Stalker Clear Sky: how to get to the cordon through the military. Stalker Clear Sky: how to get to the cordon through the military Clear Sky find the PDA in the tunnel




Find item

Mission Plan:

  • Find an improved suit.
  • Bring what you promised to the customer.

Task completion time: 1 day.

Nimble talks about the bandits' cache with a modified jacket (Chain Jacket) in the tunnel east of the ATP and asks to bring it. He notices that the tunnel, according to the bandits, has been chosen by a certain monster.

It is convenient to take the quest from the stalker immediately after receiving the flash drive from him during the task “Take information from the intelligence officer.” Moving along the country road east from the ATP, the player will come to a tunnel. A pseudo-dog, which the bandits apparently were talking about, will be waiting for him inside. It is also likely that there will be blind dogs or flesh near the entrance.

Having taken the jacket from the tunnel, the player is free to keep it for himself or take it to Shustrom, who at that time will be sleeping in the Newcomer Village in one of the houses.


Defend the newcomers' camp from mercenaries

A dozen mercenaries armed with TRs-301 appear from the side of the trailer near the Newcomer Village. You should not pay attention to the words of the Fan about the camp defense strategy: the newcomers will immediately enter the battle as soon as the mercenaries appear in their field of vision. The player remains to destroy the enemy using any of his preferred methods.

After completing the task, you need to talk to the Fan if he survived the battle. Otherwise, search his corpse.

Reward: 2500 RU.

Quests in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky


Help the stalker

Mutants will appear immediately after taking the task from the Wolf, so the faster the player reaches the Tramp, the higher the second’s chances of survival. When accompanying the Tramp, it is not recommended to move a long distance away: he will automatically die.

Reward: 750 RU.

Rescue your brother from captivity

The quest is available after the case with the swag is returned to Sidorovich.


Destroy the bandits

Reward: 750 RU.

Reward: 750 RU.

Reward: 1355 RU.


Return item: “Happy” detector

It is necessary to return the device, which the stalker threw into the anomaly when he acquired a new, more powerful detector. However, the purchase was unsuccessful: in three weeks the stalker did not find a single artifact.

The “lucky” detector lies in the bushes, among the Springboard anomalies.

Reward: 550 RU.

Return item: Special first aid kit NPR-21p

One stalker escaped from bandits at the Landfill, who were chasing him between anomalies, where radiation went off scale. The stalker received a strong dose of radiation - ordinary anti-rad does not help. Therefore, his friend asks him to bring a special first aid kit, which the military uses in such cases.

The NPR-21p special first aid kit lies in an iron hiding box on the second floor of a brick building at a military checkpoint. There is also an ordinary army first aid kit, which can be misleading. It is better to penetrate the checkpoint by walking along the left side of the fence. You can cross the barbed wire through a fallen tree, and then cross concrete slabs to get to the checkpoint territory. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remain unnoticed, so you will still have to destroy several military personnel.

Reward: 2500 RU.

Return item: “Magic” vodka

Reward: 200 RU.

Return item: Captured AKM-47/2

One of the stalkers wants to add a unique weapon to his collection of weapons - the Trophy AKM-47/2. This machine gun, from which the rarest mutants were killed, belonged to the legendary stalker, capable of getting out of any trouble.

The captured AKM-47/2 lies in a cache in the attic of one of the ATP buildings. You can get there from the outside by climbing onto the roof along a beam. The cache itself is an upside-down refrigerator. You can open it by pointing the sight at the upper corner.

Reward: 1200 RU.

(20 Votes)

Like the previous part of the legendary series, Stalker Clear Sky is full of surprises and surprises that the developers have prepared. One of these surprises for many players was the transition from Bolot to Cordon. After successfully completing the mission and completing all quests in the Swamp location, the main character needs to go to the merchant Sidorovich, located in the Cordon location. This can be done with the help of a stalker guide, but the military, whose checkpoint is located just opposite the place where the main character appears at the location, may not like your appearance.

The military greets Scar with heavy machine gun fire, so many players have a reasonable question about how to get to the Cordon through the military. Your ally in passing the military barrier will be the skillful control and speed of movement of the main character.

You will have to act ahead, so before making a swift throw, try to throw out of your backpack everything that can prevent you from moving quickly and reduces the character’s endurance, preventing you from accelerating as much as possible. Almost at the very beginning of the movement, a large stone will stand in front of you; it can serve as temporary cover, but you should not linger there for long, since bullets due to the ricochet can reach your character there too.

When moving under a shower of bullets, try to stay to the left and do not stop under any circumstances. If you are playing on a master and cannot pass this place, we advise you to temporarily change the difficulty of the game to beginner, and after completing it, return to the previous difficulty level.

It is worth noting that there is an alternative route to the Cordon, but bypassing the military. After crossing to the Cordon using the option described above, return back to the swamps; this can be done by reaching the end of the tunnel. Next, carefully study the location map, pay attention to the village above the Mechanizatorsky Dvor, there is another transition to the Cordon.

This path, although longer, is much safer. The main difficulties may be renegades encountered along the way before the transition (they can be easily bypassed without engaging in battle), and after the transition, crossing an embankment patrolled by the military. The military under the bridge are not so aggressive and if you want to get around them by jumping over the barbed wire fence at the top of the embankment, it is not difficult.

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Tunnel.. Radio signal... Trader Sidorovich's warning about not the best place for your appearance - right opposite the military base. You will be greeted very warmly: with a burst of machine gun fire.

In order to survive, you will have to run, run quickly... It is best to act according to the principle: run to the shelter, wait until they stop shooting, and run further. You need to first go down and then run to the left, using first aid kits and bandages as necessary. There is also an alternative option for passing the game Stalker Clear Sky in this section; for this you need to completely demolish the military base along with the machine gunner. If you kill a machine gunner, then while they are looking for a new shooter, the “death machine” will not fire. This walkthrough of Stalker Clear Sky is applicable for later versions of the game.

After everything that happened, Sidorovich will get in touch: to express his respect and “invite him to tea.” Along the way, you may encounter a pack of blind dogs, which, apparently, will not mind having a bite of you.

Sidorovich is in a dugout, not far from the stalkers’ village. He has become much prettier compared to Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl, but his manners remain the same. Without completing the task for him, you will not receive any information. Eh, it’s a pity you can’t put the Chaser barrel to his forehead and delicately ask him to tell him about the stalker... He will assign the following task.


Sidorovich received an order for an item in the Zone, which was found by locals and stalkers and was supposed to be transported freely (with the help of corruption) through the military. But... apparently someone in this triangle was not satisfied with the price of the deal. The military shoots at any stalker, the stalkers hold the commander of the outpost hostage, and Sidorovich’s cargo is unclear where it is. In general, Sidorovich is in trouble... Your task is to find the main stalker in the settlement and solve the problem by delivering the cargo to the merchant.

The stalkers hired by Sidorovich placed their camp behind an embankment, with a railroad on top. There is a passage through the embankment, on the way to which you will hear a call for help from stalkers who were attacked by the military. You can pause the game Stalker Clear Sky to help.

If you help them, you will be able to significantly replenish your supplies of first aid kits and weapons, and also earn a reward and improve the stalkers’ attitude towards you. You can also take on an additional task to find a detector.

At the stalkers' base, commander Valeryan will talk about a long and mutually beneficial cooperation with the military, who began to leak information to the bandits, and two stalkers were simply sold into slavery at the Landfill... The stalkers decided to take revenge on the warriors and captured the military commander, but they just don’t know what happened to do to him: and they can’t kill him, since Sidorovich’s swag is covered, and they can’t let him go: the soldiers will instantly raze the village from helicopters to the ground... In general, you will have to rake out the “Augean stables.”

The conversation with Major Khaletsky does not go well right away: the goat is apparently rare... He will offer you to spank the stalkers, but there are no options - just send him to hell, and that’s right. Okay, you'll have to solve the problem from the other side.

You can take a task from a local merchant to help kill bandits, and also receive a reward for helping stalkers. And the local repairman has a task to find flash drives with data. These tasks will give you some money needed when completing Stalker Clear Sky.

The base of the bandits who interfere with trade so much is located nearby. There are few opponents and they are poorly armed, in general there shouldn’t be any problems.

Valerian will offer a good idea. The fact is that the warriors, for the most part, are also not happy with Khaletsky. The commander of the warriors has only a couple of comrades who will pull him out. If they are gone, Khaletsky will have to speak up. These comrades, by a happy coincidence, are nearby at the elevator.

There is a small safe on a shelf near Valerian. It contains a modified Fora 12 pistol and ammunition for it.

When you get to the elevator, the battle should already begin. Just try not to kill the stalkers, and there won't be many military personnel. If you make enemies in the form of stalkers, then the further passage of the game Stalker Clear Sky will be complicated

After this, you will need to run to the ATP, where the second group of military men is holed up. An excellent solution would be an outflanking maneuver from the rear: given the exceptional cunning of your style and the stupidity of your enemy, it will not be difficult to kill the warriors. One of them has a flash drive with data on improving weapons.

By climbing the ladder to the second floor of the building, you can get grenades, first aid kits, special cartridges (all this is in drawers, bedside tables, etc.)

After this, you can safely go to Valeryan, who will interrogate the commander of the warrior in front of you, who will split and report that he hid the case in the Old Mill. It is necessary to pick him up. After talking with Valerian, you can join the ranks of stalkers and receive a Bear detector, anti-radin, excellent attitude of stalkers, normal trading prices and automatically get yourself into trouble with the bandits.

Until the problems with the bridge in Limansk are resolved, I advise you not to join other clans, since there is a serious conflict between Freedom and Duty, and you will have to deal with both.

The case is located in the mill, on the roof. To get there you need to climb the stairs, which are located outside the mill. The cargo must be delivered to Sidorovich, who is already sitting on pins and needles: the prospect of cheating customers who may be very offended does not make him very happy. Wow, this Sidorovich is a miser: he didn’t even give me any money. Well, at least he told me that the stalker who was looking for the details was called Fang. Fang did not find everything from Sidorovich, so he went to the Landfill, where they dug up a bunch of old, but quite working equipment. In general, you should head there.

In principle, this is where the passage of Stalker Clear Sky in the Cordon location can be completed, but there is still something to do and profit from.


Now you can slightly pause the storyline of Stalker Clear Sky and relax a little. You can immediately give the flash drive to a local repairman and improve or repair the equipment. Another flash drive can be found as purchased information (our money is your hiding place). It is located near the entrance to the tunnel to the swamps

One of the artifacts is located near Sidorovich. To the north of Sidorovich there is a small stalker camp. To the west of it (down the slope) there is a tree surrounded by anomalies. It is near him that you will find the artifact.

To the south of the tree lies a dead stalker, near whom in a cache there is a flash drive with improvements, but it will appear there only after you receive information on the cache.


Here you can receive a task to find a special first aid kit. This task must be completed quickly and immediately after taking it. Your goal is located at the military base, on the second floor of the building located to the left of the checkpoint. The first aid kit is in a drawer on the shelf above the table. But... The military will not let you in there - you will have to take out the checkpoint along with its contents, and here you will have to show your imagination in completing Stalker Clear Sky.

Option one is to run very quickly, kill the warrior on the second floor, take it to the first aid kit and jump off the wall.
Option two - an excellent entrance to the base is the building materials lying on the eastern side of the base; they are easy to get inside. In the barracks nearby, in a box near the TV, there are special cartridges for Kalash. It should be noted that half of the military have AC 96/2 weapons (a more powerful Kalash), which can be sold profitably and on which a sight is attached: The price is significantly higher for the neutral stalker merchant, so it’s better to go with the weapon to him. The guide will save you from long and tiring walking around the Zone. This weapon deserves further modifications and will be able to serve you faithfully throughout the entire passage of the game Stalker Clear Sky.
The stalker who gave the task for the first aid kit is a collector of rare items from the Zone. He recently found out that the machine gun of the stalker - legend is hidden at the ATP, but hidden very well. When you reach the ATP, you will not find a machine on either the first or second floor. The machine is located in the refrigerator in the attic. You can get into the attic along the beams, from the 1st floor of the same building: go out into an open space with rafters, but without slate, climb up to the rafters along the beams, and use them through a hole in the slate to enter the attic. To take the machine gun from the refrigerator, you need to go to the top back of the refrigerator, you should be able to search it.
Very interesting cartridges lie in the middle of the stalker village near Sidorovich - they are in a box, near the fire. They will be useful for completing the game Stalker Clear Sky

You can take 2 additional tasks from the head of the Wolf camp.


In the first task, he will ask you to help a young stalker who wants to prove that he is a man. To do this, he decided to kill a pack of blind dogs alone. You need to help him. When you see the stalker's grief, speed up and try to stand between him and the dogs. After you kill them, you need to return the newcomer to the camp safe and sound.


The second task will be to help Wolf’s brother, who was captured by bandits. The ransom for your brother is too high to be paid, and there are no experienced stalkers in the village, so for your brother you are the last hope. The bandits settled down near the tunnel, behind the ATP. The bandits are not the strongest, so there shouldn't be any problems. Make sure you have another weapon for Brother Wolf - he will refuse to go without it. Don't give him your machine gun, otherwise he won't even think of giving it to you when you get to the village. Alternatively, you can take Viper 5 from one of the bandits.


One of the stalkers will tell you that once there was someone, nicknamed the Chemist, who knew how to make vodka (distill moonshine?) with amazing capabilities. The thing is that Khimik is dead, but he still wants vodka. In general, there was still a bottle of the cursed one, hidden under one of the wheels of the old diesel locomotive at the end of the embankment. It’s just a pity, you won’t be able to drink it and it’s useless for further progress in the game Stalker Clear Sky, so it’s better to take it to the customer.