Direction of enemy guns on the minimap for WoT. Direction of enemy guns on the minimap for WoT Gun directions mod

Directions only for enemies and allied art! We have for you another must have mod that will greatly help in the battle. By installing the modification, the minimap will show where this or that enemy is looking. The usefulness of the mod can hardly be overestimated, so feel free to install it - you won’t regret it!

How to use?

The first and obvious advantage is that now you can see where the enemy is aiming. How many times have you had situations when you needed to see where the enemy’s gun was pointing? That's what I'm talking about - such situations arise very often. And with this mod you will get all the comprehensive information. I note that at the moment I do not understand the algorithm of the mod - some pointers at the other end of the map do not work. Only the pointers that are not very far away are working. But that's what we need, right?


Copy the configs folder to \World_of_Tanks\mods\. Copy the remaining folders and files to World of Tanks\mods\


Directions only for enemies and allied art! We have for you another must have mod that will greatly help in the battle. By installing the modification, the minimap will show where this or that enemy is looking. The usefulness of the mod can hardly be overestimated, so feel free to install it - you won’t regret it!

How to use?

The first and obvious advantage is that now you can see where the enemy is aiming. How many times have you had situations when you needed to see where the enemy’s gun was pointing? That's what I'm talking about - such situations arise very often. And with this mod you will get all the comprehensive information. I note that at the moment I do not understand the algorithm of the mod - some pointers at the other end of the map do not work. Only the pointers that are not very far away are working. But that's what we need, right?


Copy the configs folder to \World_of_Tanks\mods\. Copy the remaining folders and files to World of Tanks\mods\


  • Update date: 12 Feb 2019
  • Tested on patch:
  • Current version: 0.0.6
  • GPCracker
  • Total marks: 2
  • Average rating: 5
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Latest update information: Updated for patch

Important: In mid-summer 2019, a new patch will be released and the installation folder for mods will change; now they need to be installed in the WOT/res_mods/1.5.1/ and WOT/mods/1.5.1/ folders. Most of the mods are working, just move them to the 1.5.1 folder, if one of the mods still doesn’t work, wait for it to be adapted on our website.

With this mod, the minimap has been supplemented with an interesting function - now it will display the directions of all enemy guns that were illuminated.

What is the use of enemy barrel directions?

The minimap is the holy of holies of any tanker who really knows how to play. Its standard capabilities are enough for a general understanding of the situation on the battlefield, but who said that you need to limit yourself to this? Install this mod and a green triangle will be visible next to each enemy tank icon, indicating the area where the vehicle’s gun is pointed.

Thanks to this information, the game will become much easier, especially on dynamic machines that are very afraid of enemy fire. The same light tank can easily catch the moment when the enemy on the TT has turned away its gun and is not monitoring a narrow street. The same STs will also be able to implement the mod, understanding which direction is better to go in order to minimize the risk of receiving damage.

What’s surprising is that the mod is still not included in the list of cheats, as, for example, it gives a tangible advantage on the battlefield!

As you can see in the screenshot above, the direction of the guns is also active for the allied artillery, this allows the fireflies to better understand when to shine on their opponents, and when it is better to wait and not take risks.

Setting the directions of enemy guns for

  • Extract the configs folder to /World_of_Tanks/mods/. The rest of the archive contents are copied to /World_of_Tanks/mods/[patch number].