Command to teleport to the player. The main commands of the servers. Basic set of commands for players


(Note #1: Teleportation from the Nether (Hell) and the End is possible.)

  • /sethome- assign a home point (a place where you can teleport and where you will respawn after death).
  • /home- teleport to your point at home. The teleportation limit is 1 time per 60 seconds.
  • /spawn- teleportation to spawn.

Game currency.

  • /econ- find out your balance of game coins on the server.

Private territory, protection from griefers.

  • /region claim- secure the allocated area. The name of your 1st private as your nickname (Arkham), the 2nd as your nickname and "home" at the end (Arkhamhome).
  • /region flag<название_региона> <флаг>[meaning]- set the value of some flag (deny/allow/none or other) for a certain region. If you do not specify the value of the flag, then it will become the default.
  • /region-remove<название_региона>
    /region delete<название_региона>
    /region del<название_региона> - delete a region (only if you own it).
  • /region info<название_региона> - view information about the region (only if you are its owner or member).
  • /region addmember<название_региона> <ник_игрока> - add a member to the region (only if you are its owner).
  • /region removemember<название_региона> <ник_игрока>
    /region remmember<название_региона> <ник_игрока> - remove a member from the region (only if you are its owner).
Flags for regions.

(Note #1: in all commands/ regioncan be replaced with/rg}

  • /region flag<название_региона>pvp deny- disable PvP.
  • /region flag<название_региона>pvp allowance- Allow PvP.
  • /region flag<название_региона>creeper-explosion deny- disable creeper explosions.
  • /region flag<название_региона>creeper-explosion allow- allow creeper explosions.
  • /region flag<название_региона>tnt deny- prohibit the installation and explosion of dynamite.
  • /region flag<название_региона>tnt allow- allow the installation and explosion of dynamite.
  • /region flag<название_региона>chest access deny- Deny access to chests.
  • /region flag<название_региона>chest access allow- allow access to chests.
  • /region flag<название_региона>use deny- prohibit the use of levers and buttons.
  • /region flag<название_региона>use allow- allow the use of levers and buttons.
  • /region flag<название_региона>greeting [message]- set the message displayed when entering the region (greeting). If [message] is not written, it will be cleared.
  • /region flag<название_региона>farewell [message]- set the message displayed when leaving the region (farewell). If [message] is not written, it will be cleared.
  • /region flag<название_региона>lava flow deny- prevent lava from spilling.
  • /region flag<название_региона>lava flow allow- allow lava to spill.
  • /region flag<название_региона>water flow deny- prevent water from spilling.
  • /region flag<название_региона>water-flow allowance- allow water to spill.
  • /region flag<название_региона>fire-spread deny- stop the fire from spreading.
  • /region flag<название_региона>fire-spread allow- Allow the fire to spread.
  • /region flag<название_региона>enderman-grief deny- prohibit endermen from stealing and placing blocks.
  • /region flag<название_региона>enderman-grief allow- allow endermen to steal and place blocks.
Short commands to set multiple flags:
  • /flagoff<имя региона> - prohibit PvP, explosion of creepers and dynamite.
  • /flag<имя региона> - allow PvP, creeper explosion and dynamite.

Does not work

Chat management, "binds" (command-button binding).

black , darkgreen , darkblue , darkred , darkteal , purple , gold , gray , blue , green , teal , red ,pink , yellow , white (white).)
(Note #2:<тип>is bind, var, const, input, output, display, track, ignore.)
  • ~help- display help-menu with all available commands
  • ~clear- clear chat history.
  • ~stop- stop showing chat.
  • ~start- Resume the chat.
  • ~histcolor<цвет> - change the color of the chat history window.
  • ~histOpacity<прозрачность> - set the chat history window to a transparency value from 0 to 100 (the more, the more opaque).
  • ~bgColor<цвет> - change the color of the chat window.
  • ~bgOpacity<прозрачность> - set the chat window's transparency value from 0 to 100 (the more, the more opaque).
  • ~bind<клавиша> <сообщение> [\] - binding a message to a key. If you add "\" after the message, then the message can be edited before sending.
  • ~list<тип> - display the list of assigned<тип>, such as binds.
  • ~delete<тип> - delete assigned<тип>with this . To remove a bind, you need to specify<тип>bind and any key with a bind. For example, ~delete bind g
Private chests, tablets, doors, furnaces, hatches and distributors.

(Note #1: For the action of commands that work with the item (imposing/removing/modifying private, etc.), after entering the command, you need to click on the item with the left mouse button.)

  • /lwc- display help-menu with all available commands.
  • /lwc -c
    /lwc create- display help on the commands to create a private.
  • /lwc -m
    /lwc modify- display help on private change commands.
  • /lwc -u- display help on private access commands with a password.
  • /lwc -r- display help on private deletion commands.
  • /lwc limits- find out the current limit on the number of private items and the number of your active items with private.
  • /cprivate
    /lwc -c private- Protect the item with a private private.
  • /cpassword<пароль>
    /lwc -c password<пароль> - protect the item private with a password.
  • /cunlock<пароль>
    /lwc -u<пароль> - open an item with a password.
  • /cpublic
    /lwc -c public- protect the item with a public private.
  • /lwc -m [playername]- add a group or individual players to the private item. You can enter several nicknames in a row separated by a space. To add an item admin, add "@playername".
  • /lwc -m - -[playername]- remove a group or individual players from the private object. You can enter several nicknames in a row separated by a space. To remove an item's admin, add "player_nick".
  • /cinfo
    /lwc -i- display information about the private item.
  • /cremove
    /lwc -r protection- removal of private from the subject.
  • redstone (opening with levers and redstone), persist (auto-repeating a command once entered), autoclose (auto-closing the door after 3 seconds).

Other commands:

/feed - replenishes food

/repair all - repairs things

/fly - flight

/kit - lists available kits

/heal - replenishes life after a certain time

Minecraft is a game that has conquered millions of players around the world and by no means with graphics, but with its process. You need to survive in a world where evil spirits and other monsters appear at night, get food and create various items collecting resources for them. An incredible world in size: both up and underground, and into Hell itself - at least to all four cardinal points. Various biomes with a unique climate, animals that can be tamed. A creative mode in which you have the ability to create something incredible: invent and build a new building or recreate a cultural monument. And all this in a pixelated version with cubic blocks around. Simple, but that's the insanely interesting idea, embodied in 2011.

Are you fed up Single player game and you decide to conquer the world of Minecraft together with a friend. But what to do if such a situation happened: you scattered across different parts of the map and it is not possible to find each other in the usual way, and it is not possible to converge on the same coordinates?

Unlike the realities of our world, Minecraft has a built-in teleport feature that allows you to instantly be next to another player through simple manipulations.

We define the platform

First, determine the device you are playing on: PC, mobile app Minecraft Pocket Edition(PE) or console, because depending on this, the methods vary. They will be presented below in the same order:

Method for computer

It is important to remember that this command is activated, which means that there are a number of conditions for its implementation.

These conditions are:

  • you play on the Internet and have administrator or moderator permission on the server;
  • the game is played on local network and launched with cheat support;
  • cheats are also activated in single player mode.

But the last case is not on our topic.

Next, you decide where you want to move, or rather, specify the nickname of the other player. Then open a dialog box (generally on the keyboard it is the Latin letter "T" or simply /) and write the command / tp Player Nick. The companion must confirm the move by typing /tpaccept.

In case you are on open server, then you have the right to ask any of the players for permission to move to it. It works in a similar way to
described in the local network: you write the /cell Nickname command. When teleportation is approved, the player writes the /tpaccept command in the same way, immediately after which you move.

Also, the server allows you to determine any place for your home, which means that with a certain set of commands, you will automatically move to this pre-prepared point.

This requires only two steps:

  • you choose the place you like and use the /sethome command in the dialog box;
  • now, any time you need to be at that point again, all you have to do is write down /home and you will be moved to your "home".

There is another option for teleporting, when you decide to move not yourself, but someone else to another player. Most often this will be useful when playing on a local network in order, for example, to play a trick on your friends. There was one next to you, and you send it to another player. This command is similar to the previous ones: /tp "whom" to "to whom". Perhaps you will find other uses that you will appreciate.

Moving to the player in Minecraft PE

The regular mobile app does not allow you to teleport in the game, so you will need to download an add-on that gives you the right to edit Pocket Edition. But, unfortunately, this method is not active in a multiplayer game, because it is only feasible in single player mode. In the world settings, you can manually set the coordinate location of your player, which will allow you to be in a pre-desired location or any other the next time you start the world.

Console teleportation method

When creating a new world on the console, you need to add an item such as "server privileges" in the settings. This will allow you to use special functions during the game, which include teleport. When this point is completed, you can start playing.

And now, there is a need to move: to do this, you open the settings in the game itself (depending on the platform, this is either the “back” or “start” button) and find the list of players. In the same window, you select the section " additional features". This will allow in the future to perform one of two operations: “move to the player” or “move to yourself”.

When making a decision, teleportation is carried out instantly, which means that the task is completed.

Minecraft is a game in which you can not only build. On our server you can feel all the charm of Minecraft, because in it you have unlimited possibilities not only for construction, but also for trade, power, money.
Many beginners are faced with the problem of not knowing the commands in Minecraft. And by the way, knowing minecraft teams, you can increase the enjoyment of the game hundreds of times. With their help, you can:
  • privatize territory and plant flags;
  • fly;
  • to chat;
  • buy and sell things;
  • teleport and more!
Minecraft Commands to set and remove a home point, teleport to spawn and warps: /spawn - teleportation to spawn. /sethome point_name - setting the point of the house. /home point_name - teleportationhome. /delhome point_name- delete the point of the house. /warp- list of all available warps. /warp name- teleport to your chosen warp. /warp create point_name- setting a warp point on your territory.
Minecraft Commands for Buying Experience and Enchanting (/ee - more info) /ee - list of all available commands. /ee list- List of all item enchantments./ee char level - enchant an item in hand to the selected spell and to the selected level./ee cost enchant level - check the required level of experience to enchant an item./ee remove enchantment - remove the enchantment from the subject./ee combos - a list of full enchantments for items./ee combo full_enchant_from_list (/ee combos) - Enchant an item for a full enchantment./expbuy 100 - Purchase 100 experience points for in-game currency. Experience points and experience level are two different things. When you purchase 1000 experience points, you get level 32. The higher the level, the more experience points are required to get +1 level.

Money-related Minecraft commands: /money help - displays the entire list of commands related to finance./money - show the amount of your money./money pay nick number - transfer a certain amount of money to the player.
Minecraft commands to teleport to other players: /tpa playername or /call player_nick- send a request for teleportation. /tpaccept -accept a teleportation request. /tpdeny- Reject the request to teleport.
Minecraft commands for issuing kits (/kit): /kit - list of available whales./kit name - get the selected whale.
Interesting Minecraft commands: /eat or /feed - replenish hunger. /hat - put on the head the block that you hold in your hand./top - teleport to the topmost block, which is above your head./fly - the ability to fly, hovering in the air. /motd- information that appears when entering the server. /rules- server rules. /endersee or /enderchest- open a virtual ender chest. /ignore- list of ignored users. /ignore player_nick- ignore the player. /unignore player_nick- stop ignoring the player. /jump- jump on the block you are looking at. /near- check the surrounding area around. /iinfo- get information about the subject in hand. /cart all- get things bought in the LC. /workbench- open a virtual workbench.
Minecraft commands to communicate with players: /mail - list of all possible commands. /msg playername message- write a personal message to the player. /r message- Reply to the last private message./mail read - read all letters./mail clear - delete all emails./mail send player_name message - write a letter to the player.
Minecraft commands to change mob type in spawner: /spawner mob - change the mob in the spawner, looking directly at it. Allowed list of mobs:
chicken (chicken) cow (cow)
mooshroom (mushroom cow)
ocelot (wild cat)
pig (pig)
sheep (sheep)
enderman (enderman)
wolf (wolf)
zombie (zombie)
pigzombie (pig zombie)
spider (spider)
cavespider (poisonous spider)
skeleton (skeleton)

Good afternoon. Today we will talk about a very useful and interesting server plugin for minecraft. To be more precise, I will tell you how to teleport to a friend in minecraft.

How to quickly get to a friend in minecraft

You already know that different plugins are created for servers in the game that add different teams and opportunities. One of these is teleport. And if in other games the teleport is not available to everyone, then in our favorite game we can calmly register a command and quickly get to your friend.

But there is one feature. Admins using the "/tp" command do not have to wait for the player's confirmation. That is, they can freely teleport to anyone. Ordinary players, after they write "/call player nickname", will have to wait for confirmation of the teleport request.

I already talked about how to install the plugin on my server in my other article. If you are interested, then you can go to the forum of our portal and find it. There you can also find the answer to any question you are interested in, as well as ask your own and our editors will be happy to answer it.

Today I told you about the teleport in the game. There was a sailor with you. Until we meet again on our portal, as well as enjoy the game!

Any player on Squareland project can use a number of commands. In order not to get confused, they are divided into several categories: private, teleportation, trade and others.

To get the full arsenal of possibilities, it is advisable to study the Minecraft commands on the server for players. They facilitate interaction with the outside world, provide protection for buildings, allow you to trade, and help you familiarize yourself with the rules and capabilities of the project. Chat turns on the English key T. The command is entered in the format /team. Separated by commas are various spelling variations.

Basic set of commands for players

  • /info- General information.
  • /rules- Display the code of laws of the server.
  • /motd- Display daily messages.
  • /list, /online, /who, /playerlist- Show list of players online.
  • /afk- Report absence.
  • /compass- Indicates in which direction the player is moving.
  • /near, /nearby[distance] - Display a list of nearby people.
  • /getpos[nickname] - Displays the location of the player.
  • /ignore[nickname] - The command includes ignore.
  • /me[text] - Displays an informational message, adding a nickname to the beginning.
  • /msg, /tell, /m, /whisper[nickname] [text] - Lichka.
  • /r, /reply[text] - Quick response.
  • /seen[nickname] - Find out the time of the last online.
  • /whois[nickname] - The command will display information about the character.
  • /nick[nick] - Change the display of nicknames.
  • /mail[nickname] [message_text] - Will deliver the message via mail. read- Read, clear- Clear, send- Sending.
  • /suicide- Suicide.

Private in Minecraft

  • //wand- Obtain an ax from a tree used in the allocation of territory. paintwork- First point. PKM- The second point. So players can select a whole cube with blocks in which others are forbidden to build.
  • /region claim[Text] - Creation of a private territory with a name after the completion of the demarcation operation.
  • /region addon[Name] [Nickname] - Secure the land to the player.
  • /region removeowner[Name] [Nickname] - Deprive ownership rights.
  • /region addmember[Name] [Nickname] - Command to add a player to the region.
  • /region removemember[Name] [Nickname] - Kick the player.
  • /region select[Name] - Select a territory.
  • /region info[Name] - Basic information about the region.
  • /region-remove[Name] - Remove region.
  • /cprivate[Names of players who should have access] - Set protection on hatches, distributors, chests, doors in the selected region.
  • /cmodify[nickname] - The Minecraft command allows you to open access to items to the specified player.
  • /cpassword[Your password] - Activate the password for the above.
  • /cunlock- Open a password-protected item.
  • /cremove- Deactivate protection and remove the password from the item.


  • /setspawn[group] - Choose a place to spawn.
  • /spawn- Teleport to spawn.
  • /back, /return- Return to the last teleportation point.
  • /sethome[name] - Establishing a teleport home.
  • /home[Nickname] [name] - Teleportation to home teleport.
  • /delhome, /remhome, /rmhome[name] - Remove home teleport.
  • /createwarp, /setwarp[name_warp "a] - Creation of a teleportation site.
  • /delwarp, /remwarp, /rmwarp[name_warp "a] - Removing the teleportation place.
  • /warp[name_warp"a] [name] - Teleport to the specified location.
  • / world[name] - Teleportation to another world.
  • /j, /jump- Teleportation to the place indicated by the sight.
  • /top- Team teleportation to the top of the highest buildings in Minecraft.
  • /tp[Nickname1] [Nickname2], /tp [Nickname to whom tp] - Move to the desired player.
  • /tpa, /call[Nickname to whom tp] - Accepting consent to move.
  • /tpaccept, /tpyes[Nickname] - Confirmation of consent to move.
  • /tpdeny, /tpno- Refusal of consent to move.
  • /tpahere, /tphere, /s[Nickname] - Minecraft command to move a certain player.
  • /tpall[Nicknames] - Move multiple characters.
  • /tppos[x] [y] [z] - Teleport everyone by coordinates.
  • /tpo[nickname] - Move to the character.


  • /balance, /bal, /money[Nickname] - View the amount of money.
  • /balancetop, /baltop[Number] - Get to know the names of the richest people on the server.
  • /eco, /economy[Nickname] [Number] - Depending on the team: give- Give the player money, take- Take money from the character, reset- Bankrupt a character.
  • /pay[Nickname] [Cost] - Pay the character with money.
  • /sell[Quantity], /sell - Sell: hand- Sell everything from the quickbar slot (keys 1-9), inventory- Sale of all Minecraft items and blocks from the inventory, blocks- Sale of all blocks from the inventory.
  • /setworth[Cost] - Set the cost.
  • / worth[Quantity] - Find out the cost of the item.