Review of the game Dragon Nest. A brief history of the game's creation

It’s hard to kovaya on Russian lands. Tiny mouths don’t open up at our loaf, but mosquitoes and exhaust fumes keep crawling into our huge eyes. They were so nice, but they couldn’t stand our climate, they withered and died. What fun it is, but it’s also hard for her - serious players don’t trust her, “childish”, they say. And here is another online role-playing game coming to us, named . She's all so kawaii and kawaii - so what does she hope for, maybe? Oh, the poor thing will suffer with us...

Well, let's not talk about sad things. Let's better see what kind of animal-bird has flown to our region.

Military Class Review. Perfectly conveys the essence of the game.

Are you kidding me?

To satisfy players who genetically do not accept the existence of Eastern role-playing games in general and already have their fingers on the triggers of flamethrowers, let's start with troubles. All (well, almost all) racial characteristics are present here in all their unclouded clarity.

The appearance of Dragon Nest is clearly compiled from a catalog of clipart that the Korean mafia seems to force-feed to all developers. Every bush, box, pebble, barrel, even individual parts of the characters’ bodies evoke an unfortunate déjà vu and a desire to say hello. " Hello, bush, hello, two-meter sword, hello, stiletto boots. You and I have met in so many games, and you still don’t age!»

This is how we are lured into playing: desperately and clumsily.

When choosing a character, we will experience the first painful disappointment: gender is tightly tied to class. Boys who want to throw lightning bolts will have to step into the skin of a transvestite, and girls with a healing vocation will have to glue on their mustaches. The academician (alchemical engineer) class has not yet reached the Russian version, so we are dealing with the classic four: warrior, archer, magician and... no, not a thief, a cleric.

No matter how sophisticated we are with the appearance editor, we can’t create anything particularly outstanding. The only thing that distinguishes one character from another is their hairstyle and hair color. In the city, you will constantly see the same baby dolls in front of you: boys with soft lips and girls with invitingly protruding butts and little white panties, flashing with or without skirts, tailored according to the residual principle. And the only thing that prevents us from recognizing the game as a pedophile’s paradise is the muddy textures. After all, the devil is in the details, and it’s the details that are bad here.

The city is the only place where you can meet the broad masses of the gaming community. Geographically, the world is similar: you can leave a city either to another city, or to an instance location open to members of one group. No open world, no random encounters - Dragon Nest takes you on an exciting journey through the digestive system of a huge animal! We passed the larynx - the esophagus opened, dealt with the oncoming evil spirits - we got into the neighboring cavity, and finally the stomach! And then guts, guts, guts...

I'll kill you, box!

We hope that by this moment all the ill-wishers, having received theirs, have already gone to the forums to write: “Well, I told you so!” You can start to figure out why Dragon Nest is good.

The most interesting thing about the game is, without a doubt, the combat system. According to legend (probably even true), the creators of Dragon Nest came from the console game industry, and their debut project was conceived as a console slasher... but eventually mutated into an MMO for personal computers.

Guess what happened.

Hey, veterans of online role-playing games! Are you used to standing still, pressing skill buttons one by one? Cry, you are killed. There is no point in putting into your mouth everything that has fallen out of other people’s pockets. The heroine accidentally ate frozen grass, and now she has to vigorously twitch to break free. The only good thing is that this did not happen in the midst of a battle.

For each entry into a combat location, vigor points are removed. The higher the level, the more points you need. It is likely that at the highest level, the daily supply will be enough for a couple of trips. And the store doesn't sell refills... yet?

The fight here is more like battles in some kind of . And if “doll boys”, sharpened for close combat, can still stand for a couple of seconds in the thick of enemies, distributing blows, then fragile “doll girls” rush across the battlefield like furies.

They blink from the blows flying at them, spin like a top and try to be in the right place at the right moment in order to have time to connect their skills into a powerful combination. Here, like in a real shooter, there is even a button for instant rotation by 180 degrees. An extra meter of distance, an extra half second of delay - and all the effort was crying. Non-target, gentlemen, severe non-target.

Combat locations are opening gradually. As the character grows and we move through the plot, it turns out that completely different territories with their own set of monsters can be hidden behind the same red portal.

The window at the entrance shows a list of possible locations and allows you to select the difficulty level. If the first journeys are content with a low or ordinary level, then in the next ones a high and then a heroic level opens up. In the future there is also a deadly one - and it’s really deadly!

Increasing the difficulty not only produces monsters exponentially, but also promises fatty gains in the final chests.

Enemies turn from amusing targets into true heavenly punishment: they strive to outflank, bite on the heel, knock down and jump on the hero’s body, or knock the weapon out of his hands and hit him on the crown of the head, so that his vision blurs. And especially fat and malicious elite monsters also call for help, resurrect fallen comrades and in every way delay the moment of victory.

After dealing with the final boss of the instance, we are assigned a rank - from 1st to 7th. Depends on the passage time, activity in battle and destruction of objects (yes, in the game you can smash barrels, boxes, tents and cabinets to your heart's content, sometimes even something valuable falls out of them). Depending on the rank, experience points are awarded, but the reward is presented purely in Korean - they offer to blindly poke into any of the four chests. Gold, of course, is only one of them. A talkative referee in a gladiatorial arena can be killed. But it’s better at the end of the fight, otherwise you’ll also have to fight off his brothers who are thirsty for revenge.

Those who do not like to read quest texts should reconsider their preferences. Here they are short and funny. And, by the way, they are well translated.

In addition to the story ones, there are also independent instances. For example, various challenges of the Miracle Fair, for which we receive exchange coupons.

If in PvE you can sometimes play carelessly, then in battles with other players you need to constantly be on edge.

Among the PvP modes there are variations of deathmatch, capture the flag, and even a “counter” zombie mode, where one team plays “survivors” and the other plays the undead. Fighting is interesting, difficult, and there is always room for self-improvement. In Korea, Dragon Nest has long become an eSports discipline, and our localizers even promise international tournaments. Nice start.

Maybe something will work out.

Learning to walk While on our native Korean servers there are level 60 heroes running around, who are the envy of 50-level Singaporeans, greedy content eaters from the Russian server are not yet allowed beyond the 24 mark. By the end of the year, localizers promise to roll out a huge update, but now we are content with what we have. The standard four (for now) classes at level 15 get the opportunity to deepen their specialization for the first time by completing a couple of fun quests. Each class is split into two subclasses: for example, a warrior can become a “tanker” guardian or flutter like a butterfly and stink like a wasp in the role swordsman


The cleric either continues to learn how to heal, or becomes a preserved


. The sorceress chooses between pure damage and control, and the archer chooses between shooting and somersaults in close combat. At level 45, players will experience another class transformation, but for us this is still a matter of the distant future.

The beginning of the plot for the second pair of classes looks more twisted. The cleric accompanies a convoy carrying something mysterious and valuable.

But even here it cannot be done without goblins, who scatter the guards and, despite the opposition of the sorceress, steal a valuable chest. It quickly becomes clear that the case was not without treason and betrayal. The situation is complicated by the fact that once upon a time a black cat ran between the clerics and sorceresses and the fragile world could be destroyed if we do not intervene. Ultimately, when good triumphs, we learn that to save the world it is necessary to find a certain red-haired girl... wait, isn’t this about our figurative sacrifice?

Along the main story line, parallel and side plots are strung like rosary beads. All the local NPCs are very lively, and also have different relationships with each other, and very soon we will also start gossiping with the heraldist about the sad elf and arguing with the merchant about how best to help the blacksmith. What a city this is, it’s a big village!

Santa Barbara in Korean. By the way, the development of relations with factions here is also done in a completely rustic way. You can make friends with some NPCs by complimenting them, doing their errands, and giving them gifts that can be obtained in combat locations. And they will give you their photo!

A couple more unsuccessful attempts - and we will be left without a blouse!

Feats are a local system of achievements. They are given for almost every sneeze, but one life may not be enough to complete all the available ones.

Dragon Nest is not overwhelming with its variety of equipment - guess what, we’re not playing Diablo. In the starting village, as the story progresses, we will dress in the first set, designed for the fifth level. In the second village, we’ll change it to the second one... and so on, until heroic instances open, where, if you have patience, you can get epic clothes (the first of them is the Minotaur’s Lair at level 24).

Almost everything that gets into our backpack can be strengthened. With a chance of failure. Yes, with the Korean chance of failure - that is, with the probability of losing an item with a level higher than +6. Have you already guessed that in the game store there is a special thing that prevents clothes from falling apart?

Firstly, in instances there is no restoration of health and mana, and if there is no cleric at hand, you have to rely on the fact that the killed monster will drop a restorative herb. But this is not scary, healing bottles can be bought from merchants (even if they are not as tasty as in the store). But it’s harder to come to terms with a tight bag and an even tighter bank.

Let's move on. Pets. As part of the promotion, we received a gift pet, but here's a surprise: it turns out that it only works for a week. Nevertheless, even during the first walk with this spherical dog, a amazed sigh immediately escaped from the depths of nature: “ And how did I live without him before?» Pets collect prey. Automatically. Moreover, they can be commanded to collect only a certain type of trophies, if space in the backpack is really bad. Otherwise, you have to approach each pile separately and press the F button. While you press everything, you will lose a lot of time, which means your rank for completing it will decrease. Here's a regular spending item: extend the life of your pet!

Do you die often? Without seals of resurrection, nowhere. Don't want to waste rare keys on useless junk? A magnifying glass will allow you to find out what is in the chest. Do you want to sell an epic rag for crazy money?

It must be sealed first, and captured seals may not be enough.

Dragon Nest

Dragon Nest or Dragon's Nest. Hello guys, today the team is with you "big adventure".
Lying Sinners

And today we are doing a brief review - an article on the game.

Well, shall we begin?
Honestly, I’ve been sitting for about an hour trying to write some kind of article on the game.
But all I got was a couple of lines above. There are no ideas in my head.


For this reason, I use the most common tactic, question and answer.

- 1. What is Dragon Nest?

This is a game, an old game, but there is a 50% chance that your laptop will not give good FPS in the game.

- 2. I lag, everything freezes, how should I live?

Hello friend, we understand you. We are the same. We have a delay in the game, lags and FPS no higher than 15 frames per second.

- 3. You're lagging, but why are you playing this game?


Dear anon, you know, we love this game and no matter the number of problems, we are with it to the end.
This is how I imagined this picture, the picture of our review of the game.

I'm not a video blogger.
However, I will try to give a little overview of the game's plot, although it is unlikely that I will succeed.
By the way, I completely forgot to warn you that this is the most useless article on the game that you will find.
This is just to score points in the big adventure.



If you have reached this point, then imagine that in front of your eyes are 7 or 8 characters, I don't remember. I think it's 8.
And the first thing that will hit you is the attachment of gender to class.
Oh yeah, I wish I was a male character running around with ducks and a big gun.

So, first 4 classes - the most basic and appeared in the game at the same time. The plot is the same, you don't have to read it.
Next appears little girl, like a terminator.
Next appeared dark-haired girl With large shapes, the plot is a little interesting.
Then Japaneseassassin And spearwoman from a dark alley.
AND half naked cosplayer . But the last one, by the way, is a remake of one of the first four classes.


You know, I don't want to write about the plot.
I’ll write better about how difficult it is to lag in the game.



So. We, lying sinners, decided to support people with weak personal computers. People who set graphics to minimum and shed tears. I'm lost. I need to drink cocoa.

I'm back. You know, if you have friends in the game who are lagging and hanging, support them.
Take them to the lair, expedition, or anywhere. After all, such people cannot go through anything without dying.


Listen, imagine that an experienced laggard player appears who will complete the red dragon memorial without a single death.

Did you imagine? I even felt scared.


By the way, I re-read the entire written text and came up with a title for the article.
The name will be like this - Thoughts from a Laggy Dragon Nest Player.
No, not even like that, it will be - The most useless article on the game Dragon Nest.


Are you in Game. You read the story and side quests. You like everything.
You play alone, as it maintains the frame rate per second.
You dive deeper into the game and begin to love it.
But the problem is, you reached the maximum level and completed all the quests.
The question arises, what to do next, because in PVP you can't go through the content because you'll die from lack of FPS.
And in PVE content is the same and the question arises, what to do?


Here are some tips for you, my friend:

1. Go to PVP, don't be afraid, go into the rooms that have the name " World" or similar combinations.
Sit down there and talk to people, you don't have to kill players. Everything is fine. Everyone will understand you.

2. If you went to PVE and died, don’t rush to resurrect yourself, leave all the work to your group to finish.
Support them with words in the chat. And don't forget to just chat with them. They passed - everything is fine.

If you follow these steps, then everything is fine. You can live.


Oh yes, this is the most important rule - Communicate.

This is the only thing left for you. Communicate with other players, find friends, girlfriends, girlfriend or boyfriend. And don't forget about the same ones lagging, forever hanging players like you.
Support them, send them this article. Better yet, search the search engines for information on how to increase FPS or buy yourself a new computer.


Did I go somewhere wrong?

It seems to me that we should end this article here.
I guess that's what I'll do.

Sorry you had to waste your time reading all this nonsense.

By the way, this article is not suitable for you if your FPS is above 20 frames per second. Sorry!

The team of the great adventure was with you - Lying Sinners.
Thanks for your time, see you in the game!

Relatively not so long ago I went to Moscow for Igromir 2012, and in that place I liked one mmorpg - Dragon Nest. At the stand, which are actually localizers, both adults and children played it with gusto. Returning to my home in St. Petersburg, I immediately downloaded the mmo I had noticed. I thought I’d run for a few hours before bed, but I still have nothing to do.

But it was not there. Game me I pulled it in headlong, and I spent the entire night in it.

Let's figure out what attracted me so much to her.

Well, the character selection window is not particularly new. At first, the classes seem completely standard. Two damage dealers - a Sorceress and an Archer, a Soldier tank, and a healer Cleric.

Only at level 15 will we determine that these classes are divided into two more subclasses.

You can't play around with the appearance settings either. Standard faces, a couple of hairstyles, and it’s possible to change the color here and there. Moreover The character's gender is tied to class.

So for a principled person like me, who is sure that girls should play as girls and boys should play as boys, the choice of class was reduced by exactly half.

The graphics alone will not cause a storm of admiration. You won't find realism here, which is what most modern games are chasing. Light and shadows are not pleasing.

And they are not so serious in this cartoon world of sugary kawaii and cuteness. Well, at least the surroundings don’t annoy the eye, everything looks completely harmonious.

So you should not give in to despondency ahead of time. Besides this, appearance is not the main thing, the main thing is the gameplay. And he's at his best here. Firstly, in present in the game my favorite non-target collection.

I can no longer imagine how I used to stupidly single out my opponent and poke all the buttons in a row, knowing that my spells would reach their destination. You also need to constantly monitor your own goal, just hesitate a little, and all your blows will miss.

Secondly, Dragon Nest has a highly developed set of combo attacks. Combined with the skill effects and mind-blowing jumps of your brave man, it looks effortlessly amazing. I would like to improve in this matter and improve myself in order to build the longest chain of strikes possible.

Different dungeons are ideal for this task. At this very moment we come across another disadvantage of the game. I prefer seamless worlds where you can freely travel wherever your heart desires. Dragon Nest is essentially made up of loadable locations.

In other words, we enter the required portal, and it moves us to a certain place. This place can be an instance, a lair, or villages and general cities.

Instances are standard dungeons, and it is possible to walk in that direction either alone or with a group. It all depends on what difficulty level you will choose: low, simple, big, bold or also deadly,oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--, of here you are going to the instances are going to the instances. In addition to the fact that enemies scatter in all directions, a lot of various loot also falls. True, it does not always bring benefits...

In addition, in order to pick up an item, you need to press the F button next to it every time. With such an abundance of loot, this is very tiring, and there is obviously not enough auto-collection here. Well, another problem arises - very small inventory. Is this why developers are constantly greedy? Is it really so difficult for us crabs to give as many slots in our portfolio as possible, so that we always have enough for everything?!

Eh, this is probably a rhetorical question, and it will be asked by all generations of gamers.

I was very pleased with the presence of vigor points in the game. In other words, the domestic character has a certain scale, which is spent each time he completes the dungeon. Have you used up all your points? Wait the next day.

I foresee the angry cries of the nolifers: “Well, how can this be? We want to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” It’s precisely to protect you from yourself that this trick was invented. Look back around! In addition to the computer, there is a sea of ​​other entertaining entertainments.

Which ones? Well..., for example, it is possible to go for a walk, get caught in an autumn shower, get your feet wet, catch a cold and lie there for 14 days with a fever, sniffling. Isn't it joyful?

No? Well then, nerd!

However, at the moment it is possible to go to the so-called lairs. These are not just some dungeons in that place, these are resting places for the most insidious and powerful bosses, from which materials for the coolest equipment drop. The first lair is accessible from level 24, and it is better to go in that direction prepared.

Well, at least sharpen your own things...

Yes, yes, Dragon Nest has a fairly developed set of things to improve. Equipment can be sharpened with different Gems and hidden powers can be revealed in it with Sparks. Sparks and gems are easily obtained in the so-called Miracle Fair.

This is a special location with joyful testing, upon completion of the passage which you purchase coupons. For coupons possible to purchase NPC gifts, or bags with random things. It is from these bags that gems, sparks and other goodies can fall out.

By the way, I mentioned an interesting thing here. In Dragon Nest, it is actually possible to give gifts to NPS. The main thing is to choose the right gift that will suit the taste of the selected NPS.

The more gifts you feed him, the more favorably he will treat you. Everything is like in reality. Items for bribes to NPSs fall in abundance in instances and are crafted in the forge.

As you realize, in Dragon Nest it is possible to be friends not only with NPS, but also with ordinary players, and also form a guild with them. The guild is pumped up, and with what higher level, the more prizes available. In addition, the guild has its own warehouse, and in the near future they will introduce guilds of war.

Until then, we are developing our own pvp skills in a special location called the Colosseum. It is curious that in addition to standard combat, there is also a so-called balance. In other words, if you suddenly want to show off, but are too lazy to bother with good gear, just enter the room with balance, and you will have the same hp and the same attack as your opponent.

Here your victory will depend only on the directness of your hands.

The game Dragon Nest, regardless of its apparent simplicity, is fully capable of captivating the modern gamer. Yes, it certainly has shortcomings. The main drawback, in my opinion, is the seaminess of the world. So if you want revenge and are going to lie in wait own enemy in a black corner, then you will need to wait until he deigns to appear in the locations intentionally designated for this. Otherwise a game .

She caused me a storm of admiration.

Dragon nest game review

I recently went to Moscow to Igromir 2012, and there I liked one mmorpg - It must be sealed first, and captured seals may not be enough.. At the stand, which are actually localizers, both adults and children played it with gusto. Returning home to St. Petersburg, I immediately downloaded the mmo I had noticed. I thought I’d run for a couple of hours before going to bed, but I still have nothing to do. But it was not there. The game sucked me in, and I spent the whole night in it.

Let's figure out what attracted me so much to her.

Well, the character selection window is not particularly new. At first, the classes seem quite standard. Two damage dealers - a Sorceress and an Archer, a Warrior tank, and a healer Cleric. It's only at level 15 that we learn that these classes are divided into two more subclasses.

You can't play around with the appearance settings either. Standard faces, several hairstyles, and you can change the color here and there. Moreover, the character's gender is tied to class. So for a principled person like me, who believes that girls should play for girls and boys should play for boys, the choice of class has been reduced by exactly half.

The graphics themselves will also not cause a storm of delight. You won't find the realism here that most modern games strive for. The light and shadows leave much to be desired. And they are not so important in this cartoon world of sugary kawaii and cuteness. Well, at least the surroundings don’t irritate the eye, everything looks quite harmonious.

So don’t give in to despondency ahead of time. In addition, appearance is not the main thing, the main thing is the gameplay. And he's at his best here. Firstly, the game has a non-target system that I love. I can no longer imagine how I used to stupidly single out an enemy and poke all the buttons in a row, knowing that my spells would reach their destination. You must always keep an eye on your target; if you hesitate a little, all your blows will miss.

Secondly, Dragon Nest has a very developed combo attack system. Combined with the special effects of skills and the breathtaking jumps of your hero, it looks simply amazing. I want to improve in this matter and improve myself in order to build as long chains of blows as possible.

Various dungeons are perfect for this task. And here we come across another disadvantage of the game. Personally, I prefer seamless worlds where you can freely travel wherever your heart desires. Dragon Nest essentially consists of loadable locations. That is, we enter the desired portal, and it moves us to a certain place. This location can be an instance, a lair, or general towns and villages.

Instances are standard dungeons, and you can go there either alone or with a group. It all depends on what difficulty level you choose: low, normal, high, heroic or even deadly, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Going to instances is extremely enjoyable. Not only do enemies scatter in all directions, but also a great variety of loot drops. True, it does not always bring benefits...

In addition, to pick up an item, you need to press the F button next to it every time. With such an abundance of loot, this is extremely tiring; there is clearly not enough auto-collection here. Well, another problem appears - a very small inventory. That's why developers are always greedy? Is it really so difficult for us crabs to give as many slots in our backpack as possible so that we always have enough for everything?! Eh, it looks like this is a rhetorical question, and it will be asked by all generations of gamers.

I was very pleased with the presence of vigor points in the game. That is, our character has a certain scale, which is spent each time he completes the dungeon. Have you spent all your points? Wait until the next day. I foresee the angry cries of the nolifers: “Well, how can this be? We want to grind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” It is precisely in order to protect you from yourself that such a trick was invented. Look around! In addition to the computer, there are a lot of other interesting entertainments. Which ones? Well..., for example, you can go for a walk, get caught in the autumn rain, get your feet wet, catch a cold and spend two weeks with a fever, sniffling. Isn't it fun? No? Well then, nerd!

In addition to instances, you can go to the so-called lairs. These are not just some kind of dungeons, these are resting places for the most insidious and powerful bosses, from which materials fall to create the coolest equipment. The first lair is accessible from level 24, and it is better to go there prepared. Well, at least sharpen your things...

Yes, yes, Dragon Nest has a fairly developed system for improving things. Equipment can be sharpened with various Gems and hidden powers can be revealed in it with Sparks. Sparks and gems are easily obtained in the so-called Miracle Fair. This is a special location with fun challenges, after completing which you receive coupons. For coupons you can buy NPC gifts, or bags with random things. It is from these bags that gems, sparks and other goodies can fall out.

By the way, I mentioned an interesting thing here. In Dragon Nest NPS you can actually give gifts. The main thing is to choose the right gift that will suit the taste of the selected NPS. The more gifts you feed him, the more favorably he will treat you. Everything is like in real life. Items for bribes to NPS drop in abundance in instances, and are also crafted in the forge.

As you understand, in Dragon Nest you can be friends not only with NPS, but also with ordinary players, and even form a guild with them. The guild is pumped up, and the higher the level, the more rewards are available. The guild also has its own warehouse, and soon a war guild will be introduced.

In the meantime, we are developing our pvp skills in a special location called the Colosseum. It is noteworthy that in addition to standard combat, there is also a so-called balance. That is, if you suddenly want to get fancy, but are too lazy to bother with good gear, just go into a room with balance, and you will have the same hp and the same attack as the enemy. Here your victory will depend only on the directness of your hands.

The game Dragon Nest, despite its apparent simplicity, is quite capable of captivating the modern gamer. Yes, it certainly has its flaws. The main drawback, in my opinion, is the seaminess of the world. So if you are thirsty for revenge and plan to lie in wait for your enemy in a dark corner, you will have to wait until he deigns to appear in specially designated locations. Otherwise, the game is simply enchanting. It caused me a storm of delight.

They say that Dragon Nest was originally developed as a console slasher, but during development the creators focused on the online component, without abandoning the first ideas.
The development company is deservedly proud of the storyline. We have all long been accustomed to the fact that in online games there is a world that has its own backstory and a general concept of development. In it, each character is one of thousands of residents or warriors fighting for a better life. Along the way, the player completes meaningless quests, helping one or another NPC “save his garden from pests.” In Dragon Nest, you find yourself in a world created by the goddess Althea, who is in eternal sleep after being poisoned by her own sister. The antidote can only be created from the source of the poison - the magical Grail - hidden somewhere in the world. Players will have to destroy all the evil dragons to find the power stones. Then they can talk to the sleeping goddess about where to look for the Grail, how to awaken her and, of course, how to save the world. NPCs are thought out to the smallest detail, from family ties between city residents to individual voices and characters. The company does not shy away from healthy fun, and even the most serious quests are injected with a dose of humor.
Event NPC
There are 4 main classes in the game (in some versions there are 5 and the company is preparing a 6th class), each with a specific gender associated with it. It immediately reminded me of a standard console system. The priest (male character) is a brave cleric, who is not without reason called the lord of lightning and divine punishment. It can not only heal the wounds of party members and increase their defense, but also cause a lot of inconvenience to the enemy. Warrior (male character) is always ahead of all party members, he can carry out quick attacks on the offensive. Enormous strength and rich energy lie in the use of different types of weapons and professional combinations of strikes. The Mage (female character) is gentle and beautiful, she uses various supporting spells and mass destruction skills. The sorceress always stays away from the thick of things, but will never refuse to take part in battle and show the enemy her power. Archer (female character) – graceful and fast, she has strong ranged attacks. Relying on quick movements and various evasive skills, she prevents you from getting close to her. Finding herself in the thick of it, the archer successfully attacks enemies with her legs.

Beautiful archer
The main focus of the game is combat, and it's really great. Moving away from the usual click-to-hit pattern, Dragon Nest's gameplay brings with it a variety of new and exciting experiences. Heroes have a basic and special attack that are tied to the left and right mouse buttons. What’s great is that each class has different methods of attack: for example, for a priest it’s a kick, and for a magician it’s a hit with a book. Such details are typical of console action games.
PvE in the game consists of short sessions. On average, you spend 15 minutes on one dungeon (instance, instance). Each insta has 5 difficulty levels: easy, normal, hard, master and abyss. Usually, modes up to master are enough to complete story quests, but the most expensive things can only be obtained on the abyss difficulty. It is noteworthy that the developers provide the opportunity to play both solo and in a team. There are a lot of bonuses (both the amount of experience and the rarity of items) of playing in a group, with friends and fellow guildmates. To enter the dungeon, you need a certain number of FTG points (fatigue points), which are restored daily, and are difficult to spend in a day. There are also nests in the game (dungeons that require keys to enter, but do not require FTG) from which crafting items and set items are obtained. These dungeons are very difficult to complete alone. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the usual dungeons, there are arenas with mini-tasks that do not cost FTG points. For example, you need to kill 300 goblins that keep appearing or protect the statue when monsters are attacking in waves around you. There are also entertaining instances where you can compete with bosses in the arena or go through an obstacle course.
PvP in Dragon Nest is notable for its variety and insane speed. The outcome of the battle depends on your reaction, pumped up skills and your character control skills. One arena can accommodate up to 16 players – in 1x1, 3x3, 8x8 modes. You can enter the battle as is or use the game balance. In addition to the usual “mash”, there are arenas for protecting the captain and capturing points, as well as a fun zombie mod that add variety to the competitive aspect of the game.

For PvE and PvP, players receive items that can be exchanged with NPCs for weapons, armor, equipment upgrades and gifts for NPCs. The friendship system with characters is added as entertainment, but sometimes they give useful items in return.

These are the effects in the game
Crafting in the game
Dragon Nest has a location with a farm and a lake where you can fish and grow plants. It doesn't take much time, but the benefits are great. By adding a few items collected in dungeons, you can cook food that significantly increases your characteristics. The system for creating and improving items is very simple: they are all made by one NPC, the ingredients are obtained in nests and instances. Made items are a good alternative to nest sets.
Game store
Don't forget about monetization in the game. The game store is unobtrusive, but you inevitably resort to it (as, in fact, in all games). The nice thing is that basic items (for example, for sharpening) can be sold at auction. This way, players can buy them using in-game currency without having to invest real money.

Main villain (right)
Graphics and demands
In terms of graphics, the game can be called exemplary. The entire game world is drawn carefully and accurately. The bosses are varied and beautifully detailed, capable of instilling fear or, at a minimum, causing an exclamation of “What is this? It’s going to kill me now!” Of course, fans of classic MMORPGs will consider the graphics “childish” and “animeish,” but fans of console games will not be surprised by it; on the contrary, it will seem very familiar and pleasant. The character skill effects look especially great. The game takes up very little space on your hard drive and is undemanding to your computer configuration, like most MMORPGs. It is noteworthy that you can play Dragon Nest on a gamepad, but this is for lovers of new sensations in the MMORPG genre.
Overall, the game makes a favorable impression. Excellent combat system, varied character growth options, exciting PvP. It seems to me that such an incredible mixture of genres as in Dragon Nest can give a new direction to the Russian online gaming market. Many players are looking forward to the localization of the game in Russia, because the long response time of foreign servers does not allow them to respond in a timely manner to enemy actions in PvP or even understand the location of the monster in the dungeon. For those who like action and slasher games, or who just want a change of scenery, I recommend giving this game a try.
Dragon Nest everyone, folks!

The duck became the symbol of the game