How to make different traps in minecraft. How to make a trap in Minecraft and what can it be? Airlock trap

As we all know, the vast majority of minecraft players are very nice, kind and polite people. Among the gaming community, only Dota players are friendlier. But even in this wonderful world of rainbows, unicorns and friendship, not the nicest people come across. They try to troll other players, destroy their buildings and mechanisms, steal resources and in every possible way compensate for the violence that falls upon them in real world. Such people are called differently, but guided by censorship, we will call them griefers. The way out will be the construction of traps for these bad people.

Today we will talk about the most popular.

First, the mines. Mines are one of the most simple ways send the griefer to his mommy. The essence is the same as in the real world. We step on the block - boom. It is usually built in a 1x1 hole 2 blocks deep. Dynamite is located inside, a pressure plate is placed on top. The advantage is that such a structure is very easy to build. There are many more cons. The mines are very visible. Any knowledgeable player will see them. Here a way out can be found by placing pressure plates on the entire space of the room. Then it will not be clear which one activates the explosion. But not always a mine will kill the intruder. Some are just not powerful enough for it.

More deadly are traps using water and lava. For example, a cactus trap. You need to dig a hole 6 by 6 10 blocks deep. In the center, at a depth of two blocks, we build a roof with a hole in the center. At the bottom next to the hole, we plant cacti to their full height. Pour water into the corners of the trap. She sinks to the bottom. Getting there, the thief immediately blows into a hole where he cannot get out because of the cacti, which pull him down and take away his health. And then he dies. Unfortunately, looting will not work. All belongings of the killed player are destroyed upon contact with cacti. If the griefer is inexperienced, he will not be able to get out.

Experienced players able to get out of it. In addition, they may have a golden apple or a water breathing potion with them. Then, he will die for a very long time. Another trap came straight from the movie Saw. The bottom line is to dig a hole 6 by 6. Depth is about 10 blocks. At the bottom, make a 2x2 island 3 blocks high. But he must stand on a leg one block thick. Then fill all the walls and floor with lava. Don't forget to leave a sign on the island that says "Game On". The main thing is to get out of the hole before you fill it.

And then the thief will have the opportunity to get out along the same path as you. The biggest problem will be the mechanism that will open the hatch cover and at the same time remain invisible. Can be used sticky piston, pressure plates, switches and red dust. Do as you please. Having fallen into a hole, the gripper will not be able to get out in any way. Lava walls and lava floors. There is only one way out - a ticket to my mother.

Of course have different types traps. Describing them all is too long. You can learn more about everything from different minecraft videos How to make a trap?

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I want to tell you about the traps that you can make in Minecraft!

The most common trap that players make is the mine. In the usual sense - we advance and explode, but in minecraft there are several varieties of mines.

An ordinary mine in Minecraft.

It is necessary to dig a hole 2 blocks deep. At the bottom of the pit we put dynamite, on the dynamite - any block. Then we cover this block with a pressure plate. Well, as you should guess, if you step on the plate there will be an explosion. Here is such an uncomplicated and simple mine in the world of minecraft.

Water mine in Minecraft.

It is necessary to dig the same hole as for an ordinary mine, but pour water on the bottom, and put dynamite on top and cover it with a pressure plate. An explosion in the water will not destroy any blocks, but the griefer will fall into the water - death.

You can build such a mine only on sand, but like a simple mine, it is very noticeable for minecraft players.

Cesspool mine in Minecraft.

Requires a pit 4x4 blocks and a depth of 6 blocks. We fill the upper level with loose blocks (gravel or sand), but so that it does not immediately fall, we install dynamite under it, and there is already a pressure plate on the loose block.

Oh yes, do not forget to install dynamite at the bottom of the pit, so that when the gripper falls into a trap and falls into the pit, it will be blown up.

A little more detail - the upper level of dynamite is needed in order to blow up the base of loose blocks and “drop” the griefer into the pit where the dynamite is installed.

To be honest, it’s a very difficult trap to implement, but if you figure it out, you can mine the entrance to your house and only you will know how to get there and not be blown up.

Runner mine in Minecraft.

The mines described above have one serious drawback - cunning and smart griefers can run away from them. But this mine is just for those. The bottom line is that the dynamite is set at a distance of 8-12 blocks from the detonator. As a result, if the griefer did not notice the pressure plate and simply ran over it, or hoped to run away from the plate further (hoped that the dynamite was under the plate), then he would 100% die.

The whole difficulty is that it is necessary to make a double floor. Initially, a "cellar" breaks out for a trap in which a red stone wire is laid from the pressure plate to the dynamite.

Many gamers cannot understand what traps are in Minecraft. They search all available recipes but find nothing of the kind. In fact, nothing can be found. After all, a trap is a product of the gamer's mind, not the developers. The fact is that you yourself can create a mechanism or a certain area that will be dangerous for anyone who goes there. For this, you do not need recipes or any specific knowledge. It is enough just to understand the mechanics of the game, as well as imagination. And the more developed it is, the better, because you can make traps that even the most experienced player will not be able to figure out.

So, how to make a trap in Minecraft so that it works? In fact, there are several groups of traps that are similar to each other in terms of the principle of operation. This article will highlight the most popular of them.


Most often in Minecraft you can find a trap in the form of a mine. It allows you to quickly neutralize the enemy, leaving him no chance of survival. How to make a mine trap in Minecraft? Everything is pretty simple. You will need the main component, which, in fact, is a mine. The rest is just a situation that allows you to hide all signs of a threat to the enemy. You can create a small house and leave a chest in it. There is no floor in the house, but dynamite will lie under one layer of sand. When another gamer wants to feast on the contents of the chest, he will fall into the sand, contact with dynamite and the explosion will destroy everything around. If you do not want the place where the mine is used to turn into an explosion funnel every time, you are better off making the walls of the house from durable materials, such as obsidian. Now you know how to make a trap in Minecraft, but this is far from the only way.

water traps

In Minecraft, everything is as close to reality as possible: your character gets tired over time, he needs to eat to restore strength, he cannot move at supernatural speeds, and so on. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to make a trap in Minecraft, you should use water. In this game, you cannot breathe underwater, and if the enemy is in a body of water from which he cannot emerge, he will suffocate. If you practice, you will be able to create reservoirs in which there will be a hidden whirlpool, and then any enemy that falls into your trap will simply die under water. Special Minecraft videos will help you improve your skills. different kind? It is quite possible. If you don't want to create a whirlpool, there are many other types of traps.

Stretch marks

If you are wondering about one or the other version, you can use the thread. Stretch it on the way to the object of desire of the enemy, it will be invisible. Naturally, if the player moves carefully and constantly inspects the area, he will notice the trap and easily neutralize it with scissors, but if not, you can connect dispensers loaded with arrows, for example, so that the enemy receives a lethal dose of damage.


The best way to use traps is to combine them. The fact is that many of them are incredibly effective and kill the enemy with almost one hundred percent probability, but they are very noticeable. Others do not do too much damage, but they are almost impossible to detect. You can use strong and weak sides various traps to create combinations that are both stealthy and dangerous.

This article is about traps in minecraft. I think many are familiar with the mechanisms in the game, with which you can do cool things. Traps are no exception. Undoubtedly traps useful thing, for sure everyone thought about the construction of this trick. After all, with the help of them you can punish a bad player on the server, place them for food or just build a harmless trap to play a trick on a friend.

In this article, we will give an example of the most useful and effective traps. They do not require a lot of materials for their construction, but they work flawlessly.

Trap #1

This hook will be very useful for you on the server. The essence of the trap is that when approaching the door of your house, the enemy will fall into the hatch. Of course, if you want it and press the lever. The tunnel where the enemy will fall can be dug out of any depth. It all depends on what you want: Just cripple, or that the enemy would die by falling from a great height. In the second case, it will be possible to carefully go down and collect the entire inventory of the deceased. Insidious, but offenders need to be punished.

You will need:

- Flexible piston 2 pcs.
- Lever 1 pc.
- Red dust (depends on the location of the lever).

To build a mechanism will not be absolutely no difficulty. The main role is played by the lever, pistons and naturally red dust. We dig a hole where the enemy will fall through, install two flexible pistons under the door (we put them at a distance of 2 blocks from each other) and close them so that they are open. In the distance between the pistons we put two blocks to your taste, the main thing is that the victim would not suspect anything. Then we bring the network to the lever with red dust from these pistons, which will naturally be at home. That's all! The trap is ready.

Trap #2

You will need:

- Box.
- Dynamite.
- Block conductive red dust.

Making this trap is also very easy, literally in a minute having all the necessary items. A very tempting trap will attract the attention of many curious players. It is an ordinary chest, but when opened, everything will fly into the air. It is enough just to insert any block that conducts red dust under our chest, then we put the dynamite itself under this block. When the lid is opened, the dynamite will activate and detonate. Very simple and effective trap

Trap #3

It will take:

- Dynamite 1pc.
- Any block 1pc.
- Pressure plate 1pc.

This type of trap is very primitive, you can call them ordinary mines. To build, you just need to dig 2 blocks down, put dynamite there, any block on top of the dynamite, and on the block pressure plate. By stepping on the stove, the victim activates dynamite under him, thereby provoking an explosion. After that, you can pick up the entire inventory of the victim.

I think you liked this article, we also recommend watching a video where you can see even more traps and instructions for building them. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The mechanics of the minecraft game provides a huge number of traps, the choice of which is limited by your imagination and what you have in your inventory. The more complex the trap, the more complex and less accessible ingredients it will require. In addition, traps differ in purpose. Some are worth using to capture creatures, some are only good for guarding your treasures.

How to make a trap in minecraft
Trap chest- nothing more than an alarm that is installed on the chest with your favorite treasures. But first, this very chest needs to be made, for which you will need eight boards, which must be placed in the crafting window in the shape of a square. Then you will need to make a tension sensor, for this you need to get an iron ingot, boards, and a stick. To get the desired item, place the indicated items in the middle of the crafting window horizontally. Then you need to collect the trap. To do this, connect two objects, and there should be a chest in front.

Mousetrap- a trap in the full sense of the word, which should be used to capture a monster. Externally, the trap looks very effective, as it is a solid wooden box with an equally solid door. To craft this trap, you will need to create four doors from six planks and six iron ingots, placing them all over the center and left of the crafting window. You will also need to create a pressure plate, which will require two boards and two stones. They will take up the entire lower right side of the crafting window.

After the components are ready, the pressure plate should be placed on the ground in the place where you want to create a trap and place doors around it. Moreover, they must be vertical. In addition, each door will look at one of the parts of the world - north, south, west, east. Next, you should show your imagination - the doors will need to be disguised.
The principle of operation of the trap is extremely simple. If the victim steps on the pressure plate, the doors will slam shut, preventing them from escaping.

Paul with a surprise- a little more complicated than a mousetrap, but no less effective trap, for the manufacture of which you will need: four pistons, a red stone, a pressure plate, and eight blocks of a fence. How to make these items was described above, so do not repeat yourself, but it is better to go straight to the description of the manufacturing process.

The first thing to do is to dig a cruciform recess in the ground and put a red stone in the center of it. In addition, a piston must lie in the recess on each side. Then the pistons need to be covered with blocks of fences. The red stone will also need to be covered. What is up to you. It can be any block. The trap is ready.