How to make a charged true quartz crystal for minecraft. What does quartz in Minecraft have in store for us? From dust to stars

In this guide I want to tell you where to start with this mod. The guide will be updated over time. Item IDs are indicated for easier search for crafting recipes.
Before we begin, I want to tell you a little about crystals. There are only 3 of them and they have 3 different states: normal, dust (crushed in any crushing mechanism) and pure (grown from a seed, more on that later).


True Quartz Crystal
Charged True Quartz Crystal
Pure True Quartz Crystal
True Quartz Dust

Shifting Crystal
Pure Volatile Crystal
Changing Dust

Nether Quartz
Pure Nether Quartz Crystal
Nether Quartz Dust

The first step is to find a charged true quartz crystal. It looks like a regular crystal, but is not much lighter and radiates energy. It is found extremely rarely in the upper world, less often than the usual one at altitudes from 17 to 69. When looking for a charged one, collect ordinary ones, but more on that later.

This is what a charged one looks like in nature:

So, we have a charged true quartz crystal in our pockets. Now we need to make a changeable crystal. We make a puddle of water, 1x1 is enough. We throw there one at a time: a charged crystal of true quartz, quartz from the lower world and red dust. Next we need to craft a charger.

Here is the craft of the charger (ID 188) and its wooden handle (ID 185)

You will need to turn the handle yourself. It must be inserted into the charger. SHIFT + RMB on the top of the charger, there is a black hole there. Just press RMB and hold until the handle stops. Over time, the handle may break.

Now you don't need to spend a lot of time looking for charged crystals.


True Crystal Seed
Shifting Crystal Seed
Nether Crystal Seed

To grow, we need seeds, the creation of which will not be difficult. So, we need to craft a quartz crusher (ID 184) and a wooden handle. The crusher has several crafting options, we choose the most suitable one ourselves. Search for craft by ID (this will be easier and faster).
P.S. You can also grind a bone in a crusher and get as many as 4 bone meal, instead of 3 if you grind it through the inventory.

You can create a seed in your inventory: dust + sand = 2 seeds

Now, the seed needs to be grown. We throw it into the water, it will grow for about an hour, you can always see the growth progress by picking it up, after the line “this item will not disappear” you can find out by what% the crystal has already grown.

Crystal growth accelerators

Accelerators will greatly simplify this process. When using 4 pieces, it turns out clean after a minute and a half. Each accelerator consumes 8 AE/tick. Let's take a look at their craft...

Crystal growth accelerator (ID 205)

4 iron ingots
1 volatile block
2 quartz glasses
2 ME glass cables

Variable block (ID 180)

4 volatile crystals or 8 pure volatile crystals

One of the updated mods installed on the Hi-Tech 1.7.10 servers is Applied Energistics 2. It has been heavily modified, and players often have questions about the creation and use of its individual elements. I present to you the first part of the guide for this modification.

It has quite extensive functions: from compact storage of resources, to automatic crafting and creation of necessary things, without user intervention; The mod provides many possibilities, and is limited only by the player’s imagination in the area of ​​its use.

In the first part we will look at ways to create the basic resources necessary for crafting. To use it effectively, you need a stable source of energy and sufficient resources.

One of the main components that are used in almost all recipes are quartz and its crystals. There are three types in total:

  • Mutable - are a mixture of nether quartz, charged true quartz (found at altitudes from 17 to 69 in the normal world) and red dust.
  • True - quartz crystals of the true world, mined with a stone and stronger pickaxe from the commonly found quartz ore. There is an alternative, not profitable recipe: crushing the ore in a mechanism (quartz crusher, grinder, IC2 crusher).
  • Nether - drops from Nether Quartz Ore. The ore can also be processed in a furnace, which is a very inefficient way to obtain quartz.

All are characterized by three states: normal, dust (crushed in any crushing mechanism), pure (grown from a seed, more on that later).

To create a volatile crystal, you need to throw a charged true quartz crystal, nether quartz and red dust into the water. After a few seconds, the resources will turn into two volatile crystals.

Charged Crystal drops from Charged Ore, which is much rarer in the world, and is slightly different in appearance: it is slightly lighter, and periodically causes small purple discharges. As soon as you find at least one, I advise you to make changeable crystals and craft a charger, since in the future charged quartz crystals are needed in large quantities, and constantly searching for them in the world takes a lot of time.

Pressing RMB with the quartz in your hand will place it inside the charger. Then you can power it with any type of energy available to you, the input is located at the top of the device, or you can even use a wooden handle, it is installed there. After charging, the quartz will change its texture to a lighter one, and another right-click will remove it from there.

Almost all recipes with ordinary crystals are replaced with pure ones. They are grown from a crystal seed. Crafting is quite simple, we combine dust and sand in a grid; Thus, from one ordinary crystal two true ones are obtained, so their use is much more profitable.

Now, the seed needs to be grown. We throw it into the water, it will grow for about an hour, you can always see the growth progress by picking it up, after the line “this item will not disappear” you can find out by what% the crystal has already grown.

Crystal growth accelerators will greatly simplify this process: when using 4 pieces, you get a clean one in a minute and a half. Each accelerator consumes 8 AE/tick. Let's take a look at their craft.

  • Crystal growth accelerator: 4 iron ingots, 2 ME glass cables, 2 quartz glasses, 1 volatile block.
  • Volatile Block: 4 Volatile Crystals / 8 Pure Volatile Crystals.
  • Quartz glass: 4 glass, 5 quartz dust (any).
  • ME glass cable: quartz optical fiber, 2 (pure/) changeable crystals.
  • Quartz optical fiber: 6 glass, 3 quartz dust (any).

Thus, to create 4 accelerators we will need:

  • 16 iron ingots
  • 20 volatile crystals
  • 14 glasses
  • 13 quartz dust

While you don't have an ME controller, you can use an energy receiver. It turns its other types into AE.

Energy Receiver: 4 iron, 4 quartz glass, 1 (pure/) volatile crystal.

We install accelerators and power the AE with energy. All that remains is to pour the water, and you can grow pure crystals.

That's all for now, in the next guide we'll look at creating processors and the basics of an ME network for compact storage of items.

Thank you for watching.

Good day!
I want to write a series of guides on Applied Energistics 2. This part will include ores, crystals and how to grow them.

P/s Don't wait for crafting recipes, all recipes are available in NEI.


True quartz ore. Breaking the ore will drop a true quartz crystal.

Charged true quartz ore. Breaking the ore will drop a charged crystal of true quartz.
Drops from ores miscellaneous number of crystals (luck enchantment works).

All types of crystals:

True Quartz Crystal and Charged True Quartz Crystal are found between 17 and 69 blocks high. True quartz crystals are more common, But this does not mean that there will be a shortage of charged crystals.

Charger usage:
  1. Needs to be put into charger true quartz crystal..
  2. Wait.
  3. Take charged true quartz crystal(he emits lightning around himself).

Having a charged true quartz crystal can make a volatile crystal.
To create a volatile crystal, we will need: 1 charged true quartz crystal, 1 red dust, 1 quartz (from the Nether) and a hole with water.

Now let's start making the crystal itself. Instructions:

  1. Wait it out ClearLag.
  2. Throw all the above resources into the water.
  3. Do not jump into the water, but stand next to it.
  4. Magic happens.
  5. We take 2 changeable crystals.

Now let's start growing crystals (producing all types of pure crystals). We will still need a hole with water, a growth accelerator and an energy receiver. Without accelerators, the process of growing crystals will take a long time.
But first, I will tell you what a quartz crusher is and what it is eaten with:
The quartz crusher is designed for crushing resources. In the crusher you can crush ordinary crystals (charged and uncharged true crystals).

Quartz crusher inventory

An example of use can be seen in this video:

Using a similar scheme, you can get volatile and quartz seeds.
P/s You can also crush crystals using the crusher from the IC2 mod. You can also grind ores in it.
He told me everything about the quartz crusher. Now let's move on to growing crystals.
In the video, a true quartz seed was obtained. We throw it boldly into the water ( ClearLag
does not touch the seeds, but removes pure crystals (grown). This means that we must not forget about the seeds thrown into the water).

Let's prepare this diagram:

The electricity from the IC2 mod is converted by the energy receiver into the energy of the AE2 mod and transmitted through variable cables to the crystal growth accelerators. This scheme contains 5 accelerators, but 4, 3, 2, and 1 are also possible. The time for converting seeds into crystals depends on the number of accelerators.
We throw into the water any seed that we want to grow (you can throw an unlimited number of seeds).
If you take an ungrown seed and hover over it in your inventory, you can see the process of its growth as a percentage. And also during growth the size of the crystal changes.
In the end we get, in this case, a pure crystal of true quartz.

I think the introductory part of the AE2 mod is ready. Thank you all for your attention. , which includes a description of cables and channels. Good luck!

Minecraft quartz is a resource that appeared in version 1.5 exclusively as a building material. It is mined in mines using a stone (or stronger) pick and is much like sandstone, but much stronger. However, progress and time have also “discovered” true quartz in the world of Minecraft. This resource differs to a noticeable extent from what can now be considered false.

Quartz in the game

Traditionally, quartz is an aesthetically pleasing and durable building material. So strong that quartz building blocks, unlike those made from other materials, are not recycled back into quartz.

It is mined in mines in the form of blocks of quartz ore in the Nether, and then processed into blocks from which slabs, steps, etc. are made.

Quartz in Minecraft has three types: actual quartz blocks, carved blocks and pylons.

Nether Ore is the only ore in this Inferno. You can use it to create both building materials and several advanced items.

However, time passed and it turned out that it was not necessary to climb into the Lower World, since it was “open”... What would you think?

True Quartz Ore

It is extracted, as you might guess, from the ore of true quartz.

It is mined at altitudes 17-69. Deposits contain from 1 to 5 blocks. To mine, you need at least a stone pickaxe.

A true quartz crystal, unlike quartz itself, is not a building material at all. Although, of course, you can build from it. But it’s much more useful to use it to make basic items. It also makes good tools and weapons.

Getting a Crystal

To obtain a true crystal, place a block of true quartz in the center of the workbench. And from it, in fact, the crystal will be made.

Crystal to work

What can be made from a true quartz crystal? These are the following items:

  • Wrench (true quartz). Impact on equipment (switching on/off). Used in creating a network tool. Indestructible.
  • Pickaxe (true quartz). Extraction of mountain resources. Can be used as an ineffective weapon. Almost equal to iron, but indestructible.
  • Ax (true quartz). Wood extraction. Can be used as an ineffective weapon. Almost equal to iron, but indestructible.
  • Shovel (true quartz). Mining light blocks like earth, sand, snow and the like. Almost equal to iron, but indestructible.
  • Hoe (true quartz). Creation of beds. Almost equal to iron, but indestructible.
  • Sword (true quartz). Melee weapon. Almost equal to iron, but indestructible.
  • Cutter (true quartz). Required to create a naming press and a cable anchor.

All items made from true quartz have a light blue tint.


Additionally, a true quartz crystal holds a charge well, which is then used to create a volatile crystal, but that is another topic.

To do this, the quartz crystal must be placed in the charger.

From dust to stars

The options for using true quartz crystal do not end there. But for subsequent perturbations it must be crushed into the dust of a true crystal.

To “spray” we place the crystal in a quartz crusher, or in a crusher (IndustrialCraft 2), or in a grinder (Thermal Expansion).

Dust can be turned into a pure true quartz crystal seed.

When the seed is thrown into water, a pure true quartz crystal is formed, which is used in the creation of high-tech complex devices.

Quartz dust is also needed to create quartz glass.

Glass containing true quartz is a necessary component in high-tech items. Such as:

  • energy cell;
  • energy receiver;
  • crystal growth accelerator;
  • molecular assembler;
  • spatial pylon;
  • quantum communication camera;
  • illuminated panel;
  • electronic memory component (4 k);
  • electronic memory component (16 k);
  • electronic memory component (64 k);
  • empty housing of an electronic device.

In general, true quartz in Minecraft is not just quartz.