Mod to increase the enemies in skyrim. II. Magic Armor Upgrade


In the original "Skyrim", compared to the warriors, the magicians look pretty miserable. If with the help of pumping blacksmithing, alchemy and enchantment, you can achieve huge weapon damage, then with magic everything is much worse, the maximum that can be achieved is casting spells with two hands and abilities like “Augmented Flame”. And this is not to mention the generally prohibitive damage of stealth attacks from a bow or daggers. In addition, many spells, like magic armor, have ridiculous durations that require you to constantly renew them. This mod increases the power and/or duration of spells as you improve in the schools of magic (beginner - apprentice - adept - expert - master), and also makes various improvements to existing spells. The mod works not only with standard spells, but also with almost all spells from third-party mods.

I. Improving Spells as Mastery Grows

  1. All mastery abilities ("Beginner", "Apprentice", "Adept", "Expert", "Master") of the schools of magic give an additional effect that improves all spells of that school. For alteration, sorcery and illusion, each ability from this branch increases the duration of spells by 15%, and for destruction and restoration - spell power, also by 15%. The bonuses are superimposed on each other, so after choosing the “Master” ability, the spells of this school last 2 times longer or become 2 times stronger (1.15 5 = 2.01).
  2. The abilities “Intensified Frost”, “Increased Flame”, “Increased Lightning” of the school of destruction increase the damage of spells of the corresponding type by 15% (thus, only at the second level of this ability - 30%), and also increase the resistance of the corresponding element by 15%. Also, these abilities no longer affect weapon enchantments, because the damage of conventional weapons can already be pumped up to huge values.
  3. Cloak's initial spell range has been reduced from 10' (3.1m) to 8' (2.4m), but damage and radius now increase as mastery abilities (item 1) and elemental damage amplification abilities are gained (item 2).
  4. Paralysis duration reduced from 10 to 7 sec, Mass Paralysis from 15 to 10 sec. This is done so that they do not become too strong, because. their duration grows with the acquisition of new mastery abilities (item 1).
  5. And if you think this is unfair, then the spell "Mass Paralysis" is unlocked to cast with two hands. The cost of magic is huge, but the duration is also great.
  6. The “Science of Fear” ability of the school of illusion now does not affect the damage of fire spells - fixing a bug in the original Skyrim (it was also fixed in unofficial patches).
  7. The ability "Necromage" of the school of restoration no longer enhances the spells that you cast on your character if he is a vampire. This is also a bug that made vampire players extremely strong and has also been fixed in the USKP.
  8. Another fix - rune damage is now affected by elemental damage amplification abilities (item 2).
  9. The Chain Lightning spell is now more reliable (casts to nearby enemies more often) and only works on enemies (previously it was an extremely dangerous spell in the sense that it constantly caught teammates, guards and other outsiders). The explosion from the spell "Fireball" now deals damage to everyone in the radius of destruction, incl. behind the obstacles. Ice Storm also ignores obstacles.

II. Magic Armor Upgrade

Magic armor spells in the original game are quite weak and last too long, so it's usually easier and more convenient to just wear armor. The mod tries to fix this - the mage is not required to wear armor!

  1. As the skill of the school of change increases, both the level of magical armor and the duration of spells increase. This (kind of) equalizes magic armor with regular armor, at least light armor.
  2. Each level of the "Magic Armor" ability of the school of change increases the armor class by 50 points. (6% damage resistance), up to 150 total at level three. Naturally, you don't have to wear any regular armor, only clothes.
  3. "Dragon Skin" is made as a normal magic armor spell, grants (base value) 150 damage. armor for 60 sec.

Thus, with all three levels of the “Magic Armor” ability, the “Master” ability of the school of change, you get up to 150 units. armor rating (“passive”) and up to 450 from Dragonskin, up to 600 in total. or 72% Physical Resistance, which is very close to the maximum armor rating (625, 80%). Compared to "Dragon Skin" from original game you get 8% less resistance to physical damage, but 6 times the duration and almost 2 times less magicka (in the original, 80% of the physical damage resistance of Dragonskin is not bad, but 45 seconds of action is nothing at all , especially considering the cast time and magic cost of this spell).

III. Dual Handed Spell Improvement

  1. In the original, when cast with two hands, spells are less effective due to the ratio (strength / magicka consumption): spells are 2.2 times stronger, but require 2.5 times more magic. Now everything is fair - both the consumption of magic and the strength are 2.5 times more than when reading with one hand.
  2. With the “Shockwave” ability of the school of destruction, the chance to stagger the enemy on hit is now 33% instead of 100%, because it’s almost cheating - just enchant clothes for zero magicka consumption for destruction spells and double-handed with impunity. Apparently, in this way, Arbor tried to compensate for the general weakness of mages in the game.

IV. Magic Finisher Upgrade

The School of Destruction abilities “Hot Flame”, “Deep Freeze” and “Disintegration” are not very useful in the original game, as they kill enemies who have not long left anyway. Better Magic changes the effect of these abilities to look like something like a critical hit chance.

  1. Blaze and Deep Freeze: Instead of a guaranteed kill on enemies below 20% health, it is now a 20% chance to kill enemies below 50% health. Those. This happens relatively rarely, but the effect is certainly useful and can even turn the tide of the battle. Does not work on enemies immune to paralysis or fear spells.
  2. “Disintegration”: earlier, electric spells were guaranteed to turn already almost killed enemies into piles of ashes (which is very inconvenient for necromancers), now the effect works with a probability of only 15%, but on enemies with less than 50% health. Some enemies cannot be disintegrated.
  3. Burning Flame, Deep Freeze, and Disintegration no longer work on weak (entry-level) continuous spells (Blaze, Frostbite, Sparks), cloak spells, and elemental wall spells ” (“Wall of Fire”, “Wall of Frost”, “Wall of Storms”), because it's just not fair - the chance of instant kill will be too high, it will be enough just to knock the enemy down to half health, and then switch to a beginner spell with low magicka consumption.
  4. However, for the spells "Firestorm" and "Blizzard" the effect of finishing is always triggered, and not with a 20% chance. This isn't cheating, as you still need the appropriate abilities, and you also need to knock the enemy down to half their health first. For the spell "Thunderstorm with lightning" the probability of finishing off is not 100, but 40%, but taking into account the continuity of its action, it works quite quickly. Also fixed a bug where disintegration worked for the Lightning Thunder spell even without the corresponding ability, as well as on enemies that were immune to it, such as dragons.

V. Upgrading Master Level Spells

In the original, many "master" spells (which can be obtained after the corresponding quests upon reaching level 90 of the school of magic) are not very useful, because. their power is not worth the high magic cost and long reading time.

  1. For the spells “Firestorm”, “Snowstorm” and “Thunderstorm with Lightning”, two-handed casting is unlocked, the consumption of magic is huge, but the power is also impressive. In theory, in this case, the effect of the “Shockwave” ability should work, but in reality it only works on “Lightning Thunder”.
  2. The magic cost of the Firestorm and Snowstorm spells has been reduced, because in the original their effect was simply not worth such a large magic cost (on the basis of “damage per second” and “damage per magicka”). The magicka cost of Firestorm has been reduced by 28%, while that of Snowstorm has been reduced by 5%. Combined with the ability to read them two-handed, this makes them quite powerful and useful, although not in every situation. The duration of these spells has also been slightly increased.
  3. Firestorm now ignores obstacles. It can hardly be called cheating, since this spell takes a very long time to cast and requires a lot of magic. In the original, there was a very rare situation when this spell was useful, because, given the relatively small radius of action, you had to first go into the crowd of enemies, ask them not to disturb you, and then cast the spell for a long, long time. Or do it under invisibility. And in both cases, hope that it will kill everyone, otherwise you will have to run away from the unfinished enemies that are just a few meters around you.
  4. Storm duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds. In the original, this spell was too ineffective, due to the long cast and relatively low damage.
  5. All Illusion Master level spells (Call to Arms, Harmony, Hysteria, Katavasia) can now be cast with two hands. Earlier on high levels player, almost all the spells of the school of illusion became practically useless, because most of the enemies had too high a level and simply did not fall under their effect. It is now possible to scare, enrage, and calm almost all enemies (except those that are initially immune), even at level 80.
  6. The Call to Arms spell also applies the same effect as the Rally spell to all affected targets. Originally, Call to Arms only increased combat skills, stamina and health, but now it also "encourages" the target, i.e. the target of the spell will no longer run away from the battlefield.
  7. Dead Thrall works on targets up to level 99, but still only on Humans/Mer/Khajiit/Argonians and some Daedra. In the original, the maximum level of the raised thralls is 46, which made this spell of little use at high levels of the player, especially if there are mods to complicate the enemies, like Skyrim Immersive Creatures, Organized Bandits in Skyrim or Skyrim High Level Enemies.

Note that Better Magic unlocks two-handed casting for many spells that are already two-handed, such as Katavasia. To read with two hands, you need to hold down both mouse buttons (which is logical), outwardly the animation will be exactly the same, but the effect will be 2.5 times stronger.

Installation, removal

Oddly enough, there are no scripts in the mod, it does not change leveled lists, so it can be safely put on existing game and also delete. Nothing will break. It is advisable to install through the installer with any mod manager. Well, if for some reason you want to install it manually, then you need to copy the corresponding ESP files to the Data directory. There are 6 files in total:

  • BetterDualCasting.esp - Improvement of only casting spells with two hands (see section III of the description);
  • BetterMageArmor.esp - improvement for magic armor only (section II);
  • BetterMasterSpells.esp - Improve only master level spells (section V);
  • BetterSpellFinishers.esp - improving only finishing spells (section IV);
  • BetterSpellMastery.esp - improved only spell scaling per level (section I);
  • BetterMagic_FULL.esp - combines all the above files.

You need to install either BetterMagic_FULL.esp, or any of the 5 other files, if you like only some parts of this mod (it makes no sense to put all 5, then it's better to put the combined one). Also, in the archive from the Strings / Russian directory, you need to copy all the files to the Data / Strings directory. Those. as a result, Data / Strings should contain the files Skyrim_Russin.DLSTRINGS, Dawnguard_Russian.strings, etc. (this is the localization of the game itself), as well as new BetterMagic_FULL_Russian.strings files and stuff like that (this is the localization of the Better Magic mod).

And it’s better not to suffer, but to use the mod manager, it’s still 2014 in the yard! Personally, I recommend Mod Organizer.

Load Order

All Better Magic modules should be placed below all mods that affect magic in the load order. BOSS and LOOT are aware of this mod and will sort everything correctly, however, you need to make sure that there are no other “magic” mods below Better Magic. The mutual order of the individual modules of this mod does not matter.


The mod is compatible with other mods that add new spells, like Apocalypse Spells, etc., and will affect them, unless the strength or duration of the spell is hard-coded by the author of the mod. Better Magic is apparently incompatible with similar magic rebalance mods, and also global mods like SkyRe or Requiem.

Definitely need to put unofficial patches for Skyrim.

Also, the author of Better Magic suggests trying the Simple Skyrim Spell Scaling Solution, this mod, as it were, inverts magic: enchantments increase the power or duration of spells, and potions reduce magic consumption (in the original, vice versa). Perhaps someone will like it.

If you're playing a battle mage, the Dual Wield Parrying mod can come in handy, it will allow you to block attacks without a shield (because you have a spell in your other hand).


These are the recommendations of the author, the mods listed below are quite old (however, like Better Magic itself) and there are apparently no translations for them.
Empowered Magic
Balanced Magic
Empowered Destruction Magic (only affects the school of destruction)

About the translation
In general, Better Magic already has a translation on the official Nexus page, but it was made, apparently, “blindly”: i.e. translated as if there was no official localization of the game. I, so to speak, retranslated the mod again, using the localization files from the Russian version of Skyrim. I also moved a few minor fixes from USKP into the mod so that Better Magic doesn't overwrite them.

If the battles with many opponents seem too fleeting and monotonous, and the meeting with the bosses does not cause the proper tension. then you should pay attention to this modification. The difference between this mod and most that increase various characteristics enemies, is to use combat skills, magic and talents.

Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn

Peculiarities fashion:
1) ease and convenience of installation - no scripts and archives, only one module;
2) unique abilities such as Falmer invisibility, Dwemer sphere artillery;
3) the use of racial talents by enemies: dragon skin, fury of the Ancestors, battle cry;
4) improved AI - aggressive behavior of opponents, frequent blocks and power attacks;
5) new magic, high-level enemies and bosses, and fights with which will surprise you.

Compatibility: can be combined with SPERG, ACE, Ultimate Combat, Enhanced Enemy AI, Duel - Combat Realism, High level enemy, Deadly Dragon, Might Dragon, SkyTest, Dragon Combat Overhual, Better Vampire, Deadly Combat.
If you are using SkyRe, then SkyReMain.esp and SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp should be above this mod in the load list.
To play with Skyrim Immersive Creatures and Skyrim Monster, they should be placed above this mod.
With Asis installed, you need to disable the AI ​​module.

Thanks: MyEvergreenHometown, Siegrun, for ordering a mod. You can order a paid translation at .

Publication of the translation on other sites is prohibited!

What's new in version 2.2d ()

  • Added updated version for SSE
  • Added versions for SSE
  • in version 2.2
  • fixed: bug with obtaining another dragon cry and a problem with enchanted weapons;
  • changed: most enemies can find loot, weakened resistances;
  • added: unique bosses to some dungeons.

Version: 1.6

There are many great mods that affect the "leveling" and parameters of many creatures and enemies in the game. Some of them make the game more difficult for low-level characters, others for higher-level ones, but each of them has a certain difficulty peak, after which it becomes easier and easier to play. Mods that remove the link between creature level and player level usually make the game very difficult at the initial levels, while there will be no challenges for a high-level character in the game. Mods that make enemy levels dependent on the player's level usually don't take into account the fact that player level growth is non-linear, so the game still becomes a cakewalk at higher levels. And, finally, mods that simply add high-level creatures are quite capable of keeping you interested, but still, sooner or later your character will "overtake" the enemies added by such mods in development.

High Level Enemies (hereinafter HLE) incorporates the best of these three concepts. The mod adds high-level enemies to the game world, while managing their level and parameters, perks, spells, damage and defense indicators in such a way that the difficulty is kept high even at the latest levels of character development.

Looking forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy!


> Core files

High Level Enemies:

Adds new enemies to the game world, which you will begin to meet after level 10. Almost every type of enemy in the game is affected, including bandits, draugrs, dragon priests, falmer, outcasts, thalmor, dwemer automatons, vampires, sorcerers, trolls, corus, spriggans, haunts, spiders, skeletons, witches, ice ghosts, mammoths, dremora, and wild animals. Their stats, skills, perks, spells, damage, and armor have been changed to include challenges for high-level characters as well. The last group of each enemy type will continue to level up with you.

For example, in the original game, the maximum level of bandits is 25 (and 28 for bosses). HLE adds level 30, 40, 50 and 60 bandits (66 for bosses). One way or another, after overcoming level 60, the game will not be a cakewalk. The highest level group of each enemy type will continue to level up with you. This means that you will continue to meet strong bandits, albeit not as often. That is, for example, at level 70 you will meet bandits of 30-50 levels, but sometimes you will come across bandits from the last group, whose level will be equal to 70 (previously it was equal to 60).

Scaled version:

Includes all the changes from the main HLE file, and also introduces level tweaking for all of your opponents in the original game.


High Level Enemies - Dawnguard:

Adds new enemies from Dawnguard to the game world, which you will begin to meet after level 10. Almost every type of DLC enemy is affected, including Vampires, Vampire Hunters, Falmer, Gargoyles, Trolls, Hounds, and Corus Hunters. Their stats, skills, perks, spells, damage, and armor have been changed to include challenges for high-level characters as well. The last group of each enemy type will continue to level up with you.

Scaled version:

Includes all changes from the main HLE file for Dawnguard, and also introduces level tweaking for all enemies in Dawnguard.


High Level Enemies - Dragonborn:

Adds new types of cult members, Riklins, Ashspawn, and Bandits that you will start meeting after level 10. Their stats, skills, perks, spells, damage, and armor have been changed to include challenges for high-level characters as well. The last group of each enemy type will continue to level up with you.

> Falskaar

High Level Enemies - Falskaar:

Adds new enemy types to Falskár: bandits and necromancers. Their stats, skills, perks, spells, damage, and armor have been changed to include challenges for high-level characters as well. The file is fully compatible with the main HLE module.

Scaled version:

Includes all changes from the main Falskaar HLE file, and also introduces a level tweak for all Falskaar enemies.

> Optional files

Increased Max Resists:

Most high-level characters sooner or later reach the maximum possible values ​​​​of resistance to damage and magic. This eliminates the incentive for further growth, as you feel like you can't get stronger anyway. This optional file increases the maximum possible damage and magic resistance to 90%.


Changes the parameters of damage dealt and received for all difficulties in the game, as well as the levels of enemies in random events.

Difficulty - Beginner - Apprentice - Adept - Expert - Master - Legendary
Player Damage - 100% - 75% - 50% - 33% - 25% - 20%
Damage taken by the player - 100% - 150% - 200% - 300% - 400% - 500%

Raised Ability Caps:

One of the biggest problems in high-level gameplay is the lack of demand for a number of spells, because. they stop working on opponents. These include spells of illusion, raise and scare the undead, summon creatures, as well as the cries of werewolves. This optional file adds "adjustment" of spell parameters to the player's level, due to which they will be relevant against high-level opponents as well.

  • Adjusting spell parameters is introduced only for high-level players, if you are at the beginning of your journey, then this file will not have any effect yet.
  • Compatible with any mod that changes perks or spells.
  • Fitting scare undead spells will start after level 35.
  • Fitting illusion spells will start after level 40.
  • The customization of summon thralls and raise undead spells will start after level 40.
  • After levels 56 and 66, new Dremora Lords will be available to the player.
  • Werewolf shout customization will start after level 25.

For restoration, raising undead, and illusion spells, fitting is calculated as "skill level * 0.2", i.e. with a skill of 100, spells will affect creatures whose level is 20 higher than for the original spell. If you're using a mod like Elys Uncapper, you can increase your max resistances even further. The maximum level, which is affected by the cry of the werewolf, begins to be recalculated after the 25th level according to the formula "1 to 1". This optional file does not affect the original PC, so it should be compatible with any mods.


  • 199 bandits
  • 104 draugr
  • 60 witches
  • 24 Outcast
  • 20 Sorcerers (necrancers, pyromancers, cryomancers, electromancers)
  • 20 Thalmor
  • 18 Skeletons
  • 13 Falmer
  • 10 Dragon Priests
  • 10 Vampires
  • 9 Dwarven Automatons
  • 6 Dremora
  • 6 Spiders
  • 6 Mud Crabs
  • 4 Ice Ghosts
  • 4 Witches
  • 4 Sneakrat
  • 3 Atronach
  • 3 Giants
  • 3 Mammoth
  • 2 Korus
  • 2 Trolls
  • 2 Spriganna
  • 2 Bears
  • 2 Saber
  • 2 Wolves
Dawn Guard:
  • 28 Vampire Hunters
  • 13 Vampires
  • 12 Death Hounds
  • 6 Falmer
  • 2 Gargoyles
  • 2 armored trolls
  • 2 Korus hunters
  • 88 bandits
  • 28 Rieklings
  • 12 Cult members
  • 6 Ashspawn
  • 136 bandits
  • 6 Necromancers


The standard versions of the mod do not change the enemies and creatures from the original game, they only add new ones. The names and titles of all added creatures match the style of the original game.

Bandits can now use glass weapons, but their armor remains the same.


Compatible with most mods, including those affecting companions, perks, UI, weapons and armor.

  • Pretty well balanced.
  • Has a modular structure.
  • Flexible system of settings.
  • Adds perks, spells, potions and improved AI to the game and actors from HLE
  • Perfectly compatible with HLE!
  • After installing HLE, run the ASIS patcher.
  • Reworks the abilities and skills of each race.
  • Allows you to select, create or change a class during the game.
  • Each class has the most preferred skills.
  • Adds a large number of new types of dragons to the game.
  • New dragons are more powerful and have a whole set various kinds spells and attacks.
  • Makes combat more exciting.
  • Improves enemy AI.
  • Reworks the concept of using stamina in combat.
  • Changes a huge number of aspects of the game.
  • Has a modular structure.
  • Adds a large number of new creatures to the game world.
  • Version 5.1 and higher is compatible with HLE.
  • Requires a bashed patch with the Relev tag applied to SIC and HLE.
  • Completely overhauls the perk system in the game.
  • Adds perks with increased skill requirements (100+), perfect for HLE.
  • Reworks races, standing stones, AI, etc.
  • The standard version of HLE is fully compatible with SkyRe Enemy Scaling if you create a Bashed patch with the Relev tag.
  • The scaled version of HLE is not compatible with SkyRe Enemy Scaling, because they basically have the same goal.
  • A plugin that affects high-level gameplay the most.
  • Allows you to increase the maximum skill threshold, as well as adjust the growth of levels.

Please note that the listed mods are compatible with HLE, but may not be compatible with each other!

If any of your mods affect creature stats and levels, then use a Bashed patch by tagging the mod with the Relev tag.


Q: Some enemies freeze in place or appear naked.

A: This is a long-standing bug in the game itself, which appeared before the release of patch 1.6. Temporarily removing animation-affecting mods may fix the issue.

Q: At what level will I start meeting new opponents?

A: After level 10.

Q: What is the maximum enemy level in HLE?

A: One of the vampire bosses in Dawnguard is level 75. Anyway, many groups of enemies have level adjusting added so the player will never "outgrow" them.

Q: Why are different groups of bandits 30-40-50-60 levels created, while further adjustment of the level is set only for the last group?

A: This allowed us to make the bandits encountered by the player more individual, separately setting the parameters of each of the groups.

Q: Do I need a Wrye Bash and what should I do?

A: Add a Relev tag to all HLE files, as well as any mods that affect leveling, and then create a Bashed Patch.


The archive contains several groups of subpackages:

  • 00 - HLE for the original game.
  • Copy the contents of the "00 Main" folder into "Skyrim/Data", then, if you want to use the Scaled version, use the esp file from the "00 Main - Scaled esp" folder. If you have Skyrim Immersive Creatures installed, then use the file from the "00 Main - SIC esp" folder.
  • 01 - HLE for Dawnguard.
  • Copy the contents of the "01 Dawnguard" folder into "Skyrim/Data", then if you want to use the Scaled version, use the esp file from the "01 Dawnguard - Scaled esp" folder.
  • 02 - HLE for Dragonborn.
  • Copy the contents of the "02 Dragonborn" folder into "Skyrim/Data", then, if you want to use the Scaled version, use the esp file from the "02 Dragonborn - Scaled esp" folder.
  • 03 - HLE for Falskaar.
  • Copy the contents of the "03 Falskaar" folder into "Skyrim/Data", then, if you want to use the Scaled version, use the esp file from the "03 Falskaar - Scaled esp" folder.

The remaining files are optional (see description above).

When using Wrye Bash, simply copy the archive with the mod to the "Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers\" folder, then open the "Installer" tab and install the HLE package by selecting the desired subpackages.

Translation: "Chronicles of Tamriel"