Skin pokemon.   Pokemon skins for Minecraft. What are the advantages of our collection of skins

Another wonderful Pokemon skin has arrived on our site for free download. It has a nice design, for which only its creator should be thanked. After all, he did not spare his time and attention in order to create a wonderful skin that absolutely any player who loves Minecraft can use. In addition, after downloading it, you will need to install it, and then you can enter the game and fully enjoy it. gameplay. In general, below is a description of this Pokemon. If you like the skin, then feel free to download, then you can go into the game and see how your character has changed.

Ivysaur is an evolved form of Bulbasaur, an intermediate stage between Bulbasaur and Venusaur. This Pokemon belongs to the grass species. The bulb on his back confirms this. In addition, over time, the bulb turns into a beautiful, pink bud that grows with four leaves. The bud is heavy enough that the Pokémon's paws become much stronger to hold onto its body. At the same time, the Pokémon loses the ability to stand on its hind legs. As before, the flower on its back absorbs solar energy, and if it also gives out a pleasant aroma, then this means that the Pokémon will soon evolve.

On the this moment, unique Pokemon skins are published. All of them are quite beautiful. In other words, they can be safely used in your daily adventures. Now it's the turn unique character- Venusaur. Its author spared no personal time and effort, and therefore managed to create beautiful skin which will appeal to many potential fans minecraft games.

Venusaur is the final stage in the development of the evolutionary branch of Bulbasaur. Venusaur has a bud on its back, which eventually opens and turns into a giant flower. This flower constantly accumulates solar energy. And the more energy this flower has accumulated, the brighter it becomes. After the Pokémon has accumulated enough solar energy, the flower begins to smell nice. Due to the fact that the Pokémon uses solar energy, it is a very strong opponent on sunny days (especially in summer). When using the Venusaurite stone, he becomes a Mega Venusaur. This type of Pokemon belongs to the grass and poison type. He has quite interesting qualities that allow him to be not only a dangerous opponent, but also a good pet. During the summer, the Pokémon is capable of quite unusual things, due to the fact that its flower constantly accumulates solar energy.

To date, there are quite a few different skins for Minecraft. Basically, they are divided into categories: boys, girls. But, not everyone can find a suitable skin for a full-fledged game. Unique skins for the game are Pokemon characters. Indeed, among the potential audience of Minecraft there are those who still watch this cartoon to this day.

The Wartortle is the evolutionary form of the Skrwirtle. With the help of its ears and tail, the Pokémon can maintain balance in the water. The vartortle's tail is covered with fairly thick fur, in which it stores oxygen for breathing. With this, he can stay under water for a long time. But, a Pokémon cannot fully retract its tail into its shell. The older the Pokemon gets, the darker the color of its tail becomes, and the large scratches on the shell speak of its combat experience. It is said that this variety of Pokemon can live for more than 10,000 years, so the color of the tail is the main sign of longevity. Wartortle, hunting, hides under water, which allows him to quietly pursue prey. In addition, this Pokémon is quite good as a pet.

Not so long ago, unique skins that relate to Pokemon began to be published. So far, the authors of these skins show their skills at the highest level. After all, they can fully draw a certain character to the smallest detail. Although the skins are not so realistic (this is, of course, due to the game graphics), but they deserve to be thanked.

Bulbasaur - along with Charmander and Squirtle, is one of the starter Pokémon belonging to the Kanto regions. This Pokemon belongs to the grass and poison type. On the back of the character is a rather large bulb. With its help, the function of photosynthesis is added to the Pokemon. That's why he likes to be on open areas where the sun often shines. This type of Pokemon is the best for a novice trainer who is not yet able to train a complex Pokemon. But, despite the fact that the Pokémon is not so difficult, it is quite difficult to catch it in the wild. In addition, it is impossible to attribute Pokemon to animals or plants. After all, it applies to both. The bulb of this Pokémon comes from a small seed that appears at birth. After that, the Pokemon lives, gains strength, and the grain grows, becomes a large green onion.

To date, there are quite a few different skins for Minecraft. Now, it's the turn of characters from the well-known cartoon - Pokemon. This cartoon is known to many because of its unusualness, or rather its extraordinary characters and their capabilities. Now, there is a skin copied with great accuracy from a unique Pokémon - Blastoise.

Blastoise is the third form of Squirtle's evolutionary branch. This Pokemon has two guns that are located on its back. With the help of this weapon, he opposes enemies in battle. The cannons fire water that is so compressed that it can penetrate several thick sheets of steel. When the Pokémon is in the water, it uses cannons as a jet engine, which rams the enemy the most. Also, his guns are not only strong, but also able to accurately hit the target, which is 53 meters away from him. But, before attacking the enemy, he will need to stand in place. In a moving state, his shots may simply not hit the target. In case of danger, the Pokemon can hide in its shell, which protects it from enemy attacks. In addition, Blastoise is the most balanced Pokémon that uses the water element.

Most often, our users want to find a skin of the right size. Why do skins have different sizes? - you ask, the answer is very simple: before Minecraft 1.8, skins were sized, and starting from version 1.8, skins were . Why has the size increased? - everything is simple, in comparison with previous version, in the new one appeared a helmet, armor, cloaks - they did not fit into the 64x32 texture and therefore had to be increased to 64x64. Now you have selected skins in the size:

What are the advantages of our collection of skins?

  • The database is updated automatically.
  • We don't have identical skins, all skins are unique.
  • You can find a skin by nickname and download it for free, in one click.
  • Select skins by tags, color, size, or view
  • Here you can find out who else is using the skin, since we have the largest and most up-to-date one, in which there are more than 58 million records.
  • And most importantly - you can download the skin, or install it for a licensed account on
  • Additionally, you can write a review about the skin you like so that we can rank the best skins.

What is skin? Skin is appearance your character in Minecraft. Depending on which skin you have chosen, your character can be a boy or a girl, a fairy-tale wizard or a villain, an animal or a robot, the hero of your favorite movie or cartoon. In the near future we will try to automatically tag the key characteristics of skins with tags. I am sure that everyone will find a skin to their liking! Happy viewing!

Pokémon and Minecraft are one of the two the largest series films and cartoons in the history of video games. Created on completely different platforms, these two games share a passionate and resilient community that is constantly finding something new for itself. Under these conditions, a meeting between Pokemon and Minecraft was inevitable. With Pixelmon, open up your Minecraft world from a new angle. Capture Pokémon, create teams, train them and win battles with other players! Everything in the universe meets the standards of these Nintendo games: trainers, Pokémon centers, as well as fossils and various materials.

Pokémon, as in Nintendo game are classified by type. There are several types (Insect, Darkness, Dragon, Electrician, Fight, Fire, Flying, Spectrum, Plant, Earth, Ice, Normal, Poison, Psi, Rock, Steel, Water) that will determine the weaknesses and advantages of the Pokémon. For example, a Fire Pokémon will take twice as much damage if an enemy Pokémon's attack is Ice. The mod has 809 pokemon, differ more or less rarely and appear depending on environment(day, night and biomes). Pokémon evolve according to their level (up to 100). The higher their level, the stronger they will be and will have powerful attacks. In order to level up your Pokémon and evolve like that, you will have to fight other Pokémon and defeat them. The stronger your opponents, the more they will bring you experience. Pokémon also have their own stats (Attack, Defense, Speed, Attack Speed, and Defense Speed). The Pokémon can also come in different sizes and shapes and can sometimes give you items after being killed. To catch them you will have to use pokéballs, which according to their shape will be more or less effective.

First of all, when you create new map, you will need to choose your first Pokémon from the various starters available. Then it will be moved to the panel to the left of the screen (you can resize key "O").

After selecting your Pokémon, you can send it into battle with "R" keys. When you have multiple Pokémon, you just need to press & ↓ to move them in your interface. The Pokémon at the top of your HUD will be your main Pokémon and will be sent into battle first.

Then, in order for your comrades to gain levels and thereby strengthen them, there are several methods:

First, fight other Pokémon alone. Hitting them will earn you more or less experience depending on their level. This technique is simple but effective in the long run.

The second is to have Pokemon high level, as well as very low level Pokémon against your opponents. It will be enough for you to fight your low-level Pokemon first and swap Pokemon in the first turn to defeat the enemy and gain experience with both Pokemon.

The third, more expensive one, will earn you a level for any of your Pokémon. To realize this, you will need to make a "Rare Candy", which is desirable for high-level Pokémon because the ingredients needed to make it are not common.

The last method will be useful if you are playing multiplayer mode and Pixelmon's PvP option is enabled. You can fight other players. The method is simple, the player refuses all fights so that his opponent gains experience. This can be considered cheating.

Capture Pokémon:

Before you can catch a Pokemon, you will need to make a Pokeball. There are several, each of which has different characteristics. You can find all the crafts through the mod wiki.

Once the three elements are done, simply place them on your craft table to get a pokeball.

Once you have the necessary equipment, find desired Pokémon. Remember that Pokémon spawn in different biomes and times, and some are rarer than others. Some Pokémon can't even be found in the wild. Some of them, namely Legendary Pokémon, Fossil Pokémon and Porygons, are obtained by special methods.

So once you have found your target Pokémon, send your Pokémon and fight it. While it is possible to launch a Pokéball and catch it immediately, weakening the Pokémon will increase your chances of catching it. If you are able to induce a condition such as paralysis and sleep, your chances of success will increase. Different types of Pokeballs work better in different situations. Keep in mind that the difficulty of catching different types Pokémon varies depending on their catch rate. Once they get weak, enter your bag through combat menu and choose a pokeball or another of your choice. If the capture is successful, the Poké Ball will stop shaking and a message will appear stating that the Pokémon has been captured.

It is also possible to launch a Poké Ball out of combat using an object. To do this, you must target the Pokémon, and if you miss it, it can break. If it breaks, you can restore its components to make it again.

pokemon interface:

To view summary information about your Pokémon, press the "E" key (default) to open your inventory. Next to your character, you will see 6 slots that display your Pokémon's sprites. Click right click mouse over the image of the Pokémon you want to view. A graphical window will appear allowing you to select the summary, its attacks or statistics. Left click on the one you want to see and another GUI will appear displaying information about your Pokémon.