Walkthrough king s quest 3 episode. Is this the king we've been waiting for? Review of King's Quest: A Knight to Remember. Throne, also known as dining hall of the royal palace

Walkthrough for original version games

with crack from "Prometheusproject"


« once Upon a Climb "- the third part, of the five planned, revived through the efforts of the developers of the studioThe old Gendeman legendaryKing Quest from an equally legendary companySierra .

The aged King Graham tells his granddaughter Gwendolyn stories from his life full of adventures.

Notes and Tips:

  • It is recommended to play the game in order, playing the previous two episodes first.
  • Control in the game, the description of which you can find on the page of our portal, is identical for all episodes of the series. It can also be found by selecting the option of the same name in the game menu.
  • There are no deadlocks in the game. You should carefully inspect ALL active objects at each location and apply ALL available items to ALL active zones.
  • You need to talk to ALL the characters you meet. It is necessary to offer to consider ALL available items in the inventory. It is possible that their hints will help to solve this or that problem.
  • Some tasks can be done different ways or not to perform at all, which gives some variability in the passage and makes the passage of the game individual.
  • This walkthrough is offered as one of options. It does not cover all possible combinations, but, to the extent possible, hints will be given on the passage when choosing other paths.

After completing the necessary settings, launch the game.

Outskirts of the royal castle

After a short introductory phrase by old Graham, we enter the game in the role of a very young Graham, such as he began his journey for the crown of King Edward.

We pass to the right.

Pay attention to three areas of dug up soil at the location. We continue moving to the right.

Having entered a new location, our character appears already in a royal robe and with a crown on his head.

We notice that a thorny bush grows on the left dug-up area, and a tree grows behind the grate in front of the right dug-up area - this is a young oak tree. We move the grate to the left section, and the bush began to grow even more faster . We turn right.

The character appears already mature, with a beard on his face and an unchanged hat on his head.

The road is blocked by overgrown prickly thickets. We return to the previous location, move the grate to the middle dug-up area, on which nothing is growing yet (it is not possible to move the grate back to the area on the right). Again we go to the right.

Approaching those sitting in a nest on a stoneowls .

A badger suddenly appears and drags one of the young chicks.

  • Note. Explicit link to the game " KingQuestV» . The owlet is made as little Cedric, the owl, who told Graham that the royal castle and its inhabitants were kidnapped by the evil and powerful wizard Mordak.

Graham is saddened by what happened no less than an owl family.

Seed Puzzle

We draw attention to the following facts:

- when we moved from one location to another, some time passed, because Graham grew up;

- on all three locations there are three plots of soil. At the first location they dug up(14) (the sites had active zones), which means that something was planted on them; at the second location, a thorny bush grew on the left plot, nothing grew on the plot in the center, and an oak tree grew on the right plot; at the third location, after we moved the grate to the area in the center, blooming flowers grew on the area on the left and right bushes, a stone appeared in the area on the right;

- at the third location there is a shovel.

It is logical to assume that further actions are somehow connected with the dug up areas of soil.

We take the shovel to the right of the nest, we return to the first screen.

Old Graham, the narrator, recovers: he began his journey with a small spatula in his pocket.

We use a shovel on a piece of land on the right and dig up an acorn.

To perform this action, open the inventory (keyTab ) and click LMB on the shovel icon. In this case, Graham is digging the ground.

We use a shovel on a piece of land on the left, and dig up the seeds of a prickly plant. We plant an acorn on the left plot, and the seeds of a prickly plant - on the plot in the center. We follow to the right.

We see that an oak grows in the area on the left, and a thorny bush in the center. We follow to the right, to the location with the family of owls.

A badger gets stuck in the thorny bush we planted, and a family of owls laughs at him, being in a nest on the branches of a grown oak.

We move to the right.

Throne, also known as dining hall of the royal palace

Graham is saddened: what good is it if the table is bursting with food, and there is no one to share the meal with? He pronounces these words aloud, not noticing his steed, who has grown old and overweight. triumph. The stallion expresses his displeasure at Graham's remark with hiccups.

Graham tries to invite Triumph to the table, but the guards who enter remind him of the decree forbidding animals to sit at the table. Then the king asks about an invitation for the bakers. Hearing that they also cannot join the meal, Graham makes one last attempt: he invites the guards to his table, and the corresponding decree comes into force again.

We look at the table.

We take away from him a bunch of peas, meat and a folded napkin. We head to the other end of the table, look at the empty chair.

Graham has an idea: he needs to cook dinner for a guest.

We take the hanger standing in the corner, apply it to the chair.

Graham decides he still needs a cape. Violet. You also need a hat, and you need to come up with something with the face.

We speak with the royal guard number 2.

Graham invites him to share dinner with him, but the Guardsman replies that he can only leave his post in times of distress, or if the plate of peas is overflowing.

  • Note. Inaccurate translation - it should be considered that he will leave the post if the plate is "empty".

Graham notices that the Guardsman is standing on a carpet that would fit as a cloak.

  • ESC - pause;
  • F1 - settings;
  • F2 - mute;
  • F3 - command repetition;
  • F5 - record;
  • F10 - change the speed of movement;
  • TAB - inventory.

Russian teams - left + right SHIFT "s.


  • "r" is written only with a CAPITAL letter ("mug") (shift + "r") - a font jamb;
  • fast walking - press F10 (several times) to "Fast speed";
  • stop - "5" on the right on NumPad "e (Num5);
  • "look around" - look around the location (to recognize active items).

When the sorcerer leaves to travel, you can carry magical things (marked with "*") with you and leave the house. When he is at home, you have to work around the house:

  • take the pot out of his bedroom - "take the pot";
  • sweeping in the kitchen - "take a broom";
  • brush (brush) the table in his office - "take a brush";
  • feed chickens - "feed the birds";
  • feed the sorcerer - "feed the sorcerer."

Look at the timer at the top - the sorcerer is absent for a certain time.

Part 1. Sorcerer

Go right.

Take a mug in the dining room (you come close and use the command "take a mug").

Take the knife, spoon, bowl in the kitchen (on the left); food (right).

Sweep the floor ("take a broom").

Go to the second floor. To walk diagonally (on the steps), go to the side of the steps + Home / End / PageUp / PageDn.

Go right to the bed (this is your room).

The command "put things down" is near the bed (we hide things from the sorcerer; especially where "*" is, otherwise he will attack).

WAIT for the sorcerer to leave on his journey... Just walk up and down the house.

Go to the sorcerer's bedroom (to the left of your room).

"take a pot" (left) is a pot, because of a glitch in the font.

"open the chest of drawers" (left) (press TAB - here is an example of a forbidden thing - "*"; with a sorcerer you can’t carry it, you have to put it under the bed).

"open the closet", "look at the top of the closet", "look at the back of the clothes", "close the closet".

"open the nightstand" (right)

Let's put things away again. Go to your room, "put things down."

If you find a cat, "take a cat", "take wool" (we will take a piece of fur).

Go to the third floor. "take a fly" (right).

Both of these things are magical (*), they will also need to be removed under the bed, otherwise the sorcerer will grab you.

Get out of the house. Get behind the yellow hay and feed the chickens.

"open the gate" (red door). Press one chicken - "take a chicken", "take a feather".

Go down. Go through the "mountain labyrinth".

Remember: you need to have time to return home by the arrival of the sorcerer - follow the timer at the top. The sorcerer will be back at 0:25:00. Then he disappears for the same intervals of time; the rest of the time you have to be at home.

"5" on the NumPad on the right - stop. Or you can rest against the stones.

You can slow down the character (F10 to the desired speed).

Perhaps there is a game glitch here - the pen cannot be caught a second time. So if the eagle flew by and threw something, it's better to pick it up.

Go down. If the bandits appear, quickly leave the screen, otherwise they will take all the inventory.

More down. Here is the bear house. Exit and enter the location until they disappear.

"open the door". On the table here you need to take porridge for the sorcerer (in the middle). She may not be here now.

Come close to the table, bypassing the chair, and "take the porridge."

Go to the second floor. "open the drawer" (locker on the right), "take a thimble", "close the drawer".

On the beds on the street, "take the dew."

Left. Up. To a tree with a hole. "take acorns" (right to the left of the hole), until "Three Acorns" appears in inventory.

Get back home. Grabbed a few things, got acquainted.

Go through the labyrinth. Then "open the door".

Go to your room. Get rid of magic items (*) before the sorcerer appears - "put things down."

While he is gone, you can go down to his office and sweep his desk (to the safe on the left and "take a brush").

You can also take out the pot in the bedroom, feed the birds, sweep the kitchen.

You can now catch the cat and take his fur.

When the sorcerer appears and asks for food, in your room "take bread" (or "take porridge", as it is endless and constantly replenished by bears).

Take the food to the sorcerer. "feed the sorcerer."

When the sorcerer leaves, you can go to your bed and "take things".

So. The sorcerer asked for food. Take food from things, go to the dining room (he is sitting there), "feed the sorcerer" (or "give porridge to the sorcerer").

Lean against the wall and press PageUp (diagonally up to the right). Then - Home (diagonally to the left).

When you exit, save.

"put the ointment on yourself" - you will become invisible.

Approach Roselle.

"mix the foam using your finger."

"foam rise up like a storm."

"untie the girl".

Go back through the maze (PageDn, then End).

After leaving the cave, go left, up, up.

It fully lived up to its name and our expectations: it turned out to be a truly exciting "royal" adventure with bright characters, excellent humor and many interesting mysteries - both of the classical sense and more modern, involving sleight of hand. The release of the second episode had to wait almost half a year, and it turned out to be almost half as long as the first. Well, the authors are losing their positions, unable to withstand the pace set by them? No, they just decided to experiment with the format...

Fairy tale "Goblin on a Pea".

Trapped in fairy tales

Recall that the plot of the new part is based on the memories of the elderly Graham, the unchanging hero of the first games of the legendary series. AT A Knight to Remember he told his grandchildren how, as a result of a series of dangerous and funny adventures, he became the king of the fabulous country of Daventria. There was a moral choice fashionable today, and one of the key characters was dying before our eyes, but still the atmosphere of the first part was quite light.

What can not be said about Here Graham recalls how, immediately after ascending the throne, he was captured by goblins. Yes, he is not alone, but almost all the key characters from the first episode - an elderly couple of alchemists, a mustachioed confectioner Bramble with his pregnant wife, a dashing and courageous gunsmith Amaya and even a goat (in the truest sense of the word) Mr. Fancy Cakes.

Goblins are certainly funny. They have read all sorts of legends and fairy tales and now in their dungeons they are trying to bring all this to life - they sleep on a pyramid of mattresses, under which lies a pea, they kiss a frightened frog strenuously, they try to squeeze their paws into a fragile shoe. And here you can also find a stone into which the legendary sword Excalibur is hammered - only with a frying pan instead of a blade. And yet, in general, there is no laughing matter here, and the atmosphere itself is closest to the "Telltail" The Walking Dead.

King's Quest - Survival Edition

The fact is that all the characters are imprisoned and gradually lose strength - from hunger, fatigue or illness. For some reason, Graham is periodically released from the cell, and in full view of the goblin guards he is looking for ways to help the others - this, of course, is a convention that the scriptwriters practically do not explain in any way. And you need help, because you can only escape from the dungeon if at least one of the prisoners leaves the cage and is strong enough to pull the lever at the massive door at the same time as Graham. To advance in the story, Graham must go to bed - and with each new day, the health reserves of other characters decrease. Therefore, the whole game has to think about who to give a piece of meat that we are given every morning, what to buy with the found gold - medicine for Bramble's pregnant wife or food for a couple of alchemists. Or maybe give the potion to the poor goat? And how to save everyone in general, so that everyone is cheerful and healthy and one morning not to see how the goblins carry away, for example, Amaya on a stretcher to mourning music?

royal election

The result is a truly non-linear passage. The way to achieve the goal and gain the long-awaited freedom largely depends on who you bet on, whom you save. A couple of alchemists will offer to make a bomb, Bramble and his wife will bake poisoned cookies for goblins, and Amaya, of course, will ask to bring her a sword. Therefore, passing Rubble Without A Cause for the first time and having rescued, for example, Bramble's wife, you will not know about half of the other situations and opportunities that are in the game. Another thing, if you try to pull everyone out ...

There will be a choice in the final - akin to what was in the first part. Torn in Graham's memories between, conventionally, strength and compassion, we again influence how his grandchildren will behave in the present.

The riddles themselves Rubble Without A Cause mostly classic, designed for the collection and proper use of items. Acrobatic tricks to overcome traps have been reduced to a minimum, and exercises with QTEs have disappeared altogether. Complex puzzles, however, are also practically absent here. But you can tell goblins stories and scare them with a huge shadow from a very small dragon.

This is how the game in the final sums up your choices and actions.

King's Quest - Chapter 2: Rubble Without A Cause significantly shorter than the first episode, and there is no such variety of puzzles and situations. But the authors decided to look into the territory of survival games that are fashionable today, offering a much more responsible moral choice and genuine non-linearity. At the same time, they did not just copy and spy on their colleagues, but did everything with the humor inherent in the series, while maintaining the signature atmosphere of a dangerous and at the same time funny fairy tale. And most importantly, we saw that the developers are ready to experiment with the format and mechanics, without focusing on one thing. The more interesting what they come up with next time.

Pros: more responsible and mature moral dilemmas; more non-linearity; corporate humor; great graphics and sound.
Minuses: the second part is much shorter than the first; less variety in puzzles and game situations.