Nox passage. Guide and walkthrough for "NOX"

In total, the game has 33 chapter-stages: eleven for each hero. Unfortunately, these chapters sometimes repeat each other, as they take place in the same area, with the same enemies. All three classes, for example, will have a chance to visit the undead abode Field of Valor. If there are differences, then they relate to the location of things (for a magician, there is a book with a spell in the house, and a conjurer will find an ordinary staff in the same place). However, which is nice, the endings for all the characters are different, especially the colorful one went to the magician.

Don't forget that the world is quite interactive, and take advantage of it: push the boulders on the slabs with traps to disable them, and push the barrels of water to put out the flames.

Nox uses a system to honestly track what the hero can see and what he does not notice due to various obstacles. Therefore, sometimes look around: it’s so real to avoid rivals sneaking up from behind.

The game is completely linear. In Revenant or Diablo, you could always go back a little to hunt monsters and earn money exp. Everything is different here: there is almost never a way back. If you can't shell out a few thousand for a very, very advanced item or spell (well, you couldn't find a million gold stash!), then you'll never buy it. In the future, there is a chance that you will be a little lucky and you will find this item in the chest, but you should not hope for it too much. I strongly advise the mage to buy all the spell books that are sold, and the conjurer in addition still has to look in the Beast Scroll shop to charm monsters. Spend the remaining money on repairs - buying completely new things will cost more. At the same time, it is important to remove things in time that are about to break or completely deteriorate.

The favorite weapon of the mage and conjurer is the staff: first a simple one, and then the Staff of Oblivion, no matter what state it is in. The Conjurer is still capable of shooting from a bow, but only if the enemy is at a decent distance and you know that there is a sufficiently large gap between shots. The latter especially applies to the crossbow.

By choosing a class, you thereby determine the values ​​\u200b\u200bof your speed, strength, mana and hit points. With the last two indicators, everything is clear, but the strength affects the level of damage inflicted by the weapon, while the speed determines not only the speed of movement, but also the attack.

Slowly, with increasing levels, these indicators will automatically increase, but for all classes in different ways. For the most part, the mage will only increase the maximum mana, the conjurer - all the characteristics at the same time, the warrior - only strength, speed and hit points.

To make the hero run, you need to move the cursor as far as possible. If you need to calmly go, then the mouse cursor should be nearby.

There are times when you have to deal with a huge crowd of zombies, and all in order to get another hundred or two gold. Zombies are actually not weak opponents - some time after a "simple" kill, they come to life again and attack. The only way to stop this undead is to burn it! The warrior will need the fire sword Sword of Embers, the conjurer will use a fiery spell like Burn. Just use it on a temporarily incapacitated zombie and it will fry. The mage doesn't need to mess around with Burn, his Magic Missile is already strong enough to incinerate the dying undead.

Cities, villages and castles in the game world are quite populated: a lot of people go back and forth, from most of which you will get one or two phrases. Well, of course, it is desirable to go into every house, look into every room: you will be very surprised, considering how many useful things you will find thanks to such an exploratory behavior. In cities, steal everything that is bad. None of the characters will object.

Try to sell the same thing to different merchants: it is not necessary that you get more money for a particular metal shield from the gunsmith.

For a magician, the quality of the things he wears is not so important: if he fails to kill a serious enemy at a distance, then he will have to go bad anyway. Conjurers also usually keep their distance, sending beasts forward and blasting the enemy with arrows and ranged spells.

The funny thing is that all things inaccessible to the hero will still be found in stores and fall out of defeated monsters. There is nothing you can do about it: to see them in action, you will have to try other classes.


All spells come from books: bought, found or obtained during the storyline. It's in single player; in multiplayer you already know all the magic.

Usually, spells are divided into those that are only available to the magician or only to the conjurer, however, there are several common ones, such as Lesser Heal, Slow, Blink.

Affliction typically costs mana, and some sorceries can use magical energy for the full duration. Lightning lasts until you press the button responsible for it or you run out of mana. To prevent this from happening at the same time as the action of lightning, drink blue bubbles!

Mana is also restored using special crystals with glowing runes. Just get close to them and your mana levels will skyrocket. As a rule, the supply of magical energy in crystals is limited, but they recharge over time, after which they can and should be used again. It is not necessary to wait for a full recharge (it's 30 seconds!) - you can pump out the mana that has already accumulated. By the way, the Drain Mana spell allows you to use crystals at a distance, and moreover, several at the same time.

Strength, that is, the level of a particular spell, directly depends on the number of books read on it. For example, a fireball of the second level flies faster and covers a larger area. And lightning will hit not only one target, but several at once. As a rule, all spells are limited to three levels.

All the most important spells, of course, are in the first, active "belt". Its second tier is best to score with slightly less practical in battle, but still necessary spells, such as protective or acting against a certain type of monsters.

Spells that require targeting (Force of Nature and Death Ray) are best cast at large, hulking creatures such as golems and beholders. For small and nimble ones, the chance to miss is very high - unless, of course, you slow them down (Slow) or stun them (Stun).

One of the most convenient ways to quickly and accurately kill monsters and unfriendly characters is the combination of Stun and a powerful staff. It is useful to loop around the enemy (periodically deviating to recharge at a nearby crystal) and cause a spell that does not require targeting. Mage has Magic Missile, Conjurer has Pixie Swarm.


Playing as a warrior, you'll often save up for a new cool looking piece of armor or axe, but once you get it, you'll almost immediately find that it will deteriorate as quickly as anything you had before. This is not Diablo, I remind you that you cannot use the Town Portal here and fix everything. You will have to carry a lot of half-damaged uniforms with you, while in the future it will turn out that you simply will not have enough money for all repairs.

Take care of your treatment bottles and keep a supply of food at all times. A warrior cannot, like a mage or a conjurer, simply find the nearest mana crystal and quickly restore his health! That is why playing for this character is the most difficult, practice first as a conjurer and a magician.

It is not so difficult for a fighter to deal with computer-controlled magicians: it is enough to see such an enemy and run into the next room to lure him out. Stand right in front of the door and as soon as the sorcerer opens it, do Berserk. Run back to another room and repeat the procedure.

If a warrior stands calmly in one place and holds a shield in his hands, then he is able to reflect some of the attacking spells back at the sorcerer.

The warrior has no mana at all, but there are five unique abilities that do not require any costs and automatically recharge after each use. The image of an already used skill will be dimmed until it is available again.

Berserker Charge

Short for Berserk. The warrior accelerates twice and runs at the enemy, swooping in and causing double damage to the unfortunate. If you run past (or the enemy manages to dodge) while this ability is active, you can crash into a wall or column. In this case, get ready for a decrease in hit points and a stagger for a couple of seconds.


All enemies within a wide enough radius of the fighter are stunned and disoriented for a few seconds. While they are in such a difficult state, it is advisable for a warrior to use Berserk or Harpoon.


The warrior throws a harpoon, grabbing any creature and pulling it towards him to chop in close combat. A good move would be to use the ability to drag the enemy through the lava patch. To stop an enemy bomber in multiplayer, also throw a harpoon at him, having previously stunned the creature with the help of Warcry.

Eye of the Wolf

Temporary infravision, with the help of which all invisible creatures and objects are visible: magicians and traps, respectively. Well, the dark area becomes noticeably lighter.

Thread Lightly

Another temporary increase in martial arts - allows you to walk straight through the area mined by traps without causing them to explode. With the help of this ability, it is sometimes possible to quietly sneak up on enemies that do not look around.


Always have with you, in Escort mode, a maximum of associates capable of firing at enemies from a distance. This is both Urchins and Ember Demons. There is also a mode - destruction-Banish, very useful if you need to quickly get rid of an ally. The third useful behavior mode, Hunt, makes your charges run wherever their eyes look in search of any opponents.

When using magic like Meteor, Force of Nature, Fist of Vengeance, you must first stun the enemy with a Stun spell. Be sure to keep Pixie Swarm ready: he is also needed in multiplayer to destroy the bombers.

Keep Lesser Heal on hand at all times and be ready to apply it at a moment's notice. If you find yourself near a mana crystal, then turn on Greater Heal. It is also useful to be able to quickly cast Blink if you start to actively stun or enemy bombers are about to approach.

It is better to use defensive magic and call support next to mana crystals in order to immediately restore the expended magical energy.

The best way to summon bombers is with the Stun/Fist of Vengeance set.

In multiplayer, you don't need to try to charm (Charm) a competitor's bomber rushing at you - it's better to just stun him and shoot him with a crossbow. True, there is one trick ... If on one game screen If you, an enemy bomber, and a rival conjurer are located, then Stun will not affect the bomber, but the rival hero!

All creatures are different in size, and the larger they are, the less they can be carried with you. So, the conjurer is able to enchant and have as companions either four small creatures, or two medium-sized creatures, or one giant like a golem.

Name mana Description
Blink 10
Burn (K) 10 flame flash
Charm Creature 10 Charm a creature whose Beast Scroll you already have
Counterspell 20
Cure Poison 30 Complete elimination of poisoning
Fist of Vengeance (K) 60 Stone superfist, with a slight delay falling from above
Force of Nature (K) 60 A light green orb destroys enemies hit by it
Greater Heal ** While standing still, your health regenerates for mana
Infravision 30 Infravision allows you to see the invisible
Lesser Heal 30
light 10 Area lighting
Meteor (K) 30 Fireball falling from the sky
moonglow 10
Pixie Swarm 30 An escort of fireflies that themselves attack any enemy
Poison 10 Poisoning a Creature Near You
Protect from Fire 30 Temporary fire protection
Protect from Poison 30 Temporary protection from poison
Protect from Shock 30
Slow 10
stun 10 Stun the enemy for a couple of moments
Tag 10 Peephole, sticks to the enemy and tracks his movements on the map
Toxic Cloud (K) 60 Toxic Cloud: Good range, plus it poisons
Vampirism 20 Dealing damage to an enemy temporarily restores health
Name The size mana Life Description
Bat Small 15 35 simple bat
black bear Average 60 90 Bear
grizzly bear Average 60 120 Stronger teddy bear
Beholder Big 60 250 Attacks with yellow lightning
plant Big 30 100 Bloodthirsty plant, standing still
Ember Demon Average 60 30 Throw fireballs, explode
Gargoyle Average 60 40 Accurate arrows, dodge well
Ghost Small 15 40 Hit for a while paralyzes
Giant Leech Small 30 60 Black leech living in water
Stone Golem Big 85 280 Golems: slow but strong
Mechanical Golem Big 85 280 Faster than just golems
imp Small 30 25 Blue demon spitting fire
mechanical flyer Small 30 40 Arrows
Mimic Big 85 300 Pretends to be a chest of money
Ogre Average 60 120 Huge cannibal, but not very strong
Ogre Lord Average 85 130 More hardy, throwing shurikens
Ogress Average 30 60 armed with axes
Scorpion Average 60 110 Large scorpion, poison
shade Average 30 80 Dark ghosts, hard to spot
Skeleton Average 30 190 Skeleton
Skeleton Lord Average 60 100 More protected than regular skeletons
Spider Average 30 80 Black spider that can poison
small spider Small 15 25 Weak spider
Cave Spider Average 30 60 Poisons
Small Cave Spider Small 15 25 Weak spider
Spitting Spider Average 30 70 Spits webs that slow the hero down
Troll Average 30 80 Releases a poisonous cloud upon death
Urchin Small 30 40 Dwarf throwing stones
Wasp Small 15 15 Wasp, can poison
Will'o'Wisp Big 60 50 Glowing lumps of light, dangerous
wolf Average 30 40 Wolves, fast and dangerous
black wolf Average 30 75 Black wolves
white wolf Average 30 60 White Wolfs
Zombie Average 30 75 Unkillable but can be burned
Vile Zombie Average 60 150 Can poison


Always wear boots with the Haste spell, or accelerate yourself with the appropriate magic. Slow down serious and fast enemies Slow, it lasts much longer than a simple Stun. Hit the suspended enemy with lightning or spells that require aiming.

Before throwing fireballs (Fireball), be sure that you will hit! They, of course, cause rather strong damage, but, on the other hand, they spend a lot of mana.

Once you get the Force Field spell, always have it on. In the near future, add more Shock. With a combination of these two spells, you will take damage of 4-5 hit points, and the enemy - about 20-35!

Try to always remain invisible, but in this state always walk (do not run!) and do not come face to face with opponents looking for you. The last two or three levels, the invisible spy magician manages to cope with trials and monsters more easily than going ahead and destroying everything in his path.

Will'o'Wisp are tough opponents, but they don't take lightning well. When you're low on mana, use Drain Mana and you'll restore magical energy straight from the enemy's reserves!

Of the traps that differ from the Bombers in immobility and invisibility, a combination of Slow, Confuse, Fumble is good if the mage has his staff with fireballs and a killing spell like lightning at the ready. Both can and must be used at the same time!

Name mana Description
Anchor 10 Enemies can't teleport for a while
Blink 10 Teleport from battle to a safer place
Burn (K) 10 flame flash
Channel Life ** Create mana from health while standing still
Confuse 10 For a few moments, the enemy loses all orientation
Counterspell 20 Destruction of all sorcery around the hero
Death Ray 60 Nox-style railgun. A beam that requires careful aiming
Detonate Seen Traps 10 Activating spells in your traps
Dispel undead 60 All undead in range take massive damage
Drain Mana 0 Mana drain from all sources
Earthquake 60 During the "earthquake" do not move, so as not to take damage
Energy Bolt ** Shaft in the style of Nox. Beam-lightning.
Fear 30 Enemies run away. Does not affect undead
Fireball 30 The fireball, although powerful, requires precise aiming
Force Field 80 Mage takes half damage plus won't die in one super powerful single hit
Fumble 60 Enemy loses equipped items
haste 10 Acceleration
inversion 10 Turning the attacking spells of the enemy against him
Invisibility 30 Invisibility, but footstep noise and infravision can dispel it
Invulnerability 60 Temporary Invulnerability: Ends instantly when attacked
Lesser Heal 30 Heals a decent amount of HP
light 10 Area lighting
Lightning ** Lightning that slowly kills an opponent
lock 10 Temporarily locks all doors and gates for everyone but you
Mark location 0 Creating a beacon for teleportation
Magic Missile 15 Standard and convenient offensive spell
moonglow 10 Area illumination by cursor
Obliteration ** Transferring all mana to a killing spell, good for traps.
Protect from Fire 30 Temporary fire protection
Protect from Poison 30 Temporary protection from poison
Protect from Shock 30 Temporary electrical protection
pull 10 Pulling objects towards you (barrels, etc.)
Push 10 Pushing objects away
Reflective Shield 30 Create a magical shield that reflects witchcraft attacks. Don't move and turn in the right direction
Ring of Fire 60 Cleansing the surrounding area with a ring of fire. Do not move
Run 10 Everyone around is running for a while, they themselves do not know where
shock 30 Electricize everyone who touches you
Slow 10 Slow down the enemy for a more or less long time
Swap location 10 Swap places with the nearest enemy
Tag 10 Peephole, sticks to the enemy and tracks his movement on the map
Telekinesis 20 Moving things with the cursor; you press buttons that you can't physically reach
Teleport to Location 10 Teleport to a pre-set beacon
Teleport to Target (K) 20 Teleport to the desired point on the screen
Trigger Trap 5 Activating spells in your nearest trap
wall 30 Magic wall: destructible, disappears with the death of the magician


The mage can set up traps and then simply switch places with the first human enemy passing by. The death of this unfortunate one is almost guaranteed. Moreover, such a chip can really be used in a single game against lone bosses.

Invisibility is not only one of the most valuable spells in single player, it works great in multiplayer as well. Always leave some mana to restore invisibility!

For a conjurer, the bomber tactic works well with Stun and Fist of Vengeance. Find only a large mana crystal, stand by it and constantly create more and more legged bombs, immediately transferring them to Hunt mode.

There are also countermeasures against such tactics. The mage uses Magic Missile or turns on Force Field so that the bomber cannot kill him with one touch. There is an option to become invisible - so no one will notice you either. The Conjourer must use Pixie Swarm magic (or send a golem ahead!), while the Warrior must use a combination of Warcry (temporarily stun the bomber) and any ranged weapon.

In multiplayer, swinging a staff with a magician is not very profitable: it is better to use an attacking spell. In a single player game, the staff, while the sorcerer is not yet very pumped, is sometimes useful against animals and enemy archers.

Turn on Invulnerability with the magician, go into the lava or some kind of trap and put a mark for the teleport there. Then do a Teleport to Location on the first enemy character you come across.

If you are hit by Lightning or Energy Bolt, then with a simple Teleport to Target you will not dodge these spells. It is also impossible to hide from lightning behind the crystals; you need to find a more reliable barrier in the form of a wall.

Turn on Protection from Poison and then Toxic Cloud! Helps a lot. Sometimes you can move the Telekinesis red barrels of gunpowder right up to the door and immediately blow them up as soon as someone comes into the room.

Game description

noxAn Action-RPG game that is richer in both story and gameplay than the most popular Action-RPG of the new millennium .


An ordinary guy from the end of the 20th century Jack Mauer, lives in a trailer with his girlfriend Tina, works as a car mechanic and is a huge fan of wrestling.

One day while watching your favorite program Jack notices that the TV is a little junk and tries to fix it the old fashioned way, powerfully pounding on it with his fist. Suddenly, the orb on his TV starts to flicker. Jack, forgetting about the instinct of self-preservation, takes it in his hands, trying to understand what's wrong. Suddenly a portal opens and drags away Jack to another world, at the same time taking with him a TV and an unusual sphere.

Fantasy world that enters Jack bears the name - nox, and there are problems. Relations between two (out of three) factions of this world: Mages and Warriors have almost reached the point of open military confrontation. The last survivor of the people of the Northern Necromancers - Hecuba, having learned about her origin in her youth, proclaimed herself the Queen of the Necromancers and learned the secrets of black magic in order to take over the world nox.

It turns out that the Sphere decorating the TV Jack, holds a special mystery. This is an ancient artifact, or rather, a part of it, sent to Jack's world in order to maintain equality between the disparate factions of people: Mages, Warriors and Wizards. The remaining three parts of the artifact, called "Staff of Oblivion" were divided between them.

The sphere kept the souls of the Necromancers who fell in the last battle. With her help Hecuba was going to take over the world by creating an army of the dead. She cast a spell to summon the orb back to nox, a Jack turned out to be an unexpected addition to the returned sphere.

Jack along with his TV moved not to the paws Hecuba where the sphere hit, but on the airship. The captain of this ship did not panic or kill Jack, he was very interested in the mysterious wanderer who so suddenly visited him, and he "magic picture box". He accepted the television as payment for the ship's journey. However, in the future, the captain becomes a mentor Jack, helping with all sorts of advice and moving him around an unfamiliar world.

BUT Jack have to take a place in the ranks of one of the factions and save nox.


It should be noted that before the start of the game, in addition to choosing a nickname and class (fraction), you can customize your character.

By choosing one of the 3 classes, you determine the fate of the character in the game. The main goal does not change with the choice of class, but the ways to achieve it will differ. The choice of class will also predetermine locations, quests, and more.


  • Warrior- The path of the war is very simple: you are given a huge selection of equipment, up to heavy armor. A warrior specializes in melee weapons, he cannot use a bow and crossbow, but throwing weapons are available to war, such as shurikens to hit the enemy from a distance. The warrior has no mana, the skills he acquires at each new level do not require it.
  • Mage- The most difficult and most powerful class, the main difficulty is the direct dependence on mana, without it the magician is absolutely helpless. The magician wears robes and special magical helmets, and of weapons, magical staves. Instead of physical strength, the Magician has access to a huge range of various spells, both combat and defensive, and the magician compensates for the slow speed with the ability to teleport and temporary invisibility. However, all this is not available at the beginning of the game you have to learn spells, look for books and scrolls, which makes the magician a very difficult class to handle.
  • sorcerer Something between a warrior and a magician. The sorcerer also has magical abilities, such as directed combat spells, but the main specialization of the sorcerer is the summoning and subjugation of all sorts of creatures that will do the main work for him. The sorcerer can use bows and crossbows and even carry light armor, making him less vulnerable to mana depletion.

Locations are arranged linearly. This is undoubtedly a minus, but, fortunately, does not spoil the impression of the game. They are filled not only with enemies, quests and loot, but also with traps, puzzles and many secrets.

In addition to all the delights, the game has very realistic physics and destructibility. Of course, not everything can be destroyed, but most of the environment: furniture, doors, fragile walls, etc. The character takes fall damage. Everything that can be destroyed can also be moved by your own or someone else's body, by a shock wave. And the size and weight affects the physics in a system similar to the mechanics of many modern indie games.

If you miss the real RPG, be sure to try nox.




  • OS: Windows 95/98/ME
  • RAM: 32MB
  • Processor: 200 MHz
  • Video memory: 16 MB
  • Compatible with DirectX 6.1
  • keyboard, mouse.
  • OS: Windows 95/98/ME
  • RAM: 64MB
  • Processor: 200 MHz
  • Video memory: 32 MB
  • Hard disk space: about 600 MB
  • Compatible with DirectX 6.1
  • keyboard, mouse.

As promised, I decided to stretch my memory and remember some of the chic toys that not many people played with and that no one will play now, because their era has passed. However, it is likely that some old-fags, having looked through our site, will decide to dig out one of these wonders in the very corners of the World Wide Web. If you are very lucky, then there is a pinch of hope that someday these games will be supplemented and implemented in a new quality.

The first of the old games, I propose to rediscover Knox - the magical creation of the ingenious Westwood Studios from the distant 2000th year.


Definitely, Nox was not the first game I played on a computer*. But it was the first game I installed on my first car and it will forever remain one of my favorites. best examples RPG.

A simple American guy, Jack, was sitting in a trailer, watching TV, and suddenly something went wrong, a portal to another dimension opened and he was sucked into it. He came already on the airship of Captain Jandor over unknown lands called Knox. The captain took pity on Jack and offered to help him find his way home.

At the beginning of the game, you will have to choose one of three paths that you will go: a warrior, a wizard, or something like a ranger. Knox's achievements are that these three paths are very different: not only do you have access to different weapons, but the main locations of the world go through in a different order and get a completely different set of secondary tasks. For example, Galava - The largest city Knox and the haven of the academy of wizards - will meet the warrior with hostility and he will have to fight with ordinary residents on the streets. In the wizard's case, this is a city under siege by an army. dark forces. Technically, the characters are also very different: a ranger can subdue wild animals and shoot with bows and crossbows, a wizard has powerful magic and can create traps, a warrior has better physical characteristics, access to best armor and weapons, as well as some specific military skills. Therefore, there was a sense and there was a desire to play the game a second and even a third time.

Since this game was released before 3D became the norm, it is very pleasing with its world detail: the interiors of the houses gave the impression of habitation, the secret passages were pleasant to find, the monsters looked very alive and natural - beholders, for example, were beholders, not someone's sketch in 3D-max. The atmosphere was maintained by a wonderful soundtrack, which is still stored on my computer. Even the screensaver of the death of the protagonist in the case of each chapter had its own - a pleasant attention to detail.

Most creatures and inventory items are presented in several variants, but these variants are countable: swords were divided into bronze, iron, steel, silver and, it seems, platinum, magical electric arrows were divided into arrows of spark, lightning and storm. I may be wrong on the exact names, but the difference in effect was just as noticeable as the difference in the names. When new equipment was bought or found, it meant something and gave a fundamental increase in the player's power. I still remember that feeling when I got my first crossbow, it was a feeling of invincibility.

I really liked that the magic was limited. Boxes with magic scrolls and wagons with healing potions were not carefully placed in all corridors, but if you had to find a sword charged with enchantment, then it was a huge success. After the Nights of Neverwinter, everyone got used to the fact that every blacksmith can sell you a magic an ax for a not-so-great sum. And the prices were reasonable - if it was an apple, it cost 2 coins, if a sword, even the worst one, is a few tens of coins. It made sense to accumulate wealth, since merchants were an important source of opportunity, not just dumping points for obsolete junk. And they happened to the last location and offered value goods. In addition, they repaired your damaged equipment. This is not for you with his eternal rags!

Enemies were just as pleasing: first you encountered ogre women and their warriors, and only then with their leader. There was no "level 16 ogre" or "level 12 skeleton". With the advent of new types of enemies, tactics had to be adjusted. And there were also gorgeous zombies that could only be burned - all other weapons only temporarily cut them down. There were monsters that appeared at death. And after the battle, the corpses of the dead remained in the location, because there were a reasonable number of them and there was no risk that they would send all the surfaces in a triple layer. For the number of enemies, I really appreciate this game. If a gang of robbers on a trade route, it was a group of three to five well-armed people (and not twelve to fifteen pieces of cannon fodder, as they are used to now). If this is a tower of magicians, their number did not exceed the number of beds in this location, etc. In a word, there was no such case when some inadequate hordes would rain down on you from some obscure black hole.

The plot was revealed gradually in the pauses between parts of the game and short inserts in the middle of the main quest. Even then, 12 years ago, he was hardly very impressive, in addition, the main characters, how colorful, spoke rather sparingly, but despite this, the game had an atmosphere of a fairy-tale world, which many even very famous games actually lack. There were no unicorns and dragons in Knox, not even elves and gnomes, but even so, Knox was pleasant and easy to play, and there was no doubt about its fantasy.

Perhaps this is all my childhood consciousness, I was not inclined to look for flaws, but I do not remember serious technical problems with Knox. Of course, no one forbids speculating from the top of 2012 about what theoretically should be inserted into this game:

Despite the powerful (and at the same time surprisingly cozy) atmosphere of the heroic saga, the main characters are not numerous, as are their appearances in the frame. Therefore, one gets the impression that both the valiant captain Jendor, and the insidious sorceress Hecuba, and the wise hunter Aldwin could be written and revealed better.
There was almost no dialogue in this game, the people around you just voiced their lines when you addressed them.

Conclusion: excellent graphics, one of the best soundtracks of its era. Inventory balance, monster variety balance, and money usage are aspects of Noxu that the vast majority of RPGs should learn from. The absence of a tense plot does not at all make the game boring, but instead provides it with ease.

Overall rating: 92 / 100 (Brilliant masterpiece).

Minimum CPU Type: Pentium MMX
Minimum CPU Speed: 200 MHz
Minimum RAM Required: 32 MB
Minimum Hard Disk Space: 300 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA.

* The first game I played on a computer back in the mid-1990s was an unnamed 2D turn-based toy that had tanks on high ground. They couldn't drive - only raise/lower guns and shoot at each other. A certain prototype of Worms. The first video game in principle was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 on Dendy.

There were so many shouts at Nox that
it was impossible to ignore the game. After passing it up and down
we can firmly say that Nox has more rights to receive such a nickname,
than y, but calling him a killer is a clear exaggeration.
First about the good. Number of classes since famous predecessor
has not changed, only Conjurer appeared instead of Rogue, although in fact that's all
the same intermediate link between the Warrior and the Mage. offensive spells
it is practically absent, but there are a number of extremely useful summing spells and
spell take control of Charm, moreover, obtained in such ways
beings can be given orders with the firm certainty that they
obey. The suicidal nature of the orders does not bother them. Magic in the game
generally pleases, and the crystals found on almost every corner,
restore mana, make spellcasting a frequent process. Warrior these
crystals on the drum, since he does not use magic in principle - he
enough hand weapons and skills. Conjurer still knows how to shoot with bows and
crossbows (and only he), but the Mage has to choose between a staff and
spells, so crystals are everything for him. good interface,
the ability to reconfigure controls, beautiful spell effects (especially from
Fist of Vengeance), well-chosen spells, variety of weapons and
armor, picturesque locations, different final cartoons depending on
hero class (!), quick saves and reloads, no link to
the only city, scrolling opponents, complete disrespect for feminists,
Spell management complete the list of Nox's virtues.

Now about the sad. The campaign consists of only 10-11 levels, and none of them
multi-storey does not justify such a small amount. First three
level and the arena of the last battle with Hecuba (I wanted to write "sparring", but
suddenly vulgarized) are different for all classes, but the rest are the same up to
ugliness. Slightly changing the personnel of the enemy troops and found
weapons (the difference is only for classes), but in general everything is too the same.
There is no generation of levels at all, everything is scheduled in advance
without a single step to the side. The levels are so linear and easy, and
solutions to ALL puzzles are so transparent that a particular plug can be
arrange with your own hands. For example, throw off all the armor to the bottom
linen and in this form to be thrown through the swamp, introducing zombies into a stupor and
predator plants. If some door wants a key, then it is 90% in
next room, not a half hour run. By unknown reason under saves
allocated a fixed number of slots. Although for such a game it is justified.
The statistics of the characters are somehow wonderful and when you get the next level
increase on their own. It is unusual to study the combat properties of hand weapons.
What is this sword with a strike of 10.47?! Spells with a damaging effect do not
it is written exactly how many hit points they take from the enemy. Would suit even
an approximate number, but it is not. The concept of "level of difficulty" in Nox is not
exists. There is no multiplayer co-op, but deathmatch is crooked and terrible
picky about the network configuration. Of all the above pluses and minuses
one simple tip: complete the game at a lazy pace in three days, but avoid
re-pass for another class.

Anyway, let's get to the plot. Once upon a time there was a sorceress named Hecuba. AT
unlike the vast majority of her fellow witches, she
was very pretty (everyone could see the photo on the cover of the CD -
copied from a Kiss fan, probably). After Blizzard's "Diablo"
just the epitome of beauty. Evilnaya. Once she decided to stir up a difficult
black magic spell, but I forgot the words a little, and something didn’t work in
the other side, although Hecuba herself did not know about it. And this is what happened:
boy (typical American debilz), sitting calmly in his
trailer in front of the TV, sucked into a fantasy dimension and thrown at
airship deck. The captain of the airship accepted the attempts with understanding.
young men explain the purpose of the TV, which has traveled along with
owner, however, sockets in this world have not yet been invented, so the device
became a bedside table. The character is rather frail and from the armor he only has sneakers,
sweatpants and a T-shirt (sorry, no NY Giants or Chicago
Bulls), but we have nothing else at hand, and sculpt another
we will be the savior of the world from what we have.

Class features
The warrior has access to five skills, acquired, apparently, upon obtaining
the first five levels. Berserker Charge forces the hero properly
run up and crash his head into any object on the way, inflicting
(for some reason not the head) severe injuries. Harpoon shoots bullshit and
drags the victim closer to you. Eye of the Wolf allows you to see the mage
through Invisibility. Tread Lightly gives you the ability to calmly walk on
traps without activating them. War Cry emits a wild cry, from which
opponents lays their ears, and they lose for a short period of time
combat capability, while the magicians reset the spells that they started
cast. In my opinion, a puncture came out with the skills of a warrior. use them less
more convenient than spells, and the effectiveness of the application seemed to me close to
zero. However, different tactics are possible. For some internal reason
magicians do not like warriors, and in the fortress of Galava a cold reception is prepared for them
first in the form of prison bunks, and then a severe battalion commander in numerous
rooms of the Tower of Illusions. Conjurer will summon creatures or charm enemies.
Very convenient and useful, as where the warrior strains, waving
with a sword, and the magician throws everything around with Fireballs, the Conjurer drags on
his side of one of the attackers and calmly smokes on the sidelines or
busily shoots from a bow (crossbow). Most Outstanding in External
according to the spell, it's Fist of Vengeance: a fist appears from the sky and, uh-uh,
the enemy is in the bag. Conjurer "a is loved by both magicians and warriors - they readily
assist him in the fortresses of Dun Mir and Galava. Mage, which is natural
different magic. There are a lot of spells, however, most of them are
peaceful or auxiliary character: all sorts of Pull, Push, Lock, protectors and
etc. I never used half of them. I only used two
offensive spells - Missiles of Magic and Fireball, but they are enough,
if supplemented with a shooting staff. Descriptions of combat spells are not enough
information about the damage, everything is determined only by eye. From others
spells of great importance are Wall and Lesser Heal. Warriors don't like mages
hence such problems when penetrating Dun Mir. We are with the captain
we go down in a basket to the ground and begin to take the course of a young fighter aka
tutorial. The tablets will tell you what and how to do, what to drink, what to eat,
who to beat, where to look for hidden locations and so on. Spell Pixie Swarm
gets for free, spell Lesser Heal is found underground. Because the
there are a lot of mana restorer crystals here, then I constantly kept in
a pair of pixies in the air, leaving them to deal with any aggressors, and he
engaged in robbery of chests and barrels. We arrive at Village IX.

The warrior tutorial takes place in Dun Mir Fortress. In addition to reading signs,
studying the purpose of objects and control buttons, there is quite
the specific task is to break through to the test of the knights, taking place in a building on
northwest of the fortress (to the right of the garden). But they are only allowed in if available.
sponsor. There is a house to the right of this place, and its owner (local engineer)
is ready to become our sponsor in exchange for the removal of bats and urchins from his
favorite kindergarten. The garden is cleared of fauna, the engineer shakes our hand, the guard
skips inside the knight's hall.

A new magician begins to comprehend this world in the vicinity of Galava Castle. First
he has to find a future teacher - the magician Horvath, then find out the fate
his previous student, for which you need to go to a small network of caves
Urchinov and arrange genocide. The key to the cell will be found in the northernmost
room, while the prisoner himself lies half-dead near the entrance. Learn
about participation in the case of necromancers, we pick up the little things of the deceased (as
evidence) and stomp on the report to Horvath. As a result, you should
be already three spells: Missiles of Magic, Lesser Heal, Lightning.

Chapter 2
From a peasant standing between houses in the south, we buy a bow for a steward, we go to
northwest and, having paid 20 coins for entry, we take part in the competition
Robin Hood. You have to be a rare brake so as not to knock out at least 9
targets out of 10 (arrows will be given free of charge by the entertainer). The village has
magic and weapon shops, the mayor's house, a tavern, a prison and several
houses of ordinary citizens. We rob ordinary houses without a twinge of conscience - at the end
after all, we came to save them, and it is difficult to do this in sneakers. Quest
to clean the mayor's house from necromancer spiders arises by itself, but there
it's too early to get involved. We go to the northeast to the washed away bridge over the river, we take
the barefoot guard has a quest to deliver the boots stolen from him and climb
underground. We send the natives to hell, the contents of the chests and boots - to
inventory. We return the boots to the rightful owner, again we climb underground and
We rise to the surface already on the other side of the river. Meet Aldwyn
the Conjurer, thus completing the quest of the captain of the pepelats, we receive from him
for 30 coins spell Charm. Through the underground passage we make our way back to the village
to the magician's house, on the way practicing in casting Charm "and in managing
creatures under control. We storm the mayor's house. There are only two spiders:
small and big. The first one receives a staff between the eyes, the second one is taken under
control and is ordered to disappear (Banish). Chatting with the mayor through the window
in the corridor, and the quest is completed. Approaching the southeast gate of the village,
we get the quest to clear Mana Mines and leave the location. The warrior needs
run through an obstacle course, stay alive and go through initiation into
knights. We press all the levers that we find, we kill everyone we see, from
spinning spiked things are easily dodged. At the exit of us all
congratulations and the first knightly task - to pull the engineer out of
dungeons, where he was stuck due to the failure of one of the million gears
his devices. The entrance to the dungeon is in the engineer's house. The biggest
a pair of scorpions might cause trouble downstairs, but the antidotes
meet quite often.

The magician goes up to the Tower of Illusions to meet Horvath and continue his studies.
From the clerk we turn southeast and go to Horvath's room. That one says
about strange personalities occasionally appearing in the most ancient departments
underground library, and about the need to evacuate the Book of
Oblivion and an amulet. The entrance to the library is to the left of Horvath's room. Below we see
- the necromancer kills a couple of students and steals the book. Let's follow him
overcoming the barriers of spiders, urchins and bats until we find the thief.
He falls into the ground and lets out a cry: .
We charge mana to the maximum and jump after him. There are hidden things in these caves
six trolls, not counting the change. We select the book next to the remains
necromancer - there he is dear. We get out to the archivist, and he gives
amulet. We return all the good to Horvath.

Chapter 3
In the center of the map is the camp of three merchants (magic, weapons and
clothes), a half-blind old man wanders in the northeast, giving the quest to find
glasses stolen from him (in one of the houses of the robbers). After clearing the card
from the bandits and wolves we go southwest to the mines. We find the head of the miners, and
he offers to release five of his comrades: three on the same floor and
two floors below. Every liberated person will have to be dragged to
elevator, breaking through the opponents crawling out of the walls. Thick and
slow creatures exude poisonous fumes for some time after death
green - try to stay away from these fumes. On the bottom
floor sometimes there are scorpions, but, as a rule, they are loners or nearby
there are barrels of gunpowder. We save the miners, do not forget to chat with them
foreman, we get out into the light of day and return to the center of the map, where we
the captain landed. After walking around the shops, he throws our
hero to a new arena.

Vorlord sends us to the village of Ix to help the local mayor. The way there is
through a network of caves and a forest location, in the center of which there are three shops
merchants. At the gates of the village, the mayor will meet us, give us a quest to find him.
a scepter stolen by a herd of urchins. Let's gather our courage and stomp on
cemetery where the enemy dug in - to the northeast of the village, we cross the river, from
groups of crystals turn right. On the way worth buying from
local tame wolf trainer. You can't control him, but he
works well on its own. The wolf was very successful in chasing the urchins through the corridors until
did not meet scorpions. Alas, the forces were unequal. On the -1 floor for
keyed door has a valuable baton with impact (knocks back
enemy back when hit). The mayor's scepter is hidden on the -2 floor. Ibid
we find a dying warrior, he manages to tell about
andedah and the aunt-necromancer, and immediately the first skeletons enter the battle.
The breakthrough to the surface passes without complications, the golden key to the gate
you will find in the hall to the northeast of them. We go to the city hall for a reward.Croat
sends a magician to his friend - to pick up the Amulet of Teleportation, so as not to
to strain us with a long road, offers to use the underground passage,
the entrance to which is covered bookcase right behind him. Let's go under
earth, killing spiders, wolves, swordsmen and archers on their way. Enemies
a lot, so don't get too far away from the crystals. When they got to
street, then go to the center of the map, to the house of the magician. We find him in the basement
slightly dead. Amulet, of course, no. The basement has an entrance to
dungeon - we clean it and return to the house where we are attacked by a group
bandits. After the battle, we climb underground through a hole to the north of the house and, having fought
with bandits and a bunch of scorpions, we get to the house and report to Horvat.

Class restrictions do not apply only to two types of weapons:
the simplest staffs and a halberd, which under no circumstances will be knocked out of
of your hands (!) and turning before the general battle in the tenth chapter
into the Staff of Oblivion superstaff. Ordinary, long and two-handed swords from different
metals, maces, axes, war hammers, shuriken throwing stars and
boomerang-flying chakrums are available only to warriors. Only
Conjurer"s are able to use bows, crossbows and staff of Force of Nature
Staff, which has no more than five charges, but in the battle in the tenth chapter it is superfluous
will not. Finally, only magicians know which pimpa to press on lightning and
built fireball staves. Wield the Primitive Staff Sulfurous
Shower and a single-barreled fireball staff are equally capable of both mages and
Conjurer's, although in practice both staffs are useless. As a rule, a manual
weapons (if it is a non-shooting staff) there are additional bells and whistles
Enchantments: damage increase (Poison, Fire, Shock),
knocking the enemy back upon impact (Impact), draining the life of the victim
(Vampirism), introducing into a stupor (Stun). When there are many enemies, it makes sense
take weapons with Impact. If zombies attack, then take something with
Fire "ohm. Hammers and axes are pretty slow things, so when enemies
a lot, it is better for a warrior to choose something easier. But, for example, in a battle against
a robot one on one war hammer will be just right. Conjurer infrequently
brings the matter to close combat. He, as a rule, forces to go ahead of his
little animals, and he practices shooting. As a last resort, he (like the mage)
will warm an enemy who gets too close with a simple staff. mage in this game
forced to rely on magic and quick feet.

Chapter 4
In this location, there was a solid battalion commander all the way, and I lost count of how many
once the hero descended to a lower level. The main feature of the level is to kill zombies
they need fire, otherwise they will lie down, lie down, and even get up. Burn the best
spell Burn (find here) or local braziers. At this level
we will meet Hecuba for the first time, but she will run away (the girl was probably shy),
leaving a twisted henchman to fight instead - the first serious
enemy. A little later you will meet the second. It's a cool barbarian warrior, soak
which succeeded with the participation of a bomber jacket, a pixie and a desperate swinging
staff. He left excellent things behind him, but they are just at the right time.
only to warriors. Someday you're sure to meet a room, in the center
which lies a fireball staff, and around the whole floor is covered
crack traps. I made it to the staff platform along the top wall
and then jumped in the nearest place. Third tough guy, this time it's
there was a Keeper of Souls wizard, standing at the very end of the level and firing from
lightning staff - shot from a bow without problems. Barely alive, I got up
to the elevator, and the chapter ended.

The captain ferries us to the Field of Valor and orders us to comb
multi-storey tomb. Make sure you have a sword with fire in your arsenal
or at least fire shurikens - they are needed to burn zombies. In everything
the dungeon has only three noteworthy opponents: the necromancer,
who covered the retreat of Hecuba, the barbarian and mage Keeper of Souls. The barbarian is killed
during a simple exchange of blows, the other two must be constantly run and
poke a knife in the side so that they can’t take a breath and cast
some bullshit. A good coat of mail lies in a room with a cracked floor.
You can get it by jumping first to the far wall, then as close as possible
go to the platform with chain mail and jump on it without a run (this is for
certainty - a run is impossible there). At the exit from the tomb we hear
performed by one person and the order of the captain
wet the ogres.

The tomb on the Field of Valor is a real pain in the ass. zombie
we shoot with fire spells, and only work on skeletons
fireballs, since they are shielded from Missiles of Magic, radishes.
If you use Swap, you can avoid many long transitions, especially where
where are two keys. We fry the Necromancer and Keeper of Souls with fireballs,
a barbarian warrior can only be crushed with homing Missiles of Magic, since
he constantly has to run in circles, recharging on the go from
crystals, and there is no time for aiming. In a room with cracks in the floor
there is a spellbook (how to get there, see above). The captain transferred us to
the other front is against the dispersed ogres. Appeared old man Horvath
asks to find and take away the Amulet of Teleportation from the ogres. Breaking into
village and help the locals to finish off the huge creatures of the green
colors, armed with large axes. Judging by the details of clothing, all the ogres were
female. Why did it happen? In the village we sell unnecessary trash, we repair weapons
and armor, we complete the quest of the gardener and his wolf wife (bring
at the other end of the village, his favorite staff), we leave to the west and further to
north. There is a fortified ogre camp, and underground too
there are some rooms and corridors full of scorpions, bats and
bears. Scorpions die well from a couple of arrows, bears make sense
charm and send on an independent hunt. I got hurt somewhere
fail, so I first staggered through the caves, and then crawled out in the rear
camps. The toughest of the ogres jumps out of the building with horns, but falls under
hail of arrows. The desired amulet is hidden in this house, after the removal of which
you can return to the village to get XP and spell from the hands of Horvath

We clear the village of Brin from the ogres. There are few of them, and the locals are not averse
grab axes and bows. In one of the houses, Matilda is grieving about the stolen
ogres in her father's cloak. Against the backdrop of a dilapidated, half-burnt village, this
the loss will not be significant, but this mini-quest is better to complete: get out
from the city, take two steps west to the docks, kill a couple of ogres and return
cape to the owner. We replenish supplies, repair weapons and go north to the camp
ogres. Before the release of the girls from captivity, everyone should be killed
opponents so that the way home goes without complications. Six girls, in a crowd
running after our hero, resemble the harem of Comrade Sukhov. We are leading
released until we meet the captain.

The captain is unhappy with our too long stay in the tomb. He himself
sat in his pepelats and played the fool, and downstairs we waved with the undeads.
In short, the ogres captured Horvat himself and imprisoned everything in the same camp on
north. On the way to the village you will meet wolves and ogres - artwork for Missiles of
Magic and Fireballs. We clean the village itself and in one of the houses, in its northern
parts, we find a man begging to save his beloved toad, dying in
fire in the next room. I have never seen such wild quests in any other game.
saw. We fill the fire with water from the barrels, click on the frog, and it jumps for
us. Make sure she jumped on the host - only then the quest will be
be considered completed. I'm going north. We shoot all the ogres on
the territory of the camp, which we see. You can even swap with one of them,
to clear a few more houses, but there will not be much benefit from this.
We go to the northwest from the entrance and go down underground, and from there
we make our way into the room under the camp and get out to the surface. Old man
found in the right room of the main building of the camp. We release it and
we lead home.

Chapter 6
The captain sends us to defend the fortress, which was attacked by the army
andedov. After breaking through to the territory of the fortress, we are joined by two
good fellows, readily suppressing any resistance, although if
I did not yawn, then two more would have remained alive and joined the detachment. Us
it will remain occasionally to shoot from a bow at especially ardent supporters of Hecuba -
little twisted necromancers casting something nasty. When
there is a lull, we collect armor and weapons scattered everywhere and sell
them at your local store. To the north is a platoon of Andeds. Their density
so great that the casting of Meteors suggests itself. a few pieces and
there are no andeds. We fly into the gate, clear the lava moat around the fortress, its
first floor and basement. As a result, my army has grown to six men, my
the hero was the seventh. The cleaning of all rooms and halls took place one and
same scenario: the hero opens the door, six warriors with joyful
they carry it inside with screams in their hands and easily crush all enemies. If a
keys are required somewhere, they are hidden in the nearest rooms - the whole level
no need to fumble. So we get to the hall with the Horrendous warlord and
four Fire Knights (like ours). Warlord screaming threats into the air
addressed to Hecuba, and she, oddly enough, arrives in the hall with one
a necromancer and a bunch of uneds in the background. With five spells she brings down
warlord and his guards, the necromancer takes a cool halberd, and a couple
winds up. The undees remaining in the hall receive showers from the Meteors, and we
it remains to pick up the little things of the fallen guards. Falling down in the north
through the floor and at the end of the path we catch up with the necromancer bastard. My six warriors
chased him around the dungeon until they pushed him into the farthest corner and
chopped him to pieces in half an hour. Halberd and victory got
the strongest. Almost everything is similar to the conjurer passage. Rushed into the eyes
only two differences: the two original fellow travelers decided to stay in the fortress
(although then a whole herd of volunteers will still join), and
instead of a meteor shower, a platoon of uneds, which closed the transition from one part
fortress to another, I had to throw shurikens at them. With a necromancer
who stole the halberd, there was a slight hitch - for some reason, almost
all my companions, but the end justified the means.

The passage for the magician is very different. Nobody's fortress Dun Mir
attacks, but these die-hard warriors really dislike wizards, so
the halberd must be stolen. The captain gives out three new spells: Invisibility,
Lock and Trigger Trap. First of all, we make our way through the sewers into the fortress.
It takes a hell of a long time, as the guards react nervously to
every noise. To engage in battle with everyone is a tedious business, and it is better to be careful,
hiding from their eyes with the spell Invisibility, sneak past. Sometimes succeeds with
innocent look to substitute the warrior under the skating rink with spikes. Leaving the fortress
behind the house of a merchant who claims that the throne room contains
a couple of captured wizards, ready to join us, if anything. In
there are too many warriors in the courtyard of the fortress, and to the main building (on
north in the lava lake) you have to go without a fight. You can afford to interrupt
external protection of the house, some of them even manage to
jump into the fire. Probably all the way to the north corner of the second floor of the building
it was necessary to do it quietly, using the three spells given at the beginning of the chapter, but I
could not resist and in a slow but sure style incinerated everyone he met
a couple of fireballs. AT throne room kill the warlord and a couple of knights, good
There are many crystals here. Exiting the hall ends the chapter.

Chapter 7
The captain is transferring us to lift the siege of Horvath's Tower of Illusions, arranged by
ogres and demons teleported by Hecuba. Let's get started with everything
shops of the city and buy armor with resistance to fire - will help against
demons. If you do not want to spend money, then go under the spell Resist from Fire.
The first floor is inhabited by simple ogres and shuriken throwers. Probably here too
it made sense to recruit a team, as in the last chapter, but the discipline of the local
I didn’t succeed in instilling magicians, so at most one of them hung out nearby
tribe. Fire demons appear on the second floor, but it will help here
some of the magicians, who successfully hid from enemy fire in a protective sphere.
On the third floor there is also one conscious magician, or rather, two of them, but one
died after I used Toxic Cloud (the spell works very well against
demons). Whoops. After entering the teleporter on the third floor, the way back
is cut off, and it remains to break through with battles to the fifth floor. Horvath enters
into battle with Hecuba, but dies. Under the guise we take the Heart of Nox, and
another round behind us. As soon as I entered the city, as some kind of unarmed
the moron began to smash his fists on my armour. To hell with it, but lose by
two hits for each hit is too much. Gave him in the eye with an ax, but did not kill
(sorry), after which he was taken to prison without resisting
warden (or maybe it was necessary? ..). A cellmate advised to move away
bed and dive into the underground passage. The move led us to a man who
promised to give good shield in exchange for the release from prison of our
virtue. We return to the prison (southeast of the city), pick up the key from
box next to the warden's table, free the peasant, follow him and
we get a reward. Now you can run around all the shops and buy more
shurikens. We go to the Tower of Illusions and find that it, unlike
conjurer variant, no ogres attack. On the contrary, gray stumps in
wizard's robes decided to shake the old days and pounced on me!
The best tactic turned out to be: put the halberd with the first weapon
(all other types of weapons, and sometimes armor, are pulled out by enemy
spells), shurikens - the second. Shurikens are always good, as a hero
throws them at the speed of a machine gun, and the victim throws the skates away very
fast. It’s good to hit with a halberd from around a corner or standing in front of a door, or
drive the wizards along the corridors and poke them with this halberd in a lower place
back. Some can be driven under the laser, the only pity is that he is alone for the whole
Tower. If magicians often teleport through floor (!) teleporters, then
you can notice the place where they arise (as a rule, there the floor is slightly
charred) and catch them the moment they spawn. Step by step we make our way to the fifth
the floor where we take the fight with a very decent magician. Heart of Nox is ours. someone
offered to stun mages with War Cry, then with Harpoon
pull one of them to him and chop into pieces than God sent. Work with
ability I mastered poorly, so there was no chance to evaluate this tactic.

We go to the Tower to Horvath - his room is on the first floor in the southeast - and
jump into the teleporter. We pick up the Heart of Nox, but when you try to step into
teleporter appears Hecuba - wets the old magician and sends us to
The underworld (that is, everything will go on not like the Warrior and the Conjurer "a). From
Opponents here are mostly imps. It is not worth hitting them with a halberd, because in
the moment of death, the imps explode and can cause some damage. jumping from
one island in the middle of a sea of ​​lava to another and climb up the floor to
four. As a result, we will find a dilapidated house or a complex of buildings. In the north
from it there is a teleporter that moves us to visit the big red
the Kylerean demon and a crowd of small but nasty imps. There is a pond of crystals here
a dime a dozen, so you can even use exotics like Wall. Missiles of
Arrows kill imps, halberd - a large demon (fire spells do not
take). True, the demon often casts Slow, but you can either dispel,
or cast Haste. We jump into the teleporter in the center of the location.

Chapter 8
Before storming the Temple of Ix, the captain casts the Summon Creature spell. Let's go to
village, visit shops and, most importantly, a magic shop. She needs to buy
all the scrolls you don't have, and especially Bear Grizzly. After this assault
the castle turns into a relatively easy walk as you either charm
grizzly bears you encounter, or summon through Summon Creature. Pair
such bears will be a very good guard. When you cross the sections
through which animals cannot cross (where there are holes in the floor), then you
you evaporate old bears, and out of the blue sum up new ones. In the end
level, you will find the required beast and give it a halberd. In a box next to
by its pool don't forget to take the Stone Golem scroll. The captain will be waiting for you
there, leaving at the beginning of the chapter.

The level configuration is the same as when passing the conjurer "ohm, the changes are only
in tactics. Beholders are killed in bursts of 5-7 shurikens, two stone
golems at the end are eliminated by running around them, accompanied by flows
all the same shurikens. How realistic is it to cope with both
using only hand weapons, I do not know - all my attempts
failed. We buy goods, run northeast to Aldwyn "y (house behind
river) to take the keys to the castle Ix. Beholders are very easy to fit
fireballs, Missiles of Magic is enough for the rest. Be careful,
using Missiles of Magic in the forest where round plants grow - arrows
rush about like crazy, and they can make holes in the balls, and once again they don’t get poisoned
for what. Mimics cause the biggest problems and only die from
several fireballs, which is why when meeting with them it is desirable to have a complete
mana. The dismantling of the golems at the end was a success: either on the left or on
Wall was erected on the right edge, and stone monsters were fired from the sides
fireballs and Missiles of Magic.

The most common costume consists of the simplest pants, shirt, boots, helmet, and
also all kinds of raincoats, even the coolest ones. For all other details
class restrictions apply. Mages can add or upgrade
your wardrobe with robes, special helmets and boots. Warriors and Conjurer's can
put on a chest armor or tunic, armlets and advanced versions
other details. In my opinion, everyone can pick up a shield, although the magician from it
the benefit is small. Most clothing items have their own enchantments,
this detail is highlighted in color: light (Light), accelerator (Haste -
yellow), fire protection (Fire Protection - red), poison (Poison Protection
- dark green) or electricity (Shock Protection - blue),
HP recovery (Regeneration - light green).

Chapter 9
We have to go through the swamps inhabited by Andeds,
predator plants, stink plants and electric lightning.
The contingent of opponents uniquely defines an ally - a golem. He can
be only one, but its complete (!) insensitivity to poison and
electricity will play a huge role. True, the golem often fell under
land, but by the time I went down there there were only corpses. In one place
two girls with wings decided to organize an ambush, blocking the road with three
instantly respawning carnivorous plants from one side and attacking from
another. The golem immediately died on the plants, and I, accidentally discovering how
speed up the reloading of the crossbow (double-click on the weapon change button -
it will take much less time than a simple reload), successfully all
shot. Somewhere in the middle, the house of Mordvin, the wizard's brother, was discovered
Aldwyn. A kind man just handed us a good new crossbow and
hinted at the usefulness of removing the Ogre frontier post located somewhere
in the north. On the way to it, we find a Byzanti shop and free one
a man from the captivity of ogres (this camp is southeast of the shop, but in order to
to get there, you have to go back a bit). Passage to the north post
the ogre where you need to take the former prisoner is to the left of the shop sign
Byzanti. In one of the houses of the post there is an elevator down. On floors with mimics
(black spiders with an eye on a stem and three hundred hit points) better go ahead
send a golem, and shoot yourself from a crossbow. Someday you will get to
level, where six cells are located in a circle (two with scorpions, four with
facial expressions). We shoot their tenants so as not to stand on the plates in
floor, otherwise the cells will open. Climb up, DO NOT open chests -
there are facial expressions, we are looking for a merchant’s shop, who knows what forgot in this hole,
and we go outside. We save Cain from the wolves by sharing with him a head. Three
necromancer with the support of the zombies tried to set a trap, but they have not yet
ended up giggling nastily when Fist of Vengeance hit them from above.
Minor skirmishes with wolves and skeletons happened all the time. In the merchant's shop
bought scroll black wolves and some armor, and north of that
places lay the cherished entrance to the Land of the Dead.
Well, here we are: a swamp up to the ears. Get your fire sword ready, there's a lot
zombie. What and where is located here is described by the conjurer "a. Electrical
Will o Wisp balls turned out to be harmless, they allowed you to walk around
and they were not offended by accidental hits on them. Advanced zombies all the time
tried to poison with something, so I had to use the technique. Winged ladies and carnivorous plants relentlessly
were shot with shurikens, all the rest (except zombies) were like flies,
died from halberds. I was especially pleased with the speed of killing Mimics and
necromancers, occasionally encountered in a snow-covered valley. In the swamp
find the house of Mordvin and the outpost of the ogres (the outpost is the place where the prisoner sits
in the corral), then drag the prisoner north - he himself knows when to
unhook. Since there are a lot of andeds here, it is worth buying from the Byzanti merchant
spell Dispell Undead. Girls with wings, massive swarms of zombies
predatory plants and other living creatures were exterminated by fireballs beautifully and
securely. In addition, I had a three-barreled fireball staff with
self-healing ammunition, which made the life of enemies unbearable.
We jump into the hatch at the outpost of the ogres and stomp to the snow-covered plain, as it is written
at Conjurer "a. It is convenient to fence off oncoming mimics with Wall" ohm, then
shoot it, shoot fireballs and build again. Zero hit loss
this is especially true for a room with 5-6 alternately rising
sectors with stakes (immediately after descending on the elevator to the next floor) and in
the place where the entire floor is covered with cracks and the hero falls through the screen on
3-4. Plains undead and necromancers are taken out with fireballs.

Chapter 10
Where did our fellow traveler Cain go, we will not know, and we will have to go to
loneliness, except for summonymous little animals. After some time
come to a T-junction with very long side corridors (you
come up below). On the left there will be a door that requires a ruby ​​key, on the right -
gold. The golden key is obtained in the rooms with teleporters (at the end of the left
corridor), ruby ​​key - at the end of the right corridor and down. However
the ruby ​​key guards a very cool enemy warrior with an ax, a blow
which takes down more than a hundred hits. If there is no mana and he is chasing you, then
run around the tomb, gradually recharging from the crystals, and then
summon a golem or mimic. The latter will be able to poison the enemy, although if
take into account the number of his hit points and the vampiric sword, then the effect of the poison will be zero.
While the enemy is taking apart your beast, run back to the far end of the room
and from there you can relatively easily send summonymous creatures one by one
another. But this can go on for a long time, so after the enemy
finish your next creation and get up, not seeing you, you are walking slowly
towards him and, as soon as he appears on the screen, plant
Fist of Vengeance or shoot with a crossbow (this is worse). He starts again
run after you, but you already know how to break away from him. After application
both keys at the former T-junction will open the passage upstairs. Least,
three times on this level through the loopholes in inaccessible rooms you will see
red buttons - they are perfectly pressed by throwing weapons. ahead
there will be two more tough warriors (in a room with dozens of tombs and in a room with
four slabs-buttons on the floor) and several mechanical warriors
(meet with a golem, achieve Fist "ohm). In the hall with black candles there are
two lasers: a double one (there are two more holes in the floor in front of it) and a single one. Single
turns off in the south, plus a blue idol is taken there. We go to where it went out
single laser, and get a red idol (in the hall with a rotating laser
just run clockwise - all enemies will chase you and hit
under the beam). We install both idols in the holes intended for them (not
mix up the colors) and the double laser goes out. The interesting starts with
hall, where four double-sided laser systems operate simultaneously.
Note that they rotate at different speeds. Turn off the lasers
we release a couple of robots and several smaller opponents and burn them
all on lasers. Save in front of the passage to the northeast and do
golem. Behind it you will find glowing garbage and collect Staff of Oblivion -
staff with automatic feeding of cartridges. Hecuba will meet you and throw you into
attack a huge army of andeds, robots and flying trifles. Can be assembled
there are more enemies around you and burn them with a staff, you can constantly summon
Golems, use up Staff of Nature ammo, shoot everything
moving from a crossbow. An attempt to break through running is doomed to failure, since
the enemy is using Stun.

The level is the same, the problems are different. Pick up a couple of swords with
impact and fire, since, firstly, more
zombie, and, secondly, a sword with an impact is ideal in battle against tough warriors in
Fire-armor - they just won't have time to hit you even once. Robots succeed
suppressed by shurikens or halberds in close combat. Compared with
conjurer "ohm added one robot (to the room with a red idol) and one cool
warrior (to the hall with black candles in front of the double laser). Kombat after
the assembly of Staff of Oblivion becomes easier than that of the conjurer "a. The first wave
attackers are extinguished with a staff, swords with impact and fire. Shurikens worth
save for enemy wizards in red shirts - using manual
weapons against them were chronically bad for my health. jump in
the gate did not at all lead to the movement to the ogre village, as happened with
conjurer "ohm, but to the next chapter. Before that, I advise you to put on everything
fireproof armor and pick up a two-handed weapon.

Everything is the same as Conjurer's, the differences are in the weapons used. Gargoyles
we hit from a distance with arrows or Fireball "ohm to cover several targets at once.
The first serious fight promised to take place with a man in Fire-armor,
guarding the ruby ​​key. One blow of his hammer is guaranteed to kill
hero, but it was saved by the fact that the hammer is a slow weapon, and my hero had
felt boots with heist. Fireball "ohm managed to hit the only time when the tomb
opened, then I ran strictly around the perimeter of the room, grabbing a little
mana from crystals and shooting back Missiles of Magic. Long, but reliable. At
meeting with the robot, it turned out that he was indifferent to Fireballs, and had to
hit him with Missiles of Magic while running in circles. The second tough warrior in the hall with
tombs can be generally ignored, but I still went there,
cleared a place for battle with a staff (smashed part of the sarcophagi), put
in the middle of the Wall, so that the enemy runs honestly and does not cut corners. Some
while the warrior ran after me, I shot back with arrows, and then he failed
into one of the holes in the floor, and I never saw him again. In the hall with black candles and
a third warrior in Fire-armor appears in the pits for idols, but he is beaten to
funny is simple: run along the edge of the corridor with traps back and forth, and
the enemy will soon die from the arrows. By the way, those three unreachable buttons that
two other characters press with shurikens and arrows, Mage presses
Fireball "ohm. During the campaign for the blue idol, you will definitely pass through
a small hall with four blue tiles on the floor (it is from this hall that you
teleport to the idol) releasing two red undeads, a necromancer
and the fourth tough warrior. You can score initially hanging out in this
hall of the red andeda and step into the teleporter, as the battle with the rest
will take a lot of strength and mana. The blue idol is guarded by a robot, fighting tactics
see above. In the hall with four rotating lasers, the Mage is very dexterous
can use Wall: it will save itself and burn all enemies without any problems.
The advancing Mage unequivocally lays the first wave with a new staff, robots -
running around the pool shooting Missiles of Magic, and when it's safe,
and from lightning staffs. All the rest are finished off with fireballs. The main thing is not
call on yourself too many opponents at once. Chapter 11 (different for
everyone) The Conjurer finds himself in a stinking ogre village, where Hecuba is thrown into
fight the entire local population. There are only ten of them, and they die very quickly,
especially if you're not standing still. Teleport to the chief's lair
enemy. With the help of the Blink spell, you could find it at least twice on
the last meters of the distance - penetrate through the bars. some time
it is worth sending kamikaze golems forward so that they kill the hanging out
there were ogres and reduced the number of demons to a minimum. Further tactics: 1)
blinked; 2) if they saw Hecuba, then they fired from a crossbow, blasted
Fist "ohm or your favorite spell; 3) see point 1. Don't forget to sum
golem though with a certain moment little to threaten him. AT
for a moment, the aunt relaxed, and I shamelessly
used - three arrows, two Fist "a. Happy End: showing the last
mutual throws of the protagonist and Hecuba, after which the American boy
in a T-shirt and an old captain in a cocked hat sit down to watch TV on
airship deck.

We jump into the teleport to get out of the island. We run off to a quiet corner (such
there are four pieces on the ground), we lie in wait for a large red demon
Kylerean "and we chop into pieces. Next, you need to somehow catch Madame. Run for
its outer perimeter is useless, I preferred to cross over to
central island and fish there. Due to limited space
the last fight took much less time than the conjurer's final.
I killed Hecuba with an unimpacted (!) two-handed weapon. The hero who defeated the world Evil
sucked into the hole between the worlds and in a slightly spoiled form delivered to the sofa
to his trailer. Picture: People lies, all black, hair on end, eyes
crawled out of their sockets, the T-shirt is as if they put it on a hedgehog, in the hand - or
someone's spine, or that beast from the staff, and a female voice-over
asks: "Darling, do you smoke?". Debiles.

Maga is transferred to a good place, where the spells of the teleporter are found
character. We get out of the first cell through the Teleport, but do not jump right away
into the floor teleporter, and we clean the secret room behind it. Taking the spell
from the second room and rush into battle. We are opposed by Hecuba and six
vile red andeds. We run in a circle, shooting back with Fireballs and
saving after each successful hit. When the number of assistants decreases
to 1-2, Hecuba will escape through the teleporter, but we can safely finish
the remaining defenders. We jump into the teleporter and transfer to the entrance to the Land
of Dead (end of chapter 9), where Hecuba speaks: "All Saxons, only me
rulez". As a sign of consent, we send several Fireballs to her forehead and
pour out the rest of the ammo from the Staff of Oblivion. Watch a baseball cartoon
magic and a white fluffy girl who was actually Hecuba. Such
affairs. game over

Land of the Dead

And here you are inside something that looks like a temple. Carefully step forward, as the earthen floor is covered in insidious cracks. But I would still recommend failing. The fact is that there is a chest with a powerful two-handed fire sword. True, there are whole crowds of zombies below. Do not let yourself be squeezed anywhere in the corner. Break through to the northwest, to the elevator. Having risen up, take a walk into the side branches (there will still be skeletons in the niches). In the northern corridor, you will need to jump over the palisade to a brown platform, on which you will need to put some kind of load in order for the door to open. There will be a couple of switches moving the blocks further, and you will come to a fork with two locked doors, each of which needs its own key. We go first to the left, behind the red key. Arm yourself with the most powerful weapons, as the battle is going to be serious. As soon as you find yourself in a hall with a tomb in the center, the doors will close behind you. Having opened the tomb, you will release from it such a small bat, which will turn into a hefty man with a huge war hammer. Now run from him in a circle, periodically stopping to inflict one blow. Then run on to the next stop. Miss a couple of beats on the head with a mallet - and you're dead. Having slammed this fighter, you will get hold of some armor (relevant) and the key to that door. Everything is simple behind it: move the stone onto the slab. The same procedure must be performed behind the second door, so we go for the key to the right. There you will have to jump through the portals, fighting off the skeletons and ghosts that the necromancer releases. But after that warrior with the beater, it will not be difficult to bang this clown. Having obtained the second key, put the stone on the slab, and get the passage further. If you see a button that you can't reach, use a harpoon. Once in another room, you will get such a monster as your “sparring partners” that you will involuntarily become proud of your own coolness, since such an image is released against you. It will be a mechanical golem, as big as an old tube computer. Use the “barny blow” until the gears fall from the mastodon. Then you will have to walk through labyrinths full of gargoyles in order to get the necessary keys, and you will find yourself in a hall strewn with orange balls. These balls, if you touch them, will throw you straight along the vector, or more precisely, anywhere. It's full of spiked blocks and gargoyles. So look for the “fairway” more carefully. Somewhere in the western part you will find a switch that opens the passage further. Climbing the stairs, you will come to huge halls with candles standing on the walls. Here you have been waiting for another man with a mallet. The gate directly covers two laser beams. There is one gate on the left. But the gate on the right - not a single one. So let's go there. There will be one necromancer (giggles, bastard) and many gargoyles. You will come to a closed door, which you can open by hitting the button with a harpoon through a window in the back gallery. In this room, you'll find a blue key and a kill switch on that door on the left. Move there, not forgetting to put the blue key in the corresponding slot along the way (one of the two beams will go out). Now go to the left door, where you will have to pull off an almost circus trick. The laser beam travels in a circle. There are only two places in the room that it doesn't reach: the wall in front of the front door, where you are, and the wall on the opposite side, opposite another door, which is closed by another beam, this time motionless. This beam disables the switch behind the wall. Everything would be fine, but two mechanical golems are hiding in a niche with a knife switch. So proceed as follows: run after the beam, and run past the golems. Run back to the starting position and wait a few seconds. The death ray will do everything for you. After that, run into the niche again, turn off the obstacle with the knife switch and blow up the stairs to the next attraction. After pressing the switch on the wall, fight with the "red shirt" and a brood of gargoyles. Then there will be another "Red Shirt" (do not step on the slabs - it's more expensive for yourself) and his death will open a portal that will throw you into a very tiny room with ... a mechanical golem. Then you, after two more types in red robes, show up in a huge hall, in which, as soon as you approach the sitting figure, four such reptiles will jump at once. I don't know how you can deal with them. For example, I beat them with a “stuporous” war hammer. But that's not all: in the next room (the passage is closed by laser traps - what nonsense) a powerful magician with some kind of cunning staff sits. I started with a “lamb blow”, and then I finished the reptile on the floor with a war hammer, not paying attention to ghosts and gargoyles. And then, finally, you, all wounded, bitten, gnawed, crawl to a small pool, where the sorceress does her witching outrages, and, taking the crystal, make the final upgrade to that halberd. And where does fatigue go? Indeed, it is the weapon of victory. The thing is charged, like a magician, at any blue crystal, and fries with lightning of mass destruction, capturing several targets at once. No one can withstand this discharge, and almost no one has time to either get to you or cast some kind of filth. Even Red Shirts and Mechanical Golems stay under fire for two or three seconds, no more. Now you have a weapon to fight Hecubah, who is escaping through the portal. Heal if there is anything, put on all the fireproof that you have, and jump after her.