can hide behind the hills and pit enemies against themselves. Due to the fixes of the patch, it has become more difficult to get close to opponents on the road.

Protected places are located near your own base. As for the art, this map is an ideal place to locate its positions. On the "green" you can hardly hide. The lower arte can be near the stones, while the upper one is better at the railway crossing. It is easy for light tanks to act as fireflies on this map, after everyone has taken their positions, you can return to the base. It is best to break through to the road, it is best to hide behind a stone and wait for the enemies so that the rest of the team can deal with it.

Greetings, dear guests of the gaming site website. Today we will tell you about world map Of Tanks- Steppes. From our guide you will learn all the game nuances of this map. Enjoy your time.

General information.

Picture 1. Standard battle minimap.

Picture 2. Encounter battle minimap.

Map wot Steppe is

  • One of the most dug up locations in our game. The terrain of the map is very sensitive to tanks with poor elevation angles.
  • Made in desert style. But, for some reason, the developers referred it to summer maps. Summer camouflage is used here.
  • Quite open, very little cover. Basically, all the shelters in this location are uneven terrain.
  • The map is large, size 1000*1000 meters. Almost the entire space of the Steppes can be used for the game.
  • The Steppe map wot was introduced into the game a long time ago, in patch 0.6.4. There were no major changes here.
  • There are two modes of random battles available on the map - standard battle and oncoming battle. Battle levels 4 - 11.

Let's move on to the main elements of the map.

Picture 3. Symbols.

  1. The railroad and the area behind it. This section of the map is located at the very top of the map and "belongs" initially to the top spawn team. Here, as a rule, gunners hide. Herself Railway forms a low mound, which, nevertheless, gives some protection.
  2. stones scattered throughout the map and are, by and large, the only shelters. There are bushes and mounds in the areas of stones, which makes life easier for any tanks: the bushes mask you, and you can roll back behind the mound in case of light. Usually positions on rocks are used by tank destroyers, but the course of the battle often confuses all conventions: rocks from a defensive position turn into an offensive line, and retreating tanks move from one rock to another. Thus, we can say that initially stones can only be used by tank destroyers for long-range shooting from the bushes, and other classes of vehicles should do their direct duties. Further in the course of the battle - act according to the situation.
  3. Left flank- these are the same stones located in the very center of the left side of the map. Here battles are being fought for the left flank, and here they will feel best here heavy tanks and armored tank destroyers. In the oncoming battle mode, the most fierce battles take place in this position due to the specific location of the spawns. On the wot map Steppes both flanks are equally important and have the same opportunities. Through which flank your team will press is not important.
  4. Center of the map- This is a narrow dirt road that runs in a recess. In addition, there are several secluded stones behind which you can hide from enemies. Thus, this part of the map is inaccessible for shooting from the flanks, and the stones will cover you from shooting from the enemy base. The central road is perhaps the most diverse and varied section of the map. Here you can arrange sudden breakthroughs to enemy positions, but usually it is used only by fireflies for illumination.
  5. Bases on this map are completely open, there is not a single cover within the circle. 5.a and 5.b are the bases in the standard battle mode, 5.c - the base in the oncoming battle mode.
  6. Right flank. A huge section of the map with heavily dug up terrain. Conventionally, it can be divided into two floors. The top floor is to the left, the bottom floor is to the right. The terrain is extremely difficult on both floors and it will be extremely difficult for tanks with poor vertical aiming angles because of this. On the right flank there are no shelters from artillery. In connection with the above, we can conclude that tanks with good HP, small in size, fast and maneuverable, can fight here.
  7. central plain . A large section of the map, representing almost no value for the gameplay. Any tank that comes here will be destroyed very quickly. The only value in the central plain is two cozy stones with bushes where fireflies can stand (they are highlighted by ovals).

Consider how to play on the map Steppe wot.

Picture 4. Positions and directions in a standard battle.

Tactics on the Steppe map are not very diverse and will be the same in every battle:

  • Heavily armored tanks and tank destroyers occupy the left flank, fighting enemy forces there. There are some shelters from the "suitcases" of artillery and high stones from which you can "tank". Their direction is shown in red.
  • Light tanks drive to the central lowland (yellow), take up positions there and wait for the right moment to break through to enemy artillery. From time to time it makes sense to go to the surface for illumination. Also, a convenient position for illumination will be near a stone on a plain.
  • The fast tanks move to the right flank and fight the enemy there. An extremely difficult direction, but the most interesting and dynamic. This direction is highlighted in blue.
  • Typical positions for tank destroyers are marked in purple. However, in these positions it makes sense only at the beginning of the battle, after that you can’t shoot from here.
  • Artillery plays an extremely important role on this map, but there are no secluded positions for them here. The few positions that provide at least some protection are marked in brown.

Picture 5. Positions and directions in a meeting battle.

The steppes in the oncoming battle mode do not differ much from the standard, but they have team respawns in other places, closer to the left flank, but this should not confuse you and you should stick to standard tactics.

However, keep in mind that it is very far to go from the right flank to the base and if you do not control the situation in the base area, you can lose by capture. This situation in the oncoming mode on the map of the Steppe happens very often: fast tanks not enough, and heavy and slow tanks simply do not have time to reach and knock down the capture.

In custody.

The world of tanks Steppe map is not the most interesting and variable, here every battle follows the same scenario, and it’s far from always possible to come up with something new. In addition, gunners play an extremely important role on the Steppes, and the team in which they shoot more accurately is likely to win. If to speak plain language, then the map is boring, boring and not interesting, although not the worst in the game.

This is where we end this review and we say goodbye to you soon.