How to make speech therapy material for classes. Simple speech therapy games and do-it-yourself manuals. The teacher-defectologist should pay special attention to visualization and games.

Tamara Okhlopkova

1. "Guess the picture"

The game is a box with interchangeable pictures inside, covered with some kind of cereal. Children rake the croup with their fingers and guess the whole image from the liberated fragments of the picture. As a help (in case of difficulty) on the table in front of the child we lay out several pictures, among which there is the one we are looking for.

Use cases games.

1. Activation of the dictionary by lexical topics.

2. Automation of sounds.

3. Find a mate: There are several pictures on the table. The child, raking the cereal in the box, must recognize the picture and find the same one among those offered.

2. "Nimble fingers"

Small pictures are drawn on pieces of paper measuring 10 by 10 cm so that the child can place his fingers on them. Pictures refer to different lexical topics (you can draw pictures with fixed sound).

Exercise: we “hide” bunnies (“we collect” berries, mushrooms, leaves, vegetables “we catch” butterflies, etc., i.e. we close the drawings with our fingers. We add to the main task related: name the color, from which tree the leaf, etc.

Related publications:

Didactic game "Collect a bouquet"; Didactic game "Put a beetle on a flower"; Didactic game "Dress up the Christmas tree"; Didactic game.

Didactic games with your own hands. Tablet "Houses" The tablet includes houses of different colors, with different locks. Opening the door, children.

An alternative to expensive didactic games is handmade games. Each time sorting through the old cubes, the hand does not rise.

1. Game "Domestic and wild animals". 2 pictures are pasted on cardboard: a forest and a village, holes are made and screw necks are inserted.

One of the leading aspects of the development of a preschooler is the development of fine motor skills, and coordination of finger movements. It has been proven that development

Proper speech breathing is necessary for the development of speech, since the respiratory system is nothing more than an energy base for speech.

After wandering around the Internet, I decided to make a few board games for your kids. I printed the pictures, colored and glued them.

The game is the most powerful sphere of self-expression. The use of games in speech therapy contributes to sensory and mental development(development of visual perception, figurative representations, comparison of objects, their classification), mastering the lexical and grammatical categories of the native language, consolidating and enriching the acquired knowledge, memorizing speech material.
The proposed manual can be used in the correction of sound pronunciation, the development of phonemic perception, the accumulation and enrichment of an active dictionary, the development of grammatical structure and coherent speech, fine motor skills.
"Articulation gymnastics"
Purpose: to develop the articulatory apparatus of the child.
Description: The child is invited to look at pictures of articulatory gymnastics exercises and perform them. Exercises are selected for the sound being worked out.
Game "Name the pictures"
Purpose: automation of sound (R, S, W, etc.) in words.
Description: The child is invited to consider the proposed pictures and name the depicted objects (fish, cow, fox, scarf, and so on). At the first stage, the speech therapist names the pictures, and the child repeats, then the child independently names the objects.
The game "Find a word for a given sound"
Goal: automation and differentiation S-Sh sounds.
Description: The child is asked to choose only those pictures, the title of which has a sound depicted in the center of the flower.
Game "Fruits"

Description: invite the child to name the fruits shown in the pictures. Ask to tell where they grow (on a tree), what can be cooked from them.
Game "Find all the fruits"

Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that depict fruits. Which pictures are redundant, why?
Game "Vegetables"
Purpose: activation of the dictionary on a given topic.
Description: Invite the child to name the vegetables shown in the pictures. Clarify where they grow (in the garden).
Game "Find all the vegetables"
Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on a given topic, development of mental activity, attention.
Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that depict vegetables. Name extra pictures, explain why?
The game "Find all the sea creatures"
Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on a given topic, development of mental activity, attention.
Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that depict sea inhabitants. Which pictures are redundant, why?
Game "Find clothes"
Purpose: activation of the vocabulary on a given topic, development of mental activity, attention.
Description: invite the child to name only those pictures that show clothes. Which pictures are redundant, why?
Game "Tell the tale" Kolobok "
Purpose: development of coherent speech, logical thinking, attention, memory.
Description: the child is invited to remember the characters and tell the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" from the pictures (an adult reads the fairy tale before class).
Game "Collect a fairy tale"
Purpose: development of coherent speech, thinking, attention, memory.
Description: the child is invited to choose the characters of the fairy tale "Kolobok", arrange them sequentially according to the plot, tell a fairy tale.
Game "Continue the story"
Purpose: development of coherent speech, attention, thinking, memory, hand motor skills.
Description: invite the child to arrange the pictures in the correct sequence according to the plot of the fairy tale. Tell a tale.
The game "What are the children doing?"
Purpose: expansion of the verb vocabulary, development of coherent speech.
Description: invite the child to look at all the pictures and name what the children are doing (skating, playing hockey, dancing, etc.)

Description: Didactic games will be useful for speech therapists and educators of speech therapy groups. The material is intended for individual speech therapy classes with children. preschool age. Games are aimed at automating and differentiating the delivered sounds, which allows you to make this process more interesting for kids.

Didactic game "Funny kids"

Target: Differentiation of sounds S-Sh.

Game description:

1 option.

Purpose: differentiation of sounds С-Ш in syllables.

Equipment: pictures of babies with soap bubbles, pictures soap bubbles with syllables.

Game progress:

Speech therapist: Meet these funny kids Sonya and Misha. They are very fond of playing with soap bubbles, but the kids are just learning and the bubbles are small. Do you want to play with them? Then take a bubble and repeat after me (if the child can read, then he says it himself).

Sample: Sa - sha, so - sho, su - shu, sy - shi.

Option 2.

Purpose: differentiation of S-Sh sounds in words, phrases.

Equipment: pictures of babies with soap bubbles, pictures of paired colored soap bubbles with subject pictures.

Game progress:

The speech therapist lays out two soap bubbles of the same color, asks the child to turn them over and name what is shown on them.

Sample: Bear - bowl, fluff - sock.

Ask the child to name from whom what happened.

Sample: Sonya has a bear - Misha has a bowl

3 option

Purpose: differentiation of S-Sh sounds in phrases, sentences.

Equipment: pictures of babies with soap bubbles, pictures of soap bubbles with subject pictures.

Game progress:

Speech therapist: For Sonya, we will choose bubbles with pictures in the name of which the sound Sh is heard, and for Misha in which the sound S is heard. Choose a bubble and name it for whom.

Child: Cat for Sonya; dog for Misha...

Speech therapist: name everything that Sonya and Misha did.

Child: Sonya has a cat, a puck, a hat, a fur coat, a car.

Misha has a dog, a sled, boots, a bag, a jump rope.

Speech therapist: Do you think all the items are suitable for Sonya and Misha? Let the guys change what does not suit them.

Child: Sonya will give Misha a typewriter, and Misha will give Sonia a jump rope. Misha will give Sonya the sledge, and Sonya will give Misha the puck. Misha will give Sonya the bag, and Sonya will give Misha the hat.

Speech therapist: How have the kids changed?

Child: The kids exchanged a typewriter and a skipping rope. The kids exchanged sleds and pucks. The kids exchanged bags and hats.

4 option

Purpose: differentiation of S-Sh sounds in words.

Equipment: a picture of a baby with soap bubbles, pictures of large soap bubbles with words.

Game progress:

Speech therapist: Sonya and Misha have a friend Sasha. Do you want to get to know him? He will teach you how to blow big bubbles. Choose a bubble and repeat after me.

Sample: I write - I carry, yours - you, an awl - strength ...

Didactic game "Locomotive".

Game description:

1 option.

Purpose: automation of sound Ch in isolation.

Game progress: Meet this magic train and he lives in a fabulous house. Would you like to visit him? Then take the train along the path and sing its song "ch - ch - ch."

Option 2.

Purpose: automation of the sound Ch in syllables.

Game progress: The train has many friends, do you want to meet them? Then on the road, but at each station you need to stop and sing her song: cha - cha - cha, chu - chu - chu and so on. It's time to go back and now the engine and I will sing other songs: ach - ach - ach, uch - uch - uch and so on.

Didactic game "Autumn".

Game description:

1 option.

Purpose: automation of sound Щ in isolation.

Game progress: Autumn has come and all forest clearings are strewn with leaves. Do you know the sound of the brush? Sweep large leaves and say the sound of the brush "u - u - u", then only green, yellow, small leaves, and so on.

Look how many paths there are in the forest and they are all covered in leaves. Sweep the path with yellow leaves, now with brown ones, and so on.

Option 2.

Purpose: automation of the sound Щ in syllables.

Game progress: All the leaves are collected in a pile, but you can scatter them in our magic clearing. Lead the brush along the paths and sing the songs of the brush: shcha, shch, shch, shch. And now we need to put things in order. Let's collect the leaves: ow, ow, ow, yet.

Annotation: this article talks about what games for speech therapy classes you can do with your own hands and how to change them depending on the tasks.

It is no secret that speech therapy for a child is a lot of work. If this is a preschooler, then when he comes to the speech therapist's office, it is not always easy for him to switch from gaming activity for educational.

If we are talking about a schoolchild, then, as a rule, classes begin after the child has spent half a day at his desk. Therefore, you need to try to make sure that the atmosphere in the classroom still has a more playful character. And games in this are the first assistants.

Adventure games

In my classes, I actively use rpg games.

You can use ready-made cards, but you will have to replace the fines with them, for example, by sticking a picture with the necessary this child sound for automation. And it turns out that instead of returning for several moves, he will say “sa-sa-sa” or “la-la-la” ...

Each speech therapist will choose options for himself. And yet, I prefer do-it-yourself rpg cards, and toys from Kinder Eggs will be much more interesting as chips.


Another game I use to automate sounds is spinning top.

A hexagon is cut out of cardboard and designed in accordance with the tasks.

If we automate a group of whistling sounds, then on the faces of the top there should be images that include these sounds (sleigh, dog ...), if we automate a group of sonorous sounds, other pictures.

Maybe the child is old enough to be able to identify the letter image? So, on the top there will be letters denoting the sound we need.

To spin the top, put a toothpick in the center and twist! I stopped on the edge - we pronounce what is depicted on it.

I have a lot of tops: for different groups of sounds, for different periods of automation (starting from a sound to a syllable, word, sentence ...)

Magic bag game

One of the most favorite for children is the game " magic pouch»!

The principle is well known to everyone - there is something inside an opaque (preferably rag) bag. The child puts his hand inside and by touch tries to describe what is in his hand.

The contents of the bag may vary depending on the learning objectives.

For example, we want to enrich the vocabulary with adjectives, which means we put small toys inside, here Kinder eggs will come to the rescue again.

The child holds a toy in his hand and tells what it is - hard or soft, smooth or rough, in some cases it will be possible to describe the shape ... And when he gets it, he will add color.

For older children who are familiar with letters, I put plastic letters in a bag - they are happy to try to determine what kind of letter they got and name the sound.

Game "Lost"

And another one speech game, which replenishes the vocabulary with prepositions and develops attention very well - “Lost”.

An illustration is drawn or pasted on the A-3 format (rooms, forests, clearings, etc.), then an object is selected that is “lost” in the picture, in the amount of five to seven pieces.

For example, in the "forest" a mushroom or a maple leaf or a squirrel may be lost. This option is the most successful, since it can be both UNDER the tree and ON the tree and NEAR the tree ...

A hat, sock, etc. may be “lost” in the room. The child finds each "lost" item and says where it was.

Speech is the main form of human interaction with the outside world. Our task is to help the child master this form to perfection. Education for children should not be boring, otherwise it will be of little use. Games help the child to learn with interest and at the same time not get tired.

Tyulyagina N.A.,
teacher speech therapist

Master class on making a speech therapy manual "Magic Firefly"

Fomina Dina Andreevna, teacher-speech therapist, structural subdivision of GBOUSOSH in Maslennikovo village.
Target: Differentiation of sounds in words, development of phonemic perception.

This book is very popular with children and does not bother them at all. It will help not only to differentiate sounds, but also to form the child's skills of introspection, self-esteem, which is especially important when introducing the Federal State Educational Standard into the education system.
The idea is certainly not new, there are many manufacturing options, but I did not find such master classes. I will share with you my choice.
Equipment, material:
A piece of fiberglass, slightly sized more sheet A4 format.
Wooden blocks for the frame.
Water with the addition of ferric chloride.
indicator screwdriver.
Laminator/adhesive tape
Nail polish.
Nail polish remover.

Step by step game making process

Step 1.
To mark the places for the holes in the manual, you can either prepare templates with pictures on the sheets in advance, and then mark them on the textolite. Or make marks immediately on the textolite, and then customize the templates for them.
So, we outline the heels into which you will need to get the wiring. We make them large in advance to hit exactly. We lead a path to each heel (here, the paths can be quite thin). There can be any number of such paths with branches of patches. I have 2 of them. The main thing is that they do not intersect.

Step 2
We paint over these paths with varnish.

Step 3
We are waiting for the varnish to dry. Then we place the textolite in water and add ferric chloride in a ratio of 1:3. In this solution, the board is etched, and only the places painted over with varnish remain - our tracks. Small boards are etched quickly, but such a large piece took half a day on each side, since the entire plate did not fit in the bucket. I also connected two wires from the power supply to the textolite board. This is just to speed up the process! You can do without it and just leave the board in the water overnight!

Step 4
We remove the varnish with a solvent.

Here's what happens. Front and back view:

Step 5
Set the frames so that they can hold templates with pictures. Instead, you can use sticky photo corners or attach templates with rubber bands or clothespins, clips.

Step 6
We make templates with pictures for the task that we need (finding a picture with a given sound, wild / domestic animals, words with a certain number of syllables, etc., etc.). Laminated for strength and durability. We cut holes in the templates in those places where there are heels on the textolite.

Step 7
We glue the back of the allowance with beautiful paper, for aesthetics.

Step 8
We insert templates into the manual.

For guidance, I use an indicator screwdriver. It can be purchased at hardware stores.

We put one finger on the symbol of the sound we are looking for. We put the second finger on the screwdriver. We are looking for a picture whose name has this sound, and put the tip of a screwdriver in the hole under this picture. If this word really has a given sound, the light will turn on.

Something similar to a screwdriver can be done by yourself. For example, use as a conductor not your own body, but a wire with two tips. On the wiring - a light bulb or LED and a battery for it. The mechanism will glow when the circuit is closed. Everything will look aesthetically pleasing if the mechanism is placed in a pen or felt-tip pen.

The benefit is convenient for its versatility. Templates can be very different. There are several piglets on the textolite, you can use different contact points for each new template so that the child does not remember their permanent position. The manual can also be used while studying the topic of electricity and electrical appliances.
I made it to work on the differentiation and automation of sounds, but it will also work for other purposes, for example, to differentiate general concepts (wild / domestic animals, etc.).
Older children can be explained the mechanism of work and talk about electricity. For younger children, we organize a game plot. For example, a game with a magical firefly.

Instructions for the game plot:“There is a magical firefly in this wand. One night he dropped his pictures. Now the firefly can't find where his pictures are. Help him. Find only those pictures in the name of which there is a sound [...]. To check if you think correctly, put one finger on the sound symbol [...], and the second on the stick with the firefly. Now put the stick in the hole next to the picture you have chosen. If this is a picture, in the name of which there is a sound […], then the firefly will be delighted and light up. Check the rest of the pictures as well.

The master class may seem difficult for you ladies due to the use of unusual materials. But everything is much simpler than it seems. Try it and see. All necessary materials can be purchased at an electrical or radio supply store. Thank you for your attention!