Despite death": walkthrough of the game. "Stalker. "Despite Death": walkthrough of the game Where is the crystal stalker st 1.5 novice

1. On the right bank of the swamp in the reeds. The game begins on the edge of the Zaton location from the side of the Sawmill.
We come to our senses after the psionic strike and go to look for our surviving soldiers. Luckily they are not far away. We approach the surviving group and talk to Aidar.
We learn that the helicopter on which our group was moving to Pripyat was shot down by unknown people. The detachment suffered significant losses, including the radio operator.
The first task “Above the Chasm of Lies” appears: find the body of the radio operator. We follow the beacon signal, search the deceased and take the satellite installation.
Let's return to Aidar. We find out that the signal from our Commander’s PDA is static and there is hope to find him alive. We receive the task to follow the radio signal source to the PDA. Having given the radio station to Aidar, we instruct him to try to establish contact with the Center,
and we ourselves move to the Sawmill. There we find our dying commander.
We talk to him. He, dying, asks to find a cache intended for our group.
In the attic of a neighboring building you can get hold of cartridges and first aid kits (which is undoubtedly pleasing).
We follow the PDA signal and find the SBU hiding place.
(Most of the items are needed to complete further missions, so I advise you not to sell them).
We receive the task to meet with Achilles, an undercover agent working in the Zone, to coordinate further actions. He is waiting for the GG in the sewer pipe coming from the Krug VNZ.
Having met, we give him the access card from the X-18 laboratory. We find out our further tasks - arrive to Skadovsk, communicate with Czech and Pharaoh - local authorities. After the conversation, we can rummage around at the end of the pipe, there are three bloodsucker tentacles, they will be useful to us in the future.
Before going to Skadovsk, we return to the agreed point to meet with Aidar and see that our group has been destroyed.
We go to the gathering place of all free stalkers, on Zaton. Having arrived, we meet Czech.
New task: “The Perfect Deception” to restore the full picture of the events of Strelok’s second trip to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. To complete it, Cech advises talking with the Agent waiting for the GG at night on Shevchenko. After waiting for confirmation for the meeting, we move there.
The agent is waiting for us on the upper deck of the ship.
We find out from him details about the O-consciousness project and the secret laboratories that are scattered throughout the Exclusion Zone. We are required to collect as much information as possible about them. New task: “Secret laboratories”: ask the Informant.
The Dolga group is stationed on Shevchenko. Along the way, we take from their leader Prapor a task to search for the missing scout. To do this, he invites the GG to talk and help the fighter Epiphany Corsair, who is waiting for us outside.
Here you can take a side quest from the Obscurantist to find “Panacea” for the daughter of the debtor Bulba. You need to ask the Swamp Doctor about him.
Before we go with the Corsair to search for the missing scout, we return to Skadovsk, talk with Czech about the laboratories and receive a carrier with information about one of them - X-12.
We meet Pharaoh and talk about the death of the group.

We go around and get acquainted with other inhabitants of Skadovsk, and naturally we are interested in where we can make money.
We’re not particularly rude to the goblin (although we should) and we receive the task of conducting research on the radio frequency of the transmitter in the Epiphany camp. To do this, we get an oscilloscope from him.
We take the task from Gonta to search for Soroka (it is not displayed in the PDA - apparently just a tribute to the original PO).
Cardan needs microcircuits that are located in the possession of certain diggers, or rather about whom Pilot can tell you. And as always - tools. The instruments on Zaton are in a single copy.
Going down the stairs, in the corner we find the “extinguished” Svoboda member Sorcerer, who asks us to find his friends Budulai and Khonung. Are looking for.

The pilot is a rare rude person in this part (worse than Leshy), but the guide is the only one and you can’t go anywhere without him. We ask him about the diggers and get a tip to a cave under the Burnt Farm.
All the tasks are stocked up - you can go out.
Since the cave is the closest point, you can look there first. The controller is there at his post, as always. We bring him down and inspect him
cave. We search the deceased Oenomai. We will still need his PDA. We collect first aid kits and anabiotics (they will also come in handy in the future). We are trying to open the container - the task is updated: find special keys.
The wounded man flatly refuses the help of the Swamp Doctor, who is nearby on the Barge, and asks to bring the Carver, a doctor from Skadovsk. We run as fast as we can after him. This farrier, apparently forgetting the Hippocratic oath, refuses to help the dying man and, having handed us some kind of device, sends him to treat the Corsair himself. I turned out to be no Aibolit and I killed the guy (I suffered with him for an hour). True, every cloud has a silver lining, and after rummaging through his inventory, he got hold of an Abakan and a flash drive. We return to Prapor and report the situation, we receive money.
Now you can move to the Epiphany base, which is located at the Waste Recycling Station.
We find a walkie-talkie and connect an oscilloscope. We enter the parameters step by step.
That's it, nothing complicated. The task is updated: take the received information to the customer.
While we are at the Insight base, we can meet and talk with the leader of Insight - Imrahil.

Having agreed to help Epiphany, we receive information about a military column on the Preobrazhensky Bridge and a fallen helicopter on the Southern (in the text for some reason Eastern) Plateau.
Regarding the passage to the Plateau, Imrahil suggests asking Capercaillie in Skadovsk.
A new task begins: “Double game” to find information about a closed military project.
An ambush from the combined detachment of Duty and Freedom (?) awaits us on the bridge. Having solved the problem with shooters and snipers, we search the UAZ on the bridge (closer to the Freedom base) and the Niva under the bridge. Having received keys A and B, we open the box in the truck and find there a folder with documents and key C.

We're going to Skadovsk. We hand over the quest to Leshem via radio signal (you can sell documents found on the bridge).
We speak with Capercaillie, he gives us a tip to the Swamp Doctor, who lives on a barge and can point out the passage to the Southern Plateau.
Having found the Doctor and talked to him, the task of the long-serving Obscurantist is completed - “Panacea”
and a new one appears - “Wormwood Ingot”.

We persuade the owner to show us the path to the Plateau. We jump after the Doctor into the teleport from the territory of the Burnt Farm and find ourselves in the desired place. (Try to immediately run to the side, as there is often an anomaly at the exit point from the teleporter). Snorkels are frolicking on the Plateau as always. We search the helicopter and remove the recorder.

In the cave, having previously shot the “elephants,” we search the dead. We find key D from one of the military men to open the container in the cave. We also find the “Svarog” detector on one of the corpses.
Descending from the Plateau towards the SPO you can find Khonung's PDA (needed on the instructions of the Svoboda Sorcerer) and a gas mask.

We go to Imrahil, give him the folder and the flight recorder, bargain and get 10,000 rubles. On the lower level, near the pipes, we can look at the tools for the Cardan (sometimes they appear there)
Now we can look into the substation workshop. Bandits settled there.
Of course, you can take them out right away, but then a large number of secondary tasks will not appear, and you will not meet one character familiar with PM in a new role. Therefore, we will try to get along with them. We always remove our weapons near their base - they are nervous people and almost immediately start shooting. As we approach, Tesak stops us and demands that we bring food, medicine and ammunition for the hungry lads.
We agree. To pass this quest you need:
1. Individual first aid kit AI-2 - 4 pcs.
2. IRP-B dry ration - 2 pcs. (this is exactly what we found at the beginning in the SBU cache)
3. 5.45x39 mm BP cartridges - 5 packs.
I had everything with me, so I gave everything to Tesak and was able to walk freely (without weapons) on the territory of the Substation.
We can talk to the leader of the bandits - Baro about work. He offers to interrogate the bandit informer and then eliminate him.
We head towards the SPO again. An informant for the bandits is waiting for us behind the fence.

After talking with him, at your discretion, we release him or kill him. In the second option: we get a flash drive with a tip on swag. You need to report to Baro about the completion at night.
Returning to Skadovsk, we speak with Pharaoh. He advises to talk and help the inhabitants of Skadovsk with their problems.
(The task to increase authority begins.)
We are interested in the availability of tasks from Gonta. We receive a quest to destroy several clusters of snorks.
We take the task from Pilot to search for two artifacts: Donor and Illusion.
Beard gives a quest to deliver three disguised transmitters, for which he asks to take the tools from Cardan.
We go to Cardan for pliers, but this grabber is trying to extract money from us. We scare him with the Beard and take the tools for free.
Pharaoh also has a task if you go through the conversation thread correctly. Please read carefully before answering. The task about searching for missing scouts - “Stalker caches”. To start it, you need to meet with a scout of free stalkers. The task is not mandatory, you can refuse it!
Let's start with the "Stalker caches".

We meet with Chris, a free scout, and follow him towards the Cauldron anomaly. Having arrived at the place, we learn that a group of scouts, which was supposed to establish stalker hiding places, disappeared without a trace. We undertake to install the caches ourselves.
We find three backpacks near the broken boats. (Attention: only these backpacks are used for this task, not purchased ones or found elsewhere).

Being near the Cauldron anomaly, we can help the stalker Vincent, who falls into the field of action of the anomaly. We share the first aid kit with him. For such generosity we receive an artifact and a stalker’s note, which the GG will need in the plot.
Here in the anomaly you can look for an artifact on the instructions of the Pilot. (I found Illusion).

We move up the mountain to install the first stalker cache.
Now we calmly wander towards the VNZ "Krug" to the first camouflaged transmitter. On the way we can look into the Marsh anomaly. Near the underground passage we find Budulai's body. Having examined it, we get a reservation with an upgrade and its PDA (for the Sorcerer’s quest).

In the anomaly itself you can look for the “Donor” artifact for the Pilot. After finding it, my quest “Wormwood Ingot” was canceled.
We approach the electrical box at the Krug VNZ - open it, we receive a new task: follow the signal from the intercepted radio frequency.
I advise you to check the camouflaged transmitters in the Iron Forest and at the Gas Station after checking the intercepted radio signal.
As we move beyond the Krug VNZ we install another stalker's cache.
The signal source is located between the Iron Forest and the substation workshops.
We take the PDA from the poor fellow's body - the task of intercepting the radio signal is completed.
We are laying the last hiding place for stalkers behind the bandits' base. The task “Stalker caches” is being updated, we need to go to scout Chris again.
We go into the Iron Forest. There may be tools for the Cardan at the entrance.

We remove another transmitter here and at the gas station.
Here we have two tasks - the last transmitter and the destruction of snorks.
Having destroyed five snorks, we inspect the last electrical box and move towards Skadovsk. There is a second cluster of snorkels between Izumrudny and Skadovsk. We deal with them and, passing by Skadovsk, hand over tasks to Beard, Pilot and Sorcerer (search for friends). These characters' authority has been raised.
Attention: It is advisable for the pilot to hand over both artifacts at once, in order to avoid the task getting stuck.

We go to scout Chris and talk about laying caches and receive a new task - to fill the caches with contents.
You need to complete one item at a time:
1. “Response” detector
2. packed lunch IRP-B
3. Promedol (regular red first aid kit)
4. anti-radiation drug
5. bandage
6. weapon (optional AKS-74 (Important: You must put the AKS-74M in the cache, otherwise it won’t work!)
or "Beryl" machine gun or Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun)
7. ammunition (for a machine gun - 60 pieces, for a shotgun - one pack).
Now we can complete the task of destroying two more groups of snorks and report to Gonta.
We receive a reward - 8000 rubles (+ authority)
We stock up on equipment for the caches and go fill them. Nothing complicated.

We report to Pharaoh about the bookmark.
To complete the task of strengthening authority, it remains to help Shustrom in some way. He issues quests after 2 am (apparently he is afraid of competition).

We approach it and take one of two tasks to choose from. We agree to deliver ammunition to Epiphany's supplier. To our joy, he also likes to work at night, so without delay, we run to the SPO. We find this storekeeper behind the building and start a conversation.
Let's not be rude, otherwise he will become hostile and we will fail the task. We ask for delivery of 12,000 rubles. We insist and having received it, we calmly leave.
It's time to go to the leader of the bandits - Baro and report about the interrogated informer. We tell the bandit that everything is done and receive an offer to destroy the epiphany patrol.
New task: "Vertical Run" select priority.
You decide. I did it for the Bandits. We speak with the guard Mitka Khokhmach - we dare to complete the task alone.

Fortunately, nothing complicated. We find a patrol of three people and destroy it. We collect the PDA from the bodies and return to the Substation to the leader of the Bandits. We get 2,500 rubles from him, shake Hokhmach and get another 5,000 rubles.
At this point, all quests for the bandits are completed and you can turn to mercenaries for work.
This step is described HERE
We run to Skadovsk to Shustrom, hand in the first task and take the second: to search for the missing supply worker. We receive 15,000 rubles from him to pay for information. We need to talk to some of the inhabitants of Skadovsk. We head to Leshy, but we don’t receive any information (the conversation is needed to update the task). Further to Beard. He gives a tip to one of the places where you can look for a supplier. We pay him 500 rubles. We talk to Czech and for 700 rubles we get another place where you can look for the missing person.
We examine the places designated by Czech and Beard. For Shevchenko we find the supplier alive and healthy.

After the conversation, we accompany him to the swamps. Then it’s at the discretion of the GG: you can kill him or, for a third of the amount, buy back the trunk Shustrom needs and let him go in peace. You also need to turn in the assignment to Shustrom from 2 to 4 am. (I failed, but it didn’t affect the game).
All our authority is at the highest level.
Let's go to Pharaoh. In the conversation, we let him know that we suspect Chris’s involvement in what is happening. The "Web of Death" quest is being updated. We receive 5,000 rubles for our efforts from Pharaoh. Having spoken to him again, we learn that what is happening must be reported to the leader of the local scouts, Ajax.
We get the achievement: Recognition of the Free.
New task: “The right to dream”, convey instructions to the free scout. We are looking for Ajax near the Sosnodub anomaly, explaining about point 1423 and finding out where Achilles is.

He is waiting for us in the Iron Forest near the entrance to the laboratory.

At the entrance we see Dolgovtsev, who are guarding the prisoner.
In a conversation with Achilles, we explain that, in your opinion, a mole has entrenched itself in Skadovsk. He suggests interrogating the prisoner at the entrance and, upon returning to Skadovsk, installing a wiretap there. You can take the bugs from the Pharaoh, and if he doesn’t have them, then put on a performance and check the involvement of the Pharaoh himself in this matter.
Upstairs we are trying to interrogate the prisoner, but he is talking some kind of nonsense and GG, at the request of Dolglevts, takes his life.

Having reached Skadovsk, we speak with Pharaoh. It turns out that for some reason he still does not have listening devices. True, he offers to assemble them himself, having previously talked with Shustry, Cardan and Beard. That's what we do. We ask Shustroy to get a blowtorch. He, having agreed to help us, asks to come back after a while. The cardan is ready to help with assembling the transmitter if all the components are available. Beard points out places where he thinks the missing circuit boards can be found.
After starting the conversation again, we take the task from Beard to search for artifacts for scientists. (I never collected them).
Now you can pick up the soldering iron from Shustroy.
We move to the Waste Recycling Station, we find 3 boards there.

We are selecting two more in the substation workshops.

We bring and give Cardan the boards and the blowtorch. He promises to report after assembly.
We report to Pharaoh about the collected components to create wiretapping, and we receive component No. 2 from him.
Cardan is all set. We take components No. 1 and No. 3 from him. We are trying to collect bugs.
To do this, take a blowtorch. Let's go to the calculation parameters.
Press alternately C1 - ring, C2 - ring,
L1 - ring, Lout - accept, Convert, End.
Read the reference data, select one of the ranges
93kHz to 186kHz or 58kHz to 269kHz. We bring it in. Spike.

We receive five listening devices, talk about this to Pharaoh and listen to his proposal for placement. We give him all the bugs.
We are wondering where to find Chris, but Pharaoh undertakes to give him one of the devices himself. We start the conversation again, take the remaining four devices and find out how best to hand them over to the inhabitants of Skadovsk so as not to arouse suspicion, and that after transferring all the bugs, we urgently need to talk with Beard - he needs our help.
We distribute the devices to Leshy, Carver, Pilot and Czech.
After this, Beard gives the GG an order from Achilles.
You have the choice of removing the black boxes from the helicopters or picking up a couple of scanners placed by the scouts.
Let's take on helicopters. In the anomalies Swamp and Iron Forest we find helicopters and remove the boxes.

The task is updated: remove the additional module. We find it in the backpack and open the flight recorder and remove the module.

Now we must hand over the found devices to Cardan and receive a radio receiver in return for wiretapping. By giving away 2 flight recorders we get the Barmitsa-RS radio station.
The task “Presumed Innocence” is being updated: listen to all five radio frequency channels using a walkie-talkie.
Open the radio station and click on all channels one by one.

We intercept the message: “Bird in a cage... we are on the road leading to the port cranes...”
We explain to Pharaoh that this signal is from Chris’s bug. We tell you that the traitor has an appointment with his patrons near the Port Cranes. Pharaoh offers to meet with a group of scouts for a joint hike to the meeting place.

We meet with the scouts near Skadovsk and run to the Port Cranes. We didn't have time. We find a group of stalkers shot, including Chris himself.
After searching his body, we find one of the listening devices. Let's go talk to the scout leader and find out that they picked up Chris's PDA.
We give the order to the scouts not to appear in Skadovsk and disperse.
Our task is to copy data from the traitor’s PDA. Open it and examine:

Cards are blocked, personal data too. Select the latest contacts and copy the information of object 13.

The task appears: “On both sides of the mirrors”: report to Achilles about what happened. He, like the last time, is near the entrance to the laboratory in the Iron Forest. We tell him about what happened near the port cranes. It is suggested that Pharaoh is the mole. To check this, we need to give him a final test. We give Chris's PDA and his flash drive to Achilles, and receive instructions to convey false information to the Pharaoh - introductory No. 66.
In Skadovsk - Pharaoh is in his place. We tell him that Chris is dead and tell him about introductory number 66.
We receive an order to come back in a few hours to receive further instructions. Having arrived at the place, as agreed, we see that Pharaoh has disappeared and we go to Beard for clarification. He is also surprised by the disappearance of the mole, since Skadovsk was under constant surveillance by scouts.
We receive the task to hurry to the old barge, otherwise the Pharaoh will destroy the neighbor helping the GG with completing the task.
We stock up on first aid kits, ammunition and something long-range - we rush to the indicated place.
We are met with dense fire by the fighters of Sin (you can try to destroy them from afar). It's hard to knock them down, but it's possible.
The assistant cannot be saved. Pharaoh runs shamefully, and we rush after him. We intercept him at the very end of the location.

We are interrogating. He says something about rebel, unavenged souls and sins. In short, nonsense.
We choose his future fate for Pharaoh.

The task “Beyond the Mirrors” is being updated - destroy one of the Sin units.
Enemies have settled in the Sawmill. I came in from the side of the acid anomaly, and from afar, through the open door, I knocked them out one by one.

We report on completion to Achilles. He suggests going to Yanov to continue studying the situation. All that remains is to persuade the Pilot to take us there. The guide agrees, and we set off.
Unfortunately for Pilot, Sinners are killing the Emerald, and we cannot influence the situation in any way.

We take them all out (it’s better to retreat and destroy them from afar). Our hero is hit by a psionic blow and comes to his senses in the basement of the VNZ "Circle" without armor and without weapons. We see Noah in front of us. It turns out that he saved our character with the help of the Wormwood Ingot.
Let's listen to his explanations and get ready to continue!

Year of issue: 2013-2016
Genre: Action/Shooter/3D/1st Person
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher: Project "Despite Death"
Publication type: Repack
Game version: 1.6.02
Mod version: final
Tablet: Sewn in

✔ Operating system: Windows XP /Windows Vista /Windows 7 /Windows 8, 8.1 / Windows 10
✔ Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo / Intel® Core™ i3
✔ RAM: 2 GB / 4 GB or more
✔ Video card: 512 Mb - 1024 Mb / nVIDIA® GeForce™ / ATI Radeon®
✔ Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
✔ Free hard disk space: 8 GB DESCRIPTION:
This unscheduled episode of the series takes us to the time preceding Strelok’s second trip to the center of the Zone. The events of the storyline will unfold in the hitherto unknown territory of the Chazzo northwest of the Swamps. Among stalkers it is considered “already west,” although it is still a long way to the Perimeter, which in some places is still unfinished or even has gaps, and is located several kilometers west of Lubyanka and Tolstoy Les, as well as numerous army checkpoints. The Valley of Shadows - that’s what the stalkers called this inhospitable place - was chosen by vagabonds of various types, from free loners to smugglers and diggers.
The basis of the storyline is to reveal the fate of one of the main anti-heroes of the series, with whom players will have to face more than once in the following episodes. A man without a past, an apostate who chose the path of suffering and death. He is only a professional tool in someone's influential hands, but the tool is cruel and merciless. Driven by personal motives and the will of his puppeteer, he takes on the task of committing a terrible crime against the most sacred human value - Repentance... Main features of the modification:

New location - Valley of Shadows.
. A small, but non-standard and quite exciting storyline.
. New anomalies and effects.
. Many models, particles, sounds, textures have been changed.
. New and changed mutants.
. New weather and atmosphere.
. Visible artifacts.
. Changed weapons.

1. Make saves more often, but not quicksaves, but your own ones made manually.
2. Read quest titles, dialogues, and notes more carefully. Many tips for completing tasks are displayed there. If it doesn’t help, then study the walkthrough manual.
3. Do not place items in the quick slot that take up more than one cell. Simply put, place only those items that occupy one square in your inventory.
4. Don't use DX 11. Play with dynamic lighting.
5. Disable autosaves in the menu.
6. To properly report a bug or crash, read below under the spoiler “How to show a bug on the forum.”

Survival Tips:

Survival Tips:
1. Mutants now move faster, and the player moves a little slower. Therefore, attempts to simply escape can end in failure. Be prepared in advance for unexpected encounters with creatures of the Zone.
2. Pay special attention to stalker equipment in terms of protection from anomalous influences. Artifacts cause significant anomalous damage upon first touch. The type of damage depends on the type of artifact, the strength of the damage depends on the level of the artifact (the cooler the artifact, the harder it hits). Be careful - if you do not have the appropriate level of equipment and a set of artifacts on your belt, especially rare artifacts can kill you outright when you try to pick them up. In addition, in especially severe cases, various anabolic steroids can help, temporarily reducing the damage from different types of damage.
3. The zone is constantly changing. Old, familiar types of anomalies disappear, and new, unstudied, and therefore especially dangerous, appear. Be attentive and careful - in some cases, even a modern sophisticated detector can malfunction and not work at the most critical moment. Veteran stalkers sometimes like to repeat the old truism - they haven’t come up with anything better than bolts, nuts and pebbles for finding anomalies and are unlikely to come up with it.

Features of Repack:
A game:
» Nothing was cut
» Nothing is recoded
» Game version: 1.6.02
» Mod version: final

Name: Death Despite the Novice
Mod version: v1.5
Developer's website:
Date of release: December 7, 2013.
Required game: Stalker Call of Pripyat 1.6.02
Size: 1.1 GB

  • OS: Win 7 x6.
  • CPU: Intel® Core™ i3-560 Processor (4M Cache, 3.33 GHz) or higher.
  • RAM: 4 GB or more.
  • VRAM: 1024 MB or more.

With this name, a plot modification from the development team of Death Despite, created on the Stalker Call of Pripyat platform is presented. This modification is only a demonstration for now, but it has a completely new plot, which takes place in one large location, the Valley of Shadows. Development of the Death Contrary mod. The Novitiate was started immediately after the release of the first part and was carried out in parallel with the creation of the second, with the title Death Despite the Prologue. This modification was developed in secret and had not been announced anywhere before; the author of the mod decided to introduce the so-called, but pleasant New Year's, factor of surprise, and he succeeded.

Taking into account the fact that this modification has gained enormous popularity, this news can only be compared to a bomb exploding. Death Defying the Novitiate is positioned as a standalone episode and a mini-compilation version.

About the plot of Death Despite 1.5 Novice:

This unscheduled episode of the series takes us to the time preceding Strelok’s second trip to the center of the Zone. The events of the storyline will unfold in the hitherto unknown territory of the Chazzo northwest of the Swamps. Among stalkers it is considered “already west,” although it is still a long way to the Perimeter, which in some places is still unfinished or even has gaps, and is located several kilometers west of Lubyanka and Tolstoy Les, as well as numerous army checkpoints. The Valley of Shadows—that’s what the stalkers called this inhospitable place—was chosen by vagabonds of various types, from free loners to smugglers and diggers.

The basis of the storyline is to reveal the fate of one of the main anti-heroes of the series, with whom players will have to face more than once in the following episodes. A man without a past, an apostate who chose the path of suffering and death. He is only a professional tool in someone's influential hands, but the tool is cruel and merciless. Driven by personal motives and the will of his puppeteer, he takes on the task of committing a terrible crime against the most sacred human value - Repentance...

Changes and innovations of Death Despite 1.5 Novice:

  1. New story.
  2. A new large location - the Valley of Shadows.
  3. Lots of new particles.
  4. A large number of anomalous formations.
  5. New traitorous mutants
  6. Visible Artifacts
  7. Modified Weapon

Based on the fact that the development was kept secret, there is no information about the locations, plot details and various gameplay innovations yet. But due to the imminent release, the description of the changes made will be adjusted. In other words, the development team made such a unique New Year's gift for the stalker community. But do not forget that this release will be presented as a mod demo.

The developers plan to hold an extensive discussion on upcoming plans and the implementation of plot, technical and freeplay aspects in subsequent versions of the series. All identified crashes and shortcomings will be taken into account and corrected during CB 2 Prologue.

  1. Make saves more often, but not quicksaves, but your own ones made manually.
  2. Read quest titles, dialogues, and notes more carefully. Many tips for completing tasks are displayed there. If it doesn’t help, then study the walkthrough manual.
  3. Do not place items in the quick slot that take up more than one cell. Simply put, place only those items that occupy one square in your inventory.

Attention! Due to the above graphical changes, the mod will be demanding on computer resources. This mod is a mini-assembly whose purpose is to find out and reduce the load on hardware before the release of SV 2.

FaLcon - level designer, modeler, SDK.
Vintorez94 - level designer, SDK.
Goroff - modeler, texture designer, settlement, particles, configs.
Geonezis - organizer, main quester, scripter, screenwriter.
Skyff is a screenwriter.
KHOVAN is the main scripter.
Malik - texture designer, designer, website.
HitmanNew - quester, SDK.
FantomICW - quester.
Aaz is a modeler.
Team assistants: kv0, hakim, Scarabay, nikitalebedin, Unfear, RazRuSchiTeL, den-stash.

Game version: ZP 1.6.02
This addon is one of many episodes of the Death in Contrary series, the plot takes place in a new, unique location, the Valley of Shadows. Unforgettable adventures await you in the shoes of a criminal seeking redemption.

- The plot takes place in a completely new and unique location - the Valley of Shadows.
- Despite the fact that the storyline is small (it takes 3-5 hours of play), it is quite epic and exciting.
- Completely new anomalous formations have been added, old ones have been reworked, and new effects have been added.
- Many models and particles have undergone changes and adjustments.
- Old mutants changed their skins, and new mutants appeared in the Zoo.
- New atmospheric weather
- Artifacts can be found without using a detector.
- New weapon models.

Guide to passing Death Despite. Novice:

Patch 1 fixed
- Added a technician to the village. Maryanovo
- Fixed a bug with the first mission
- Fixed a bug with eating canned food
-Additionally spawned quest art
- Fixed dromomania for the medic biggrin
- Fixed power lines
- The weather has been corrected, there is more sunshine
- Minor bugs
! Integrated fixes for chemical anomaly crashes.

Light version of Death Despite. Novice for 32 bit systems:
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Modifications for computer games are a very common phenomenon. Many gamers who have a certain understanding of programming want to make their own amendments to the game, make it more interesting, exciting, and add content that they consider necessary. Sometimes this is done solely for oneself, to have fun. But there are times when user modifications become known throughout the Internet, other gamers start downloading them, and people write about them online. Naturally, there are only a few such mods, but the quality of these few projects is actually not inferior to the original itself. The same thing happened with the custom Death Despite." The passage of this project turned out to be so exciting that it received universal recognition, and now many players are enjoying with great pleasure the creativity of not the game developers, but fellow gamers. Therefore, this mod is worth a closer look .

Base for modification

As you know, any mod is based on something. In this case, the game "Stalker. Call of Pripyat" served as the basis for creating something new. The modification "Stalker. Death Despite", which will take you much less time to complete than the original, is very different from the initial version. Therefore, first you should pay attention to exactly what the original Stalker game looked like. Like the other parts, "Call of Pripyat" is a stealth shooter with role-playing game elements. You will have to play the role of one of the stalkers surviving in a post-apocalyptic world, where mutants and various anomalies can be found at every step. The emphasis in this game is on searching for various objects, finding hiding places, as well as moving silently and trying to avoid conflicts. The fact is that any enemy here is as strong as you are, so it is better to bypass the enemy than to get involved in every battle, losing health and precious ammunition. The long storyline is built on completing tasks that are given to you by various characters in the game. As you can see, this is excellent soil for creating a mod such as "Stalker. Deaths Despite". Completing the game takes a couple of dozen hours, but it was the mod that made it shorter, although this does not mean that the project has become more accessible to the masses.

Your own storyline

Naturally, the mod has its own characteristics, which make it original, unique and unlike the original. The most important distinguishing feature is a completely redesigned campaign. The original plot of "Call of Pripyat" was cleverly cut out from the game "Stalker. Deaths Despite". The passage now has a completely different look and character. The creators of the modification added their own campaign, in which events take place that have nothing to do with the initial version. This is truly an impressive work of fans, since in most cases it happens that the modifications only add some necessary little things. There is also a storyline introduced here, as well as additional side quests. Completing the game "Stalker. Death Despite" will be an unforgettable pastime for you, so all fans of the series are strongly recommended to try this mod.

Other features of "Despite Death"

No one should doubt that this modification added far more than just a new plot. The passage of the game "Stalker. Death Despite" will now be even more interesting, since the creators of the mod have completely redesigned the weapon system, making it more balanced. The system for storing items in caches was also impacted. Other aspects of the game were also reworked, and this mod actually appeared before users in the form of a separate full-fledged game. It is worth noting that over time, the developers of the modification continued their activities and released the next part - “Stalker. Deaths Despite. Novitiate.” Completing the first part does not lead you to a logical conclusion, but to anticipation of the continuation. But first things first.

Beginning of the passage

So, you need to first go through the first part of the game, which is called “In the Center of Devilishness”, in order to then be able to play “Stalker. Deaths Despite. Disciple”. The passage will not take you much time, but at the same time it will be full of various exciting events that will keep you in suspense until the very end. The game begins with the sawmill location, which is located in the Zaton zone, where the main part of the game will take place. There is no point in listing all the movements from one quest to another - it is better to talk about the main difficult moments so that you can quickly get to the game "Stalker. Deaths in Spite of 2". The walkthrough will consist of small tasks, each of which you will need to take from a specific character, complete it, and then return to the same character for a reward so that the next story quest becomes active.

First story quests

Your first task in the game will be to search for a dead radio operator - naturally, no one will bother you from the very beginning. You just need to follow the signal of the beacon, which will lead you to the corpse - you need to search it in order to advance through the plot of the game "Stalker. Deaths Despite". Walkthrough, guide, tips - you can use all this to achieve success, but it is best to act on your own, turning to third-party sources only if absolutely necessary. Next you will need to go in search of your commander, who, unlike the radio operator, may still be alive. Follow the signal and you will find a building with caches - in them you will find a large number of items that it is recommended not to sell, but to keep. They may be useful later in the story, but getting them again will not be so easy. Your commander is, of course, alive, but, unfortunately, he doesn’t have long to live. Before his death, he talks about the cache, in which you can also find a lot of useful things for yourself and for the group. This ends your first storyline of the game "Stalker. Deaths Despite". The passage, for which you always have the tools at hand, does not yet cause difficulties, but this is just the beginning. Further quests will be more difficult.

Meeting with Achilles

When you deal with the affairs of the commander, you will be returned to field work - receive tasks to search for Achilles, an undercover agent. As you can see, there is no connection here with the original game “Stalker” - the “Despite Death” mod, the passage of which, however, evokes no less positive emotions, is built on the basis of the game engine, but includes completely different tasks. So, the meeting with Achilles ends with receiving a new task - a trip to the city of Skadovsk, where you will need to meet two important people. Before that, go to the rally point and prepare for the worst. In the appointed place you can only find the corpses of all members of the group, but there is no time to grieve - now you are on your own, go to Skadovsk. These are the kind of plot twists that the game "Stalker. Deaths Despite" will throw at you more than once. A complete playthrough does not take much time, but the creators managed to put a lot of interesting content into it.

Events in Skadovsk

It is in this city that the main events begin to develop - you will learn about the O-Consciousness project and begin an investigation into this case, which will take you further. You will need to go to secret laboratories to get as much information as possible about this project. But at the same time, we should not forget that Skadovsk is a big city, and there you can talk to different people. And some of them can give you side quests that you definitely shouldn't refuse. But be careful - some of them are not so simple. There is, for example, a quest in which you need to solve a full-fledged chemistry problem in order to succeed. And in another task, if you cannot quietly eliminate the target, they will play one small and unpleasant game with you - they will take away all your equipment and drop you off at the edge of the location with an explosive chip in your head. You will have a couple of minutes to get to the city and neutralize the chip, otherwise your head will explode. At the same time, it is worth remembering that along the way you may well encounter mutants in large quantities, so you should not forget about caution even with a chip in your head. By the way, the less time before the explosion, the greater its impact on the brain, and your vision will begin to blur, making the task even more difficult. As you can see, not all quests are simple and banal; they make it very difficult to complete. "Stalker ZP. Death Despite" is a rather complex modification, so don't think that it will be an easy walk.

Hiking to the cave

The next quest takes you straight to the cave, which is located under the Burnt Farm. Naturally, there will be a cache there, but you will need to find the keys to it, so not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Battle with Chimera

If you think that you can beat the game in stealth mode, then you are mistaken. Even according to the plot, you will come across a task in which you will need to break through crowds of mutants in order to then fight the boss - a huge Chimera. Defeating her is difficult, but quite possible, so try your best.

Treatment of the Corsair

Corsair - the character who gave you the Chimera quest was injured while you were completing it. He refuses to be treated by a local doctor, so he has to return to Skadovsk to ask for help from the Carver, whom the Corsair trusts. But the doctor turns out to be irresponsible and refuses to come to help. After which a very interesting mini-game begins - you need to save the Corsair using the device that the Carver gave you. This is a very difficult task that you will have to tinker with. But if you don't want that, you can try to let the Corsair die. On his corpse you will find a couple of very useful things, so it's not all bad.

Final task

In the last task you will need to destroy one of Sin's units; it is quite possible to cope with this, but the main recommendation is not to get too close. It's best to fight the battle from a distance and hold it as long as possible. Don't try to avoid the PSI attack, because it will still hit you - Noah will save you, who will reveal several secrets that prepare the player for the continuation.