Abay map in detail with streets, houses and districts. Satellite map of Abay - streets and houses online

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Abay. Yandex map.

Allows you to: change the scale; measure distances; switch display modes - scheme, satellite view, hybrid. The Yandex-maps mechanism is used, it contains: districts, street names, house numbers, and other objects of cities and large villages, allows you to perform search by address(square, avenue, street + house number, etc.), for example: "Lenin street 3", "Abay hotels", etc.

If you did not find something, try the section Google Satellite Map: Abay or a vector map from OpenStreetMap: Abai.

Link to the selected object on the map can be sent by e-mail, icq, sms or posted on the site. For example, to show the meeting point, delivery address, location of a store, cinema, train station, etc.: align the object with the marker in the center of the map, copy the link on the left above the map and send it to the addressee - by the marker in the center, he will determine the place you specified .

Abay - online map with a satellite view: streets, houses, districts and other objects.

To change the scale, use the "mouse" scroll wheel, the "+ -" slider on the left, or the "Zoom in" button in the upper left corner of the map; to view a satellite view or a national map - select the corresponding menu item in the upper right corner; to measure the distance - click the ruler at the bottom right and put points on the map.

Here is a map of Abai with streets → Karaganda region, Kazakhstan. We are studying a detailed map of the city of Abay with house numbers and streets. Real-time search, today's weather, coordinates

More about the streets of Abay on the map

A detailed map of the city of Abay with street names will be able to show all the routes and roads where the street is located. Marx and Abai. The city is located near.

For a detailed view of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page is an interactive map of the city of Abay with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Goethe and Kalinin streets.

The ability to plot a route through the territory - the Ruler tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions.

You will find everything you need detailed information o location of urban infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and lanes.

Accurate satellite map Abay (Abay) with Google search is in its rubric. You can use the Yandex search to show the house number on the folk scheme of the city in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan / the world, in real time.

On the page is an interactive map of Abay from a satellite. Read more at +weather. Below satellite imagery and real-time search Google Maps, photo of the city and Karaganda region of Kazakhstan

Satellite map of Abay - Kazakhstan

We observe on the satellite map of Abay how exactly the buildings are located on Lenin and Zheleznodorozhnaya streets. View the map and area of ​​the area, highways and lanes, banks and stations, search for an address.

Shown here in mode online map Abay city from the satellite contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the st. Goethe and Kalinin. Using the search service Google, you will find the desired address in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move its center in the right direction.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Marx and Abay streets. On the page detailed information and photos of all objects. To show the necessary house on the map of the city and the Karaganda region in Kazakhstan in real time.

A detailed satellite map of Abay and the region is provided Google service Maps.

Coordinates - 49.6327,72.8621

You can consider its structure and location thanks to the satellite map of Abai. Online service allows you to find a variety of objects - streets, houses, administrative institutions, enterprises. And for travelers, an interactive map of the city can become an assistant in traveling and getting to know Abai.

If you look at the map of Abai with diagrams, you can see that it is located in a sandy and hilly area, which is devoid of water bodies. The only conduit passes through the village of Karabas, which is located a few kilometers away. The city is surrounded by several settlements:

  • New Karagan;
  • Free;
  • Northern Karagan;
  • Kyzyl.

If we consider the map of Abai by districts, we can see that the city consists of the main part and 3 microdistricts. the southeastern outskirts are limited by a federal highway and a railway.

Map of Abay with streets

The streets of Abay have a rectangular-parallel structure. The central part of the city is located in the area of ​​Abay street. If you move along it on the map of Abay with streets and houses, you can see such objects as:

  • City Akimat;
  • Akimat of Abay district;
  • Museum. Abay Kunanbaev;
  • Banks;
  • Post office;
  • Restaurants;
  • Shopping centers.

The main streets of Abay are wide with lots of green spaces. A map of Abay with streets allows you to consider several more main streets:

  • K. Marx;
  • 10 years of Independence;
  • Kalinin;
  • Ave. Victory.

The movement of urban public transport is organized along the streets of the city. Abay buses run on 27 routes. All bus stops can be seen on detailed map Abai.

Even though there is a line running through the city railway, there is no train station in Abay. The nearest railway station is located 8 km from the city in the village of Karabas. Intercity communication with the city is carried out by road and bus transport. The A-17 federal highway runs along the railway line, which connects Abay with the cities of Karaganda, Kzyl-Orda, Dzhezkazgan, Saranyo, Shakhtinsk.

Map of Abay with houses, architecture of the city

Abai is a small town. About 27 thousand people live in it. Most of the housing stock is dilapidated Soviet-era houses. More modern houses are located in the 2nd and 3rd microdistricts, which are easy to find on the map of Abay with houses.
These are 9-storey typical houses built in the late 1990s.

In the central part of the city, you can often see houses built back in the days when the city was a working village. Plastered wooden and stone buildings are adjacent to new shopping centers and entertainment venues, which are indicated on the map of Abay with house numbers.

In the city, buildings that housed cultural institutions have also been preserved since Soviet times, for example, the house of culture of miners. The building is currently being renovated and hosts various events.

All houses can be found on Yandex maps of Abay. A convenient online service allows you to quickly navigate the map, find various objects, view a city plan or scheme. interactive maps will help tourists find the sights of Abay, which the townspeople are proud of:

  • monument to the fallen miners;
  • mosque;
  • rotunda with a sculpture of 3 horses;
  • new stadium;
  • monument to Abai Kunanbaev.

Using the cards is very easy. And in an unfamiliar city, they will help you quickly find your way around, find the right address, attraction, or draw up a map.

Economy and industry of Abay

After the negative political and economic events of the 90s. many enterprises of Abay were closed, and the townspeople began to leave the city en masse. But the new leadership of the country managed to timely set the city's industry on the right course and save part of the industry.

Currently, the main income of the city is the funds from the extraction and sale of coal. In addition to mines, several enterprises continue to operate in Abai. Among the products that the city receives are such goods as:

  • spare parts for cars;
  • reinforced concrete structures;
  • agricultural hitches;
  • coal concentrate.

One of the oldest enterprises, the Abay garment factory, continues to function and produces garments for the population. There is also a bakery in the city, which supplies the inhabitants of Abai with bakery products.

A significant contribution to the city's economy is made by trade and the service sector. In Abay there are several grocery hypermarkets of federal chains, as well as restaurants, cafes, hairdressers, and radio workshops. There are 2 food and clothing markets in different parts of the city, where the local population and visiting merchants sell agricultural products, clothes and other goods.

Abai(kaz. Abay; until 1961 - the village Churubay-Nura or Churbay-Nura(kaz. Sherubai-Nura)) is a city in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. It emerged as a working settlement in 1949 in connection with the development of the western sections of the Karaganda coal basin. Since 2002 - the center of the Abay region. The city is located 8 km from the Karabas railway station, 30 km southwest of Karaganda. The highway Karaganda - Zhezkazgan - Kyzylorda passes through the city, is connected by well-maintained roads with the cities. Shakhtinsky, Saranyu. Near the village of Karabas near Abay, the Zhartas water conduit passes. Named after Abai Kunanbaev.

Geographical coordinates

  • in degrees, minutes and seconds with decimals:
    50° 38′ 56.3″ north latitude and
    73° 52′ 34.2″ East;
  • in degrees and minutes with decimals:
    50° 37.939′ N sh. and
    73° 51.570′ E d.;
  • in degrees with decimals:
    49.632319° N and
    72.859496° E.

The length of Abay from south to north is 5.0 kilometers, from west to east - 4.3 km.