Where Wily hid the homefront revolution chip. Walkthrough Homefront The Revolution. Walkthrough Homefront: The Revolution

Get to the Holloway Red Zone

Before you go on a mission, be sure to drop by the gunsmith and buy supplies, body kits for weapons. On the way to the marker do side missions(break-in, capture). In the indicated place, you will talk to Crawford.

After finishing the conversation with him, the task will be completed, and you will receive $1200 as a reward.


Reach the railroad leading to Fir Hill

The place you need will be located at the other end of the zone, it is quite far and the path will not be too safe. The best way out of this situation is a moped, but you can not find it nearby, so take the opportunity to complete side tasks along the way.

Look for a lift on railway you don't need to, you need to climb onto the roof of the building. You can climb to the roof by scaffolding, which are adjacent to the wall of the house.

Stop the train with the hacking device and drain the security codes

Pick up a throwable hacking device and throw it at the train as it passes by. If he stops far from the roof, approach him and wait for the files to finish downloading.

Hack Scanners

Now you need to hack the KPA security scanners, all three are in different parts of the map:

  1. Located in the middle of the zone and will be closest to you. The scanner itself is located on a tower, guarded by drones and cameras. Try to avoid unnecessary attention and climb onto the roof of the building, which is located next to the tower. From the roof of the building, you can jump to the tower and get to the scanner, you just have to hack it.
  2. To be in the south of the zone, and this time under the protection of a detachment of enemies who took refuge in the building. Next to this building, you can climb onto the roof of another and go to the desired building along the platform. Understand the Koreans and hack the scanner.
  3. Located in the northern part of the zone, this time it will be unguarded. Climb onto the building and moving along the left side, climb up to the scanner and hack it.

If you can't get to the scanners or you are stuck in some building on the way to it, look for places marked with blue paint, follow these signs and you will reach the goal without any problems.

Turn on the maintenance system

After hacking all the scanners, go to the target marker.

Use the elevator. Unfortunately, it will be out of order, so go to the loader and throw a hacking device at it, now you can climb higher and activate the terminal. After the cutscene, follow Crawford, you will enter a new area and the task will be completed.

Cell brains

Reach the resistance hideout

After arriving at the Ashgate yellow zone, do not rush into battle. It is not advisable to engage in open confrontation, hide your weapons and try to avoid patrols. Based on the mini-map, go to the nearest shelter. Here you need to find Wiley and give him the brain of the Goliath.

After a short cut-scene, the task will be completed. You will receive $900 as a reward.

Who seeks will always find

Attention! Before you go on this mission, buy a silencer for a weapon or a crossbow. If you do not have money for them, it is better to do side missions and earn the necessary amount. Otherwise, you will have to fight off patrols that will come to the sound of gunshots.

Finding these "hounds" will be difficult, but you will mark the places of their possible appearance. The first place will be near the shelter, go there and find a flying drone there, try not to attract attention during its destruction. Although this will be a very long and difficult task, but this is a great chance to free the zone by completing side tasks.

Also pay attention to the mini-map, drones are highlighted in red on it. After you collect all the details, return to Heather. You will receive $1200 as a reward.


Meet Crawford at his apartment

Your goal will be near the shelter, the entrance to the apartment will be through the red door. Crawford will be waiting for you on the third floor, after talking with him go to Sunderland. Having reached the desired house, go up to the third floor using the fire escape, first destroy the cameras to avoid detection.

The necessary documents are stored in a safe under the table, pick them up and go to the marker on the mini-map.

Identify Sunderland discreetly using your phone's camera

Once in the restricted area, destroy the cameras and patrolling soldiers. After that, you can safely find your target.

Attention! If you are spotted, the mission will fail. You also shouldn't kill innocent people.

After finding the right person (in the screenshot above), wait for a positive identification. Silently kill him and return to Crawford.

After you have explored the Cambridge Police Station and taken everything you wanted (see the previous playthrough "Fire Support" for what you can find there). Approach the paladin Dans and report readiness for the operation.

Follow Paladin Dance

Paladin Dance has asked you to accompany him to Arkjet Systems. They hope to get there shortwave transmitter, with which it will be possible to repair the Brotherhood communication station.

On the way, he will tell you that the Brotherhood has become not the first time on the territory of the Commonwealth. This way you will learn a little more about who you want to join.

But do not flatter yourself, you will definitely meet some kind of ill-wisher. However, you are lucky here, Paladin Dance is good in combat and his equipment is the same.

Talk to Paladin Danse

Looks like someone has been here before you. But who? Danse is concerned, as they appear to be Institute synths.

Follow Paladin Dance

Open the door

For this you can:

  • Hack the laboratory control terminal yourself and open the door.
  • Or use the laboratory assistant's terminal (the one on the left in the screenshot below), then click on the automatic password change, get the password from the laboratory control terminal (respectively, the one on the right) and open the door.

Provide fire support to Paladin Dans

Beware, be prepared to come face to face with the synths who are behind the closed door. Deal with them.

Go after Dans, he still needs your help. However, if you suddenly fall behind, there is a chance that he will manage on his own. You can take a look at this place.

When you pass through the gap and deal with the second batch of synths, go up to the second floor and inspect the premises. In one of the rooms you can stumble upon traps, so be careful, but going deeper into the same room, you will find a safe and a laboratory terminal. You can hack the terminal and use it to deactivate the lock of the safe or crack the lock of the safe right away. Both the terminal and the lock of the safe - difficult level. You decide.

Hear the sounds of shots, running to the aid of Dans on the stairs to the second floor.


As soon as you go up the stairs, you will find yourself in the director's office. There, near the terminal, the director is waiting for you. magazine "Tesla Science", which will unlock another magazine perk for you. It gives you the following - energy weapons deal 5% more critical damage. Full list magazine perks can be viewed.

Turrets can be disabled using the terminal in the office opposite the director's office (where there is a lot of computer equipment) or simply destroy them.

Follow Paladin Dance

After leaving the director's office into the corridor, turn right - you see the descent. Below is a safe with ammunition and some weapons.

After examining all the rooms on the second floor, go to the opposite end of the corridor from where you came up here - there is another descent. It will take you to a small room with a refrigerator, where Quantum Yader-Cola is waiting for you. Not a bad gift. And in the reception area, to the left of the broken elevator, there is another safe with ammunition (the level of the lock is medium). By the way, it's on the floor between the tables.

From here we go down the stairs and get into the core of the Arkjet engine.

The transmitter you're looking for should be in the control center at the top of the core, but no problem, none of the elevators are working due to lack of power.

Restore back-up power to the engine core

We go down and enter the only door. In the first room, you will find a wonderful trophy for yourself, namely, the Hlamothron.

Help: Hlamothron

Damage: 40

Ammunition: Trash

Rate of fire: 20

Range: 119

Accuracy: 75

The weight: 29,9

Price: 285


  • short barrel
  • Regular lodge
  • Regular sight
  • No inflatable nozzle

Description: Junktron turns all your junk into powerful projectiles. Just fill it with extra junk [R] and shoot like a normal weapon. The standard model chlamatron deals only gunshot damage, but it can be modified and it will also deal energy damage with each shot.

And in the next room you will find the supply department terminal (the level is easy). Hack it and turn on the backup generators.

Here you will also find a nuclear block for power armor.

Start engine (optional)

Paladin Danse was attacked by synths, lots of synths. Help him and shoot them with your brand new junkgun, or whatever you prefer. However, if you want to see an impressive fire show, then start the engine and they will all turn into ashes.

It is triggered by the red button located in the room where you found the junk torch. Click on it, but be sure to close the doors to this room, otherwise you will burn yourself when the engine starts.

Get to the control center

The power is restored, the synths are killed, now you can use the elevator and go up to the control center.

Clear the control center

The control center is also filled with synths, help the paladin destroy them all.

Pick up shortwave transmitter

Search the dead synths, as, apparently, they came for the same thing as you. At one of them you will find what you are looking for.

Leave Arkjet Systems

Before you leave Arkjet Systems, go back to the elevator. From the top level you can jump to average level which you can't access otherwise.

There are two small rooms in which you can find something interesting. But be prepared to be attacked by a couple of synths. After killing them, collect trophies. In one room you will find your favorite portable nuclear grenade launcher - Fat Man.

Help: Fat Man

Damage: 468

Ammunition: nuclear minicharge

Rate of fire: 1

Range: 117

Accuracy: 63

The weight: 30,7

Price: 512

Description: Used to launch a devastating mini-nuke, the Fat Man boasts unmatched damage output. Once launched, the mini-nuke rapidly loses altitude, so aim just above your target or use the V.A.T.S. accurate shot. In any case, make sure you're at a safe distance from your target - the mini-nuke has a pretty good range.

And in another room, the project manager's terminal and a safe. Both are very difficult to hack. If you have enough level, you can hack them. However, there is an easier way. In the upper locker above the safe, you will find the password for the terminal, with it you will unlock the terminal and deactivate the lock of the safe. And everything is your content.

Now you can go to the exit from this building.

Talk to Paladin Danse

Finally, talk to Danse.


You can practice charisma and ask how the operation went (medium persuasion). Get a couple of compliments on your address.

To join the Brotherhood of Steel, give paladin Danse a shortwave transmitter, and in return receive a reward from him - his personal modification of the Brotherhood's standard laser carbine - the Righteous Sovereign.

The developers nevertheless released a patch that fixes a number of problems, as well as slightly improves performance. Therefore, people began to return to the game, online increased a little, which means it's time to figure out the game.

Tactics for destroying the KPA

Quite a lot of disagreement happened after testing the gameplay in Homefront: The Revolution, as not everyone understood the essence of what was happening. In the game, the AI ​​may not be the strongest, but the KPA hit painfully, and there is also communication throughout the city, and, therefore, everyone always runs after you at once. Therefore, always try to be inconspicuous, kill quietly and find convenient trash cans before the battle. In an open confrontation, especially in the first half of the game, you will not be able to survive against the KPA.

Yellow zones are easier to stealth, so there should be no difficulties. In the red zone, you are quickly discovered and the chase begins. Therefore, you should always keep a bike with you in order to have time to escape. But you should also beware of the zeppelin, if he finds you, then all the KPA tanks will come after you. Therefore, be careful, because the zeppelin is not only distinguished by light, but also by a loud sound.
In order to be stealthy and develop faster, you need to upgrade the "pickpocket" in the equipment in order to automatically take all things with a silent kill. But remember, never try to close-quarter a heavy KPA infantryman. He will just shoot you on the spot. Therefore, we pass to firearms and shoot bursts of 2-3 bullets. We try to hit the head, as the queue is enough to kill anyone except a heavy infantryman. We kill him with a sniper rifle and a flash hider, one shot to the head and he's dead.

Each player selects a weapon for himself, but it is worth remembering that it is heavily modified, so it will be optimal to take: an air pistol, an assault rifle and a combat rifle (gun). The air pistol kills quietly and quickly,
especially after improvement. The assault rifle is good for its modifications: a machine gun and a grenade launcher. In normal mode, you can convert it into a machine gun and destroy enemies in batches, and if there are a lot of them and tanks arrive, then we convert the machine gun into a grenade launcher and destroy the equipment. And we need a sniper rifle to pick up villains from long distances, as well as to destroy heavy infantrymen. In addition, if the infantry becomes too much, then it can be converted into a gun that shoots fireworks. Such shooting is not only beautiful, but also deadly.
Yes, there are many more choices in the game. You can run around with a flamethrower, crossbow, shotgun, and more, but the top set is more optimal for any category of player.

How to use the equipment

At first it may seem that you only need grenades, but this is not so. For a quieter passage, you will definitely need firecrackers with a remote control or a car. The Juche never stands still, they always have some kind of trajectory, so you can always put firecrackers at one point of his march, and activate it at another, so that the Juche goes away. Sometimes the Juchi stand right outside the gate and they go very little, but it’s impossible to kill, so we take firecrackers with a car and drive it to a convenient place so that the guards move away, and you calmly capture the base.

Hacking is usually needed only for throwing into terminals or during tasks where hacking with a car is required. But, it's not. Apparently not everyone guessed to hack tanks
KPA (various combat vehicles). If you see a convoy that also needs to be released, then you can put a hack with a remote or a bear, and wait for it to work to capture the enemy’s equipment. Yes, the technique can be hacked, besides, it starts to fight on your side. This is how you can set up quiet ambushes, you hack remotely equipment, and then in the confusion you quickly kill everyone with an air pistol or crossbow. The same can be done with a machine.
Everyone is already aware of the grenades, we take a car, drive up under the KPA equipment, activate it and watch a beautiful explosion. But you can also use d / y. They are needed to stealthily destroy some points that will raise the "Hearts and Minds", as well as breaking through the ventilation. Yes, the explosion will be big, but you won't be there anymore. You can also destroy equipment, just hang up three charges, run away and blow up.

Molotov cocktails are used exclusively against infantry. And it’s better to do them with a bear, which works when enemies approach, so that they don’t bypass you with
back. This is not used often, but there will be tasks and places where there are passages, but nowhere to hide. In such places, it is better to set up such traps and shoot back in order to clear the escape corridor or wait for help from your own. Also, no one bothers to put them just so that the KPA decreases in the vastness of the city. And no one forbids you to combine gadgets with each other.

Why do you need a bike

From the beginning, it may seem that the bike is needed in Homefront: The Revolution only to quickly move around the task, but this is not so. You will also need a bike to hide from the KPA, as well as to penetrate the base. Yes, any closed base has a place where you can only get through with the help of a bike.

The bike can also be combined with a remote control device. For example, we take a grenade from a remote control, put it on a bike, sit down and accelerate into the crowd of Juche. On the way, we jump off the bike and quickly explode our grenade. And no one forbids you to put firecrackers on the bike along with a grenade in order to send it into a crowd of enemies, then attract them, and then blow them all up.
Even in cooperative missions, there are times when you are surrounded by enemies everywhere and you cannot escape on foot, so you need to find a bike in order to survive in this hell. The bike will help you in many things, but it is very noisy and you cannot shoot while riding. Therefore, it is better not to leave once again near the KPA.

Useful weapon mods and capture points

Weapon mods are very important in Homefront: The Revolution. They allow you to shoot more accurately, aim further, deal more damage, or eliminate noise. First of all, you need a regular collimator sight to make it more convenient to shoot. Next, we save money for a sniper scope so that there are more tactical choices, and can be controlled with sniper rifle. In addition, snipers soon appear, who inspect the city from above.

In a solo campaign, you won't need a silencer, as there is nowhere to apply it and the air pistol does well without it. Therefore, it is better to start with a flash hider and a handle. And do not forget about the cardinal modification of weapons, so as not only to assemble a machine gun from assault rifle, but also increase its firing range along with the number of cartridges.
From equipment, first improve your boots and knee pads, then the “pickpocket” to quickly pick up items from corpses. Next, we pick up different bags for ourselves to increase the number of cartridges and grenades. And there are things that are taken as you like, depending on your preferences.

And in order to open faster and faster, you need to capture everything. Do not pass by bases and useful observation points, capture everything and quietly. This will give you a good profit and will also help you in the fight against the KPA. The more points you capture, the more resistance will have power, and therefore the people themselves. This will make life easier for you in subsequent tasks, as well as you can kill more and earn money. And in cases of death, there will be more points for rebirth, which reduces the time to return to the place.

The revolution is behind us

These tips are sure to help a newcomer join Homefront: The Revolution and reclaim their city. If you have any suggestions for leveling or killing Juche, write in the comments below!

homefront was born full of contradictions that nearly killed her. The utter nonsense about the occupation of peaceful America by evil Koreans, if not drawn to laurels red alert, then I could get closer - if the authors had more gunpowder. On the other hand, the nightmare of totalitarian rule was portrayed vividly and convincingly.

But it was played, alas, simply: a linear action movie about an unkillable hero does not fit well with the theme of the underground struggle (we forgave BJ Blaskowitz for a lot of other merits). Therefore, the Kaos studio did not last long: half a year did not pass after the release, when the publisher THQ closed Kaos, blaming the game for the failure. THQ, as you remember, followed the last journey, and the rights to Homefront fell into the caring hands of Crytek. Then things went wrong for Crytek, and the German office sold the Homefront brand to its countrymen - Deep Silver.

Along with the rights, invaluable personnel leaked from Crytek: the Free Radical Design development studio, which in recent years was called Crytek UK, transferred all employees to the recently opened Dambuster Studios under the supervision of the same Deep Silver. They were assigned to work on the new Homefront.

The almost dead series needed internal revolutions, which we waited for - restarted Homefront: The Revolution saved from old game only the plot, altering almost everything else. What is so revolutionary about it compared to the first part?

Partisan, not Rambo

The protagonist will bravely die for the Fatherland if he tries to take the enemy on the fly. Now you have to play thinner.

In the first Homefront, we flew Robert Jacobs, nominally a former military pilot, but, in essence, he was classic hero action movie. A machine gun in one hand, the Stars and Stripes in the other, and go kick ass while chewing angrily on your cigar.

The new freedom fighter - Ethan Brady - does not climb on the rampage. Not because he's a coward, but because they'll instantly tear him to pieces. The DPRK army has a numerical, technical and tactical advantage, while the rebels have only the effect of surprise and noble fury that boils up like a wave. And so we fight: we fall on the Koreans like snow on our heads, quickly burn the patrol and disappear in the darkness of the night. This is the only way to count on success: the Korean invaders are better armed and numerous, and other patrols are always ready to come to the rescue. True, a frontal attack can still work, being quite sudden, massive and fleeting.

And when Ethan and his friends happen to be in peaceful areas, they are forced to behave carefully, not to burn themselves with smartphones (they are prohibited) and to carefully contact sympathizers.

World hegemon - North Korea, not the USA

Last time we were treated to those cranberries: allegedly for fifteen years, from 2012 to 2027, the United States crouched into three deaths from crises and an incomprehensible disease, and the DPRK suddenly ran at a gallop along South-East Asia, crushed Japan like a bug, and in the end put an end to American democracy.

Now we are talking about an alternative history, and the fork neatly fits into the chronology familiar to us. Here's the Apollo 10 mission, after a successful flyby of the moon, ends in tragedy - and the United States abandons the space race. North Korea, on the other hand, does not pupate to quietly rivet nuclear bombs and spit curses from behind the Iron Curtain, but conquer markets with the help of the young company APEX, which released the first PC on the planet.

Instead of the Californian Silicon Valley, the Silicon River technopark is being created (in Korea, of course). America gets entangled in the Vietnam War, then in the Middle East, becomes dependent on the supply of equipment. The Soviet Union wins Saudi Arabia over to its side, preventing an oil crisis. And now Soviet and Korean scientists are deciphering the human genome, while the States are turning into a wild third world country, even elections are canceled by President McCain. The powerful army of the DPRK introduces its forces into the United States, demanding the payment of the American public debt. Evil irony!

Not a linear performance, but a sandbox

The world of Homefront: Revolution is similar in structure to open worlds Ubisoft, but the specifics of the local guerrilla war change the approach somewhat.

Now the hands of the partisans are untied. Well, exactly to the extent that it is possible in the occupied territory. The level of control of the Koreans varies: in some zones (green) there is no place for Americans at all, there reigns truly Pyongyang cleanliness, silence and, of course, hordes of soldiers. In others - yellow ones - the indigenous population somehow survives, and although there are not so many soldiers, they react promptly to noise.

The red zones are mostly ruins and other unpleasant places where the Korean invaders and rebels are fighting openly. These neighborhoods are held by the Korean Provisional Administration through military bases, which we must capture by closing gas valves, hacking into electronic transceivers, or simply driving the military contingent out of the base. If you're lucky, you can find an abandoned base - it's enough to start the generator and click a couple of switches to bring it back into operation.

Actually, all partisan work consists of these tasks, but the uniqueness of each impact point - thanks to the level designers - does not get bored. Homemade traps, explosive radio-controlled cars, deep modification of weapons and captured vehicles: any, even the most brutal, methods are suitable for revolutionary cause. How in Far Cry , the player himself determines how exactly to have fun, but the specificity of Homefront leaves its mark. If the bandits of Vaas or Pagan Ming's attack aircraft sagged from a remote attack in the forehead, then the detachments of the Korean army are much stronger and better equipped, and if an airship is on duty nearby, then there will be no end to reinforcements.

From the West Coast to the East

Philadelphia! The first capital of the United States, the crucible of the American Revolution, a city imbued with the spirit of independence. Now Philadelphia serves as the headquarters of the invaders, but for the Resistance it is the burning heart of the Revolution. This city is rarely shown in games or movies, and, as a rule, thanks to its history (for example, "National Treasure"). And here it will be, apparently, very picturesque: old buildings pasted over with agitation, graffiti on ancient walls, roughly embedded structures of Koreans (let's see if it turns out as organically and ominously as in City-17).

Cyberpunk instead of militarism

The occupation by the DPRK forces in the first Homefront was not much different from a hypothetical occupation, for example, by evil Russians, or Swedes full of lutefi, or their own military junta. Such is the average type, with the correct flags and a characteristic Asian squint.

By the second part, however, confidence came that in 2029 the soldiers would be equipped a little differently than they are now. With regard to Homefront: The Revolution, it’s completely different: the military uniform, weapons and buildings of the Korean administration give off the spirit of Deus Ex: Human Revolution(haha, fraternal revolution!) and even a little mass effect. But it looks solid and cyberpunk faceless and contrasts well with the rebel-hungry, dressed in anything. Rebellion with fashion is not on the way.

* * *

We've listed the key turning points: Homefront is now a completely different game. However, we left many details of a smaller order behind the scenes, we will find out what will happen to them in May. Until then, we will have time to explore another interesting aspect of Homefront: The Revolution - the history of this world in which no one laughs at North Korea. Nobody.