Useful tips for passing The Final Station. Useful tips for passing The Final Station The last station walkthrough

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This article presents general tips, which will help to survive during the passage games final station. Since the passage of The Final Station is rather difficult at first, in this article you will learn: how to save all passengers, how to effectively fight zombies, what to do if you run out of ammo and, in the end, how to kill armored enemies.

In The Final Station, you have to travel between stations by train. At each stop, you have to get off the train and carefully explore the territory. In the course of the study, it is necessary, at a minimum, to find a note with a code from the blocker and a generator for the password entry panel to work. Below is a list of useful tips that will help you quickly get used to the game.

Be sure to treat people on the train and at the same time do not let them starve. The bottom line is that if a person in The Final Station is hungry, then soon he will begin to lose his health. However, this is not the only reason. People can also lose health if there is bleeding, which is conditionally indicated by a red droplet. So in the first case, it is enough for a person to give food from the locker of the main car, but in the second case, only a first-aid kit will help.

Now is the time to say that you should not give a first aid kit and food in advance. For example, it is better to wait until the character gets hungry and the corresponding icon appears. Absolutely the same applies to bleeding along with a first-aid kit: wait until the character’s health drops to the minimum level, after which just give a first-aid kit.

Keep in mind that the train is primarily an experimental train and therefore it does not work properly, so it will often break something in it. Get ready for the fact that during the trip / trip you have to repair the same part. In the event of a breakdown, the part begins to sparkle - remember this.

To repair the part at the end of the train, you just need to lower and hold the lever at the lower level (in the lower position). If a part breaks in the middle of the train, then it is necessary to build five special columns in such a position that the liquid inside is at the same level.

As soon as the train arrives at the next station, a lever appears. Try to pull the lever as soon as possible, immediately. The bottom line is that your passengers will gradually starve and bleed even after it appears.

First of all, carefully examine the locations. Locations, although they come across different, but in absolutely every one you can find: prepared food, raw materials for creating first-aid kits and cartridges, first-aid kits, cartridges for a pistol or a gun. And everything is extremely important during the passage of the game.

Remember also that the first-aid kits on the train and those that are in the main character are all the same items. And in order to use one of the first-aid kits, you must first click on the character, and then press the "Q" key.

During the journey, from time to time at some certain stations you will meet wandering merchants. So from these people it will be possible to purchase a variety of useful items. Well, for example, food, cartridges or even first aid kits.

One more detail - objects. Some important objects will be highlighted, so they need to be given Special attention, as they can be searched and useful items can be found. The same applies to objects that are highlighted.

Either at the third or at the fourth station, for the first time, you will have to engage in battle. There are two ways to fight: 1 - fists, 2 - pistol. However, if everything is simple with the first option, then the second option can only be used if there are cartridges, so get ready.

Remember that ordinary zombies can be killed with one blow from the fist. To do this, simply hold down and at the same time hold the RMB - the right mouse button. And hold until the scale is completely filled. Just wait for the moment when the enemy gets close enough (well, or you to him), after which you release the RMB. After a successful strong blow, the zombie is guaranteed to be knocked out.

And you should also be aware that a certain amount of time must pass between strong blows. The bottom line is simple: after the first hit, the scale is instantly emptied and therefore it is necessary that it be refilled. So only after the scale is full, it will be possible to strike the next strong blow.

In fact, you should not disdain fists. The problem with The Final Station is that there won't be enough ammo for all the enemies, whatever one may say. So I recommend working with your fists more often to save ammo for some more important fight / enemy.

There are fast moving zombies in The Final Station. So I recommend storing ammo better for them than for anyone else. In addition to the fact that these creatures move quite quickly, they are also killed with a pistol only after the third shot, so work efficiently and no less quickly than they crawl towards you.

The fact that ordinary zombies are best killed with the help of an old and faithful fist - you already know. However, there is one interesting trick. The point is that if the zombies literally go toe to toe, then with just one powerful blow you can kill several enemies at once.

If you have not met with zombies who are dressed in helmets and bulletproof vests, then you still have everything ahead. They are actually strong opponents, but they can be easily killed. First, attack with a powerful / strong blow. From the impact, as a rule, the zombie's helmet flies off. As soon as he flies, you can safely shoot in the head with a pistol.

As for the gun, with the help of this weapon you can destroy several enemies at the same time. And, most importantly, armored zombies kill with just one shot from a gun. Effective? Effective!

Quite often, in the course of exploring locations, you will come across a variety of boxes, boxes, chairs, and more. So it will be possible to interact with all these objects, and effectively. In general, you can take such objects and go with them in any direction, but it is better, of course, to go to the zombies, and then press the "E" key to throw these objects. The trick is that the thrown object kills any zombie. Let it even be an armored zombie.

There are also explosive zombies in The Final Station, which, of course, are best killed at a distance, away from the main character. Recognizing such zombies is quite simple: steam comes out of the body of these zombies. So if you see this, then quickly kill him.

You can also run past the zombies. The main thing is just to run past the enemies while running so that the face is directed in their direction. As a rule, zombies are so slow that they simply do not have time to attack the character. However, moving and small zombies are much more difficult to escape from, so don't get too carried away with this trick.

You need to know that each new station will not only be bigger, but also more difficult. So try to search the station in every available direction. At each station you can find survivors. The main thing is to find them, talk to him and they will definitely board your train.

Every 3-6 stations a peculiar result will be summed up. The result is summed up for all passengers whom you managed to take to the end of a certain act. If successful, you will be given valuable rewards that will fully pay off your costs. But what kind of reward awaits you can be found in the train car: just stand next to the passenger.

Finally, I recommend saving first-aid kits for your hero so that you can freely heal passengers at any time. It even happens when there are 2-3 people on the train, each of whom suffers from periodic bleeding. And this is a problem, especially when you do not have first aid kits.

Start a new game.


Go to the door. You can interact with all the highlighted objects. As with a closet or a door in the first room. To do this, press the E key. Inside the cabinet you will find useful items. When interacting with the door, you will open it. Not all doors can be opened at once. More on that later.

Move from room to room. Shoot zombies. To do this, click the left mouse button. Enemies can be attacked with a fist - right mouse button. But to kill the enemy or deal good damage, you need to hold down the right mouse button. Wait until the scale is reached. Then release the right mouse button.

In the end, you will have to go down the stairs. You will first need to open the hatch. The character will be killed by zombies. That's what the script planned.

Act 1

A little about the principle of the game. You have to travel by train between different stations. There is a blocker at every station. In order for the train to move on, you must enter the correct code on the blocker.

The stationmaster must have the code. But at each station you have to look for it in other places.

In addition, you can find new passengers. More about the train later.

106th year since first visit


After waking up, go to the bathroom on the right. In all bathrooms you can find useful items.

Climb down and go right. There is food in the refrigerator. Go outside, go through the store. Look around all the rooms, collect items from the very beginning of the game. They will come in handy. As a result, you will have to get into the locker room. There are some blue cabinets here. Inside one of them is a uniform. Put it on.

Exit to the next room and go upstairs. This is the stationmaster's room. In all cities it is almost the same. There is a note on the wall. Read it. You will learn the code from the blocker. It will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Climb down and exit to the street on the right. Talk to the smoking man. Walk right to the train. To the right of it there is a panel - this is a blocker. Enter the found code.

First trip

So, you are on a train for the first time. What can and should be done here?

In the head part (on the right) is the control panel. Click on E. You will see four sections. The first section shows the charge on your battery. To the right of the charge is the consumption. If the consumption is higher than the battery charge, the train will stop.

To prevent this from happening (or if it did), you must find the part of the train where the sparks are. In the first act, either the panel at the back of the train, or the panel on the right side of the car (and there is only one car) can sparkle.

Open the panel in the middle of the train. You will see 5 scales. If one of them is higher than the rest, just lower it. To do this, click on the arrow below. In the upper right corner you see the limit exceeded. You have to align everything so that you can see the green check mark here.

If the panel at the back of the train sparks, then you need to lower the lever and hold it until you see the same green tick.

The next section of the control panel at the beginning of the train is chat. Periodically, it will be highlighted with an exclamation point. Just open it and click on the subscriber on the network. So you can communicate with him.

The next section is crafting. You can create first aid kits or ammo. In the future - shotgun shells and more. Choose a first aid kit or ammo. You will see what materials are needed to craft one item. Below is a map. On it, dots indicate all available stations. You will not be able to move to any station. The game leads you strictly according to the plot.

Finally, to the left of the main panel there are two boxes - with food and first aid kits. As you can see, there is only one person in the car. Stand next to him. You will see two scales - red and yellow. Red shows the level of health, yellow - satiety.

If satiety subsides, then the person begins to lose health. If he completely loses health, he dies. In this case, you will not receive a reward at the end of the act.

A person can lose health from hunger (then you need to bring him food from the box), or from bleeding (then you need to give him a first-aid kit from another box). First-aid kits you can either find on locations, or buy, or craft. Food cannot be crafted, it can only be bought or found in locations.

When you arrive, the lever at the beginning of the train is lowered. The corresponding inscription appears.


Go right and talk to the standing man (reads the newspaper).

He will be your second passenger. Enter the building, go upstairs. The boss is gone, the blue cabinet is locked.

Move to the location to the right. Look around to find items. At the end of the path there will be an old man on a bench.

Talk to him, open the drawer to the right and pull out key. Come back with the key. Upstairs, open the blue cabinet and pull out the access code. When he appears on the screen, then return to the train. Enter the code on the panel to continue your journey.

Its creators were Oleg Sergeev and Andrey Rumak. And the inspirers are the Strugatskys and their books.

You will drive a real zombie apocalypse train

In the game, you can feel like a real driver during a zombie apocalypse, fully manage your train (monitor its condition, refuel it), and fight zombies. So that makes it a 2D shooter or Action - whatever you like. Game made in best traditions pixel-art, and two-dimensional graphics, despite their apparent simplicity, perfectly conveys the creepy spirit of the zombie apocalypse. At the same time, the game has very atmospheric video and sound design, plus high detail in the design of the train itself and the surrounding cities.

The game is available on PC from August 30, 2016, on Xbox from September 2, and on PS4 from September 6.

Minimum system requirements

The operating system must be Windows XP and above, 1 GB of RAM, 300 MB of hard disk space, and the video card is not important. As stated on Steam, "will go on a toaster." In general, modern toasters fully satisfy the specified system requirements.

The Final Station Story

The world where The Final Station takes you is experiencing a zombie apocalypse. Your train rushes through completely empty spaces. All you see is railroad tracks, a steel hulk you control, and passengers fleeing zombies.

The events that take place do not give you a holistic holistic explanation of the situation. Everywhere there are only hints: on abandoned PCs, on torn notes, etc. From time to time fragments of other people's speeches reach you, you will learn about the Strugatskys, about the strange and unknown Guardian.

No matter what, you are driven by the goal: you need to deliver something important to one of the stations. On the way you will find a lot of problems and dangers, your passengers will suffer from injuries and hunger. You are obliged to get them food, medicine and protect them from zombie attacks. At some point, it will begin to seem to you that everything is in your hands, that the fate of the world depends on your decisions, but, alas, you will soon have to make sure that this is not so.

Walkthrough The Final Station

Purpose of the game: to deliver cargo from one point to another by driving a train. Along the way, you must look for items necessary for survival and save passengers. To do this, you must constantly extract codes that are used to prepare medicines and the necessary materials. You also have a weapon, but the number of rounds is so small that it is worth using it only in special cases.

Through the locations of the city that survived the invasion of zombies, you rush to your last station

Features of the passage of The Final Station:

  • The main plot is presented in fragments, parts of it are scattered in notes, but still the overall picture is not completely clear. You need to be able to simultaneously monitor the health of the train, the condition of the people inside it and read what is written on the leaves.
  • High probability of stupid deaths. For example, ladders are uncomfortable and there is a possibility of falling down them, backing away from the zombies that attacked you.
  • It is necessary to monitor the condition of the wounded and hungry - in time to offer them food or a first aid kit.
  • If the train breaks down, a lever will become available to you, use it immediately.
  • When stopping, you need to examine the territory, because there can be a lot of useful things.
  • Food and medicine can be purchased at stops from local vendors.
  • If a certain item is glowing, then you should urgently inspect it.
  • At stations 3 and 4, the first skirmish awaits you. Use a weapon or hit. In order to destroy the enemy from the first time, hold down the right mouse button, and when the zombie approaches you, release it. The force of the blow will knock out your opponent.
  • To destroy more advanced zombies, you can either use weapons or throw objects at them. From such treatment, they immediately die.
  • Each next stop in terms of difficulty is higher than the previous ones: a large area needs to be examined, and the number of those who need to be killed is higher.
  • During the game, you will earn rewards.
  • The Final Station is divided into Acts, during the passage of which you will also receive certain rewards.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out too small letters in the notes, illegible phrases of people, a small number of cartridges, monotonous gameplay, and sometimes the image may freeze slightly during the passage - however, the developer promises to fix this.

The Final Station Ending

In the game, each time you can learn more and more: not all passengers told you their stories, because many did not live up to this opportunity.

Before his death, the hero sees a drawing of his daughter, where she depicted herself and him holding hands. All the time the driver was on the road, his daughter was waiting for him, but he could not devote time to her. At the end of the game, the protagonist is killed by a shotgun-wielding cowboy who says "I'll take care of her" before firing.

This ending really hooked the players. Some have even begun to claim that there is an alternate, happy ending to the game. You just need to find the right solutions and "sin" as little as possible in the course of the story.

But, unfortunately, this is not true. No matter what you do, no matter how many people you save, the ending The Final Station won't change.


In general, The Final Station collected very positive reviews users on Steam.

Despite minor shortcomings, the game is very atmospheric, and is played "in the same breath." More precisely, for 1-2 evenings, since the entire passage takes 4-5 hours.

The image of a survivalist driver leading the train to his last station makes you plunge headlong into the atmosphere of this dying world. The philosophy of the Strugatsky brothers and the moral dilemmas that will constantly have to be solved in the course of the story will keep you in suspense until the very end of the game.



The game is controlled with the mouse. Left mouse button - perform any actions, such as - go, take, select, start a dialogue, etc. Right mouse button - rewind dialogs. Key "Space"- pause, key « Esc"- call options menu.

In this episode, we play as Sam, and Max just accompanies us everywhere. The only moment when we need Max's help is a dialogue with an elf trainee. I will draw your attention to it. In order to switch to Max's phrases during the dialogue, you need to left-click on the corresponding icon in the lower left corner of the screen.


The inventory icon in the form of a cardboard box is located in the lower left corner of the screen. In order to see inventory items, just click on the cardboard box with the left mouse button. To select one or another inventory item, you need to click on it with the same left mouse button.

The default game save folder is located here: C:\Program Files\Telltale Games\Sam and Max - Season Two\Episode 201 - Ice Station Santa.


After watching the introductory video, we go outside through the office door. We talk with a huge robot on all topics. We ask him the following question:

Why do fools fall in love?

The robot thinks about it and turns its back to the building. We return to the office and approach the window through which the “iron monster” recently fired. Pay attention to the rotating crown on the back of the robot. We take out this key and the robot turns off. We go outside and watch the video.

North Pole

Once at the North Pole, we talk with a company of three boys on all topics. We go into the workshop of Santa Claus and watch a short video. We take the Boxo Betty doll and the simplest labyrinth lying under the Christmas tree. We can't get through the door to Santa's room. We communicate with the elf trainee, who is closest to the tree. During the dialogue, we switch the choice of Max's phrases and declare that Santa Claus does not exist: "He is not real." The elf will cry with grief and fill the red watering can with his tears. We raise the watering can with the tears of the elf and go out into the street. We go to the left side and notice a small tree near the snowman. From the inventory we take out the watering can and water this tree with the tears of the elf. Remember the Mario game? That's it, we climb the grown tree to the roof and jump into the chimney.

Now we are in Santa's room. We take parchment and read the instructions for the exorcism of the devil. Pick up album with satanic songs lying on a shelf. We click on the chimney and again we get to the street. We return to the workshop of Santa Claus and communicate with an elf dressed in a red suit. So, our task is seemingly very simple - you need to find the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Just! We go outside, we approach the car and we go to the office.


We go to the left and go into the Bosco store. We talk with Bosco on all topics and ask about what is in his package. You must get this package, no matter what! We hurry to the car and return to the North Pole.

North Pole

We go into the workshop of Santa Claus and approach the green computer, designed to send gifts. We take gift tag , lying slightly to the right of this computer. Click on the screen and select the stopwatch. We take out the label from the inventory, stick it on the gift and send it to Bosco. We drive to the office.


We go to the Bosco store and watch a short video. Now we have a rider of hunger. We head to the left side and approach the mechanical robot, neutralized at the beginning of the episode. We talk with a mouse with a boxing glove sitting on the left side of the robot. We launch the Boxo Batty doll inside the robot. We need to win three boxing matches. To strike, click the left and right mouse buttons. To dodge an opponent's blow, simply move the mouse cursor to either the left or right side of the screen. The first fight is very easy, in it you can just press the left and right button mice in turn. The second fight is more difficult than the previous one. Here you have to counterattack the enemy. And finally, the final fight is the most difficult. In this duel, you can both counterattack the opponent and strike at the moment of the opponent's swing. We talk with the losing mouse and now we have a rider of war. If you can’t win in boxing sparring, then I suggest using save box "Boxing" .

We go to the end to the right and go into the diner Stinky. We approach the saleswoman behind the counter and talk to her. In order to get the third rider, we need to answer the questions that Stinky will ask. Opposite the bar counter we will see 3 tables. On the first table there is a monitor, by clicking on which you can read the question again. On the second, a beetle is having lunch, which will answer all questions with option “D”. At the third table sits a woman with a statue of Lincoln. She always answers correctly, and her partner agrees with her. In appearance, everything is very simple, and the questions are simple. We approach the monitor on the first table and give the correct answer.

Not everything is so simple! Stinky states that the answer is incorrect. Here's a liar! Well, let's go to the trick. We always give the answer last of the contestants. There are only four participants, which means that if each of the participants in the quiz has different answers, then Stinky will only have to count the last answer, i.e. our. So, the saleswoman asks a question, and in the meantime we go to the third table and talk with the lady. We choose the third dialogue option and invite her to give the answer "B". Then we start a conversation with Lincoln, or rather with his stone head, and also select the third branch of the dialogue. We report that, according to our assumptions, the correct answer is option "C". We return to the first table with the monitor. We click on the monitor and select option "A". The third rider is ours!

Once on the street, we run to the right side and open the garage. We communicate with slot machine on all topics and ask you to give us the fourth rider. If we want to get the last rider, then we need to win the mini-game. The goal of the game is to shoot down thirty blue men while driving a car in the allotted 60 seconds. After the victory, the rider of death is on the hood of our car. We pick up the rider from the hood and go to the North Pole. If you are unable to complete the race in a car, then use save "Race" . By the way, after completing the race several times, you can earn a bonus.

North Pole

We go into the workshop of Santa Claus and approach the pillar with pointers, located at the left end of the room. We arrange four riders around the post with pointers. A little to the left is a tape recorder. We insert a plate with satanic songs into the tape recorder. Here we need to independently choose the correct words in those places where the tape recorder will chew the record:

  • - like fruit jelly;
  • - in lower Manitoba;
  • - Maymsweeper;
  • - general presence.

Let's watch the video. We go into the room of Santa Claus and notice near the door safe circled. We get a bottle from the safe and exit through the chimney. Near the sleigh of Santa Claus we see the portal "To the Future". We talk with the spirit of the future Christmas and go into the portal. Having learned about the future, we return to the present and go into the workshop of Santa Claus. We turn on the green computer and choose a bath and an aquarium with piranhas as a gift. We attach a label to the gift and indicate, as the addressee, the saleswoman Stinky. We go outside and go to the office.


We go to Stinky's diner, talk to the saleswoman and take it from the table sock stinky . We return to the North Pole.

North Pole

Hurry to Santa's room and put the sock inside hosiery . In response, we get a sock filled with coal. We run to the sleigh of Santa Claus and throw coal into the furnace, the firebox of which is located on the back of the sleigh. Let's watch the video. We go to the portal "To the Present" and communicate with the spirit of this Christmas. We return to the workshop of Santa Claus, head to the right side and click on the yellow snow cleaning machine. We jump into the portal "In the present" and put a snowball on the beetle on the second table of the diner. We go into the portal "Into the Past" and put a simple labyrinth in front of the hole. We turn on the TV and take away the maze with the mouse caught. With the help of the portal we fly now. We get into the car and drive to the office.


Upon arrival, we go to the left side and look at the mouse with a boxing glove standing on the ledge. We show Jimmy a white mouse from the inventory, watch a short video and automatically pick up a boxing glove. We return to the North Pole.

North Pole

We go into the portal "Into the Past" and give Jimmy the glove. Past, present and future we have corrected. We go to the ghost and apply a bottle of Christmas spirits to it. Let's watch the video. Once in the workshop, click on the green computer and a wrapped gift drops out in front of us.

When the toy plane flies over the springboard, we shoot from the pistol at the red lever, to the left of the entrance to the workshop, thus we stop the plane over the springboard. We shoot at the cannon, which stands near the Christmas tree. We shoot at the red lever, turning the plane back on. We stop this plane when it flies over Santa Claus. Watch the final video.

Patrin Igor