Map of the western part of the Black Sea. Map of the Black Sea with countries around, resorts in Russia and the world. Where is the best place to relax? Detailed map of the Black Sea coast

You can see on the map above. The sea is located in Europe and belongs to the Atlantic Ocean with which it is connected by straits and seas.

The chain from the Black Sea to the Atlantic Ocean is as follows: in the southwest of the Black Sea through the Bosporus, the sea connects with the Sea of ​​​​Marmara, the Sea of ​​Marmara through the Dardanelles connects with the Aegean Sea, the Aegean Sea connects with the Mediterranean, and the Mediterranean Sea in the west through the Strait of Gibraltar connects with the Atlantic Ocean.

One of interesting facts about the past of the Black Sea is that it was a huge freshwater lake, which in just a few decades (according to various estimates from 1 to 50 years) became a salty sea. This happened as a result of an increase in the level of the world ocean and blurring of the barrier between the Sea of ​​Marmara and the then lake, forming the Bosphorus Strait.

By the way, why is the Black Sea called black?

According to one version, in ancient times, boats and ships that have been in the Black Sea darken and turn black where the tree came into contact with water. A similar effect is obtained due to hydrogen sulfide, which is filled with the Black Sea. When exposed to hydrogen sulfide on a tree, it turns black, of course, people paid attention to this and I believe it is from here that the Black Sea got its name.

Hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea

Hydrogen sulfide, as you probably know, is a colorless gas with the smell of rotten eggs. In large quantities, the gas is poisonous and of course it comes out and sometimes quite violently.

This gas, by the way, is flammable! It was said that lightning falling into the sea where there was a sufficient concentration of this gas ignited.

Hydrogen sulfide is found in large quantities at depths of 100 meters and at the very bottom. Therefore, there are almost no living organisms at depth, and in general, there are several times fewer of them in the Black Sea than in the neighboring Mediterranean.

Connected to the Aegean Sea. The Black Sea is washed by several states at once, in each of which it becomes a popular object of recreation. The coast is a quality resort area with a variety of ways to relax.

The geographical position of the Black Sea

The Black Sea washes the coast of Russia, and its waters belong to six more states. In each of the countries, a considerable number of tourists travel to the sea, wishing to sunbathe and swim in the warm sea water. It is best to relax here from the end of May to the beginning of October, when the water temperature exceeds 20 degrees, and sunny weather contributes to tanning. The geographical position is good not only in terms of recreation, it is of great economic, transport and military importance.

The shape of the Black Sea resembles an oval.

The greatest length from coast to coast along the axis is 1,150 km, the greatest depth is 2,210 m. This makes the sea in demand for lovers of deep diving. The Crimean peninsula is located in the northern part of the Black Sea. The sea delimits the European and Asian parts of the continent. An interesting feature is the lack of islands.

The Black Sea had many names, it was called Russian, more than 20 names are known in total. There are several versions of the appearance of the modern name, each culture adheres to its own versions. According to one version, the north on the maps used to be indicated in black, and the Black Sea is located just in the north. Another one dark version connects the name of an object with the history of its appearance - in modern form The Black Sea was formed 7,500 years ago, with the formation of a connection with the Mediterranean Sea, salty sea water got into it. This led to the extinction of many freshwater inhabitants.

Scientists attribute the name to the fact that objects raised from the bottom are black. The reason is hydrogen sulfide at a depth of 200 meters. Among the reasons are black silt thrown ashore and severe storms (even desperate sailors found themselves leaving ports in bad weather). Among the Turks, a version is widespread that the sea got its name because of the recalcitrance of the coast, when trying to conquer local cities, one had to face fierce resistance.

Black Sea- inland sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, then, through the Dardanelles, with the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. The Kerch Strait connects with the Sea of ​​Azov. From the north, the Crimean peninsula cuts deep into the sea. The water boundary between Europe and Asia Minor runs along the surface of the Black Sea.

Area 422,000 sq. km. The outlines of the Black Sea resemble an oval with the largest axis about 1150 km. The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2210 m, the average is 1240 m.

The only large peninsula is the Crimean. The largest bays: Yagorlytsky, Tendrovsky, Dzharylgachsky, Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky and Feodosia in Ukraine, Varna and Burgassky in Bulgaria, Sinopsky and Samsunsky - at the southern coast of the sea. In the north and northwest, estuaries overflow at the confluence of the rivers. The total length of the coastline is 3400 km.

A number of sections of the sea coast have their own names: the southern coast of Crimea, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia, the Rumeli coast and the Anatolian coast in Turkey. In the west and northwest, the coasts are low-lying, steep in places; in the Crimea - mostly low-lying, with the exception of the southern mountainous coasts. On the eastern and southern shores, the spurs of the Caucasus and Pontic mountains come close to the sea.

There are practically no islands in the Black Sea. The largest ones are Berezan' and Zmeiny (both with an area of ​​less than 1 sq. km).

The following largest rivers flow into the Black Sea: Danube, Dnieper, as well as smaller Rioni, Kodori, Inguri (in the east of the sea), Chorokh, Kyzyl-Irmak, Ashli-Irmak, Sakarya (in the south), Southern Bug and Dniester (in the north ).

The fauna of the Black Sea is noticeably poorer than that of the Mediterranean. 2.5 thousand species of animals live in the Black Sea (of which 500 species are unicellular, 160 species of vertebrates - fish and mammals, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 species of mollusks, the rest are invertebrates different types), for comparison, in the Mediterranean - about 9 thousand species.

Among the fish found in the Black Sea: different kinds bull-calves (goby goby, bull-whip, round goby, goby-goby, goby-rotan), Azov anchovy, Black Sea anchovy (anchovy), katran shark, flounder-glossa, five species of mullet, bluefish, hake (hake) , sea ruff, red mullet (common Black Sea sultan), haddock, mackerel, horse mackerel, Black Sea-Azov herring, Black Sea-Azov sprat, etc. There are sturgeons (beluga, Black Sea-Azov sturgeon).

Among the dangerous fish of the Black Sea are the sea dragon (the most dangerous is the poisonous spines of the dorsal fin and gill covers), the Black Sea and conspicuous scorpionfish, the stingray (sea cat) with poisonous spikes on the tail.

The largest port cities on the Black Sea:

Burgas, Varna (Bulgaria);
Batumi, Poti (Georgia);
Novorossiysk, Sochi, Tuapse (Russia);
Constanta (Romania);
Samsun, Istanbul, Trabzon (Turkey);
Odessa, Kherson, Ilyichevsk (Ukraine)
Kerch, Sevastopol, Yalta (Crimea)

On the Don River, which flows into the Sea of ​​Azov, there is a river waterway connecting the Black Sea with the Caspian Sea (through the Volga-Don Shipping Canal and the Volga), with the Baltic Sea and the White Sea (through the Volga-Baltic Waterway and the White Sea-Baltic Canal) . The Danube River is connected to the North Sea through a system of canals.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, there were changes in the maritime borders in the Black Sea. As a result of this, most likely, the South Stream gas pipeline will go along a different route. In addition, Russia is gaining new opportunities for exporting its products through the port in Kerch. It is interesting to get acquainted with the maps of the new frontiers. In the Black Sea, 12 nautical miles from the coast are the territorial waters of the state, 250 miles constitute a special economic zone. According to the 2003 agreement on the Sea of ​​Azov, the territorial waters of the countries are limited to a 5-kilometer zone, the rest of the waters are in joint economic possession. In addition to this, you can look at the project of a new bridge connecting the Taman Peninsula with the Crimea. The Greeks called the Strait of Kerch the Cimmerian Bosphorus, but the Greeks called the strait separating Asia Minor from the Balkan Peninsula the Thracian Bosphorus.
P.S. I think few people know that the legendary Colchis of the Argonauts was located not at all in swampy Georgia, as some philologists naively believe, but ... on the banks of the Thracian Bosphorus ("Bull Pass"). The ships of the ancient Achaeans were called beads ("bulls") or minotaurs ("bulls of Minos") - that's why this strait was so named, sometimes the Achaeans called sea ships hippocampi ("sea horses"), so they had images or heads of a bull on their nose, or the head of a seahorse. The ancient Greeks called the Black Sea Pontus Euxinus (“hospitable Sea”, and the Phoenicians the North Sea (“Ashkenas”). But we will turn to Colchis after a careful study of the path of the Argonauts, which was the Golden Fleece - the purpose of their journey ...

1. Borders of Russia and other countries in the Black Sea before the annexation of Crimea
2. The borders of Russia and other countries in the Black Sea after the annexation of Crimea

3. Oil and gas fields in the basin of the Black and Azov seas and land
4. Kerch Strait and crossings from mainland Russia to Crimea
5. The border in the Black Sea between Ukraine and Romania after the decision of the International Court of Justice on February 3, 2009, when 79.4% of the disputed territories of the oil and gas shelf passed to Romania

Detailed map of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory with settlements- in this article. Last summer, the whole family decided to take a little trip to Krasnodar region. Before that, we were already in the south of our country and instead of going to some separate resort, we decided to make a trip along the entire coast. After all, resorts Krasnodar Territory on the map of the coast from Anapa to Adler stretch for 356 kilometers and there are dozens. Moving from one locality to another on average takes from several minutes to an hour. Thus, you can visit many resorts, staying in each from 1 to 3 days.


The next point was the resort village. We reached it in less than an hour and arrived early in the morning. We planned to spend only one day here. We stopped at the guest house "Chocolate" in the village of Durso right on the seashore. Abrau-Durso itself is located on the shore of Lake Abrau, a few kilometers from the coastline, and the village of Durso is right on the shore. There are several beaches, including those with small estuaries, which warm up quickly and are ideal for bathing children. In the morning we swam on the central beach of Durso. The beach is pebbly, wide with developed infrastructure. In the afternoon, leaving the car at the guest house, we called a taxi and went to the very center of wine tourism in our country - the Abrau-Dyurso sparkling wine factory.

This is a truly unique place, which was founded by Count Golitsyn at the end of the 19th century. Here they show huge areas with vineyards and talk about the art of growing grapes for the production of sparkling wines. We looked at the production process, relatively recently it was completely modernized under the clear guidance of Moet Chandon specialists. Perhaps that is why the usual Abrau Durso champagne is no different from the legendary French. We visited huge cellars with wine storages and tasting. In the company store you can buy products at factory prices, and some rare vintage types of champagne can only be bought here.

In the evening we walked along the embankment of Lake Abrau - one of the best embankments in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory on the map of the coast. The embankment is lined with colored paving stones, with many flower beds and lawns and rich infrastructure. We rented a boat on the embankment and rode for an hour along the coast. After dinner in one of the cafes, we returned to the village of Durso to our guest house by taxi to go to the next city early in the morning. A detailed map of the Krasnodar Territory - the Black Sea coast helped us to lay the route.

Detailed map of the Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory: Gelendzhik and Divnomorskoe

The next morning we went to the city located in Big Gelendzhik. The distance between them on a detailed map of the Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory is only 10 kilometers. Therefore, we decided to stay in Divnomorskoye, since the water in the sea is the cleanest here, and in the afternoon after lunch you can go to for entertainment and sightseeing.

detailed map Kurortov of the Krasnodar Territory helped us get to Divnomorskoye. We arrived there early in the morning and stayed at the Alpina guest house, the cost of the room was 2300 rubles. for four people in June, although I had to bargain a bit. The beach is very nice and well-groomed, there is a lot of entertainment for both children and adults. Children happily rode inflatable slides, miniature electric cars that can be rented on the chic embankment. I took a ride on a jet ski, after which, after having lunch in one of the cozy cafes, we went to Gelendzhik to the safari park.

The safari park is located right at the foot of the mountain slope, the route along the sea passes near it. At the entrance, we immediately purchased tickets not only to the safari park, but also to the cable car to climb to the very top, to the observation deck and visit the terrarium with reptiles. Not only children liked the safari park, but we adults also liked it. It is very well maintained, and the number of rare animals and especially predators is simply amazing.

There are also areas fenced off with durable plexiglass, behind which shooting galleries go a few meters away. There are also cougars, leopards, jaguars, grizzly and Himalayan bears, ostriches and wild boars, monkeys. At the entrance you can buy dried fruits to feed the animals. The most notorious "beggars" were bears. They stand on their hind legs and tirelessly "beg" for a treat. Many people buy them ice cream, for which the animals were very grateful.

The views from the observation deck are magnificent, and the Gelendzhik Bay, like the city itself, looks at a glance.

After visiting the safari park, we decided to take a ride on a yacht. We had a choice: to ride on a private sailboat or on a large yacht with a group. We decided to take a ride on a large yacht, where during the boat trip there is an entertainment program, and tickets are cheaper. A two-hour walk from the bay to the open sea is very fun, on the way back you can watch the red sunset and take wonderful photos for memory. We decided to spend the evening on the embankment of Gelendzhik. This is the busiest place on the entire coast. There are dozens, if not hundreds of different cafes, restaurants, clubs and discos. You can walk until late in the evening, as the promenade is the longest and most beautiful. Its length is about 10 kilometers, with many flower beds, lawns, decorative figurines. We had dinner with the whole family in an excellent restaurant on the territory of the Primorye Hotel, after which we visited the amusement park on the embankment next to the stadium. After walking a little more to the steep rock "Krucha", which is as high as a 16-storey building, we decided to return to Divnomorskoye to our guest house, since the next day we had to go to the largest water park in Russia.

The next day, while everyone was sleeping, I went to the beach and swam in the clearest sea. After that, around ten o'clock in the morning we went to Gelendzhik to the water park "Golden Bay". The water park is really cool. On the territory of 17 hectares there are 17 swimming pools, 69 slopes, 49 slides, about 10 water attractions, many bars, cafes, pizzerias. The ticket price is 1400 rubles for adults, 650 rubles for children. Free admission only for children whose height does not exceed 106 cm.

While we were in Divnomorsky and Gelendzhik, we visited the Old Park in, and took a ride in an off-road vehicle to the valley of dolmens. If there were no children with us, then of course it would be possible to visit one of the most famous and largest clubs in Russia "Formula", but we could not do this. After staying in this place for 4 days, we went further. We studied the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory on the map of the coast, and chose the village of Loo.


We got from Gelendzhik in about an hour and a half and stayed at the Dolce Gusto mini hotel. The hotel is located near the sea. We rested on the central beach of the village, which is about 150 meters wide. The infrastructure is well developed here, with many water attractions and entertainment for children. They rode electric cars along the embankment, jumped on trampolines and played on inflatable towns. My wife and I took turns riding a banana, which the organizers dragged on a jet ski to high speed along the beach. The water in the sea at this resort is very clean and swimming in it is a pleasure. Before lunch, we rested and relaxed on the beach, and after that, having a snack, we went to see something in the village or the surrounding area. We visited the ruins of an ancient Byzantine temple, which is located on the territory of the village, 33 waterfalls, rode horses in the valley of the Ashe River. The whole family ate in cafes and canteens, of which there are a lot, the average bill for four is no more than 600 rubles. After resting in this place for 3 days, we went further in the direction of the southeast Black Sea coast. A detailed map of the Krasnodar Territory, the Black Sea coast helped to lay the route.

Dagomys, Sochi, Adler

These resorts of the Krasnodar Territory on the map of the coast have no boundaries. The private sector has grown so much that in fact it is all one locality Big Sochi. To save on accommodation, we rented a two-room apartment in advance for 2000 rubles per day at. The apartment had a kitchen, so we decided to cook on our own.

We had a car at hand, so we could go to any beach we liked, and in the afternoon we could go to any attraction. For a week of staying in this part of Greater Sochi, we rested on the wide pebble beaches of Dagomys and the Riviera beach in Central Sochi. At first, they only went to the Riviera, but due to huge traffic jams in Sochi, they preferred the central beach of Dagomys. On all the beaches of Greater Sochi the situation is the same. There are many attractions, the infrastructure is well developed and in most cases the width of the beaches is 20-30 meters.

For a week we visited the amusement park in Adler, the oceanarium in Adler, the Olympic village. We got to these places by public transport, by train. They go often and the only way avoid Sochi traffic jams during the daytime. I went rafting alone by taking a tour. Overcame several rifts along the mountain river Mzymta. We visited Sochi Sky Park with many attractions, here is the highest point for jumbo jumping. We walked across the longest suspension bridge in the world and it's an unforgettable experience. We went to the mountains in the nearby. From here, not only wonderful views of the sea and mountain peaks open up, but there are also old tea houses where you can taste various varieties of tea from the herbs of the Caucasian foothills, many varieties of honey, which is collected from local apiaries.

Separately, it is worth highlighting an excursion to Abkhazia. We bought an excursion for one day - we drove through all the main cities of this republic. The route includes a visit to Gagra, Pitsunda, the Athos Monastery, a mountain cave near the monastery, a mountain lake Ritsa, Stalin's dacha and a drive through many mountain gorges, including a drive along the edge of a cliff at a height of several hundred meters called "Farewell Motherland". To plot the route further, I needed a map of the Krasnodar Territory with cities - the Black Sea coast.


The next resort of the Krasnodar Territory on the map of the coast was Lermontovo. We had only a few days left and, having left Dagomys early in the morning, in order not to get into traffic jams on the highway, we drove back towards the mainland. An hour and a half later we were in a resort village, not far from the M-4 Don highway. Lermontovo is one of the very first and very comfortable settlements on the Black Sea coast, which vacationers get to by breaking their way to the sea along the M-4 Don highway. On the contrary, we decided to stay here and spend our last day at sea. We stayed in a very nice guest house called "Edem". A room for four people, category "standard" in June cost 2000 rubles. There are quite comfortable living conditions here, but for us it was most important to get a cozy and quiet place where you can spend the night, since the most important activity on the last day of our stay at the sea was relaxing on the beach. The embankment and the beach in Lermontovo are fully consistent with the basics of an aesthetic and relaxing beach holiday. The infrastructure is very well developed here and there is a lot of entertainment. First of all, this is the Chernomor water park, horseback riding tours, quad biking, a visit to the African village Lim-po-po, a trip to the Tenginsky waterfalls. We just spent time on an excellent, sandy beach and were completely satisfied with the time we spent on the Black Sea coast.