How to game revolution earn rubies. "Battle for the Throne": secrets and useful information. 3D city view

The browser-based online strategy "Throne Rush" quickly gained popularity among the players. Now there are many communities and sites dedicated to the game, including its own "Wikipedia", which sooner or later appears in all successful projects. They contain useful information on the game "Battle for the Throne" - secrets, all sorts of tips and much more. This text contains the most interesting from there.

About the game

The developers have tried to ensure that the game combines as many "chips" as possible that would appeal to a wide audience: fans of another sensational browser game " Farm Frenzy» will find themselves in the development of the city, while fans of the genre tower defense will undoubtedly appreciate the military component of the "Battle for the Throne", that is, the defense of their possessions and the robbery of foreign cities. In addition, the action of the game takes place in such a familiar and native for the players fantasy world. A large part of the success belongs to the chosen platform - social networks. There are millions of potential players out there who don't even need to register anywhere to play. It is also available for mobile devices.

Game features

Since the article will mainly describe the secrets of the Throne Rush game, then do detailed overview there is no point - players who are interested in advice already understand well what it is.

There is no plot in the game as such, however, online strategies do not really need them. As for the gameplay, it is very different from other real-time strategies: on the map on which the player starts, there are no enemy cities. You can invade other people's possessions either through the world map or through the Arena, where your army will be transferred to the city of another player. Another interesting feature is that armies cannot participate in the defense of the city, only attack others, and after the attack, whether it succeeds or not, all your soldiers will disappear. But this does not apply to heroes, they are essentially immortal. During the attack, you cannot control your army: it acts independently. Protective structures are responsible for the defense of the castle: walls and towers. The towers also shoot themselves, you do not need to control them.

Hiring soldiers and building structures requires resources, everything is familiar here. Resources bring mines and robberies of other cities. The game also has magic and a quest system.

Secret 1: and mass landing of troops

It's time to consider the most interesting topic of the Throne Rush game - secrets, cheats and other useful information for players.

When landing troops on enemy territory, try to use blind spots inside the city. It happens that the player did not notice them during construction, and you should take advantage of this. Study the area carefully before landing.

For a mass landing of troops, you need to hold down the Shift key and the left mouse button - move the cursor over the landing zone until the number of troops you need appears on the territory.

And, of course, do not allow blind spots in your own city.

Secret 2: Fast Resources

It is not necessary to collect a huge army for a successful robbery. A handful of elves will be enough, the main thing is to find a suitable target.

A suitable target would be a well-developed city that has its mines and treasury buildings incorrectly placed - that is, placed along the walls. The elves will be able to shoot at them immediately after landing.

You are unlikely to destroy the entire castle, but this is not necessary: ​​if everything is done correctly, you will get a good profit. This number can be repeated many times until you reach the required amount of resources.

Secret 3: Fighting Spirit

The following secret may completely change the way you approach Throne Rush. Secrets are what secrets are for.

Many do not know this, but the Arena selects opponents for each other, based not on the level or development, but on the value of the morale of the players. So, if you are robbed too often, then it may be worth lowering your morale (draining, so to speak), so that you pick up weaker enemies.

To do this, you just need to take the castle building out of the city.

Secret 4: leveling the hero

The hero gains experience for the damage he deals to enemy buildings. To make it easier for him, when attacking the enemy, use a bunch of ents and ghosts. Ents will take damage, ghosts will take care of defense towers, and the hero will take over normal buildings.

The most important thing is not to land the hero first, otherwise you will expose him to the attack of the towers.

  1. Periodically, your city will visit "Traders' Shops" where you can find unique goods. Don't skip them.
  2. Focus on getting food, not gold. Food is needed to produce an army, while an army is needed to raid foreign cities. Looting is the best tactic for extracting resources. Through them you will get enough gold.
  3. Again, regarding robberies - during an attack on the enemy, you can take prisoners who are exchanged for resources.
  4. Quests - in no case do not bypass them. Otherwise, you won't get any experience.
  5. Do not spare resources on the walls. Attacks are undoubtedly good, but you should not forget about protecting your possessions either.

Cheats in the game

Now you know some tricks of the game "Battle for the Throne", secrets. Codes (cheats) are already from another opera. This, to be honest, is an ordinary scam, and teaching this is not at all good. However, if you really want to go around the rules, then try donat. So for real money you will receive certain bonuses that will undoubtedly help in the game. Just don't rely on them too much: the balance in Throne Rush is very well thought out, and you still won't have such a strong advantage over other players who have not invested in the game.

"God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless!"

Alexander "Our Everything" Pushkin

This game was expected. She was hoped for. She was expected as a revolution in the genre and throughout gaming industry. Although its name did not often appear in the headlines of announcements in magazines and on websites, but every time we were given to understand: something stunning was expected. Say, just wait, and they ( Elixir Studios) will show you. They, they say, cannot do otherwise, because they have a stunning engine in their hands Totality and myself Demis Hassabis, frog's nest chick, comes from the company Bullfrog. At one time, this company thundered with its fantasy flight sims (Magic Carpet), cyber-special forces simulators (Syndicate) and fascinating “tycoons” (Theme Park). Demis Hassabis is an old-school game designer, chess prodigy, soul-guy; he can't let you down, so don't worry. We didn't worry about waiting brilliant game for granted. We have been waiting for her for five years - from autumn 1998 to autumn 2003.

And you know what I'll tell you after looking at the game with my own eyes? Not everyone here did as promised, not at all. In the final product, at most thirty percent of what the developers and personally Demis promised us was implemented. Now that the game is on the shelves, I can't understand how it was possible to believe in the promises made by the developers left and right in the early stages of the game's development - even then it looked on the verge of fantasy. But Elixir Studios should not be blamed for deliberately, quietly chuckling, misleading us. Everything is much simpler: the guys overstrained themselves. They took on a burden that was too much for them to bear. Gradually falling into a panic, they cut off from the game everything that they could not really implement - scale, AI, cities, freedom of play - until the cat, figuratively speaking, was left with only ears.

It was these “ears” that went into print under the name Republic: The Revolution. If everything had been implemented as expected, then she would have been entitled to an unconditional crown, but now, chopped off on all sides, she only pulls for a medal. Trying to please outwardly, it, alas, catches little with its content. Maybe it's because of the octopus interface. Maybe because of the lack of a pause in the game. Of course, fans of the genre will like the game in this form, because it has practically no competitors in the field of political games.

So, in this guide you will find:

General information about the game and its basic principles.

Opening the role-playing system of the game.

Principles of different types political actions.

So, listen - the revolution begins.

In the early nineties of the last century, the great empire - the Soviet Union - broke up into many small republics, one of which is your native Novistrana. She was definitely not lucky with the leader - Vasily Karasev, a former KGB member, became the president in Novostrania. Almost immediately after coming to power, he began to show the manners of a dictator. Before he decides to become a sovereign and irremovable leader, there are only a few weeks left. The people are silent and waiting.

You are a young Imyarek with the face of a complete rascal. You have been sharpening your teeth on Karasev for a long time: when he served Where It Is Necessary, he took your parents Where It Is Necessary, namely, in an unknown direction. Now you have only revenge left in your soul, you decided to create your own party and lead it with an iron hand to victory over Karasev. Today a revolution is born (solemn clay-like music plays)!

Game concepts

First difficulties

Sending seventy percent of a design document to the trash has never been good for any other game. But this is not so bad: in the end, it was possible to make a popular product from what was left. Unfortunately, we have to admit that it was not worth putting the chess genius above Republic, because the game interface (following the well-known motto Interplay) can be briefly described as follows: “From geeks to geeks”. Ordinary people it is very difficult to get involved in it - it is anything, but not intuitive. It's almost impossible to understand him. Even with time it is hard to get used to it, and for a long time at night you will remember it in dark, heavy dreams. It is impossible to deal with the interface by pausing the game - there is no pause in the game.

The physics of the game allows such situations.

But that's not all. Surprise surprise: there is no tutorial mode in the game at all. In every modern strategy that wants to have big sales, there must be a training mode. But Republic: The Revolution doesn't have it. Instead, those who want to learn are shoved under their noses with a few static pictures that describe the purpose of the controls. The most interesting thing is that these pictures were not originally planned by the developers - in order to add them to the game, its release had to be delayed again. Happy owners of boxed versions - do not rejoice ahead of time. According to the latest intelligence, even the paper manual that comes with the boxes has a lot of holes and omissions.

So anyone who wants to play politics will have to play brave interface tamers first. So that you don’t suffer too much during taming, I will try to describe its elements and prevent you from stepping on the rake that I, starting to play, gathered myself.

Game time and political promotions

The key concept of the game, which you need to know about from the very beginning, is a political action. In fact, this is any action that you (a person with a cunning face is your “avatar”) or your comrades-in-arms do at the player’s command. At the same time, an action is not necessarily a demonstration or a rally. This can be a bribe, and persuasion of a neutral or enemy character to join your party, and even intelligence. In addition to you, the party can have up to five members - all of them have different actions available. At the same time, their set for each person depends on his class and level, political and life preferences: for example, a street bandit is prone to criminal acts - blackmail, attack, organizing riots. A journalist can organize attacks on the enemy in the press, and a priest can arrange an impassioned sermon denouncing the rival party. As the level increases, the number of stocks available to the character grows, and each successful stock gives you and the party members precious experience and a path to growth.

When you give an order to someone from your party, he gets on the schedule. Here you need to talk about the time in the game. It is divided into days, but the basic division here is the time of day. The game takes place in real time, but every day is very clearly divided into three time periods: before lunch, after lunch and at night. Any action takes one time period, at which time the party member is busy with his work and is unavailable. In this case, one feature should be noted. Your game avatar (the head of the party) can perform up to three actions per day - according to the number of time periods in a day, but your party members can only carry out two actions per day, since they take one time period to rest. Promotions are not free, they require resources for themselves, but more on that below.

Now we need to talk about the schedule. Schedule is a scheme of planned and carried out in this moment shares. In theory, they can be planned at least a week in advance, but in practice this will not be necessary due to the constantly changing situation in the game.

To summarize:

The game is based on political actions.

Every day in the game is clearly divided into morning, afternoon and night.

Every day, the head of the party can hold up to three actions, and subordinates - up to two.

Promotions can be planned in advance.

Neighborhoods, People, Resources, and Rock-Paper-Scissors

Each game city (Ekaterina, Pugachev, Berezina) is clearly divided into a number of districts (numbering from a dozen to two dozen). The district is the base unit by which your electorate support is determined. Each promotion applies to only one area. You can only get a stock that would affect support throughout the city towards the end of the game, and it costs a lot. For most of the game, you will use "single-district" actions, take control of a specific area, and only then take on another.

The inclination of the inhabitants of the area to a particular party is displayed as a pie chart with sectors. The gray sectors represent the percentage of neutral residents.

It is very important to have an idea about the main idea of ​​the interaction of political forces in the game, because this idea has the most direct relation to the districts. There are three political ideas (concepts, ideologies) in the game - these are power, influence and money. At the same time, the “rock-paper-scissors” principle works: power suppresses influence, influence suppresses money, and money suppresses power. At the same time, strength is indicated in the game in red, influence is blue, and money is yellow.

Each area in the game corresponds to a certain direction. The working areas, painted in red on the map, are the patrimony of power. Middle-class neighborhoods are impact-oriented and marked in blue. Wealthy districts (yellow) are responsible for the money. This must be taken into account when planning promotions. How? The principle is simple: knowing that organizing a vandal attack is a forceful action, you must understand that this measure will work most effectively in middle-class neighborhoods (influence). If you organize a vandal attack in a working district, then there will be no modifiers to efficiency - efficiency remains at an average level. In turn, the inhabitants of rich areas of the attacks of vandals will have very little effect.

Understanding this effect is the key to allocating resources efficiently and making the right moves. The modifier to efficiency is small - twenty percent. That is, an action in a suitable area will give plus twenty percent efficiency, in a neutral area - an average efficiency, and in an unsuitable area - minus twenty percent. This suggests that, if necessary, no one will prevent you from holding a promotion in the wrong place and at the same time receiving your own (albeit not particularly large) dividends.

Some actions can be carried out not in relation to districts, but only to individuals. This is true in relation to bribes, threats, luring other people's party members, attacks, gifts. Each person also has its own “color” at its core, depending on the class. Financiers and celebrities - one, the military - the other, journalists - the third. But here the modifiers do not affect the effectiveness of the impact, but the probability of its success or failure and the possibility of persuading a person in a discussion (an entire subsection is devoted to the discussion below).

Each party also has its own focus. But here it may not be so rigid, but exist in the form of a wind rose, a kind of circular diagram - on it all three forces can be at the same level, one of them can protrude forward or vice versa - lag behind the others.

As you may have guessed, each promotion also has its own element at its core. Thus, the formation of gangs, threats and other dark deeds are “red” power actions. Bribes, intelligence and gifts are "yellow" cash shares. Finally, rallies, attacks in the press are actions of influence, “blue”.

Your party has three types of resources at its disposal, and they look familiar: this is again power, influence and money. Each action requires for itself a certain amount of resources, sometimes different, and most of all - profiling (that is, exploration will require money, and demonstration - a lot of influence and a little money). In turn, districts in which you have some kind of influence bring you resources (and again - profiling). This is how the economy of the game works - you make an effort to get support in the districts, from there resources come to you, with the help of which you continue to make your efforts - the flywheel has turned. If you waste resources and end up without resources and support, you will lose. But if you correctly plan your political career and conquer most of the city, then the passage of the plot will be very much easier for you.

You will have to remember which color works against which and memorize: “red against blue”, “blue against yellow”, “yellow against red”. If you are lost in the eternal gaming rush, then it's okay - when planning a promotion, you will be reminded whether it is profitable to apply this promotion against a given area/person or disadvantageous.


And I tell you - there is such a party!

The game operates on the principle of three driving forces - power, influence and money, each of which is strong in relation to one and weak in relation to the other. Areas, people and actions are focused on them.

Resources in the game are spent on promotions and are gradually credited to your account from areas in which you have influence.

People, squares and secret benches

Intelligence actions are needed to find out a whole bunch of things: the political preferences of the population of the area (without intelligence you will not see the diagram), the habitats of neutral key characters or political rivals, the location of secret places. Everything is clear with the first: a diagram is a diagram. You need to find characters in order to gain access to them and the ability to apply actions to them - recruit, beat, etc. If you don't find the right character, you won't be able to do anything with him - so don't neglect intelligence. Fortunately, there is no need to look for plot characters - they appear on their own.

The discovery of "places" in the area belongs to the category of secrecy. Most of the actions should be carried out not just in the district, but in some place in it. For example, for business negotiations, you can choose a street cafe, a bench in a park or on the street. For a rally, you can choose a convenient courtyard, park, street, etc. A secluded place is necessary for a forceful action or intimidation.

Based on what criteria should a place for an action be chosen? Based on privacy criteria. Each place in the area has its own level of secrecy (this is the level of the white column on the location mark on the map). If there is almost no secrecy, then the place is clearly visible and open to all winds and prying eyes. If the secrecy is high, then the bench is well disguised, the cafe is unknown to anyone, and the wasteland is not visited by anyone. Need to look for places with high secrecy? Yes, if we are talking about negotiations, a bribe or a quiet tapping of a bat on the head. If open actions are implied, such as rallies or distribution of leaflets, one must choose the most open and accessible place where there is no secrecy at all. AT secret place a member of the rival party will more readily accept a bribe, and in an open square you will gather more people to the rally (and gain more fans).

But remember - you will not necessarily find everything at once when reconnaissance. If intelligence is done by an inexperienced person, and does it ineptly, then he may miss important characters or not find secluded places. Repeated reconnaissance is often not only necessary, but also necessary. If you want to help your character in the quest, you can use the “god-poke” tactic. About her - below.


When scouting, you will find out the political views in the area, you can find NPCs and places for actions.

Places for holding actions are more or less secret. More secret places are needed for secret actions, and unclassified ones - for open ones, in which it is important to communicate with the residents of the area.

How to play it

Now that you know the basics of the Republic world, I will try to tell you how to start playing this game with the least difficulty.

Political platform

At the start of the game, you will be prompted to select your preference profile for power, influence, and money through a series of questions. Along with this, your role profile will be generated (information about role system look for games in the corresponding section). Unfortunately, you won't be able to create your own character, so when you're shown who you've responded to and which slogan is right for your party, you might be in for a surprise. But in fact, all this introduction is practically irrelevant - the direction of your party will quickly change with the course of the game. In just two in-game weeks, if you hire the military and bandits and start terrorizing the city, your party can turn from liberal to fascist. But in fact, it is important to maintain a balance, applying all forces equally. You will also understand this in time, and on your preference diagram, all three forces will be at the same level.

I would advise you to take a much more careful approach to choosing a name for yourself and your party - these words will constantly come up to you in the game. If you can't think of anything, don't bother and name your party "Gamers".

After all the formalities with the party lines, you ended up in the city. First of all, save the game. Now remember: you don't have to start right off the bat. Spend a few in-game days getting used to the interface, learning how to control the skittish camera and give commands. Then you can download the game and start playing in earnest. This way you can make it very easy for yourself to progress through the story - especially in combination with an easy game mode. I do not recommend trying medium and hard mode at once - you will almost certainly lose.

3D city view

There are two main views in the game - a 3D camera view of the city and a 2D view of the schematic map of the city. First, let's talk about the 3D view and how to work with it.

The camera hangs at the level of the roofs of houses and looks at the streets. First, learn how to quickly move the camera around the city, rotate it, zoom in and out, quickly move in the right direction, and navigate the areas. Camera control is implemented rather clumsily. Rotation is performed by holding down the right mouse button. You can go down and look at a specific person or object by double-clicking on it. Clicking on the person once will bring up the magnifying glass and paper icons. A magnifying glass is an opportunity to bring the camera closer to a person and “hook” on him. If you click on the paper, then the person under your cursor will send you, say whatever comes into his head, or comment on the political situation. I must say right away that it is completely useless to interview people on the street, since all the necessary information is available from the map.

Don't be scared. After a couple of days of training, you will get used to this interface. real game happens right here on the map.

By double-clicking on the action icon, you will switch to the cinematic view, in which the camera will “illuminate” the action and independently change the position and angle of view. Often the angles are not the best, so I recommend exiting the cinematic mode, lowering the camera to the ground, move it to the place of the action and look at the action up close, controlling the camera with your own hands.

You can zoom in on buildings, cars, kiosks, and even temple graves. At the same time, information about what you brought the camera closer to will crawl out at the bottom right of the screen. As a rule, it does not carry a payload, but serves only entertainment purposes. If you bring the camera closer to the clothes hanging on the clotheslines in the yard, the game will say: "Hey, you have a whole country that needs to be liberated, you don't have time to rummage through other people's clothes."

As for "no time" - this is said very correctly. Game periods (three periods - one day) replace each other every four minutes of real time, the clock goes on incessantly, and you can’t just walk around the city admiring it. The game flows, and you constantly need to analyze information, make decisions and give commands. Paradox: theoretically, there is an opportunity to lower the camera to the level of the head of its inhabitant and wander through the streets, but in practice you will not be able to do this - there is no time. With the ability to stop the endless cycle of days and just walk around the city, the game would be much better. That is why I advise you to save the game in advance, wander around the city to your heart's content, admire it, and then load the game from the very beginning, switch to map mode and start the game. Why exactly there? Because the view from the camera to the city is not really needed. It is used only in discussions, when tuning stocks and for “god poke” - and these are very clumsy concepts designed to force the player out of the map and force him to do at least something in the city itself.


game card

You will have to do “at least something”, but the rest of the time (three-quarters of all game time) you will spend looking at game card. On it you will issue commands, on it you will watch for signs of your victory or heresy emerging among your followers in order to crush it in the bud. On it you will follow the movements of your own and other party workers around the city. On it you will plan the action and choose a place for it. Everything you will do on it. There are only three things you can't do - tune the action, hold a discussion, or poke the roofs of the houses with your “god cursor”, indicating to your scouts where to look for pheasants. But, to be honest, the first two actions could well fit on the map, and "God's poke" for the game is an unnecessary arcade element. I will talk about all this below.

Switching to the map and back is easiest to do using ... the mouse wheel. Yes, it sounds strange, but it's true. Logically, the mouse wheel should be responsible for the increase, but here it is a switch between the map and the three-dimensional view. The whole map will not fit on the screen, and you will not learn how to move around the map right away. In games with classic, time-tested controls, you only need to move the mouse to the edge of the screen to move like this. In Republic, created by the wild imagination of a chess prodigy, this requires either use the cursor keys (up-down-right-left), or press the right mouse button at the edge of the screen.

Only on the map you can create a schedule of promotions. To do this, you need to select a character, click on one of the promotions available to him and select a venue. This is where the differences begin. If the action is aimed at a person, then you will need to select a person on the map, then the area and the place where you will meet him (in order for the action to “go to business”, do not forget to click on the checkmark at the bottom left of the screen). If the action is aimed at the area as a whole (posting posters), then you just click on the area (do not forget about the tick, do not forget!). If you are going to organize a manifestation, then you will also have to choose a place in the area. The planned action will appear on the map as a pale green square with an icon. By clicking on the square, you can view information about the action or remove it from the schedule (pictogram of the film box). A successful promotion becomes bright green, after a while the promotion icon on the map disappears. If the action is ineffective, then it will be displayed in a poisonous pink color, and if it failed (the frightened was not afraid, the seduced was not tempted, the bribed did not take a bribe), then the icon will be bright red.

All enemy actions are reflected on the map as very small and almost imperceptible rhombuses (the color of the rhombus is the color of the party conducting the action). Seeing such a rhombus, one must immediately become alert, find out what the party wants, and organize opposition.

The faces on the map are the characters. At the bottom left of each muzzle is a square. Either it is empty (the character is neutral), or it contains the icon of the party to which it belongs. If the muzzle moves, the character either goes to the action or returns from it. If it's moving fast, don't be alarmed, it's the subway. If two muzzles are nearby, then they either do something together (fight or talk), or simply by the will of fate they are nearby and do not know anything about each other.

Pie charts reflect the political sentiments of the area's residents. If the circle is not visible, then the area is not explored - send a scout there.

Despite the fact that the map in the game is implemented, in general, not bad, after a while it becomes difficult to navigate in the diversity of events taking place on it. There are buttons on the minimap that turn off the display of individual symbols on the map, but you don’t have to use them - each symbol is important, and without them you can miss important information (for example, about the movements of the enemy or about his actions). You will have to get used to the motley map. Take comfort in the fact that politics is a complicated thing.

Parts screen

On the game clock at the top left of the screen, there are several more controls - a clock and several buttons.

The game clock is ticking even when you are reading the newspaper or information about the game story, considering the scheme of your party, or thinking about what characteristic to improve your political officer, increased in level. These relentless hours are one of the most frustrating elements of the game. In normal games, when the player reads a mission quest or levels up, time will be paused. Here the clock goes on and on: reading a pack of newspapers and a story mission can easily kill a whole game day. This leads to the fact that the plot simply flies past the player, because reading the plot information under the flowing time is pure masochism.

If you want to skip a game day quickly (for example, while leveling up your characters at the end of the first city story), then you can speed up the game time. Acceleration only works on the map and when the mouse pointer is removed from the clock.

To the right of the clock are several buttons. One of them is to call the parties screen (on it you can view the status of your party, the characteristics of its members, the amount of experience required to move each party member to the next level). Here you will find all available information other parties and their members. While on the parties screen, you can also move the party headquarters from one house to another (for example, if the house has high privacy parameters or accommodates more party members).

Next to the button for calling the game screen - a list of textual information: read newspapers, viewed notes and story missions. If you don’t know exactly what is required of you (and this is a common thing when there is not enough time to read information about the plot), then you can always read a short task that you need to complete to advance the plot - it is always above all others in the list.

Tuning and why it is not needed

Another unsuccessful game concept should recognize the fine-tuning of shares - tuning. When you push a speech, you have the opportunity to shift the focus towards arguments or emotions. When you write on the fence different words with the help of spray cans, you have the opportunity to focus on the overthrow of the existing order or on nationalism. By putting up posters, you can tell from them about freedom, solidarity or prosperity. You can implement all this during the promotion, simply by moving the slider at the bottom of the screen.

It would seem that this is bad? The fact is that the opportunity for tuning is presented only for five to seven seconds in the very middle of the action. So a person called the stickers, so they went out into the streets, approached the pedestals, looked around, laid out their things (it's been three hours since the start of the action) - and then a slider appears on the screen for a few seconds.

If you do not have time to perform several actions in these short five seconds, then the slider will disappear from the screen, remaining at the point that it was. And the actions are:

1. Remember in which area the action takes place.

2. Look at the ideological affiliation of this area on the map, find the pictogram of the action on it.

The game Revolution is an exciting social strategy game with combat elements. Here you can build mines to extract gold, towers to protect against enemies, mills to replenish your resources, build buildings and fight with your enemies. The whole city is at your disposal. You can develop its infrastructure and economy.

Graphics and sound

The game has excellent animated bright graphics with fine details and high-quality voice acting. The whole game is accompanied by music that will help you fully immerse yourself in the game world of the Middle Ages.

How to play?

To play Revolution, you first need to click on the map to land a warrior. Destructive spells will leave no stone unturned here. For attacks you need an army. Build a barracks. To do this, you need to go to the Store and buy the Barracks, and then place it on the location. In the Barracks you can hire warriors. Press and hold the "Recruit" button to quickly hire warriors. And now you need to complete the training of the fighters.

Buildings and structures

There are many buildings in the game at your location, each of which plays a specific function.

  • A tower is a basic defensive structure that attacks ground troops. Also in the city is the Builder's House. The higher the level, the more buildings you can build at the same time.
  • The Castle is located in the center of the city. This is the heart of the city. Destroying an enemy castle ensures victory in battle.
  • Food is stored in the Barn. The higher your level, the greater the maximum supply of food.
  • The mill produces food. The higher the level, the greater the performance of the mill.
  • Gold is mined in the mine. The higher the level, the higher the productivity of the mine.
  • The treasury contains gold. The higher the level, the greater the maximum supply of gold.
  • The headquarters affects the size of the army. The higher the level, the more troops you can hire.


In the Store you can buy city buildings, defensive structures, decorative structures, defense against attacks and resources. City buildings include a mine, a treasury, a mill, a brotherhood house, a tavern, a smithy and other buildings. To defensive structures include tower, wall, archer tower, ziggurat, fire tower, death tower, and so on. Decorative structures include: liberator, perfectionist, marksman, etc. All this game Revolution in Contact allows you to purchase in the Store for a certain number of coins. Don't like the Middle Ages? Play in this case in the application.

Settlements and Enemies

On the map you will see the settlements that you have to attack. To attack a settlement, hover over the settlement icon and left-click. After that, a location with a settlement will open. To start a fight, you need to click on the ground with the mouse. Wait for your warriors to destroy the enemy building in the game.

On the left in the window with the game you will see all the tasks that you have to perform. If you help your friends get manna every day, they will help you.

The lands of Harrdak are rich in minerals, and gold is the best of them. Another small mine will make you a little richer. In the Arena, you can fight with real players and rise in the rankings.

The first steps have been taken, but there is still a lot of work ahead. Forward, towards fate - fight and win! You can play Revolution in full screen mode, which will make game process even more exciting.

  • Let's Talk is a massive social multiplayer game where you can rate photos of other members, meet new interesting people and even start relationships. Let's start by talking about the interface in more detail.
  • Have you long wanted to know which of the users of the social network visits your page most often? Today you will have such an opportunity! The Guests and Fans VKontakte application was created specifically so that you can track people who visit your page in general for free. In addition, My Fans and My VK Guests is an application that can build special ratings, thereby showing you who is in first place (the most visited on your page), who is in second, and so on. In general, it will be very fun and interesting, you can be sure!
  • In this game in VKontakte, everyone has a role to play. If you are a knight, you have to fight your opponents for glory beautiful ladies. If you are a lady, you have to take care of the estate. If you play this game with friends and loved ones, you will find it much more interesting. "Loyalty" is an exciting social toy on VKontakte, playing which you will not be bored.
  • You have a treasure map in your hands. Solve all the riddles on the way to the treasure and you will find the treasures of Henry Morgan! In the game Treasures of Pirates in Odnoklassniki, you are a young corsair, your goal is to become a pirate. To achieve your dreams, you need real treasures that can be found with the help of old maps.

Have you long dreamed of throwing all your strength into being in the center of the most unique and real revolution, which will have no limit? It's time to realize the important fact that only experienced participants in fights can sometimes win.

There are built-in hints that will enable even very strong ones to confidently go to victory and achieve all the best, after a long time. Why not become an outstanding person along with this game and try to show the whole society that it is so easy to become an absolute champion in some moments? Throw away fear and all doubts and confidently move forward, destroying all infidels!

Cheats for Revolution:

Here are the most important cheats for the game:


Benefits of using cheats:

  • no need to enter data from your account anywhere, no one will see your login password
  • no need to download anything, so you are protected from viruses as much as possible
  • using cheats without restrictions - enter the code as many times as you like
  • unique tracking protection system, you can not be afraid to get banned in the game
  • codes are entered into the console, so they do not depend on the version of your operating system

The most common question is where to enter cheats for the game Revolution. You need to enter them into the console, which you can call by pressing the key with the Russian letter E (usually to the left of the one on the keyboard). For the console to appear, the game must be running in a browser. Please note that this does not work in all browsers!

Battle for the Throne, it's always battles, that's why the game has a double name. You can experience strategic battles and city development online, in in social networks vkontakte, classmates. In addition, you can download the game Battle for the Throne on mobile devices with Android, iOS.

If you new player, you will have to compete with everyone, at different levels. This will require a lot of money and there are two currencies in the game, gold and rubies. If you will mine the first one, then rubies are a premium currency and are available for real money. They give a big advantage, so often look for Throne Rush cheats to get a lot of money and precious stones. They allow you to increase the level of the castle and other buildings instantly, as well as restore stocks of any resource, all this can be done using premium currency. Therefore, donators have a significant advantage over ordinary players. But today we will look at the method of getting money in the game for free, using the game store, without downloading. For this you need codes, running game and instructions for their use.

Hacked Throne Rush:

  • + 1000 ruby, use code - Ruby_#UE_9898
  • + 150,000 gold for free - Gold_#IR_8912
  • + enable attack protection for a week - Vibl_#IE_9092

Throne Rush rubies give the player development speed, they can be used to maintain a strong army, buy upgrades and paid items. Their game gives the player for leveling up, so you will receive them additionally when you develop quickly. In addition to money, you need food that will be spent on your army, but you can always replenish it with the help of the received gold.

Review of the game Throne Rush

it strategy game which has two main parts. Defense and attack, the first requires you to have powerful buildings and elements of the defense of your castle, the second comes from the level of your army. It is the level, because a large, but weak army cannot do anything to a player with a high level of protection. Money must be spent simultaneously on both components of the game. The castle is the main building on your territory, the possibility of improving other buildings will depend on its level. Using the Battle for the Throne hack, the player should pay attention to the defensive buildings and strengthen this part in the first place, so as not to lose all resources.

After that, improvements to the army and its level will be available. Towers with arrows will protect your possessions from attack, and walls will delay them. The game is strategic, so you will have to think not only in the battle itself, but also in the placement of buildings. Here it is worth paying attention to key buildings and protecting them from destruction to the maximum. Cheats Battle for the throne, allow the player to correct previous mistakes and change the alignment. Having a lot of money, you can not think about saving and create a Chinese wall around your property.

How to use rubies, level up

Throne Rush rubies are the most important and valuable resource, they will give you speed and abundance of resources. Earning them without using tricks is quite difficult. But using the codes, you can enjoy their abundance and not save on construction. They will allow you to increase the level of the castle and get strong warriors who will return to you after battles. Hack Battle for the Throne gives you complete freedom and a significant advantage.

The game has nice graphics and interesting gameplay. It becomes much easier when resources are available. But as you level up, you will face stronger opponents. Some of them have reached high level without using hacking, or investing money. They have a significant advantage in the number of battles fought. Therefore, do not rush to chase the level, this can cause serious damage to your economic component. Use Throne Rush codes to improve the game, not ruin the experience. Share secrets with friends, as well as share your achievements.