How to make a cannon in minecraft with your god. Powerful charge of dynamite

If you frolic in the Minecraft sandbox alone, then the TNT gun (as a dynamite gun is usually called in the craft world) is not required in the game. Well, except for the destruction of his own built castle. But when the multiplayer mode, then the siege weapon will be needed to storm unfriendly castles. How to make a cannon in Minecraft?

Weapons are available by default in minecraft online games, so this article will only focus on the PC client.

Cannon Ingredients

I would like to warn you right away that this is a very difficult craft. In order to make a dynamite gun, we need:

  1. Any blocks made of solid materials (obsidan is considered the best) - for crafting a muzzle;
  2. A container (bucket) filled with water, which will need to fill the charging chamber of the gun (TNT checkers are placed in it) - to prevent the gun from bursting when firing;
  3. Red dust (redstone wire) - will be required to combine repeaters into one network and activate TnT, which is located in the howitzer's charging chamber;
  4. The button, by pressing which, a shot will be fired.

Before you start making a weapon in minecraft, you need to choose a place to build. It is most convenient to place this powerful crafting weapon, in terms of a future artillery raid, as close as possible to the object of the enemy, which is on the crafter's path to conquest. Remember that a cannon in the fantasy world of Minecraft, unlike our usual earthly world order, does not move after construction. Accordingly, the user will no longer be able to change the direction of the shot and move the siege howitzer. She will forever remain in the place in minecraft where she was built.

Step-by-step construction of a long-range cannon

2. On one side of the barrel (opposite to the direction of the shot), we pour water to protect the blocks from an explosion.

4. Make a button device for the Minecraft gun (see picture).

5. Place redstone wire (red dust) on one side.

6. On the other side of the Minecraft gun, place torches and repeaters, which are set to the maximum delay.

8. It remains only to load the siege weapon exactly as in the picture.

9. Everything! You can make an aimed shot at the castle of the enemy. As a projectile, you can use a TnT saber, other blocks, and even animal mobs.

10. The figure shows how to make a cannon variant in minecraft from obsidan material.

Self-loading TNT gun

After self-construction in the virtual world of Minecraft long-range guns, the user can safely make an improved version of it. You know the design of its mechanisms as a whole, how to shoot have already met. Therefore, with the help of pistons, sand, connecting the main working parts of the gun (except sand) with red dust, create a self-loading TNT beauty like in the picture.

Wearable gun variant

It turns out that in Minecraft you can craft a weapon that will fit in the inventory of the crafter. Here it will be possible to move it in the minecraft world. First of all, the gamer will need to download a mod called Bflcon's Weapon, unpack the archive and install this game modification.

To do this, the user needs to get the following ingredients:

  • iron ingots;
  • lighter;
  • wood;
  • stone cores.

The figure shows the process of crafting a tool and a stone core:

For a shot, gunpowder is needed here, which is not crafted in the fantasy world, but it can be obtained by defeating witches, bricklayers and ghasts. Spacebar activates the shot of such a lightweight, but at the same time mobile and powerful siege mortar.

When you first start playing Minecraft, you do not even have the most primitive weapons, and you have to either fight with your fists if you meet an enemy, or use working tools, such as a shovel or pickaxe. However, over time, everything changes, and you get the opportunity to create a wide variety of weapons with which you can easily ensure your own safety.

A variety of weapons in the world of "Minecraft"

Most often in Minecraft you can find melee weapons, there are dozens of varieties. Swords, hammers, spears - all this is made of various materials, has different colors and properties. However, sometimes you really want to use some kind of firearm, and then the question involuntarily comes to mind: in Minecraft? It may seem to many that this is an absurd idea, and you will not be able to make a cannon, but cunning players have come up with their own analogue of this type of weapon. It works approximately according to the principle of a gun, and it looks like it in shape, which is why it is called that. Naturally, this is not a ready-made item that can be crafted, this is a real design, so you will have to spend a lot of time learning how to make a gun in Minecraft.

Creating the basis for the gun

As stated earlier, the cannon is not a craftable in-game item, so you'll have to go through a few stages to get it to work. And if you are interested in the question of how to make a gun in Minecraft, then you should start by creating its basis. To do this, you will need 32 stone blocks, they are quite easy to get, so this should not be a problem. In the future, you will need a couple more pieces, so do not stop at this number, it is relevant only for the base, so get more blocks so that you do not go on repeated searches later. You need to arrange them as follows: seven blocks long in two rows, connecting them at both ends to each other. After that, do it a second time on top of the first structure, and then fill the resulting well with water one level. After that, you can proceed to the analysis of how to make a gun in Minecraft, based on this design.

Calculation of all details

At this stage, you will need more specific materials, so be patient and go looking. You will need seven red sand blocks and three stone blocks. Moreover, if you want to learn how to build a gun in Minecraft, then you will need to craft two torches and four repeaters, and a simple button will not do here. So, if you look in the direction where the cannon will shoot, then along the left edge of the structure you need to lay out all seven blocks of red sand. Two more stone bricks must be built over the back of the cannon, and one of them must be above the water. Behind the extreme block, install a button, and from its right edge - a torch. Now let's move on to the right side of the structure, on it you need to put four repeaters, which should be charged to the maximum delay. Where the repeaters end, install the last stone block, and in front, that is, where the cannon will shoot, hang the last torch. That's all, now you know how to make a cannon in Minecraft. But what to charge it with?

Powerful charge of dynamite

This entire structure is suitable for loading five TNT blocks into it. That is, this guide is about that, but there are other versions of guns, but this one is the simplest and most effective. So take five charges of dynamite and go to your cannon, which you can use as a powerful weapon. Four blocks of TNT you need to place on the available water slots, and the fifth - on the front edge of the gun. Now you just have to light two torches, go behind the cannon and press the very button that you installed. The dynamite will activate and you will fire a powerful shot at your enemy.

Using Powerful Weapons

Over time, you will find ways to create incredibly powerful weapons, some of them will hit huge areas, but the gun in the early stages of the game is your best ally. However, it is worth mentioning that it is better to use it in multiplayer battles, since there you will have quite serious rivals. Against them, such a weapon is very useful, while in a single player game you can easily cope with conventional weapons. The cannon can also be built and used only for beauty and your own pleasure.

Important point - cooling

When you are learning how to make a gun in Minecraft without mods (1.5.2 is the version of the game in question), you should pay attention to the fact that such a massive gun cannot be used without side effects. Naturally, when you were building a cannon, you wondered why it needed water. After all, you can reduce the design in size, make it more compact and shoot with even more pleasure. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, TNT is still a rather powerful projectile, which, during an explosion, strongly heats all the blocks located around it. And it is for cooling that water is used, it absorbs heat, thereby protecting the gun from the negative effects of dynamite and allowing you to fire shots much more often. But there is a way out of this situation, which will allow you to fulfill your plan and build a smaller gun, but with the same power. You can replace stone blocks with obsidian ones, and then you won't need water to shoot. The problem is that obsidian blocks are not that easy to find, and when you do find them, there are a lot of more useful things that you need them for. Therefore, stone guns in the Minecraft world are much more widespread. But if you have extra blocks of obsidian, then you can always build a cannon from them according to the same principle, simply by completely eliminating the bottom layer. It turns out that for the base you will need not 32, but 16 blocks, but do not forget that for the mechanism you will need three more blocks, so correctly calculate the amount of obsidian used.

Every Minecraft player sooner or later thinks about a weapon that can deal tremendous damage. It's like in childhood: first you get a small car, and then you want more and more powerful. In the game, the situation is almost identical: first, the player crafts tools for mining, then the most primitive sword, bow, and then he has an all-consuming desire to build something with incredible damage. This is where the ability to build a real "thunderstorm" of all living things - a howitzer - comes in handy. So let's take a closer look, how to make a cannon in minecraft and also - use it!

On our site there are also mods for minecraft:

Before you start creating weapons of mass destruction, you need to understand how redstone works and all the ways it can be used. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to correctly design a gun, because a "builder" does not begin to "build" without prior training at a university or other specialized educational institution. There are many different types of guns in the game.

Image: Guns in Minecraft

A cannon in minecraft, the basis of which is the dispenser

Such a cannon can effectively fire arrows at a great distance, thereby holding back the attacking hordes of monsters. If you carefully study all aspects of this design, we can conclude that this gun has obvious disadvantages: the lack of hitting many targets at the same time and the high cost of shells, since a lot of arrows will be required (for high-quality suppressive fire).

To create this weapon, the player will need:

  • several blocks of any quality;
  • lever arm;
  • repeater;
  • distributor;
  • red dust;
  • redstone torches.
  • The first thing to do is to place 2 blocks in a line 1 block apart from each other. Then, a redstone torch is attached to the front and back sides of each block, that is, a total of 4 units of such material will be required. The next procedure is to install the lever and draw red dust from it to the blocks. The line of red dust that comes out of the lever should be straight and then split into two paths through the blocks. After passing the segment of the path from the blocks - the chains of paint dust should unite into one line and connect to the repeater. The last structural element is the distributor, which must be placed next to the repeater. That's all - gun made in minecraft and ready to use. Another tip to improve the firepower of weapons - instead of arrows, you can use fireballs, which will perfectly destroy any living (and dead) threat.

    A cannon that relies on resources such as water and dynamite

    The advantages of this gun are that it has incredible damage, a large radius of destruction and can be used many times in a row, since water does not conduct an explosive wave. But this weapon also has disadvantages: a short shot distance, high cost of gunpowder, which is necessary for the production of dynamite, and poor strength.

    Ingredients that will be required to create this type of gun:

  • water;
  • dynamite;
  • button;
  • redstone;
  • obsidian.
  • The first step is the construction of an impromptu water room. To do this, you need to place blocks of obsidian 3x5, while leaving the space in the middle empty. Then fill with one bucket of water free space in the center. The next step is to draw a chain of red dust along the edges of the obsidian structure, with one end coming up to the button, when pressed, a volley of cannon will be fired. The final touch is the installation of dynamite in the water. That's it - the gun is ready and you can kill all the enemies. In order not to be hit by a shot, it is better to move away from the device. If there are concerns about the strength of the gun, then you should not bother with such trifles - all elements of the gun ignore explosions, so the device will last a very long time, which means that make a new gun in minecraft will have to oh how not soon!

    Each of us was wondering how to make a gun in Minecraft? It's actually easier than it looks. For the simplest gun model, you will need materials that are easy to get in survival:
    - red dust;
    - cobblestones or other building material;
    - button;
    - stone plate;
    - repeaters;
    - several buckets of water;
    - and most importantly - dynamite!

    The number of items depends on the length of the gun. Since the longer the gun, the farther it can shoot.

    So how do you build it anyway? First you need to lay out such a small “barrel” of clay or cobblestone, three blocks wide, two blocks high and ten blocks long, this will be the base of the gun.

    Setting up a gun in Minecraft

    Then, at the beginning of our cannon on the right side, at the end on the left side, you need to remove one upper block each, this action in the future will make it possible to shoot lit dynamite from the cannon.

    Now you need to fill the cannon barrel with water in one block so that there is no flow.

    You will also need to “wire” red dust, the first line should be drawn on the right side at the level of the first block, then you need to lead to the beginning of the cannon to the place where the block was removed, this line will set fire to the dynamite core.

    The main thing is not to forget to put repeaters on the line and a delay of 4, the more repeaters the longer the delay will be.

    Then you need to draw the second line from the left, but it should be drawn at a height of two blocks, on the cannon itself, but you only need to draw it up to the penultimate dynamite, since the last one is the core.

    After you have drawn two lines, you need to draw to the switch.

    Now you can test the gun. If you make and set up the gun correctly, then it can shoot at a fairly long distance.