Father and son of Sustrisa. What are they famous for? Camp in the Mesquite Mountains

They write that it is in vain that I am asking them for secrets “that cannot be disclosed.”


In it, I propose that they initiate parliamentary inquiries on two issues:

b) about the reasons for the lack of initiation of criminal cases in the Russian Federation on the illegal actions of citizens of the Russian Federation who took part in the armed conflict in Ukraine on the side of the terrorist organizations “LPR” and “DPR”.

On August 5, the SR faction answered me that it did not consider it important or necessary for itself to initiate such parliamentary requests.

In addition, the SR faction advised me not to pester them with these questions, but to address them to the Investigative Committee.

Which is what I did that same day. My letter to the Investigative Committee is in Appendix 2.

On my questions:

1) What data does the RF IC have on the number of Russian citizens killed in ATO zones?

2) On criminal cases initiated in the Russian Federation against citizens of the Russian Federation accused by Ukraine of terrorist activities.

they don't answer.

In a letter from the UK: Firstly, the following linguistic construction was used:

“Your message about citizens of the Russian Federation supposedly who took part in the armed conflict in the south-east of Ukraine?

Secondly, they said that they would provide information on the number of deaths to a limited number of people after the completion of the investigation of the criminal case against the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Right Sector.

Thirdly, they ignored the question of criminal cases initiated in the Russian Federation against citizens of the Russian Federation accused by Ukraine of terrorist activities.

I didn’t like this answer and on November 10 I sent them a letter criticizing their “answer.” See Appendix 3

And so I received a response on December 14 to this letter of mine. (See Appendix 4). Instead of answering my specific complaints, they write that

1) “Your request to provide information on the criminal case initiated on the events in the south-east of Ukraine has been considered” (The mentioned case was filed against the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the “Right Sector”)

2) “Given that you are not a participant in criminal proceedings in this case, there are no grounds for providing information”

But I don’t need their “information” on this falsified case at all. I was asking something completely different.

I note that the advice of the A Just Russia faction turned out to be fruitless. However, the fruit of the experiment can be called a recorded refusal to answer the questions posed to voters and citizens.

Once again the Constitution of the Russian Federation has been violated.

“Everyone has the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information by any lawful means. The list of information constituting a state secret is determined by federal law.”

I received a letter from the Prosecutor General's Office (Appendix 7). This is a response to my appeal to them (Appendix 6) regarding the issue of improper consideration by the Investigative Committee of my application about the mercenary Agafonov (Appendix 5). The Prosecutor General's Office wrote that since my appeal contained questions related to the Investigative Committee, the appeal was forwarded to the Investigative Committee. The Prosecutor General's Office is a very predictable hollow. They always forward complaints to those they are complaining about. At the same time, the Prosecutor General’s Office is a very mysterious hollow. I just don’t understand what they are doing? What are their functions?

The Law “On the Prosecutor's Office” states that the prosecutor's office exercises supervision on behalf of the Russian Federation over compliance with the Constitution and execution of laws. Das is fantastic.

I received a letter from the Main Military Investigation Department (Appendix 9). They wrote that my appeal about the SU-24 (Appendix 8), which was forwarded to them by the Investigative Committee, they (GVSU) forwarded to the military investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Southern Military District.

Annex 1

The first goal of my appeal is for you to initiate a deputy and (or) parliamentary request on the issue of publishing in the public domain information on the number of Russian citizens killed and wounded in the ATO zone on the territory of Ukraine.

The media and Internet sources have repeatedly described cases of participation of Russian citizens in hostilities in the ATO zone on the territory of Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities speak about such cases, calling these people terrorists, mercenaries or employees of the Russian security forces. The Russian authorities also talk about such cases, calling these people volunteers. In any case, it is obvious that there are a number of Russian citizens killed and wounded in this armed conflict. However, information on the number of deaths is not publicly available. This circumstance does not allow citizens of the Russian Federation to adequately evaluate the policy of the leadership of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine. The publication of data on the number of dead and wounded will make it possible to implement the provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the right to receive information (Article 29, paragraph 4). We are talking specifically about the number of dead and wounded, so the law on personal data will not be violated.

The second purpose of my appeal is for you to initiate a deputy and (or) parliamentary request on the problem described below.

According to the information I received from the media and Internet sources, a large number of Russian citizens are and have taken part in the armed conflict in Ukraine on the side of the terrorist organizations “DPR” and “LPR” (as defined by the Rada). Many of them are accused of serious crimes. But I am not aware of any cases of criminal cases being initiated in the Russian Federation for these illegal acts. Why is that?

I look forward to hearing from you about such a request or information about the reasons why you will not make a request.

Appendix 2


I, as a voter, contacted the SR faction in the State Duma. They advised me to contact the Investigative Committee. What I am doing. I have two questions for you.

1) The media and Internet sources have repeatedly described cases of participation of Russian citizens in hostilities in the ATO zone on the territory of Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities speak about such cases, calling these people terrorists, mercenaries or employees of the Russian security forces. The Russian authorities also talk about such cases, calling these people volunteers. In any case, it is obvious that there are a number of Russian citizens killed and wounded in this armed conflict. However, information on the number of deaths is not publicly available. This circumstance does not allow citizens of the Russian Federation to adequately evaluate the policy of the leadership of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine. The publication of data on the number of dead and wounded will make it possible to implement the provision of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the right to receive information (Article 29, paragraph 4). We are talking specifically about the number of dead and wounded, so the law on personal data will not be violated.

Question No. 1. What data does the RF IC have on the number of Russian citizens killed in ATO zones?

2) According to the information I received from the media and Internet sources, a large number of citizens of the Russian Federation are and have taken part in the armed conflict in Ukraine on the side of the terrorist organizations “DPR” and “LPR” (as defined by the Rada). Many of them are accused of serious crimes. But I am not aware of any cases of criminal cases being initiated in the Russian Federation for these illegal acts.

Question No. 2. Why is this so?

Thanks for the future reply

Appendix 3


On November 6, 2015, I received a letter from the Russian Investigative Committee dated September 10, 2015.

The letter was signed by a senior investigator of the second investigative department of the department for the investigation of crimes related to the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, the Main Investigation Department; Major of Justice D.V. Bokunovich. This letter positions itself as a response to my appeal dated August 5 (see attachment).

The answer seemed very strange and not to the point to me.

Therefore, I had several questions for the Investigative Committee.

Firstly. What does the expression “citizens of the Russian Federation who allegedly took part in the armed conflict on the territory of south-eastern Ukraine” mean?

The conjunction “Allegedly” expresses uncertainty, unreliability or falsity of the message.

The Investigative Committee is not sure that citizens of the Russian Federation are taking part in the armed conflict in Ukraine?

Or does the Investigative Committee believe that the information about the participation of Russian citizens in this conflict is false?

Please clarify this issue for me.

Secondly, I asked for information about the total number of Russian citizens killed in the ATO zone. You refused, citing the fact that you will give this information only after the investigation of case “201/837072-14” is completed, and only to a limited circle of people.

In other words, citizens of the Russian Federation do not have the right to know how many Russians died in the ATO zone. Did I understand your position correctly?

Third. In my appeal, I asked the Investigative Committee about criminal cases initiated in the Russian Federation against citizens of the Russian Federation accused by Ukraine of terrorist activities.

You ignored this question. Does this mean that the number of such criminal cases is zero?

Please clarify this issue for me.

Appendix 4

Appendix 5


The purpose of my appeal-statement is to provide you with information about the criminal acts of citizen of the Russian Federation Alexander Sergeevich Agafonov.

From materials posted on the Internet it follows that he is a resident of the city of Surgut, Tyumen region, date of birth 06/30/1987.

10.25.2015 I watched the video on YouTube

in which, Agafonova A.S. gives self-incriminating testimony. He participated in the activities of the terrorist organization “DPR” (as defined by the Ukrainian authorities). From the video it follows that he left the territory of Ukraine and is in the Russian Federation.

The same video is posted on Agafonov A.S.’s page. on the social network VKontakte.


From the specified video material, and also the text posted by A.S. According to Agafonov on the Internet (see appendix), he received money for participating in the activities of the “DPR”. His only complaint is that they stopped paying him about three months ago.

Thus, from the confessions of Alexander Sergeevich Agafonov, we can conclude that it is necessary to verify the presence of A.S. in Agafonov’s actions. corpus delicti under Article 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Mercenarism).

In addition, the actions of Alexander Sergeevich Agafonov may contain signs of crimes provided for in the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

105 (Murder),

205 (Terrorist act),

205.1 (Promotion of terrorist activities),

205.2 (Public calls for terrorist activities or public justification of terrorism),

205.3 (Training for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities),

205.4 (Organization of a terrorist community and participation in it),

208 (Organization of an illegal armed group and participation in it),

222 (Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, their main parts, ammunition),

222.1 (Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of explosives or explosive devices).

Based on Part 1 of Article 12 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation who have committed a crime outside the Russian Federation against the interests protected by this code are subject to criminal liability in accordance with this code, if in relation to these persons there is no decision of a court of a foreign state on this crime.

Based on the above, I ask you to check, in accordance with Articles 144-145 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the presence in the actions of Alexander Sergeevich Agafonov of crimes provided for in Articles 105, 205, 205.1, 205.2, 205.3, 208, 222, 222.1, 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Appendix 6


The purpose of my application to the Prosecutor General's Office is for you to take the actions provided for by law in relation to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

I will describe the circumstances of the case. October 25, 2015 I sent an electronic message-application to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, using the “Internet reception” section on the Investigative Committee’s website. Application number - 407303. For the text of the application, see Appendix 1.

The statement provided information about possible crimes committed by Russian citizen Alexander Sergeevich Agafonov.

On 12/09/2015 I received a paper letter from the Investigative Committee (No. 201/837072-14 dated 11/27/2015; signed by the senior investigator for particularly important cases of the first investigative department for the investigation of crimes related to the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, Main Investigation Department D N. Kobelev). For the text of the letter, see Appendix 2.

The letter states that there are no grounds for conducting an inspection.

In my opinion, the actions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation can be interpreted as cover-up, aiding and even complicity in crimes.

Indeed, in the materials I cited in the application there are self-exposing confessions by Russian citizen A.S. Agafonov, that he was in fact a mercenary.

I ask the Prosecutor General's Office to take the actions provided for by law in relation to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Is the refusal to initiate criminal proceedings really justified?

Please notify me of the results of the inspection in the manner prescribed by Articles 146-148 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Applications 7

Appendix 8


On November 24, 2015, it became known from media reports that a Russian military aircraft SU-24, which was taking part in a military operation in Syria as part of a group of Russian troops, was shot down over Turkish territory. In this case, one of the pilots died. Some media reported that the downed plane:

— violated Turkish airspace;

— did not respond to warnings;

— did not use call signs accepted in Russian military aviation in radio communications;

- had no identification marks.

It is obvious that if the information given in the media is correct, then there are signs of crimes provided for in the articles:

293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Negligence), that is, failure or improper performance by an official of his duties due to dishonest or negligent attitude towards service;

285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Abuse of official powers), that is, the use by an official of his official powers contrary to the interests of the service, expressed in the issuance of an order to remove mandatory identification marks from military aircraft used in operations in Syria and a ban on the use of call signs adopted in the Russian military aviation, as well as responses to requests and warnings from representatives of the Turkish Air Force, which led to the impossibility of identifying the SU-24 as Russian and the decision to destroy the aircraft.

In addition, the following were violated:

— provisions of the Chicago Convention of 1944, ratified by Russia, Art. 3 which states: “no government aircraft of a Contracting State shall fly over or land on the territory of another State except with permission granted by special agreement or otherwise and in accordance with the terms thereof”;

— provisions of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, Article 33 (State registration and state registration of aircraft), which contains a rule prescribing the mandatory registration procedure for all state (military) aircraft.

— provisions of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, Article 34 (Designations applied to aircraft), which states:

“State aircraft are marked with national identification marks and registration markings.

2) on state aviation aircraft used to carry out military, border, police, customs services, as well as to perform mobilization and defense tasks - signs of state affiliation established by the Government of the Russian Federation.” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2010 No. 127 “On signs of state affiliation on state aviation aircraft” approved the following as a mandatory marking for state (military) aircraft: “an image of a five-pointed star.”

In my opinion, careful verification of these media reports is necessary. If they are true, then this incident is a consequence of criminal orders of responsible officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense who are in charge of the group of Russian troops in Syria. Namely,

concealment of identification marks required for military aircraft;

a ban on the use of call signs accepted in Russian military aviation, responses to requests and warnings from representatives of the Turkish Air Force;

authorization by these persons of a flight regime in which violation of the borders of Turkish airspace was allowed.

Based on the above, I request:

— Conduct an investigation into violations of Russian legislation by officials of the Ministry of Defense in charge of the military operation in Syria.

— Make a decision to bring the perpetrators to criminal liability under Art. 293, 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and other types of liability provided for by law.

— Take measures to eliminate violations of the law by officials of the Ministry of Defense during the military operation in Syria.

Appendix 9

Comments (favorites)

infinum, don’t you want to promote this whole epic somewhere?

for example, translate it into English, interest some Western publications and journalists.

let your documentary be published, if not in the form of a book, then in the form of a series of articles.

so that everyone can read this, not only d3 users, all 300 people. and 3 billion people speak English.

Posted by pavluk

At a minimum, I would advise you to contact Vice News.

as one of the options, directly to Simon Ostrovsky. (this is a Russian-speaking journalist for this channel, in particular for the CIS region). and then he will tell you.

Posted by pavluk

pavluk: sent him a series of tweets

Posted by infinum

pavluk: I have now sent a proposal for material about the experiment to several Russian-language media:

Echo of Moscow

New Newspaper

Radio Liberty


Ukrainian truth

Correspondent no

TSN Today ua

Posted by infinum

pavluk: I want to. But I can’t do it myself. (Time and insufficient knowledge of English)

If anyone has contacts with the media, please draw their attention to the experiment.

My attempts to interest the media were unsuccessful.

Posted by infinum

infinum: I think Simon should be interested. or at least tell me where to go. with your material.

in particular, Simon has made 120 mini-films about Donbass over the past 2 years


he is Russian speaking. but is filming for an English-speaking audience. In general, Vice News is an American channel, a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s Vice Media.

Posted by pavluk

pavluk: I'll wait for a response from him. Thanks for the info

Posted by infinum

The Prosecutor General's Office is a very mysterious hollow. I just don’t understand what they are doing?

a film was recently released with information on this issue


Posted by mug

Yeah, that is, they admit that there is something to disclose, but it’s not worth talking about, since everything will become clear later. Great.

Posted by Mnemon

It’s good that the signatures (for now) are not Washington Irving or Irving Washington.

Posted by muffinz

the corpse is rotting...

Posted by Writer

A variety of structures to divide and conquer.

Visitors to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg will involuntarily stop their gaze on Venus, painted by Lambert Sustris. She cannot be called a beauty, but the picture radiates extraordinary warmth! The forever young woman lies on the pillows, she has raised herself slightly, apparently ready to meet the guests. Who are the guests? This is her husband, the god of war Mars and her son Eros - a prankster who shoots people with arrows of love (they can be seen in the background on the right).

Lambert Sustris, Venus, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia

Lambert Sustriv, Venus, fragment "Mars and Eros"

Lambert Sustris (1515-1584, also known as Albert of Holland) was a Dutch artist born in Amsterdam. He left for Venice relatively late, when he was over 40. We don’t know who he studied with. It is known that he worked in Titian’s studio - he painted landscapes (obviously, on the paintings of Titian himself). Judging by the fact that he accompanied Titian on a trip to Augsburg in 1548 and 1550-1551*, his work was highly appreciated. Art historians write that during these travels he painted portraits. They also indicate that his work was influenced by prominent artists of that time Parmigianino and Andrea Meldolla. It is known that he had students, and among them was Girolamo Musiano, who painted a portrait of Vittoria Colonna, Michelangelo Buonarotti's friend and lover.

Lambert Sustris painted Venus several times.

Lambert Sustris, Venus and Cupid, 1550, 132x184 cm, Louvre, Paris, France

In this picture there are the same characters: Venus, Mars, Cupid. Their location and actions have changed. Cupid is busy trying to pierce a pair of doves with his arrow, Mars with a sword on his shoulder and a shield on a sling enters the chambers of Venus. Venus herself seems to be ready to get up, or maybe lie down (apparently, to meet her husband).

Lambert Sustris, Venus and Cupid, fragment "Mars"

Another Venus - now she lies on a couch in some room.

Lambert Sustris, Venus, 1550, 116x186 cm, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

In the background there are several people, each busy with their own business: a couple at the window is hugging, a woman at the harpsichord is playing for a child, and two more women at an open chest are either putting something away or taking it out. Logically, they take out a dress for Venus, who seems ready to get out of bed.

Lambert Sustris, Venus, fragment "Background of the painting"

The dating of the paintings is very approximate, and this makes it impossible to trace the development of the artist’s plan. One thing is certain: all the paintings are rooted in Giorgione’s “Sleeping Venus.”

Giorgione, Sleeping Venus, 1508, 108x175, Gallery of Old Masters, Dresden, Germany

Lambert's son, Friedrich Sustris (1540-1599), was also an artist (as well as a decorator and architect). He took lessons from his father in Padua, where he was born, and in Venice. In 1563-1567 he studied at the Giorgio Vasari Academy in Florence (he spent three years -1560-1563 in Rome). His patron was Hans Fagger, who commissioned him to paint a palace in Venice. From 1573 Friedrich Sustris worked for Wilhelm V , Duke of Bavaria in Landshut, after which he became architect of the Bavarian royal court (after William's accession to the throne in 1579).

188 - Trading Post

Trading post at the intersection of roads 95 and 93 (its name was formed as follows: 95 + 93 = 188). When Route 15 closed due to the deathclaw infestation in the north and prisoner escapes in the south, Route 95 became the main route for caravans and NCR citizens going to the Strip, making Post 188 a very busy place.

Faction: NKR.

Named inhabitants: on the bridge - Samuel (sells food and repairs things), his daughter Michelle (sells food, weapons and ammunition), Arms Dealer (weapons, modifications, ammunition, armor), Veronica Santangelo (possible companion of the Courier); under the bridge - a representative of the "Weaponsmiths" Alexander (sells weapons, modifications, ammunition (to start bargaining with him, you need the "Weapons" skill of 40+)), the guard Ezekiel from the Followers of the Apocalypse and the strange boy Predictor (sells thoughts).

Unmarked quests: “Thought of the Day” (buy several thoughts from the Foreteller) and “Dress for Veronica” (find a beautiful outfit for Veronica).

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star on Samuel's counter.

Mojave Outpost

The administrative headquarters of the NKR in the southwestern part of the Mojave, with a small military garrison. The outpost consists of two buildings built on top of a hill. At the northern edge of the outpost stand two giant statues of rangers. Route 15 runs through the entire outpost and ends at a tightly locked gate (it will open if you hit the NKR during the Lonesome Road addon).

Buildings: Mojave Outpost - headquarters, Mojave Outpost - barracks.

Inhabitants: Ranger Jackson (outpost commander), Major Knight (repairs things), Lacy (trader), Ranger Ghost (sniper), Sergeant Kilborn, Rose of Sharon Cassidy (possible partner), traveling merchants and caravaners, NKR fighters.

  • Quests: Show compassion (Destroy all predators on the road leading to Lake Ivanpah).
  • The City I Like (Convince Knight to send reinforcements to Primm or grant amnesty to Meyers).
  • Pay the bills (Take Cass on a trip with the Courier).
  • You Can Rely on Me (Persuade Cass to part ways with Cassidy's Caravans)

Items in the barracks: a lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star, the book "For cover! Get down!", quartz Nuka-Cola (2).

Follower Outpost

The outpost is located at the end of a short road that branches off of Route 95. It is an unusual structure in the middle of railroad tracks and carriages, which turns out to be much more spacious on the inside than on the outside.

Occupants: Dr. Alvarez, two doctor followers, two guard followers.

Quest: “A lot of worries” (Take Veronica to the outpost of the Followers of the Apocalypse).

Before the war, there was a US Air Force airbase here; after the war, it was occupied by bombers, descendants of people from Vault 34.

Entry into the territory of the air base is prohibited for outsiders; bombers fire at border violators from howitzers. The entrance gate of the airbase can be reached in two ways, firstly, directly - along the old road passing near the Fields hut. At the beginning of this road, the Courier will be met by someone George, who offers all travelers to purchase the AB Nellis artillery schedule. The second, bypass route lies through the railway tunnel (locked on both sides, Hack 100), located north of the Goods Depot.

Buildings: Bomber Museum, Pearl House, Adept House, medical center, men's dormitory, women's dormitory, children's dormitory, school, workshop, biodiesel plant, two hangars: southwest (canteen and warehouse), northeast (B-29 bomber ).

Faction: Bombers.

Inhabitants: Pearl (chief bomber), Pete (museum caretaker), Adept (mechanic), Jack (mechanic), Janet (after completing the quest "Young Hearts"), Argyll (doctor), Raquel (gunsmith), bomber-warehouse manager (merchant), bomber cook (merchant), bomber teacher, Linsey (child), nameless bombers and baby bombers.

Ivanpah Circuit

Once upon a time, races on three-wheeled compact cars were held here, but now the place is occupied by mutated ants. Not far from the Start/Finish sign there is a sports bag with junk. If you want to shoot, you can go up to the corpse of a giant radscorpion, lying on the Nipton road south of the race track, and see for yourself that the ants do not abandon their prey.

Enemies: giant ants.

Gas station "Poseidon"

A gas station that belonged to Poseidon Energy before the war. A little further north is the Wylit camp, which consists mostly of trailers.

Enemies: Violet (one of the leaders of the Devils), Violetta (Violet’s favorite dog), guard dogs of the Devils.

  • Bounty Hunt (Kill Vilit and bring her head to Major Datri at Camp McCarran).
  • A Dog's Life (Violet is one of the possibilities for Rex to get a new brain).

Items: "Police Everyday Life" magazine and a gunsmith's repair kit inside a police car; quartz Nuka-Cola, magazines "Phantom", "Weapons - the future today", "Programmer's Digest" in the Vilit camp.

Nellis Air Force Base and Nellis AB Hangars

There are two large hangars on the air base, one of which is where Adept and Jack assemble the B-29 bomber, and the other houses virtual reality simulators used for pilot training. The second hangar also serves as a canteen and storage area for the bombers.

  • Into the sky! (Carry out the bombers' plan to raise the bomber from the bottom of Lake Mead).
  • In the dark (Find the missing BS patrol near AB Nellis).
  • Lots of worries (Find information about the pulse pistol at Nellis Air Force Base).
  • Joker: place your bets; The casino always wins, III; To Caesar what is Caesar's (Enlist the support of the bombers or neutralize the threat from them).
  • Howitzer (Get a new firing device for the Legion howitzer from the bombers).
  • Bombers (Persuade the bombers to help in the battle for the dam).
  • (Unmarked) Find Lynsey's teddy bear in the hangars.

Items: "Snow globe. AB Nellis" in the bomber museum; book "Take cover! Get down!" at Pearl's house; "Repairing electronics" in the Adept's house; two Sunset Sasparilla lids with a star in the dining room; nuclear shot in a warehouse.

Apartment "Monte Carlo"

A large two-story building with a neon sign on the roof west of New Vegas. The building is quite dilapidated in appearance, but everything inside is well preserved, with the exception of the stairs (so there is no access to the second floor). Usually one thug guards the front door, the rest are in the building.

Faction: Scorpios.

Enemies: Roller, Yvette, Scorpio bandits.

Items: "Magnum" cal. 44 (can be taken from Yvette's body).

Searchlight Airport

A fenced asphalt area with several rusting airplanes on it, which served as an airport before the war. You can get inside the fence only in one place on the north side.

Enemies: radscorpions.

Items: various loot in containers, one of the suitcases (near the main airport terminal) should have quite a lot of caps.

Aerotech Business Park

A fortified refugee camp under the control of the NKR.

Buildings: "Aerotech" - block 200, "Aerotech" - block 300, "Aerotech" - tent.

Named occupants: Captain Parker, Bert Gunnarsson (Dr.), Frank Withers, Keith (in block 200).

  • Loneliness (Find Frank Withers' family).
  • Coyotes (Find out what happened to the missing refugees).
  • Investigate Keith's dark dealings.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star (at block 300).

Bitter Springs

The refugee camp, run by the NKR, consists of NKR tents in the northern part of the camp and refugee tents in the southern part.

Factions: Great Khans (past), NKR (currently).

Named occupants: Captain Gilles, Lieutenant Markland (Doctor).

  • A little more (Deliver supplies and get reinforcements to Bitter Springs).
  • Mountains, only mountains (Discover the source of the attacks on Bitter Springs).
  • Bitter Springs: Hospital Blues (Bring books and doctor's bags to Lieutenant Markland).
  • I forgot to forget (Visiting Bitter Springs with Craig Boone).

Items: magazines "Trade. Weekly" (2).

Bonnie Springs

Abandoned mining ghost town. All the buildings are boarded up, the Viper gang has set up their camp here (after their liquidation, the city ruins will be occupied by the cazadors).

Faction: Vipers.

Enemies: shooters of the Viper gang, two leaders of the Viper gang, cazadors.

Items: unique studded brass knuckles "Love and Hate", caps from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star (2).

Boulder City

A small town most notable for its proximity to the Hoover Dam and Trading Post 188. During the First Battle of Hoover Dam, fierce battles took place here between NKR troops and Caesar's Legion. Then the rangers lured some of the veteran legionnaires into the city and blew it up, as a result of which the city was almost completely destroyed.

Sublock: Boulder City Ruins. Buildings: Boulder City - railway station, Fat Horn Saloon, Vault of the Great Khans.

Factions: NKR, Great Khans.

Inhabitants: Lieutenant Monroe with a detachment of NKR soldiers, Private Kowalski, Ike (Fat Horn Saloon, merchant), Jessup and several other Khans.

  • Quests: Investigation, Call (Intercept the Great Khans in Boulder City).
  • Skirmish in Boulder City (Defuse the situation with the Great Khans in Boulder City).
  • Shoot at the memorial in honor of the NKR victory.
  • Meet Victor near Boulder City.

Items: Fat Horn Saloon - Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, quartz Nuka Cola (3), lever-action shotgun; Boulder City Ruins - Phantom, Police Stories, 10mm submachine gun; Boulder City - railway station - "Phantom", "World of Boxing", hunting rifle.

Abandoned hut

"Hut" is too strong a word, it's just a ramshackle shed near a cliff with the remains of a fence around it. A prospector can be seen nearby.

Items: healing powder and junk in the box.

Bunker of the remaining

Description not ready yet

Southern Nevada Wind Farm

A lonely hut surrounded by wind turbines.

Quest: “Return of Hope” (to the northeast you can find the missing supplies for Forlorn Hope).

Enemies: cazadors and fire geckos.

Equipment: workbench in the hut.

Items: “Repairing Electronics” book, “Sunset Sasparilla” cap with a star, gunsmith repair kit, scrap metal, various loot.

Searchlight East Gold Mine

Description not ready yet

East pumping station

Here, water is filtered as it flows through a water pipe from Lake Las Vegas to the farms of NCR sharecroppers.

Buildings: East Pumping Station, East Tank.

Quest: “Hard Fate” (inspect the pumping station, activate the terminal (science skill 50+ is required to repair the network)).

Items: "Fix It Yourself" magazine in the eastern cistern.

Freeside is a New Vegas slum located within the walls erected by Mr. House, but not controlled by him. In Freeside, everything is run by the gang of Kings and the Van Graffs.

Sublocation: Old Mormon Fort. Buildings: "Mick and Ralph", School of King Doubles, Atomic Cowboy Casino, "Silver Rush", "Cirulien Robotics", Destroyed Store. Factions: Freeside, Followers of the Apocalypse, Kings, Van Graffs.

  • Inhabitants of magic. "Mick and Ralph": Mick, Ralph (merchants).
  • School of King Doubles: King, Pacer, Sergio (barber), Rex (cyber dog), members of the Kings gang.
  • Old Mormon Fort: Julie Farkas, Arcade Gannon, April Martimer, Beatrix Russell, Wayne, Farris, Roy.
  • Atomic Cowboy Casino: James Garrett, Francine Garrett, Henry Jamieson, Caleb McCaffery, Hadrian.
  • "Silver Rush": Gloria Van Graff (merchant), Jean-Baptiste, Mr. Soren, Simon, Van Graff thugs.
  • "Cirulien Robotics": Fisto (robot), protectrons.
  • Destroyed store: Major Elizabeth Kieren, NKR soldiers.
  • Streets of Freeside: Genaro (merchant), Dixon (merchant), Pump Man, Orris, Max, Stacy, Old Ben, Santiago, Lady Jane, Bill Ronte, Jacob Hoff, Tlen, Grex, tramp, barkers, thugs, etc. .

""Open list of quests and items""

Height Cottonwood

An abandoned community on a hill with a wonderful view of Cottonwood Cove below. There are several boarded-up houses, a couple of garbage containers and a van truck with waste in barrels.

Quest: An Eye for an Eye (With a character's hacking skill of 50+, you can open the back door of the van so that the barrels of radioactive waste in it roll down to Cottonwood Cove, destroying all living things there (the character's reputation with Caesar's Legion does not decrease )).

Ivanpah Dry Lake

A dry lake, a vast expanse of sand, in the middle of which rises a small hill with a mesquite tree growing on it and a burnt-out car.

Enemies: tree scorpions, giant ants.


A solar power plant built by Poseidon Energy that generates and supplies power to the New Vegas Strip and the settlements of the Mojave Wasteland. It also hides the super-weapon control system "ARCHIMEDES" (station security system and orbital laser).

Subblocks: mirror courtyard, observation deck. Buildings: HELIOS One - power plant, Solar tower.

Factions: NKR, BS (formerly), Caesar's Legion (possibly).

Inhabitants: Lieutenant Haggerty (commander), Fantastic ("technician"), Ignacio Rivas (scientist), NKR fighters, NKR guard dogs, PYTHON (robot Mr. Helper, repairman).

Enemies in the Solar Tower: Brave robots, Assistant robots, robot brains, security robots, Protectrons, automatic turrets. Quests:

  • Solar glare (HELIOS One can supply energy to the Mojave Wasteland or activate super-weapons).
  • Source of inspiration (Capture the HELIOS emblem).
  • Bringing Hope Back (Find supplies for Forlorn Hope).
  • Boogie-woogie (Find spare parts for the bombers' electric station).
  • ED-E, my love (Play first audio recording).

Items: D.C. Journal of Therapeutics book in main building; magazine "We fix it ourselves" in the Solar Tower; book "Science for Everyone" (can be obtained from Rivas if the Courier chooses to distribute energy to the entire region).

Devil's Throat

A giant crater with numerous barrels of radioactive waste and a rusted truck in the center.

Enemies: Centaurs at the bottom of the crater and wild ghouls in the hills to the south.

Items: a unique CZ57 Avenger minigun, enhanced combat armor and a festive cap on the body of the prospector in the van.

Carefully! The radiation level near the barrels is 3-7 rad/sec.

Nest of Cazadors

A dark hole inhabited by cazadores under a hill, from the top of which there is a wonderful view of Boulder City. At the top there is a camp fire and two locked boxes with mines and ammunition among the stones (hack 50 and 25).

Enemies: cazadors.

Items: "Magnum" cal. 44 near the skeleton, items in the adventurer's backpack and the hollowed out stone, explosives and ammunition in the boxes.

Mount Black

The mountain remained unoccupied for a century after the war, as the area was so radioactive that no one would have survived here. After the fall of the Master, many first-generation super mutants went east and here they found a fairly secluded place for their camp.

After a while, shadows (nightkins) and super mutants of the second generation penetrated here, which led to problems. The leader of the community, Marcus, went to Jacobstown, and power passed into the hands of a crazy super mutant shadow named Tabitha.

Radio Station: Black Mountain Radio.

Faction: State of Utobita.

Inhabitants: Tabitha (leader), Neil, Raul (ghoul-prisoner), super mutants, shadow sniper, shadow masters, shadows, unique centaur Moe, centaurs.

Buildings: broadcasting station, prison, warehouse building.

  • Quests: Madness (Head to the top of Mount Black and end Tabitha's brutal reign).
  • In the dark (Find the missing Brotherhood of Steel patrol sent to Mount Black).

Items: unique Annabelle grenade launcher, Victoria Nuka Cola, Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star.


A small and quiet town located just off I-15, one of the main highways leading to New Vegas.

Buildings: Doc Mitchell's House, Prospector Saloon, Store, School, Gas Station, House (4), Victor's Hut.

Factions: Goodsprings, Demolitionists (possibly).

Inhabitants: Doc Mitchell (doctor), Chet (merchant), Trudy (merchant), Sunny Smiles and Cheyenne (dog), Hammer-Pete, Goodsprings residents, Victor, Ringo, Joe Cobb and the Demolitionists.

  • Quests: Hit on the head, Back in the saddle, At the campfire (training quests), Investigation (main line).
  • Shooting in the ghost town (Defeat the bombers) or Streams Flowed... (Defeat the Goodsprings militia).
  • Fix Trudy's broken radio at the Prospector Saloon.
  • Take the caravan deck from Ringo and learn the rules of the game.

Equipment: workbench for equipping cartridges and workbench.

Items: Therapist Today magazine in Doc Mitchell's house; "We fix it ourselves", "People and communication", "Trade. Weekly" in the "Prospector" saloon; "Trade. Weekly" in the store; stealth battle, "School of Survival", "People and Communication", "Programmer's Digest" (2), "Trade. Weekly" at school; "World of Boxing" in the gas station building; the book "Combat Manual of the Chinese Special Forces", "School of Survival", a cover from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star in the houses.

Hoover Dam

A concrete dam on the Colorado River, built before the war in Black Canyon to supply the surrounding areas with electricity. The western part of the dam is controlled by the NKR, the eastern by Caesar's Legion. Everyone wants to have the dam at once - NKR, Legion and Mr. House.

Sections: Hoover Dam - Information Center, Hoover Dam - Offices, Hoover Dam - Power Plants 1-4, Hoover Dam - Lower Level, Hoover Dam - Tower (3), Hoover Dam - Spillway Towers 1-4, Hoover Dam - Checkpoint, Oliver Headquarters .

Faction: New California Republic.

Inhabitants: General Lee Oliver, Colonel Cassandra Moore, Quartermaster Bardon (trader), Chief Engineer Mike Lawson, Alison Valentine, Ranger Grant, Ranger Stevens, Private Jeremy Watson, Rangers, engineers and NCR soldiers.

  • For the Republic, part 2; You will feel it coming; The casino always wins, VI (Protect Kimball).
  • Neither gods nor masters; All or nothing (Activate the eastern e/station and direct the energy of the securitron army).
  • Arizona Assassin (Kill President Kimball).
  • I came, I saw, I conquered (Kill Oliver and the guards).
  • Eureka! (Defend the Hoover Dam together with the NKR).

Items: "Snow globe. Hoover Dam" in the information center; two Chinese stealth armor in the offices.

Emergency service depot

A tightly boarded building with a railway platform and broken repair equipment around. The platform has mattresses and shelves with many containers. A camp fire can be found nearby.

Items: Two Sunset Sasparilla caps with a star on the platform.


A community of super mutants led by Marcus, located on the site of a pre-war ski resort on Mount Charleston. In 2281, Marcus, a kind and peaceful super mutant, found the no-man's mountain of Charleston and founded another mutant haven there, naming it Jacobstown in honor of his old friend. Marcus hopes to find a cure for the shadow super mutants' schizophrenia with the help of former Enclave scientist Dr. Henry.

Buildings: hotel, bungalow (3).

Inhabitants: Marcus (mayor), Dr. Henry (doctor), Trouble (merchant), Lily, Kin, shadows and super mutants.

  • Quests: Guess who I saw! (Find the source of the Night Stalker stealth mutation).
  • A Dog's Life (Take Rex to Dr. Henry and find out how you can help the dog).
  • Unfriendly conversation (Talk to the leader of the mercenaries who are causing problems for Jacobstown).
  • Long ago (Persuade Dr. Henry to join the Remainers).

Items: "Snow globe. Mount Charleston", magazines "We fix it ourselves", "World of Boxing", "School of Survival", "Programmer's Digest" in the hotel; the book "Grognak the Barbarian", a bottle of Nuka Cola "Victoria" in the first bungalow on the right; the lid is from Sunset Sasparilla with the bungalow star in the middle.

Jackrabbit Springs

Five irradiated hot springs around a small hill in the center. Due to the high level of radiation, centaurs, megacentaurs and well-armed super mutants live here.

Enemies: centaurs, super mutant master, super mutants.

Items: stealth battle on the hill; light machine gun, minigun or heavy incinerator (super mutant weapon).

Devil's Hollow

A giant crater with a truck that fell into it; you can climb down to the bottom on the roof of a trailer.

Enemies: coyotes.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, hydra, ammunition boxes.

Matthew's Animal Farm

The ruins of a burnt house, two graves nearby, a couple of sheds, pens with emaciated Brahmins and bighorn sheep. A farming family lived here until the elders went to Searchlight for supplies. A few days later, the child followed them and found his parents, who had become ghouls as a result of Legion sabotage. The boy had to shoot back from them to avoid being eaten. After this, he went crazy and began to suspect the animals were plotting to eat him and take over the farm. Driven to despair, the boy set his house on fire...

Information: four pages from a torn diary (1st in the bighorn barn, 2nd on the pickup truck, 3rd in the Brahmin barn and 4th in the ruins of the house near the skeleton).

Items: Wasteland Survival Guide book, Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, ammo in duffel bag.

Abandoned BS bunker

Bunker 13 is the starting point for the Dead Money addon (if the Dead Money addon is not installed, the entrance to the bunker will always be locked).

This is a fortified underground bunker that served as the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Steel elders in the Mojave Wasteland during the BS-NKR War.

Quest: Discovery of "Sierra Madre" (Find where the invitation to "Sierra Madre" is broadcast from).

Equipment: Sierra Madre Vending Machine, Ammo Reloading Bench, and Workbench.

Items: Electronics Repair book, Elijah's chemistry set, T-45d power helmet.

Plant "H&H Tools"

Before the war, this plant belonged to Mr. House's elder brother, Anthony House, who inherited it from his father. Anthony House suffered from paranoia, aggravated by envy of Robert's success. Ultimately, this led to an unjustified tightening of security measures in the company. In 2077, Anthony fired all employees, closed the plant and turned on the security system, and in addition mined the building. No one saw him again.

Enemies: robot brains, Mr. Assistant, crazy Mr. Assistant, automatic turrets.

Items: VIP key card "Lucky 38".

Western pumping station

Nothing particularly noteworthy, with the exception of the terminal in the station building, identical to the quest one at the Eastern Pumping Station - its activation also advances the “Hard Fate” quest into the stage of searching for the source of radiation; repairing the network requires a science skill of 50 or more.

Enemies: several Devils around the building and inside.

Items: 2 boxes of ammunition and more.

Western entrance to Westside

Description not ready yet

Bitter Springs Recreation Area

A flimsy building (Bitter Springs - recreation) surrounded by crumpled cars, trailers and buses.

Enemies: giant rats in the building, cazadors in the area.

Items: book "Modern Castles", magazine "Phantom", 2 lids from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star, weapons and ammunition in the safe (burglary 50).

NKR Correctional Facility

Former NKR prison. It was used to hold prisoners who worked under the supervision of NKR fighters on the railway running along Route 15. However, most of the prison guards were sent to patrol the western bank of the Colorado River and the prisoners made a daring escape. After this, the so-called demolitionists formed their own faction and remained in this well-fortified place.

The prison has only one entrance and it is guarded by Doz, who can open the door for 100 caps, and you can also try to steal the key from him or kill him.

Buildings: NKR prison administration, information center, prison blocks A and B. Factions: Demolitionists, NKR (formerly).

Inhabitants: demolition leader Eddie, Omelette (Eddie's bodyguard), Doz (gatekeeper), Carter (dealer in block B), Hannigan (medic), Myers (former sheriff), nameless bombers.

  • Quests: The City I Like (Persuade Myers to become Primm's new sheriff).
  • Way to fix (Ask Eddie for some work).

Equipment: workbench in the yard.

Items: Age of Knights magazine and Sunset Sasparilla cap with star in the information center; the book "Lies: A Primer for a Congressman" in the Administration Building; Patriot's Cookbook magazine in Cell Block A; diagram of a powder charge in prison block B.

REPCONN test site

Description not ready yet

Goodsprings Spring

Three water springs southeast of Goodsprings provide clean drinking water to its residents.

Occupant: Barton Thorne.

Enemies: geckos.

  • Back in the saddle (Kill the geckos at the springs).
  • At the Campfire (Use the campfire to prepare healing powder).
  • (Unchecked) Agree to save Barton Thorne's girlfriend, who has fallen into the clutches of geckos.

Equipment: three fires.

Gathering ingredients: Broc flowers and zander roots.

Items: shovel near the second source; at the top of the mountain there is a cache with weapons, ammunition, food (be careful, there are bear traps around).

Stone crushing plant "Samson"

Deserted industrial buildings and mechanisms. A little to the north is the camp of the named devil, Nephi Driver.

Quest: “Headhunt” (ask the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion soldiers in Camp McCarran to set up an ambush here and lure Driver Nephi closer to them).

Items: several anti-personnel mines on the road to the east (careful!), various loot.

Canyon Crescent - east

The eastern part of a long and narrow crescent-shaped canyon under a destroyed railway bridge (English: Crescent). The bottom of the canyon is strewn with barrels of radioactive waste, which, apparently, spilled out of the cars of the train carrying them when the bridge collapsed.

Enemies: golden geckos.

Items: battle armor in the chest, ammunition in the hollowed out stone.

Carefully! Radiation.

Canyon Crescent - west

The western part of a long and narrow crescent-shaped canyon under a destroyed railway bridge (English: Crescent). The bottom of the canyon is strewn with barrels of radioactive waste, which, apparently, spilled out of the cars of the train carrying them when the bridge collapsed. In the desert to the northeast you can find the Scorpion Hole, which is not marked on the map.

Enemies: Golden geckos and radscorpions.

Items: improved anti-radiation suit in a chest near the truck (+40 radiation resistance), ammunition in a hollowed out stone.

Carefully! Radiation.

Red Rock Canyon

Description not ready yet

Griffin's Caravan

The corpses of pack brahmins, a cart, broken boxes, piles of ashes... You will need to come here on the quest of your companion Cass and inspect another site of an attack on a trade caravan.

Quest: “Paying the Bills” (Together with Cass, explore the site of the death of Griffin’s caravan).

Items: various junk on the Brahmin pack, in boxes and piles of ash, a lot of depleted energy batteries around, a plasma rifle.

Dunn's Caravan

Another site of the death of a trade caravan, from which only three piles of ashes and the corpse of a Brahmin pack under a wooden bridge remained. However, here you will also find the bodies of two Van Graff thugs and a Red Caravan guard...

Quest: “Pay the Bills” (Together with Cass, trace where Dunn’s missing caravan went).

Items: plasma rifles and combat armor on the bodies of the Van Graff thugs, a lever-action shotgun on the body of the Red Caravan guard, various junk on the Brahmin pack, in boxes and piles of ash, ammunition.

Chance Card

According to the All Roads comic, this map was drawn on the ground by Chance's knife and McMurphy's finger. The location of the locations on it is somewhat different from what we see in the game.

The deep scratches line up exactly with the main roads of the Mojave Wasteland and New Vegas. Items on the map are symbolic representations of various locations in the game (none of these items can be taken):

  • The bottle of turpentine represents the Strip, the firecrackers in the northeast represent the bombers in Nellis.
  • The stones to the northwest represent Jacobstown.
  • The Legion Denarius to the east is the Fort.
  • An upside down whiskey bottle represents the Hoover Dam.
  • The stealth battle is Mount Black, to the east there is a fragment of a mirror, symbolizing HELIOS One.
  • The bottle of beer in the center of the map is similar to the REPCONN test site, the stick of dynamite to the west defines the territory of the demolitions.
  • The deathclaw claw is the Quarry, the tin to the west probably represents Goodsprings, the pile of rocks to the north is Red Rock Canyon.
  • The tin can in the south is Camp Searchlight, the water bottle is Cottonwood Cove, the pile of shell casings is Nipton.
  • In the southwest corner of the map, two bottles symbolize the giant Ranger statues at the Mojave outpost.


Description not ready yet

Goodsprings Cemetery

Beautiful view of the surrounding area from above. The cemetery consists of 29 graves, including the one from which the securitron Victor dug up the wounded courier at the beginning of the game.

Enemies: tree scorpion and dutni.

  • At the campfire (Find a brock flower here based on Sunny Smiles' hint).
  • Take everything (Find radscorpion eggs for Red Lucy in the mountains north of Goodsprings).
  • (Unmarked) Find or buy a shovel and start digging up graves.

Items: "Snow Globe. Goodsprings", 10 signature Benny cigarette butts.

Clark Field

Ruins of a pre-war chemical plant southeast of Nowak. Near the northern entrance lies the body of Mr. RADICAL, dressed in the yellow suit he adored during his lifetime (as can be learned from the poor fellow’s diary and the story of Mother Gibson).

Quest: "Let's fly" (find a flammable substance, isotope-239).

Enemies: golden geckos.

Items: isotope-239, Mr. RADical's diary, anti-radiation suit, super stimulant and 2 stimulants near the dead Brahmin pack, cal cartridges. 308 in the corner of a fenced area and so on.

Carefully! Low level of radiation.

Colville Bay

An abandoned boat dock on the shores of Lake Mead, it consists of a large ruined hangar and a boat rental office building.

Building: Captain Dean's Boat Rental.

Quest: "Into the sky!" (Find the B-29 bomber and raise it from the bottom of Lake Mead).

Enemies: cazadors, giant rats.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla caps with star (2), Survival School magazine.

Company "Red Caravan"

The New Vegas branch of the Red Caravan trading company is managed by Alice McLafferty.

Buildings: "Red Caravan" - main office, Caravanmen's Barracks, Guards' Barracks.

Occupants: Alice McLafferty (Executive Director), Blake (Merchant), Don Hostetler (visits here during the day), Ringo (after completing "Ghost Town Shooting"), Janet, caravanners and guards. Quests:

  • Pay the bills (Find a job in the Red Caravan).
  • You can rely on me (Alice McLafferty asks to do some work for the Red Caravan).
  • Pressing (Disable the bottle cap press at the Sunset Sasparilla headquarters).
  • Honeymoon in Aba Daba (Deliver chemicals to Don Hostetler).
  • Young Hearts (Connect Jack from Nellis and Janet).
  • Bitter Springs: Hospital Blues (Get two medical books from Blake's store).
  • Deal with Contreras (Pick up package from Blake).
  • Agree on the supply of meat to Camp McCarran.

Equipment: workbench for equipping cartridges and workbench.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, Police Stories magazine in the main office; "Phantom" magazine in the caravan barracks.

Cottonwood Cove

The largest camp of Caesar's Legion on the western bank of the Colorado River.

Buildings: headquarters, canteen, warehouse, toilets, hut.

Faction: Caesar's Legion.

Occupants: Aurelius of Phoenix (centurion), Dean Severus, Overseer, Cursor Lucullus, legionnaires, Anders (crucified Great Khan), Mrs. Withers (Frank Withers' wife, captive), Sammy Withers (Mrs. Withers' daughter, captive), Kenny Withers (son Mrs Withers, prisoner).

  • An eye for an eye (Cottonwood Cove must be destroyed and/or wiretapped on behalf of Astor).
  • To Caesar what is Caesar's (Go to Cottonwood Cove and board the barge to the Fort).
  • Honeymoon in Aba Daba (Free Anders, who can be found crucified on the road to the camp).
  • Loneliness (Free Frank Withers' Family).
  • Aurelius from Phoenix pays for NKR fighter tokens.

Items: unique weapon "Retribution of the Fallen" and the book "Grognak the Barbarian" in the office of Aurelius from Phoenix; Sunset Sasparilla lid with star in the women's restroom.

Crater in the Mesquite Mountains

Several ponds with irradiated water (the radiation level here reaches 6 rad/sec), a bridge thrown across them and a flimsy hut in the middle.

Building: Hella Motel. A two-story structure containing the late Dr. Rotson's laboratory, a kitchen on the first floor, and a bedroom on the second.

Despite the decent level of radiation outside, there is no radiation in the motel itself. Inside you will see the body of the ghoul Rotson who lived here and the crazy Mr. Assistant, who apparently killed his master. Perhaps Rotson was involved in moonshine brewing.

Enemies: wild ripper ghouls and the crazy Mr. Helper in the motel.

Items: in the Hella Motel - the book "Therapeutic Journal of the District of Columbia", a lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star, a gunsmith's repair kit; in a shelter with an antenna on the roof east of the crater (be careful, it’s mined!) - the magazines “We fix it ourselves” and “Programmer’s Digest”, a cover from “Sunset Sasparilla” with a star.

Cottonwood Crater

An observation deck high in the mountains, most of which is occupied by a crater with radioactive water (up to 20 rad/s), left over from an atomic bomb that once fell here.

This location can be reached through the Fire Route Cave.

Enemies: golden geckos.

Items: "Fat Man" (on the prospector's body).

Crash in the Canyon

The starting point for the Lonesome Road addon is the passage to the Rift (if the Lonesome Road addon is not installed, the path to the Rift will be blocked by the wreckage of burnt out cars, trucks and other rubbish).

Several graffiti are notable: "Can you go home, Courier", "Divide", "Lonesome Road" and "Courier six?" ("Courier number six?") are most likely made by Ulysses.

Enemies: coyotes.

Quest: Reunion (Go to the crash site in the canyon, not far from Primm, and enter the Rift).

Items: several fragmentation grenades in the boxes of the overturned van, 2 boxes of ammunition in the coyote lair on the hill, the body of an NKR soldier there (he has weapons, armor, ammunition), various junk in two graves.

Blue Paradise Resort

An abandoned resort occupied by lake dwellers - three houses, boat piers and a picnic area, two graves nearby. On the other bank of the river to the southeast there is another lakebird nest.

Enemies: Lakers.

Items: in the flooded houses - two lids from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star; in the nest of lakers on the other side of the river - weapons and armor on the body of a mercenary (+ police glasses), junk in sports bags.

Carefully! Low levels of radiation in flooded houses.

Camp Boulder Beach

Before the war, this was a place of recreation, as evidenced by the picnic tables, rusty sunken boats at the pier, and so on. There is a camp fire and a mattress in the trailer.

Enemies: lake dwellers at the pier.

Items: ammunition in a hollowed out stone, jars and flasks scattered around.

Camp in the Mesquite Mountains

The camp consists of two tents and several picnic tables, there are beds and a camp fire. There are three graves on the hill above the camp.

Quest: “We are together” (Private Edwards will go here if you tell him that there are many places where you can hide).

Enemies: Giant radscorpions.

Camp of the Great Khans

This camp is used by the Great Khans to review the Quarry. Getting here is not easy due to the large number of dangerous animals in the area.

Faction: Great Khans.

Inhabitants: Melissa and 2 Great Khans.

Enemies: Deathclaws.

  • Don't make me ask (Deliver chemicals to Melissa).
  • Papa (Convince Melissa to speak out against an alliance with Caesar).

Equipment: camp fire.

Camp Guardian

One of the farthest outposts of the NKR in the eastern part of the Mojave Wasteland.

When approaching the camp, the Courier can pick up a radio distress signal, calling for help against the attacking mutated creatures. Climbing up a narrow path will lead to Guardian Peak and the caves of Guardian Camp.

Faction: NKR (formerly).

Enemies: giant rats, radscorpions, tree scorpions.

Items: Pages from the Guardian Camp Journal (Sergeant Banner left 11 pages scattered around the camp and on the mountainside).

Camp Golf

An NKR military base located on the northern shore of Lake Las Vegas. The camp consists of several tents pitched on the golf course west of the hotel building, and is guarded along the perimeter by sentries on towers.

Buildings: Resort hotel (before the war it belonged to Robert House), dining tent, tents (10), trash tent.

Faction: New California Republic.

Inhabitants: Commander Hanlon, Doc Scalpel (medic), Sergeant McCready, Mags, Razz, Poindexter, O'Hanrahan, NKR rangers, NKR soldiers.

  • Quests: Boomerang (Inform Commander Hanlon about what you and Sergeant Reyes discovered).
  • There is one step from defeat to victory (Help recruits prepare for service).

Items: in the Resort Hotel - caps from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star (3), magazines "World of Boxing", "We Fix It Yourself" (2), "Weapons - the Future Today", "School of Survival", "Lock Master", " People and communication", "Programmer's Digest", "Age of Knights", quartz Nuka-Cola (5), VIP key card "Lucky 38"; in the tent of trash - "The Patriot's Cookbook"; in McCready's tent - "School of Survival", "Trade. Weekly", "Programmer's Digest".

Legate's Camp

The camp is surrounded on all sides by rocks and is inaccessible for most of the game. It is possible to visit here only after completing the final stage of the main quest.

The camp is guarded by legionnaires armed with rifle carbines and power brass knuckles. To the right of the entrance to the camp there is a kennel, and on the top of the hill the legate’s military tent is pitched.

Faction: Caesar's Legion.

Inhabitants: Legate Lanius, praetorians, legionnaires, dogs of the Legion.

  • He came, he saw, he conquered (Kill Oliver and the soldiers guarding him).
  • Eureka! (It is necessary to destroy the legate's camp to protect Hoover Dam).
  • Neither gods nor masters; All or nothing (Enter the legate's camp and deal with Lanius).

Items: Blade of the East (a unique great sword, can be taken from the body of Legate Lanius during the Battle of Hoover Dam if the Courier is on the side of the NCR, Yes Man or Mr. House).

Camp McCarran

The main military base of the NKR in the Mojave Wasteland. Located on the site of the pre-war McCarran International Airport.

Buildings: Camp McCarran - terminal, Camp McCarran - main hall, Camp McCarran - warehouse, McCarran control tower.

Faction: New California Republic.

Occupants: Colonel James Shue, Captain Ronald Curtis (aka Frumentary Peake), Lieutenant Carrie Boyd, Corporal Walter Hornsby, Seal (captured centurion of Caesar's Legion), Doctor Kemp (doctor), Corporal William Farber (cook), Thomas Hildern (Managing Director BNP-East), Angela Williams (Hildern's assistant), Private Cristina Morales, Sergeant Daniel Contreras (trader), Little Brat (bounty hunter), Major Dutry, 1st Recon: Lieutenant Gorobets, Sergeant Gentian, Corporal Betsy, Corporal Sterling , Ten of Spades; NKR fighters.

Items: unique rifle "Machine" (reward for the quest "Deal with Contreras"), a unique version of the cowboy rifle - Long Carbine (personal weapon of Corporal Sterling), magazines "Lockmaker", "Phantom", "We fix it ourselves" (2), "Weapons - the future today", "School of Survival" (2), "Trade. Weekly", "Military Review" (3).

""Open quest list""

  • Spymania (Find out who is an agent of Caesar's Legion in Camp McCarran).
  • Healing (Help with Corporal Betsy's problem).
  • Search for White (Find Corporal White).
  • Don't let the grass grow (Talk to Dr. Hildern about going to Vault 22).
  • Headhunt (Bring to Major Datri the heads of three Devil leaders).
  • Inspiration (Take a photo of the McCarran Airport logo).
  • You can rely on me (Deliver the Red Caravan bill to Dr. Hildern).
  • (Unmarked) Deal with Contreras.
  • Help Lieutenant Boyd interrogate the captured Centurion Sil or help Sil escape.
  • Find the body of Ranger Morales at the request of his wife.
  • Help Corporal Farber repair the food processor and select a meat supplier for the camp.
  • Receive a reward for the Motorcycle Racer from Colonel Shu.
  • Become the NKR's "Favorite", then contact Colonel Shu for the key to the NKR Rangers' secret apartment.

""Open main description""

Camp Mountain Shadows

Pre-war picnic area. There is a camp fire and a mattress in the trailer.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla lid with star, Therapist Today and Survival School magazines.

Demolition Camp - East

The camp is a place under a rock fenced with wooden shields. There is a camp fire and mattresses, and nearby there is a hollowed out stone containing loot.

Faction: Demolitionists.

Inhabitants: three demolition men.

Carefully! Mined (6 gunpowder charges around the camp).

Demolition Camp - West

The camp consists of a trailer with a bed and boxes inside, located next to an overturned junk truck. There is a camp fire.

Faction: Demolitionists.

Inhabitants: three demolition men.

Items: Phantom magazine and doctor's bag in a radioactive puddle southeast of the camp.

Carefully! Mined (4 powder charges around the camp).

Demolition Camp - North

A small camp built under a rock. There is a camp fire and mattresses.

Faction: Demolitionists.

Inhabitants: three demolition men.

Carefully! Mined (8 gunpowder charges around the camp).

Demolition Camp - South

The camp is built next to an overturned red train car resting on a rock. There is a camp fire and mattresses.

Faction: Demolitionists.

Occupants: Chavez and three bombers.

Quest: "The Path of Correction" (Get rid of Chavez).

Items: "School of Survival" magazine.

Camp Searchlight

The NKR established a large base here, which became a serious obstacle to the advance of Caesar's Legion to the west. Vulpes Inculta staged a sabotage by ordering the legionnaires to open containers with radioactive waste stored in the fire station. This was followed by the mass death and destruction of NKR fighters, thereby the Searchlight camp ceased to exist as a military base. The area is currently highly radioactive.

Buildings: eastern church - church basement, western church - NKR warehouse, elementary school, fire station, house, police station.

Inhabitants: First Sergeant Astor and NKR soldiers, Private Edwards, Logan and his fellow prospectors.

Enemies: ghoul fighters, radscorpions, queen radscorpion, golden geckos, Mark III turrets.

  • Quests: An eye for an eye (Get information about the movement of Legion troops and install a bug).
  • We are together (Collect the personal insignia of the ghoul fighters in the Searchlight camp and take them to Astor).
  • Wheel of Fortune (Explore buildings with Logan).

Items: in the fire station - unique. Knock Knock fire axe, Sunset Sasparilla cap with star; in the basement of the church - "Battle Manual of the Chinese Special Forces", a nuclear shot (2) or holy fragmentation grenades (3); in the house - the magazine "People and Communication".

Cliffside Mining Camp

A windswept hut (shed without walls) among the cliffs. To the east, on the other side of the Colorado River, is the uncharted Cape Deathclaw, which gets its name from the numerous deathclaws that live here.

Enemies: Fire geckos in the area.

Smith Mesa Mining Camp

A small cave under a rock with fortifications, there is a sleeping bag and a fire nearby. The camp is guarded by a dog, the fate of its owner is unknown.

Enemies: Fire geckos to the south.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star, ammo box, various loot.

Prospector Camp Snyder

A rickety canopy serving as shelter from bad weather, a sleeping bag and a camp fire. A prospector can be seen near the camp, but due to a glitch, he disappears when approached.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla lid with a star on the book, healing powder, various loot.

Camp Forlorn Hope

NCR military camp on the Colorado River south of the dam. The camp crosses a small stream with clear water.

Buildings: headquarters, barracks, clinic, canteen, warehouse, prison, hut. Faction: New California Republic.

Occupants: Major Polatly, Dr. Richards, Quartermaster Mayes (trader), Tech Sergeant Ryes, Private Stone, Private Sexton, NCR Veteran Rangers, NCR Soldiers, Lieutenant Monroe (if Skirmish at Boulder City is resolved in favor of the NCR), Lieutenant Hayes (after completing "The Town I Like"), 1st Recon (after completing "Bounty Hunt").

  • Quests: Medical history (Inspect the camp for traces of the thief who stole medical supplies).
  • Boomerang (Talk to Sergeant Reyes, then deliver new radio codes to all Ranger posts).
  • A little more (Reinforcements in Bitter Springs).
  • Legion is my name (Kill all NKR officers in the camp).
  • In the dark (Meet with the Brotherhood scout near the Forlorn Hope camp).
  • Collect 30 Legionnaire ears for Private Sexton.
  • Quartermaster Mayes pays for NKR fighter tokens.

Items: the book "Science for Everyone" in the headquarters, the lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star in the dining room.

Coyote Den

A dark hole near the railway track connecting the NCR prison and Nipton, occupied by a family of coyotes, in the depths of it you can see a pile of gnawed bones and the body of Bright's follower. Sometimes coyotes go out hunting and leave their den unattended.

Enemies: coyotes.

Items: Energy weapons and ammunition on the body of Bright's follower.

Prospector's Den

A cave with a separate three-room building inside, captured by Jackals. When you first visit the lair, you will see the bodies of prospectors killed by bandits; if you clear the cave of bandits, then later it will be repopulated by prospectors (a merchant will appear among them).

Enemies: Jackal bandits.

Items: the book "Modern Castles" in the second room on the floor, a lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star in the room with a musical device, various loot, also a 10-mm submachine gun on the body of the prospector west of the entrance to the cave.

Miguel's Pawn Shop

A store on the West Side that used to belong to Miguel's grandfather until he was killed by the Devils.

Owner: Miguel.

Inhabitants: Miguel (trader) and Keller (NKR agent, appears here at a certain stage of Contreras's unmarked quest).

  • Lots of worries (Together with Veronica, visit a pawn shop in Freeside).
  • Deal with Contreras (Deliver medicine to a man named Price at Miguel's pawn shop).

Items: lever-action shotgun, Magnum cal. 44 (Miguel's property!).

Route 95. Camp Viper

The small camp near Highway 95 has several shelters and mats to sleep on.

Faction: Vipers.

Enemies: 4-5 Viper gang shooters.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, 3 ammo boxes.

New Vegas Medical Clinic

The best clinic in New Vegas, opened by followers of the Apocalypse. Here you can not only heal, cleanse yourself of radiation and stock up on medicine, but also “improve” your character by installing implants (these are permanent additions to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes, increasing the damage threshold and health regeneration).

Faction: Followers of the Apocalypse.

Inhabitants: Doctor Usanagi (sells medicines and installs implants for amounts starting from 4000 caps), a follower - a medical student, two security followers.

Quest: “Healing” (Inform the doctor about the appearance of her new patient, Corporal Betsy).

Subjects: magazines “People and Communication”, “Therapist Today” and “Making It Yourself” (property of followers!).

Yangtze Memorial

This is a monument to American soldiers who died in China on the Yangtze River. To the northwest of the memorial there is an abandoned shack.

Enemies: south of the memorial are coyotes, north of the shack are radscorpions.

Items: Various loot in the duffle bag under the "Warning: Beware of Deathclaws" sign, in the hollowed out rock and graves; in the shack: "Survival School" magazine, 9 iron, machete, boxes of ammunition, food, medicine, etc.

Equipment: Ammo reloading workbench in an abandoned shack.

Cassidy's caravan crash site

A dead pack brahmin, a cart, broken boxes, a pile of ashes... You will need to come here at the request of your companion Cass, so that together with her you can carefully examine the site of the attack on her caravan.

Quest: “Paying the Bills” (Together with Cass, visit the site of the death of her caravan).

Items: various junk on the Brahmin pack, in boxes and a pile of ash, a lot of depleted energy batteries around.

B-29 crash site

On July 21, 1948, a B-29 bomber crashed into Lake Mead at this location. Three hundred years later, the Courier will have to help the bombers raise the plane from the bottom of the lake.

Quest: "Into the sky!" (Attach two pontoons to the sunken bomber).

Vertibird crash site

A crater with fragments of the enclave rotorcraft VB-02 (number VEM-105 2193), formed at the site of its fall. Guarded by robots.

Enemies: improved Braves and security robots.

Quest: Long ago (Visit the crash site with Arcade Gannon).

Items: unique energy weapon - prototype "Tesla-Biton".

Elray Motel

Nobody's run-down motel. Most of the doors to the motel rooms are littered with trash, and only three rooms in the entire building are accessible - two upstairs and one downstairs. In the lower room you can find a note from some moneylender with threats, the body of the creditor (in all likelihood) and tree scorpions, and in one of the upper rooms - a lurking madman with a knife.

Enemies: 4 tree scorpions and a crazy drug addict.

Items: in the bottom number there is a note with threats; in the upper left issue there is a cover from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star; in the upper right room of Nuka Cola "Victoria".


Before the ants arrived, there was a farm here, now all that remains is a destroyed house and a field of dried maize. In the ruins of the house there is a hole in the anthill.

Enemies: fire ants around, a giant queen ant inside the anthill.

Collection of ingredients: nightshade berries.

Items: ammunition and various rubbish in the house, also in ant heaps and on the bodies of wasteland inhabitants in the anthill.

National Spring Mountain Ranch Park

Description not ready yet


A small settlement captured by the Legion. Currently, a detachment of legionnaires under the command of the Dean of the Dead Sea is stationed here and in the middle of Nelson there are three crosses with NKR soldiers crucified on them.

Buildings: Nelson - barracks (2), Nelson - house (5).

Factions: Caesar's Legion, NKR (formerly).

Inhabitants: Dead Sea (dean of the Legion), legionnaires, dogs of the Legion, three crucified NKR soldiers, ranger Milo (located at the NKR checkpoint on the road from Novak to Nelson).

  • Return of Hope (Knock the Legion out of Nelson).
  • Return home (Save or kill hostages - NKR fighters).
  • Legion is my name (Kill all NKR officers in the Forlorn Hope camp).

Items: unique machete "Liberator" (can be removed from the body of the Dean of the Dead Sea, but if you play for the Legion, the dean will reward the Courier with this machete after completing the quest "Legion is my name"), Nuka Cola "Victoria" in the house west of the barracks, 2 S-4 explosives and a detonator in the chest at the NKR checkpoint.

Carefully! Mined (anti-personnel mines around Nelson).


A city devastated by Caesar's Legion as a warning to everyone for the cowardice and immorality of its inhabitants. Before the attack, Mayor Joseph B. Stein tried to please both the NCR fighters and the demolitions. When he tried to hand over both of them for 8,000 caps to the Legion, he himself fell into the trap of Vulpes Inculta.

Buildings: Town Hall, Nipton - General Store, Nipton - Hotel, Nipton - House (8).

Inhabitants: Oliver Swanik (winner of the Nipton "lottery"), Freight Train (second prize-winner), crucified demolitionists, Vulpes Inculta (Frumentary of the Legion), legionnaires.

Enemies: Legion dogs, tree scorpions, Mister Brave.

  • Quests: Investigation (Go to Novak via Nipton).
  • Marathon (Talk to Freight Train in Nipton).
  • Cruel Heart (Tell about the atrocities of the Legion).
  • In pursuit of the prize (Find out what's going on in Nipton).
  • Wheel of Fortune (Talk to someone in Nipton about the missing radiation suits).

Equipment: workbench, camp fire.

Items: book "Science for Everyone", Nuka Cola "Victoria", "Weapons - the Future Today", "Programmer's Digest" (2) in the town hall building; "Military Review", "Trade. Weekly" in the store building; a Sunset Sasparilla lid with a star in the house across from the store; Declaration of Vital Essence, "The Patriot's Cookbook" in a house with many traps.

Nipton road parking

A former road store and several destroyed buildings located at the intersection of Routes 15 and 164. The store is the same "empty shack between Nipton and the Mojave outpost" in which the mayor of Nipton, Joseph B. Stine, stored some supplies just in case.

Enemies: radscorpions (outside).

Items: Illustrated Fisticuffs book, Sunset Sasparilla cover with star, Mayor Stine's Diary 2/2 behind the cash register, weapons and ammo in gun cabinet (hack 50), BB gun.

Nipton Pit Stop

A Jackal camp set up among several ruined buildings near the Nipton Road. Consists of a camp fire and several bedding.

Faction: Jackals.

Enemies: Jackal bandits, leader of the Jackal gang.

Items: box with grenades (hack 25), box with mines, 2 healing powders.

Note: If you go east to Nipton, you will witness a shootout between Jacklyn and Thomas, at the end of which it is possible to get 9 caps from the Sunset Sasparilla with a star.


A small town with the visible figure of Dinky the dinosaur from afar, holding a huge thermometer in his paws.

Buildings: Cliff Briscoe's Bungalow, Ranger Andy's Bungalow, Dinosaur's Gift Shop, Dino Delight Motel (Dino Delight Motel Lounge, Boone's Room, Manny Vargas's Room, Motel Rooms (5)), Jenny Mae Crawford's House, House McBrides, Nelaya's hut, Novak - house (2). Faction: Novak.

Occupants: Jenny Mae Crawford, Cliff Briscoe (merchant), Ada Strauss (doctor), Craig Boone (possible companion), Manny Vargas (sniper), Ranger Andy, Daisy Whitman, Bruce Isaac, Chris Heversham, Nelai Noonan, Alice McBride, Dusty McBride, Victor, residents of Novak. Quests:

  • Investigation (Find out from Manny where the Khans went).
  • Let's Fly (Help Manny with his ghoul problem).
  • Kidnapping (Help Boone find his wife's kidnapper).
  • Source of inspiration (Take a photo of the thermometer).
  • Talents, respond! (Hire a singer for Tops, Isaac).
  • Find the one who is killing the Brahmins on the McBride farm.
  • Andy asks the Courier to check out Ranger Post Charlie.

Equipment: workbench (2), for equipping cartridges (2).

Items: The D.C. Therapeutic Journal book in Ranger Andy's bungalow, the unique revolver "The One" in the Dinosaur Gift Shop, two Sunset Sasparilla caps with a star (one in the house next to Nelai's hut, the other in Daisy's room Whitman).


A sort of roadside snack bar, you can buy food and water here, and there is also a camp fire and mattresses for relaxing.

Inhabitants: food seller Fitz and water seller Lup.

Unmarked Quest: At the request of Corporal Farber, persuade Fitz to supply provisions to Camp McCarran.

Items: Trade Weekly magazine, Sunset Sasparilla cover with a star.

Lake Las Vegas

Lake Las Vegas is completely separated from Lake Mead by a small dam built by NCR forces on its northeastern edge. The lake is a good source of clean water for the NKR sharecroppers' farms to the northwest, where water is supplied through a winding pipeline.


"Gunsmiths" is a manufacturing and trading company that specializes in the production and sale of firearms.

The Gunsmiths headquarters is a one-story building consisting of a large entrance hall, workshop and living quarters. Entering the territory of the "Gunsmiths" complex is a violation and entails hostility from the guards.

Faction: "Weaponsmiths".

Inhabitants: Isaac (supply), Torgotron (robot merchant), guards and gunsmiths of the "Weaponsmiths".

  • You can rely on me (Get secret production data from the Gunsmiths company at the plant).
  • Deal with Contreras (Talk to Isaac outside of the Gunsmiths).

Equipment: workbench for loading cartridges.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla lid with star in the lobby, Guns - The Future Today, Patriot Cookbook, Therapist Today magazines.

Outdoor cinema "California Sunset"

The once open cinema is now a deserted place.

Enemies: wild ghouls, radscorpions, tree scorpions.

Items: two Sunset Sasparilla caps with a star on the pavement among bottles and bottle caps; on the playground above the cinema there are magazines “School of Survival” and “Police Everyday Life”.

Mojave Outdoor Cinema

Abandoned outdoor cinema, starting point for the Old World Blues addon. After installing the addon, a crashed space satellite appears here. At midnight, the satellite starts showing a movie.

Enemies: the leader of the Jackal gang and mole rats.

Quest: Cinema After Midnight (Attend a midnight film screening at the Mojave Outdoor Cinema).

Basin Creek Office

A dilapidated building that was once an office. One of the rooms is locked (burglary 25), there is a note in front of the door asking for help (someone accidentally locked himself), behind the door you can find the skeleton of this poor fellow.

Enemies: giant ants and radcockroaches.

Items: "Age of Knights" and "Police Days" magazines, a hydra on the floor of the toilet, etc.

Allied Technologies offices

A building near which shootouts often occur between NKR soldiers and Viper gang shooters. A little to the east there is an abandoned warehouse, not marked on the map, associated with the quest “Two Boots of a Pair”.

Enemies: giant ants, arrows of the Viper gang, Devils.

Items: book "The Junktown Merchant. Stories" (on the floor near the Nuka Cola vending machine), "Age of Knights" and "Police Day" magazines, 2 Sunset Sasparilla caps with a star.

Jin Parachute School

Before the war there was a parachute jumping school here, but now this area has been taken over by demolitionists. Behind the hut, an old plane rusts quietly.

Faction: Demolitionists.

Enemies: Dutni in the swamp to the east.

Quest: “The Path to Correction” (Track the suspicious merchant and get rid of him).

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, gunsmith's repair kit, weapons and ammunition in the closet (hack 50 or key on the table).

Mobile camp of the Great Khans

This recently abandoned camp contains several empty whiskey bottles, a camp fire, and a hollowed out rock containing random loot.

Faction: Great Khans.

Enemies: Cazadors, Deathclaws.

Bloodborne Cave

A cave inhabited by a flock of night hunters. In the cave there is a warehouse behind a locked gate (Hack 100 or the key to the warehouse on the stone by the fire).

Enemies: night hunters, night hunter - legend, fire geckos (outside).

Quest: “Take everything” (Bring a bunch of night hunter eggs to Red Lucy).

Items: about 7,000 caps in chest (Hack 50), 12.7 mm submachine gun, 12.7 mm pistol, hunting revolver.

Black Rock Cave

A very small cave inhabited by several shadows.

Enemies: shadow master, shadows, radscorpions (outside).

Items: unique bang glove "Paladin Toaster".

Brock Cave

The small cave, judging by the situation, was used as a toxic waste dump before the war. Low levels of radiation are present in many parts of the cave.

Enemies: giant rats.

Gathering ingredients outside: brock flowers.

Quest: "Collector" (Find Lady Jane's caravan and take the caps).

Items: unique varmint rifle "Rat Slayer", magazines "Trade. Weekly", "School of Survival", "Therapist Today", "Programmer's Digest" (2).

Goodsprings Cave

The entrance to the cave is located on the mountainside southeast of Goodsprings; inside you can find the bodies of the inhabitants of the wasteland and Bright's follower.

Enemies: coyotes.

Gathering ingredients: Brock flowers at the top of the mountain.

Items: cat eye, "School of Survival" magazine.

Ded-Wind Cave

(eng. Dead Wind - Headwind)

A cave inhabited by all kinds of death claws, there is a dangerous mother and cubs, and even a deadly legend.

Enemies: death claws, death claw - womb, death claw - legend.

Quest: “Take everything” (Bring a bunch of deathclaw eggs to Red Lucy).

Items: unique automatic grenade launcher "Mercy", T-45d Brotherhood power armor.

Cannibal Johnson's Cave

A small cave in which an old man lives, who was once a soldier of the Enclave.

Occupant: Cannibal Johnson.

Quest: Long Ago (Persuade Cannibal Johnson to join the Remainers).

Items: book "Grognak the Barbarian", magazine "School of Survival".

Morning Star Cave

A small cave guarded by a pack of night hunters. At night, predators run through the nearby desert in search of prey. A little to the east of the cave you can see the tail of a crashed transport plane, half-buried with sand.

Enemies: night hunters (outside), queen leader and young night hunters (inside).

Items: weapons and ammunition on the mercenary's body, in a sports bag and in a hollowed out stone at the entrance to the cave, a box of explosives near this stone.

Nopa Cave

The small ancient cave, famous for trilobite fossils before the war, is now infested with fire geckos. Inside you can find a dead super mutant master.

Enemies: Fire geckos.

Items: heavily rusted "Fat Man" on the body of a super mutant master.

Lake Mead Cave

A cave hidden beneath the waters of Lake Mead. The entrance to the cave can be identified by the fishing vessel visible above the water surface, which once ran aground here.

The cave is divided into two parts. In the first part there are several places where you can replenish oxygen supplies, but the second part is completely flooded, so a breathing apparatus is required to explore it.

Items: "School of Survival" magazine, 60 packs of pre-war money.

Walkin Box Cave

Description not ready yet

Fire Route Cave

(eng. Fire Root - Fire Root)

A cave consisting of one large room with a radioactive puddle in the middle and an adjacent corridor.

This cave is the only way to Cottonwood Crater.

Enemies: Fire geckos, fire gecko is a legend.

Items: Angry Gnome (a unique version of the garden gnome figurine).

Charleston Cave

Cave north of Jacobstown, on top of a hill; consists of several spacious rooms connected by winding windy tunnels. In the lower, flooded part of the cave there is a single shelter, built before the war (hack 75).

Enemies: night hunters.

Quest: Guess who I saw! (Find the source of the Night Stalker stealth mutation).

Items: unique super sledgehammer "Baby!"; hunting shotgun, magazines "We fix it ourselves", "School of Survival", "Therapist Today".


A small empty hut with a basement. Not far to the west of it, in a clearing among the stones, lies a sports bag with a full set of Mark 2 combat armor.

Owner: Calabas (killed by cazadors).

Enemies: Cazadors around the hut.

Unmarked quest: "Strategic Nuclear Moose" (Find the secret Calabasas brewery).

Items: Sunset Sasparilla lid with star on shelf; in the basement (hack 50 or key on the shelf): book "Science for Everyone", weapons in the weapons cabinet (hack 75 or key in the basement).

Guardian Peak

The highest point of Guardian Camp. Only giant rats and radscorpions live here. The bodies of the NCR soldiers who previously occupied Camp Guardian may be found in the underlying cave system.

Sublock: Guardian Camp Caves.

Radio Station: Guardian Camp Radio.

Faction: NKR (formerly).

Enemies: giant rats, radscorpions.

Items: binoculars, Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star, pages from the Guardian camp magazine (Sergeant Banner left 11 pages scattered around the camp and on the mountainsides).

Guardian Camp Caves

The caves are a network of tunnels and several large chambers, with the main entrance at Guardian Peak, just north of the tent.

Outputs: Guardian Peak, Lake Mead.

Occupant: Private Helford.

Enemies: king of the lakes, lakers.

Unmarked quest: Help Private Helford.

Items: C-4 Explosives (7), Schematic - "Personal Mark" (Reward for saving Helford, or found on his corpse).

Marauders Platform

Description not ready yet


Description not ready yet

North Vegas area

New Vegas slums populated by very independent residents. Most of the buildings here are in extremely dilapidated condition, among them there is one large residential building - the Gray Building. Right on the square there is a sewer hatch leading to the Northern sewer.

Buildings: Gray building.

Occupants: Crendon, Jules, Andy Skebb (gang leader), residents of North Vegas.

Quest: Someone needs to keep an eye (Deal with the squatters in the square and the gang of troublemakers in the Northern Sewer).

Equipment: workbench for loading cartridges.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star (on the second floor of the Gray building).

Eldorado substation

An electrical substation near HELIOS One, guarded by a detachment of NKR fighters. The location is of paramount importance for NKR, since it is here that the energy coming from HELIOS One is converted into consumed electricity. It consists of a single power substation building and a large number of transformers in a fenced area.

Faction: NKR.

Inhabitants: NKR sergeant and 7 NKR fighters.

Quests: “Joker: the finishing touch” and “Casino always wins, VII” (Install the reboot chip into the terminal at the Eldorado substation).

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star.

Nevada Highway Patrol Post

A dilapidated highway patrol post occupied by Jackal bandits. There are several broken down police cars parked near the building.

Faction: Jackals.

Enemies: outside - criminals and Jackal bandits (including the leader), wild ghouls; inside are Jackal bandits and baby giant mantises.

Equipment: workbench for loading cartridges.

Items: "Guns and Bullets" book, "Sunset Sasparilla" cap with star, 2 hydras.

Ranger Post Alpha

The post consists of three tents, a radio tower and a camp fire. On the table in the tent you can see a map of the Hoover Dam.

Named occupants: Ranger Lineholm and Liaison Officer Castillo.

Faction: NKR.

Items: "Survival School" magazine, 2 boxes of ammunition, first aid kit, various loot.

Ranger Post Bravo

A fenced post consisting of several trailers and tents, with a radio tower visible from afar, has a camp fire. To the northeast there is a camp of heavily armed super mutants, near which a character with the “Wild Wasteland” trait will also find an atomic bomb “The One” (with a science skill of over 60, you can extract 150 en/batteries, 50 micro/poison batteries and 2 sensor modules from it) ).

Quest: "Boomerang" (update post radio codes).

Faction: NKR.

Items: "We Fix It Yourself" magazine, boxes of ammunition (hack 50), several bottles of purified water, etc.

Ranger Post Delta

A signalman's tent and a room in the basement of a destroyed house (hack 50), where you can see a map of the Hoover Dam on the wall.

Named occupants: Ranger Payson and Communications Officer Schaeffer.

Quest: "Boomerang" (update post radio codes).

Faction: NKR.

Items: in the tent - the magazine "School of Survival", leveled weapons in the chest (hack 50), a box with ammunition; in the basement - "Military Review" on the generator under the table, a weapons cabinet (hack 50), 2 boxes of ammunition (hack 25), various loot.

Equipment: workbench for equipping cartridges in the basement.

Ranger Station "Foxtrot"

The main purpose of this post is to observe the Great Khans in Red Rock. The camp consists of a radio tower, a tent, mattresses and a fire, it is located among birch and spruce trees, and can only be reached along the road leading to Jacobstown.

Named inhabitants: Ranger Kudlow and communications officer Lenk (very afraid of persecution by Gomorrah for an outstanding debt).

Quest: "Boomerang" (update post radio codes).

Faction: NKR.

Items: book "Take cover! Get down!" on the table in the tent, various loot.

Equipment: workbench for loading cartridges.

Ranger Station Charlie

A ranger camp set up among pre-war trailers.

Named occupant: communications officer Stepinak.

Quests: “Check if everything is in order at the post” (Ranger Andy from Novak asks to find out why the “Charlie” post does not answer calls on the radio) and “Boomerang” (update the post’s radio codes).

Faction: NKR.

Items: sunglasses on the tower, various loot in the floor safe (hack 50) and other containers.

Carefully! The legionnaires who attacked the post set up several dangerous booby traps.

Ranger Post Echo

A fenced camp with a radio tower where several ghoul rangers can be seen. The main task of the post is to monitor the Legion's forces in Cottonwood Cove and, to the best of their ability, to prevent their movement across the territory of the NKR.

Named inhabitants: Ranger Erasmus and Liaison Officer Green, Private Edwards (can appear here after completing the quest "We Are Together").

Quest: "Boomerang" (update post radio codes).

Faction: NKR.

Items: ammo box (hack 25), 3 radiators, rad-X, other chemicals, etc.

Carefully! Low levels of radiation in the southern part of the camp and near bomb craters.

Secret Cave Warehouse

A small cave containing several crates and a quest anti-radiation suit. The front door to the warehouse is locked (Hack 50+).

Quest: Wheel of Fortune (Find radiation suits in a cave near Nipton).

Items: book "Grognak the Barbarian", anti-radiation suit.

Legion Camp

A small two-level camp consisting of a large storage tent and three smaller ones with sleeping bags. There are several legionnaires and two tied up Niptonian demolitions in the camp.

Faction: Caesar's Legion.

Inhabitants: 6-10 legionnaires, 2 captured demolitionists.

Quest: "Marathon" (Free the hostages from Nipton).

Primm Passage

A mountain pass that allows you to get from Primm to Novak, bypassing Nipton (exiting the emergency depot on Route 93 near Ranger Station Charlie).

Enemies: Blind Deathclaw.

Items: energy weapons and ammunition on the body of Bright's follower, various loot in a hollowed out stone.


Description not ready yet

Radio station "Lone Wolf"

An abandoned trailer with broken radio equipment inside.

Enemies: geckos.

Items: Wasteland Survival Guide book, Sunset Sasparilla cap with star.

Broken Highwayman

This is a marker for the swamp into which a Highwayman that lost control once flew off the road. Now only the trunk, filled with various things, is visible above the surface of the swamp.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star, micronuclear and energy batteries, various loot.

Looted Farm

Corn field and trailer with belongings. Inside the trailer lie three skeletons, likely the remains of a family that once lived there. Near the farm you can stumble upon a detachment of legionnaires.

Enemies: if you enter the trailer, several (from 5 to 15) Viper gang shooters should “materialize” around the farm.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star, boxes of ammunition and armor, medicine in the first aid kit, various loot in the sports bag.

Wolfhorn Ranch

A ranch is like a ranch - a house, hanging bridges, a fortified tower, a source of irradiated water, maize, ferocactus, tobacco, etc.... But there is no owner. Perhaps he is buried on the top of the hill to the northwest, or perhaps someone else. In any case, the house is free and you can occupy it (containers do not respawn).

Items: book "Modern Castles", a unique version of the cleaver - Cleaver (Melee weapon, DAMAGE 14, UVS 54), varmint rifle, straight razor, other weapons in the weapons cabinet, boxes of ammunition (two in the house, one outside, near the fortifications ), fruiting plants, various loot.

Mole Rat Ranch

Good mole rats live here, who are attacked by an evil Brahmin (the mole rats and the Brahmin are reborn over time). On the west side of the ranch is a barren maize field, and to the northeast is a farm with predatory Brahmins, from which, apparently, this aggressive Brahmin came to the ranch - there you will see a trough with pieces of meat in it, as if someone had trained Brahmins eat meat.

To the north of the ranch is the house of an unknown moonshiner (judging by the presence of a moonshine still), who got the hang of growing maize under artificial lighting on heaps of earth right in the house.

To the east of the ranch you can see the ruins of a two-story building with many traps inside and good loot: the magazines "Police Weekdays", "Patriot Cookbook" and "Lockmaster", 9 iron, also a sniper rifle and cal. 308 cartridges in a locked storage room (burglary 75 ).

Tumbleweed Ranch

An ownerless two-story house with a fenced-in, uncultivated patch of field. If you enter the field, the Shadow (hidden until that moment) will approach the character with an offer to buy Wind Brahmin for all the available cash. If he agrees, the Shadow will give him a stealth fight, but the same stealth fight can be removed from the lifeless body of a super mutant...

Unmarked quest: "Wind Brahmin Seller" (Buy tumbleweeds from Shadow or refuse).

Items: the book "Lies: A Primer for Congressman", a lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star, an electric chaser, 2 stimulants, more than a hundred lids in a box, etc.

South Vegas Ruins, East Entrance

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South Vegas Ruins, West Entrance

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Fisherman's hut

A small empty cabin on the shore of Lake Mead, with a small dock. The hut has one room with a refrigerator, several shelves and a bed.

Enemies: Lakers (outside).

Items: book "Fist Fighting Illustrated", cover from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star.

Mommy Gibson's Junkyard

Mother Gibson has been living alone in this landfill for many years after the death of her husband. All she has left are her memories and the dogs she adores.

The landfill consists of a yard, which is actually a landfill, and a garage where Gibson's mother sleeps.

Inhabitants: Mother Gibson (trader) and her dogs - Audas, Basura, Colmillo, Phil, Rina, Ray.

  • Let's fly (Find spare parts to repair rocket thrust regulators).
  • A Dog's Life (Ray, Mommy Gibson's dog, one of the possibilities for getting a new brain for Rex).
  • ED-E, my love (At this point, the trigger is activated to play the first audio recording).

Equipment: workbench.

Items: "Big Boom" (unique sawn-off shotgun, property of Old Lady Gibson), "Sunset Sasparilla" cap with star.

Searchlight North Gold Mine

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North Gate of the Strip

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Freeside (Freeside East and North Gate)

  • Soldier's Blues (Complete several tasks for the King).
  • A Dog's Life (Find a way to heal Rex).
  • King's Gambit (Stop the harassment of NKR citizens).
  • Two boots in a pair (Work for Gloria Van Graff).
  • Collector (Collect debts from defaulting Garretts).
  • Atomic Tango (Find "workers" in "Atomic Cowboy").
  • It's time to (Help Bill Ronte and Jacob Hoff).
  • Help Julie Farkas negotiate with the traders.

Communication service: Mojave Express mailbox.

Items: Old Mormon Fort - "Snow Globe. Mormon Fort", Therapist Today magazine; "Mick and Ralph" - magazines "Programmer's Digest", "Century of Knights", "Therapist Today"; School of the King's doubles - "Figaro" (a unique straight razor, owned by Sergio), "World of Boxing" magazine; Casino "Atomic Cowboy" - Nuka-Cola "Victoria"; "Cirulien Robotics" - the book "Lies: A Primer for Congressman", cover from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star; "Opener" (a unique cutting glove, after completing the "Bounty Hunt" it can be found on the body of Little Brat near the northern gate); “Euclidean Algorithm” (near the eastern gate, the boy Max runs after the girl Stacy, holding this weapon in his hands).

""Open main description""

Northern Passage

The northern passage is the starting point for the Honest Hearts addon; the path to Zion begins here (if Honest Hearts is not installed, the passage will be tightly blocked with stones).

Exit to location: South Passage (Zion Canyon).

Faction: Trading company "Good Path".

Occupants: Jed Masterson (caravan driver), Stella (caravan guard), two Bon Voyage guards, Ricky (pathological liar).

Quest: Expedition "Good Path" (Find the master caravan driver of the "Good Path" company).

Scorpion Gorge

A gorge through which you can directly go from Hidden Valley to HELIOS One. However, the straightness of the path is aggravated by the need to deal with the radscorpions swarming here, so not everyone can pass...

Unmarked quest: search for the missing laser pistol (LS).

Enemies: radscorpions of various types.

Items: missing laser pistol in the center of the gorge - on a stone near a dead wasteland dweller (appears only after conversations with the paladin in charge of the shooting range and novice Stanton), a cap from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star on the body of a prospector (near the exit at HELIOS One), various loot in the grave and poisonous glands of radscorpions.


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Sniper position

A cozy sniper's nest - a beautiful view from above of Cottonwood Cove, an open shed as shelter from the rain, a bed, a fire, in short, everything is provided.

Items: in a locked chest (hack 100) - unique sniper Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle, cover from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star, boxes of ammunition (cal. 308 cartridges), various loot.

Solar batteries AB Nellis

The second largest (after HELIOS One) solar energy facility in the Mojave Wasteland, providing electricity to the entire Nellis Air Force Base. On the roof of the low building of the generator room (entrance to it is possible with a key for the quest) there are rows of solar panels, among which there are several broken ones.

Faction: Bombers.

Enemies: giant ants in the generator room.

  • Bad Ants (Clear the generator room from giant ants).
  • Boogie-Woogie (Repair solar panels, which requires a repair skill of 65, or spare parts with HELIOS One and a repair skill of 20).

Items in the generator room: the shooter's carbine and the carbine near the bodies of the two bombers at the entrance; unique 40-mm grenade launcher "Bukh-Bukh"; 2 nuclear shots and a lot of other ammunition in the warehouse.

New Vegas Steel Mill

An abandoned steel mill located in the middle of Devil territory. Records in the terminal indicate that the plant has been operating in automatic mode for 204 years.

Enemies: inside Mr. Steel (3), crazy Mr. Assistant (2); Devils outside.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla lid with star, Fix It Yourself, Programmer's Digest, Patriot Cookbook, Age of Knights magazines.

Old nuclear test site

Nuclear tests were once carried out here. There is a fortified observation platform on the hill to the northwest. Based on the presence of five chairs on the site with police glasses on each, it can be assumed that the observers have become ghouls. In a hut located inside the fence, on the bed lies the body of a girl named Nonsense, who really wanted to be gulified, judging by three entries from her Suicide Diary.

Carefully! There is a high level of radiation in the hut.

Enemies: Wild ghouls of various types.

Items: three entries from the Suicide Diary, a hunting shotgun, a Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star, the book “Nikola Tesla and You,” reinforced leather armor.

Secret apartment of the Brotherhood of Steel

The courier will receive a mark on the map and a key to the apartment only after completing the quest "In the Ignorance", you also need to earn a good reputation among the BS and reach the "Favorite" rating.

Faction: Brotherhood of Steel.

Occupant: Paladin Sato (repairs things for a fee).

Equipment: workbench for equipping cartridges and workbench.

Items: Tesla gun, minigun, gatling laser, grenade launcher, reconnaissance armor, T-51b power armor, T-45d power armor.

Secret apartment of Caesar's Legion

The key to the house can only be obtained from Lucius in the Fort. He will offer the key if the Courier becomes the Legion's "Favorite" (or more).

Faction: Caesar's Legion.

Occupant: Veteran Atticus.

Unmarked quest: "Reliable Assistant" (Work for Caesar's Legion to gain access to the Legion's secret apartment).

Equipment: outdoor fire.

Items: Lucky Sunglasses (+1 Luck), Centurion Armor and Helmet, Vexilar Armor and Helmet, Praetorian Armor, Chainsaw, Sniper Rifle, Displacer Glove.

Secret apartment of followers

To gain access here, the Courier must become an “Idol” among the Followers. After this, Julie Farkas in the Old Mormon Fort will invite the Courier to join the Followers of the Apocalypse and give the key to the apartment.

Faction: Followers of the Apocalypse.

Occupant: Dr. Luria.

Equipment: Workbench.

Items: book "Therapeutic Journal of the District of Columbia", universal suit for experiments (Science +5), improved anti-radiation suit (+40 to radiation resistance), three-beam laser rifle, multi-plasma rifle, magazines "Phantom", "We fix it ourselves", "Weapons" - the future today", "Programmer's Digest", "Therapist today", "Police everyday life".

Secret apartment of the NKR rangers

A well-camouflaged ranger shelter in the rocks, consisting of three rooms (dining room, bedroom, generator room). There are beds, chests and a fountain with clean water. The key to the apartment is given by Colonel James Shue at Camp McCarran (after the Courier gains a reputation as "The Favorite" among the NCR).

Faction: NKR.

Occupant: Ranger Gomez appears here from time to time (you can beg her for some ammo).

Enemies (outside): Deathclaws and Radscorpions.

Equipment: workbench for loading cartridges.

Items: hunting revolver, carbine, ranger carbine, restored NKR power armor, NKR ranger combat armor, NKR patrol ranger armor.

Goods depot

Abandoned depots and a gypsum mine, favored by the claws of death. To the north there is a railway tunnel not marked on the map (locked on both sides, Hack 100), a shortcut to Nellis Air Force Base, along which you can get to the base almost without being under shelling from bombers.

Vault 34

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Junction 15

An abandoned station building, tightly boarded up, near the railway tracks.

Enemies: Deathclaws.

Items: a lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star on a bench near the building, under the same bench is a hydra.

Hunter's Farm

An ordinary one-story house would be quite suitable housing for the Courier, if not for the death claws that live near the rocks to the south. Several demolition bombers may appear near the house, but fire geckos can easily and quickly deal with them.

Faction: Demolitionists.

Enemies: fire geckos near the house, death claws to the south.

Items: 2 Sunset Sasparilla lids with star in the kitchen.

Whittaker Farm

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Horowitz Farm

An abandoned farm consisting of a large ruined house and an old barn next to a granary. The shooters of the Viper gang settled in the house, lit a camp fire there and threw sleeping bags on it.

Faction: Vipers.

Enemies: 3 shooters from the Viper gang.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star on the boxes in the destroyed house, hunting shotgun in the back of a pickup truck near the barn.

Note: To the north of the farm there is a camp of hostile mercenaries. One of them is armed with a unique Gauss rifle - YCS/186.

If your character has the Wild Wasteland trait, you will see the mercenary camp turn into a landing site for an alien ship. Three living aliens will appear nearby; the captain of the Alien ship will be armed with a unique Alien Blaster.

NKR sharecropper farms

The farms are a partially fenced large field where sharecroppers grow crops, mostly corn. Roughly built greenhouses and a sharecroppers' barracks rise in the middle of the field.

These buildings were built here as part of the implementation of the so-called Thaler Law, according to which farmers who moved from the NKR to the Mojave to cultivate undeveloped land receive military protection (and also clean water from Lake Las Vegas, delivered here through a huge pipeline) in exchange for part of the harvest.

Buildings: Sharecroppers' Barracks, Greenhouses (10).

Faction: NKR.

Occupants: Lieutenant Romanowski, Private Ortega, Morgan Blake, Trent Bascom, Ann, other sharecroppers.

  • Hard Fate (Talk to Morgan Blake at the NCR sharecropper farms).
  • Search for White (Find out what Trent Bascom knows about Corporal White).

Plants: Corn, mesquite, pinto beans.

Items in the barracks: a lid from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star, a book "Combat Manual of the Chinese Special Forces."


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Shack Bradley

A small hut under a rock. Be careful: there is a self-firing shotgun installed in the hut, and when leaving it you will be ambushed by Jackal bandits.

Enemies: Jackal bandits.

Items: something in the hollowed out rock at the entrance to the hut; in the hut - a Sunset Sasparilla cap with a star, 3 fragmentation grenades, 2 boxes of ammunition, a first aid kit, an air gun, etc.

Falsecap Hut

A small abandoned shack on the shore of Lake Mead. In the basement there are two vending machines with sasparilla and one with Nuka Cola.

Enemies: cazadors.

Items: Junktown Merchant Stories book, Sunset Sasparilla caps with star (3), fake bottle caps (18).

Hidden Valley

Hidden Valley (English: Hidden Valley) are four US Air Force bunkers built in pre-war times. The bunkers are located inside a fenced area nestled among hills and rocks. The three bunkers are of the same type; these are rooms with a tightly locked door on the opposite side.

Buildings: East Bunker, North Bunker, South Bunker, West Bunker (also known as the Hidden Valley Bunker). Levels: Hidden Valley - bunker L1, Hidden Valley - bunker L2.

Access to the BS bunker can be obtained after finding a holodisk with a password on the bodies of the paladins of any of the three missing Brotherhood patrols: near the REPCONN headquarters, or near Mount Black, or in the vicinity of Nellis Air Base (if there is a holodisk, it is possible to say the password into the intercom). An alternative to the password is Veronica's presence. You can also pick the lock on the door (Hack 100). In addition, the door to the bunker will open if you advance far enough in the story.

Faction: Brotherhood of Steel.

Inhabitants: Elder McNamara, Chief Paladin Hardin, Paladin Ramos, Senior Knight Lorenzo, Knight Torres (merchant), Chief Scribe Taggart, Chief Scribe Schuller (Doctor), Scribe Ibsen, Acolyte Stanton, Apprentice Watkins, paladins, scribes and acolytes of the Brotherhood.

""Open quest list""

Enemies: tree scorpions (outside).

  • In the dark (Find three missing Brotherhood patrols, meet three scouts, find spare parts for the air filtration system in shelters).
  • Blind Eye (Go to Mount Black and install a remote signal transmitter on one of the consoles).
  • Don't meddle in other people's business (Destroy the Van Graffs).
  • Lots of worries (Go to Hidden Valley with Veronica).
  • ED-E, my love (At this point, the trigger is activated to play the second audio recording).
  • Establish relations with the BS or destroy the BS:
    • The casino always wins, V;
    • Joker: place your bets;
    • For the Republic, part 2;
    • To Caesar what is Caesar's.

Unmarked quests:

  • Help scribe Ibsen neutralize a computer virus that has infected the bunker's computer system.
  • Return the missing laser pistol to Knight Torres.

Items: the book "Nikola Tesla and You" in the office of senior scribe Schuller (Hidden Valley - bunker L1).

""Open main description""

Nile's Hut

The hut mainly consists of a canopy providing shelter from the rain. Serves as the home of Neil, a peaceful super mutant.

Owner: Neil.

Quest: Madness (Talk to Neil in his hut).

Raoul's Hut

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Fields Hut

A small empty hut with a camp fire in front of it. On the road not far from the hut, a guy named George hangs out and instructs everyone who wants to get to Nellis Air Force Base on how to properly run under artillery fire.

Items: exclusive air gun "Child of Abilene", cap from "Sunset Sasparilla" with a star.

Important: if your character has the “Wild Wasteland” trait, the air gun will not be in the hut, but in Jimmy’s well near it (to find the well, you should identify the location marker with the hut, then turn to Rex, listen to his nervous howl, ask: “Is it possible that someone- did you fall into the well?", after which Rex will bark affirmatively twice and the well will appear next to the hut).

Harper's Cabin

An abandoned hut can become a comfortable home for the Courier - storing things in containers is safe, there is a bed, a camp fire and workbenches.

Enemies: Viper Gang Gunners to the northeast and Deathclaws to the south.

Equipment: workbench for equipping cartridges and workbench.

Items: Sunset Sasparilla cap with star, varmint rifle, straight razor, 3 boxes of ammunition, scrap metal.

Red Rock Chemical Laboratory

Five rusty trailers, one of them contains a table with laboratory equipment. There are beds and a camp fire.

Named inhabitants: Dayen (project leader), Jack (trader and chemist), Anders (messenger).

Faction: Great Khans.

Quests: “Honeymoon in Aba-Daba” and “Dad”.

Items: Therapist Today and Programmer's Digest magazines, three cave mushrooms (rare ingredients), chemicals, etc.

Coyote Tail Ridge

(eng. Coyote Tail - Coyote's Tail)

Earlier, at this place, NKR forces ambushed the Great Khans, who were trying to escape from Bitter Springs along the so-called “Canyon 37”. To the northeast you can find the graves of those same executed khans.

Quest: “I forgot to forget” (Stay here overnight at Boone’s request).

Enemies: Cazadors to the west.

REPCONN Headquarters

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Sunset Sasparilla Headquarters

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South tank

A small building with a reservoir of irradiated water and two NKR fighters inside, who offer the hero to play a game or two with them, but there is no way to do this.

Items: various junk.