Kingdom Come Deliverance: all treasure maps. Treasure maps in Kingdom Come: Deliverance - how to find chests of gold

Treasures in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is a good way to get rich fast. In order to find a treasure, you must first find a map and use it to find the treasure itself. Most often, maps are stored among the remains of sea adventurers, killed or shipwrecked.
But the map is not a guarantee of success in the search for treasures. Be careful, the island on which the map was found and the island where you need to unearth treasures are often different islands.

Locations of Buried Chests and Treasure Maps in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag

Coordinates Location name How to get
240,607 Havana In the northern part of the city, behind the cathedral, next to the mixed goods shop, you will find a corpse. The card is on it.
You will find the treasure on the southern sandy shore between the wall separating the city and the jungle and a crooked palm tree.
3000 R
figurehead from Blackbeard's ship, Queen Anne's Revenge
179,593 Cape Bonavista Map - On a corpse near the place where the soldiers mocked Steed Bonnet, a merchant.
Treasure - in a grotto under a cliff.
1500 R
442,118 salt lagoon The map is on a corpse on the northeast coast of the island.
Treasure - in the eastern part of New Bone Island, on the cliff behind the mill.
4000 R
606,835 Andreas Island The map is on a corpse in the south of the island.
Treasure - among the palm trees on about. Abaco, on the side of a Spanish ship that had run aground. The ship itself does not appear immediately, but as the plot develops.

4000 R
749,625 Abaco Island Map -on a corpse in the southwestern part of the island.
The treasure is not on the island of Abaco, but on the island of the Salt Lagoon (see hint) near a large boulder in the northwestern part of the above island.
drawing nose figure snake
579,720 Mayaguana Island Map - on the corpse (stone passage in the center of the island).
Treasure - on an island between palm trees in the southwestern part of about. Andreas Island.
3000 R
blueprint Special harpoon
633,784 Great Inagua Map - on a corpse in a cave in the northwestern part of the island. Complexity: The entrance to the cave is not visible to the rhinestone, although under the beach. Run through fallen trees without going deep into the jungle. Then look up to find the beginning of the path.
Treasure - north of the estate on a hill on about. Nassau. We go along the path and, before reaching the swamp, we turn left, heading towards a clearing with a flat boulder and a fallen tree.
3000 R
blue sails blueprint
335,469 cumberland bay Map - On a corpse on the southeast coast, opposite the Spanish battleship guarding the entrance to the harbor.
Treasure - on the island of Pinos, in a clearing between the main pyramid and a large tree.
3000 R
drawing Rudder "Aquila"
565,539 Ile-a-your Map - on a corpse at the northwestern tip of the island. Treasure - in the smugglers' cave on Higuey near the boat and the fire. Search under the palm tree.4000 R
70,405 Petit Cavern Map - on a corpse in the western part of the grotto near the execution pole.
Treasure - in Tulum near the old tree, not far from the southern viewpoint.
4000 R
992.422 Anotto Bay Map - on a corpse in the flooded mines. Difficulty number 1: to enter the mines you need a diving bell. Go through the story and he will appear.
Difficulty number 2: the path is long, so in order not to drown, use the air pockets marked on the map.
Difficulty number 3: to get out of the mines, use the stairs.
Treasure - on about. Principe, on the hill behind the two towers, where Edward jumped in pursuit of the Sage.
4000 R
333,650 Tortuga Map - on a corpse in the northeast of the island.
Treasure - on the island of Matanzas in the jungle in the east of the island. The landmark is two Mayan steles, in the niche between which you will find the treasure.
3000 R
blueprint Special compartment for mortar cores
327,334 Pinos Map - on a corpse under a fallen column in the temples in the northern part of the island.
Treasure - in Cayman Bay, in its northeastern part, on the shore in front of the last 4 palm trees.
4000 R
Map - on a corpse in the northern part of the island on the way behind Wade.
Treasure - on about. Long Bay under the palm trees next to the 2 shacks across from the northern viewpoint.
4000 R
479,487 Santanilla Map - on the corpse behind the broken bow of the ship in the north of the island. Go through the plot of chapter 10 and find yourself there.
Treasure - in the tunnels under San Juan. Landmark - the inscription - "Dig".
3000 R
blueprint Special incendiary projectiles
901,263 Cayman bay Map - on a corpse in the northern part of the island.
Treasure - on Ptit-Cavern, on the opposite bank from the ship in a clearing next to the fire.
3000 R
blueprint - compartment for special heavy cores
307,195 Ambergris Key The map lies on a corpse in a dead end, not far from the exit, on the upper level of the temple with smugglers. The wealth is hidden in a chest by the fountain behind the main Mayan temple, behind the vantage point, in the temple complex on Mysterios.3000 R
drawing Special heavy cores.
623,172 Mysterios The map is on a corpse in the middle level of the ruined pyramid (approximately the center of the island). Go through chapter 10 and you will find yourself there according to the plot.
Treasure - in the bay in the east of Kingston, between 3 wooden boxes next to the hull fragment.
3000 R
ebony steering wheel drawing
502,44 E. Kenway's fleet Map - obtained after completing the "Scarlet fever" quest.
Treasure - in the south of. Providencia, between 4 palm trees behind the shipwreck.
679,381 E. Kenway's fleet Map - obtained after completing the "Empty Basement" quest.
Treasure - in the north of. Cumberland Bay.
4000 R
621,277 E. Kenway's fleet Map - obtained after completing the task "Great Reputation II".
Treasure - on about. Anotto Bay in the smugglers' lair in the flooded mines, in the same room where we found the treasure map.

4000 R
Attention! Please do not confuse Treasure Maps with the Treasures of the Past Map Pack, which comes with a pre-order. These are different things and we have them.

Get hold of money and equipment in kingdom come: Deliverance turned out to be much easier than we thought. It is enough to show a little perseverance and collect treasures hidden throughout Bohemia. The beauty is that you don't need to have a map in hand to dig up the treasure. It is enough to find the place itself. In this guide, we will tell you exactly where to go.

Treasure Map 1 (I)

The path to this treasure will be one of the most unusual for you. You need to find an old hut in the forest northwest of the monastery. It is better to do this during the day, since at night we passed literally two steps away and still didn’t notice her. Inside, you can go down the rickety stairs to the underground.

There you will find a chest with a difficulty level of hacking Difficult. Inside you can find Augsburg plate greaves, 350 groschen, a yew longbow, an odd-numbered dice, a book Why the Keys III, an antidote recipe, and a nobleman's dark boots.

Treasure Map 2 (II)

You can dig this treasure from a grave near the river northwest of the Monastery. I must say that it was not so easy to find it. The forest is large, the grave is small and inconspicuous. Therefore, we suggest that you focus on a huge dried tree. Don't forget to grab a shovel. Inside you will find 276 groschen, Lazarus Potion, Alchemist's Dream Book IV, Milanese Plate Leggings, Unlucky dice, pansky armor and decorated riding boots.

Treasure Map 3 (III)

This time you have to find a very tightly locked chest. It turned out to be too tough for us, since we have not yet learned how to break locks with a difficulty level. It is very difficult. If you are ready for such a test, move from the Monastery strictly to the west and cross the river.

In the forest you need to find a wooden house with a collapsed roof. Near one of its walls is a chest. Inside you can find an Aachen dark brigantine, 400 groszy, a dice for odd numbers, Magdeburg plate greaves, fashionable shoes, a lord's hunting cleaver and a silver ring.

Treasure Map 4 (IV)

This treasure will require you to have remarkable hacking skills, so save it for last. For a landmark, you can take the city of Ledechko and go from it to the east along the river bank. On the spot, look for something that looks like a dugout. Inside there is a chest with a difficulty level of Very difficult.

We were never able to open it, but inside you can find a bascinet with a visor, 317 groszy, an ash longbow, an ordinary dice, a necklace, an archer's potion recipe, a nobleman's boots and compound pan greaves.

Treasure Map 5 (V)

This treasure can be found approximately halfway between Talmberg and Ledetchko. To go, in our opinion, it is more convenient from the south. Take a dry stream as a guide and move along the channel until you run into a tree trunk that has fallen across it. A couple of steps before that, it's time to turn into the forest.

You need to find a dilapidated well. Inside are 270 groschen, fancy shoes, a dyed Milanese brigantine, a bad die, a recipe for marigold tincture, and a book of Herbs and Roots IV.

Treasure Map 6 (VI)

This point of interest is located northeast of Ledetchko, not far from the city. Don't forget to take your lockpicks with you, as you need to find a locked chest in the forest. It stands in a stone niche under a conspicuous structure made of wooden sticks.

Hack level - Easy, a little patience and you can do it. Inside you can find 436 pennies, the sword of Otrinstrakh, the recipe for the Lazarus potion, a silver ring, a lucky dice and dark boots of a nobleman.

Treasure Map 7 (VII)

This treasure can be found in the forest northwest of Ledetchko. Your guide will be a garden surrounded by a rickety fence and a large dried tree in the center. Right next to it is a chest with the difficulty of picking Easy. Inside, we found 431 grosz, a shell from Kutnogorsk, a sword of St. George, a book Sharp as a knife IV, lord's boots, a bad dice and a recipe for moonshine.

Treasure Map 8 (VIII)

This treasure can be found in the fields southeast of Ledetchko. Focus on the mark on the map below and look out for the withered tree. The bag stands right next to its roots. Inside are a bascinet with a clapper, a spiked warhammer, 247 groschen, an odd-numbered die, fancy shoes, a necklace, and a recipe for the Pupation potion.

Treasure Map 9 (IX)

This time we will be looking for a chest in the southeastern part of the Skalitz. Head to the location marked in the screenshot below and examine the area under the bridge. The chest is well hidden by grass, so be careful. Inside you can find an Aachen painted brigantine, a battle ax bound with iron, a bailiff's mace, 288 groschen, a necklace and a silver ring.

Treasure Map 10 (X)

This treasure can be dug up from an inconspicuous grave in the forest east of Vranik. There are no noticeable landmarks nearby, you will have to rely only on the map. Inside you will find a bascinet with a clapper, 300 groszy, the book Life in a Tavern IV, a dice of the Holy Trinity, the Sword of St. Michael, a recipe for a potion against heaviness in the stomach, and dark boots of a nobleman.

Treasure Map 11 (XI)

The hidden items from this map can be found southwest of Ledetchko inside a small stone cellar. There is something that looks like a bag. Search it and find a Lazarus potion, an odd-numbered die, an open bascinet, lord's boots, and a yew hunting bow. The easiest way is to move from the city along the river, and then turn into the forest.

Treasure Map 12 (XII)

This time we have to find a wooden house with a collapsed roof in the forests southeast of Rattay. In fact, there is no point in going on this trip if you are not yet ready to pick the Hard level locks. Because just such a chest is waiting for you inside this hut. A good guide is linen hanging on a rope. If you're ready, don't forget to stock up on lockpicks.

Treasure Map 13 (XIII)

This treasure can be found inside a serene hut just south of the charcoal camp between Rathae and Neuhof. You can’t even tell that a tragedy has recently unfolded here. However, the corpse by the fire suggests otherwise.

You need a chest inside the house with the difficulty of hacking Easy. There you will find 350 groszy, a die for odd numbers, the book As agile as a ferret IV, the lord's sword, the lord's shell, the recipe for Aesop's potion, and the nobleman's boots.

Treasure Map 14 (XIV)

This time we will again have to dig in someone else's grave. You can find it at the intersection of two streams southeast of Neuhof. The exact location is shown in the screenshot below. Inside you will find Aachen decorated greaves, 336 groschen, a necklace, noble boots, a bad die, a poison recipe, and a decorated cleaver.

Treasure Map 15 (XV)

During the search for this treasure, you will have a unique opportunity to get hold of a spare shovel. The desired point of interest is located near the stream to the west of Neuhof. You should find the collapsed house. A hilt will stick out invitingly from a pile of earth near it, and next to it it will be possible to dig a hole.

Inside you will find 315 groschen, Lazarus potions, Qi dice, the book Silence is Gold and other superstitions, a painted jacket, an old family heirloom, and a nobleman's dark boots.

Treasure Map 16 (XVI)

The search for this treasure will lead you to another grave. You need to find a point of interest northwest of the town of Samopesh. Cross the river ford and go a little deeper into the forest. A bald birch will serve as a guide for you. The grave is right below it. Inside you will find 100 groschen, a Lazarus potion, quality arrows, a peasant yew bow, lord's boots, and a lucky die.

Treasure Map 17 (XVII)

To find this treasure, you will have to take a shovel with you. Head northwest from the town of Samopesh. By the river you will find a small wooden house with a grave in the backyard. When you unearth it, you will receive 222 grosz, an ash longbow, a dice for odd numbers, a book Why keys IV, a Magdeburg shell, a necklace and decorated riding boots.

Treasure Map 18 (XVIII)

You will find this treasure near Talmberg. Find the poacher's camp northeast of the city. Outwardly, it is very conspicuous, as a skinned carcass of a deer hangs on pieces of wood. If there is someone in the camp, you can just wait a bit.

There is also a chest that needs to be opened with a master key. Difficulty level - easy. Inside are about 200 groschen, fancy shoes, a dogwood hunting bow, The Joy of Guts IV, an Owl recipe, a lucky die, and a hunter's hat.

Treasure Map 19 (XIX)

Finding this treasure will be very easy. There is a tiny island to the north of Sasava, and in the center of it is a grave. We went there at night and a little tipsy, as a result, we almost drowned in the local river along with the horse. From the grave, you can dig out the Primer IV, 266 groszy, a die for even numbers, the robber baron's sword, fashionable shoes and a decorated shell.

Treasure Map 20 (XX)

You can find this treasure to the north of the native village of Skalitz. A good guide for you will be a huge weeping willow from the second screenshot. The chest hid right at its roots. Hack difficulty level - Easy. Inside you'll find an ash longbow, an odd-numbered die, a necklace, Riding Basics IV, a living water recipe, and dark boots of a nobleman.

Treasure chests were buried not only by pirates caribbean, but also the inhabitants of the Middle Ages; apparently in 1403 people distrusted banks even more than they do now (or they simply could not put their money and jewelry in them, since banks in the traditional sense of the word did not yet exist). In order not to forget where they hid their goods, they naturally drew maps. Therefore, it is not unusual that in Kingdom Come: Deliverance you can, like a real pirate, look for treasures with a shovel at the ready.

The cards themselves are easy to find: some of them are sold by merchants in cities and villages, others lie in secluded corners of houses, and still others are completely obtained from the corpses of enemies. But with the search for treasures, difficulties may arise, since it is far from always possible to understand exactly where the treasures are located on the map. For this reason, we decided to write detailed guide on their search.

Treasure hunt preparation

The first step is to prepare for finding buried treasures. Unfortunately, they won't let you use a metal detector. Instead, you will need the following tools:

  • Shovel - just keep with you the one that you get almost at the very beginning of the game when completing the "Coming Home" quest. If you lost it, you can simply buy a new one from the blacksmith.
  • Lockpicks - you will need to open dug chests. Buy from merchants or blacksmiths.

If you plan to solve treasure maps on your own, then here are a couple of tips:

  • Some objects do not scale on paper, so the river may look small on a treasure map, but real world be very large.
  • The image on the map can be flipped upside down or mirrored, so always check if it has a hint in the form of the correct direction.

Note: In most cases, it is not necessary to have a map with you in order to find the treasure.

Where to Find Ancient Treasure Maps from the Treasures of the Past Pre-Order Bonus

Apart from ordinary cards treasures in the game there are ancient cards that are part of the "Treasures of the Past" add-on and are issued only to those players who have pre-ordered this RPG. However, you won't get them immediately in your inventory.

First of all, you will need Complete the Prologue and get to Rattay. When you wake up in Teresa's house in the Awakening quest, immediately inspect the chests - one of them will contain the cards you need and a good jacket.

Solutions to all treasure maps

Ancient Treasure Map I

The desired location is south of Neuhof, near the undergrowth. You need to climb to the top.

Ancient Treasure Map II

The treasure should be looked for far to the west of Rattay, deep in the forest. Search inside the collapsed mine.

Ancient Treasure Map III

Everything is quite simple here - we are looking for a grave under a tree and digging. The screenshots below show the exact location of the treasure.

Ancient Treasure Map IV

You need to climb up the walls, and then go down here:

Ancient Treasure Map V

Here we had a little difficulty, since we still could not find the right house. It turned out that the first step was to find a place to hunt deer, located north of Skalitz. Next to it is a hut, near which you can find a chest.

Treasure Map I (1)

The map can be found at Simon's Mill, located east of Sasava.

The treasure is located in the forest northwest of Sasava in a kind of cave. First you need to find two houses. Enter the one we marked with a red circle in the screenshot. Inside, turn left and look for a ladder leading to a cave. There you will find a chest, to open which you will need a well-pumped lock picking skill.

Treasure Map II (2)

The map can be found in the Sasava Monastery. Climb to the second floor and enter the library. Then go through the closed door to the back room. There you will find the sheet you need.

The treasure itself lies on the coast of a river flowing nearby. Exit the monastery by going through the gate to the west and continue forward until you reach a camp near the river. Then turn north. Soon you will notice a dead tree, near which the grave is located. There you can find treasure.

Treasure Map III (3)

You can find the map in the artist's dwelling, located near the Sasava monastery.

The treasure is located to the west of the Monastery. Cross the river and keep climbing until you come across two abandoned log cabins. Not far from each hut there is one chest: the first is closed with a light lock, and the second with a very difficult one.

Treasure Map IV (4)

It can be purchased from Brother Nikodim (herbalist), who lives in the monastery of Sazava. She appears in his inventory after performing a few story quests. However, as we noted above, you do not need a map to find the treasure.

The treasure is located in the forest between Neuhof and Ledetchko in a location marked as " interesting place". Here you will find the entrance to the mine. Go inside and look for a locked chest. To open it, you need a well-pumped skill of opening locks.

Treasure Map V (5)

The map can be purchased from a merchant located east of Ledetchko. Get ready to spend 90 groszy on it.

The treasure is located southeast of Mrhoeda. Head to the end of the river near Mrhoeda and keep going up until you find a tree that has fallen on the river. Walk a few more meters forward and go deeper into the forest, turning to the northwest. There you will find a well, and inside it is a bag with useful gizmos.

Treasure Map VI (6)

Can be purchased from a merchant. True, it appears randomly, so we advise you to carefully review the goods from new merchants.

You can find the treasure in the east of Ledetchko, deep in the forest. Find two pine trees, in the middle of which there is a ruined stone niche. Inside you will find a chest containing pennies, a sword Otrinstrah, ring and other valuables.

Treasure Map VII (7)

The map is in the Sasava Monastery Library. You will get here during the passage of the story mission "Needle in a Haystack". You can wait to receive the quest or break into the desired room without an invitation.

The treasure is located in a location labeled "Forest Garden", located in the forest north of Ledetchko. The chest will be closed with a light lock.

Treasure Map VIII (8)

To find the map, head to the windmill located northwest of Uzhice. At the top of this building on a wooden beam (well hidden) lies the piece of paper you need.

At the point of interest south of Ledetchko, you will find a sack lying behind a tree. There are treasures in it.

Treasure Map IX (9)

It can be found in a barn located north of Skalitz (look outside the settlement).

The treasure is located southeast of Skalitz, where the bridge is located (look for it at the very border of the settlement). The chest is on the side of the bridge. Luckily, it's not locked, so you won't need any lockpicks.

Treasure Map X (10)

It can be found in a chest in a small barn located northeast of Ledetchko.

To find the wealth, go south from Ledetchko, and then start moving along the road leading southwest. After passing by the camp, turn north and look for a grave in the forest.

Treasure Map XI (11)

Can be purchased from the only merchant in Talmberg. The treasure is located between Sazava and Ledetchko inside a cave, however, be aware that there are two caves in the area. You may have to search both to find the chest.

Treasure Map XII (12)

Can be bought from Pawn Miller in Rotai. The chest lies in a dilapidated hut. It's locked up high level difficulties.

Treasure Map XIII (13)

The map can be bought from the herbalist who lives west of Neuhof. She will ask for a relatively small amount of pennies for her.

The treasure is hidden south of Neuhof, right in front of the place where the river forks. Here you can find a point of interest called the Incident. When you reach the river, find the path leading to the question. There you will find a house and a dead body. The chest is in the hut.

Treasure Map XIV (14)

You can buy it from a wanderer without a hat, which you will certainly find north of Rattay. He will sell it to you for 80 groszy.

In order to find the treasure, head first to Neuhof. Then turn southeast and go to the place where the river flows into the pond. Next to this zone is a grove with trees and a grave. In the grave you can find a bag with riches.

Treasure Map XV (15)

To search for a map, go to Rattay and go to the fortress where Sir Radzig lives. Find Tobias' room there. Search the bookshelf - there will be a map on it.

The treasure itself is located west of Neuhof and east of Ledetchko. A river passes near the right place. If you go upstream, you will notice a couple of fallen trees, forming a kind of ladder. Turn off the path and go deep into the forest to the collapsed hut. Look inside the grave.

Treasure Map XVI (16)

To find the map, head into the forest and look for an herbalist who lives near Samopesh.

The treasure is located in the western part of the map, not far from Mrkhoedov and Samopesh. Go across the river, and after you find yourself in the forest, turn north and look for the grave. There will be a treasure in it.

Treasure Map XVII (17)

The map can be bought from the hunter Berthold, who lives in Rattay.

The treasure can be found southwest of Rovna, not far from the hut. Go behind the house and the fence and find the grave where the chest is located.

Treasure Map XVIII (18)

The card can be purchased from Mikalush, who lives in the southern region of Talmberg, on a hill. He will sell it to you for 115 groszy. However, you can simply steal it at night. Get into his house, go to the second floor and crack two chests (easy lock).

The life of a pirate is unthinkable without the sea, ship, battles, treasures, rum and women. The first four points in Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag are given great attention, the rest is secondary: there is no time to drink and drink, but you can’t change (Caroline is waiting on the banks of the Kenway, to whom he promised to return rich and famous). An active privateering and treasure hunt will help to meet the two-year deadline and try to keep the promise to the upstart pirate. Treasures in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag It's one of the ways to get rich quick. Raids on trade caravans also bring good profit, but are associated with great risk and danger. After some time, the endless skirmishes are completely boring because of the monotony of actions, ship boardings become boring and do not seem to be more than something exciting. From now on, naval contracts, treasure hunts, guild quests, and many other pleasant little things help to dispel boredom. Search for treasures in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag will be based on maps that are hidden in various parts of the Caribbean. Most often they can be found next to the remains of pirate adventurers on the sandy shores of the islands or in secluded and hard-to-reach places ( red cross icon appears after visiting viewpoints in the selected location).

Found treasure maps contain clues: coordinates and schematic sketches of landmarks. You can already be in the shoes of a treasure hunter at the very beginning of Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, when, before leaving Cape Bonavista - after the merchant Steed Bonnet was freed from the clutches of British soldiers - the corpse of an adventurer with a map in his hands will be found on the sandy shore. A cursory acquaintance will make it clear that the treasure is in the nearest cave. When Edward gets close enough to the target, a golden glow, which will indicate the exact location of buried treasure. To dig it, no tools are needed, everything is done automatically after pressing the [E] key. Eagle vision is also no help now, it is useless, because additional clues do not appear, this does not happen even in cases where the location of the treasure is already known. Furthermore, buried chests cannot be found without maps- the "Dig" option simply won't appear. There is no need to rejoice ahead of time at the simplicity with which it will be possible to find and dig out the first treasure chest. In the future, the maps lose their link to the places where they were found. That is, it will be necessary to look for treasures not on the island where the map was found, but on another.

The main thing is to use the information received correctly. The Caribbean map is divided into 64 sectors (8x8) that can hold values ​​from 0 to 1000. The countdown starts from the bottom left corner. The coordinates do not allow you to make a mistake with the choice of the territory to start the search, since the numbers indicated in the hints are the latitude (horizontal sectors) and longitude (vertical sectors). Simply put, if the hint, for example, indicates the value 307.195 (Mysterios Island), we look for it in the third vertical column, starting from the left edge of the map. To get detailed information about the island, just hover over its icon. If the coordinate values ​​match, then the island where the treasure is buried is found. It remains only to find and dig out the treasure chest, referring to with hint pattern(keys and [F]). Treasure hunts can be postponed until later, after completing the main plot of the game, there will be plenty of time to walk the entire Caribbean up and down. Do not ignore the fast travel points, they help to overcome huge expanses of water in the blink of an eye. Awards for effort and patience money serves, and several achievements in the Uplay and STEAM systems.

The last three of the twenty-two treasures in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag are mined using cards delivered from abroad. Fleet management and mission selection is done through the navigation map in the captain's cabin on the Jackdaw (connection to Ubisoft servers is required). AT pirated versions there is no such possibility. Coordinates of sea convoys and treasure maps can be bought in taverns by paying the innkeeper 200 reais for information.

Location of treasure maps and buried chests in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag:

  1. Cape Bonavista() - the map lies on the corpse near the shore, not far from the place where the soldiers mocked the merchant Steed Bonnet. You can dig up a treasure in a grotto under a cliff (no need to return to the jungle).
    • Reward: 1500R.
  2. Havana() - the map lies on a corpse behind the cathedral, in the northern part of the city, next to the mixed goods shop. The treasure is hidden on the southern sandy shore, where the city wall begins, separating the city from the jungle (between the wall and the curved palm tree).
    • Reward: blueprint - figurehead from Queen Anne's Revenge, 3000R.
  3. Abaco Island() - the map lies on a corpse near a palm tree on the shore in the southwestern part of the island (visit according to the plot). The tooltip depicts the island of the Salt Lagoon, the treasure is buried near a large boulder in the northwestern part of the island. There is no said treasure on the island of Abaco, you can not look for it.
    • Reward: Blueprint - Serpent Figure, 3000R.
  4. Andreas Island() - the map lies on a corpse at the southern tip of the island (visit according to the plot). The buried chest is among the palm trees on the island of Abaco, to the side of the stern of a Spanish ship of the line that has run aground. The ship appears later, after the development of the game's plot.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  5. salt lagoon() - the map lies on a corpse off the northeast coast of the island (we visit it in the story). The treasure is buried behind a windmill on a cliff in the eastern part of New Bone Island. The island is guarded by a level 60 battleship.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  6. Mayaguana Island() - the card lies on a corpse in a stone passage in the center of the island. The treasure is hidden on a small island between palm trees in the southwestern part of Andreas Island.
    • Reward: blueprint - special harpoon, 3000R.
  7. Great Inagua() - the map lies on a corpse in a cave near the northwestern tip of the island. The entrance to the cave is above the beach. You need to run along the trunks of several fallen trees without going deep into the jungle. To see exactly where the path begins, look up. The treasure chest is buried in Nassau, north of the estate on the hill. We go down the path (as shown in the hint), before reaching the swamp, turn left, to the area with a flat boulder and a fallen tree.
    • Reward: blueprint - gray sails, 3000R.
  8. Tortuga() - the map lies on a corpse off the northeast coast of the island. The treasure is hidden in the jungle in the eastern part of Matanzas, in a niche between two Mayan steles, to which a path leads behind the warehouse.
    • Reward: blueprint - a special compartment for mortar cores, 3000R.
  9. cumberland bay() - the map lies on a corpse off the southeastern coast of the island, from where the Spanish battleship guarding the entrance to the harbor is clearly visible. The treasure is hidden in a clearing on the island of Pinos, between the main pyramid with a viewpoint and a large tree.
    • Reward: blueprint - Aquila helm, 3000R.
  10. Anotto Bay() - the card lies on a corpse in the flooded mines. To go underwater, you need a diving bell, which appears during the story. To swim to the room, you need to use the air pockets marked on the map. They will help replenish your air supply. A staircase will help you get out of the mines, which will lead directly to the ship from the last room where the smugglers will gather. The buried treasure chest is located in Principe, on a hill behind two towers next to the palisade, where story mission held the first group of hostages and from where Edward jumped, trying to catch up with the Sage.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  11. Petit Cavern() - the card lies on the corpse at the firing post in the western part of the grotto. Valuables are buried near an old tree on the coast of Tulum, next to the southern viewpoint.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  12. Ile-a-your() - the map lies on a corpse near the northwestern tip of the island. The treasure is hidden by a palm tree in the smugglers' cave on Igüey, not far from the fire and the boat.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  13. providencia() - the map lies on a corpse in the northern part of the island along the path behind Wade (according to the story in chapter 8). The treasure is buried under the palm trees next to two huts opposite the northern viewpoint on Long Bay.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  14. Mysterios() - the card lies on the corpse at the middle level of the destroyed Mayan pyramid in the center of the island (according to the plot in chapter 10). The chest with the treasure is hidden between three wooden boxes next to the wreck, behind all the ships in the bay in the eastern part of Kingston.
    • Reward: Blueprint - Ebony Steering Wheel, 3000R.
  15. Santanilla() - the card lies on the corpse behind the broken bow of the ship in the northern part of the island (according to the plot in chapter 10). The treasure rests in the tunnels under San Juan. As soon as Kenway emerges from under the water, after unexpected meeting with a moraine, and stumble upon a couple of smugglers, we rise to a wooden platform and take a step towards the exit near the ceiling, the inscription "Dig" will appear on the ground.
    • Reward: blueprint - special incendiary projectiles, 3000R.
  16. Corozal() - the card lies on a corpse near the fire on the northern side of the island. The jewels are hidden in a niche, in the corner to the left of the exit from the water tunnel with jellyfish and up to the stairs to the temple with smugglers, in the caves of Ambergris Key. For deep diving underwater, you need a diving bell, which appears during the course of the story.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  17. Ambergris Key() - the map lies on a corpse in a dead end, not far from the exit, on the upper level of the temple with smugglers. The wealth is hidden in a chest by the fountain behind the main Mayan temple, behind the vantage point, in the temple complex on Mysterios.
    • Reward: Blueprint - Special Heavy Cannonballs, 3000R.
  18. Cayman bay() - the map lies on a corpse in the northern part of the island. The valuables are hidden on the site next to the fire on the opposite bank from the ship in Petit Cavern, in the southwestern part of the grotto.
    • Reward: Blueprint - Bay for Special Heavy Cannonballs, 3000R.
  19. Pinos Island() - the map lies on a corpse under a fallen column in the temple complex in the northern part of the island. The chest with the treasure is located at the end of the coast in front of the last four palm trees in the northeastern part of Cayman Bay.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  20. () - we send ships to complete the task "Empty cellars" in the Eastern colonies of Britain through the captain's cabin. The trade route is unlocked after completing several quests in the British Southern Colonies and the Gulf of Mexico. The task completion time is 10 hours. If successful, the flotilla will bring a treasure map with them, which will indicate that the buried treasure is hidden on the sandy shore in the northern part of Cumberland Bay, just above and to the right of the only viewpoint.
    • Reward: 4000R.
  21. () - we send ships to complete the "Scarlet fever" mission to Eastern Canada through the captain's cabin. Time to complete the task 16 hours. If successful, the flotilla will bring with them a treasure map, which will indicate the location of a hidden treasure on the south coast of Providencia, buried between the palm trees behind the shipwreck. If you use the vantage point and immediately after fast moving look to the right, then the nearest island, with four palm trees near the water, will be the place you are looking for.
    • Reward: blueprint - a special compartment for incendiary shells, 3000R.
  22. () - we send ships to complete the task "Excellent reputation II" in the Mediterranean Sea through the captain's cabin. The time to complete the task is 24 hours. If successful, the flotilla will bring with them a treasure map, which will indicate the location of the hidden treasure in the smugglers' lair in the flooded mines of Anotto Bay; in the same room among the boxes in front of the stairs at the exit where the treasure map was found.
    • Reward: 4000R.