Reputation in WoW and factions. Analytics: reputation system in World of Warcraft What is a faction in WWII

The Faction Change service allows you to change a single character"s faction. As you complete the process, you will select your character"s new race, appearance, and name. The race you choose must support your character's class. Completing a faction change will prevent you from changing the character's faction, race, or realm again for 72 hours.


  • The character must be at least level 10, and have no active auctions, mail, or WoW Tokens
  • The character must not have changed factions in the last 72 hours
  • You can't faction change on a Starter Edition account
  • Guild Masters must transfer leadership or disband the guild. See our Guild Services article for information on changing the guild's faction
  • World of Warcraft Classic characters are not eligible for Faction Change.
  • Characters with too much gold can"t change factions. The following gold limits apply to all characters

Gold Limits

LevelMax. Gold
10-30 300g
31-50 1,000g
51-70 5,000g
71-80 20,000g
81-99 51,000g
100-109 250,000g
110+ 1M

World Quests, Island Expeditions, Dungeons, Warfronts

  • World Quests are unlocked for the entire account
  • If you unlock Island ​Expeditions they are unlocked for the entire account
  • Siege of Boralus and Kings" Rest are unlocked for all characters on the account and will transfer when a faction change is complete
  • If you unlock Warfronts they are unlocked for all characters on the faction of the character that unlocked them and will not transfer when a faction change is complete

Flight Points

  • Most flight points will convert
  • Additional flight points can be unlocked on the opposite faction"s area after purchasing scouting reports from 7th Legion or Honorbound quartermasters. These are unlocked for all characters on the faction of the character that unlocked them and will not transfer when a faction change is complete


When you faction change, faction specific reputations will convert. Visit our Faction Change Reputation Conversion page for a conversion breakdown.

Note: Allied Race reputations are neutral. Converting to or from an Allied Race-e.g. Highmountain Tauren or Lightforged Draenei-will have no effect on those reputation levels.

  • Other faction-specific reputations convert into their cross-faction equivalents if one exists. Neutral reputations are not affected, except for Sunreavers and Silver Covenant, which revert to Neutral
  • Faction-specific items, titles, and completed character specific achievements convert to their cross-faction equivalents

Quests and Achievements

  • Incomplete quests are removed from your quest log and all quest items are destroyed. You need to visit the initial quest giver to restart affected quests
  • Progression towards unlocking a Paragon Chest will reset upon faction changing, unless the cache is available to both factions (ie. Tortollan)
  • Faction-specific completed quests will be lost and will no longer count towards any completed quests counters
  • Progress on character-specific achievements, such as for quests and PVP, will be reset
  • Argent Tournament progress, including achievements, resets after the faction change

Guilds, Raids, and PVP

  • Raid lockouts are not reset after the faction change.
  • Character-specific PvP mounts will convert
  • The character's World of Warcraft Friends will be reset
  • Guild pages and heralds will convert to the new factions equivalent
  • Currencies are unaffected
  • If you transfer your character to the other faction after a PvP season has ended, you must have 50 wins after your transfer to receive the Hero of the Alliance/Horde achievement and 150 wins after your transfer for rank 1 arena rewards
  • Conquest points earned towards your current Conquest reward in the weekly bar will be lost

Mission Hub

  • Access to the Horde Banshee"s Wail or Alliance Wind"s Redemption will transfer when a faction change is complete
  • Followers, Shipyard, and completed Garrison buildings will be kept. Unfinished missions, buildings, or work orders will be lost
  • Faction-specific followers (including Nazjatar followers and their levels), ships, and ship crews convert to an equivalent from your new faction. Follower traits stay the same, but abilities may change. Ship abilities and equipment remain the same
  • Champion and Follower missions will be cleared

At the last BlizzCon, journalists from the publication BlizzardWatсh met with Alex Afrasiabi and Patrick Dawson and chatted about the future of World of Warcraft. The interview turned out to be interesting, but one part of it deserves separate consideration.

After Afrasiabi mentioned the growing conflict between Saurfang and Sylvanas, Mitch (a BlizzardWatch employee) suggested that he divide the Horde into separate factions supporting their leader. While Alex thought the idea was "interesting and fit the scenario," Afrasiabi explained that creating a third faction would mean further dividing friends and existing guilds, since players from different factions could not fight together. He prefers another option: the unification of the Alliance and the Horde.

“This will be an important lesson for Azeroth,” he concluded. "Even though we fight against each other, we fight for our home."

I've been writing about World of Warcraft since 2007. I've been playing it since 2004. And I can't remember even the slightest mention of something like this from the WoW development team, much less from a person of Alex Afrasiabi's stature. Let me be clear: he is not some ordinary employee, but a senior creative director being interviewed by two journalists at BlizzCon. He knows very well that everything he says can be heard by all WoW players.

Let's unite?

Before this, I categorically denied the possibility of a complete end to the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde in the Battle for Azeroth. It seemed absurd. Yes, there have been repeated statements that this expansion will finally put an end to the conflict between the two factions, something that never happened in Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. But I had no idea what exactly that meant. And of course, I didn’t even imagine that someone at Blizzard was thinking of ending what the Warcraft franchise began with.

But let's control ourselves.

Afrasiabi did not say that after Battle for Azeroth there will be no separate factions. He also didn't say that all players would be in the same faction. He simply mentioned that he would prefer this option to creating a third faction that would further divide the players. He doesn't want to destroy established guilds or prevent people from forming groups with their friends. A wise decision. But this does not mean that after the Battle for Azeroth we will all be in the same faction. His words are of great importance. This is the most radical statement that Blizzard has ever said regarding possible cross-faction play. But for now, Alex is not flying the purple flag of the united faction.

Seriously, imagine a purple banner with a lion and the Horde symbol as the new Hordeliance flag. Or Alliances? That would be damn cool.

Can we overcome hostility?

The significance of this statement lies not only in its novelty, but also in the fact that Alex Afrasiabi is in a key position, having the opportunity to decide which direction World of Warcraft will move. So far there has been no news about a similar concept in future expansions. We've only been shown previews of patches 8.1, 8.1.5 and 8.2, and we know for sure that at least 8.2.5 and probably 8.3 will be released. But it is not yet known what will happen after 8.2.5, which is why Afrasiabi’s statement takes on a whole new meaning.

Of course, this can be implemented in different ways. The easiest way would be to allow people from different factions to unite via Real ID/Battletag, without giving any backstory. Just a new game feature. Your orc warrior can go into dungeons and raids with a human paladin. This will affect the confrontation between factions from a lore point of view, but will expand the functionality of creating groups and guilds, and will not allow faction affiliation to separate you from your friends.

But this does not amount to an addition that will once and for all put an end to the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. We saw the "Infamy" cutscene, in which Anduin Wrynn reached out to Varok Saurfang despite their faction differences, in an attempt to find a way to stop Sylvanas without sacrificing everything that makes each faction what it is. And it would be nice to see how this is reflected in the game itself. Saurfang has once led an army of Alliance and Horde soldiers against an ancient god and his minions, and it would be great if he did the same in Patch 8.3.

Eternal waiting

I couldn't even think of such a concept, seeing as Teldrassil burned and the Undercity was consumed by plague. It is difficult to imagine even the slightest concessions in the struggle between factions, much less the possibility of their unification. Even if these are small steps - easing tension, peaceful negotiations, small concessions to each other - now they will seem like a miracle. But this is what players of both factions should hope for.

Again, no one promised anything like this. No one said that we would be able to team up with friends from the opposite faction in the next expansion. We were not even promised a resolution to the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance, which could lead to a blurring of factional differences. But this is the loudest such statement ever made by Blizzard representatives. I would really like to be able to unite with other people, regardless of faction, and I really hope that this statement is not empty words.

In the game World of WarCraft there are many factions, as well as a guild, with which you can level up your reputation - they have different attitudes towards you: Friendly, hostile and neutral. Depending on your reputation and your behavior, their attitude towards you changes; if they are friendly, you can gain access to the goods of the faction, but if they are hostile, they may want to kill you.

Factions are groups of non-player characters (NPCs) that are located in different parts of the WoW world. During the game you will meet them, when you meet them they will appear in your “Reputation” list. A lot will depend on your reputation and their attitude towards you. There are also factions of “cities” in the game; each city, large, has its own faction.

You can find out what your reputation is with a certain faction in the character information window, on the “Reputation” tab.

Here's what reputation affects in the game and what it gives:

  • Number of tasks from NPCs;
  • Prices for goods and services from NPS - the higher your reputation, the cheaper repairs and goods will cost;
  • Some goods from faction representatives (quartermasters) are “hidden” and become available only after obtaining certain levels of reputation;
  • Purchasing faction capes;
  • Achievements – for gaining reputation with some factions you will be given achievements;

Titles - for gaining reputation, titles are available with factions.

Reputation levels

Reputation in the game is calculated by points that must be received. There are several levels of reputation; if they are negative, it is better not to approach NPCs; they can attack you and kill you:


  • Hatred - -36,000 points - your character will be attacked by NPCs of this faction;
  • Hostility - -12,000 – your character may be attacked by some NPCs;


  • Dislike - -3.000 – you cannot talk to these NPCs;
  • Indifference - + 3,000 - you can communicate with these characters, sell them your items and buy something from them;


  • Friendliness - + 6,000 5% discount on goods and services, and some products are already available to you;
  • Respect - +12.000 10% discount on goods and services, and access to new items for sale;
  • Respect - +21.000 15% discount on goods and services, access to new items for sale;
  • Exalted - +999 20% discounts on goods and services, this reputation becomes available after gaining reverence. This is the maximum possible reputation in the game. Once you receive it, you can buy all possible goods from merchants.

Upgrading your reputation

Here are the ways you can level up your reputation:

  • You will need to bring some items, for example.
  • Complete tasks (quests);
  • Complete daily tasks (daily tasks);
  • You can put on their tabard and go through dungeons (dungeons) and gain reputation for killing enemies in them.

Sometimes, by improving the reputation of one faction, the reputation of another decreases.

Methods of pumping up reputation depend on the faction; there are factions where you can pump up reputation in all ways, and there are also those where only one.

By choosing a race for your character, you gain friendliness with it. And also indifference with the faction of your race.

Which faction should I upgrade first? I recommend that at the very beginning of your journey of mastering WoW, you begin to improve the reputation of the city in which you will “live” the most. For the Alliance it is Stormwind, and for the Horde it is Orgrimmar. The easiest way to level up your reputation with these capitals is to buy their cape from the quartermasters.

They say that nothing costs us so little or is valued so much as politeness. We will also extract from the treasury of folk wisdom “ Take care of honor from a young age», « Don't spit in the well», « Do good and it will come back to you", and as a bold point " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." All these simple postulates are already a hundred years old. When they were first uttered, no one had heard of online games.

But the time has come, and game makers of all stripes and colors rushed to integrate folk wisdom into virtual worlds. You don’t have to look far for examples: the same beloved Peter Molyneux gave players the opportunity to admire how evil grows horns, and good is greeted with a hail of applause ( Fable: The Lost Chapters). Well, the reputation system in D&D worlds (there it is called by the tricky word alignment, that is, worldview) is known to anyone who is at least somewhat interested in role-playing games.

In online games, in particular World of Warcraft, which will be discussed today, reputation can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, this is the attitude of the players around you - it moves away from the “good-bad” scheme and offers a lot of other options. On the other hand, this is the attitude towards your humble person of all sorts of in-game factions, of which there are a lot in WoW. And if in the first case it is very difficult to calculate the exact values ​​of reputation and its benefits (no one has yet figured out how to measure interpersonal relationships in numbers), then in the second it is easy. Today we will talk about what reputation is in WoW, why it is needed at all, and how to develop it.

From Hated to Exalted

To extinguish the rune burning under Magmadar’s very nose, you will have to kill him (MC instance).

In real life, our appearance in any unfamiliar company usually begins from a neutral position. Let's say you got a new job. They treat you neither well nor badly - they simply don’t know you, and it’s up to you who will help you and who will tell you to go to hell. It’s exactly the same in WoW, with one exception: here the system of relations with any of the factions is spelled out very clearly. As a matter of fact, let’s consider the general gradation, leaving the nuances and examples for last.

Neutral. Standard initial attitude from most third party factions (exceptions downstream). They don’t offend you, but don’t expect help either. After gaining 3000 points, reputation moves to the next stage.

Friendly. You have been added to the list of friends, but usually they do not give you any special privileges at this level (although they may offer you a couple of good things to get started). To advance to the next stage you need 6000 points.

Honored. As a rule, here you can already begin to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Your merits have been recognized, and most factions at this level will give you some pleasant surprises. To advance to the next stage you need 12,000 points.

Revered. You're almost a hero. They don't bow to you or kiss your heels yet, but you can already get almost everything that the faction with which you have such a relationship can give. Almost - because after gaining 21,000 points, the next stage begins.

Exalted. When you appear, women shout " hooray!” and throw bras into the air (allegorically, of course). Why do you need any wild emotions if now you can get everything - the rarest recipes, the most tempting enchants, the most purple things? If you really want, you can add another 1000 reputation points, although this is just for the sake of glamor. Ave Maria, there’s nowhere else to go. For this faction, you are a god in the flesh.

The vast majority of factions in WoW are designed to develop relationships with them exclusively for the better. But sometimes, if you really want to, you can make enemies out of the blue - going down from an initial neutral reputation to...

Unfriendly. They won’t rush at you with stakes yet, but they will no longer trade or talk. In numerical terms, this is -3000 points.

Hostile. Do you know what a KOS sheet is? This online term is short for Kill on Sight, that is " saw - kill" Congratulations, you just got included there, and you also honestly earned -6000 points.

Hated. Now all members of this faction, including half-dead first-level NPCs, will rush at you like a bull at a red rag. They no longer care that the forces are unequal: the state At War(war) obliges everyone to act accordingly. To completely immerse yourself in nirvana, on the contrary, you only need to reach -36000. It’s difficult, but what sacrifices won’t you make for the sake of art?

In fact, no sane player will seek a negative reputation with any of the factions - if only because there is no benefit from it. Here's to crawling out of the level " we all hate you" before " angel... we love you!"Sometimes you have to.

About changing horses at the crossing

If you have a WoW account at hand, open it and look at the reputation tab. The first large section will be calledHorde orAlliance - depending on which faction you play for. There are five sub-items in this section: four capitals and one main group (HordeDarkspear Trolls and allianceGnomeregan Exiles ). These are the so-called racial factions, we’ll start by getting to know them. Let us remember that the Horde includes such races as trolls and orcs ( ABOUT rgrimmar ), tauren (Thunder Bluff ), blood elves (Silvermoon City ) and undead (Undersity ), to the Alliance - gnomes and dwarfs (Ironforge ), People (Stormwind ), draenei (Exodar ) and elves (Darnassus ).

The easiest way to increase your reputation is by handing over coins and other jewelry (ZG instance).

A new player who just enters the game, by default, receives friendly relations with all “his” factions. However, there are several exceptions to this rule - for example, blood elves or undead. Given the special position of the undead in the Horde, they begin the game with a friendly reputation only in their home city (Undersity ), all other capitals of the Horde are neutral towards them. The undead pay other races of the horde in the same coin - relations with the capital of the undead for all Horde members by default begin from a neutral position.

Since the Horde and the Alliance are constantly at war, it is not difficult to guess that the reputation with the cities of the opposite faction is initially spoiled to the point of At War. Moreover, this is the only case when it is impossible to improve relations with an unfriendly faction by definition - a situation when a green-skinned orc calmly walks the streets Stormwind(capitals of people) - beyond fantasy (or the result of a successful raid).

But you can increase your reputation with the cities of your native faction as much as you like. The standard way is to complete quests from city NPCs (note that they can be located not only in the capital, but also outside it). If all possible quests have been completed, but the bar has not reached the required level, try handing over the fabric to a special vendor.

The legitimate question, why try so hard, has a very definite answer. At the level Honored the character receives a 10% discount when purchasing goods, repairing, learning new skills and flying (by the way, this applies not only to capitals, but in general to all factions where there are vendors, teachers or flight points). And when you increase your reputation with the capital of a “non-native” race to Exalted there is an opportunity to learn how to ride the animals that this race uses. For example, a troll by default can only learn to ride a raptor, but if he becomes a national hero of the undead and wins the best reputation in Undersity, he can easily ride the signature horse of the undead.

It came and went

The next major section of the reputation page is relationships with fighting factions, Horde Forces orAlliance Forces . For the Horde and Alliance they will be called differently, but the essence is the same: these are combat arenasWarsong Gulch (battle to capture the flag)Arathi Basin (battle for resources) andAlterac Valley (a large-scale battle that ends with the killing of the general of the opposing faction). As you might guess, the more often you organize races in a specific battle arena and the more successful these races are, the better the attitude of representatives of the corresponding faction towards you. The initial reputation of battle arenas is neutral.

Here we will need to make some kind of historical digression and talk about this. Before releaseThe Burning Crusade pumping up your reputation with battle arenas was considered necessary and important, since only with a good level did it become possible to buy some very interesting items from the relevant vendors. Quite often there were players who were ready to sit on Alterac all day long for the opportunity to purchase a magnificent weapon or an epic mount that this faction could give with the best treatment.

However, with the release of the add-on and a total change in the entire honor system, the usefulness of leveling up reputation in battle arenas has been reduced to zero, and in fact, the attitude indicator now does not affect anything. The only exception is Alterac, where a high reputation score can help win the battle. Nevertheless, the relationship level bars remained in their places, and now we can only guess whether Blizzard simply lost sight of this point, or whether some features will be added later.

Here we’ll make one more remark: when talking about reputation with combat factions, we mean precisely the three above-mentioned combat arenas. The catch is that “battle arena” is the most adequate translation of the English battleground. But after the introduction of the patch, arenas themselves appeared in the game - team battle wall to wall until the last survivor. This gameplay element has nothing to do with the general reputation system, and we mention it only so that readers do not get confused in the definitions.

Next point, Steamwheedle Cartel(a community of lop-eared green goblins, including four cities), is the same for both the Horde and the Alliance. It does not provide any interesting features other than the already described 10% bonus at the level Honored. It is quite possible that the developers will introduce some additional tricks later, but for now we will turn to the last and most interesting point, united under the general heading “ Other factions» ( Other). A player who has just started playing does not have this item; but in just a few months the number of groups caught there may exceed a dozen. We will now consider the most interesting of them.

Argent Dawn

A faction whose vendors sell excellent recipes (starting from the Friendly level) and allow you to put a good enchant (protection from some schools of magic) on your shoulder pads. In addition, they offer several interesting things (for example, a bag with 18 slots) in exchange for so-called Insignia(the higher the level of your reputation, the less you need to collect these same “insignia”).

Tanaris. The entrance to the Caverns of Time is still closed.

This faction is located in Plaquelands, its representatives are initially equally neutral towards the Horde and the Alliance. Reputation can be increased in a variety of ways: killing certain undead monsters, clearing instances Scholomance And Stratholme(both are designed for a standard group of five people), collecting special stones - Scourge Stones(for this you will be given a special earring), completing quests. The main enemies are any undead in the Plaquelands.

Cenarion Circle

This faction (with some exceptions and additions) is almost a carbon copy of Argent Dawn. A good relationship with her will give you wonderful new recipes, good things for collecting Badges(these items are given for completing local quests; the higher your current reputation level and the more of them you collect, the more interesting the reward will be), as well as the opportunity to receive an epic set of three items (one for each class).

They are located in the area Silithus, are neutral by default. You can increase your reputation by completing quests and collecting special texts ( Encrypted Twilight Texts- drop from local humanoids), killing small and large summoned monsters and participating in campaigns in Ruins of Ahn"Qiraj(abbreviation - AQ20, raid instance for 20 people).

The main enemies are the humanoids of the sect Twilight and all the inhabitants of AQ20.

Brood of Nozdormu

A unique faction, relations with which were initially spoiled to a sacramental -36000. But even restoring your reputation to a neutral level will give you a nice bonus in the form of a purple ring, which will become even better as your reputation grows. Also, starting from the neutral level, you can begin to collect the corresponding epic set (consists of five things, different for each class).

The head of this faction is a dragon Anachronos, you can find it in the deserts of the area Tanaris, near the Caverns of Time ( Caverns of Time). He gives out both quests and rewards. The easiest and most effective way to increase your reputation with this faction is to constantly go to Temple of Ahn"Qiraj(abbreviation - AQ40, raid instance for 40 people, located on the territory Silithus).

Hydraxian Waterlords

Relations with this faction are initially neutral and improve mainly by killing monsters and bosses in Molten Core(MS, raid instance for 40 people). Finding the “Water Lords” is very difficult - to do this you will have to fly to Azshara and make a very long swim to one of the southernmost islands.

Reputation with HW does not provide any special advantages, except for the opportunity to get an endless bottle Aqual Quintessence at the level Revered(if the reputation level is lower, then before each trip to the MS you need to run for a new bottle of this kind). The bottle itself is needed to extinguish the runes in the instance - the penultimate boss, Majordomo Executus, appears only when they are all extinguished.

Thorium Brotherhood

Initially a neutral faction, its main representatives are located at Searing Gorge(Thorium Point). It is especially loved by blacksmiths, because with the level of reputation Exalted here is a recipe for crafting a legendary hammer Sulfuron Hammer. The main way to level up is to hand over on a cosmic scale everything that representatives of a given faction require (alone this is not that unrealistic, but very, very difficult). However, bonuses from friendship with this group can be obtained already from the Frendly level - very good purple recipes for blacksmiths and excellent formulas for enchanters.

Timbermaw Hold

Relations with this faction were initially spoiled to the level Hostile, and they have to be raised on a voluntary-compulsory basis - otherwise, through a tunnel guarded by bears from Felwood V Winterspring And Moonglade you will have to fight your way through. The only way here is to kill unwanted monsters and collect jewelry from cold corpses.

If you spend a week or two on total genocide and achieve a relationship Exalted( enough for passage Unfriendly), as a reward you will receive an earring with which you can summon a defender. From level Friendly Various recipes also become available, of which only enchanter formulas are of value.

Zandalar Tribe

The main core of this troll faction can be found on the island north of the Horde settlement Grom'Gol. It is imperative to increase your reputation - there are a bunch of all kinds of recipes for all professions, epic sets for each class, and the opportunity to put a very serious enchant on your hat or pants. The main method is continuous runs in Zul'Gurub (ZG, raid instance for 20 people). Initially, the faction is neutral towards all players.

* * *

Almost any of the factions in WoW can give those who work for its glory a lot of interesting equipment, recipes and other useful things. Please note that everything that a faction gives is automatically “tied” to the character, so these things cannot be bought at auction or obtained in any other way.

Of course, in the framework of one article we were able to fit only the most general overview of such a dimensionless topic as reputation. Perhaps later we will cover each of the factions in detail, although, on the other hand, to tell everything in detail means to deprive beginners of the lion's share of the pleasure of discoveries and findings.