Characteristics of various types of children's activities. activity and development of the child. line of mastering the means and standards of cognitive activity

main activities for young children are:
- objective activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;
- experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.);
- communication with an adult;
- joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;
- self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.);
- perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures;
- physical activity.

Given the age and psychological characteristics of young children, organized activity should be:
- event-related (associated with some event from personal experience);
- rhythmic (motor and mental activity should alternate);
- procedural (development of skills in everyday and gaming processes).

The activities of the teacher in each area:
1. Subject activity and games with composite and dynamic toys. Object-playing activity with composite and dynamic toys is the main one in the formation of cognitive activity, in the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking of children.
To composite toys include pyramids, nesting dolls, various laces, composite and split pictures, cubes, puzzles (large), constructors (large), etc.
To dynamic toys include spinning tops, spinning tops, tumblers, clockwork toys, that is, those based on various types of movement: torsion, tumbling, rotation.
In subject - gaming activities the result of the child's action is very important (especially with composite toys). The cognitive interest of children is precisely supported by their own effective actions that are understandable to them. Thus, there is an assimilation of methods of action.

Tasks of the teacher:
- develop cognitive interest in surrounding objects and promote active actions with them;
- to form game actions with a variety of plot toys, the ability to use substitute objects;
- to develop the ability to imitate game actions adult.

2. Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.). Acquaintance with the properties of objects occurs in practical research activities by the method of trials. In the process of experimentation, the teacher draws the attention of children to smells, sounds, shape, color and other properties of objects and objects. It is necessary to show the correct methods of action, as well as to provide opportunity for independent research. Don't forget to remind rules of safe behavior in actions with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand), as well as the rules of playing with small items(do not put objects in your ear, nose; do not take them in your mouth).

Tasks of the teacher:
- to acquaint with generalized methods of studying various objects from the child's surrounding life;
- maintain cognitive activity and cognitive interest in the process of experimentation;
- encourage independent experimentation with a variety of didactic materials;
- to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities.

3. Communication with an adult. Communication is the most important event at an early age and main form of education. The forms and content of communication change as the child develops: emotional communication; communication based on the understanding of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and then the actual verbal communication. Adult speech is a role model. For the development of communication, questions, verbal instructions, the creation of problem-speech situations, role-playing and communicative games, reading poems and fairy tales, experiments, dramatizations, and observations are used.

Tasks of the teacher:
- contribute to the enrichment of the dictionary;
- to form the ability to ask, answer, ask, give a cue;
- develop the need for verbal communication.

4. Joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult. Since it is still difficult for young children to independently engage in games with peers, the teacher purposefully organizes the game activity. For joint games communicative, role-playing, musical and rhythmic games, as well as games and exercises with didactic material are recommended.

Tasks of the teacher:
- contribute to the formation of the experience of friendly relationships with peers;
- teach positive ways of communicating and resolving conflicts during the game;
- develop emotional responsiveness when interacting with peers.

5. Self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.). The simplest skills of independence, neatness, accuracy are formed in the process of regime moments. In doing so, it is imperative that the principle of gradual inclusion of the child in any activity to acquire self-care skills. It is necessary to emotionally involve the baby in actions with household items-tools, so learning should take place in a playful way.

Tasks of the teacher:
- to form elementary self-service skills;
- to form the skills of a culture of behavior that comply with the norms and rules;
- to form substantive actions;
- develop independence in everyday behavior.

6. Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, looking at pictures. It is desirable to organize a cycle of game educational situations aimed at developing the emotional world of the child. Of particular importance in the perception of young children is visibility. Therefore, reading, storytelling, listening to music is accompanied by the display of pictures, pictures and toys. How to work with pictures can be read

Tasks of the teacher:
- to form the ability to consider pictures, illustrations;
- to form the ability to listen and understand short, accessible songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales and stories;
- develop the ability to emotionally respond to various works of culture and art.

7. Motor activity. In addition to organizing outdoor games and exercises, the teacher should create conditions for the development of independent motor activity children. To do this, it is necessary to enrich the developing environment with wheelchair toys, carts, cars, etc., as well as sports equipment and equipment.

Tasks of the teacher:
- to develop the motor activity of children in all types of games;
- to promote the development of basic movements;
- create conditions that encourage children to physical activity.

Thus, when organizing the interaction of a teacher with young children, it is necessary:
- include several various kinds activities that consistently replace each other;
- organize activities in such a way as to avoid the occurrence of overwork in babies;
- to enrich the personal experience of children in everyday and gaming processes.

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Game activity
Specific tasks - development of children's play activities; - the formation of a positive attitude towards oneself, towards others; - introduction to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.
Role-playing games: domestic, industrial, social. Theatrical games: imitation games (including etude games), role-playing dialogues based on text, dramatization, staging, improvisation games. Directing games: with toys-characters, substitute objects. Games with building materials (building kits, constructors) and natural materials Games-experiments with different materials: water, ice, snow, light, sounds, magnets, paper, etc. Outdoor games: story games, plotless games, games with competition elements, amusement games, games using objects Games with sports elements Leisure games: fun games, entertainment games, intellectual Project activities
Communicative activity
Specific tasks - development of free communication with adults and children; - development of all components of oral speech of children in various types of children's activities; - practical mastering by pupils of the norms of speech.
Types of educational activities Speech development classes Free communication on various topics Communication games Theatrical, director's games, fantasy games based on literary works Outdoor games with speech accompaniment Didactic word games Quizzes Project activities
Labor activity
Specific tasks - development of labor activity; - education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results; - the formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person.
Types of educational activities Self-service Duty Household work: assistance in cleaning the group, rearrangement in the subject-developing environment of the group, etc. Labor in nature: procurement of natural material for crafts; production of bird feeders, their feeding; making colored ice; participation in planting and watering plants Manual labor (crafts made from natural and waste materials, paper, cardboard, etc.): making attributes for the game, etc. Project activities
Cognitive research activity
Specific tasks - development of sensory culture; -development of cognitive-research, productive activities; - formation of elementary mathematical representations; - the formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.
Types of educational activities Classes of cognitive content Experiments, research, experimentation Consideration, examination, observation Decision entertaining tasks, problem situations Viewing educational cartoons, children's TV shows with subsequent discussion Viewing illustrations, photographs in educational books and children's illustrated encyclopedias Creating thematic albums, collages, wall newspapers Designing thematic exhibitions Creating collections Didactic games, intellectual educational games Role-playing games, travel games and other exploration and research projects
Introduction to fiction
Specific tasks - formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary holistic ideas; - development of literary speech; - introduction to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.
Types of educational activities Reading and discussion of works of different genres Perception of literary works with the following: free communication on the topic of a literary work, solving problem situations, didactic games on a literary work, art and speech activities, viewing illustrations by artists, watching cartoons, theatrical games, designing thematic exhibitions Project activities
productive activity
Specific tasks - development of productive activity; - development of children's creativity; - introduction to the fine arts.
Types of educational activities Classes in drawing, modeling - thematic, according to the plan Artistic work (crafts made from paper, cardboard, natural, waste material, etc.): decorations for the holidays, crafts for exhibitions of children's art, etc. Constructive modeling from building material and designer parts ( according to the model - model, according to the plan), from natural material Creative productive activity using non-traditional techniques visual activity Creative productive activities for the development of imagination and fantasy Various integrative activities: creating collages, panels, compositions using various types of productive activities, etc. Organization and design of exhibitions Project activities
Musical and artistic activity
Specific tasks - development of musical and artistic activities; - introduction to the art of music.
Types of educational activities Music lessons Listening to folk, classical, children's music. Playing children's musical instruments Noise orchestra Experimenting with sounds. Movement, plastic, dance sketches, dances, round dances, dances Singing, chants, joint and individual performance of songs Dramatization of songs Musical and musical didactic games Improvisation concerts Exercises for the development of the vocal apparatus, articulation, singing voice Conversations on the content of the song
motor activity
Specific tasks - accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children; - formation of pupils' need for motor activity and physical improvement; - development physical qualities
Types of educational activities Physical education classes: game, plot, thematic, complex, educational and training nature Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses Gymnastics Outdoor games, games with elements of sports, competition games Imitation games, dance games Folk outdoor games finger games Sports exercises Various motor activities in the sports area Games and exercises to the texts of poems, nursery rhymes

The Program is implemented daily:

In the process of organized educational activities with children (classes),

During the regime moments,

In the process of independent activity of children in various types of children's activities,

In the process of interaction with the families of children on the implementation of the Program.

Organized educational activities with children (classes)

The duration of educational activities, the maximum allowable educational load, the duration of breaks between periods of continuous educational activities, as well as the time period (first or second half of the day) in which organized educational activities are carried out, are determined by SanPiN

The duration of continuous educational activities for children from 2 to 3 years does not exceed 10 minutes. Educational activities are carried out in the first and second half of the day.

In the middle of continuous educational activity, a physical culture minute is held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity - at least 10 minutes.

Educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are organized in the first half of the day. To prevent fatigue in children, educational activities are combined with physical development classes and musical activities.

With children of the third year of life, physical development classes are carried out by a teacher in subgroups - 3 times a week: 2 times in a group room and in a gym, 1 on the street.

Planning of educational activities when working on a five-day week is presented in Appendix No. 1.

Organization educational process is carried out on the basis of the leading type of activity - the game, taking into account the individual abilities, capabilities and interests of each child.

When working with children, a variety of didactic, educational games, entertaining exercises, experimenting games, game and problem situations, elements of modeling and design are widely used.

Organized educational activities are aimed at:

To systematize, deepen and generalize the personal experience of the child;

To master new complex ways cognitive activity;

To the awareness of connections and dependencies that are hidden from children in everyday affairs and require special conditions and management by the teacher for mastering.

When organizing organized educational activities, an activity approach is used: knowledge is not given in finished form, but is comprehended through analysis, comparison of essential features. The child acts as a researcher, "discovering" fundamental properties and relationships. The teacher leads the children to this "discovery" by organizing and directing their learning activities. Education is built as an exciting problem-play activity that provides the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity. For this purpose, elements of a problematic presentation of educational material, conversations are introduced into training, a collective or individual independent search, experimental and project activities are organized.

An effective technique is the mutual "permeation" of various educational areas in different types children's activities. Between the various areas of activity of children, internal integration is carried out: the development of mathematical representations in the process of drawing; artistic creativity in the process of perception of music; acquiring counting skills in the process of playing in a store or in a hospital, etc. The teacher himself causes the activity of children, involving them in this or that activity, demonstrating his own enthusiasm. In this context, the child acts as a subject of activity.

Educational activities with children are built on the basis of thematic planning, which is convenient not only when planning classes, but when planning individual work and the activities of the educator to develop the cognitive abilities of children in free activities.

It is important to ensure the relationship of the content of educational activities with everyday life, holidays, games. During the day, children are given the opportunity to return to their work - designs, drawings, and also make the necessary attributes for games. To do this, small "workshops" are created in the group - a place where paper, glue, paints, and various waste materials for crafts are located.

Such training has a personality-oriented character, since in its process conditions are formed for the formation of not only knowledge, but also the main basic characteristics of a person that are meaningfully age-appropriate: independence, initiative, competence (intellectual, linguistic, social), creative attitude to work, arbitrariness , freedom of conduct, self-esteem.

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Children preschool age always involved in some activity. They run, play, look at pictures and books, want to wash dishes like mom, or knock with a hammer like dad ... The activities of preschoolers are diverse, and all of them are vital. So in childhood, three interrelated processes take place: the development of the cognitive sphere, the development of activities and the formation of personality.

Why is involvement in activities important for a preschooler?

Various activities enable preschool children to actively explore the world around them, try their hand, and gain first experience.

Children's activity is understood as a process formed by a need and specific actions. Ideally, the result is still important, compared with the initial desire (we got what we aspired to, or not). But preschool children are far from always result-oriented; direct actions in which they are interested are useful to them.

The special value of the activity lies in the fact that there is a two-way process. Developing, the preschooler learns to perform more complex actions, and by engaging in activities, he is immersed in conditions that stimulate his development.

Conditions are created for the speech development of preschoolers through various activities. Whatever the child does, he accompanies his occupation with words. With the help of speech, children reveal the causes of behavior, express the goals of their actions: “I am building a house”, “I will comb my dolls”, etc.

Variety of types and forms of activity in preschool age

A preschooler gradually masters those types of activities that are feasible for him at a certain age stage. In early childhood, it is necessary to master actions with objects. Then comes the turn of the game, creativity and mental actions aimed at solving the problem.

Each age period is characterized by the predominance of some activities over others. The dominant species is the most influential, therefore it is distinguished as the leading activity.

The involvement of the child in the case is carried out in different ways. Interest and attempts to do something can arise spontaneously under the influence of momentary desire, or when the baby observes others and seeks to imitate. Also, children's activities can be organized by adults and correspond to specific purpose develop useful skills.

The child is especially prone to certain activities. Perhaps he has the makings of drawing or music, construction or logical thinking. Appropriate activities will help develop the preschooler, given to him by nature.

A preschooler can enthusiastically build a house out of cubes or draw on his own, but he is also attracted to collective activities. The collective form provides other possibilities. The child sees what peers are doing, notices what actions are approved, and role models are formed in his mind.

Productive activities

Through separate activities, the child creates a real product that can be shown to others or evaluated. In these cases, there are preschoolers.

These, first of all, include drawing, designing, making applications.

Features of productive activity lie in the fact that, by depicting or modeling, a preschooler receives multifaceted material for the development of perception. He needs to figure out the size and shape of the object, figure out how to display them on a sheet or in a model. The child develops the perception of color and the technique of detailed examination.

Game activity

Most of the time the preschooler is busy with games. The game develops and is at this age. For a period of 3 to 7 years, gaming activity changes greatly, enriched with new forms and content.

A three-year-old can play alone, carried away by the subject. Interest in how peers play arises somewhat later. Younger preschoolers begin to imitate each other, show their toys, they can just run together, and for them this is already a game.

The most common in preschool childhood are mobile and. Outdoor games, such as hide-and-seek or catch-up, are aimed at developing motor skills.

They differ in strict rules - otherwise there will be no game. Interestingly, until the age of 4, the child does not understand why he is running away or hiding, but he follows the rule. Even in such a simple activity, the formation of ideas about the rules and norms is laid.

Role play is especially important for a preschooler. Acting according to the rules of the role, the child develops imagination, masters the norms of communication, learns to control his behavior.

It prepares the preschooler for the next type of application of his strength - for artistic productive activity.

Creative activity

The artistic or creative activity of a preschooler develops in accordance with the principle “from simple to more complex”. In children's creativity, much depends on the extent to which the child owns the means and methods of transforming everything that he sees, hears and feels into images and models.

There are very few such methods and means at the disposal of the younger preschooler. By the age of 6-7, a preschooler learns a lot: draw and cut out of paper, imagine images before they are embodied in a drawing or model, hold the idea of ​​​​a conceived composition and consistently create it. , in turn, is represented by several types.

Fine art

The child includes drawing, modeling, making appliqués. Classes are useful at any age, since children are more often attracted to the process itself, and not the result. It doesn’t matter that the baby gets only chaotic lines and circles. In these inept actions, the hand and the technique of drawing movements, visual perception develop, a sense of color and harmonious color combinations is formed.

Practicing in drawing, the preschooler masters the space of the sheet. At 5 years old, he will no longer begin to draw everything in a row on one sheet, but will begin to demand a new one - one for the Snowman, and the other for the meadow with flowers. The child comes to understand that the creation of a drawing requires compliance with a single composition.

Making appliques gives the child the first ideas about symmetry. Symmetry becomes a discovery for a preschooler when snowflakes, leaflets and other elements of an applique plot are cut out of a folded sheet of paper.

After such practice, children develop the ability to see symmetry in the world around them.


The constructive activity of a preschooler is the construction of various buildings and the creation of models from Lego parts and other plastic or wooden sets. Paper construction belongs to the same category.

In practical actions, the preschooler reveals the existing patterns. There is an awareness of what shapes and sizes the parts should have in order for them to fit together. Experimenting, children come to understand that when building a tower, it is necessary to make the base wider so that it is more stable - this is how the concept of stability and balance is formed.

Develops the ability to perceive the subject as a whole. A preschooler learns to plan a few steps ahead, and then implement his plan. This activity develops constructive thinking.

Music and dance activities

Musical activities are rarely mentioned in the context of the development of a preschooler. At the same time, it is an actively present and important topic in a child's life. Children early begin to respond to music, the perception of musical sounds and rhythm is formed.

Preschoolers of all ages enjoy dancing to music. The ear for music also develops.

Dance classes have a significant impact on motor and general development child. He remembers and performs the movements in a given order, learns to distribute attention between the direct execution of movements and observation of the coach or dance partners. At the same time, the ability to perceive a visual-motor image develops. As the dance moves are mastered, the preschooler can be creative and create their own dance.

Cognitive research activity

The cognitive activity of a preschooler contributes to the development of mental activity and thinking. Such activity can manifest itself in a practical and mental form. In the case when the child conducts the simplest experiments, cognitive research activity takes place.

The preschooler does not engage in experimentation for fun. He is confronted with a previously unknown property of the object and seeks to understand this property, to discover the argument. The child checks how the paper boat floats and what happens when the paper is completely saturated with water. He is experimenting with what can be thrown higher - a ball or a balloon.

In such activities, the preschooler discovers the essential features of objects and phenomena. He can not explain them, and then follows a chain of questions to an adult. intensifies and encourages new experiences. The value of children's research activity lies in the fact that it is a way of knowing the world around us.

Labor activity

Preschoolers want to be like mom or dad. He watches what adults are doing, and he also wants to try his hand. At this time, the child is driven by a strong interest and desire to be on an equal footing.

The child is fascinated by the process, not the result. He wants to knead the dough with his mother and water the flowers in the flower bed next to his father. The preschooler declares that he will help. It’s not a problem that the “assistant” will be covered in flour, or pour water from a watering can on himself. Participation in a useful cause is important.

The main rule that parents should be guided by is: do not get annoyed! The child shows independence, realizes his needs. In addition, he absorbs the manners of adults, and the parental reaction will become a model of behavior for him in the future.

The child expects a positive assessment, praise, approval of his actions. A sense of pride in their achievements in a child manifests itself already at the age of 3 years, as soon as he discovered his own self. It is very important to praise the child and entrust him with the work that is feasible for him.

Of particular value from the point of view of a younger preschooler is that he becomes an employee of an adult and acts in a real situation, and not a game one. The older preschooler has other priorities. He is happy to get to work if he understands its importance. Whatever the motive for inclusion in the activity, the preschooler gradually develops labor skills.

Learning activities

At older preschool age, children become interested in more serious "adult" skills - reading, counting. Cognitive motives are formed. All these are prerequisites for the fact that the child is ready to learn new things and solve more complex problems. Games and creative activities prepare the preschooler for learning activities.

The first skills are instilled in a preschooler in a didactic game. Didactic games are called games specially invented by adults so that children gain new knowledge and develop skills.

At first, in a playful way, but over time, preschoolers, even without a playful context, listen with interest to educational material, read and perform simple counting operations.

As for learning activities, preschoolers should not be overloaded with new knowledge. It is much more important to prepare children for the fact that schooling requires the arbitrariness of cognitive processes. And for this it is necessary to conduct games with children for attention, for the development of arbitrary perception and memory.

In an effort to fully develop the child, adults need to remember that all activities of children benefit them. It is important for a preschooler to play and draw, design and perform feasible household chores. Parents should give the child the opportunity to exercise independence, be patient with children's experimentation, and actively engage in joint activities.

Children's activities Forms and methods of organizing educational activities Methods, means
Game, including role-playing game other didactic games 1. Games - experimentation (games with natural objects, games with toys) 2. Plot amateur games (plot-display, plot-role-playing, directorial, theatrical) 3. Educational games (plot-didactic, mobile, musical and didactic, educational) 4. Leisure games (intellectual, fun games, theatrical, festive carnival, computer) 5. Folk games 6. Ritual games (family, seasonal, cult) 7. Leisure games 1. Developing subject-play environment 2. Attributes to role-playing games.
Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers) 1. GCD 2. Conversations 3. Emotional games 4. Traditions of the group 5. Collections 6. Didactic games 7. Round dance games 6. Various activities in the social-emotional center 1. Developing subject-play environment 2. Layouts, models, mnemonic tables 3. Interactive aids 4. Communication between adults and children. 5. Cultural language environment 6. Interactive toys 7. Visual arts, music, theater 8. Fiction
Cognitive research (study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them) one . GCD 2. Targeted walks and excursions 3. Listening to music and poetry 4. Cognitive conversations 5. Collecting (for example, children's treasures, collecting toys from kinder surprises) 6. Productive activities 7. Game exercises 8. Reading 9. Problem situations 10. Situational conversation with children 11. The simplest experiments 12. Project activities 13. Riddles 14. Various activities in the cognitive research center 1. Developing object-spatial environment: sets of visual didactic material for classes, equipment for independent games and activities for children. 2. Figurative and symbolic material 3. Experimenting 4. The simplest algorithms 5. Information and computer tools: laptop, projector 6. Fine arts, music, theater 7. Fiction
Perception of fiction and folklore 1. Reading a literary work 2. Conversation about the read work 3. Discussion of the work 4. Theatrical game 5. Situational conversation based on what was read 1.Books with good illustrations 2.Audiobooks 3.Audiovisuals
Self-care and basic household work (indoors and outdoors) 1.Assignments 2.Work together with adults 1. Own labor activity (training in specific labor skills and abilities, satisfaction of one’s own labor needs) 2. Familiarization with the work of adults (targeted walks and excursions)
Construction from different material, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials 1. Organized activity: GCD 2. Joint activity of adults and children. 3. Independent activity of children. 3.Designing: - according to the conditions - according to the plan - according to the topic - according to the model. 4.Creative workshop 5.Building material games 1. Equipment and materials for construction, natural and waste material.
Fine (drawing, modeling, application) 1. Perception: - illustrations of children's books - pictorial images 2. Practical activities: -Drawing (subject, plot, decorative) - Modeling (Decorative, subject, plot) - Application (decorative, subject, plot; in form - three-dimensional, planar; by color - one-color, multi-color) -Working with paper, with natural material, unformed (waste) material 1. Works of art 2. Reproductions 3. Illustrations 4. Equipment and materials for modeling, appliqué, drawing and design, natural and waste material.
Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) 1. GCD (complex, thematic, traditional), music quizzes, competitions, daily music, holidays and entertainment 1. TSO 2. Audio CDs, illustrative material, musical toys, children's musical instruments, attributes for musical and gaming activities
Motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity 1. Physical education 2. Tempering procedures 3. Outdoor games and exercises 4. Physical education minutes 5. Sports games, entertainment, holidays, competitions and leisure 6. Reading (works of fiction related to the formation of a healthy lifestyle element) 7. Morning exercises 8 .Gymnastics of awakening 1. Motor activity, physical education (satisfying the child’s need for movement and at the same time developing it) 2. Ecological and natural factors: sun, air, water 3. Psychohygienic factors (day routine, activities, sleep, wakefulness, nutrition; shoes)

2.2. Part formed by participants in educational relations

The part formed by the participants in educational relations

1. Specifics of the region (national and cultural affiliation of pupils; features of the industrial and cultural complex of the Samara region; natural, climatic, seasonal and environmental features of the region);

2. Supplementing the content of one educational area of ​​the Program with a partial program that expands and deepens the content of this educational area, which best meets the needs and interests of children, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff and meets the established traditions of the team.

Special attention in this section of the variable part of the Program, it is given the possibility of implementing the principle of introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, the immediate environment, urban society, etc. The immediate environment is the social environment in which children live, it is the basis for expanding children's horizons and for familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society, state.

The variable part of the Program complies with the FSES DO and is no more than 40% of the content and does not contradict the goals and objectives of the Program.

The program is implemented during the entire time of the child's stay in the kindergarten.

2.2.2. Directions chosen by participants in educational relations from among partial and other programs and / or created by them independently

Directions of development (educational area) Name of the partial or author's program The authors Output Brief description of the program
Artistic and aesthetic development "Musical Masterpieces" O.P. Radynova M.: Gnom-Press, 2004 The proposed system for the formation of the foundations of musical culture contributes to the development of emotions, thinking, imagination, interest in music, taste, ideas about beauty, and the creative development of children
cognitive development The Volga land is my homeland. (Program on environmental and local history education for preschoolers) O.V. Kasparov, V.N. Gandina, O.V. Shchepovskikh Togliatti, LLC "Technocomplect", 2013 - 299p. The proposed system of work with children is built on the basis of modern approaches to the implementation of the regional component using the integration of educational areas, elements of new pedagogical technologies - game, museum pedagogy, the project method, TRIZ techniques. The content includes GCD, joint and independent activities of children, close and meaningful interaction with the family

III. Organization section

Mandatory part

3.1.1 Description of the material and technical support of the Program, the provision of methodological materials and means of training and education

The material and technical support of the Program complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the tasks of the PEP of the kindergarten, fire safety rules, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations for preschool educational institutions, age and individual characteristics of children.

Functional zones are distinguished on the territory of a preschool organization:

Game Zone. It includes: - group sites - individual for each group at the rate of at least 7.2 sq. m per 1 child for young children and not less than 9.0 sq. m per 1 child of preschool age and in compliance with the principle of group isolation;

Sports ground. Near the sports ground in the summer in kindergarten there is an outdoor swimming pool.

The territory of the kindergarten is equipped with video surveillance.

In the building and premises are located: group cells - isolated rooms belonging to each children's group. The group cell includes: a dressing room (for receiving children and storing outerwear, where wardrobes and shoes are placed, they are equipped with individual cells - shelves for hats and hooks for outerwear), group (for conducting direct educational activities, games, classes and meals), separate bedrooms on the 1st floor, three bunk beds in a group room on the second floor, a pantry (for preparing ready-made meals for distribution and washing tableware), a toilet (combined with a washroom).

In the premises of the kindergarten there are additional rooms for working with children, designed for alternate use by all or several children's groups ( music hall, a gym, an office of a teacher-psychologist, an art studio) as well as related premises (medical, catering, laundry) and office and amenity premises for staff.

Play equipment meets the age of children, meets sanitary requirements. All materials and equipment are safe and have appropriate certificates. Didactic material available in sufficient quantity, located in the centers of group rooms: motor, cognitive, intellectual, speech, musical and theatrical, ecological, productive, constructive, center of personal communication. Each group has modular furniture, thanks to which the area of ​​the groups is effectively used, since according to the project, the kindergarten does not have bedrooms on the second floor.

Modular play complexes create a health-saving, functional, "open" for use and transformation by the children themselves subject-play environment in kindergarten groups, which provides the child with the opportunity to choose activities in accordance with his interests. The design of the subject environment meets the design requirements: the basis of the color palette is warm pastel colors, elements of artistic culture are used in the design (decorative elements on the walls, exhibitions of folk art, reproductions of paintings, etc.);

No. p / p Educational areas Name of equipped developing zones, facilities for practical exercises, objects physical education and sports with a list of basic equipment
Social and communicative development Center of personal communication: - attributes for group cohesion; material for reconciliation, aids for responding to emotional stress (“Island of Stomping”, “Scream Bag”, etc.), games for the development of cooperation (work in pairs), games for recognition and labeling of emotions, albums, illustrations for labeling emotional experiences, albums "My friends", "My family", etc., games aimed at maintaining a favorable emotional climate in the group, games and manuals for the awakening and growth of self-awareness, audio cassettes with songs about friendship. Safety Corner (SDA): - illustrations, a set of toys on the topic "Transport", a traffic light layout, traffic controller gesture patterns, a "Street" layout, attributes for the "Transport" role-playing game, attributes of a traffic police inspector (baton, cap), didactic games to familiarize children with traffic rules, scheme safe routes to the DS, a card file of "dangerous situations" Duty corner: - duty sequence algorithms, correct table setting schemes, aprons, scarves, caps, duty schedule for a corner of nature, for a dining room, for classes. Center role-playing games: -games, toys and attributes for role-playing, director's games, operating items, play equipment (game modules, furniture, utensils), layouts, game space markers
cognitive development Ecological center: - indoor plants, seasonal plant objects (winter garden, seedlings of flowers, vegetables, etc.); algorithms, schemes, rules for caring for plants; plant care material; calendar of nature; albums of fixing observations of experimental landings. Mathematical / intellectual center: - measuring instruments, clocks; geometric shapes, mosaic, set of colored elements for construction geometric shapes, a set of geometric bodies with images of projections, Gyenes blocks, a “wonderful” bag with a set of three-dimensional bodies, games like “Tangram”; numbers, figures and mathematical signs (sets of subject cards with numbers, counting material, cubes with numbers, numerical scale, Kuizener counting sticks); allowance for distinguishing relations (temporal, spatial): a variety of watches, pictures depicting the seasons, the daily routine, calendars, frames and inserts; didactic games and manuals for comparing sizes: pyramids, nesting dolls, bars and cylinders (6-8 elements), stripes, a set of scales and weights, thermometers, rulers, a set of hollow geometric bodies for comparing volumes and areas; games for the development of logical thinking (“The fourth extra”, “What is missing”, “find the ninth”, “Continue the row”, “Find the differences”, “Labyrinths”, etc.) Center for experimentation (laboratory): - scales, clocks, a magnifying glass, a flashlight, elastic band jumpers, equipment for experiments with water, equipment for experiments with air, equipment for experiments with bulk materials, including sand, equipment for experiments on color change (pieces of colored plastic, palette, etc.), equipment for experiments with magnets, equipment for measuring time, models of thermometers, collections (seeds, shells, etc.), games for building logical chains, equipment for sensory experiments (scented, noisy boxes, etc.), technological maps conducting experiments Design center: - different types of constructors (table and floor), toys for playing with buildings Patriotic education center: - albums about the native city, fiction: poems about the native city, stories and legends of the Zhiguli mountains, fairy tales of the Samarskaya Luka, etc., illustrations: “Nature of the native land”, “Plant and fauna of the Zhiguli”, “Our city in all seasons”, pictures - illustrations: VAZ cars , emblem of the VAZ, photographs of parents working at the VAZ, the album "The work of adults in Togliatti", outdoor games, didactic games using national paraphernalia, examples of arts and crafts (the cities of Togliatti, Samara). Dolls in Russian costumes, illustrations about the life of Russian peasants. A musical selection of sounds in nature, the voices of birds and animals of the Samara Bend. Flag, emblems and other symbols of the cities of Tolyatti, Samara, the Volga region, Russia. Audio and video cassettes “My Motherland”, “City of Tolyatti”, “Volga expanse” and others.
Speech development Speech Center: - games and aids for the formation of children's vocabulary, games and aids for the development of coherent speech, reasoning speech, games and aids for preparing for literacy .; home-made books, a magnetic board, letters Logo corner: - toys and game aids for the development of proper speech breathing, picture symbols for the correct articulation of sounds (articulation models), games for determining the place of a sound in a word, selecting words with a given sound, differentiating sounds; games to regulate the pace of speech, voice power Book corner: - books for children's reading, magazines, including books - toys, audio books, illustrative material, portraits of writers, poets, coloring books based on literary works
Artistic and aesthetic development Musical and theatrical center: - children's musical instruments (voiced and not voiced), portraits of composers, visual material (pictures of the content of songs, musical works, musical instruments), musical and didactic games for the development of pitch hearing, rhythmic hearing, timbre hearing, dynamic hearing, games for the development of creative abilities, different types of theaters, a set of hats-masks, costume elements, materials for making a poster, transformation algorithms, a screen, a tape recorder, audio recordings for listening to musical works, children's songs, musical fairy tales. Center for productive activity: - a beauty shelf, visual material (paintings, reproductions, thematic selections, collections, etc.), material for familiarization with arts and crafts (photographs, postcards, albums) didactic games for the development of creativity and imagination, for knowledge of species arts and crafts, knowledge of the genres of fine arts, albums (visual material) for familiarization with non-traditional drawing techniques, a variety of material for drawing, modeling, artistic work, natural and waste material.
Physical development Movement center: - attributes for outdoor games, attributes for games with jumping, attributes for games with throwing, catching, throwing, albums (cards - diagrams) with general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, elements of rhythmic gymnastics, cards-standards of physical fitness, non-traditional benefits that develop children's interest in physical exercises ( bubble, funny bags, etc.), equipment for fixing the achievements of children (“Board of Champions”, “Our Achievements”, “Wall of Success”) Health Center: - albums for the prevention and improvement of the body (acupressure, respiratory, visual gymnastics, self-massage and others), the availability of benefits for the prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, albums to promote a healthy lifestyle (“Kinds of Sports”, “How We Temper”, etc.), algorithms for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, cleaning teeth, etc.)

Support for children's initiative in various activities Completed by: teacher Krivchikova O.A. A preschooler is, first of all, an activist who seeks to independently learn and transform the world through various initiatives that arise in solving available problems. GEF DO puts the design of a social situation at the heart of the program, which helps to support the individuality and children's initiative of each child. Create conditions for children to freely choose various types of activities, forms of joint activities, as well as for them to make decisions, express their feelings and thoughts. GEF DO targets:

  • the child shows initiative and independence in various activities;
  • is able to choose his occupation, participants for joint activities;
  • the child is capable of volitional efforts;
  • tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people's actions;
  • capable of making their own decisions.
Initiative is defined as a characteristic of a person's activity, behavior and personality, meaning the ability to act on an internal impulse, in contrast to reactivity - behavior carried out on external stimuli. Children's initiative is manifested in the free independent activity of children according to their choice and interests. The ability to play, draw, design, compose, etc. in accordance with one's own interests is the most important source of a child's emotional well-being in kindergarten. In the form of independent initiative activity in kindergarten, all types of child activities can be carried out, since each activity has a peculiar effect on the development of various components of independence. There are 4 areas of initiatives:
  • creative
  • goal setting and will power
  • communicative
  • Cognitive
  • Each area of ​​the initiative is assessed through a specific activity:
Creative initiative - involvement in story game, as the main creative activity of the child, where imagination and creative thinking develop. Initiative as goal-setting and volitional effort : involvement in various types of productive activities - drawing, modeling, designing, requiring efforts to overcome the "resistance" of the material, where arbitrariness develops, the planning function of speech. Communication Initiative - the inclusion of the child in interaction with peers, where empathy and the communicative function of speech are unleashed. Cognitive Initiative - curiosity, involvement in experimentation, simple cognitive research activity, where the ability to establish spatio-temporal, causal and genus-species relationships is developed. Each activity has a unique impact on the development of different components of autonomy and initiative: 1. The game promotes the development of activity and initiative. It requires from the child individuality, ingenuity, resourcefulness, creativity and independence. 2. Labor activity - the formation of purposefulness and awareness of actions, perseverance in achieving results. Performing elementary labor assignments, children begin to work together, distribute duties among themselves, and negotiate with each other. 3. In productive activities, the independence of the child from the adult, the desire to find the necessary means of self-expression is formed. 4. Communication (children-children, children-parents). 5. Self-organization - an activity aimed at finding and creativity. Without independence, we will not get the initiative . The problem of the formation of independence in children has been and remains one of the most urgent in today's pedagogy. life in all its manifestations is becoming more and more diverse and complex, a person is not required to use stereotyped, habitual actions, but a creative approach to solving large and small problems, the ability to independently pose and solve new problems. The smaller the children, the weaker their ability to act independently. They are not able to control themselves, so they imitate others. and not always this example has a positive effect on the child. For a long time there was an opinion that the child is not yet a person. A small child is an inferior being who cannot independently think, act, have desires that do not coincide with the desires of adults. The child must fulfill the requirements dictated by an adult without showing his own initiative and independence. According to the principle of "said and done". And only in recent times we have established a "positive" approach to the development of the child: they recognized the right to be a person. And independence is a faithful companion of personal development. For the development of initiative you need: . giving simple tasks(remove the fear of "I can't do it", develop initiative in children. 2. Give tasks that are interesting or where a person has a personal interest in doing something. 3. Support initiatives (be prepared to pay for your mistakes and failures). 4. Teach you to respond correctly to our own mistakes.If we want our children to believe in themselves, develop and experiment, we must reinforce the initiative, even when it is accompanied by mistakes.In the educational process, the child and adults (teachers, parents) act as subjects of pedagogical activity in which adults determine the content, tasks, ways of their implementation, and the child creates himself and his nature, his world.Children are provided with a wide range of activities specific to preschoolers, the choice of which is carried out with the participation of adults with a focus on the interests and abilities of the child.Adults need to learn how to cooperate tactfully with children: do not try to show and explain everything at once, do not immediately present what - either unexpected surprises, sound effects, etc., it is necessary to create conditions for children to guess a lot on their own, to enjoy it. 5-6 years To support children's initiative, adults need to:
  • create a positive psychological microclimate in the group, equally showing love and care for all children: express joy at a meeting, use affection and a warm word to express your attitude towards the child;
  • respect the individual tastes and habits of children;
  • Encourage the desire to create something according to one's own design;
  • create conditions for independent creative activity of children;
  • if necessary, help children in solving the problems of organizing the game;
  • involve children in planning the life of the group for the day and for a longer period.
  • create conditions and allocate time for independent creative, cognitive activities of children according to their interests.
6-8 years old To support children's initiative, adults need to:
  • calmly respond to the failure of the child and offer several options for correcting the work: re-execution after a while, finishing, improving, details. Tell children about their difficulties experienced in learning new activities;
  • create situations that allow the child to realize his achievements and teach him to achieve the same results of his peers;
  • maintain a sense of pride in their work and satisfaction with its results;
  • create conditions for various independent creative activities of children according to their interests and requests, provide children with a certain amount of time for this type of activity;
  • if necessary, help children solve problems in the organization of the game;
  • plan the life of the group for the day, week, month, taking into account the interests of children, try to implement their proposals;
  • present products of children's creativity to other children, parents, teachers.
The main principles for the development of independence and initiative, which must be applied in the work of the educator, are as follows:
  • 1. Make sure that the child discovers the unfortunate consequences of what he once was too lazy to do (if he finds that the felt-tip pens have dried up because he forgot to put caps on them, you should not rush to give him new ones. In the future, memories about this difficult period of creativity will motivate the child to monitor the state of his things, treat them with care, and most importantly, the understanding that he has to answer for every action.
  • 2. Requiring independence from the child, be guided by the principle of expediency. For example, you should not ask him to put the toys immediately after the game. The request to put everything in its place after the end of the game, so as not to trip over toys, will be more understandable to the child.
  • 3. Try to formulate the scope and content of duties as specifically as possible. For example: "After dinner, you need to clear your glass from the table to help Natalya Vladimirovna," and "you don't need to clean up after yourself."
  • 4. try to explain to the child the meaning and ultimate goal of the actions performed by him
  • 5. if the child is lazy and categorically refuses to leave his cozy place, ask him to tell you about his future plans. This request will make the child think about what to do.
Effective forms of supporting children's initiative: 1. Joint activity of an adult with children, based on the search for solutions problem situation offered by the child. 2. Project activity. 3. Joint cognitive research activities of an adult and children - experiments and experimentation. 4. Observation and elementary household work in the center of experimentation. 5. Joint activity of an adult and children in the transformation of objects of the man-made world and wildlife. 6. Creation of conditions for independent activity of children in development centers. "The balance of adult and children's initiative is achieved not through a strict separation of the spheres of domination of an adult and freedom of a child, but through the flexible design of partnership activities, where both parties act as central figures in the educational process and where pedagogical interests and interests of a specific group of preschoolers meet, rather than oppose. ""The balance of adult and children's initiative is achieved not due to a rigid separation of the spheres of domination of an adult and freedom of a child, but due to the flexible design of partnership activities, where both parties act as central figures in the educational process and where pedagogical interests and interests of a particular group meet, rather than oppose preschoolers" Children who show initiative and independence in all activities achieve the highest social and normative characteristics. They are the most sociable, creatively developed, have their own point of view, are leaders among their peers and are more successful at school. Thank you for your attention!