Mobile game mushroom pickers. Mobile game "Delicious berry. Theme "Mushrooms": speech games and exercises in pictures for classes with children


"Hedgehog in the Forest"

The driver is selected - “hedgehog”, he stands in the middle of the site. The rest of the children are "mushrooms", they stand in a circle around the driver. They go around and say:

Mushroom pricklyWalks in the dense forest.

One fungus, two fungus,Here is the whole box!


And I'm walking through the forest I take mushrooms in a box.

One, two, don't yawnYou run away from me!

"Mushrooms" scatter, and the "hedgehog" tries to catch them.

"For mushrooms"

Autumn sometimes we will come to the forest with you,(walking in place)

We will collect a whole basket of mushrooms in the forest!(squats)

A web flies and leaves fall,(shake arms above head)

Withered grass rustles under boots.("rustling" feet)

On a thin bridge we will cross the stream,(walk on tiptoes)

We will find a family of red-haired chanterelles in the moss with you.(tilts down)

Let's spread the grass with a stick and there we will see suddenly -(cross movements of straight arms)

Colored russula scattered around.(circling in place)

And in the clearing there are strong mushrooms.("spring")

They hid under the paws of the Christmas trees, they don’t want to go into the basket.(put hands in a herringbone pattern above head)

Honey mushrooms, mushrooms and mushrooms with you we found,(turns left and right)

We brought a whole basket of mushrooms home!(clap hands)


Children stand in a circle, hold hands. A cone is placed in the center of the circle - this is a fly agaric.

Before us is a forest

And in the forest - fly agaric.

Fly agaric stands

He looks at the children.

Fly agaric who will collect

He leaves the circle.

Children begin to move around the "fly agaric", while each of the players tries to pull their neighbors to the "fly agaric" so that they hit it. Whoever moves or drops the "fly agaric" leaves the circle.

Mobile game: "Catch the mushroom"

Two teams of "mushrooms" (3 - 4 people) and mushroom pickers (3 - 4 pairs) participate. On the floor, two circles are marked with a cord in the center of a circle of small diameter - 2-3m - baskets of mushroom pickers and an outer circle of large diameter - a forest where mushrooms grow. "Mushrooms" in the outer circle, "mushroom pickers" in pairs - in the center.

Between spruce soft paws Rain drip, drip, drip!

Where the knot has dried up for a long time Gray moss, moss, moss!

Where the leaf stuck to the leaf, Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom has grown!

Who found his friends? It's me, me, me!

(after the last words, on a signal, hit the tambourine! The "mushrooms" scatter. The "mushroom pickers" catch the "mushrooms" and take them to the circle.

Relay "Pick mushrooms"

The leader helps the children to divide into 2 teams. Teams line up, one team opposite the other. The last members of each team are next to the mushroom clearing. The clearings are covered with a scarf or any other cloth. The leader removes the scarves. Near the first participants there is a basket. At the signal of the leader: “One - two - three! Collect mushrooms in baskets! the last participants take mushrooms in turn and pass them along the chain to the next participant. When the mushrooms reach the first participants, they put them in baskets. The team that picks mushrooms first wins.

Competition "Edible and non-edible mushrooms"

The host calls the children at will (6-8 people, divides them into 2 teams. You can divide the children into a team of girls and boys. In front of each team there is a basket of mushrooms, in which among the edible mushrooms there are inedible (poisonous) mushrooms. On command: "One - two - three! Remove inedible mushrooms from the basket! "Children put aside inedible (poisonous mushrooms).

Competition "Which of the gnomes is faster"

The host puts a basket of mushrooms next to him, calls a couple of participants to him, each has a cap on his head. These are gnomes. There is a chair between them. Children say in chorus:

There lived a cheerful dwarf in the forest,

He built a house for himself.

All from cones and foliage,

Unprecedented beauty.

Dwarf, gnome, dance.

Music sounds, both participants dance;at this time, the host puts a couple of mushrooms from the basket on a chair, gives a task /. For example:

"Fly agaric you show."

/ each of the participants tries to grab the mushroom as quickly as possible and lift it up. Whoever does it first is the winner.

Mobile game "Naughty mushrooms"

Children and the leader stand in a circle, the leader stands in the middle of the circle.

We are funny mushrooms / children walk in a circle, holding hands /

We grow on stumps and bumps / stop, rise on toes, squat /

We like to hide, play / stomp our feet /

You try to catch up with us! /scatter/

The driver catches up with the children.

The game is repeated again.

Mobile game "Collect mushrooms"

There are mushrooms on the floor in a circle (the number of mushrooms is less than the number of children). Children go in a circle with the words:

We go, we go, we go

We will find mushrooms now

Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,

On a stump, under an aspen.

Here is the mushroom, don't yawn

And grab it quickly!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the children should quickly take any mushroom.

You can use music. To the music, the children run cheerfully in a circle, when the music stops, each of the children must take a mushroom. Whoever did not get the mushroom is out of the game and sits on a chair. The last child is the winner.

Didactic games on the topic "Mushrooms"

Game "Mushroom meadow"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge about autumn gifts nature, about edible and inedible mushrooms, find out where mushrooms grow in the forest; to form the ability to find edible mushrooms in a didactic picture.

Material: a large didactic picture depicting an autumn forest, painted large-format mushrooms inserted into the picture, baskets, a forest mushroom.


Collect at least three mushrooms (please note that there should be several mushrooms of the same species in the picture, if one "mushroom picker" found, for example, a porcini mushroom, then others are given the opportunity to find the same mushroom).

  1. The teacher invites the children to take a walk in the fairy forest for mushrooms, remember what they need to take with them to the forest.
  2. Each child chooses edible mushrooms in the picture and collects them in a basket.
  3. The mushroom forester asks the children what the name of this or that mushroom is, where he likes to grow.

The game "Why are mushrooms called that?"

Target: introduce children to a variety of mushrooms, highlighting groups of edible and inedible mushrooms; teach children different methods of word formation using examples of mushrooms.

What is the name of the mushroom that grows under a birch?(Boletus.)

What is the name of the mushroom that grows under the aspen?(Boletus.) Why do you think it is so named?

A mushroom that likes to grow in a spruce or pine forest, what is it called?(Borovik.)

What are mushrooms with red caps called?(Ryzhiki, chanterelles.)

What are the mushrooms that grow in friendly families on stumps called?(Honey mushrooms.)

What is the mushroom with a round wavy cap called?(Wave.)

What are mushrooms with oily caps called?(Oil.)

What mushroom is called a wild animal?(Fox.) Why was it named like that?

The name of the mushroom is very similar to the name of a domestic animal. What is this mushroom?(Pig.) Why is it called that?(Because he is stained, "dirty as a pig.")

What mushrooms are named after rain?(Raincoats.)

Can these mushrooms be eaten? What are their names?(Edible.)

Mushrooms that mushroom pickers do not like, filthy mushrooms, what are they called?(Toadstools.)

What other mushrooms do not like to meet mushroom pickers? Can these mushrooms be eaten? What are their names?(Inedible.)

The game "Pick up the hat to the leg"

Target: introduce children to a variety of mushrooms, teach them to pick up a mushroom cap to its stem; develop visual perception, attention, thinking, speech, fine motor skills.

Material: a set of pictures depicting mushrooms cut into 2 parts (caps and legs separately).

Match the hat to the stem of the mushroom. What kind of mushroom did you get?(Boletus.)

Game "Edible - inedible"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the autumn gifts of nature, about edible and inedible mushrooms, find out which mushrooms can be eaten and which cannot be eaten; develop attention, thinking, speech.

The teacher calls the mushrooms, and the children answer whether they can be eaten or not:honey agaric, fly agaric, russula, grebe, boletus, boletus, false mushrooms, boletus, etc.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: to teach children to single out their essential features in objects and to make the necessary generalizations on this basis, to activate the subject dictionary.

Look at the picture

Name an extra object

And explain your choice.

Boletus, fly agaric , boletus, boletus.

fly agaric, toadstool, russula, false honey agaric.

Game "One - many"

Target: teach children to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

We are little wizards

There was one, but there will be many.

(Boletus - boletus - a lot of boletus, etc.)

Game "Count - one, two, five" (with a ball)

Target: teach children to coordinate nouns with the numerals "one", "two", "five".

How many of them - we always know

Well we all think.

One fly agaric - two fly agaric - five fly agaric.

Game "Fold the picture"

Target: to acquaint children with a variety of mushrooms, to teach how to pick up parts in a whole picture; develop holistic perception, attention, thinking, speech, fine motor skills.

Each child has a picture of a mushroom, cut into 4 parts.

What kind of mushroom did you get?(Boletus.)

Nadezhda Merzlikina

mobile game« Mushroom picker and mushrooms»

Create a good mood in children.

To form the ability to move in different directions, to follow the actions of the educator, to act together.

Develop orientation in space.

Cultivate endurance, patience.

Children disperse around the room


"I - mushroomer, and you mushrooms,

Well, hide under the oaks!

One, two, three, four, five - I'm going look for mushrooms

(Children squat - "hide" when the teacher approaches them, and when they leave, they get up again.

The game is over when each child sits down 3-5 times.

Movable games with rules are a conscious, active activity of the child, which is characterized by the timely and accurate completion of tasks related to the rules that are binding on all participants. Very often I include mobile holiday games and open events. game « Mushroom picker and mushrooms» I used during autumn holiday. To create it, I needed thick cardboard white color, brush, paints, glue, scissors, two sheets of A3 paper and a few paper clips.

First I drew a stencil mushroom circled him a few times (according to the number of children) then I cut strips of paper 4cm by 60cm. stuck on them mushrooms.

mushrooms painted with brown and yellow paint, glued strips and mushrooms.

When mushrooms dried up, fastened the edges of the strips together.

And I made an envelope.

Before play at the holiday we practiced in everyday life. Children played with pleasure.

Related publications:

What is a game (mobile game) and what is its role in the physical development of children? 1. What is a game, an outdoor game? According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, an outdoor game is an exercise through which the child prepares.

Musical outdoor game "Snowman""Snowman"Musical and outdoor game for older children preschool age. Purpose: To develop emotionality, fantasy of older preschool children.

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Mobile game "Mushroom-mushroom" Outdoor play is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is its complexity.

Mobile game "Cunning Fox" Purpose and objectives of the game: Purpose: To form in children the need for mobile activity Tasks: To teach to follow the rules of the game. Develop speed.

Mobile game "Birdcatcher" MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 60 "Zainka" Summary of the open viewing of the outdoor game Outdoor game "Birdcatcher" Purpose: to form.

Mobile game "Owl" The task of the outdoor game Purpose: to form in children the need for motor activity. Tasks: To consolidate the ability of children to act according to.

Mobile game on a walk in kindergarten. "Helicopters" Game from 3 years old. Purpose: development of motor activity of children. Materials: tambourine.


Game exercises

1) “Mushroom pickers”: the teacher says: “Now one of you will be a mushroom picker, and the rest will be mushrooms. Each mushroom will find a place for itself in the forest, and the mushroom picker will carefully look and remember. After that, the mushroom picker and the mushrooms dance, when the music ends, the mushroom picker will turn away and the mushrooms will take their place. Then the mushroom picker will check if the mushrooms sat down correctly.

2) Game-competition: "Who will pick mushrooms (berries) faster."

3) Game: "Hunters and mushrooms."

mobile game

1. “Mushroom, tree, berry” - the children run loose, when the leader says “Mushroom” - the children squat, “Tree” - raise their hands up, “Berry” - make their hands in the castle.
2. “A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

3. "Catch up with your couple."
Objectives: - to perform movements at the signal of the educator;
- clearly navigate when finding your partner.
"Don't get caught."
Goals: - exercise in running in different directions;
- develop slow and fast running, orientation in space.


1. Shoveling snow with a shovel, cleaning with a shovel - learn how to use the shovel correctly.

2. Collecting toys, cleaning them from snow - learn to take care of toys, collect them together after games.

3. Shoveling snow in those places where the roots of trees are open (so that they are warm) - to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by common efforts.

4.Shoveling snow in a certain place.

Target:teach to keep cleanliness and order in the children's area garden.

5. Shoveling snow with a shovel, clearing the path.

Lots of snow, nowhere to run.

There is also snow on the road.

Here, guys, shovels for you,

Let's work for everyone.

Target:to learn to act with shoulder blades, raking snow in a certain place.



Musical game "Fungus"

This game requires a mushroom. The participants of the game dance to the music and at the same time pass the fungus to each other. The host turns off the music from time to time. The one who at this moment has a mushroom in his hands is out. The last player to dance wins and is rewarded with a fungus.

An outdoor game of low mobility "And we walked through the forest"

And we walked through the forest

Fungi found under a bush

Mushrooms, mossiness mushrooms, boletus mushrooms



· "Mushroom meadow" (drawing)

· “Like a squirrel dried mushrooms for winter” (see Volchkova, p. 96)

· Mushrooms


"Mushroom bowl"

“We will go to the woods, we will find a fungus” (see Volchkova p. 96)

"Treat for the Hedgehog"

"Mushrooms on a stump" (see Lykova p. 46)

Origami "Mushrooms"



"Mushroom meadow" (see Lykova p. 48)

creative works

"Basket with mushrooms"

Making the layout "Autumn Forest"

Working with parents :

· Folder-slider: "What a child should know about mushrooms and berries."

· Weekend itinerary: "Family hike in the forest."

· Joint drawing competition: "Our trip to the forest"

· Creating a sliding folder "Edible and non-edible mushrooms"

· Project: Playing out the fairy tale "Under the fungus" for kids (costume making)

· Competition of joint works of children and parents "Gifts of Autumn" - crafts with children from mushrooms and natural material.

Tatyana Bezmenova
Mobile game "Delicious berry"

Children like play outdoor games. They develop the child, make his life more fun and interesting, and give the teacher an excellent opportunity to achieve their goals in a relaxed atmosphere.

Goals. Engage children in play. Continue to introduce children to berries, develop attention. Raise motor activity, to improve the ability to correctly perform game actions.


The teacher tells the children that she saw many different berries, collected them in a basket and decided to bring them to the guys.

The teacher shows the children berries while saying the name (raspberries, currants, strawberries) and clarifies with the children whether she calls them correctly. Then the teacher offers to go to the clearing and collect berries. But only everyone will collect their own berry. Distributes cards to children with drawn berries and explains what you need to find and run up to exactly the same berry.

The teacher says the words: "One, two, don't yawn, your pick a berry.

Children scatter each to their own berry, and the teacher checks the correctness of the choice of children and clarifies for each child which berry he ran. The winner is the one who first ran to his berry and named it correctly.

You can give two children the same picture, and they must run to one berry.

Similarly to this game, you can play a game with fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.

Thematic week: "Our Kindergarten".

Mobile game: "We are funny guys."

Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site, and several circles are drawn on the side. This is the leader's house. The players gather behind the line on one side of the court and say in chorus:

We are funny guys
We love to run and jump.
Well, try to catch us! One, two, three catch!

After the word "catch!" everyone runs to the opposite side of the site. The driver must catch one of the runners before he crosses the second line. Caught becomes in a circle - the house of the driver. Then the children read the verses again and run across the playground in the opposite direction. After 2-3 attempts, they count how many children are caught, choose a new driver and the game continues.

Thematic week: "How bread came to the table"

Relay: Combiners.

Let's imagine that we are in a field, and wheat grows on it, and we are harvesters. Look - we have grown wheat. And the combine operators need to collect it and put it in a truck (toys). There is wheat in the hoop (field) - the children take turns running up with a spoon, scoop grains from a pile and take them to the car (toy). Who will collect more grain.

Relay race: "Transport the grain."

Combiners while transported - scattered grain on the road. Now we will all collect the grains together and take them to the mill to make flour there. The grains are scattered on the floor in a hoop into one common pile. Children, while the music is playing, run up together and pick up grain from the common pile and take it to their “mill”.

Theme week: "My city"

Mobile game: "Favorite city".

The participants of the game are placed in one "city". Trap in the center. The goal is to run to another city without freezing. Who ran to his favorite city without freezing, he won.

Theme week: "Toys".

Mobile game: "who will take the toy sooner"

Children move in a circle in a column one at a time to rhythmic music. In the center of the circle is a doll in a hoop. On command, the children perform imitative movements (we walk like dolls, we walk like bears, we jump like parsley). The music stops playing, the children run to the center of the hall to the doll. Whoever touches it faster is the winner.

The game of low mobility: "find and keep silent"

The children turn away, the teacher hides the toy. Children begin to look for a toy, the one who found it comes up to the teacher and says in the ear where it lies.

Theme week: "Clothes".

Relay race: "Washing".

Children are divided into two teams. A rope with clothespins is stretched near the teams. At the opposite end of the hall are two basins with clothes. The task of the teams is to run to the basin, take clothes, run to the rope, hang it on the rope. Whose team is faster.

Game of low mobility: "handkerchief transfer".

To the music, the children pass the handkerchief in a circle, whoever has the handkerchief is dancing, the rest are clapping.

Beautiful, beautiful

Everything around is beautiful

We are now a handkerchief

Pretty we'll take

And with this handkerchief we will start the game.

Theme week: "Shoes"

Relay: "find a pair."

Children are divided into two teams. Each child has shoes in their hands. At the opposite end of the hall is a second pair of shoes. The task is to find the second pair. Whose team is faster.

Theme week: “Autumn. Autumn signs. Trees in autumn.

Mobile game "Thunder".

Children perform jumps.

Raised the thunder to rumble

Ride through the fields

Through the forests, through the hills

Yes, blue clouds

Ringing warm rain

Rolled up to me

Rain, rain! We need

Run home.

Thematic week “Garden in autumn. Vegetables".

Mobile game: "I was born a gardener."

Leading in the center of the circle.

I was born a gardener (gardener)

Not jokingly angry

I'm tired of all vegetables, except ... potatoes

Child choosing potatoes:

I'm here! They become each other's backs

All: 1,2,3 run (run towards each other)

Whoever runs first is the one who leads.

Relay race: "Let's take the vegetables to the yard"

Children are divided into two teams. Running along the winding path between the pins, jumping through the groove, take the fake vegetable and bring it to the cup.

Thematic week: "Mushrooms and berries"

Mobile game: "Catch the mushroom"

Two teams of "mushrooms" (3-4 people) and mushroom pickers (3-4 pairs) participate. On the floor, two circles are marked with a cord in the center of a circle of small diameter - 2-3m - baskets of mushroom pickers and an outer circle of large diameter - a forest where mushrooms grow. "Mushrooms" in the outer circle, "mushroom pickers" in pairs - in the center.

Between spruce soft paws

Rain drip, drip, drip!

Where the twig has dried up for a long time,

Gray moss, moss, moss!

Where the leaf stuck to the leaf,

Mushroom, mushroom, mushroom has grown!

Who found his friends?

It's me, me, me!

(after the last words, on a signal, hit the tambourine! The "mushrooms" scatter. The "mushroom pickers" catch the "mushrooms" and take them to the circle.

Theme week: "Dishes"

Relay race: "Bring without splashing water"

Children are divided into two teams. At the opposite end of the hall are buckets of water. The task of the teams is to run with a wooden spoon, scoop up a spoon and carry it, trying not to spill it and pour it into a transparent vessel of your team. Who will bring more water.

Low mobility game: "Surprise"

The leader is selected, they blindfold him, give him a stick and put him in the middle of the circle. A toy is hidden under a bucket or pan. The driver must go around the circle and use a stick to feel for the pan.

The game of low mobility: "Depict the dishes."

Theme week: "Furniture"

Mobile game: "Take a chair"

Chairs are arranged in a circle (one less than the participants). Music sounds, children walk around the chairs performing dance moves. When the music ends, the children must take the chairs. Who did not have time to leave the game (one chair is removed).

Thematic week: “Seasons. Winter".

Mobile game: "Two Frosts"

For the game you need a spacious area with a size of at least 6-12m. Two "houses" are marked at opposite ends of the site. The players choose two Frosts - "Frost" red nose "and" Frost blue nose ". Frosts are in the middle, and the rest of the players are on one side of the court behind the "home" line. Both Frosts address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts are removed.

I am Frost - red nose.

Frost - blue nose.

Which one of you decides

Will the path start on the way?

All players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of Frost!

Theme Week: "Wintering Birds"

Mobile game: "Birdcatcher"

The leading birder is blindfolded. Everyone chooses a bird for himself, a voice that he will imitate. Children go in a circle with the words:

In the forest, in the woods

On a snowy oak tree

The birds were sitting

Quietly they sang songs.

Here comes the birder-

He will take us prisoner

Children scatter, and the "bird catcher" is trying to catch someone. The one who was caught portrays his bird with his voice, and the "bird catcher" guesses which bird he has caught.

Theme Week: "Wild Animals in Winter"

Outdoor game: “we were walking in the forest once”

A “bear” is selected that sits in a circle. Children walk in a circle and say the words:

Once we were walking in the forest

And met a bear

He lies under the tree, stretched out and snores

We walked around it

Clubfoot was woken up

Come on little bear get up

And quickly catch up.

After the last words, the "bear" gets up and catches up with the children.

Mobile game: "CunningFox".

Children stand in a circle eyes closed. The teacher touches the child who will " cunning fox". Children on command open their eyes and say in chorus:

Sly fox where are you?

Sly fox where are you?

The touched child jumps up and says "I'm here!" after these words, the children run away, and the fox tries to catch.

Theme week: "Tales"

Outdoor game: "net and goldfish"

Children put on goldfish hats and run in a circle, performing movements and repeating the words:

"The fish are playing
In blue sunny water
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand."

After the last words, the old man tries to catch them with a net.

Theme week: "New Year"

Stick your nose to Santa Claus.

Santa Claus without a nose is drawn on a large sheet of paper and hung on the wall. Sculpt the nose from plasticine, and the children take turns blindfolded trying to stick the nose in place.


Each child is given a "snowflake", that is, a small ball of cotton wool. Children loosen their snowflakes and, at your signal, launch them into the air and begin to blow on them from below so that they stay in the air as long as possible. The smartest one wins.

Who will get more snowballs

Snowballs from cotton wool are scattered on the floor. The children are blindfolded and given a basket each. On a signal, they begin to collect snowballs. The one with the most snowballs wins.

Theme week: "Pets"

"Shaggy Dog"

A dog is selected on his head, a hat is put on, squats down. The children move towards him from the opposite end of the hall:

Here lies the shaggy dog

Burying your nose in your paws

Quietly, peacefully he lies

Not dozing, not sleeping,

Let's go wake him up!

And let's see what happens?

After the last words, the children scatter and the dog tries to catch them.

"Cat Vaska"

The cat is selected. He sits in the center, and the children dance around him with the words:

Mice dance

A cat is napping on a couch

Hush mouse, don't make noise

Kota - don't wake Vaska

And somehow the cat wakes up

And disperse the round dance.

Game "Horses"

For the game, it is most convenient to use the vast space in the yard or a spacious room. There can be any number of participants. Children in height are placed on the same line, in one line, and are divided, starting from the last, into groups of four participants. One of the groups bears the name of the rooters and retains the once captured place; on the left and on the right, two groups of tie-downs adjoin them. The last groups include coachmen. After everyone has settled in this way, the coachmen take off their belts, thread them through the belts of the members of the root group, grabbing both ends of the belt with their right hand so that the belt buckle is between the index and thumb, and the opposite end of the belt is between the middle and index fingers. fingers; thanks to this gripping of the belt with the fingers of the right hand, it is possible to quickly remove it at any time.

For greater order in the game, one of the older participants is elected "master of triplets". At the signal given by him, the “troikas” begin to act, at first slowly moving forward, then gradually accelerating their steps, they start running in one direction, then they gradually change this direction and scatter in all directions, at the new order of the owner. As soon as the “owner of the triplets” shouts: “horses, in different directions!”, the coachmen immediately release the belts intertwined with the root belts, and the freed horses quickly rush in different directions. After some time, the owner again commands "coachmen, bridle the horses!". After this shout, the coachmen take each other's hands, forming a chain, and begin to move from one end of the room or yard, which serves as a place for playing, to the opposite, driving the horses there as well. The main element of this game is walking and running, and if it takes place in the air, then its benefits for children are obvious.

Thematic week: "My family"

Game: Freeze

Music sounds, children perform different jumps around the room, the teacher turns off the music and shows cards depicting different human poses. Children should portray this pose. The one who did it wrong is out of the game.