Walkthrough pokemon platinum. Passage of the game Pokemon - Light Platinum. My Pokémon at that time

So the third game from the 4th generation came out - Pokemon Platinum. Much in the game has changed for the better: the plot, gameplay, graphics. Anyway, let's move on to the game.

1. Before the start.

Everything is as usual - the professor greets us, tells us about the world. When exiting the dialog, press the third option. (If by chance the first, then click on the red “yes” button, and when returning to the previous dialogue, the third option. If the second, then just scroll the text until the dialogue returns.) Next, the professor will ask you to press the button on the pokeball when in the right part of the message box, the red touchscreen icon will flash. Click on it with the mouse (or stylus if you play on DC). Baniri will jump out, and the professor will continue to speak. Next - choose the gender of your character (I chose male), confirm with the first option, choose a name for yourself and confirm again. Next, choose the name of your friend-rival throughout the game from the ready-made ones, or write the name to him yourself (first option), then confirm again and the game starts!

2. The first Pokemon.

2.1. The beginning of the way.

And here you are sitting at the TV. As soon as the transfer is over, as soon as the character moves, your friend will run into his room. After talking with him for a while, you can go downstairs. Through dialogues with your mother, go to the rug and leave the house. As those who played Diamond and Pearl can notice, it snowed outside. Let's go to another big house in the northwest of the village. Your friend appears, leaves the house, but then, forgetting something, returns home. Follow him and go up to the second floor. Again a quick dialogue, after it leave the house and go north to Route 201.

2.2. Road 201.

After another dialogue with a friend, we will meet Professor Rowan, after talking with him and a double agreement (from the Main Hero and his Friend), an assistant (or assistant) will come running with a suitcase. After that, you can go to the suitcase and take your first Pokémon.

2.2.1. Starter Pokémon.

1) Turtwig. The type of the last stage of evolution is Grass/Earth.

A good choice, quite high Attack and Defense, and also a big plus as the second type of the last form and Earthquake's attack.

2) Chimchar. The type of the last stage of evolution is Fire / Combat.

For those who like to deal damage quickly. This Pokémon is good at Attack, Special Attack and Speed, and can take on many opponents.

3) Piplup. The type of the last stage of evolution is Water / Steel.

Weak at the beginning of the game, but later he can be developed and he will be really strong thanks to fewer weaknesses and a good Special Attack.

Your rival friend takes a Pokémon that is stronger than your type, i.e.

1) Chimchar (fire is stronger than grass)

2) Piplup (water is stronger than fire)

3) Turtwig (grass is stronger than water)

The professor's assistant will take the remaining Pokémon that is weaker than your type.

2.2.2. Fight with a friend.

As soon as you choose a Pokémon, the professor and assistant(s) will leave, and your friend will offer you a fight. So, into battle!

The battle is pretty simple. Just hit the enemy with the first attack (it deals damage). After defeating him, you again find yourself at home, where the mother of the GG (Main Hero) gives him Boots. You can now run while moving while holding the B button.

2.2.3. Onward, in search of adventure!

Leave the house, and again go upstairs to your friend (I will continue to call him Cartoon, because I gave this name to my rival.)

Now he will offer you to walk with him to the nearest lake. Take him to the west.

2.3. Lake Verity.

As soon as you enter, you notice Cyrus standing nearby and inspecting the lake. After uttering a small monologue, he leaves, and you hear the mysterious cry of a Pokemon, after which, the Cartoon runs away. You can swing a little and there is nothing more for you to do here. Head to Sangem (you can look at home along the way, heal if you trained a Pokemon).

2.4. Way to Sangem.

From road 201 you can go into the grass to the east, swinging along the way, then to the northeast (talk to the northernmost man in the grass, he will give you a healer) - and you are in the city. You are met by the assistant professor.

2.5. Sange.

The professor's assistant takes you to the laboratory, on the way to which you meet the Cartoon running out. You are brought to the professor and after a short dialogue you will be asked to choose a name for the Pokemon and tell you about the purpose of your journey, as well as give the Pokedex, a device that records all the Pokemon you meet and catch. When leaving the laboratory, the professor will stop you and give you TM 24 - Return. Then you are given a short tour of the city, showing and telling about Pokecenters and Pokemarts. The professor's assistant goes north, and you return home via Route 201 (and look at Sanjem Beach in the south, you will find Antidote).

2.5.1. Road 201.

Again we pass, swing and go along the old road to our native village.

2.5.2. Twinleaf.

And here you are again at home. Talk to mom, she will give you the Journal. Then, Mult's mother will come and ask you to take the parcel to him. Agree - and again on the road!

2.5.3. Road 201.

Nothing changes, go through and swing again, this is useful for the Pokemon.

2.5.4. Back in Sanjem.

Go north where the professor's assistant went to road 202.

2.5.5. Road 202.

As soon as you enter the grass, you will meet an Assistant (-ku). You will be given a small lesson on catching (Lower the Pokemon's health as low as possible without killing it and catch it with a Poke Ball) and 5 Poke Balls! Now you can catch Pokemon, congratulations. By the way, on this road you can catch these Pokémon:





I'll probably only catch Shinks out of them, but I would recommend Shinks and/or Starly as they are very useful Pokémon for the team. Cricketot and Bidoof, on the other hand, can be caught simply for the Pokédex, in the collection.

Take the winding path north to Jubilee, fighting the trainers along the way and taking the Healer.

3. New opportunities.

3.1. Anniversary.

And here you meet the professor's assistant again, she takes you upstairs and you meet the Detective who will give you new thing– Battle Recorder, with which you can record and share battles (only for Frontier and Network battles). Now go to the left of the Poké Center - to the School of Trainers.

3.1.1. School of Trainers.

Defeat the two trainers on the right, on the blue carpet. The guy with glasses will give you another Healer when you talk again.

Now go upstairs to the board and talk to Mult. He will thank you for handing over the package and give you the Card, after which he will leave. Also, grab an X Attack on the left. You can leave the building.

3.1.2. Watch.

As soon as you exit the school and head north, a man will stop you and ask if you have Pocketch. You don't have it, of course. Well, it's time to earn it. There are three clowns around the City, from whom you can get coupons for these very watches.

One clown is behind the poke center.

The second is near the building with a large screen - the TV center, in the north of the city.

The third is near the headquarters of the Poketch Company, in the west of the city.

After collecting all three coupons, return to that person and he will give you Pocketch for these coupons. Now the bottom screen is filled with watches with applications (try to change the application by pressing the red buttons on the watch).

3.1.3. Small things.

Now we go west, through the building-transition, in which we meet a fisherman who gives us a fishing rod. You can now catch Water Pokémon with it. If you go further to Road 218, you can catch Magikarp there with the help of a fishing rod, a weak Pokemon in itself, but its evolution is quite strong. exclamation mark press A) And don't forget to grab X Accuracy.

You can also run north early here, grab the Paralysis cure, and catch Bodø, a decent Grass/Poison Pokémon if you want.

3.1.4. Road 203.

So, leave the city by the eastern route. You will be met by the Cartoon and the battle between you will begin.

Starly(Normal/Flying) Lv 7

Starter Pokémon Lv 9

You, if you downloaded Pokemon, defeat him without difficulty. Continue east and fight trainers along the way, upgrade Pokemon.

Here you can catch:






Along the way you can find Pokeball, Repel and X Defend. Come into the cave.

3.1.5 Gate of Oreburg.

Uncle at the entrance will give you XM06 - Rock Smash, with which you can destroy the stones that get in your way. Go further east and exit the cave, encountering trainers again along the way.

Here you can catch:



Geodude (Stone/Earth)

4. Oreburg.

As soon as you start down the stairs, you are met by a guy who takes you to the GIM. The cartoon is already there. He received a badge, and he advises you to go to the Oreburg Mines, for the GIM leader.

In the house closest to the Pokemart, you can exchange Machop for Abra with the woman standing in the middle of the room. And now, to the south of the city - to the mines!

4.1. Oreburg Mines.

Along the way, in and next to a large pile of coal, you can find 3 items - Yellow Shard, Dire Hit and Heart Scale.

Inside the mines next to the entrance is a Pokeball.

Here you can catch:


Geodude (Stone/Earth)

Onyx (Stone/Earth)

Fight two trainers inside the mines, near which there is a healer and an Escape Rope, talk to the man in the red helmet - this is the leader we were looking for. After the XM06 demonstration, which requires its badge, the leader will run away. We follow him to his Stadium.

4.2. Behind the icon.

Don't forget to train your Pokémon if they're not at their best, and heal up at the Pokémon Center if they've gotten worn out in battle.

In this Gym, Water and Grass Starters get the badge quite easily. However, Fire Starters are strong against Rock Pokémon if you've already evolved it. It was also possible to catch Water or Grass Pokémon.

Through two, rather weak, trainers, you approach the leader of the hall, Roark.

His Pokémon:

Geodude (Stone/Earth) Lv 12

Onyx (Stone/Earth) 12 Lv.

Cranidos (Stone) 14 Lv.

His strongest Pokémon is Cranidos. A big attack can greatly hinder your achievement of your goal of winning the badge.

After defeating him, he gives you the Coal Badge and TM76 - Stealth Rock.

My Pokémon so far:

1. Grotle (Grass) "Geon" 21 Lv.

2. Luxio (Electric) "Volt" 18 Lv.

Good luck getting your badge too! See you in the next part.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 14 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

If you like Pokemon games and bought Pokemon Platinum, chances are you need a balanced and strong team. This article will teach you everything you need to know about building such teams in this game, and will be especially useful for those who want to defeat the Elite Four, since some of the Pokémon mentioned in this article are only available at high levels.


    First you need to collect a team of Pokémon of different types. It is better if you have one water, fire, electric, grass and steel pokemon, as well as one dragon and someone else - but this time to your taste. The dragon, we repeat, will be just right (Garchomp especially). If your team has Pokemon of different types, then they will be able to repulse any opponent, because you can always choose the Pokemon in front of which your opponent is vulnerable.

    • Piplup's Water Pokémon early on will pay off handsomely later in the game as it evolves into Empoleon, a mixed Water/Steel Pokémon that is nearly invulnerable to ground and rock attacks. Such a Pokémon can learn water moves like Surf and Aqua Jet (though Brine is recommended instead), as well as moves like Drill Peck and Earthquake. Such a Pokémon has a powerful attack and unsurpassed defense, but there is also a minus - if you stumble upon an opponent who has developed Turtwig (Turtwig) into Torterra (torterra), a grass and ground type Pokémon, then your Empoleon will lose the battle in an instant (so train him also Ice beam attack).
    • Since there aren't many Fire Pokemon in Platinum, grab a Ponyta as early as possible (if you don't get a Chimchar) and level it up. She can learn Ember, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, and even the super-powerful (but damaging) Flare Blitz, as well as attacks like Bounce and stomp. In the Eterna City Gym location, Ponyta will come in handy in the fight against Gardenia, as well as during the fight with the fourth member of the Elite Four and his Bronzong.
    • Electric Pokémon are also rare, so try to find Shinx early. He is one of the weakest in any team, but his Discharge and Thunderbolt attacks are something with something! In the Pastoria Gym, they will come in handy, as will his attacks like Bite and Crunch, which can be used to fight back against such trainers from the Elite Four as Mr.Mime and Espeon.
    • Grass Pokémon are optional, but sometimes they are even more effective than Water Pokémon. grass pokemon such as Roserade or Leafon against Bertha of the Elite 4 will be a much better choice than even the same Empoleon, since Bertha's Pokémon, Whiscash, is not vulnerable to water attacks. However, Bertha also has Gliscor, which is not vulnerable to grass attacks either (since it is a flying / ground type Pokemon), so it's up to you. But if you teach such a Pokemon an ice attack, then you can handle it.
    • But without a dragon Pokemon, you can't do it. Why? Many stadium leaders, not to mention the elite four, use them. You have to, you literally have to catch an ice Pokemon like Glalie or take the same Garchomp. If you managed to catch Giratina - use it too. Dragon attacks are powerful, they can defeat even high level Pokémon like Salamence and Garchomp in one turn. It is highly recommended that you find a Dragon-type Pokémon and upgrade it as strong as possible. They are helpful! Alternatively, try to find Metagross - his meteor mash, thunderpunch, earthquake and a dark or earth type move of your choice will help you.
      • Steel Pokémon are not required, but will also work. They are vulnerable to fire, ground, and combat attacks, so keep that in mind when rotating your Pokémon. On the other hand, such Pokemon can use the unsurpassed attacks of Steel Wing, Iron tail, Earthquake and Earth Power. It is also desirable that such Pokémon could fly.
    • In the last slot, you can choose anyone. It is recommended, however, to take Blissey or Togetic/Togekiss, as they are extremely difficult to defeat, they know attacks that can put the enemy in a difficult position, and they also have tons of health, which makes such Pokémon even and serve as great cover, giving you a chance to heal injured or unconscious Pokémon. Other options are Bronzong (hard to beat), Gallade, Gardevoir, Lucario. Well, or the same Bliss, who has moves like Soft-Boiled, Toxic and Iron Defense (i.e. a huge defense) and some kind of attack move.
  1. Balance the number of attacking and defensive skills. Here, for example, Alakazam (Alakazam). He has Phychic, Psybeam and Reflect attacks. It is a great example of a balanced Pokémon, having two great direct damage attacks and two more defensive and very useful skills. So, Mirror Coat reflects the last attack of the opponent, making it twice as strong, and Reflect is a bonus to defense. Alakazam can defeat a difficult enemy without too much trouble.

  2. Example. Here are the Pokemon I use (your game may not have some, so replace them with similar ones): Torterra (Torterra): Strength , Leaf Storm, Giga Drain and Crunch. Infernape: Close Combat, Fire Spin, Focus Punch, Flare Blitz. Pikachu: Thunderbolt, Iron Tail, Charge Beam, Thunder. Gible: Slash, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dig. Buizel: Aqua Jet, Waterfall, Whirlpool, Surf. Staraptor: Fly, Close Combat, Steel Wing, Brave Bird.

    • Remember to pick a Pokemon that has a good balance of attack and type. You need any, even the slightest advantage over your opponent.
    • You can also take the legendary Pokemon - Salamens, Garchmopa, Tyranitar (Tyranitar). Then don't use the Pokémon you like, like Rapidash or Empoleon. Develop strategies, conduct EV training, make Pokémon more and more powerful. For example, using Umbreon or Espeon is useful, as it gives you access to Mean Look, Calm Mind, Baton Pass, which will allow you to change Pokemon without removing the effect of the Calm Pass. Another option is Skizor, who has learned Agility, Baton Pass and Iron Defense. And yes, do not forget to fill your inventory with all sorts of useful things to the eyeballs - it will come in handy!
    • During the battle, do not forget about the rotation of Pokémon. Do not be afraid of losing health, because if your team has a Pokémon that can defeat the opponent, then feel free to use it! Either way, the Pokemon Center is usually close by - so don't be afraid to jump in!

So, I decided to start a series of articles on the game, or rather on the hack of the game, which is called: Pokémon Light Platinum. First, a few words about the hack itself. It is based on the Ruby version, but the world is based on the Pokémon Platinum game. There are five generations of Pokémon. Evolutions from stones and exchanges have been removed, all Pokemon evolve by levels. But besides all this, a feature of the hack is that here you can get a lot of valuable things just by talking to the characters in the locations. This will be discussed in my articles. This is not a walkthrough, but a kind of "easter eggs" and tips for the game. It will help those who generally do not like to spend time talking with characters, and maybe most of you will learn something new from these articles. So, let's begin.

Tips for Choosing a Starter Pokémon: A feature of the hack is that at the very beginning of the game you will be given a choice of first-generation starters. That is, you will need to choose: Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander. Normally, I would suggest taking the Fire type as it is most effective in the early game, but immediately in the first city you will get a Fire type Growlith, so it makes sense to weed out Charmander and choose between Squirtle and Bulbasaur. Let's dive into the types of Pokemon. The fiery antitype is water. Therefore, it makes sense to choose Bulbasaur Grass-type Pokémon. Then, if your Growlit is fighting against a Water-type Pokemon, you can replace it with Bulbasaur and will have an advantage in type. However, it's up to you.

Laboratory surroundings: Here we have chosen our starting Pokemon and received Pokeballs from the professor. Attention! to get pokeballs from the professor, you need to talk to her twice. We leave the laboratory, but we are not in a hurry to leave the city. We go from the laboratory door to the right. We go up the stairs to the room, there will be a pokeball on the table, there is an elekid in it. We take it and get our second Pokemon. For clarity, I will attach an image, on it there is a ladder along which you need to climb.

Move on. We are looking for this girl, talk to her and she will give you Max Potion. Fortunately, you don’t need to look for a long time, the city is quite small. Next, go to the house next to which she is standing and talk to one of the guys, he will give you Thunderstone. However, it is unlikely to be useful to you, since the evolutions from stones have been removed, but it can be sold in the Pokemarket, and an extra penny is only good for you. Why, you will find out later. Image with a girl to find:

That's it, there is nothing more interesting in this city, so we can safely leave it.

Route 401: The road is like a road. There is a Potion in the grass. And if you talk to this guy, he will give us TM46-THIEF.

There is nothing more interesting. Download and catch Pokemon.

Advice: Better immediately pump your Pokemon to level 10-15, it will be easier. Personally, I immediately pumped mine to the second form of evolution, since with the emulation acceleration function it is not difficult and not long. For those who don't know how to speed up emulation: Options>Emilation Setup>Emulation Speed,LCD,Refresh>Unlimited MHz Disaster 10%. To return everything back, in the same menu, select the option realtime, auto. All settings for the emulator No$gba. Well, that's all, we can go to the first city.

Central City: Well, here we are in the first, relatively large city. There is another Potion in the grass in front of the entrance to the city, and a grandfather sits a little further, and if you talk to him, he will give us an Ultra Ball. I must say right away that the thing is valuable, do not waste it on biduf. I will not attach an image, since it is very difficult to pass by and not notice this grandfather.

Now we are looking for a large green building. Talk to the man who is standing a little to the right of him, he will give you Groulit. And now I will tell you why I advised you to sell Thunderstone. This city has a safari zone. It is located just to the right of a large green building. A safari zone is a place where you can catch Pokemon without fighting them. Of course, it's not free. You have to pay 500 coins for the entrance, you will be given 30 Safari Balls, this is more than enough. And then everything is standard, as with normal Pokemon catching, only instead of fighting, you will be asked to throw a Pokeball or leave. The safari zone in this city is divided into four locations: Ice Zone, Desert Zone, Marsh Zone and Field Zone. In the Ice Zone, I advise you to catch a female Snorant, in the Desert Zone - Trapinch, in the Field Zone - Ming Fu, and in the Marsh Zone there is nothing interesting, I do not advise you to go there, waste your money. I am attaching an image. On the left is the green building, in the center is the man with Growlite, the brown building on the right is the safari area.

Well, that's all for today. In the next part, we will talk about Route 402 and the next city.