How to download warface test server. FAQ: Public test server

Everyone knows that game development is a very difficult and reverent job. And if we talk about projects like FreeToPlay, then they are always being developed. And in order to identify serious errors or bugs in the new release of the update, a test run is carried out in advance, but not on the main servers, but on test ones.

This article will focus on a FreeToPlay project called Warface. And to be more precise, about how to copy a character to the PTS. All the nuances will be affected, and if this issue is of interest to you, then be sure to read the article to the end.

What is PTS

The PTS abbreviation stands for This server is designed to ensure that new WarFace updates undergo a series of tests, so that, as a result, a full-fledged build without flaws is loaded on the main servers. In this case, ordinary players from the main servers take part in testing, but, of course, not everyone can get into it, but more on that later.

Only responsible players who intend to improve the project by identifying shortcomings in it are allowed on the TCP. So, letting you on the PTS, the developers are waiting for a return: you have to write on the forms about all the shortcomings found, so that they can fix them in a short time, before the release.

You can get to the PTS in WarFace by copying one of your characters from the main server. In general, everything is simple, but these requirements baffle many people. That is why in the article we will analyze in detail how to copy a character to the PTS.

Eligibility Criteria for PTS

Now we will analyze who and how can get on the test server. This is necessary, since not every player can copy a character to the PTS.

Initially, it must be said that the selection criteria for each update are different. So, this month players can only be launched from Charlie's server, but next month they will not be allowed to enter. The level indicator is also of considerable importance. On average, and often always, they let players over level 40 through, but there were exceptions when they opened the entrance for characters over level 20.

That is why, before you are going to copy a character to the PTS, enter the appropriate section on the official website and carefully read all its criteria.

Well, in the meantime, we move on to the next subheading.

How to copy a character

I want to say right away that copying a character on the PTS (Warface server) is as easy as shelling pears. And if, after an independent attempt, you still could not do it, then carefully read our instructions, they will describe everything in detail.

    Initially, enter the official website of the project. This can be done through the "Games Mail" or by simply entering the name of the game in the search bar of the browser.

    All possible operations are laid out in it with tiles, we are interested in a tile with the name “Test Server”. At the time of writing, it is at the very bottom.

    Review the criteria on the Test Server page. You can also check the duration of the test there.

    Before you are two images of a soldier. On the left - on the main server, on the right - on the PTS. The left one is highlighted and the right one is dimmed. In the drop-down list below the left image, select your character that you want to copy to the test server. Then click "Copy".

    Once all operations have been carried out, copying will begin. It can take some time.

As mentioned above, copying a character to the Warface PTS is very simple, we hope this instruction helped you, but in the meantime we are moving on.

Where to download PTS Warface

After you have copied the character to the PTS, you need to download the PTS server itself (if you don't have one). You can do this directly from the game center Mail.

Enter it and select "Catalogue of games" on the top panel. All games from Mail will open before you, but we are interested in PTS. To view them, click "PTS" on the category selection panel.

On the new page, find the Warface game and click on it. A window will open in which you will be prompted to download the test server. Start downloading and then wait for the installation. Everybody.

PTS is a public test server. The last frontier for innovations before sending them on a big voyage. Unlike other levels of testing, it is available to anyone. To find out all the details about this interesting phenomenon, please look under cat.

The purpose of the PTS is actually very simple. It allows developers to filter and cure all noticed lags, and the search is not carried out by the internal team, but by us. That is, ordinary players. For players, the value of PTS lies in the fact that they can be the first to try out all the innovations, and by the time they are available to everyone on the main server, the seasoned army of testers will have a couple of aces up their sleeves and a couple of days of advantage (while the rest are studying tactics on the new map).

How to download PTS client

In order to join the public test, you first need to download a special installer for the test version of the game.

After the download is complete, run the file and start installing the game client.

How to copy a character

While the game is being installed, you can go to your personal account and transfer your character from the public server to the test one. Let's say right away that the cut of the player base occurs at the start of the test of the new update, so don't be surprised if you miss a couple of ranks.

The copy screen is shown below.

After a successful installation, just log in with your account and start trying new features. For the convenience of the game, you will be credited with:

500 credits
500 crowns
15000 warbucks.

So don't skimp on top outfits and other goodies (such bonuses are not given with every update, their number often changes depending on the chips and innovations in the game).
The only price you will pay for this kind of generosity is participation in debugging the game. That is, all the lags, glitches and errors that you have (especially those related to the update) you will need to screen, provide a description and leave in the special. topic on the forum:

It will not be superfluous to attach a form for submitting such a message:
1. Date and time the error occurred.
2. Name of the character.
3. The map where the error occurred, the location on the map. For an item, the exact name.
4. Screenshot showing the problem. Highlighting a problem area with the help of graphic editors is welcome. To describe errors that occur only in motion, make a video.
5. If the problem is of a technical nature (client crash, disconnect, etc.), you must attach game logs. How to collect all the necessary information can be found here.
6. Path to reproduce the bug: Describe step by step what actions need to be taken to reproduce the problem you described. If the problem does not always recur, note this fact.
7. The actual result is the one you see.
8. Expected result - what you expected when performing your actions.
9. Please correctly indicate the names of characters and AI fighters, the names of something - this will significantly reduce the time to reproduce and fix the error.
10. If there is any additional information that you consider significant for understanding and reproducing this error, supplement the description of the bug with this information.

That's actually all you need to know for a successful game on PTS. Remember that by playing the test version you are helping to make warface better, which means you deserve to be part of the team. Good fights and less lags, see you soon.

A rare fan of multiplayer shooters has not heard of such a bright representative of this genre as "Warface". The release of the game took place back in 2012, but it is still popular both among Russian-speaking gamers and around the world.

The developers, in turn, support the project in every possible way and constantly release content additions. And to be aware of all the changes that occur in the next update, a special server will help you - "Warface" PTS.

Purpose of the test server

First of all, the test server is designed to test all new content, as well as to search for bugs and shortcomings in it. The problem is that often there are a lot of innovations, and the employees of the technical department of the localizing company simply do not physically have time to control them all. It is for this reason that they are forced to turn to ordinary players for help.

As a thank you, the administration allows gamers who got on the Warface PTS to take part in operations, complete missions and try out weapons that will be added to the main game server only in a few days. This gives them the opportunity to prepare in advance for the release of the next update, and then, already in the live version, be among the first to close all new content. In general, being on the "Warface" PTS provides some advantage, so it is not surprising that many players want to get into this server.

How to become a tester and open access to PTS

In fact, becoming a tester is not so difficult, but there are still some limitations. So, for example, at least one of the characters on your account must reach level 40. In addition, only 1000 players can be on the Warface PTS at the same time, so don't be surprised if you have to stand in line. If your character is suitable in all respects, you need to do the following:

  1. Download and install a special version of Game Center. It can be downloaded from the official website of the game, after going to the "My Account".
  2. Now launch the "Game Center" and find the PTS server "Warface" in the catalog.
  3. The download of an additional game client will begin, so you will have to wait for a while.

After all the necessary files are installed, you can enter the game using your username and password (you do not need to create a new account). Now all you have to do is copy your character, so let's look at this procedure separately.

Creating a copy of a character

Most of the new content is designed for high-level characters, and it takes a very long time to develop on the test server from scratch. Fortunately, the administration has added the ability to copy your main account to the PTS "Warface" and start playing with an already upgraded hero. To do this, you only need:

  1. Log in to the game site.
  2. Go to the special section of the "Personal Account" and click the "Copy Account" button.
  3. Log in to the test server and check if the copy process was successful.

By the way, in the aforementioned section of the "Personal Account" you will find detailed patch notes of all updates that are installed on the PTS. Also, don't forget to inform the administration about all the bugs you find, because for this you can get an exclusive title on the forum.

Q: What is a public test server (PTS)?
AND: A public test server is a game space independent of the public server, where updates are installed for mass testing.

Q: Who can get on PTS?
AND: Any player with a character of at least level 40 can enter the test server.

Q: How many people can be on the PTS at the same time? Does it get crowded?
AND: The maximum number of players on the server at the same time is 1000 people. If the server is full, you will be placed in a queue.

Q: Do I need to create a special account for testing?
AND: No, it doesn `t need.

Q: Do I need a special client for testing and where can I get it?
AND: Yes I need it. To access the PTS, you will need a special version of the Game Center. It must be installed on top of the installed IC client (after disabling it). After that, in the "My Games" section, you will see a new project - Warface PTS. Install it, otherwise access to the test server will be impossible.

Q: When does PTS work?
AND: The test server is turned on when necessary - for example, to study the contents of the update. The time of its inclusion / deactivation is reported in the news on the site.

Q: Do PTS accounts affect characters on the shared server and vice versa?
AND: The characters on the PTS are duplicates of the character on the main server at the time of copying. Progress on the test server is not saved after the end of the testing phase and does not affect the shared server account in any way. It is necessary to copy the character at each new stage of testing.

Q: I don't see the test Warface in the Game Center, what should I do?
AND: You may be using the regular Game Center. Please download a special (test) IC, the link to which is in your account.

Q: The character I want to copy is inactive. What to do?

A: This means that this character has not been played for a long time. You just need to go to the main game server, and then start copying.

Q: Where can I report bugs?
AND: You can leave your bug report in . Please be careful and follow the error handling rules when filling out the form.

Q: Technical support does not accept my error messages on PTS!
AND: All right. You should report your progress on PTS and found errors in a special section of the forum. The Help Desk only accepts messages related to the shared server.

Q: Will there be any reward for participating in testing?
AND: By playing on the test server, you will be the first to get access to the content of the update, which everyone will see only in a few days. This alone is already a big plus. Special forum titles can be added for especially active testers who constantly write bug reports.

The PTS is only for researching the upcoming update and cannot accommodate all players without exception. However, anyone can enter the server, subject to availability.