Quests given by atilla. The story of the beautiful Isabella - corsairs gpk passage - catalog of articles - corsairs. Return to Bermuda

But you were created as an angel of new life;
Your spring led us to the dreams of the earthly path.

Why did I sail to San Juan? Why did he order the navigator a month ago to head for the island cursed by God and Satan? For the sake of what feats did he hide the flag of the English king, soaked in salt and wind, at the bottom of the chest, and then raise another, Spanish, with his own hands?

For gold and jewels, right? The dishonest companion laughed heartily at Attila and the laws of pirate honor, and I, not at all involved in that story, undertook... around the finger, humiliated and disgraced!

Yes, that's right, disgraced. After all, Salvator, according to my friend, married an amazingly beautiful woman. I, the captain of the Bad Joke, was always good-looking and attracted languid glances. What could be more shameful for a man than the role of a ridiculed cuckold? Especially for a respected Spaniard? These red and yellow pigs thrash about their reputation as virgins before they get married!

I yearned to take righteous revenge by making his wife Isabella a laughing stock... And I did. But not revenge, but tens, hundreds, whole thousands of mistakes that do not know forgiveness, the last of which were the words of love stuck across the throat.

The ship hired by Salvator is doomed and begins listing to starboard. Isabella, the only one in the series of women I have known who is worthy of passionate and enthusiastic worship, has chosen her own fate. Her body, wrapped in the velvet of a scarlet dress, burns over the gray blue of the sea, like a bright flash of flame, and it is impossible to look away.

I, who threw everything on the playing board - from my own ship to life! - I can neither turn away nor look at the end of the crappy mixed farce, at the last pages of the beautiful Isabella's story.

Do I remember the day I first set foot on the ship's gangplank? Yes, then, on the coastline of England, covered with a veil of fog, a joyless gray rain poured down.

He could not take a step without slipping, he amused the sailors with the awkwardness of a native of the land - the deck walking from side to side threatened to overturn his face in front of the chuckling captain, whose jokes turned out to be as salty and dirty as a gray shirt open at the chest.

Do I remember the day when, as an inept youth, I found myself in the arms of a woman? Drunk, barely able to keep her balance, unrestrained in sinful intimacy, interrupted her breath by the sour-tart smells of wine and sweat? Foggy and unsteady, like the lands of distant Albion.

Do I remember the day when, deaf from screams and ringing, I impaled a pirate on the blade? In an instant, a face whitened with death throes, wide-open gaps in the eyes, a frightening darkness of a glassy look? ..

No matter how fresh these memories may seem now, over the years they are doomed to fade, wear out, like the spine of a book read more than once. The law that enforces forgetting is supposed to save mortals from pain, the burden of disappointment, or a missed chance to achieve more. From tormenting regrets, excessive joy, a deceptive illusion of boundless and achieved happiness.

The story of the beautiful Isabella will remain among the written pages even when everything else shatters, gets wet from the generous handfuls of spray brought by the carelessly daring Caribbean wind. For there is no happiness, no joy, no disappointment, no pain. The wet carving of the bulwark creaks in the grip of clenched fingers, before the eyes the scarlet-crimson flash of a richly decorated dress, disappearing into the superstructure of a sinking ship.

Pain, disappointment, anger and cowardly pity for one's own grief, awareness of the loss experienced and brought to trembling in the hands will come as soon as smooth waves foam over the masts.

Below, in the captain's cabin, is the ship's log. In it, with the measured and almost Jewish meticulousness of a born merchant, I noted ship expenses, watches, commodity prices, visits to English cities, landings on the coast of a hostile Maine.

The end of the battle, the tacking of the Cruel Joke and the shaking blows of the gun salvos from the mast to the bottom, probably threw him from the table to the floor, flung open a random page and ruthlessly crushed the rest. With bold simplicity, they tell about Attila, Salvatore, jewelry and a woman first seen within the walls of the church of San Juan. In a place that praises the heavens, which are now preparing to receive her immortal soul.

I remember every line verbatim, because I reread them so often in separation.

Damn me if I don't get the treasure that Salvator stole! But how to get into the house? It would be nice to make friends with the owners in order to freely enter the chambers of his wife. Hmm, I can only wish that Don Salvator himself would be away - that would make things a lot easier. However, first you need to find their home?

Don Salvator seems to be having a hard time with money. Very strange. Was it just me, or did Isabella's eyes really flash something more than simple gratitude?

Why did I sail to San Juan? Oh, yes, Atilla's jewels, I completely forgot about them ... But what about them - I forgot about everything in the world, as soon as I saw this delightful woman. What happened with me? I am ready to rush even to the ends of the world to get her favor ...
I think a storm drove the brig Five Wounds of Christ into some harbor. He may have had to return to Cumana.

I found the captain of the Five Wounds of Christ brig. The ship was really damaged in the storm, and I arranged to meet Miguel de Valdes at the port and take him to his sister. Don Miguel aboard my ship. I'm on my way to San Juan to see the beautiful Isabella and get the promised smile!

Then it all started in a frenzied whirlwind of half-mad dreams: an invitation to a family dinner, which I willingly accepted, a quarrel caught between Miguel de Valdez and Salvator, thrown in the heat of the moment: “You, rascal, married my sister to ruin our father! And now he's dead! My heart failed when I found out that your bills are counterfeit! I'll tell everyone to know the truth! Take you…”, Salvator’s nod is a signal to his helpers standing nearby.

Back then, I had little idea of ​​what was going on. It suddenly turned out that the affairs of the fabulously rich Salvator were going to the Underworld, the family was so mired in debt that even the familiar shopkeepers shrugged their shoulders at the sight of the seigneur, her husband is a thief, a deceiver and a murderer who took the remnants of a rich inheritance into his hands. Only later, running away from San Juan, did I manage to weave together many small threads, but on that memorable evening I could only draw my sword and not have time to protect Miguel.

I only miraculously managed to escape. Isabella didn't know. She, locked in the walls of the bedroom and trying to pacify the tormenting pain with tears, could not find any reason to find a deceit in what her eyes showed: Salvator returned, staggering and pinching his cut shoulder, choking with blood and living out his last moments, Miguel lay on the cobblestones of the pavement, and far away beyond the deck of the pier, the Cruel Joke cowardly raised her sails.

I sailed to San Juan for the promised smile, and having found the gift, forever lost the one who gave it.

It would seem that this is the end of the sad story of recklessly ardent love? Yes, it was worth understanding and retreating, not going, not interfering, getting drunk and indulging in love in the arms of a nameless girl who had taken root on the ship!

But I was brave, laughed and still did not lose hope one day to return what was lost. Months later, I learned from Atilla's scammers about how my beloved had secretly left the city on Salvator's ship, did not hesitate for a minute, put a sweeping ink cross on profitable long-term deals and headed for the "Enthusiastic" lost in the azure sea fog.

“Forget about harbors, rum and whores, dog children! Catch up! - probably, the hourly spoken words are still heard by every sailor who came across on deck. - Squeeze everything you can out of the "Joke"! Catch up! I swear by the Devil, I will shoot the first one who lowers his hands!

The “joke” was almost flying, but the sea demons were already angrily grinning after her. Sailors whispered, officers shook their heads, and only I did not hear the obvious "Doomed."

We met today aboard the Rapture. His captain, coughing and spitting out thick dark red blood on his chin, had not yet had time to calm down completely when a fiery red dress appeared in the semi-darkness of the cabin.

How was the meeting presented to the hero who defended the lady of the heart? The beautiful Isabella, weeping and frightened, throws herself on my chest. I soothe with soft speeches, warm with a loving look, and she, languidly-eyed, unsteadily steps on the deck of the "Evil Jest". We will become lovers, then spouses, Salvator will find retribution. Sorrows and losses will disappear with the birth of an heir, who will be presented to me by a loving wife, her face and her affectionate, but adamant in her desires gaze will make her involuntarily forget about other women.

The demons laughed, the Sea Devil called for a visit, and the only thing that will carry the memory through the years is the folds of the dress, squeezed by well-groomed fingers, white-gray on wine-colored velvet.

Isabella did not move, neither when I stepped over the body shaking with agony, nor when I shook the bloody sword, spattering the floorboards with purple, nor when I called out to her quietly and terribly, suddenly frightened by the silence that overtook.

The battle ended, the cries that drowned out the cannonade of the rifles ceased, and somewhere on the bridge a dying man howled muffledly and plaintively. "Enthusiastic" leaned noticeably to the right - the captain's legs, accustomed to the dance of the waves and the deck, could not confuse the roll of the ship that had gone to the bottom.

Killer, - a single word managed to exhale whitened lips, but it completed everything.

Whatever hasty and affectionate assurances you picked up, hoping to open the casket of truth before your dark eyes, you saw only lies, deceit and the man who ended Miguel's life. I don’t know what that vile fox Salvatore managed to weave, but in the art of covering up the traces of truth, he surpassed many! You, who once swore before the church altar to remain forever faithful, believed him wholeheartedly! And he betrayed, convinced of the unthinkable rightness! My words, crazy, lost their meaning!

I would even go down to Hell if you stretched out your hand and whispered: "Let's go."

For all sorts of arguments, there was a faintly desperate "Killer!", For the only thing that could be responsible for the honesty of the words spoken was a feeling that you had not heard a word about in San Juan. Here - on a sinking ship, among the dead and dying, in front of a man with a drawn saber, just a day's journey from the imaginary love and intercession of her husband - someone else's warmth could not melt the ice that bound the lips, hearing and undividedly devoted woman's heart.

I was silent, for the impossibility of conveying the truth shook me more than thunder. Isabella did not hide her eyes, she looked fascinated and, it seemed, could stagger at any moment. However, further words, plucked from the cold captivity, caught me by surprise:

Get away! - first in a whisper, and then louder she said, throwing off the fetters of confusion and fear. - Go away, Captain Yang.

I could not understand the meaning for a painfully long time, the ship was still pulled down and to the side, shouts thundered from above with revolver shots: “Captain, hurry up! The brig is sinking!"

Leave my husband's ship," the voice sounded more firmly when Isabella didn't wait for an answer. “I will stay here and accept the death that the Lord has prepared for me.

And when, in a desperate attempt to hold her, he extended his hand to her, the woman recoiled, burst into hysterical, timid laughter, turning everything inside and squeezing her heart like a steel hoop.

For the beautiful Isabella, whom I loved and after whom I rushed through a third of the free world, today went crazy.

Why did I sail to San Juan? I probably don't know myself. Attila has lost the jewels he longed for, the fearless captain of the "Bad Joke" has lost love and peaceful sleep, has turned into a hound dog who has no rest as long as Salvator lives and breathes.

Too many bad things fell on you then - the ruin of your beloved husband, the death of your father, the death of your brother at the hands of a new-found friend-captain, a secret escape and, as a conclusion worthy only of romantic delirium, the sails of the "Bad Joke" on the horizon, cannon fire and heart-rending cries of the perishing. Finally, I and the last terrible blow: Salvator lied to you, Isabella, all his life.

I didn’t have the strength and firmness to step through your order, take me to the ship by force and violate my dying will another Isabella, brave and sensible. All the more I missed them to leave and let the distraught choke on salty sea water.

When the accursed ship sinks, the enlightened spirit will be able to see the truth behind the haze of unspoken words. Perhaps you, carried away by the voices of heavenly angels, will beg for the right to linger and, with belated tenderness, put your hands on the shoulders of a person who could love more than life, weightlessly touch your lips with your lips, and only then disappear forever in the purest azure of noon.

Without seeing, I will be able to feel the unearthly lightness of your body and find hope one day to forget the terrible heaviness of another, dead, hot hands with blood and bent in mortal agony.

Perhaps you will forgive the fact that the hands of the sailor and the warrior trembled as they struck. Sometimes, being unable to save, we must kill: in this way we protect our loved ones from pain and sorrows that are many times greater than those already experienced.

... They say that drowned in the sea come to the Sea Devil; men join the dead brotherhood of his ship (according to the drinkers from the port taverns, it was certainly sunk and owned by a pirate captain), women warm a bed of algae, skulls and shells to the cold demon of the waters. If the drunken rumor does not lie, he - the bastard of fate, who stretched out his hand to someone else's beloved, can only rush about in furious clouding and anger.

“May the Lord accept you, beloved, for the gates of divinely bright Paradise,” the lips repeat endlessly, until the crimson-fiery flash of a velvet dress that I dreamed of completely disappears, “and may He keep your soul forever.”

Amen! - Echoes repeat the sailors shifting behind and this deaf, discordant chorus returns noise to the world: the splashing of the waves, the creaking of sails, the moaning blasphemy of the wounded.

The world, gifted with colors, sounds and the smell of gunpowder soaked in blood, comes to life anew, calling to avenge its loss, and it retreats into the darkness of impenetrable eternal.

May the Lord accept you, beloved, for the gates of the divinely bright Paradise and may He keep your soul until eternity or forever - at the hour of the universal Last Judgment, perhaps we will see each other again.

I, an English pirate, will pray for this, like others - for Forgiveness and atonement for my most terrible sins, and until now I will keep in my heart every syllable of the story of the beautiful Isabela and the melting misty-unsteady velvet, red-crimson, like a sunset horizon engulfed in fire.

Until eternity or forever, but I will still wait.


And the day will come, and one day everything will become clear to you again;
And the day will come, and we will say to ourselves: "Aspirations are not in vain."

How to take the quest

On the island of Bermuda in the settlement of pirates we meet Attila (Negro). This character himself must find the Main Hero and talk to him. From Attila's story, we learn that his former companion, named Salvator, stole their common booty. Little is known about Salvatore. He married a noble girl and lives on the island of Puerto Rico in the city of San Juan.

San Juan

We go to the island of Puerto Rico to the specified city. We head to the church, talk to the priest. From a conversation Main character learns that Don Salvatore's wife, Isabella, is a decent woman and goes to church regularly. Then we head to visit Don Salvator himself and his wife Isabella. Salvator's house is located near the governor's residence. From the pier, go straight at the crossroads, turn left and find Isabella's house. Meet Don Salvatore. From the conversation, the Protagonist learns that Salvator was a corsair in the past, and a very successful one at that. We go up the stairs, get acquainted with Isabella. In a conversation with her, do not say that you and Salvatore are friends, and be kind and courteous. After this conversation, we head to the store. There we become witnesses of the conversation between Isabella and the seller. It turns out that Salvator has debts to the owner of the shop. We pay our debts and get the location of a beautiful lady. Then we head to the church. There we meet with Isabella, who makes an appointment for us at her house. We arrive at the appointed time. Isabella tells us that the ship called "Five Wounds of Christ", on which her brother, Don Miguel de Valdes is supposed to sail, is delayed in Cuman. We offer help.


Cumana is located in the lower left corner of the map on East Main, near the island of Trinidad and Tobago. We arrive in Cumana and go to the tavern. We talk with the innkeeper. There are two options here:
1) The innkeeper points us to the captain desired ship. The captain sits at a table in a tavern.
2) The innkeeper tells the Protagonist that the captain recently left the tavern for the city. We leave the tavern, we ask any inhabitant about the captain of the ship "Five Wounds of Christ". The resident says that the captain just left for the tavern. We stomp there.
We talk with the captain. He reports that his ship is caught in a storm and cannot sail, and his passenger is in a hurry. We offer our services. At the port, Don Miguel de Valdes will approach us and join us as a passenger. We're heading back to San Juan.

Fake bills

In San Juan we go to the house of Don Salvator. There we see a meeting of brother and sister. From their conversation, it becomes clear to the Main Hero that Isabella's father has died, and an unknown swindler has robbed him. We talk with Isabella, and she invites us to visit her in the evening. We arrive at the appointed time and witness the exposure of Salvator by Don Miguel, Isabella's brother. It turns out that Don Salvator is the swindler who robbed Isabella's father. Isabella's brother dies at the hands of her husband. Salvatore is in hiding. We kill the bandits and search the corpses. When searching Don Miguel, we find a fake bill. Important: if you do not have time to search the corpse of Isabella's brother (while you are fighting the bandits, the corpse disappears), then search it immediately before the fight with the bandits. After the bandits are killed and the bill is found, two options are possible
1) We sail to Attila.
2) We go into Salvatore's house, talk to him. Salvatore accuses the Protagonist of killing Isabella's brother. Spanish officers appear in the house. The main character has to kill them. After that, Spain becomes hostile to the Protagonist. How to get out, decide for yourself.
So, regardless of the option chosen, we sail to Bermuda to Attila.

Return to Bermuda

Upon returning to Bermuda, we go to the tavern and ask the innkeeper about Attila. He bought himself a room, which is located next to the tavern (a house with a side staircase, a room at the end of this staircase). We talk with Attila, who promises to make inquiries about the whereabouts of Salvator. You need to return to him in two months. After this event, an entry appears in the log. The main character is advised to sneak into Isabella's house again. Again, there are two options here:
1) Ignore advice. Don't swim in San Juan.
2) Still go to San Juan. You will find out for yourself what awaits you in Isabella's house, but useful information from this trip you will not get.

Trap for Isabella

So, two months have passed, we go to Attila. Attila informs us that Salvatore managed to arrange the removal of Isabella from San Juan to Porto Bello. Isabella traveled to Porto Bello in the brig Enthusiastic. You can catch up with this ship only in 15-16 days. Tip: if you do not have time to swim to Porto Bello on global map within the specified time - swim part of the way (or all the way) on the combat map. Make the maximum acceleration of time, and you will quickly cover part of the path. Off the coast of Porto Bello we meet with the brig "Enthusiastic". Be sure to board the ship, kill the captain, talk to Isabella. We prove our innocence to her by presenting a fake bill. Isabella asks to be taken to Belize to her cousin Fernandez. We agree. But if we are not far from Porto Bello, then we must try to find Salvator in this city. We landed in Porto Bello. We look at all residential buildings. In one of the houses we meet Salvatore's mercenaries. We kill them. Isabella finds us and the Protagonist tells her that Salvator wanted to kill her too. We leave for Belize (the northernmost city of Western Maine). We find our cousin's house in the city and leave our companion there. Now we need to return to Atilla in Bermuda.

In pursuit of Salvator

Attila will tell the Main Character that Salvator has gone to Belize. We return to Belize. We go to the cousin, who reports that Isabella disappeared yesterday along with her maid. We find a dead maid outside the city, at the gate. We are looking for a cave in the vicinity (abandoned mine inside). We find Isabella under the protection of one bandit. We kill him. We talk with Isabella. Salvator returns. After a dialogue with Salvatore, we kill him. We search Salvatore and find from him: 300,000 - 350,000 thousand gold, several totems, rattles, 30 silver, 100 gold bars. We return to the city and talk with Isabella. She accepts the marriage proposal on the condition that the Protagonist quit his privateering. In a month she will be waiting for us in San Juan.


We return to Isabella in San Juan in at least a month. She appoints the day of the wedding - tomorrow morning. We come the next day to the church and begin the wedding ceremony. After the wedding, assassins enter the church. Salvatore paid them to kill Isabella, and they intend to fulfill the order. We protect our spouse. We talk with Isabella and go to the governor of San Juan to clarify the incident in the church.

And finally

Now the Protagonist has marital obligations and, accordingly, rights. Regularly provide your spouse with money and give gifts. Isabella can get angry because of a sunken or captured ship, but I generally keep quiet about the fort. A cousin will help you reconcile. But know the measure.

When you are in Bermuda, then go to the pirates' lair and find Attila there. After you talk to him, you will find out that his former partner Salvator robbed him. This scoundrel married a girl living on the island of Puerto Rico in the city of San Juan.

San Juan

Run to the ship and go to the shores of Puerto Rico. After you get to the desired city, go to the church and chat with the padre. So you learn that Salvatore's wife's name is Isabella and she regularly attends church. Hurry up and visit them. Head towards the crossroads and then turn left. Once inside the house, talk to Salvatore and find out that he was once a successful pirate. Continue through the game Corsairs: Return of the Legend and go upstairs to chat with Isabella. Just do not try to say that you are on friendly terms with her husband. After the conversation, you can go to the store.

Once there, eavesdrop on the conversation between Isabella and the shopkeeper. It turns out that Salvatore has debts to the owner of this store. Be sure to pay him off and enlist the support of a nice lady. Go to the church and meet Isabella again. You need to come to her house at a certain time. Talk to her to find out about her brother, who has not yet sailed. He is on the ship "Five Wounds of Christ" and should have sailed for a long time, but unknown reasons he is not


Now, in the passage of this task in the game Corsairs: The Return of the Legend, you need to go to Trinidad and Tobago. Before reaching it, anchor off the coast of Cumana. Disembark and go to the tavern to chat with its owner. Now there can be two scenarios:

1) The owner of the tavern will point you to the captain of the desired ship, who is sitting his pants at the next table.

2) The innkeeper will tell you that the captain recently left the tavern and headed for the city. Hurry to leave the tavern and ask one of the locals about this man. So you will know that he just went to the tavern. Run there and talk to the captain. It turns out that his ship is caught in a storm and cannot sail. He has one citizen on board who urgently needs to leave. Offer help and head to the port. There you will meet Don Miguel de Valdes, who needs to be transported. Move back to San Juan.

Counterfeit bills

Once in the city, head to the Salvatore house to deliver your passenger there. Then, in the passage of this task in the game Corsairs: The Return of the Legend, you need to eavesdrop on the conversation of the family in order to find out that one swindler robbed him. Approach Isabella and talk to her. She will invite you to return to them in the evening. Take your time and come. As soon as you cross the threshold of the house, you will see how Miguel exposed Salvatore. It turns out that he robbed his wife's father.

Salvatore gets angry and immediately sews Miguel, and he himself will carry his legs in an unknown direction. After you deal with the bandits, search their bodies and take the counterfeit bill. Then you can do one of the following:

1) Head to Atilla;
2) Return to Salvatore's house and chat with him. He will blame the murder of Isabella's brother on you. After a few seconds, Spanish officers will come to the house, and you will need to eliminate them. Once you do this, Spain will consider you an enemy.

The choice needs to be made by you. I would just go back to Attila, who's waiting in Bermuda.


Head to the local tavern and ask the owner about Attila. It turns out that he acquired one of the rooms located next to the tavern. Continue through Corsairs: Return of the Legend and find Attila. After talking with him, he will promise that he will definitely find out where Salvatore is. He will also ask you to visit him in 2 months. After you open the journal, you will find a message in it that says that you should go to Isabella's house. You can do it in two ways:

1) Not to travel to San Juan to visit Isabella;
2) Go to San Juan and find Isabella. However, I do not advise, because nothing good will come of it.

Trap for Isabella

After two months, head to Attila and talk to him. He will say that Salvatore organized the removal of Isabella to Porto Bello. She sails there on the brig "Enthusiastic". You can overtake this ship in 15-16 days. But if you don’t have time to be there on time, it’s better to open battle map and navigate it using the maximum time acceleration.

In the further passage of this task in the game Corsairs: The Return of the Legend, you will encounter a brig. Try to board him and eliminate the captain. Then find and talk to Isabella to convince her that you didn't kill her brother. This can be done with a counterfeit bill. After a while, the lady will ask to be transported to Belize, where her cousin Fernandez lives. Agree and take Isabella there. Take the opportunity and look for Salvator in this village.

You need to inspect all residential buildings in order to find Salvatore's accomplices in one of them. Deal with them. After that, Isabella will look for you. Be sure to tell her that her husband wanted to kill her too. Then head for Belize and disembark. There, find Cousin Isabella's house and take her there. Hurry back to Bermuda to speak with Attila.

Chasing Salvatore

Now in the walkthrough of Corsairs: Return of the Legend, Attila will tell you that Salvator is now heading to Belize. Hurry up there and find the cousin. After talking with her, it turns out that Isabella left the house yesterday with her servants. Go in search of her. When you find yourself outside the city, you will find the lifeless body of a maid. Go into the cave and find Isabella there, who is under the sight of one of the bandits.

Come and talk to her. After a while, Salvator will return. Chat with him, and then kill him. Search his body and take 300,000 gold. You can return to the city and talk to Isabella again. She will say that she will marry you if you stop being a privateer. Beloved will be waiting for an answer within a month in San Juan.


Wait for the right time and return to San Juan. Find Isabella and talk to her. She will say that the wedding is scheduled for tomorrow morning. In the further passage of this task in the game Corsairs: The Return of the Legend, you need to go to the church where the wedding is to take place. However, at the end of the ceremony, Salvatore's mercenaries will appear, with whom he had previously paid for the murder of his wife. Protect your spouse and then talk to her. After that, you can go to the governor of San Juan and tell about the incident that occurred in the church.

In the section on the question Corsairs city lost ships. given by the author Insufficient salting the best answer is taken from
Trap for Isabella
So, two months have passed, we go to Attila. Attila informs us that Salvatore managed to arrange the removal of Isabella from San Juan to Porto Bello. Isabella traveled to Porto Bello in the brig Enthusiastic. You can catch up with this ship only in 15-16 days. Tip: if you do not have time to swim to Porto Bello on the global map within the specified time, swim part of the way (or all the way) on the combat map. Make the maximum acceleration of time, and you will quickly cover part of the path. Off the coast of Porto Bello we meet with the brig "Enthusiastic". Be sure to board the ship, kill the captain, talk to Isabella. We prove our innocence to her by presenting a fake bill. Isabella asks to be taken to Belize to her cousin Fernandez. We agree. But if we are not far from Porto Bello, then we must try to find Salvator in this city. We landed in Porto Bello. We look at all residential buildings. In one of the houses we meet Salvatore's mercenaries. We kill them. Isabella finds us and the Protagonist tells her that Salvator wanted to kill her too. We leave for Belize (the northernmost city of Western Maine). We find our cousin's house in the city and leave our companion there. Now we need to return to Atilla in Bermuda.
This means a bug, I myself have a fully patched + neo-off patches - sometimes bugs fall out (((