Elem macros 3.3 5 pvp. Macros for the class - shaman. The best setups for Elem Shaman in Lich King

1. Totems in case of protection

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Healing Stream Totem, Stoneskin Totem, Nature Defense Totem, Frost Defense Totem

Macro for greater survivability, will install protective totems in combat mode

2. Totems in case of attack

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Earth Strength Totem, Frost Defense Totem, Fire Defense Totem, Windfury Totem

An analogue of the previous macro, everything is the same, only for attack.

3. Totems in case of escape

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Earthbound Totem, Magma Totem

Will place totems that slow down the enemy, allowing you to escape.

4. Cleansing from diseases and poisons

/cast Removing poison;
/cast Cure disease;
/cast Poison removal
/cast Cure disease

Just a click - Remove poison
Click+Shift - Cure Disease
If the target is an enemy or no one, the macro will apply Remove Poison and Cure Disease to itself.

5. Shields on one button

/cast Earth Shield(Level 3); Earth Shield(Level 3); Water shield

On one button there are the main shields for the restaurant shaman.

It works like this:
1 - Just press the button - water shield on yourself;
2 - Press the shift button + select yourself or an enemy - earthen shield on yourself;
3 - Press the shift button + a friendly player is selected, earthen shield on him.

6. Damage or healing on one button

/cast Lightning; Wave of Healing

If an enemy is targeted, the Lightning spell is cast, and if an ally is targeted, a Healing Wave is cast.

7. Convenient shields

/cast xxx; xxx;

This is not a completely finished macro. In place of “xxx” you need to indicate the most frequently used shields. Now hold Shift, press the macro, and you will get the first shield. Without holding Shift you will get a second shield.

8. Start of attack for enkh shaman

/cast Stormstrike

Even if Stormstrike is on cooldown, you will still launch an attack. Instead of this ability, you can add the one with which you usually start an attack.

9. Two Cleanses in one macro

/cast Cleanse
/cast Spiritual Purification

If there is an enemy in the target, he will remove useful spells from him, but if he is an ally, then harmful ones.

10. Instant Lightning

/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

Uses natural swiftness and instant casting of Chain Lightning.
You can replace it to your liking by substituting the spell you need.

11. Piercing wind on focus

/cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

By clicking on your windshield bind (for example, the E button), you will launch it at the target; with the Shift key held down (Shift+E) it will fly into focus.

12. Natural Swiftness + Healing Wave

/cast Tide Power
/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Evil Eye; Wave of Healing

An incredibly important macro for healing shamans, if before reading the article you did not already have this macro (or at least some semblance of it), then be sure to install it. If you target an ally, then you will heal him, if the target is an enemy, then jinx him. You can place any instant heal in place of Healing Wave

12. Dispel Magic / Purify the Spirit / Dispel Magic by Focus

/cast Purification of the Spirit; Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic

A very useful macro for releasing free binds and quickly dispelling all types available to the shaman. If you press your bind on this macro (for example, Q) when there is an enemy player in the target, a purge will go through him, if there is an ally in the target - removal of poisons/diseases/curses; if the bind is used while holding Shift (shift+Q), the purge will pass through the focus.

13. Avoiding death

/use Fel Healthstone

/cast Riptide
/use Warlord's Devastation

Everything is simple and obvious, practically necessary for all classes, not only shamans. You have little HP left, press the macro and increase your survivability.

Shaman is a unique and quite complex class that a huge number of players simply fell in love with. In this class, many not only achieve excellent results in PvE, but also get into the top ratings of PvP battles. To make it more convenient for you to play Shaman, I want to offer you several macros that I use, and also for a successful game, see addons for Shaman.

This Macro is for using a multi totem

/castsequence reset=4 Mana Spring Totem, Windfury Totem, Magma Totem, Earthforce Totem

This macro will allow you to use all your totems at the same time and the effort for this will be just one click of the assigned button.

In case of protection, we use the following totems

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Nature Defense Totem, Healing Stream Totem, Stoneskin Totem, Frost Defense Totem

With this unique macro you will place all protective totems at once. This macro will only ever work when you are in combat mode.

Macro on totems in case of attack

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Fire Protection Totem, Earth Power Totem, Windfury Totem, Frost Protection Totem

If you are about to attack your target, then this macro will automatically place the necessary totems before the attack.

Using totems when you need to escape

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Magma Totem, Earthbind Totem

When using this macro, you will constantly slow down the enemy, which will allow you, if necessary, to hide from the battlefield.

Macro for removing diseases and poisons

/cast Removing poison;
/cast Cure disease;
/cast Poison removal
/cast Cure disease

Press “Remove Poison” together with the Shift key, and your disease will be cured. When you don't have a target selected, or your opponent isn't targeted, you'll be healing yourself first, which is great for PvP and helps a lot in PvE.

Using shields using a macro

/cast Earth Shield(Level 3); Earth Shield(Level 3); Water shield

For Shaman Restor, this macro will greatly simplify the use of all shields. This macro will work like this:

  • We press the button - “Water Shield”, and it immediately hangs on you.
  • If you press the button together with the shift and select an enemy or yourself, then the “Earth Shield” is hung on you.
  • If you press the macro together with shift and the target is a player who is in your party, then the “Earth Shield” will be hung on him.

Heal or damage with one button

Wave of Healing; /cast Lightning

This is a cool macro. If your target is your friend, then only healing will be automatically applied, and if you have focused the enemy, then damage will be applied to him. Many Shamans work with this macro in PvP battles, as it is first-class and very convenient.

Macro for the shields you need

xxx; /cast xxx;

This macro is not completely ready for use at the moment. Instead of X's, you need to register the shields that you use most. If you press the macro with the Shift button, the first shield will be used, if Shift was not used, the second shield will hang.

Multiple cleanses with one macro

/cast Cleanse
/cast Spiritual Purification

This is a great macro that will allow you to remove all useful spells from your enemy and all harmful spells from your friends who are in your party. A very convenient thing for PvP, especially in PvP 3x3 and 5x5, where there are a lot of gamers running around and sometimes it’s difficult to figure out where everyone is.

Using lightning instantly

/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

This macro will allow you to instantly cast the Chain Lightning ability. You can also insert any other spell that is important to you here.

Healing Wave and Nature's Swiftness

/cast Tide Power
/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Evil Eye; Wave of Healing

This macro is salt and bread for a self-respecting Restor - shaman. It's quite strange that you didn't have this macro before you came to our site. If there is a friendly target in your target, then you will only heal it. If an enemy is in focus, the “Evil Eye” will be cast on him. You can also insert any necessary and important spell yourself.

Macro for dispel magic, cleanse the spirit, dispel magic in focus

/cast Purification of the Spirit; Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic

If you want to free up all the free and necessary binds and instantly dispel everything that is available to the Shaman, this is just a great macro. If you click on the bind and use a macro, which, for example, is located on the Q button, then if your target is an enemy, then a Purge will fly at him, if your target is an ally, then the removal of diseases, curses and poisons will be used, if you use the bind with Shift and Q, then the purge will go to focus.

Macro for survival

/use Fel Healthstone
/cast Riptide
/use Warlord's Devastation

It seems to me that there is no point in explaining anything here. If you have very little HP left, then clicking on this cool macro will increase your survivability. This macro is suitable for almost all classes.

Friends, I wrote for you all the macros that I know and that I use myself. If you know more, then add them in the comments, and I will be grateful to you not only for me, but also for all lovers of such a magnificent class as Shaman.

Hello friends, today we will look at the PVP guide for Shaman Elem 3.3.5, the “Elements” branch began to sparkle with new colors in season 8, when access to the Central League opened and a new cool gear appeared. For a burst, a shaman could destroy targets of about 17-25k HP (if you are lucky with crits), and this is quite fatal for many classes that have a weak defense.

What are the advantages of playing with element:

  • Has a fairly strong burst;
  • Good healing;
  • The presence of totems that improve stats well, have anti-fire and can catch spells;
  • Good mana regen (thunder and lightning, mana shield and MP totem);
  • The ability “Piercing Wind” (disrupts casting) has the smallest CD in the game.

Disadvantages of the game for this spec:

  • Lack of magic dispel.

For our alliance, the only ones we can choose are the draenei. +1% to accuracy, as well as a small samoheal.

For the horde you can pick a tauren, a short mass stun and +5% to stamina, a pretty good bonus.

You can also take an orc, which has -15% to the effect of stuns and a burst ability that adds SPD.

There are also trolls who also have an interesting ability that speeds up the speed of casting spells, as well as a minus to slowing effects.

Here is the most common build for an elemental shaman on lk:

Selecting characters

Here are the three main big symbols for shama:

  • “Symbol of Thunder” - reduces the cooldown of the “Thunder and Lightning” ability by 10 seconds.
  • Glyph of Lava - Increases the speed of Lava Burst by 10% of your total spell power.
  • “Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem” - the Stoneclaw totem casts an additional shield on you (4200 damage).

Small characters:

  • “Symbol of Underwater Breathing” - does not require reagents for this spell.
  • “Glyph of the Phantom Wolf” – additionally restores 1% of total HP.
  • “Symbol of Walking on Water” - does not require reagents for this spell.

Accuracy is one of the most important stats, we collect 5% (4% for draenei);

Speed ​​(hast) – 300 speed units in mp5 weight and 500-600 units in crit weight;

Crit – 30% in mp5 weight and 35-38% in crit weight;

SPD – the more, the better. Start with +2.9k spd without buff from totems and weapon charms;

Spellpenetration (spell penetration) – 130 units.

Resilience – minimum 1100 resistance.


We will insert stones based on our caps of characteristics. If you don’t have enough speed, then increase speed, penetration, then increase penetration, etc.

But in the meta slot we will throw a pebble for +21 to crit and +3% to critical damage.


Head - +29 to spell power and + 20 to stability;

Shoulders - +23 to spell power and +15 to resilience;

Cloak - +35 penetre;

Grudak - +20 to resiliency;

Wrists - +30 to spell power;

Hands - +28 to spell power;

Belt - belt buckle, additional slot for socket;

Pants - +55 to spell power and + 30 to stamina;

Boots - +15 stamina and a slight increase in running speed;

Weapon - +63 to spell power


The most profitable professions are blacksmith and jeweler, since these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones.

We stop the cast and use spell interruption:

/cast Slicing Wind

Focus cast interrupts:

#showtooltip Piercing Wind
/cast Slicing Wind

Stop the cast and use the frog on focus:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Evil Eye

Or like this, with the Shift key pressed, the cast goes into focus, and without it goes to your target:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Evil Eye
/cast Evil Eye

Stop the casting and place a grounding totem:

/cast grounding totem

The best setups for Elem Shaman in Lich King


Elem + Dlok - an unreal burst, especially under BL (fornication last, heroism), control (frog, fir, succubus, knocking down the cast from Shama), purging and healing from the shaman.

Element + ShP - good control, double healing, double purge, dispel poisons and magic.

Element + DC - here we need to put on gear in MP5, our priest will additionally assist in damage, and not just heal. Good heal, burst, poison dispel and double purge.

Element + Frost or Fire Mage is also a pretty good setup, healing, burst (with fire the burst will be tougher, but less survivability), control, purge.

Elem + Hpal is a good setup, although there is less control, but here we have a stun from a paladin.

Elem + BMhunt is a burst setup, here you must destroy any target for the cooldown of your main spells, otherwise you will get drained.


Elem + Dlok, or aflic + DC (Rdruid, xpal) - a lot of control, good burst and excellent purge, as well as dispel (If you play with dc and xpal).

Element + Fire/Frost Mage + DC - everything is the same as in the duo, only the presence of a double purge, huge control, double heal and dispel.

Elem + ShP + Khpal - the game is designed for protracted battles and opponents' mana drawdowns, they also have good control (fir, salo, spell interruption, stun from falling and frog).

Element + Avar + DC - double purge, mortal, good burst and good control (fear from the var, fire from the priest, frog, spell interruption).

I'll list several damage cycles for shama:

The wildest burst: under the trinek procs you can give out hellish damage. If a fire shock is already hanging on the target, then we use “Lava Burst” - “Conquest of the Elements” - “Lightning” - “Chain Lightning” and close the whole thing with a frost shock. If you're lucky, after this combo you can receive 17-25k HP damage;

A regular burst – “Fire Shock” – “Lava Burst” – “Chain Lightning” – “Shock” can easily give 12-15k HP.

Don't forget about totems:

  • Watch out for tremors when you play against priests and locks;
  • Try to ground on CD or under unpleasant spells (stun, coil, etc.);
  • If you took a big wind from totems, then don’t forget to rearrange them.

How to equip the starting element on 3.3.5

PVP addons

I think we've covered all the main PVP issues regarding Elem Shaman. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck in the arena and bg!

PVP guide for enkh shaman 3.3.5 - a complete guide to playing as an enkh

Good afternoon friends, today we will look at the PVP guide for enkh shaman 3.3.5, as this is quite an interesting class where you can get a good start in the arena, show off your skill, or just take a break from other classes.

Pros for the “Improvement” spec:

  • Calling Wolves;
  • Instant healing;
  • Frequent cast interruptions;
  • Totems.

Disadvantages of spec:

  • No mortal (-50% to healing);
  • There are no burst abilities like the wings of a fallen or bsh warrior.

For our alliance, the only ones we can choose are the draenei. +1% to accuracy, as well as a small samoheal.

You can pick an orc for the horde, who have -15% to the effect of stuns and a burst ability that adds ap.

You can also take a tauren, a short mass stun and +5% to stamina, a pretty good bonus.

The enhancement has several builds for different play styles, in the first you will give out maximum DPS, and in the second you will be more of a support, although in the first you are also needed as a support.

First build for maximum DD:

Second build for support:

Selecting characters

Now let's move on to choosing characters:

The Stoneclaw Totem symbol is a standard symbol and is required.

The wild wolf spirit symbol is also a required symbol.

And here are some situational symbols:

A symbol of a large wave of healing - we take it when a big assist is required from us.

Weapon of Windfury - we place it at the moment when we need to give out maximum DPS.

You can also consider the symbol of shock if you have very little hasta and the Echo talent is pumped up.

Small symbols

“Symbol of Underwater Breathing” - does not require reagents for this spell.

“Glyph of the Phantom Wolf” – additionally restores 1% of total HP.

“Symbol of Walking on Water” - does not require reagents for this spell.

Accuracy is one of the most important stats, we collect 5% (4% for draenei);

Spell Penetration (or Penetration) - We collect 130 units.

Speed ​​(hast) – stat cap is 328.

ARP is a rather controversial characteristic for an enkh, since it does not add much DPS to you. There is no need to install it.

Resilience – from 1100 to 1400 res, depending on the choice of setup.


Hands – set a glass to 44 attack power or a rocket from an inzha;

Head - 50 to attack power, 20 to res;

Shoulders – 40 to attack power, 15 to res;

Cloak – 35 to penetra;

Chest - +20 to res;

Wrists - 50 attack power;

Belt – buckle with an additional socket;

Legs - 75 attack power and 20 crit;

Feet – 15 stamina and increased running speed, otherwise you won’t catch up with anyone =);

Shield - 12 to resiliency;

One-handed - “Berserk” (battle frenzy) for OH and Black magic for MX.

We insert sockets depending on our characteristics, after you get all the most important caps, and we finish the rest with dexterity.

We set the meta socket to +21 to agility and +3% to critical damage, why do we set agility and not crit? Because the difference in the increase in crit is minimal, but with agility we will get a small % to evasion, and this will be more profitable.


The most profitable professions are blacksmith and jeweler, since these are 2 additional sockets and 3 reinforced stones. You can also take Inge + Tailor, as they will give a rocket and a benefit from the cloak.

Saving binds, interrupts the cast and gives Piercing Wind on the target; if you press with shift or alt, it will give out the corresponding spells.

/cast Slicing Wind
/cast Shaman's Fury
/cast Ring of Fire(Level 9)

Focus cast interrupts:

#showtooltip Piercing Wind
/cast Slicing Wind

Stop the cast and use the frog on focus:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Evil Eye

Or like this, with the Shift key pressed, the cast goes into focus, and without it goes to your target:

#showtooltip Evil eye
/cast Evil Eye
/cast Evil Eye

Stop the casting and place a grounding totem:

/cast grounding totem

The best setups for an enkh shaman in Lich King


Enkh + BM - it all comes down to tunneling one target, you must drain it for all CDs.

Enkh + Horns - the same as in the first version.

Enkh + DC – double purge, dispel of all types, control of support and burn mana.

Ehn + Khpal - everything is the same as with dts, only there is no fear, burn and blizzard from the fell. But there is a camp.

Enkh + Frost - it all comes down to tunneling one target, you must drain it for all CDs.

Enkh + Arms – just like in other setups with two damage dealers.

Enkh + Retrik - just like in other setups with two damage dealers.


Ehn+Arms+Khpal or Rdru – maximum damage and purge makes this setup very strong.

Enkh + BM + Khpal - your opponents will not be able to resist your burst with BM.

Enkh+Roga+DC – double purge, control, dispel in all directions.

Enkh + Retrik + DC - everything is the same as with the rogue, only from the fallen there are more saves, but less control.

Positioning of Tremor Totem:

We must use the addon to see the life of the totem.

If we play against priests at the columns, then the location of the totems will look like this:

Where the blue star is our totem, the gray circle is the priest, and the blue one is us, the arrow shows our direction.

If the priest wants to destroy our totem, we must move our tremor to another place and must tunnel the priest again.

We repeat this until one of you merges.

Don’t forget about knocking down castes, try to save yourself and your teammates as often as possible.

Also, don’t forget about grounding, it can also save you in difficult situations.

PVP addons for Shama

I think we have covered all the main PVP aspects of the enkh shaman. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Good luck in the arena and bg!

We continue the series of Shaman guides in the “WoW PvP Guides” section. We will consider the “Elements” branch. Shaman Elem is a fairly flexible class that can conduct both melee and ranged combat. In PvP, Shaman Elem has powerful lightning and various forces of nature with which he can break any enemy. The main thing that Shaman Elem PvP has is the ability to deal quick and devastating damage. It often happens that the target of Shaman Elem falls instantly, without even having time to do anything in the arena. We will reveal how to achieve this especially for you. And so they went: “Guide to Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP.”

How to choose a race for Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP

The Alliance offers us all one race for Shama Elem - these are the Draenei. There is no more choice.

You can choose among the Horde, since you can play as a Troll, Tauren and Orc. Taurens have a racial two-second stun on nearby enemies. This is not bad in the Arena for the possibility of healing. HP is also increased to five percent. Okies, as a race, are generally useless in PvP as shamans. Trolls - their attack haste is increased by 10 percent, but for only 10 seconds. In general, the choice here is predetermined - this is, of course, Tauren.

Basic PvP talents of Shaman Elem 3.3.5

Fire Shock - this spell can cause both instant and static damage. The spell will tick depending on the level of your haste. Before an attack, the shaman always starts with this ability and casts it on the selected enemy.

Lava Burst is the most important ability among the others for Shaman Elem. The cast is according to the standard of 1.25 seconds. Considering that you have already thrown “Fire Shock” at the enemy, the hit with lava will be one hundred percent, and also critical.

Chain Lightning - Elem usually casts it third, right after Lava. The damage caused will be caused precisely by the forces of nature and will be direct. Lightning strikes all targets that are within a mile zone, but does 30 percent less damage than the main target.

Thunder and Lightning - Shama Elem has this instant spell in PvP. it not only scatters enemies within 20 meters, it deals excellent damage and restores a little mana to the Shaman - up to 10 percent. This spell is great for throwing an enemy in the arena from a bridge or something else.

Conquering the Elements- with this ability you can instantly launch lava or chain lightning. Increases your speed by up to 15 percent for 15 seconds.

Lightning Overload- as soon as you cast any of the spells related to lightning, you will have a chance to cast this spell again and it will be instant, but the damage from it will be reduced to 33 percent.

Build for Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP

The build is quite simple, and is most common among Element Shamans. In the “Improvement” branch you can distribute some talents as you wish. Many people download “Echo”, but it’s a shame to spend 5 points. It is advisable not to touch the Elema branch, where 55 talents are spread out. Everything there is pumped up for PvP ideally.

Symbols for Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvE

Usually, for Shama Elem, the symbols are predetermined in principle. Just like in other classes, there are a lot of disputes about the importance of this or that symbol, but here everything is stationary. Of the large symbols, the best ones will look:

Glyph of Thunder - Your Thunder and Lightning spell will cool down faster by 10 seconds.

Lava Glyph - Lava damage will be increased by 10 percent of your SPD.

Stoneclaw Totem Glyph- gives the Shaman a shield that will absorb damage. It is similar to the shield that is placed on other totems. The Shaman Elem's shield itself will withstand four times more damage.

It’s also not difficult to decide on small symbols. Basically, all symbols are stationary and are necessary for Element:

Symbol of lightning and thunder- your target will not be knocked back when using this ability.
Glyph of the Ghost Wolf- while in the skin of a wolf, you will be less affected by various slowdown effects.

Sockets for Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP

Of the meta sockets, it is best suited for Shama Elem Chaotic Skyflare Diamond.
From red stones we put stones on spell power - + 23 to SPD.
Choose from yellow stones Soft royal amber. If you see in PvP that you have a lot of misses, then choose from the yellow stones for accuracy.
Of the blue stones, Shaman Elem will be more useful in PvP Thunderous Majestic Zircon. Usually 3 stones will be enough for you. If there is space left, then you can add red stones to the SPD despite the bonuses.

Best setups for Elem Shaman 3.3.5 PvP

Shaman Elem + DC Priest The setup is most excellent. However, if you are just starting out, I will recommend a few points for Priest. Firstly, he shouldn’t bother with MP5, as it’s completely stupid when playing with Elem. Must be exclusively Assist. The Priest must have a symbol for punishment or sacred fire - I don’t remember exactly, but this will significantly increase your mutual damage.

Shaman Elem + Destro Locke- in this setup I was able to reach 1870 arena rating. Quite a good indicator. I think the setup itself is also worthy for the Arena, the main thing is to have normal hands and fresh brains.

Shaman Elem + Holy Paladin- here, I think everything is clear to you. Normal healing, excellent fake castes, good survivability. The setup is quite good in that it will be easier for Shaman Elem to survive in a longer battle.

Enchantments for Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP

Head - Magic sign of flaming secrets

Shoulders - Greater Mark of the Storm

Cloak - Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Speed ​​II

Breast - Scroll of Enchant Chest - All Stats VII

Bracers - Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Spell Power III

Gloves - Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Spell Power II

Trousers - Sapphire Spellthread

Boots - Scroll of Enchant Boots - Tuskarr Vitality

Weapon - Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Spell Power III

Techniques for playing in the Arena of Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP

Fight against Var. In the game against Var, Elem needs to play carefully, since they penetrate Shamans well. Constantly slow down the war with ice shock. Grounding totems will help you endure Var. The main thing is to learn how to place them correctly and in a timely manner. Before you enter the battle, place these totems and be sure to place the stone claw totem within 1 second. In fact, all wars start with a dash, but it will fly not to you, but to the totem. You run back and place the grounding totem again, since Var can repeat the dash. If the Warrior runs up to you, then give him roots. Usually Vara immediately starts spinning the whirlwind, but it doesn’t matter, you throw it back right away. Look how many attempts Var had to hit you and not one was successful. Your main task is to learn how to work with the totem and heal in a timely manner.

Fight against Paladin. The stick is much easier to deal with. It all usually starts with dispel, then we push through lava and fire shock. As soon as Pal has stretched his wings, we begin dispelling again. Here all the equipment will be supplied from the display. In a game with a healer, learn to fake castes - this means knocking down his castes during healing. It's better to do this at the end of the cast. Your second task will be not to lose mana.

Fight against Druid. Against a druid the game will also be simple. The main task is to constantly knock down the Druid's star fire and do not forget to place your grounding totems. As soon as the battle begins, be sure to place a magma totem and position yourself in the center. Usually Drul opens up before he throws his stun. Then we constantly spam the roots into it. At the moment when the Druid opens, we immediately turn on the grounding totem and move away to the maximum distance. Using an ice shock can slow him down and push him back. The druid will make a dash in an attempt to reach you, but the grounding totem will work here.

Fight against Priest. If you meet a Priest, here we try to dispel everything and knock down the castes to heal him. As soon as the priest tries to drain your mana, this drain must be interrupted and we immediately press the grounding totem. All firs will help you remove the totem of awe. Don't forget about him either.

Fight against Hunt. Hunt is a fairly dangerous opponent who can take out Shama in seconds. Be sure to work with the absorption totem here. Always play in the melee zone. When the Hunter used reflection, you better heal, otherwise you will fall.

Fight against Roga. We start with the Magma totem. He will help you burn the horn when he approaches. As soon as this happens, we immediately pour fire shock into it. After the horn, he will try to go into vanish or press KoSh. Wait for them to end and let everything go in a circle. Constantly update your shield and magma totem.

Fight against the Mage. In general, everything is done in the same way as with the priest. You should always work with the grounding totem and the awe totem. Try to dispel everything as much as possible and also knock down the castes. You will also need a totem of resistance to ice magic. Try to make sure that the magician cannot disrupt your castes. There are several tricks on how to deceive a magician. Having installed the grounding totem, cast healing on yourself. The magician will definitely use up his antimagic and it will go into your totem.

Fight against the Death Knight. The first thing you need to remember is that your purification totem must be running continuously throughout the fight. According to the CD, we also place a grounding totem. You can't let the Death Knight get close to you. Use War tactics to keep the DK at bay. When there is a critical moment for you, we use the toad and calmly begin to heal.

Fight against Lock. This is a rather difficult class in PvP. You should always work with the awe totem during the fight and definitely do not forget about the grounding totem. Try to knock down any lock cast, and try to heal more often.

Professions for Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP

Now in WoW, any of the professions are perfectly balanced. And in principle, each of them is good. But the following profs are better suited for Elem Shaman in PvP:

Engineering - makes it possible to make excellent gadgets that will be indispensable assistants for the Shaman in PvP.

Jewelry making is good because you can improve any characteristics with the help of stones. For example, you can easily compensate for the lack of Hasta or SPD. You will also get yourself several unique cool stones, whose bonus indicator is much higher.

All I can do is wish you good luck in all your endeavors. Try to duel more to learn the techniques of any of the classes. Try to develop action strategies for yourself so that you know what you need to do in a given situation. I think this guide to Shaman Elem 3.3.5 PvP has revealed all the secrets of PvP, so go ahead and give you high ratings.

Shaman Macros

Your Shaman is not a simple class in itself and is quite multi-button. Many people try to make the game easier for themselves using macros, and it works quite well. After all, with the help of them, instead of pressing four buttons, you will press only one. From the entire list, choose those that you like, but in general, all the macros described are simply excellent. In general, the choice is yours. Let's go, the best macros for Shaman in WoW:

Macro on Earth Shield and Water Shield

/cast Water Shield; Earth Shield;

More suitable for a restaurant. Without any modifiers, Earth Shield will be cast on the target. If you hold down Alt, the spell will be cast on you, and if you press it while holding Shift, the cast of Water Shield will begin.

Macro for Frost Shock and Slicing Wind

First of all, the macro is convenient because it immediately frees up several buttons on the panel.

/cast Ice Shock; Ice Shock

If you simply press it, “Ice Shock” will work, and if you hold Shift, then “Slicing Wind” will fly, which will fly into focus. When there is no Focus, it will pass through the main target.

Macro on Spiritual Purification and Purification

A harmful spell will be removed from any friendly target, and one useful spell will be removed from the enemy.

/cast Cleanse
/cast Spiritual Purification

It’s very convenient because you don’t have to change the target. The macro will act on whoever the mouse is hovering over. If you don't have anyone under your cursor, the spell will fly to the target.

The following macro works on several targets at once. Usually in PvP, 3x3 or 5x5 it is difficult to single out just one. therefore, this macro for the Shaman will remove all positive spells from the enemy and negative ones from those gamers who run with you in the party.

/cast Cleanse
/cast Spiritual Purification

Macro for “Piercing Wind”

#showtooltip Cutting wind
/cast Slicing Wind; Piercing wind

If you want the wind to pass through the focus, you need to hold Shift. Without it, the spell will naturally fly to the target.
There is also a macro for interrupting the enemy’s cast:

/cast Slicing Wind

A fairly useful Shaman macro at the moment when the enemy begins a cast that needs to be stopped, and you perform some action. This macro interrupts this action and instantly pronounces “Piercing Wind”.

Macro for Stormstrike and Auto-attack

Typically, Elem Shaman starts her rotation with Stormstrike, but she also has a fairly high cooldown.

/cast Stormstrike

Often when using Stormstrike and changing targets, the Shaman becomes rooted to the spot as a large GCD is in progress. To prevent this from happening, the storm will be immediately followed by auto-attacks.

Macro for shields

xxx; /cast xxx;

You must register in this macro for the Shaman those shields that you need instead of the letter “X”. The macro works the same way via Shift. When the key is held down, the first shield will pop up, and when the key is not held down, the second one will pop up.

There is another macro that also simplifies the use of shields:

/cast Earth Shield(Level 3); Earth Shield(Level 3); Water shield

As soon as you press the macro, “Water Shield” will immediately work on you. When pressed together with Shift, the macro will hang “Earth Shield”. If you are targeting your partner, and the Shift button is pressed, “Earth Shield” will work on your partner.

Macro for damage or healing

A cool macro for PvP, which is available to virtually every proficient Shaman.

Wave of Healing; /cast Lightning

It happens that when you have a partner in your target, a heal will always fly at him. If there is an enemy in the target, then damage will fly towards him. Agree, in PvP it’s simply great to do it all in one macro.

Macro on totems

You want to set all 4 totems with one click, then this macro is just for you:

/castsequence reset=4 Mana Spring Totem, Windfury Totem, Magma Totem, Earthforce Totem

Very comfortably. Frees up a lot of space on the panel. And you don’t have to click the mouse 4 times.

Macro on totems in case of protection

There are times, for example in PvP, when two opponents suddenly switch to you and you need more protection.

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Nature Defense Totem, Healing Stream Totem, Stoneskin Totem, Frost Defense Totem

The macro exposes all totems of the save, however, in the case when you entered combat mode.

Macro for attacking totems

Quite convenient when you are about to go on the attack.

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Fire Protection Totem, Earth Power Totem, Windfury Totem, Frost Protection Totem

The moment you click on the macro, you will place all the totems you need before the attack.

Macro for slowing totems

When you need to slow down the enemy, in other words, get a sufficient distance away from him, slowing totems and a macro for them will help you:

/castsequence reset=combat/20 Magma Totem, Earthbind Totem

Macro for removing poisons and diseases

By clicking on the macro together with Shift, you will first of all heal and remove poisons from yourself.

/cast Removing poison;
/cast Cure disease;
/cast Poison removal
/cast Cure disease

If you haven’t chosen a target yet and you don’t have anyone in your target, then naturally the macro will work for you. This helps a lot in PvP and is great for PvE.

Macro for “Chain Lightning”

It happens that you urgently need to use Chain Lightning, but at the time of GCD it is impossible to do this.

/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Chain Lightning

The macro will allow you to cast this spell with lightning speed.

Macro for “Healing Wave” and “Natural Swiftness”

/cast Tide Power
/cast Natural Swiftness
/cast Evil Eye; Wave of Healing

Every self-respecting Shaman Restaurant should have this macro. When a partner is targeted, he will be healed, the one who is in focus, for example an enemy, will be cast with “Evil Eye”, which you can change to the spell that is most convenient for you.

Dispell macro and focus clearing

/cast Purification of the Spirit; Dispel Magic; Dispel Magic

When using a certain bind in conjunction with a macro, for example a bind on the letter Q, your target will be the enemy and Purge will fly towards him. If the target is one of the allies, then diseases, poisons, and curses will be removed. If you want Purge to come into focus, you need to hold Shift.

Macro for healing

/use Fel Healthstone
/cast Riptide
/use Warlord's Devastation

In difficult and critical moments, you will be able to restore your HP. A macro for self-preservation, so to speak.

Shamans are a class that is quite difficult to play without macros. We tried to choose the best macros for Shaman for you and posted them in this section. If you want to learn about the technique of playing the Shaman class, then see the corresponding guides on it. This is probably not all Macros for the Shaman, and if you know something else, then leave them in the comments. All fans of the Shaman class will be grateful to you.

Shaman addons

SpellAlert Healium

This guide is taken from open Internet sources for informational purposes only.