Rules of the game. In addition to the main ones, there are a number of indirect risks. Where does this strategy come from?

The construction business in Russia is booming and the outlook for the future is positive. The payback period for initial investments in construction has been reduced to an incredible value for the industry in 1 year. Profitability of an experienced construction company of 100% is quite real, and even a beginner in a subsidized region can count on 40%. So many businessmen, having accumulated enough capital to start (about 15,000,000 rubles), are thinking: how to open a construction company?

But first you need to figure out if such bright prospects are fiction? It turns out not. Paradoxically, the burden of the past contributes to the development of construction in Russia.

Going with five-year steps towards the great bright future of the USSR, there was no time for such philistine trifles as a family of 4 people who had been waiting for a two-room apartment for 15 years, and in the dashing 90s, which actually stretched to the 10s, there was no time for fat at all, to be alive . Now the housing issue is one of the most acute, and a lot of housing is needed.

The flourishing of construction in Russia is due to global, strategic reasons. Builders can count on favorable market conditions for a long time. No matter how the situation inside the country and international changes, in Russia there is still building and building.

How to enter the construction business?

First of all, construction is not for dummies. For a minimum start, you must be at least a skilled construction worker and own a PC. If you fully understand what a load diagram, material moisture absorption or paint hiding power are, then you might think: how to open a construction company and where to start?

Construction is a developed, complex industry and there are no “just construction companies”. In general, construction companies are classified as follows:

  • Architectural and design firms.
  • General contractors.
  • Subcontractors-specialists.
  • Subcontractors-suppliers.

Architects and designers are the elite of builders. Experience and qualifications are not enough here, talent is also needed. As a rule, a good architect has a degree. Although architects do not invest in technology, materials and equipment and do not keep work teams, there is nothing for a beginner to do here. A naive neophyte will simply not be accepted into the SRO (see below).

General contractors are "cool" bison who know the business to the finer points and are able to perform any type of construction work: from redecorating an apartment in a "Khrushchev" to erecting skyscrapers. There are no newcomers here either. In addition to very large initial investments and experience, we need a large number of reliable and conscientious workers (and this is the No. 1 construction problem worldwide) and a fleet of equipment.

A subcontractor-specialist either really specializes in certain types of work - say, plumbing or electrical power and signal communications - for the general contractor, or, formally specializing, for example, in repairs, also performs the entire range of construction work, but on a small scale.

Here, for a beginner in the construction business (but not in construction technology), immense opportunities open up. It is only necessary to assemble an intelligent, not drunk and not thieving, team of 5 specialists: a bricklayer, a painter-plasterer, a tiler-finisher, a plumber and an electrician.

The fact is that with the current construction boom, at least an average general contractor has a queue of orders, and they try to take them in major cities: it’s easier to turn around with materials, you don’t need to drive equipment far and pay workers travel allowances. Yes, and orders in large centers are most often large, profitable.

But to the outback, where rural and regional owners have money, and which also wants to be comfortable and civilized, hands often do not reach. The construction industry cannot be remade so easily, and in the USSR, construction was focused on the “construction of the century,” so the small-scale construction structure in Russia is still in its infancy. If you know how and want to build, there is where to apply your efforts and get a decent return.

The subcontractor-supplier must also know a lot about construction and can earn a good income, but in essence he is no longer a builder, but a specialist trader, so consideration of this activity is beyond the scope of this article.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “how to open a construction company from scratch?” will be like this - to become a subcontractor-specialist. Now let's see how to do it step by step.

Preparing for a debut in construction

To establish your own construction company, construction education and work skills are not enough. You need a constructive worldview and a positive psychological attitude. For those who have their own hut on the edge, and he is the master in it, and no one orders him, and he will not listen to anyone anyway, it is better not to count on success in the construction business.

Construction is essentially a collective activity. Let us remember how Robinson suffered alone, at least over his hut with a fence. And construction is a responsible business. The very life of the people in it directly depends on the quality of the building. Formal compliance with SNiPs (building codes and regulations) is not enough for high-quality construction, you need to think about the people who will live and work here for many years.

If you feel that you are endowed with the necessary moral qualities, you can begin to form a brigade.


Personnel in construction is everything. A conscientious skilled construction worker is one of the most needed professions in the world. In the leading construction powers of the world - the USA and Japan - foremen complain in their blogs: "Everywhere workers are like workers, they work and receive wages, but our materials are stolen and drunk."

Construction workers are not trash at all. It's just that at a construction site it is difficult to establish the same accounting and control as in production, and one black sheep spoils the whole herd. At a large construction site with a personnel reserve, an unscrupulous worker can be quickly identified, reasoned with or expelled from the team, but a small enterprise, having lost a specialist, can disrupt the order and be on the verge of collapse.

Therefore, without having assembled a workable team in advance, it is not worth getting down to business. Moreover, the team should consist of qualified specialists, preferably with a professional education. Beginners without qualifications with training in the process of work can be taken later, as the business expands. You should also be careful with the craftsmen - "Kulibins".

The market economy does not tolerate long-term construction of the Soviet type. A modern specialist, having entered the workplace, must, starting from the very first shift, consistently issue a norm with the proper quality. In construction, the requirements for personnel are tightened by the fact that construction, as already mentioned, is a responsible matter, and the responsibility of the builder stretches for years. Cracks or biting biting went along the walls, not to mention the collapse - this is not a microwave that burned down after repair.

Relationships with colleagues

All builders, in any competition, have to interact with each other in the professional field - when linking to general plans, for interconnecting architecture, coordinating projects, connecting to communications, etc.

Therefore, inform your colleagues in advance about your plans, about what niche you have found for yourself, what work you plan to do. There is no point in hiding: they are not building a stone pillar in the middle of the desert. Jumping out suddenly, like a devil out of a box, you risk not only standing across the throat of the rest, but also entering into conflict with government agencies, because the development is not carried out randomly, but under the strict control of the law.

The risk that your niche will be filled faster than you is minimal - potential competitors also need to assemble a team and decide on a circle of customers, but you have already done this.


It is also advisable to discuss your plans with one of the local general contractors who, in your opinion, are the most trustworthy. The conversation should be conducted in the following vein: “There is a complex team, here and there - a breakthrough, I want to start my own business.”

Most likely, you will immediately be offered the position of foreman or foreman with a very decent salary. If you insist: “No, we want to work for ourselves, but we can give a share for support at the start,” then you will almost certainly get an answer: “Okay, get registered, we will help with money, equipment and materials.”

It is possible that the general contractor will not have free funds, but if necessary, you will certainly agree on the rental of equipment and receive recommendations from reliable and profitable suppliers. In any case, if it doesn't work out here, you can try with another one.

It is better to negotiate as soon as the frosts hit. Most general contractors, in order to pay less to workers for winter conditions, intensify work in the summer, and remove the profit by winter. By spring, free funds are invested in the new season.

Starting a business

Having solved all the preliminary questions, you need to draw up papers for the company. It is not free, whether you have found an investor or not, so along the way we will figure out how much it costs to open a construction company at a minimum.

First step: registration

We register in the tax as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. easier and cheaper, but then you won’t be able to perform work for legal entities and government agencies, so it’s better right away.

In practice, registration, as well as the creation of a company website, without which the SRO will most likely not be accepted, is entrusted to intermediary lawyers and a webmaster. Of course, they need to be paid, but by running around with papers on your own, you will eat more for yourself. Registration, along with the creation of a simple site based on a template, costs 10,000 - 25,000 rubles. including state duty, depending on local rates.

Now you need to join a self-regulatory organization - SRO.

Second stage: SRO

Construction licensing has now been abolished. Construction specialists and related specialists (geologists, surveyors, divers, roofers, blasters, etc.) themselves determine who can work in construction, earthworks, preliminary geological surveys, etc. These people, practicing businessmen themselves and specialists working in their field, make up the SRO. Until you are a member of the SRO, you cannot build anything.

To join the SRO, you need to submit three packages of documents:

  • An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of the enterprise and tax registration, the Charter of the company and an extract from the decision of the meeting of founders that appointed you as the head.
  • Copies of senior diplomas. Without higher or secondary specialized education in the profile, you can only count on minor repairs and finishing work.
  • Copies of work books, labor agreements and contracts, certificates of advanced training - to confirm the length of service and, accordingly, experience. For high-altitude fitters, you still need a non-expired certificate - permission to work with a mark on passing a medical examination. For electricians - also not an expired certificate with a group of access to electrical installations and a mark on the medical board.

In addition, all SROs require management business cards with contact details.

The entrance fee to the SRO ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. depending on the local situation, and it is immediately necessary to replenish the compensation fund of the SRO by about 300,000 rubles. Another 10,000 rubles. will make a fee to the notary and the first monthly membership fee to the SRO.

In total, the procedure for opening a construction company will cost 330,000 - 360,000 rubles.

Many SROs, especially in regions with developed construction, require members to submit a business plan with specific data on local conditions, including a production plan for the first year. When compiling it, you can take as a basis the business plan of a construction company according to aggregated indicators.

Enlarged business plan for a small construction company

Since the success of negotiations with investors depends not only on you, we consider their results to be zero. Agree on the initial "infusions" - well, pay off faster and get on your feet. But to calculate the start, it is better to proceed from the worst.

So the initial cost is:

  • Purchase and rental of special equipment, design work, geological and geodetic surveys - 12,000,000 rubles.
  • The cost of tools and overalls - 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Payment for office rent - 150,000 rubles / year.
  • Travel and hospitality expenses - 200,000 rubles / year.
  • Membership fees to SROs, advertising events, website promotion - 100,000 rubles per year.

Total initial expenses 13,450,000 rubles.

To calculate income and payback period, we take the average statistical value of the profitability of a small construction business in the Russian Federation. In megacities, the profitability of even a small construction company can be 100%, but there “everything is under control” and it is difficult for a beginner to take root.

In the subsidized outback, you can count on 25-30% profitability. There are also enough orders there, but you will have to travel a lot and drive equipment far.

On average, in the Russian Federation, the distribution of the profitability of construction organizations, depending on local conditions, has a slight asymmetry with a maximum at a value of 60%. This gives a payback period of 20 months, but it must be taken into account that the winter period falls to a large extent. Then the payback period is 2 years, and the average monthly income is 560,000 rubles.

As we see, Building bussiness expensive and difficult at the start, but provides consistently high profitability in the long term. By opening a construction company, you will be confident in your well-being and will know that you are engaged in one of the most worthy human deeds. And the time will come to sum up - you can not care about the monument. There will be many of them - all that you have built.

"Monopoly" - not only dice and chips

In this game, you do not just wait your turn, rejoicing at the unsuccessful moves of your opponents or annoyed at their successes. Monopoly players they closely monitor what happens on the game board, control their real estate, one might say, they are constantly engaged in their business. And even while in prison, you can not sit idly by.

Rentals and auctions

In anticipation of your move or during the "time" keep an eye on the property. As soon as any of the players is on the unsecured property you own, demand rent at the rate indicated on the title card.

You may also have the opportunity to participate in the auction and profitably acquire the land, house or hotel you need. Auctions are held if:

  • the player who made the move waived the pre-emptive right to acquire free real estate at a nominal price;
  • one of the players has been declared bankrupt. Then all his property pledged to the bank is auctioned off as free;
  • several players want to buy the same houses or hotels (due to the lack of buildings).

The auction starts from any price offered by any of the players (from $1). The winning bidder is obligated to buy the lot.


Between turns, you can also build houses and hotels if you already have all the plots of any color group (or groups) at your disposal, and none of them are mortgaged. The cost of construction is indicated in the card on the right of ownership. Building is carried out evenly - you can not put a second house on the site until one house is built on each of the plots of this color group.

No more than 4 houses can be put on the plot. If the site is fully built up, 4 houses standing on it can be exchanged at the bank for 1 hotel, paying for it the amount that appears on the card for ownership. There can only be 1 hotel per lot. And in this case, it is no longer possible to build houses on it.

If financial difficulties arise during the game, you can sell the houses to the bank, only in this case you will receive only half of their face value. Houses are also sold evenly (similar to the development process). Selling the hotel (at half price) gives the player 4 houses for that lot in return.

In Monopoly, a situation often arises when there are not enough buildings in the bank for all the "developers". Then the existing houses and hotels are auctioned off. In the case of a complete absence of buildings, you have to wait for other participants in the game to sell their buildings to the bank.


Players can trade not only with the bank, but also among themselves. Only undeveloped real estate can be sold or exchanged. The object of the transaction can also be cards for free release from prison - they can be sold for money or exchanged for real estate. The cost or terms of the exchange are negotiated between the parties to the transaction.

The mortgaged property can also be sold to another player at a negotiated price. The buyer has the right to immediately redeem it or leave it as a pledge by paying 10% of the collateral value. The card is left upside down, face down. If the player subsequently wants to buy back the mortgaged property, he will have to pay another 10%.

  • Previous article in the series:

Rules of the Game PURPOSE OF THE GAME Monopoly is economic game, whose goal is to buy as many different enterprises as possible, build as many branches and monopolies as possible, i.e. become a major monopolist, thereby ruining rivals. DESCRIPTION OF THE GAME The number of players participating in the game can be from 2 to 5. The playing field is a square. Movement across the field is carried out clockwise from the initial cell "BANK". The turn order of the players, as well as the color of the player, are automatically determined by the computer. The game begins with the fact that by rolling the dice the player determines how many squares forward he should move. Rolling dice, definition total amount the number thrown by the dice, as well as the movement of the player's chip is carried out automatically. If the numbers on both rolled dice match (double), the player is entitled to an additional roll. If the double is repeated 3 times, then the player enters the "Hospital" cell. After rolling the dice, the player moves n spaces forward. STOPPING IN A FREE PLOT If a player lands on an enterprise card that has not been bought by another player, he has the opportunity to buy this enterprise for the price indicated on the card. In this case, the enterprise becomes his property and is painted in the color of the player. If the plot is not bought, it remains free and available for purchase by other players. STOP IN AN OCCUPIED PLOT Each purchased site has its own rent. When an opponent hits your cell, he pays you this amount. Rent increases when building branches and skyrockets when building a monopoly. BRANCHES AND MONOPOLY The field is divided into 8 industries, each of which has 3 enterprises, painted in the same color. If the player buys all 3 enterprises of the same industry (monopoly), he can build branches in each sector of the industry. The plots are built up sequentially: one branch each, then the second branch, then the third. After 3 branches have been built on all the cells of the industry, the player can build a monopoly. SALE If the player decides to sell the enterprise, then the BANK pays him half of their original price. If a player sells branches, he must remove them from the plots evenly: one building from each plot. At the same time, the BANK also buys buildings for half of their original price. EXCHANGE Players have the ability to exchange businesses. If you lack any cards before the monopoly, and the other player has them, you can offer him an exchange: offer the cards you would like to take and the cards you would like to offer in return. You can equalize the deal by adding the required amount. DEPOSIT Initially, each player is given $2,000. If you have no money left, you can mortgage your enterprises, receiving half of the purchase price for them. In the future, you can buy these enterprises. Players visiting pledged businesses will not be charged rent. Mortgaged plots can neither be exchanged nor sold. "SURPRISING" BANK CAGES Players start from the "BANK" cage. Passing further through this cell, the player receives +200$ to his sum. In addition to this, the bank functionality offers each player a deposit account with an initial amount of $100. With each passage of the "Bank" card, the account is replenished by a fixed amount of $50. If desired, the player can withdraw the entire amount, canceling the account. CITY HALL Getting on the cell "CITY HALL" the player is offered one of several types of bonuses, determined automatically. The player may be offered to buy one of the selected free enterprises or to seize an enterprise from other players that is not in a monopoly at an increased cost. CASINO Cell "Casino" gives you the opportunity to play the machine "One-Armed Bandit". You choose the bet you want to place and pull the lever. When certain matches of items fall out in the machine, you get a win. HOSPITAL To get out of the "Hospital" cell, you must pay a certain amount, or continue to "treat". In the latter case, you will be offered cards with treatment options and, if you choose the correct option, you will be able to leave the "Hospital", if not, then you remain "treated". CENTRAL CELLS In addition to the extreme cells, there are central cells of action. These cells are polar, i.e. can give both positive (in this case they are colored green) and so-called "negative" bonuses (colored red). CHANCE and MOVEMENT In addition, there are bonus cells such as "Chance" and "Movement" that affect the location and wealth of the player. END OF THE GAME Losers are considered to be players who have gone "in the red". They are declared bankrupt and removed from the game. Branches and monopolies of the bankrupt are returned to the bank. Plot cards are placed on the field on the corresponding cells. The game continues until the complete bankruptcy of all players, except for one - he is declared the winner.

Today we will talk about how to start your construction business correctly and what pitfalls can be in this area. The advantage of this service sector is the constantly growing demand. Just imagine, every day potential clients are looking for their contractor to carry out repairs, they are eager to build their own cozy house or put up a fence near an already finished house. Some representatives of the stronger sex take on this work, but not every man is able to install a double-glazed window, replace a pipe, or even drive a shelf into the wall. And when a person understands his helplessness in the field of construction, our task will be to provide the client with all the services that he only wishes. You can’t refuse a person who brings money into your hands, but you shouldn’t think that opening a construction company is an easy task and there will already be huge incomes in a couple of days. Any business is hard work and now I will explain why.

Related article:

The first stage of opening a construction company is registration

First of all, we need to open a company and for this we choose the type of registration. The easiest way to register a company is as entity, which is a limited liability company. To do this, you need to come up with a name for the company, choose its location, create an authorized capital and founders of the company. Let's analyze these points in a little more detail. The name of the company should be unique and easily recognizable - if you slightly alter the name of a competitor, you get an ugly situation and customers are likely to refuse your services. The location of the company means the city in which your company will operate. The authorized capital is the money that the founders invested in the company, that is, the start-up capital that the company needs for initial functioning.
Let's summarize the package of documents required for registering a company: copies of the passports of the founders of the company, information about the location of the company and the main type of activity, as well as information about the authorized capital and the method of its formation. You can go through the registration yourself, or you can pay a special office and she will do everything herself. The issue price is 3000 rubles.

Scope of activity and permissions

You should not think that if you open a construction company, then you can build and repair everything at once. Construction is divided into three types - industrial, civil and road, and for each of these types you need to obtain a separate permit, have special equipment and specialists. You should not immediately rush into a huge piece of work, you still won’t pull it, it’s better to choose the simplest and most permanent way of repair work - civil engineering. This branch of work includes the repair of residential buildings, the construction of houses, garages, saunas. It is worth noting that the number of small firms that do not live up to a year of their work increases every year in the civil construction market. We won't be like that, right?
You can’t just come to a person and start building a house for him, for any type of construction work you need to have a permit. At the beginning of our work, we need to obtain a building permit and a license to design structures. This package of documents does not incur large costs. Also, many are sure that in order to open a company, you need to have the status of an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization), but if we are not going to build private houses (cottages no more than 3 floors), the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will not exceed 1500 sq.m, then this no status needed.

Related article:

Equipment and machinery

I would like to say right away that not a single small construction company can provide itself with all the equipment for repair or construction. The main problem is the high price of specialized equipment, without which the work cannot be done. The average price of all machinery and equipment for a construction company is 20 thousand dollars and this is the minimum number of all units for the work of one team of workers. If the budget has already been spent, and the company still needs a concrete mixer or other equipment, then you can use the services of leasing companies. Leasing is, in fact, renting something. Sometimes it will be cheaper to rent an excavator than to buy one for a one-time use. Let's add 20 thousand dollars to the list of expenses - for the purchase of a car for a team of workers and all equipment.

Personnel is an important component of a construction company

Our company is small, so it is not necessary to open a large office and spend a lot of money on rent. Everything that a start-up construction company needs can fit in two rooms. One room will be used as a warehouse for equipment, in the second you need to put a table, a computer, a phone and a girl with a sweet voice. It is she who will answer calls, record data and create a customer base.
It is worth starting with one working team of five people. In the brigade, four workers are equal in terms of obligations and rights, they carry out repair work. The average price of a builder is 40 thousand rubles a month, and this amount should be calculated. The fifth person in the team will be the foreman, who is responsible for the quality of the work performed and the preparation of estimates. The salary is 60 thousand rubles. In the future, when the company grows, you need to hire a professional estimator.
As a result, in terms of personnel, the following picture is obtained: 20 thousand rubles for the salary of a secretary, 4 builders for 40 thousand each and a foreman. The total salary per month is 240 thousand rubles.

Finding Clients

Despite the economic crisis, approximately 20% of the entire population of the country spends money on repairs or construction work annually, so it will not be difficult to create a client base. First of all, you should use word of mouth - tell your friends and acquaintances about the opening of a construction company. You will be able to get a couple of orders, because any person at home has something nailed wrong or the door needs to be repaired. This way we will ensure an influx of small orders, but we need to grow to great heights. It is worth advertising your company in places where building materials are sold - a person comes for a new washbasin and notices an advertisement that the washbasin can be delivered very well and of high quality for a small fee.

Related article:

Summing up

Any business is a series of problems and failures that you need to go through in order to carve out a place for yourself in the sun. At first it will be difficult to find a normal place for a warehouse, professional workers and a foreman, there will be difficulties with the supply of materials and orders. Try to do everything right and do not be ashamed of small orders, because this, although small, is money for the company. It will not be easy to recoup the initial paperwork, purchase of equipment, rent and salary. The equipment will cost 680 thousand rubles, the registration of the company another ten thousand. The functioning of the company will take 240 thousand for salaries and 8 for renting premises, the same amount for gasoline for a working car. Don't forget about ads. If you have an initial capital of 940 thousand rubles, you can safely open a construction company, but only on condition that you recoup the salary of employees in the first month.

Board games have always been in high demand. During the period of active development of the Internet era, they were somewhat, so to speak, modernized and became even more popular. Today, almost any game can be downloaded to a computer, tablet or smartphone. But it's better to gather all your friends together and have fun, say, at Monopoly. It's pretty old game. She is over a hundred years old, but this has not affected her popularity in any way. In this article, you will learn how to play Monopoly.

First meeting

The goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt player. The playing field consists of squares along which the participants move, depending on the number rolled on the die. In any sector there is a plot that can be bought from the bank for development. But here, as in real life, you have to pay taxes and mortgage real estate. Well, of course, you need to be at least a little economically "savvy".


First you need to place all objects (houses, hotels) by sectors playing field according to the diagram. Then shuffle the "Chances" cards and put them reverse side to the corresponding cell. Then each player chooses a chip and puts it on the inscription "Go". The team chooses a Banker who will manage the money. There are 16 banknotes in total:

  • 500 thousand rubles - 2 pcs.;
  • 100 thousand rubles - 4 things.;
  • 50 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 20 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 10 thousand rubles - 2 pcs.;
  • 5 thousand rubles - 1 PC.;
  • 1 thousand rubles - 5 pieces.

The bank remains documents on real estate. Salaries, bonuses and loans are issued with other money. The amount of "cash" is not limited. At any time, on a regular sheet of paper, you can write out The game for "Android" "Monopoly" is deprived of the ability to "issue" paper money.

Each participant in turn rolls the die and moves the chip around the field. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows. There can be several chips on one cell. It also contains instructions on how to proceed: pay taxes, buy land, pay rent, get paid or go to jail.

How to play Monopoly: rules

The "Forward" item can be passed by the player several times. At the same time, the bank pays 200 thousand rubles in case of a repeated stop in this sector.

The position "Construction site" gives the player the opportunity to be the first to redeem the documents for the property, if no one has done this before. In this case, the card must be placed face up on the field. In case of refusal to purchase, the site is immediately put up for auction at the lowest price and sold at the latest offered. The Banker manages the process.

"Property Ownership" allows you to collect rent from "tenants". If the possessions are painted in one color, then which allows you to build houses.

"Do not leave someone else's property": the owner can demand from you, but only until the next player rolls the dice. The amount of payment is indicated in the documents and may change during the game. It depends on the number of buildings built. Rent is charged each time you stop at a property of the same color group and doubles if the player is on a built-up lot, provided the building is not mortgaged. For the "Station" field, the rules are similar.

In the sector, the same conditions apply as with real estate. There is only one but: the rent is charged in accordance with the number of points that fell on the dice. The amount increases by 4 times if the owner has one enterprise, and by 10 if both. If the player entered the field on the "Chances" card, then you need to roll the dice to determine how much the payment will increase.

The game "Monopoly. Millionaire" has one interesting sector. If the participant enters the "Community Treasury" field, then he needs to take a card from the pile and follow the instructions indicated in it. There are many options: from moving chips to getting out of prison for free. After the conditions are met, the card must be placed at the very bottom of the pile.

Position "Taxes": the specified amount should be paid to the bank.

"Free parking" means that the player can just stay on the field and do nothing.

They get into the "Prison" if the corresponding card or the same number on the dice fell out three times in a row. Here the player does not receive a salary, but can save rent. To leave this field, you need to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles or buy from another player the "Get out of prison for free" card. Then the game continues. "Monopoly" for two in this regard has advantages. If there is not enough money in the account, you can stay in prison and continue to roll the dice. If you get a double - make a move. But you still have to pay a fine (50 thousand rubles). Only then can the game continue. If the player got into the prison sector not on the map, but as a result of a move, then the fine will not have to be paid.

Details about the property

Having plots of the same color group, you can buy houses and charge rent to players who are in your possession. The transaction should be made in between moves. The plot is built up evenly: it is allowed to build a second house on a sector of the same color only after there is one building on the rest. The maximum number of buildings in one area is 4. They are also sold only evenly, but at any time.

After construction, you can buy a hotel. The unit price is 4 houses plus the amount shown on the property card. Only one hotel is allowed in each sector. If the bank cannot sell the house, and there are not enough own buildings, then you will have to wait until the other participants part with their possessions. If there are many people who want to buy real estate, an auction is arranged.


The game has another advantage. You can sell plots, railway stations and utilities to other players. If a participant wants to sell an empty sector of one color group, then first you need to sell from it - evenly - all the property, and then put it up for sale. The bank makes a purchase for half of the amount indicated in the documents. Hotels of the same color group are sold at the same time.

You can get money from the bank by mortgaging real estate. A title deed turned face down is proof of a deposit. The bank can only sell such property to other players. The amount to be redeemed is the value of the buildings plus 10%. The participant of the game can independently implement the building.

If a player owes the bank more money than he can pay after the sale of all his property, then he is bankrupt. The financial institution takes away his property and auctions it off. If the creditor is another player, then he sells the debtor's property to the bank for half its value. Here's how to play Monopoly.

Tips for beginners

Having figured out how to play Monopoly, we turn to the question of tactics. We remind you that the goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant. Therefore, in order to win, in addition to the rules, you also need to know some features.

Buy everything

If you do not have money, then it is worth pawning the existing property to the bank. While participating in auctions Special attention pay railways and land plots. It is better not to buy plumbing and electric companies. Their payback period is 3 player stops on this field.

Prison is your friend

At the stage of accumulation of prison sites, it is better to avoid, but if you do end up behind bars, you need to take all measures to get out as soon as possible. But when other players begin to actively build up their territories, it is better to skip a move or two.

buy railroads

All four have a special place in the game. At the very beginning, they bring a lot of profit, in the middle they will not be superfluous, and at the end gameplay it is better to get rid of them.


According to statistics, the prison is the most visited cell on the playing field. The most profitable plots are purple, orange and green. At the same time, it is better to build no more than three houses on a sector of the same color. The only time you should buy an inn is if all your lots are the same color.

Use your home wisely

According to the rules, their number in one game is limited, and at the very beginning you cannot buy hotels. Experienced participants build their strategy on this, namely: they fill all their sites with buildings and never buy hotels. This prevents other players from owning real estate.

Psychological features of trading

  • People value mortgaged land less, that is, they are ready to part with it at a lower price.
  • Inexperienced players easily trade or sell what they think are "useless" solo lots.

A large number of participants is the advantage of the game

"Monopoly" for two is not as interesting as playing with a group of friends. One of the winning strategies works well with a large number of players. It consists in quickly and at any price redeeming three cards of any color (starting with blue). In this case, the player must have a large number of multi-colored plots of land. For this, you can even donate the railway. After that, you need to quickly build houses and under no circumstances part with your lands.

Which option is better?

The game "Monopoly" on the computer is installed quite quickly. But it's better to prefer desktop version. By gathering friends at home, you can take advantage of a large number of players and try out the following winning strategy in practice.

How to play Monopoly with credit cards

This option is more suitable for the money manager. One of the rules of the game is that a financial institution can write out any number of banknotes on plain paper at any time. They should be used when the process becomes especially tedious, and "issue" banknotes of 1 thousand rubles. This will force other participants to take a break from thinking about the tactics of the game and start counting money.


Monopoly is a game for a group of friends. To win, you need not only to know the rules well, but also to develop tactics and strategy in advance. The ultimate goal, as already mentioned, is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant.