Global map for world of tanks clans. Open beta testing of the new Global Map. Second stage (WoT). Why is all this necessary

Conducting battles on the Global Map

  1. After your tokens have moved to a province that does not belong to your clan, it becomes attacked and a battle is assigned for it. The same happens with your province when it is attacked by troops of another clan.
  2. On the Global Map, the attacked province is marked with a special symbol placed on its territory:
    AT information panel province, information is also displayed both about the fact of the attack itself, and about the clan affiliation (emblem and tag) of the attackers, the number of the attacker (if there are your troops in the province), the type of battle (encounter battle on the border or battle on the territory), and also about time of the battle for the province:
  3. The attacked province remains available for carrying out any operations on its territory (moving chips into and out of it, placing chips from the reserve and taking them to the reserve, moving the stake in and out of the province) only until the start of prime time. At the beginning of prime time, such a province is blocked until the end of the battles for it, that is, the block is removed at the beginning of the next turn after the end of last fight move. The starting province in which the landing takes place is also blocked at the start of prime time.
  4. After the battle for the province, all the losers' tokens that were in it are removed to the clan reserve. During the game day, they remain blocked, that is, they cannot be placed on the map for the next 24 turns.
  5. A draw in a normal battle for a province is treated as a victory for the defenders.
  6. Please note that you can get information about the number of enemy troops located in the province you attacked. This information is displayed in the middle part of the information block of the province:
  7. If your province is attacked, you can also find out from which territory the attack is being made. Please note that when you select your attacked province, one of the arrows will change its appearance:
    This arrow points to the enemy province from which enemy units are advancing.
  8. You can strike at the troops attacking you with a counterattack by your forces located in the attacked territory. To do this, it is enough to select your attacked province, on the territory of which there are troops, and attack the province from the territory of which the attack is being carried out. However, it should be remembered that in this case you initiate an oncoming battle.
  9. A meeting battle takes place between two attackers across the same border, that is, groupings of troops moving towards each other. The rest of the troops located on the territory of these provinces, but not involved in the offensive, do not take part in the battle.
  10. The number of your and enemy troops participating in an oncoming battle initiated by you or the enemy is also displayed in the list of attackers in the information panel of the province. Encounter battles are displayed with a special icon:
  11. Encounter battles are always held at the same time, half an hour after the start of the prime time of the province. In the event of a draw in an oncoming battle, both opponents are considered losers. Tokens that lose such a battle are removed from the map to the clan reserve. The winning pawns continue the attack and participate in the regular battle for the enemy province, which will take place an hour and a half after the start of prime time.
  12. If the territory is attacked by troops of another clan, you can still attack it according to the general rules.
  13. A series of consecutive battles is held for a province attacked by several clans. The first fight between the owner of the province and one of the attackers takes place one and a half hours after the prime time nala. The next battle will take place between the next attacking clan and the winner of the first one half an hour after the start of the first battle. The next attacker then attacks the winner of the previous fight, and so on. The clan that wins the final battle of this series is considered the winner and owner of the province. The sequence of clan attacks is determined randomly.
  14. The transition of the province under the control of the new owner occurs at the beginning of the next turn after the end of the last battle.
  15. If the enemy captured the province in which your headquarters was located, this headquarters is removed from the map for 24 turns. During this time, you will not be able to place chips from the operational reserve.
  16. After the 24-turn time limit, you can place your bet again on any of the provinces you control using the same button that moves the bet. The newly placed bet on the map will not be available for movement for another 24 turns, and it will be possible to place troops from the reserve on the next turn after placing the bet.

World of Tanks- the game is easy. It would seem that everything is elementary: you go in, take a tank, press the "play" button and ride for 15 minutes, trying to kill enemies and stay alive. At least that's how most people play. Those for whom this is not enough unite in platoons and companies and ride in a team, in voice chat negotiating who goes where. This is how 95% of the multi-million audience of World of Tanks spend their time. The other five percent need something more. Especially for them, more than a year ago, the “Global Map” was created, on which really tough fights take place. Little is known about this game mode outside of it, so we decided to tell you more about it.

The global map is an add-on over the normal battles mode, reminiscent of a browser strategic game. Outwardly, it looks like a map of the world, divided into many sections - territories, for the right to own which many clans are fighting. Any player who can pay 2500 gold (slightly more than 300 Russian rubles) for registration. After that, you need to attract players to the clan (no more than a hundred) and try to gain a foothold on the map by capturing one of the starting provinces. The vast majority of clans cannot overcome this barrier and breaks up: according to Wargaming, out of more than 30,000 clans created, only about 5,000 are ready for battles on the Global Map and regularly try to get on it, and just over 300 clans manage to control at least one province. These clans are the true elite of World of Tanks.

Of course, only the most skillful and experienced players. They are subject to requirements comparable to the requirements for the top raiders of large online games. A successful candidate must possess several medium or heavy tanks of level 10 (upgrading a tank to level 10 will take at least several months), have a high percentage of victories in random battles and be ready to devote several hours daily to fighting for their own clan.

To capture your first province, all you need is a successful landing. To do this, in a battle with other pretender clans, you will have to win the right to fight with the owner of the province - a clan that has already made a successful landing earlier. Such tournaments are held daily for several dozen starting locations that exist in the game. After capture starting location you can try to capture the neighboring one - according to similar rules. Basically, that's all there is to it. global map: you capture the first location, and then try to grab as much of the map as possible and defend the conquests. But, as usual, there are many nuances.

The clan size limit does not allow you to capture many provinces. Each clan has troops - the so-called "chips". The number of chips is equal to the number of players in the clan. Once a day, chips can be moved between provinces, as chessmen, but in such a way that no province has more than 15 tokens at the same time. Each token represents one fighter that the clan can deploy to defend its territory or attack a neighbor. Accordingly, even if a clan is fully staffed, it cannot simultaneously defend more than seven provinces bordering the territory of another clan.

This is how battles with the participation of professional tankers take place

A clan active and successful enough to be able to expand the boundaries of its possessions moves, capturing new provinces and giving away old ones, since not all of them are equally useful. The fact is that each captured territory daily brings in-game gold to the owner. The profitability of the plots is different: for example, the Moscow region brings 4320 in-game gold per day, and the Netherlands - only 240. Naturally, valuable provinces are more popular, and the fight for them is the most serious. But in general, holding profitable provinces is more a matter of prestige than money. After all, the largest clan on the map earns no more than 20,000 in-game gold per day. That's 200 gold per person per day, a ridiculous amount to spend in one fight.

In addition to capturing profitable provinces, there is another way to increase the income (and expand the territory) of the clan. This is politics. Clans can form alliances, eliminating the need to defend common borders. A clan alliance can defend a larger area than its individual clans. However, such alliances are based solely on parole, and a former ally can stab a knife in the back at any moment, recapturing several undefended provinces in one fell swoop. Really large associations of "tankers", like the one owned by a well-known multi-gaming organization (namely, its representatives recently), consist of thousands of players and can simultaneously include dozens of clans trying to get on the Global Map.

Of course, the simple mechanics of the game does not give room for truly large-scale intrigues and confrontations. There are no dramatic combinations with penetration into the upper echelons of large corporations and the withdrawal of all Money, how in Eve Online. Huge armies do not converge in battle, as in Lineage 2. And even the battle lasts only 15 minutes, and not several hours, as in many other large online games. Despite this, the Global Map is attractive enough that the number of people who want to play on it many times exceeds the number of those who actually succeed. This is where the problem lies: the developers strive to ensure that everyone in the “tanks” can find something to their liking, but so far they have nothing to do with several thousand guilds (which, by the way, are several hundred thousand people) rushing into battle, but not well prepared to win a place under the sun on the Global Map.

If something unusual happens on the "Global Map", then this is at least the ascent of Atlantis

However, according to the producer of "World War" Kirill Mal, this problem can be solved as early as next year. In addition, in the foreseeable future, there will be significant changes on the Global Map that will make life more difficult for clan alliances that create their own empires. Participants World of Tanks waiting for new ones inside game events like a summer “ ” or a recently completed operation “ ”. It may finally be possible to formally create alliances.

The global map is a relatively small but very important part of World of Tanks. It is there that the most devoted, the most attentive, the most in love with the game and the “tankers” who do not spare money for it play. It is for them that the balance of the cards is so carefully licked, it is to their comments that the developers listen most carefully. Unfortunately, while most of the clans wishing to participate in the war do not fit on the map purely physically, and the developers are struggling with this problem in their usual leisurely manner. But most importantly, the Global Map is a real hardcore, which is so often lacking in modern online games.


The second phase will start soon. common test new global map. Already July 1 from 9:00(MSK) everyone will be able to take part in the war on the updated Global Map, in battles for glory and gold!

Thanks to you, during the first stage of the test, we received a large number of reviews and suggestions, and collected a lot of useful statistics. As a result, many changes were made - both in the economy and in the interface. new card. In addition, some of the planned changes were not included in the starting version of the map, we will talk about them separately.

Main changes compared to the first stage of testing
  • The start time of battles has been changed. The start of the first battle will now coincide with the start of prime time.
  • Added information on more high levels map approach.
  • Added the ability for the unit commander to apply for starting provinces.
  • Reduced the number of provinces on all fronts to increase competition.
  • The limit of applications for landing provinces has been doubled.
  • Increased the cost of divisions, reinforcements and their upkeep on all fronts.
  • The ability to upgrade provinces is tied to the ELO rating of the front.
  • Reduced the number of possible maps in the provinces (relevant only for the test). All battles will take place on seven maps: Himmelsdorf, Ensk, Mines, Prokhorovka, Cliff, Steppes and Ruinberg.
  • Added the ability to withdraw from the Global Map.
  • Added the ability to prioritize the use of combat reserves in battles on the Global Map.
  • Added strategic options for the Artillery Battalion and Bomber Squadron boosts.

Separately, it is worth noting that, following the results of the first stage, problems with the economy were identified: the map generated an unacceptably large amount of in-game gold, many times higher than the indicators of the old Global Map. At the same time, the cost of various elements in influence turned out to be extremely small, which also led to inflated earnings in game gold.

AT project World of Tanks, in addition to the usual tank battles in a random house or in company compositions, there is a wonderful opportunity to try to capture the whole world. It's about about "World War" - a browser-based application for the main game client. In a nutshell - there is a map the globe divided into many provinces. Any clan can try to capture one or more of them. In addition to the aesthetic component of owning a virtual piece of territory, there is also a very real income - each province brings a certain amount of gold, which goes to the clan's treasury, and then is distributed by treasurers. Let's look at the World War process in World of Tanks in more detail.

The main window will be the Global Map - it is on it that you will see the provinces belonging to you, your allies and opponents. Above and below are information panels that provide all the necessary data for conducting strategic actions. For the convenience of the game, the Global Map (hereinafter referred to as the GC) is geographically divided into 8 regions containing a different number of provinces. There are several types of provinces - ordinary (average income), starter (invasions and landings on the GC start from them) and key (higher income). In order for the province to generate income, it is necessary:

Have a mobile capital in one of the provinces - Headquarters;

All other provinces must be geographically accessible from the capital.

The process of playing world war» WoT turn-based - every day is divided into 24 turns, respectively, 1 turn lasts 60 minutes. In addition, for each of the provinces there is a so-called "Prime Time" - at the moment of its onset, a series of battles begin, and the territory itself is "frozen" for almost all actions.

So, your clan decided to land on the GC - only starting (located on the coast) and rebellious provinces are suitable for landing. To apply for a landing, you need to have at least 15 players who have played at least one battle on vehicles above level 5. Such a player gives the clan 1 token, so 15 tokens are needed to land. The total number of clan tokens can be seen under the GC in the operational reserve information panel. In this way:

Choose a province;

We select landing (corresponding button);

We submit an application.

15 tokens from your operational reserve will change color from green to yellow, indicating that personnel have been moved to fight for her territory. However, there are many who want to land on the GC, and the province usually already has an owner. So, when landing, the tournament begins - the battles of the Olympic system (the loser is eliminated, in case of a draw both teams are eliminated), which will determine the winner of the landing. The maximum number of teams in the tournament is 64, those who did not manage to get in are recorded for the next landing. There is a 30 minute interval between each round of the tournament. If your team won the tournament, then in the future it will fight with the troops of the owner of the province - if you win, you will become its new owner, and if you lose, all the chips will be moved back to the operational reserve and will be unavailable for 24 hours. In addition, the victory of the owners of the province in which the rebellion took place automatically means its suppression.

So, your clan has become the happy owner of its own territory - you can develop expansion and capture new provinces belonging to other clans. An attack on an enemy province can be started by the clan leader, his deputy or company commander. There are two types of possible battles: an oncoming battle (battle on the border of a province) or a battle for territory. If there are several who want to attack the same province, then the winner is determined in the same way as during the landing - by a knockout tournament.

Vehicles destroyed as a result of battles for the provinces are blocked in the GK for a certain time - it depends on the outcome of the battle, the level and type of the vehicle. Thus, for an attacking clan, upon successful capture of territory, a destroyed tier 2 light tank will be inaccessible for 30 minutes, and a tier 10 ART SPG for 24 hours. For the losers, the conditions are much worse - the same self-propelled guns will be unavailable for 120 hours.

What can be done in the province? First of all, place your mobile capital - Headquarters. You can move it once a day and only to the provinces belonging to your clan. The rate allows you to receive income from the provinces, to carry out the withdrawal of troops from the operational reserve, as well as to hire agents for special operations (intelligence and counterintelligence). You can also move troops from the province to other territories - moving chips takes 24 turns (hours). Any movement of troops can be canceled by clicking on the corresponding arrow. And the province can be plundered! Looting is understood as a special operation, after which the province once generates income for three days, and then for 5 days it will not generate income at all, EVEN WHEN THE OWNER CHANGE! The tactics of scorched earth and swoop-withdrawal in their most striking manifestation.

Since we are already talking about special operations, we cannot mention Intelligence and Counterintelligence. Recruitment and introduction of a scout into the territory of a potential enemy allows you to find out:

Location and number of troops;

Location of Stavka;

Chance of rebellion in the province.

Accordingly, there is the possibility of counterintelligence. The recruited agent will prevent information leaks and interrupt the intelligence operations of enemy clans. Both of these operations are paid (requires gold), the preparation of each agent lasts 24 hours, in case of disclosure of the next scout, the next one can be sent only a day later, but the counterintelligence agent exists 24 hours under any conditions.

Ample opportunities for diplomacy and the creation of a variety of alliances makes the "World War" exciting game in World of Tanks, where the ability to communicate with people and find allies is no less important than the ability to drive a tank. In addition, game events occasionally take place on the GK - so last year a whole continent surfaced in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Participants in the battles for it received not only unique stripes, but also a convenient springboard for landing on US territory. And quite recently, a global restart of the Civil Code took place and the battles for the provinces were fought on vehicles of a strictly defined level - including the first one!

AT game world of Tanks has several interesting modes. And one of them is the "Global Map". On it, clans are fighting for territory. In addition to sporting interest, this type of game attracts players with the opportunity to earn gold.

For example, by owning a particular province, a clan can receive from ten to several thousand in-game currency.

The global map for World of Tanks clans itself is a map of the world

It is divided into several parts:

Africa (Western, Eastern, Southern);
Urals and Trans-Urals;
Northern Europe;
Far East;

As you already understood, only clans can take part in this mode, it is impossible to meet single players there. But the developers have plans regarding the introduction of such players on the global map as mercenaries. Well, let's wait and see.

Global map for World of Tanks clans and battles

Here the process is divided into 2 types:


On the global map, clans are counters, where commanders move them, attack and defend provinces, perform reconnaissance, robbery, and much more. As soon as the chips go into a combat clash, then at a certain time a battle will take place between the clans.

The time is set by the province itself and for each it is different, the battle will take place in the game client, namely in the “Special Battle” tab. Fights are no different from ordinary company ones. There is only one “but”, the clans will not be able to see each other’s lineups until the equipment is discovered during the battle.

What's on this moment happens on GC

To date, all provinces belong to the most the best TOP clans, and knocking them out of there is almost impossible. Since these are very strong and experienced players, in order to fight with them, you need to train a lot.

In addition, if you decide to create a clan and try to attack, to capture, the province, then you will not succeed.

Because you need to spend a huge number of hours training clans, select the necessary compositions of vehicles for certain terrain maps, and also watch videos of the battles of the TOP clans, only then you will have a small chance of winning. For beginners and intermediate-level clans, there is only one opportunity to fight on the "Global Map" - this is only to increase experience in such battles.

Create clans, train, gain experience and who knows, maybe in time you will add to the list of TOP clans. Good luck on the battlefield!