Walkthrough (Second option). Walkthrough (Second option) Complete walkthrough of the game Resident Evil 4

Basic Rules

1. First and most important: try to reduce the number of opponents behind your back to zero by moving around the location: an extra blow to the hump on a Professional will not end well. If the situation does not allow you to spin around to see the whole crowd, then take a shotgun and clear the way to a more advantageous position. An alternative would be a flash drive for your feet, but you will need flash drives for other purposes.

2. It is advisable to spend flash drives only on plug-ins.

3. Ammo is good, but you shouldn’t abuse a knife and attack an enemy with a weapon if you’re not sure that you can dodge a blow. They punish too much here for such tricks.

4. Fourth, but not least: the fact that you have green HP does not mean that you will not be killed in one hit. You should not relax and think that you will be able to live until red and then spend your HP. 90% of cases it won't work.

5.If resources allow, you should buy a rocket launcher before each boss (except for Krauser and Bitores Mendez)

6.Enemy shields should only be broken with a shotgun blast

7.Crossbowmen and other guys who love ranged combat must be killed first: it will be unpleasant if you red pass some difficult moment, and Inokenty with a crossbow, which you did not notice or simply ignored, kills you from the other end of the room /locations.

8. If you see that things are bad and you are being squeezed, then do not skimp and spend a couple of magnum cartridges: it scatters enemies almost the same as a shotgun, but does MUCH more damage.

9. During each visit to the dealer, if possible, buy two first aid sprays: they are relatively inexpensive, and can save lives more than once.

10.Participate in the shooting range to earn easy (and quite large) money without spending on ammunition and HP (note: it is better to use TMP in the shooting range)

11.You should treat Ashley only in case of absolute necessity: most enemies don’t attack her, and she’s not very useful, but an extra heal for Leon (whom absolutely everyone attacks) will help you stay alive once again.

12. You should only buy the largest case if you are convinced that there is not enough space in the smaller case: in other words, you can shell out your 70,000 pesos, but only if you are 100% sure that you can save a fairly large amount cartridge and other good things, otherwise half of the inventory will be empty, and no one will return your money to you.

Bosses/Mini-bosses and tactics for passing them.

1.El Gigante
Ideally, you need to kill him with a rocket launcher, but if you don’t get hold of it, then TMP and running around will help (and free the dog from the trap at the very beginning, then you’ll thank him)

2.Del Lago
There are no special tactics for passing this boss, I can only advise that when she first dives and then emerges next to you and swims towards you, it is better to move to the side, otherwise you will be thrown off the boat and a lot of damage will be caused.

3.Bitores Mendez
The elder of the village, in appearance and physical characteristics, looks like some new Tyrant model (this is a boss from previous parts of RE, like Nemesis in the 3rd part). The battle with him is divided into 2 parts: at first, Mendez walks on his feet, while trying to grab Leona. At this stage, it will be most effective to run from one end of the map to the other, simultaneously feeding the bald horseradish with lead from TMP (note: in the first stage the boss has only 1 attack that does not depend on QTE, so be vigilant), then, when the legs are separated from the body, Mendez will begin to cling to the beams and use them to get to the main character. The most important thing here is to carefully monitor him in order to understand where he will jump a second later. Also feed him lead from a TMP or a shotgun (which at this stage is still can be effective as a means of causing damage), you also run from one corner to another, but now trying not to lose sight of the boss. Why shouldn’t you spend a rocket launcher on him? In the 1st stage, when you shoot from a rocket launcher at him, as far as I know, his legs will simply fall off, and secondly, due to the fact that Mendez will constantly move, hitting him with such a weapon will be problematic and you will most likely miss, or at best you will be hit by the explosion and get out from the boss hit.

4.Dr.Salvador/Bella Sisters
The peculiarity of these mini-bosses is that they kill Leon with one hit on any difficulty. Based on this, I would not advise you to let them get close to you, and for this, all means are good (but a shotgun is the best solution)

This blind guy (which means you shouldn't make too much noise around him) has a weak spot on his back (thanks, Cap), and can be easily killed if you give "signals" in short runs: in this case, he will stick your claws into the wall (you just need to move away in time so that Leon doesn’t end up in the wall’s place), and while he’s trying to pull them out, you need to shoot at the worm on his back. It’s also worth saying that you can kill him with shots to the body, but it will be extremely unreinventable. There is also an armored version of this mini-boss, but it is no different from the normal one except that it is invulnerable to body shots, but you are not going to shoot him in the body, right? Shoot him in the back, by the way. You can use anything, but I prefer to cut with a knife.

One of the most difficult bosses in the game, which, nevertheless, is killed with one shot from the Rocket Launcher (you need to freeze it first). If you go through it without it, then you should freeze it, and then process it with a magnum. He will die not the first time, but sooner or later he will give up his skates. You must also successfully complete the QTE, otherwise you have practically no chance of killing him, especially on Professional.

7.Ramon Salazar
A vile dwarf, whose hand Leon pierced with a knife. The boss is rather not him, but his cross with the second security guard (the first was Verdugo, whom the dwarf sent to kill Leon). This boss is quite easy, he, like most, dies from one shot from a rocket launcher, but to kill him you must first open the “cocoon”. A magnum or TMP is suitable for this task, and after opening you will simply kill him with one shot from you know what.

This is an incomprehensible creature designed to kill the GG. In the battle with him, there are also 2 stages waiting for you: in the first, you should not pay attention to him and just activate the necessary panels and respond to QTEs. In the second stage, you fire one shot from the Rocket Launcher" and, after which one blow with a knife. With this, U3 goes to eternal rest.

9.Jack Krauser
A former comrade of Leon Kennedy, infected with the Las Plagas virus, which gives him superhuman capabilities. We will meet him 2 times: the first time there will be a very spectacular (especially by the standards of the time when RE4 was released) scene of a knife fight with QTE elements. The second time we ourselves will have to deal with our former partner. Here's how to do it: shoot at him when he wants to throw a grenade. In this case, it will explode in his hands and damage him. In hand-to-hand combat with him, just press the QTE buttons in time. In the final scene, when Jack transforms his hand into something similar to a sword-wing-shield, you should avoid his usual attacks and by “opening” him for a shot using the same QTEs, shoot him with a magnum.

11.Osmund Saddler
An indecently easy boss. Use the levers at the ends of the platforms to knock Osmund down, then his weak point opens (the eye in the mouth, no matter how stupid and disgusting it sounds), and there is already a shot from a rocket launcher in this eye, then a cat will be launched -scene where Ada will drop you another “special” Rocket Launcher with a red rocket, which you will need to use to finish off the boss.

Weapons for fans.

A semi-automatic pistol that fires a burst of three rounds. You can get it by beating RE4 on any difficulty.

2.Infinite Rocket Launcher
Same as a regular Rocket Launcher, only with infinite ammo

3.Chicago typewriter
A 45-caliber machine gun with damage almost like Broken Butterfly. It has endless ammunition. You can get it by completing the Ada Mission

Magnum with damage of 99.9 units, initially having 3 rounds, but as you level up it gains endless ammunition. You can get it by completing all 4 “Mercenaries” maps with five stars.

5.P.R.L. 412
My favorite. A gun of incredible power, when fully charged it destroys all living things within its range. It has endless ammunition. When not fully charged, it blinds all living things within its range (and kills the plug like a regular flash drive). You can get it by beating RE 4 on maximum difficulty.

Tricks with a knife.


At the request of readers, I decided to add a section to this guide about all kinds of features with knives. Well, let's get started!
So, it is reliably known that it is completely safe with the proper skill and only with a knife you can pass one boss and one mini-boss: Krauser and Regenerator (NOT Iron Maiden!). Next, instructions will be presented for passing ordinary Ganados with a knife (these are the most common enemies , if anyone doesn't know).

Killing Krauser with a knife

All you need to do for this is to get close to him and first hit his legs with a knife or wait until he opens, and then, when he kneels on one knee, hit him in the infected arm. As a result, he will constantly kneel and will eventually die. The key point here is this: don't miss the hand, please, and if you miss and he gets up, then repeat the whole procedure again.

Killing the Regenerator with a knife

Here we will cheat a little and use a small bug: it consists of knocking the regenerator down and, without stopping, coming close, hitting with a knife. The regenerator will get stuck in the “regeneration” animation and will not be able to get up, and then die. The only caveat is maybe serve as execution time: it will take a long time to hit. A very long time. Well, try not to get hit by a jump.

Killing common Ganados

The whole trick here is to let the enemy hit, but miss. Here's how to do it: you see that the enemy is swinging a weapon, move away, the enemy misses, quickly approach and hit him in the face with a knife, and then knock him down with a blow, and Finally, you finish off the fallen enemy with cold steel. You need to be more careful with maces, they have a larger attack radius, which means you need to retreat faster and further. Against shields, you should approach, stab in the leg, and then beat the one who opened up, but again , you have to be careful, otherwise you’ll get hit on the head. It’s better to deal with a plug with a flash drive, but you can also approach and kick, but you shouldn’t approach an already lying plug, and therefore the procedure will need to be repeated several times. If Ganados is wearing a mask, then you need to hit with a knife not in the face, but in the legs, and then make a grab and finish off the one who was thrown.

Weapon selection.

Weapon selection.
So, let's figure out what is best for destroying local fauna:

1.Broken Butterfly
As for me, this is the best magnum in the game. You can get it for free with the help of Ashley in the Castle location (you need to plant her so that she opens the door for us), and in terms of destructive power with maximum pumping it is in second place after the rocket launcher.

Final rating: 10/10 - a must take (preferably free).

2.Killer 7
A pretty good magnum, but it is inferior to the Broken Butterfly in terms of destructive power at maximum level, and it costs a lot of money, and it is impossible to get it for free.

Final rating: 6/10 - in principle, you can take it, but it is not recommended.


A good pistol for passing on a Professional, but provided that the owner shoots very accurately (Extra upgrade: X5 chance of critical damage when hit in the head), otherwise it will not bring the desired result

Final rating: 8/10 - upgrade only if you are confident in your accuracy.

To be honest, I underestimated this weapon until I realized that this pistol is indispensable on a Professional. A sort of “light version” of TMP, this pistol will help you stop the crowd before the opponents even come to you. Fortunately, they contribute to this its incredibly fast reload time, fire rate, and large magazine are key to maxing out RE4, as they will help you quickly change priorities in combat.

Final rating: 10/10 - a must take

My favorite pistol for playthrough on Easy-Normal, however on Professional this weapon is too slow to be effective. Its only advantage relative to the Blacktail is the incredibly high damage (the highest in the game among pistols, not counting the X5 crit to the head from the Handgun), so it will be good only for single, but strong targets, and the return due to the purchase of a butt is reduced by 80%. Otherwise, Red9 loses to Blacktail without any chance of rehabilitation.

Final rating: 7/10 - you can take it, but not on Professional.

I didn't use this pistol at all in my max playthrough. Maybe it would be good for punching through enemies and would save money on a shotgun, plus you have the opportunity to get it for free, but in any case, I personally don't have much respect for it and on Pro you can do just fine without it.

Final rating: 8/10 - if you take it, then only for free. I don’t see the point in taking it for a fee.

Everything is the same as with a regular rifle.


(Note: Shotguns on Professional are used primarily not as a means of dealing damage, but as a means of crowd control and breaking shields).

An unremarkable shotgun that can be found in the village in one of the houses on the second floor.

Final rating: 7/10 - needed purely to have something to push enemies away and break shields until it becomes possible to purchase the Striker, which will be discussed a little later. (Note: it will be better if you don’t upgrade it. You’ll save a lot more than you lose) .

2. Riot gun
For an additional fee (and quite a significant one) there are small advantages in the form of lightness and an enlarged magazine. Do you need this? If you are not speedrunning and are going to the pros for the first time, then no.

Final rating: 5/10 - not worth taking if you are not doing it at speed.

The best shotgun in the game. The lack of a bolt makes it an ideal weapon for crowd fighting, but it can also cope with single targets.

Final rating: 10/10 - a must-get (Note: I recommend upgrading only the magazine capacity and sometimes the rate of fire, since you simply won’t need the rest. Again, as I wrote earlier, shotguns on the Pro are a means of holding back crowds and breaking shields) .

Other weapons

A must-have on all difficulties of RE4. You won’t find a better combination of flexibility-price-benefit in this game. You can use it to take down bosses, stop a crowd, kill a plug, and everything else you can’t do. A stock is a must, without it it’s much more difficult to shoot.

Final rating: 10/10 - a must buy.

3.Mine Thrower
The most controversial weapon in the game. Some people love it, some not so much. Personally, I did all my playthroughs (and this is about 15 times) without it and never felt the need for it. If you are really tight with money and you can’t afford buy a rocket launcher before each boss, or you don’t want to fill your case with a huge barrel, then this weapon can serve as a cheap alternative.

Final rating: 4.5/10—strictly not for everyone. Very strict. Just couldn’t be stricter.

So, based on all of the above, we can conclude that your arsenal of weapons should be as follows:

1.Rocket launcher
2.Blacktail (priority is to upgrade reload speed and magazine capacity).
3.TMP (max out completely as quickly as possible).
4.Striker (upgrading the magazine capacity is a priority).
5.Broken Butterfly (upgrading firepower is a priority).
6.Sniper rifle .233 (do not upgrade at all, install an IR sight and use only on regenerators/iron maidens or if you are not at all sure of hitting the enemy).

That's all, friends! Good luck on the virtual battlefields and may the war remain in games!

Complete walkthrough of Resident Evil 4 for PS2.

Chapter first.

So, before proceeding directly to the passage of the game itself, I would like to focus on some of its aspects. The entire game you play as Leon Kennedy, a former green policeman, and now a seasoned employee working for the good of America, and sent to find the president’s daughter, the traces of whose disappearance end in a small village somewhere in Spain.

You can forget all your previous experience of playing past RE series. The controls have changed, the camera has moved behind the main character, zombies are no longer zombies, but smart, thinking creatures who can plan their actions. The atmosphere develops rapidly, so you always need to be on alert, even while watching the cutscenes. Peacefully wandering around the neighborhood, which was so common in early RE, will not yield any results here. Look around more often, at least in search of secrets, since they are not lying under your feet, but most often hanging somewhere under the ceiling or on trees. In general, don't relax.

So, having gained control of the character, admire the beauty of the graphics and step forward. Practice aiming on crows, which, by the way, often drop very useful things. After making fun of the animals, go forward and see a large house. Feel free to enter it, despite the not entirely affirmative screensaver. Once inside, you will be greeted by a seemingly normal Spaniard, but as soon as you show him a photo of Ashley, he will immediately grab an ax and try to kill you. Effectively jumping to the side, Leon will successfully group and take aim at the ghoul. He will stop at all requests; the possessed person will not pay any attention. Here you will have the opportunity to deal with him. Shoot in the head, and in the future also try to hit enemies in the head, since this is their most vulnerable part. Some can be killed with one shot. After killing the zombies (I will call them zombies, because they are still not people and really want to try a piece from you), go to the stairs and turn right. You will see a pile of bones and skulls eaten away by worms. Then run to the second floor and take the pistol ammo. You see the window. By approaching it and pressing X, Mr. Kennedy will break it, and in flight, doing a somersault, he will land very successfully on the ground. After landing, you will be immediately attacked by two zombies. If you hit one of them directly in the head, he will turn away and you will have a few seconds to approach him and properly hit the careless person in the head. This technique will be very helpful in the future, since it allows you to temporarily immobilize all zombies within the radius of Leon’s foot. And its radius, I must say, is not small. After killing zombies for practice, you can go to the river where you started and admire the fallen truck, or you can ignore it and head straight along the path that leads to a small hut. Once you enter it, break all the boxes with a knife (L1 button), and take 2000 gold and green grass. You can save. The pitiful moans of a dog indicate that there is a dog somewhere nearby. Going forward, shoot the crows and take what is left of them. Free the poor animal from the trap, don't pass by. Having given free rein to the dog, it will apparently hide in joy in the thicket of the forest, and you will continue on your way. Going down from a small hillock, you will see four trees, two of them have guy wires installed. Carefully passing by, go up the mountain, after which one of the representatives of the local village will be waiting for you. Having dealt with him, go forward along the path until you come across another hut, in which three herbs and a very nice sight will be waiting for you: apparently one of the villagers did not want to obey the new local laws, in return, the locals nailed her, no, grafted her with a pitchfork wall (pardon the pun). Leaving the small house called the hut, you head further. Having met two zombies, finish them off in a known way and continue moving on. After crossing the bridge, you will see three collective farmers on the hill, but it is useless to shoot at them. So don't waste your ammo. When they see you, they will immediately drop everything they are doing and run in the direction of the village, probably to notify everyone else about your approach. Having walked further, you will again see a small house, but do not go into it, because a farmer with a sickle is waiting for you there. Having outwitted him and shot him, even before he has time to notice you, go into the house and break the boxes. Take everything useful and head to the gate. Once you open them, you will find yourself in a new location. Walk a little forward and look through binoculars. You will see your friend the policeman, with whom you were traveling in the same car, roasting at the stake. However, these zombies quickly pulled him out of the car and dragged him to the village. Having seen enough of the peaceful life of these people, it’s time to take action. Run forward, shooting a couple of zombies along the way, run into the house to the left of the fire, the entrance of which is behind a small fence. Once you're inside, move the cabinet towards the window. This will somehow delay them. Under the stairs to the second floor, break the barrels, and take pistol cartridges from the chest of drawers. And most importantly, try not to procrastinate. They take the zombies in numbers and push them out of all the holes. So quickly go up to the second floor. After breaking the glass, take a grenade from there. And jump out through the nearby window onto the roof. Turn around 180 degrees after the jump and start shooting zombies. Soon a madman with a chainsaw will climb out the window behind you. Run to the left and take the shotgun. Having reached the end of the roof, you will find yourself in a place where you can only be reached from one side and this side is well shot through. The lumberjack will not keep you waiting long, as will all your other friends. As soon as he appears around the corner, shoot him in the head. In principle, this is not such an easy matter, but for killing him, you will be given 10,000 gold. When you're done with him, a second wave of zombies will be sent at you, which is much easier to deal with since there is no lumberjack in it. By the way, on the roof from which you shot the zombies you can take a red gem (Spinel). Jump off the roof and run into the house opposite, but with a pistol. Break the barrel to the right of the entrance. Then move the chest of drawers towards the door to hold back the crowd. Knock the lock off the door and enter the room. Take everything valuable there and wait for a new batch. As soon as they break the door, they will immediately move towards you. If one of them grabs you, then immediately start turning the left analog stick of the joystick left to right. If everything is successful, then Leon, like a real action hero, will tear off the ghoul’s head or knock it to the ground, otherwise, you yourself will be knocked over to the ground. Step back often, move around, in other words, don't stand still. If necessary, use a shotgun, but this is best done when five or six zombies are approaching you. The shotgun has a very small spread, so it has the ability to hit multiple targets. Also, do not forget the indicator of your own life. Having killed the second galaxy, everyone will instantly forget about the main character and go to the call of the bell. Leon will be left alone in an empty village. This battle kind of prepared you for the dynamics of the gameplay. When you are alone, you can calmly explore the area for various interesting things. After climbing the bell tower, take the shotgun cartridges. Then, after running through the stable, break the box and you will find yellow grass. It will be needed later to upgrade Leon’s life by combining it with red and green herbs. Behind the house where you ran first, there is also a box. By breaking it, you will just get the red herb. You can combine all three herbs, but you shouldn’t use them yet, since it’s better to do this when your life is almost at zero. Thus, you will not only make up for its loss, but also increase its limit. Thus, at the end of the game, your life will be twice as long. Having collected everything valuable in the village, head to the path to the left of the bell tower. On the way, look into the hut, there is a box with gold. Enter the gate. Once in the next location, shoot at the blue medallion, thereby attracting the attention of the farmers. They will drop what they are doing and rush to fight you. There aren't many of them in this location, so there shouldn't be any problems shooting them. You can save your progress in the house next to the well. In this well, by the way, take the medallion (Dirty Pearl Pendant), having previously shot it. You will see the second blue medallion if you look at the roof of the large barn. After shooting at the medallion and going through the barn, a third medallion will hang on the tree. Also to the right of the horse waterer you will find a Golden Chicken Egg. After going back through the barn, go into the house, break all the drawers there and open two bedside tables. Go up to the second floor. There are pistol cartridges in the nightstand near the window. Having taken them, jump out through the window and, after walking two steps forward, jump down. Thus, you will find yourself in a pen where there is a box with a beer mug (Beerstein). To get back out, move the cabinet away from the passage and go back up to the second floor. Once up, turn around and see another blue medallion. After jumping down, run around the house on the other side and look up. Just under the visor you will see the fifth medallion. And again go up to the second floor and jump through the window. But this time run to the left and all the way. The sixth medallion spins in the mill, and the seventh is barely visible above the large wooden gate. Having knocked down seven medallions in this location, we head to the next one. Go not to the large wooden gates, since you still won’t be able to open them (yet), but to the ordinary plank ones. Once in the next location, go forward. You don’t notice that it’s too quiet around. Walking forward, the silence will be broken by a huge boulder, which smart zombies will throw at the main character. Press the X button as quickly as possible. The faster you press, the faster Leon will move away from the rolling boulder. This action will last about five seconds, and then at the end of the run you will need to press a combination of buttons (either L1 + R1, or square + X). It is impossible to say what exactly, since the combinations vary with different attempts. Either way, be prepared to press one of the two. Having done this, Leon will roll to the side, preventing himself from being crushed. When he recovers from what happened, you will regain control of the hero. There is a tunnel in front of you. Enter it and shoot the stones stuck to the ceiling (Spinel). By the way, they can be sold to a merchant in the future for 2000 per stone. After going through the tunnel and coming out the other side, you will find yourself in a location where hated zombies will throw explosives at you. Don’t stand still, but move all the time, while watching your step, as there are traps all around. Kill the zombie standing near the house and quickly run to it. Run around the house on the right side. And without climbing through the window, kill the ghoul directly in the head. If he manages to light the dynamite, then this is even better, since he will not have time to throw it, and by killing him, the dynamite will explode and hit the rest of the zombies. Climb through the window and shoot at the others. After killing all the zombies in the house, go to the boarded up door and kill another one through the hole in it. Exit through the same window through which you entered and run to the beginning of this location, that is, to where the tunnel ends. You will see a hastily put together house with a guy wire inside. Shoot at the tripwire. It will explode, and the boxes will split from the blast wave. Approach a large house with a porch. If you don’t enter it right away, but go around on the right side, you will come across a box containing 1000 gold. Look up. There is a nest in one of the trees. Shoot him and he will drop a Red Catseye. Having taken the wealth, go into the house. Take pistol cartridges on the table, and there is gold in the nightstand. Save. You should not run around the house briskly, as there are streamers installed in the corridor and in the room. After destroying them, take the money from the table and the green grass in the nightstand. Move the cabinet blocking the path further and walk, not paying attention to the strange knock. Turning the corner, you will see a cabinet that is shaking suspiciously. Open it and Madrid policeman Luis Sera will fall out. Your peaceful conversation will be disrupted by a huge bald, big guy, with whom you will also have to fight later, but now fate decreed otherwise. Leon's attempt to measure strength with him turned out to be a failure. As soon as he swung at him, he instantly stopped his attempt. As a result, our hero ends up on the floor. And this ends the first chapter.

Chapter two.

Leon is injected with the virus and wakes up handcuffed with Luis. Back to back. Be sure to watch the cutscenes in RE4. Not only do they help to understand the plot, but in terms of their entertainment they can only be compared with Metal Gear Solid 3. Having met Luis, Leon shows him a photo of Ashley. Oddly enough, Louis is aware of all the events that are happening here. The conversation is interrupted by a zombie bursting into the room with an ax to his advantage. Remember my advice to be on alert even when watching screensavers? Now is the time when it is worth remembering. You have two options, either click on the combination of buttons that appear on the screen, or... craps. There will be plenty more moments like this. So, by pressing the necessary buttons, Leon and Louis will move to the sides, and the farmer (apparently with a hangover) will fall exactly in the center, thereby freeing the policeman and the main character from captivity. He tries to hit him with the ax again, but it didn’t work out that way. Long-legged Leon will throw the ghoul over himself, and he, hitting the wall and then the floor, will break his neck. Louis will run away, and we, having gained control of the character, move on.

Chapter three.

Approaching the nightstand, take the Green Herb from there and go down the stairs. A zombie is waiting for you under the stairs in the toilet. By looking around the house you can find useful things. Save and go outside. An old familiar lumberjack and two farmers are waiting for you there. Prepare your shotgun and follow proven tactics. Also, do not hesitate to use grenades, especially when the atmosphere around you is heating up. Walking forward, you will see a nest on the tree from which a stone (Spinel) will fall out. Having walked further, go into the house and kill the possessed collective farmer. There is also a box with green grass. Go forward and the next batch will be waiting for you at the gate. Having opened the gate, you will find yourself in an already familiar village. Having met quite powerful resistance, fight your way to the chapel and use the Insignia Key. Once you enter the chapel, save. Here you will also find cartridges for pistols and shotguns. Move on. Shoot down the lamp with a precise shot and get Spinel. Open the hatch. Go down into the dungeon. After walking along the corridor to a small cave, shoot at the lighting lamp. It will illuminate the cave with its light, and you will see several luminous points on the ceiling. Two of them are stones (Spinel), and the third is a hairpin (Elegant Headness), which can be sold to a merchant. After collecting these things and walking a little further, you will meet the merchant again. Sell ​​him your accumulated treasures. Once you have made a successful trade, move on. When you reach the stairs, go upstairs. Outside, walk forward until you reach a church with a cemetery. There you will be attacked by a small number of zombies. There are boxes in the hut. Having collected various things, you can start shooting the remaining blue medallions. The eighth medallion hangs on a tree near the hut. The ninth is on a tree, in the cemetery. The tenth one is also in the cemetery, only a little to the left and higher. After collecting the blue medallions, head towards the house here. There you will be met by three farmers, one of them with explosives. Be ready. The eleventh medallion hangs on the tree to the left of the entrance to the house. Having run around the house from the other side, you will again come across local residents, as well as a very strange puzzle, the pattern of which I still did not understand. Don't blame me too much. There is nothing too valuable in it, just a green stone. I solved it at random twice. If you want, you can just close your eyes and press the buttons until you turn blue. Or try to understand its pattern, which just didn’t work out for me. Looking under the canopy of the house, you will see the twelfth medallion. Walk along the fence until you reach the boardwalks. The thirteenth medallion is located above the entrance to the small house. The fourteenth one hangs under the boards, and you can shoot at it by jumping over the first flight and turning 180 degrees. Having knocked him down, go into the closet and take the document (Closure of Church). Next to this book there is a box, breaking which, a surprise awaits you: there is a snake inside, so as soon as you break it with a knife, do not lower L1, but hit it with the knife again. Thus, you will kill the snake, which has not yet had time to rush at you. Once you're done in the closet, move on. Stopping in front of the second flight, look down and a little to the right. The last fifteenth medallion hangs there. Jump over the hole and forward. Having reached the plank wall, go through the door. Go forward and you will see a whole flock of crows sitting in a circle. If you hit the center with a grenade, you will get a lot of interesting things. Having collected all the goods, open the double door. It's not worth going down the stairs yet. In the closet, take cartridges for a pistol and a shotgun. Go further along the narrow gorge. A huge boulder will be thrown at you again. Press on X. Having escaped from, literally, his death, Leon will find himself in a swamp with wooden flooring. Zombies are already waiting for you there. They have set up stretchers all around, so there is no need to interrupt their run when, without noticing anything around them, they run straight towards the stretcher. This explosion can kill several enemies at once, and you will save ammo. So, having reached the closet, take everything useful from the boxes. In one of them, by the way, a snake is waiting for you. Jump into the water. Go forward, shooting farmers. Go around the second boardwalk on the right and find yourself at a dead end. Look up. There is a nest on the tree, and an Antique Pipe will fall out of the nest. Go further and look into the closet. A snake, zombies and ammo await you there. Get out and move on. Open the large wooden gate. At the fork, turn left. Having reached the cliff, you can see how your second comrade is thrown into the water. Return to the fork. This time, go towards the lake. On the way, knock down another jewel (Gold Bangle with Pearls). Once at the lake, look into two closets. There is something to profit from there. Get into the boat and swim forward. Soon you will meet an inhabitant of the local reservoir: a huge waterfowl monster 20 meters long. So the anchor from Leon’s boat will catch on the fin of this fish and the boat, along with the main character, will begin to sway. Having gained control over the character, after an impressive plot insert, immediately join the situation. The boss is difficult in that he can devour you with one bite, so, once in the water, start hitting the X button at the speed of a cheetah so that Leon swims to the boat as quickly as possible and climbs into it. To avoid ending up in the water, you must adhere to the following rules. When a fish swims across the lake, throwing harpoons at its scaly back will not bring the desired results, so you need to throw a harpoon when it has disappeared under the water and emerges with its mouth open at you. Also, be careful when swimming on her tail across the lake, as trees are not a hindrance to her, but they can seriously damage you. The reptile also has this trick: it disappears from view and disappears altogether for a few seconds, but then, with new strength and acceleration, it begins to attack you from afar. Here you need to aim more accurately and hit the very middle of her throat. By adhering to this tactic, you will defeat the boss without much effort, and with minimal losses. This ends the third chapter.

Chapter Four.

Take your honestly earned 15,000, and also look around, you never know what you missed. Check the map and go to the place indicated by the red dot, that is, to the church. As soon as you find yourself at the fence of the mansion, be extremely careful, as dogs greedy for humans are waiting for you there. These creatures are damn dangerous because of their speed. They rush at you with lightning speed, and the ideal option would be to kill them before anything like this happens. After killing three bobbies, insert the Round Insignia into the door of the mansion. The door will open. Approach the altar. There are cartridges there. Go to the wall on the left and climb the stairs. Going forward, you will run into a grate that prevents you from going further. We must look for another way. Go to the place where you can jump onto the hanging chandelier and press X. Leon will jump onto it. And when it is at the other edge, press X again and you will find yourself on the other side. Go to the control panel. There is a puzzle to be solved. Press R twice, G three times and B once. Then click on the Combine button and the puzzle is solved. Go through the opened door and you will see there... Ashley. At first, she will not be particularly happy about the uninvited guest, but realizing that Leon is not a zombie, she will willingly agree to go with him. Now you are responsible for two lives: yours and Ashley’s. Look around the room and go down the stairs as you came up. Catch Ashley below and watch the story insert. You will learn a lot of interesting things about Sadler’s plans for Ashley. This is where the chapter ends.

Chapter five.

Inspect the room for useful things. Go out into the street, where a dozen workers and collective farmers are already waiting for you. You can deal with them in one effective way - by shooting at the barrel located in the cart. It will light up and the cart will go straight towards the zombie. Don’t dig a hole for others, you will fall into it yourself. This is what the smart farmers just showed us. After the explosion, one or two zombies may remain, but dealing with them is no longer difficult. Take everything that is left of them and move on, also look into the closet along the way. There is a nest on the tree, next to something that looks like a gate, from which Spinel will fall out. When you approach the descent into the tunnel, knock down another nest on the tree. Go down and move on. Sell ​​everything you have accumulated to the merchant. When you reach the stairs, go upstairs. Once again in the chapel, you can save. Go outside and follow the road to the right. Be extremely careful. There are traps placed around and it is raining, causing visibility to become very poor. If Ashley suddenly ends up in one of them, then she urgently needs to be helped to free herself. Watch your step and don't forget to shoot zombies. Having reached the gate, open it and go to another location. Having reached the house with the stairs going up, enter it, but be on your guard, as there are traps placed there, just like in the previous location. Climb up the stairs and climb out through the window onto the wooden floors. But this time, run to the large wooden gate on the left side. Leon will be able to give Ashley a ride, and she will climb to the other side, and there she will open the lock. The path to the next location will be cleared. You will meet the merchant again. I advise you to patch your pistol well, although you can also do without an upgrade, but then you will have to work hard to cope with the abundance of enemies in the future. Walking further along the bridge, you will witness a not very pleasant cutscene. You will be surrounded on all sides, and the only hope for salvation remains a small two-story house. Having run into it, you will meet... Louis, who will help you in this battle. Having gained control over the character, immediately close all the windows with cabinets. Move around more often and run from one window to another. Farmers will crawl out of every hole like cockroaches, so be careful. There are a lot of them, and by this time you should have accumulated enough ammunition. Gradually move to the second floor, and together with Luis you will still be able to defeat the crowd of zombies. After catching your breath a little after the fight, continue on your way.

Chapter six.

Heal if necessary and approach the door control mechanism. There is a merchant standing next to him. Go into the closet next to him and read the “manual” about two roads. Everything that is written there makes sense, because you are faced with a choice: which road to take? If you go to the left, you will encounter rabid woodcutter grannies (please forgive my inaccuracy in the name), and if you go to the right, you will deal with El Gigante. Personally, I would prefer the second, because it’s better to fight once, but well, than to shoot zombies. But it’s up to you, no matter how it is, you shouldn’t have any problems with killing either one or the other, since the tactics of the fight are described above. The only exception is that in the first case, the old lumberjacks are stronger than the rabid ones with chainsaws, and in the second case, with El Gigante, you will not have a dog as an assistant. Before the battle, I recommend upgrading your weapon, it is best if it is either a shotgun or a TMP. So, having passed one of the paths (or you can do two in turn, in which case the number of valuables will double.) you will find yourself near a giant gate that does not open. Nearby there is a merchant and a house with various interesting things. In any case, all the roads here lead to the cradle, which will take you to the other end of the gorge (see map.). Along the way, farmers will point their sickles at you, and some will even jump right onto the roof. Don’t let the bastards even attempt such actions. And Ashley, in return for every zombie she kills, will bend her fist for you, it looks very cute. After leaving the cradle, head to the control room. There, take valuables and go down the stairs. Enter the cave. Zombies with explosives are already waiting for you there. Having dealt with them, move on until you reach the chest. Open it and get Yellow Catseye. Go back to the stairs and go down one flight below. The merchant is waiting for you there again. Upgrade the weapons you have left by a couple of points and move on. You will find yourself on a dark road. Look around and go straight. Too quiet again. Approaching the large barn, watch a very interesting plot insert, where Leon, finally, taught by the bitter experience of trial and error, will nevertheless be able to trick the Big Chief into a fight. He can break it up, but the fate of fighting him falls on our gamer shoulders. So, the process of killing this boss is to first deprive him of the ability to walk, and then to live altogether. Therefore, first shoot him in the belt, preferably with a shotgun. Try to move more often and aim more accurately. Climb to the second floor of the barn, since it is much more convenient to aim from there. Having deprived him of one part, he will completely go wild and, like a spider-like creature, will climb the bars and beams, trying to reach you with his claws. Your job is not dusty, but that is, wait until he swings before delivering the final blow, and properly unload the entire clip or shot into his face. Well, it depends on what you use. Having repeated this action several times, he will not be able to stand it and give up, and at the same time he will give you his eye, which must be attached to the scanner on the gate. Basically, this boss is not as difficult as the previous ones. The most important thing here is to pump up your weapon well before the fight. Having dealt with him, jump out of the burning barn, remembering to look up. Go back to the gate and scan the eye. You will hear a characteristic sound. Go to the next location. Walk forward carefully. Soon you will see a truck coming at you! Take the shotgun, since it has a larger spread, and shoot at the driver. The truck will lose control and crash into one of the trees, simultaneously falling on its side. But don’t relax, because as soon as you pass it, a whole crowd of hungry ghouls will pour out of the back. Turn around and start all-out shooting. And keep an eye on Ashley, or she might get dragged away. By the way, you can take some gold from the back of the same truck. After showing these bastards who's boss, head to the castle. Another crowd will chase you, but Leon and Ashley will realize that fighting is useless and will open the bridge, leaving the hungry zombies without dinner. End of chapter.

Chapter seven.

You are in the castle. Look around the new place. There are a lot of boxes, barrels, a chest and a merchant around. In general, there is something to profit from. The merchant, by the way, has updated his assortment. I advise you to buy Attach Case L and Treasures Map (Castle), and also replace your old pistol with a brand new Blacktail (it's not cheap, but worth it). It wouldn't hurt to sell your old shotgun and buy a Riot Gun to replace it. If there is still money left, then spend it on buying a Rifle (Semi-Auto), and sell the old one accordingly. In principle, if you have not squandered your money up to this point, then you should have enough for all of the above and still have about 30 - 40 thousand left. If you still have money, then buy a Scope (Semi-Auto Rifle). Having finished with the global purchase, go up the stairs and go through the door. Hear the sounds made by a new type of enemy. These are the monks whispering something. Once near the box, use your sniper rifle to shoot the monks above. Going a little further, you will be subject to fire from catapults. In between explosions, run from cover to cover. Turn left and take what is left after the monks you killed. Walking forward, you will see a cannon that works, but to do this it must be taken out into the open. This is what you have to do. Run further and climb the stairs. You can incapacitate the first catapult by positioning yourself in the loophole, but at the same time not sticking out. Then run to the boxes, and then turn around and shoot at the barrel standing near the second catapult. From the same position you can kill the monk in charge of the third catapult. It stands on your left above a stone house. In it (in the house) an enemy and a chest with yellow grass were hiding. Having chosen the moment, run across the bridge without stopping. Once you run under the roof, you will be safe and will be able to aim at the last catapult. After killing the reptile, you can calmly move the cannon into free space. Go to the handles and start turning them until it falls into place. Then, light the fuse and the cannon will fire at the gate, thereby destroying it. And the passage will be cleared for you. Get down and go there. The merchant is right there. Knock down the Spinel from the torch and open the door. There are shotgun shells on the table, take the gold in the nightstand, and also remove the Platinum Sword from the wall. Go up the stairs. And there they are already waiting for you. Huddle in a corner and don't let yourself be surrounded. When you kill everyone on the second floor, the leader of this entire gang will still remain on the first floor, to whom, for reasons unknown to me, he constantly repeats the same thing: “Maya, Maya, Maya.” Don't forget to take the Golden Sword and swap it with the Platinum Sword. The door will open. Ask. On the way, Louis will catch up with you. But due to his Spanish carelessness, he will forget the antidote to the virus somewhere along the way. Well, all we can do is continue our movement. Entering the beautiful hall, you will hear malicious laughter. And soon there will be someone who can laugh like that. This is Salazar. He is very confident in himself and that in the end everything will be the way he wants it. After the cutscene ends, go forward and the passage in front of you will close, leaving a puzzle that you will have to solve throughout your time in the castle. Above the stairs in the ceiling you can see a Purple Gem, and there are ammo hidden in the jugs. After collecting your things, go through the door to the right of the typewriter. You will find yourself in a beautiful room. Proceed forward and take the Capture Luis Sera hanging on the wall. Further, two jets of flame block your path. And on the picture hangs Prison Key. Take it and go open the prison. After the prison is open, tell Ashley to stay put (R2 button). Then go down the stairs. Well, do you really think that someone will just turn off those very flames? Nooo, you'll have to work out access to the switch with sweat and possibly even blood. Once you go down, you will find yourself in a room that is thoroughly damp, rotten and probably smells foul. When you approach the bars, you will already understand who you have to deal with. Kick down the door and move on. The beast will not like that you disturbed his peace, and he will wake up. I recommend preparing Riot Gun. The tactics are as follows: this bastard is very dangerous due to the indecently large radius of destruction, but this pays off in the fact that he is blind. In the literal sense of the word. So our advantage is that Leon is faster, and his weapon can hit from a long distance. By the way, the bells also hang for a reason. By shooting at one of them, you will thereby attract his attention and he will stick his rake into one of them at full speed. At this moment, you will have a few seconds to shoot him in the back. After repeating this four times, it will bend, and you will gain access to the lever and 15,000 thousand gold. The flame will go out, and you go back upstairs to Ashley. Now tell her to follow you (R2 button). Monks will stand in your way. You can simply deal with them, or you can knock down the lamp and kill at least two of them at once. One way or another, move on. Monks with crossbows and explosives are waiting for you there, so be careful. One such explosive could kill Ashley outright. Approach the big red door. You will find yourself in a very unique location. The monks will immediately begin their attack. Prepare your Riot Gun and go left to the corner. This is the best position from which you will be very comfortable to shoot them. Having dealt with the first wave, the doors will open and they will again go on the offensive on two fronts. Choose who you like best and attack. When you've dealt with everyone, you can start collecting valuables in this room, fortunately there are a lot of jugs here. Don’t be lazy to break them all, because otherwise you will deprive yourself of many valuables. Go down the stairs one level and break the jugs again and go through the only door. There is green grass on the table in this room. Here you have to solve a small riddle (you can’t even call it a riddle). Command Ashley to stay on one green square while you stand on the other. And a lever will appear. Come back out and you will be greeted by a new portion of good men with maces and axes. It was worth being careful, because as soon as you leave, they will be waiting for you on both sides. After killing the bastards, go to the lever and activate it. A passage to the floor above will open. Once you're at the top, turn right, go up the stairs and break the jug. You will do the same in the room opposite. Move on. Ashley will see the levers, but to get to them, you will need to prop her up. Break the jugs and take the cartridges that fall out of them, because you have a rather difficult task ahead of you. Sit Ashley down and guard her, because while she turns the lever, the monks will try to carry her away, and you shouldn’t forget about yourself either, since they won’t just leave you alone either. When she finishes on one side, she will run to the other lever, where you are required to repeat the actions that you did when Ashley was at the first one. Having completed the sequence, she will want to go down, but you just need to catch her. And under no circumstances let the monks take away the poor girl. So, water is no longer a problem for you, since two passage segments have been restored. Go ahead boldly! In the new location, go forward. You will see Spinel in the eye of one of the statues. Shoot him down with a well-aimed shot. And in the northeast corner there is a chest with a grenade. There is also a merchant nearby. I recommend making two upgrades to the Riot Gun, or rather its firepower, and also patching Blacktail a little. Go through the door next to the merchant. This is a shooting range where you need to get the highest score to win a prize! Be sure to complete it, because if you score 6 points, you will receive 15,000 and an excellent secret, which can be supplemented in the future, and it is a stand for all the heroes of Resident Evil 4, plus the heroes themselves, and even monsters. All of them can be examined in detail, and each has its own unique voice command. Therefore, it’s worth it, and besides, you can improve your accuracy for one thing. Go back out and go along the corridor. Save, and a plot insert will begin in which Ashley will buck up, run, and pay for it... with her life, a joke, rather with Leon’s nerves, since she will fall into a trap, and the main character will need a lot of time to, instead of calmly continue the journey together , he will have to look for a workaround to save the girl. End of chapter.

Chapter eight.

After the end of the video, Salazar will call you and once again proclaim himself as the best, smartest, etc. Leon will tell him that if something happens to the girl, then... you can guess what will ultimately happen to Salazar. Go through the door on your right, hit the barrels and go down the stairs into the sewer. Go forward and meet a new monster: a kind of spider-like creature that spits something like acid, and also jumps on you, trying to bite something off. Having reached a kind of pool without water, you will again meet this creature, after killing it, go up the stairs and open the next door. You will deal with these creatures again, only this time with two. Having successfully said goodbye to them, go to the corridor to the left, at the end of which there will be a room where you need to turn the valve and go back, not forgetting about the chest and two drawers. On the way back you will again encounter a representative of the local fauna. When you come to the empty sewer, go down, and then go up the stairs and open the door. There you will find a place often found in all kinds of platformers. After passing it, you will find yourself on the second floor of the hall, where Ashley ran away from you. Below, a group of monks prays. If you start shooting, they will scatter like cockroaches, so it’s better to kill the leader, and only then take on the rest, especially since shooting them from a height is much more pleasant than being surrounded by them. After killing the party, go down and collect the goods that fell from them, and then climb up the stairs again and jump along the chandelier to the other side. There, break the jugs and go to the merchant behind the closed door. Jump along the chandelier again to the other side. Break the glass and take the Elegant Mask. Then press the lever and jump to the other side and approach the merchant, already behind the open door. After selling him all the jewelry, go through the red door. Take the red herb from the table and move on. There is a Castellan Memo on the table in the room. Enter the next room. Here you will be attacked by archers, so move around more often and hide in places out of their reach. After killing everyone who is with you on this floor, go to the second. Once there, shoot the barrel on the opposite balcony, thereby killing most. But the leader will tactfully hide and wait for you. Jump onto the balcony and he will run in the opposite direction, get your sniper ready to shoot the bastard before he runs to the first floor and sits down at the stationary gun! If this does happen, then run around her until you find yourself behind him, and then shoot. One way or another, you should have the key. As soon as you solve the problem in one of two ways, then go to the door on the second floor and open it, also not forgetting about the gold that lies in the place where the leader of this whole gang hid. Once you open the door, a puzzle awaits you. But before you take on the solution, shoot the Velvet Blue from the eye of the stuffed deer on the wall and break the jugs. On the scoreboard, press 1, 4, 3, 2, and then OK. The wall will move away and further passage will be cleared. You will meet your friend Salazar. He won’t tell you anything new, but will only send a new batch of his minions with whom you have to deal. The difficulty here is that there are both archers and ordinary monks present, so you have to fight with special zeal. But this is by no means a mortal battle, but just one of the rank and file. And since you know the tactics, I won’t describe it. After killing the monsters on the second floor, press the button next to the door behind the bars, and then press the other one in the room with a lone jug that must be broken to gain access. A passage will open to the chest containing the first part of the ornament from that puzzle. Taking it, all the doors in the room will open, and you can continue on your way. Enter the white door with gold stucco. Save. Go further along the corridor. One of the doors is locked on the other side, so you can only go through the next one, behind which you can hear the sounds of crows, and Spinel glitters under the ceiling. Once in the fresh air, move on and approach the fountain, from which you can get many interesting things. There is a door next to it, but you cannot enter it yet, because this requires a second person. Well, move on, cutting through the barrels. You will find yourself on a balcony that runs along the wall of the castle courtyard. Follow it to the room, and there you will meet Ada Wong, familiar to us from previous parts. There is absolutely nothing that can be taken away from a conversation with her. Once the cutscene ends, the chapter will end.

Chapter Nine.

After the cutscene ends, check the room for useful items and go to the merchant next door. There, on the table, take the Female Intruder leaflet, and in one of the cabinets there is a very expensive piece of jewelry, Mirror with Pearls & Rubies. After selling everything to the merchant, upgrade your sniper rifle, preferably two firepower upgrades and one reload speed upgrade. Also, if you have any money left, upgrade Riot Gun. Not prevent. Having done everything, move on. You can save in front of the door. Once you enter it, you move on. You will find yourself in a very beautiful room with carpets and tiled walls. Walking forward along the corridor, you will find yourself in the dining room. There are shotgun cartridges in the vase. And there is green grass on the table. You can also read the engravings on the walls. When you reach the end of the dining room, turn into the narrow passage, break the jug and go through the door. In this room you will find a lot of interesting things. But the thing really worth paying attention to is the Purple Gem, which lies in the left jar on the chest of drawers, in the left one, not in the right one, because in the right one there is a snake hiding, which is not averse to stinging you if you disturb its sleep! In addition, in the room you will find Spinel, gold, and ammo. You can knock the lock off the door that is locked on this side. This is exactly the door that did not open before. Exit the same way you came in. Approach the bell and press it. The picture will turn, and a bottle of wine will be revealed to your eyes, which you need to take good aim at and shoot. The iron door will open and all you have to do is go forward, especially since you just want to take the chest right in the middle of the room. Don't you think this is strange? No? But it seems to me. Well, we can’t do without it. Go ahead and sing. Run into the middle of the room and you will find yourself in a pen, as a cage will fall on top of you, and with it the blind man who was in prison at the beginning. The role of spectators will be played by monks who, without looking up from watching, will not forget to shoot accurately from crossbows. First of all, take the jewel from the chest and prepare the Riot Gun. Then, without missing a beat, shoot at the castle. As soon as it falls off, immediately knock down the door and run out to freedom. If you do everything quickly, then you will not lose a single bit of health, and you will remain safe and sound. Then run around and shoot the monks. As soon as the last of them falls to the ground, you can start killing the blind man. And since you know the tactics of fighting him, I will omit the subsequent explanations. So, after killing the monster, take the money and move on. Jump down and turn the lever. Go upstairs and follow the passage forward. In the middle of the vases, four monks will take them into cleats on both sides. Two in front and two in back. Immediately shoot at the lamp, and then you will kill the first two. Then turn around and shoot the remaining two. When you kill the entire team, turn left in front of the door and go down the stairs. Take the gold from the table and go downstairs. There, behind a glass display case, lies a very useful thing: a rocket launcher, but in order for it to fit into your inventory, you will have to shrink it a little, that is, throw something out, use something. Combine herbs if possible. This will help you a lot in the future, because if you don’t take the rocket launcher now, then it will be very problematic to deal with the boss, and don’t look at the fact that you will have to lose a lot of things to do this. Everything will pay off with interest. So, having “shoved” it (the rocket launcher) towards you, you can collect more cartridges and go up the stairs, go through the passage again, and go through the door. Having met a merchant, sell him everything, all the jewelry you have and buy Attach Case XL. Once you buy it, you can go back and take what didn’t fit. Then save in front of the door and go to a new location, where you will witness a terrible scene of the death of Louis, which, by the way, reminds me of the death of Brad from Resident Evil 3. Anyway, Louis is dead, and Sadler has the antidote, and he needs it return. End of chapter.

Chapter ten.

As soon as you recover from the moral trauma you suffered, then look around. Break the two vases and take the gold behind the painting of Lord Sadler. Then look down. Do you hear screams? This is Ashley trying to get out of her iron captivity. Prepare your sniper rifle and aim at the left side of the shackle. Shoot, but under no circumstances hit the girl, because, as you yourself understand, this will lead to very sad consequences. Once she is freed, you will again have to protect her from the monks who are trying to kidnap her. Shoot them in the head and don't hesitate, otherwise they will take Ashley away. When she runs to the door, it will be closed and you will have to kill the main monk in red robes so that Ashley can take the key and open the door with it. When all the monks are exterminated, control will pass to Ashley. The girl has nothing in her inventory and her goal now is to get to Leon. Go forward and to the left, you will find yellow grass. You can also save. Go forward and run past the first monk. Take the lamp on the table and throw it. One of these won't be enough for him, so you'll have to take the second one at the far end of the room and throw it at the monk again. Here you will also find green grass nearby on the table. Turn the lever and open the grate or crawl under the wall on the right side of the room. As a result, you will find yourself in the next room and meet the second monk there. Here, too, there are two lamps that you should throw at the negligent person, as well as a chest of drawers with gold. Turn both levers all the way and move on. You will find red grass. Behind the next door is Velvet Blue in a drawer and Spinel on the dresser. Near the painting with the armor, take the Batler's Memo and pistol cartridges in another drawer. Leave the same way you came and go straight. Once you enter the door, move the cabinet aside and press the button. There is green grass on the table. Then crawl under the table and press the button again. A passage further will open. Take the Stone Tablet over the moldy fireplace and press the button. Go to the first button and press it again. Now the passage to the door has opened, and we can safely head there, not forgetting to take Velvet Blue along the way. You will find yourself in a dark corridor. Go forward until you reach a puzzle. I can’t help you in solving it, because it’s simply not possible. Everyone played this game as a child, when one tile can only be moved once, and then the next, and so on until a picture is formed. The same task is set before you. And when the puzzle is finally solved, a passage into the room will open. There is a chest with a jewel, as well as a statue of a knight with a seal. When you take it, the statue will turn and give you a closed chest containing the second part of the ornament. After such a robbery, the local guard cannot stand it and moves, and all you can do is run away from him. When you run, be on your guard, because stationary knights are also dangerous and, if possible, will try to slash at you with their sword. You only need to press the button combination in time. When the last of them is behind you, you can enter the room with peace of mind and insert the seal into the groove, and then turn the lever. After this, the stairs to the top will open and you can climb up. There is gold at the top. Taking it, run to the door. Leon is already waiting for you there. After the plot insert, control will again pass to Leon. This is where the chapter ends.

Chapter Eleven.

Drag everything that Ashley collected during her trip to her place. Without delay, Salazar will contact you, who is still as confident in himself. It’s no longer interesting to listen to his nonsense, so Leon will send him to hell, and you have to move on. Go through the big door. Then take pistol cartridges and transport yourself over the lava to the other side. A fiery location awaits you there. It is better to shoot monks who control fiery mechanical dragons right away with a sniper rifle so that they do not create problems for you. This can be done from the place where you stand at the entrance. Then run forward and take the money from the first chest. Then jump into the spinning cage and jump out on the other side. There, kill two monks and take the jewel from the second chest. The third dragon is a little more difficult to deal with. You need to run from the left cover to the right one before he has time to come to his senses and shoot at him. This takes a few seconds, after which the dragon’s head covers the monk and he becomes unavailable for shooting. After you deal with the last one, a passage to the top will open, where you can get the last part of the ornament. Return to Ashley. Save and get on the rail carriage, which will take you straight to the beginning of the entire level. There, break the jugs and insert all three parts of the ornament into the grooves. The massive thickness of the wall will move away and a further passage will open for you. There, break the jugs again and get into the rail carriage. Once in the new room, go forward and then turn right to the merchant. Take Sample Retrieved from his room and sell him the jewelry. Now you are waiting for the second round in the shooting range, which you should go through. For it you will receive 25,000 gold, as well as new characters for the collection. After passing it, go back out. Save and enter the golden door. There, place the statues in squares, and you and Ashley stand on the remaining two and the door will open. Salazar is already waiting for you there, who will make you unwitting martyrs of another of his tests. He will simply begin to lower a ceiling with spikes on you, and he will run away. You will need to shoot at the red flashing lights, of which there are four on the ceiling, to stop him. When everything around you freezes and there is no longer a threat to life, you can pick up the cartridges from the floor and run on. Ashley will soon be cut off from you by a metal grate, and the evil monks will control a huge drill, and it will not be directed anywhere, namely at Ashley. Without further delay, prepare your sniper rifle and shoot the monks. The door will open and the girl will be with you again. Break the boxes in the room and take everything valuable. Most importantly, take the precious chessboard from the chest of drawers and the bowl from the chest. You will find yourself back in the place you came from, exit as you entered. Walk forward and you will soon find yourself in a wide corridor with broken glass at the other end, where a group of crusader monks and monks with shields are waiting for you. There are six of them in total. I recommend immediately preparing a sniper rifle. This will significantly reduce the damage received from the battle. On the left wall, knock down the four jewels and insert the cup into the hands of the statue in front of the door. The grate is up, come in. Break the jugs and go forward along the corridor. A story insert will soon follow, where Ashley will be kidnapped by one of the new creatures, similar to a hefty insect-like creature. And all you can do is shoot them all in revenge for Ashley. Take the Riot Gun and start dispensing justice. When all the creatures are killed, then shoot at the huge cocoon hanging in the middle of the room. A couple of shotgun clips and this mass will fall down, leaving behind just a bunch of useful things. All you have to do is start collecting it all. After you have everything in your chest, go to the mechanism that lowers the bridge and turn the lever. The bridge will not lower completely and you will need to shoot at its hinges. When he takes a lying position, you can calmly walk along him to the next location. There you will meet a merchant. According to the old scheme, sell him all the jewelry you have. And also upgrade the Riot Gun. Patch its firepower, reload speed and magazine capacity. Save and move on. You will be contacted by Salazar, who will tell you that you will be able to see him at this moment. Indeed, Leon will look through binoculars and see how the monks, led by Salazar, are leading Ashley somewhere. Run across the bridge and turn left, you will see red grass. Then turn the lever, the bridge will rotate and a passage will open for you to the next part of the castle. Don't hesitate, go there. You will find yourself in a locked room with monks and a blind monster. Fortunately, this is not a cage and there is room to turn around, so you shouldn’t have any problems with them. When you kill him, then go to Salazar's office. He is already waiting for you. After watching a short video, press a combination of buttons in flight so as not to crash and go forward after the end of the cutscene. Take the precious crown, cartridges and approach the merchant. His list of products has been updated. There's no need to buy anything now, just sell him the jewelry and that's it. Climb up the stairs and continue forward. Take the Velvet Blue in the first drainpipe and the Red Herb near the grate. The next pipe contains Spinel. Very soon you will realize that someone else is watching you, and this someone clearly does not have good intentions. Once in the next corridor, move on. You are about to fight a boss. Turn right and go into the room with the elevator. There is no power, so you need to turn it on. Get out and move on. Here the boss will make his presence known for the first time. You will need to dodge his attacks as you walk towards the room with the switch. This is good reaction training, by the way. When you reach the control room, take shotgun cartridges from the control panel. Having gone a little further, turn on the switch. The door will close and all you have to do is fight this creature. It is useless to shoot at it directly even with a Riot Gun, so as soon as you have it in your line of sight, quickly run behind it and stand near the liquid nitrogen tank. Wait. As soon as he descends from the ceiling to the ground, immediately throw the balloon onto the ground and wet the reptile. It won’t last long in this state, which means you can’t hesitate. As soon as he shakes off the freeze, he can forget about further shooting. At this point you will have to run. Run to the next cylinder and wait. Under no circumstances, I repeat, under no circumstances should you dump the balloon just like that. There are exactly as many of them as you need, and therefore if you make a mistake and click on X while being next to the cylinder at a time when the creature is not nearby, then all the nitrogen will evaporate into nowhere, and you can only stupidly run away from it and wait until the elevator will arrive. To prevent this from happening, just wait for the moment, take your time, and when he is nearby, tip over the cylinder. After the first cylinder, the door will open and you can run to the second. Don’t forget to reload as well, otherwise one day it will turn out that when the monster is frozen, you won’t have any cartridges in your clip. And also remember that this bastard runs faster than you, so when he is already close, get ready to press a combination of buttons in order to dodge him and save your life. The second cylinder is located in the corridor near the right wall. The third is in the room, the one that is empty, not the room with the elevator. The fourth one is in the room with the elevator. If you didn’t miss more than one cylinder, and also aimed well, then after the fourth freeze, the monster will be torn apart, and after it will be a Crown Jewel, which you will later sell to the merchant. The elevator will arrive and you can go down. But before that, watch the screensaver, which will show you an old friend Krauser. End of chapter.

Chapter twelve.

After taking the elevator down, go forward. There is green grass right there. Take Luis's Memo 2 and pistol cartridges from the table. Also break the barrels. As usual, sell the jewelry to the merchant and go through the third round in the shooting range. Weapons, like last time, you are free to choose any of those provided, as long as the result is satisfactory. As a reward, you will receive six new figures and 35,000 gold. After completing the third round, go back out and go through the double doors opposite. You will find yourself in a tunnel. There are barrels in the middle of it. Once outside, go down the stairs and press the lever. The trolley will rush along the rails in your direction and get stuck halfway. And the dynamite, which is needed in order to blow up a huge boulder, lies precisely in it. Well, we'll have to solve this problem. Run up the wooden floors and lower the switch to the down position. Now go back to the lever near the trolley and turn it again. Take dynamite from the trolley and place it under the boulder. After the explosion, go to the other side and break the barrels, go through the large iron door. You will find yourself in a large room with a grated floor and lava underneath. You will be attacked by two El Gigantes. The first one is not difficult to deal with. Just climb up the stairs, then move on the handles to the other side and press the lever at the moment when the monster is in the middle of the room. The hatch will open, and he will find himself in seething lava. But even when he chokes and lets out dying groans, do not lose your vigilance, because his hands are still intact and he wants to pull you along with him. Well, when you deal with the first one, the mechanism will refuse to work a second time, and you will have another battle with El Gigante, the tactics of which you already know by heart, since this is not your first. After killing the big guy, collect everything shiny in this room and move on. Once in the cave, look around and continue on your way. Kill every creature that is ready to encroach on your life, indiscriminately. In this case, these are huge mosquitoes, one of which kidnapped Ashley. Looking at the map, you will see two caves that are located opposite each other. You need to visit each of them and press the switch in each of them. The door will open, and all you have to do is go through it. Behind it you will find a stage with falling and rising weights, under which you will have to run so that they do not crush you. After passing this stage, take the Royal Insignia and press the button. The plate will rise up. This ends the chapter.

Chapter thirteen.

Break the barrels and approach the merchant, by the way, on the closet in which the merchant stands, there is a letter from Ada with a kiss pinned to it! Sell ​​him jewelry. Now is the time to upgrade your Blacktail pistol. Upgrade everything you can, you should have enough money saved up. Having completed all commercial operations, go forward until you come across another Ganados. After killing him, climb up the stairs and start shooting zombies. Better yet, if you throw a grenade directly into the center, you can say into the fire around which they are standing. Go down and finish off the rest. The door is closed, and the only way forward is through the hatch, the lever to open which is located in the closet next to the door. Go downstairs. An exciting trolley ride awaits you. Walk forward along the sandy passage and kill all the Ganados that appear on your way, including the mad one with the chainsaw. The easiest way to do this is to simply climb up the stairs into the house and wait until the head of one of them appears, and then naturally pull the trigger. This is the system. This will take away a minimum of your health and strength. After you kill everyone, break the barrel and take the yellow herb. Then go down to the first floor and return to the starting point of entry into this room, below it there is another room with a sarcophagus in which lies a golden staff. When all the valuables have been collected, take the key on the second floor of the house and use it to open the door leading further. Walking straight all the time, one way or another, you will find yourself near the trolleys. Take the green grass, jump into one of them and shoot the lever. Go! The main advice in this adventure is to stay back, in the last trolley, so that you cannot be pinned on both sides. Ganados will jump towards you, and you will need to fight them off. When the trolleys stop for the first time, immediately shoot the lever to make them move again, otherwise the bastards will push from all sides ad infinitum. Also, do not forget to bend down while doing so, otherwise you will be knocked down by the wooden floors. When the carts accelerate to high speed and go downhill, this is a clear sign that you need to prepare to jump by pressing a combination of buttons. A span of about twenty meters, by inertia, cling to the ledge and press the button, otherwise Leon will fall down. Having passed further, take the seal and go outside through the opened passage. You will get out in almost the same place as you came down. Now that you have the seal, insert it into the groove and the door will open, revealing the elevator. End of chapter.

Chapter fourteen.

Walking forward, you will find yourself in a location with a giant mechanical Salazar. It seems that this little man has a terrible inferiority complex due to his small stature, and he decided to embody himself in a huge statue. Your goal here is to turn on all the levers so that the passage that the monk in red lowered at will will work. So, first of all, climb up the stairs, then shoot the lever so that Salazar's left hand goes down, then, once in the middle, press the lever so that his right hand moves. Once you get to the other side, jump down and press the lever. Go up the same stairs you came down and jump onto Salazar's hand. You go up one flight of stairs. There is another lever behind the mechanical giant's back. Press it and move to the upper flight, to the left of Salazar and press the lever, which activates the second flight. Go down and run along the restored spans forward. Before you even have time to take a step, a giant mechanical figure will begin to move. You will have to press the button with accelerated force, and also dodge falling columns, and at the end make a long jump, and watch how this colossus sinks into flight. It all looks simply amazing. After completing the interactive cutscene, you still have to climb to the top of the tower to reach Salazar. Since he left by elevator, you will have to look for an alternative way to get up. First, barrels will be launched at you, you just need to calculate the time between one and the second and run during this interval to a place where they will not reach you. Then climb up the stairs. After that, remove all the boxes from the freight elevator and press the button to make it move. Monks will jump towards you, and you need to shoot them. When the elevator finally reaches the top, run out of it and head forward along the boardwalks. Break the barrels and go down into a small hollow, in which lies a chest with a Gold Bangle jewel. After all your things have been collected, take the small elevator and go upstairs. Sell ​​jewelry to the merchant and buy Broken Butterfly with the proceeds. This is a powerful 45 caliber magnum, which would not hurt to upgrade if you have the money. Spend it, don't regret it, it's worth it. Save and go into battle, remembering to reload each weapon. Salazar turned into a mixture of a huge snake and himself. The tactics to combat it are as follows. Run to the right side of the room and shoot the tentacle. When it moves away, aim for the snake’s eye; after a direct hit several times, it will curl up and Salazar himself will come out of the bone shell. This is where the rocket launcher comes in handy. But the most important thing is not to miss, otherwise everything will be in vain. If you hit it right the first time, the bastard will die the first time, otherwise you will have to suffer with it for a very long time, and it will cost you a lot of work. After his death, take the tidy sum left after him, as well as everything shiny that is here. Having collected all the valuables, go out into the fresh air and climb down the rope. And then on the elevator. Save at the merchant and go outside. Ada will already be waiting for you in the boat. The chapter ends on this rather optimistic note.

Chapter fifteen.

Chapter sixteen.

After a short cutscene, a paper airplane from Ada will fly to you with a kiss. On it (on the airplane) will be written her parting words that it is better for Leon to get out of this place with a bulletproof vest on him. Now all that is required of you is to get to the cesspool container where you dumped the soldiers with an excavator. They will close doors in front of you, block your path in every possible way, but you do not give up, and without sparing your cartridges, cut your way to freedom. You know the tactics of the fight, but I don’t think it’s necessary to explain which corner to turn. Once they reach the pit, Leon and Ashley will jump down. Once at the bottom, prepare a sniper rifle, as the thorny reptile will certainly come to life. Having opened the first grate, he, as if nothing had happened, will rise and begin his attack on you. For killing him, 20,000 gold is given. The second enemy will appear a little further and the corresponding musical accompaniment will tell you about his appearance. After killing him, move the red containers and go outside. Ordinary enemies are waiting for you again among the piles of garbage. Having passed further, jump down into the room with a healthy iron ball in the middle. Here your goal is to open the path to the gate, and to do this you need to break the stone barrier that blocks the path further. Run into the control cabin and press the lever. It won't work the first time, so click again. And so on until the stones give way. Don’t forget that the booth is visible from both sides, and therefore you can also enter it from both sides. Therefore, soldiers will attack from all sides. You need to dodge, if possible, their attacks and repel them. As soon as the path further opens, go through the gate. You will hear a characteristic breathing, indicating that there is a long one nearby, and more than one. Enter the room on the right. There are cartridges for a sniper rifle and a grenade there. You need to go to the red point (See map). Go into the room on the left and press the button. Save in the small room and press the two levers in sync with Ashley. Only then will the doors open. There is a truck in front of you. Get in and leave the driver's seat for Ashley. You will have a car ride, similar to the one on the trolleys, but a little calmer. They will attack you mainly from behind, so keep your rear covered. When you arrive at the large elevator, you will need to turn on the switch. Jump out of the truck, climb up, turn on the switch and go back down to Ashley in the truck. The trip continues. Zombie shooting again! As a result, you will remain safe and sound. Go to the merchant and take the jewelry from the case, and sell it to him right away. Go through the double door, behind which Sadler is waiting for you. He'll take Ashley back for himself. She will follow him as if spellbound. End of chapter.

Chapter seventeen.

After looking around, take the cartridges under the stairs and the Our Plan leaflet on the porch and go left. All the time forward until you reach the elevator, not forgetting to shoot soldiers and pick up useful items. Go upstairs and watch an interactive meeting with Krauser, in which you will have to alternately press one or the other button. After meeting him, go down the stairs and go through the door. You will find yourself in a corridor full of traps. You will have to dodge them. The rays are trying to cut you into small pieces, but Leon, being a trained fighter, will skillfully dodge each of them, not without your help, of course. After passing the corridor with traps, you will find yourself in the throne room. By the way, you can sit on the throne. But don’t get carried away, otherwise delusions of grandeur will develop. In this room, Elegant Headness is attached to the ceiling. Shoot them down and go further behind the throne to a small elevator, where you go down. Under the stairs, take the herb and gem. Then, approaching the merchant, take Luis’s Memo from him nearby, as well as the red herb that lies behind the iron mesh door. And now the standard procedure for buying and selling. Sell ​​jewelry and upgrade Killer 7. Increase its killing power to 35.0. You should have enough funds saved up by this point. The same thing should be done with Striker. Then go through the large oak gates. Take the yellow grass and run further. Another boss fight awaits you. In his actions, he resembles Salazar’s “right hand”, whom you happened to meet in the sewers. In the same way, it jumps out from above and tries to reach you with its tentacles. But your goal here is not to kill him, but to get to the opposite part of the abyss through this tricky labyrinth, so shoot at him only when there is a real threat to your life. To open the doors leading further, you need to shoot at the burning green lights. Each of them will open a passage to the control panel with a button. By pressing it, the path to the next section of the labyrinth will open and there will be a time limit, without meeting which you will fly down along with the section. And if you have time, then shoot at the light bulb again, maybe more than one, and run to the remote control. When you find yourself in the third section, the boss will change and a healthy claw will appear from his back. You need to shoot directly inside it. And again by the green lights. When time runs out, you will have thirty seconds to run to the end and jump forward, grabbing onto the hook. After making sure that the ground does not disappear from under your feet, collect the numerous supplies to your right and move forward. Do you think he died? Not so. This creature was able to cling to the rock and is now crawling towards you. Now we need to put an end to it once and for all. You have a magnum and caves with flammable barrels. Lure him closer and shoot at the barrel. And then finish off with Killer 7. The tactics are extremely simple. He can still bury himself underground, but this will only delay his demise. He will leave behind a good reward. Take the money and go through the gray door. There is green grass under the stairs. Now you can, without any extra effort, get to that part of the abyss from which that tenacious reptile threw you into the labyrinth. It only makes sense to take the green grass you left at the other end. After the procedure of collecting everything is completed, go up the stairs. You go out into the fresh air. Even before you are noticed, shoot at the barrel to kill a good half of all the soldiers standing below. Then jump down, finish off the remaining part, collect your things and go along the awning. There's a hatch. Jump down. You will find yourself in a cave. Turning into the first branch on the right, you will find a jewel, and turning left for 5000. Then sell everything to the merchant standing nearby, take Krauser’s Memo and go through another level in the shooting gallery: bonus. After completing the last round, go up the stairs. Enter the gate. A fight awaits you with none other than Krauser. Goal: Get three puzzle pieces to open the door. But this is not the most difficult thing, but the most difficult thing is another. This is that in a battle with him you will have to combine all the skills acquired throughout almost the entire game. He is fast, agile and very dangerous. Therefore, let him attack himself, and you just set your goal. First of all, run around to the house with the door with a digital lock and press it. It will not open until a certain time has passed. This is the time you must hold back Krauser's attacks. As soon as he gets close, slash him with a knife. Play by his rules! As soon as the door opens, run to the foot of the tower and take the first part of Insignia. Krauser won't just let you go with her, so you'll have to give him a fight. After some time, a statue will emerge from the floor, which you need to put in its place. The grate will open and you can press the lever to open the door. Run to the second lever and press it. Go down and shoot the small mechanical spiders, as well as the mechanical flying machine that Krauser left for you. Then take the yellow herb and go up the tower and take the second part of Insignia. Now only one will leave this tower. Krauser went completely crazy, his hand mutated into a large sharp blade. You better have Killer 7 ready. Shoot him when he's close and try not to miss, and also dodge his attacks. All this must be done quickly, since the tower is mined and will explode in three minutes. During this time you need to kill him and take the last part of Insignia. After you receive it, go down and insert all three parts into the grooves. End of chapter.

Chapter Eighteen.

Chapter nineteen. Final.


Six years have passed since the tragedy in Rakon City. “Umbrella” no longer exists, everything seems to be calm... No matter how it is... Leon, the main character of the second part of the game, got a new job, and here is his first serious task: to find the kidnapped daughter of the US President. The thread led to an unknown European country, apparently to Spain, where a missing girl should be located in a lost village.

Walk along the path a little until you reach the crows. These creatures conceal many unusual things, from grenade cartridges to medicinal herbs and boxes of gold. To get to the trophies, you need to shoot the birds. Just remember that after the first shot, the crows will fly up and will have to be shot down in the air. Try to aim as accurately as possible, the ammo is not endless either.

After the brutal massacre of the birds, enter the house and chat with a local resident. He will refuse to make contact and will start swinging an ax. Shoot the weirdo and examine the body. Doesn't seem like a zombie. But kind of strange.

Now you can’t just leave the house; three local residents are waiting outside. We'll have to fight our way through. Go up to the second floor, pick up the cartridges from the table and jump out the window. Having dealt with the enemy, break the barrel next to the cart and run to the bridge. There is no turning back, we will have to move on.

In a small hut by the road you can record the game. Next, find the dog that has fallen into the trap. Free her and you will receive invaluable help in the future. Near the second signpost you will find red grass, just be careful not to fall into a trap. Also, the road is blocked in several places by guy wires. Go around them or shoot the explosives to clear the way. There are a few steps left to the village. I just don’t think what you see will please you.

Residents burn the corpse of a policeman in the square, while muttering something under their breath and sweeping the streets. Unfortunately, a collision cannot be avoided anyway, so we will try to make the most of it.

We act in such a way as to get the maximum amount of money, but I warn you that it will be difficult. First, run through the village to attract the attention of the villagers. Then try to exit through the gate next to the tower. A second squad will appear, led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. Now run to the large fenced house to the northeast. This will attract a bunch more villagers and a second guy with a chainsaw.

Now you can start fighting. Barricade the door to buy time. Go up to the second floor, grab the shotgun from the wall (the cartridges are nearby) and break the glass of the sideboard to get to the grenade. If you have time, you can pick up the rest of the things.

Find a place where you can see the window and stairs. Residents will gradually begin to join in. Shoot them down with shotgun blasts, and when a large crowd gathers, throw a grenade. Everyone caught in the explosion will die. Including maniacs with chainsaws who kill with one hit.

All that remains is to finish off the survivors, wait for the bell to ring and start collecting trophies. From residents you will receive a standard set of prizes, from two maniacs - a ruby ​​and 10,000 pesetas. If you can’t do this, then start the battle right on the square. It will be much easier, at least you won’t have to fight maniacs, but the loot will be much scarcer.

Now it's time to start looting the village. In the house where the defense was held, in addition to the listed things, you will also find cartridges for a pistol and baskets; they are located on the first floor. Find a gem near the eastern wall. There are pistol cartridges on the chimney of the neighboring house (you can get there by jumping out of the window).

In the northwestern house you will find herbs (they are on the shed) and pistol cartridges. In one of the small huts there is an interesting document. In the southwest corner of the grass. If you knock out the lock on the barn, you will get a lot of useful things. Next to the church is pistol ammo, and on the tower is shotgun ammo.

There's nothing else to do here, so head to the farm. Before you rush into battle, record the game. There are not many residents, so methodically go around and clear the area. When you destroy the enemy, you can start looting. By the way, don’t forget about chickens, they drop eggs.

Read the blue notice to trigger a mini-game. There are fifteen medallions hanging around the village that need to be collected. They are displayed on the map, so there should be no problems finding them. If you shoot at least ten, you will receive a prize.

There is a septic tank near the typewriter hut. Knock down the board to lower the lid, and then shoot the medallion hanging on the tree. By the way, if you knock over the medallion without lowering the lid, you will still get it. Only dirty and therefore cheap.

Search houses for valuables. Then climb to the second floor of the barn, climb out the window and jump down from the very edge of the roof (not the one where the wheel spins). Go into a small office and pick up a precious item. Push the cabinet to exit and leave the area. Although you can return to the village and collect eggs that appear from nowhere. Let me remind you that they also restore life.

After walking a little along the path, you will receive a boulder as a gift, which threatens to crush Leon. To avoid this, press the indicated buttons in time. In the tunnel, knock down the jewelry from the ceiling. When you go out to the house, look strictly around.

To the right is a resident who loves to throw dynamite. Another flock of mischievous people settled in the house. They're not scary yet, so don't pay attention. First, run closer to the dynamite, and when he throws a charge, run back. This will destroy the traps in the small shed. Now shoot the enemy from afar.

To get through the yard, you will have to shoot a couple of traps. It’s easy to deal with the residents in the house. You show yourself and quickly run away. The dynamiter throws a charge “I don’t understand where” - and kills all his colleagues along with him. All that remains is to shoot the last enemy in the north.

Pick up a grenade from the table and knock down the crow's nest next to the large house. Then go inside. Here you will find cartridges, money and grass (you will have to disarm the trap). Now open the closet and watch the video. Congratulations, you've been caught.

The peaceful awakening was interrupted by a villager with an axe. Press the indicated buttons to dodge the blow. Now you can look around. All things remained in place, for which special thanks. At the same time, buy items from the merchant, you will notice him through the window, he also speaks in a strange voice. The most valuable and necessary purchases: a larger backpack and a rifle; the rest should be taken depending on your desire and availability of free money.

After that, collect the items in the house (pistol cartridges, rifle cartridges and green grass) and go out to the quarry. There are about a dozen residents wandering around there. Attract their attention with a rifle shot and take out your pistol. They will come in a crowd, so dealing with them will not be a problem. Dynamiters are more dangerous. But, given their accuracy, their colleagues are more likely to suffer than Leon.

Having reached a certain place, you will receive a pack of residents who will run out of nowhere. Probably from a parallel universe. However, these are the last opponents, after their destruction you can start collecting.

In the house you will find cartridges for a shotgun and a pistol, a blinding grenade, and the left half of the emblem. In a small annex next to the lift there is money, yellow grass, shotgun shells. On the bypass path are rifle cartridges and the right half of the emblem.

Connect the two halves of the emblem and insert it into the door to move on. Break the three barrels before passing the gate. Inside, search another barrel and lure the residents who are holed up around the corner.

Having reached the end of the corridor, break the barrel and jump out the window. In addition to ordinary residents, a couple of dynamites are waiting there. Hide behind the container, wait for the explosions, and go collect the trophies. Those infected, thanks to a well-aimed throw of dynamite, will destroy themselves. Just don't forget to disarm the traps. Break three barrels to get to jewelry and pistol cartridges, also examine the furnaces.

In the next room, find the green herb, kill the two villagers and break the window. Through it you will find yourself in a room where you will find an Elegant Mask. Go down, deal with the enemy and search the pond. There you will find pistol cartridges, a blinding grenade and money. Also gut the fish to look for valuable and necessary items.

On the street, shoot the crows and destroy the traps. There is a clock hanging nearby that can be knocked down with two shots. There are also three boxes of money nearby.

Visit the house. Here you need to turn the crystal to open the door. First turn up, then left. Take money, pistol cartridges, a key and a document from the room. Then open the door and go inside.

Immediately after the chapter starts, go back to the room if you want to watch an interesting scene. Go back, collect the items (money, grenade, green grass) and go outside. There you will find a couple of residents led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. He will need 6-7 headshots from a shotgun.

Follow the path, collecting items along the way (red grass, cartridges and a chicken egg) and knocking down nests in the trees (jewels). Then enter the village. Nothing interesting happens here, unless you take into account the dozens of angry residents who have returned from a sermon. Finish them off - pay special attention to the roofs of the houses - and go into the tunnel where the opponents fled not so long ago.

Pick up the clip from the table. In the next room, break the barrel to get to the machine gun cartridges and knock down the lamp to get a jewel. Then go downstairs. In the cave, shoot the lamp, and then the objects from the ceiling. Next there will be a merchant, and behind him is the exit.

There are few opponents. Two are near the cemetery and several are near the church. But there are hidden things... Explosive and incendiary grenades, rifle cartridges - you will find them in nests in the trees. The crows will drop a lot of money and pistol cartridges. You will find ammunition for the pistol in boxes located in the huts

You can shoot the remaining 8 blue medallions to get the rightful prize - the Punisher pistol - from any merchant. Finally, before moving on, it's worth solving the puzzle. You will find it next to the church, and the correct answer is 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. The reward is a gem.

In the next area there is a flock of crows that need to be suppressed with a grenade so that they do not have time to fly away. Get a lot of money. Also find cartridges, two jewelry and go to the merchant. Make the necessary purchases and claim your prize for the blue medallions. Move on.

Pick up the ammo and follow the path. The residents will once again roll a huge boulder, so you will have to run around a bit. When the mini-game ends, look for the hidden prize on the cliff and shoot it down.

There are many enemies wandering around in the water, so I advise you to try to lure them into a trap. Or just gather a crowd and blow it up with a grenade. This will save you ammo that you will need later. Have you already dealt with the enemy? So, it’s time to get down to the heroes’ favorite thing - looting.

In the huts (there are three in total) you will find cartridges for a shotgun, a machine gun and a grenade. The second lemon can be found in the water. Be careful when opening the boxes - two of them contain snakes. You can also get an Antique Pipe if you shoot a nest from a tree. It is located next to the hut.

When you reach the lake, first turn right. From the cliff you will see a very funny scene, I hope that the monster has eaten and calmed down. Take the red herb and go down. Shoot down the Gold Bangle and take the pistol ammo, yellow and green weed from the hut. Now get on the boat. By the way, you can hunt fish, which is also a pleasant pastime. Swim to the middle of the lake and get the first boss.

It's quite easy to defeat him. Despite the hooked anchor, the boat can maneuver, allowing it to avoid snags and tail strikes. When you have free time from maneuvers, don’t forget to throw a harpoon so that the “goldfish” doesn’t get too impudent. Sometimes the creature gets angry and launches a frontal attack. At such a moment, you need to determine where it will come from, bring it closer and throw a harpoon into its mouth.

If Leon was thrown out of the boat, then press the indicated button as quickly as possible if you want to return alive. When you finish off the monster, you also need to maul the buttons in order to have time to cut the rope. This concludes the chapter.

When you wake up in the cabin, take the letter from the bed, pistol cartridges and a grenade from the table. Get into the boat again and sail to the cave with the merchant. First, break the barrels below to collect ammo and money. Then push the box and climb onto the roof.

Carry out a punitive raid on the barrels, and you will find a gem in one. You can get another one by shooting at the lantern (you'll have to run down to pick it up). Then jump down to the hut, take rifle cartridges and sell your unnecessary items to the merchant.

Shoot the resident who is standing on the tower. Collect pistol ammo and gem. Now shoot down the boxes and jump to the opposite side. There you will find a lever. Pull it to remove the water and go to the central passage.

Once you reach the middle, a crowd of residents will come running. Run back and hold the defense. A shotgun helps a lot, because the enemy comes in a friendly crowd and dies together. Search the barrels and don't forget to shoot down the Amber Ring that hangs between two torches.

Go into the opened passage, take the Round Insignia and climb into the boat, which will take you to the merchant’s cave. Upgrade your shotgun and record the game before moving on. There will be a battle with a monster.

The local equivalent of the troll, despite its impressive size, is a fairly harmless creature. The main thing is not to spin under your feet so as not to get hit. Given his movement speed, this is not difficult.

The troll has the following attacks. He kicks, hits with his hands. Not too dangerous. Can slam his body into the ground. This is serious and should be avoided at all costs. He can grab and start breaking bones. At this moment, press the indicated buttons to break free.

The troll can also throw a stone. You will have to dodge by pressing the appropriate keys. Or grab a tree. It takes a couple of accurate shots to get him to throw. And the last thing is sharp acceleration with an impact. It's hard to dodge because you usually have to run away and there's no way to keep track of what the monster is doing.

If you saved the dog at the very beginning of the game, then your four-legged friend will help in the battle. He will distract the monster for some time, and you will be able to shoot him in the head with impunity. After the death of the troll, pick up a reward of 15,000 pesetas and search the huts for valuable items. Unless, of course, the giant accidentally destroyed the houses by waving his arms and legs.

Take the money from the table and gut the barrel. Then climb up and jump to the other side using the chandelier. Here, also search the barrels and go to the control panel. You'll have to solve a simple puzzle. You need to rotate the three patterns so that they coincide with the central pattern. Answers: turn red twice, blue once, green three times. Combine patterns.

Go into the opened passage. There you will find the president’s daughter, who from now on will become a burden and a constant source of headaches. Search the barrels and return to the church. After the video, the next chapter will begin.

Search the barrels in the room and go outside. Shoot the cart and finish off the residents who survived the explosion. Collect the dropped prizes and run into the tunnel. When you reach the house, break the barrels and knock down the lantern to get a stone. Go to the village.

There are about eight inhabitants and a bunch of traps. Keep your eyes open and clear the area carefully. After this, search the village for new items, the most valuable find is a stone on the tower, then go to the farm.

Hide Ashley in the box and search the shack for more items. Then start destroying the enemies that appear. Pay attention to the large barn, there are especially many items and ammunition there. After that, call Ashley and run to the double gates, the girl will help open them.

Before approaching the house, buy new items from the merchant. After the video, the home defense will begin, which can be included in the “ten best gaming moments of the year” category. While you have time, collect the items that are scattered on the floor. Then you need to shoot the enemy who stubbornly climbs through the windows. Louis will help as much as possible, but it is better to rely on a shotgun. He definitely won't let you down.

After some time, the Spaniard will rise to the second floor. I advise you to follow him. It's a little more difficult to defend here. In addition to the stairs, which will become the site of mass death of opponents, you need to keep an eye on the windows. Infected residents will try to climb through them. To prevent this from happening, push the ladders together. Of course, they will be placed again, but knocking them over again is a matter of a few seconds.

After the death of a certain number of residents, or maybe after time has elapsed, a signal will sound and the enemy will retreat without completing the job. They are somehow strange, or maybe the local authorities have plans for Leon? This concludes the chapter.

After the battle, collect trophies and remaining items. Go outside, find cartridges for the machine gun and run to the merchant. After the necessary purchases, record the game. Now you have a choice which way to go next. If you pull the lever to the left, the left gate will open, if you pull it to the right, the right gate will open. Let's consider both ways.

Left path. There are many inhabitants in this area, even too many, if you remember the siege they had to endure. First, shoot at the cart to make an explosion. Collect the dropped items and turn right, where several enemies are wandering around. Go up the stairs, finish off the villagers and hide Ashley in the container.

Clear the upper level and collect the items. Don't jump into the big hole in the middle just yet, there's a nasty surprise waiting for you there. First, go down to the small area on the left (you should see a cart) and collect the ammo.

It's time to go down into the hole in the middle. Suddenly two girls with chainsaws and several ordinary villagers will jump out. Throw a blinding grenade and take a comfortable position. Now use a shotgun to fight off enemies. The main rule is not to let the lady come within striking distance. You can, on the contrary, climb up and shoot back from there. Only in this case will you have to finish off two crossbowmen, but, on the other hand, this will have to be done in any case.

Having fought off the attack, pick up the trophies, among which there will be a key, open the door and go outside. Move forward collecting items. You will find especially valuable things in the shacks (jewelry and a grenade).

A crowd of residents is waiting around the next corner, so first hide Ashley in the container. Gather more people and throw an incendiary grenade, then repeat the technique. If you run out of grenades, pick up a shotgun or machine gun. After destroying the enemy, collect trophies, search the barrels and exit through the gate. After calling Ashley first, of course.

Right path. For me personally, the right path is much easier. The enemy, although healthy, is only one. At first everything seems calm. But when you approach the gate, the giant with whom we have already dealt will come running. The beating tactics are the same: blinding grenades, shotgun shots to the head, dashing swoops and stabs. Repeat three times.

Search the surrounding area for barrels, then talk to the merchant. It's time to move on. When you reach the cable car, climb onto the platform and ride forward. Take out your machine gun and shoot at the residents who also decided to go for a ride at their leisure.

Once on the other side, search the control room and go downstairs. First go left. Before entering the tunnel, tell Ashley to wait at the bend. Several residents are waiting there, among whom one dynamite man is hidden (he, again, will do most of the work). After fighting off the enemies, go upstairs and pick up the treasure.

Go back and follow the second path. There you will meet another merchant. Buy a grenade launcher from him (I remind you that there are no problems with funds, read the corresponding chapter... and, of course, carefully search the area). Sign up. Now go to the next area and enter the house.

After the cutscene, press the indicated buttons to avoid death. Happened? Then another video. When it ends and the monster confidently walks towards the main character, take out the grenade launcher and fire an aimed shot. The lower half of the monster will fall off, all that remains is to finish off the upper half.

It can be done differently. Running in circles, throwing grenades, blowing up barrels... this, in principle, is not too difficult either. But one shot from an RPG-7 is much more reliable, so don’t spare any expense. Only if you don't save money.

The upper half of the monster will quickly climb onto the rafters and begin jumping along the beams. If you shoot well, you can manage to shoot down the creature as it approaches, when it rushes at Leon. Otherwise, run from end to end of the building, shooting from your machine gun. After defeating the monster, take the money and artificial eye and thoroughly search the building. There is a lot of ammo and items here. Then exit through the hole in the wall and go to the gate that leads to the castle.

Pick up the cartridges and finish off the residents who are watching on the road. As soon as you move forward, you will hear a car approaching. Shoot the driver or blow up the engine to avoid getting run over. Go upstairs, turn back and deal with the crowd of residents. It was possible to escape, but trophies are never superfluous. All that remains is to clean out the barrels and move towards the castle.

The cutscene will start soon, which means that the second chapter has come to an end.

The chapter will begin surprisingly peacefully. No enemies. Therefore, start collecting cartridges and searching the barrels, don’t miss the chest with money. Then hand over the loot to the merchant and buy a new shotgun and rifle. It is also advisable to get a more spacious backpack.

Then go up the stairs. Having reached the basket, grab rifle cartridges and shoot two monks. Move on. After the cutscene, wait for the explosions to subside and run left and then down. Search the barrels there and go into the corridor. By the way, Ashley should be with you because the monks will be coming soon.

As you climb the stairs, look up. On the roof you will see the first catapult. Shoot the barrel of fuel and move on. From behind the loophole (it’s next to the exit to the roof), blow up the barrel near the second catapult. Now shoot the fellow monk in the house.

Wait a little. Soon there will be two monks who will come from the rear. Having dealt with them, run to the house and wait out the explosions. From the house, blow up the barrel at the third catapult. There is very little left. Leave Ashley in the house, and slowly move forward, constantly looking to the right. There will be a fourth catapult, with a lone fanatic standing next to it. You can shoot him without getting into the fire zone. A convenient place is a battlement on a small passage.

Use the lever to raise the cannon. One shot and the gate will shatter into pieces. Return to Ashley, explore the area around the house, find the Gold Bangle, among other things, and go through the resulting passage.

Inside the castle, remove the platinum sword from the wall and go upstairs. Finish off the monks and pick up the golden sword. In response to such rudeness, a detachment of clergy will rush in. Return to the stairs and stop their attempts to break through to the top. Collect the items and place the platinum sword in place of the gold one, and the gold one in place of the platinum one.

In the next area you will meet Luis. Still a strange man. Go through the next door and lure out the monks. Then go into the room and finish off the surviving enemies, including the crossbowman. A little further you will meet two shield bearers. Make neat holes in the shields to get to the torso of the infected fanatics.

When you pick up the key from the chest, a crowd of monks will come running. Blow up the barrel and retreat. Find a place where it will be convenient to hold the defense and take out a shotgun. After clearing the area, move forward. Soon you will meet the owner of the castle, who, having muttered a prepared speech, will block the path and move away.

There is nothing left to do but take a detour, but before that, search the barrels and knock down the gem above the arch. Go through the door on the right. Inspect the dining room, collect the items (a picture of the main reptile, 5000 pesetas will pleasantly surprise you), read the document, look meaningfully at the fire, grab the prison key and go down to the cells.

Leave Ashley on the stairs and search the dungeons yourself. Knock the shotgun shells off the wall and go into the chamber with the strange statue. As soon as you get closer, a creature with huge claws will jump out. Despite its scary appearance, the monster sees practically nothing. Therefore, if he disappears from sight for a few seconds, he will lose Leon and begin to wander in search of a victim.

Each bell is designed for two encounters with a monster. Therefore, you need to do it in four passes, otherwise you will have to endure a painful encounter with the claws and suffer from a lack of first aid kit in the future. After defeating the monster, pick up the money and pull the lever in the chamber to turn off the fire.

Go back. Infected comrades are already waiting in the dining room. Hidden among the monks were several crossbowmen and a dynamite man. Shoot down the dynamite and the number of enemies will drop dramatically. You can also shoot the lamp to set it on fire.

In the next room there is an incredible number of fanatics. Without moving, take out the shotgun and start shooting. You can run from corner to corner, but if you keep the situation under control and look around vigilantly, this is clearly unnecessary. Just don't leave Ashley alone, because monks sometimes jump from the top floor.

When you finish off the enemy, stand on one plate in the room and place Ashley on the other. After this, a detachment of monks will come running. Lure them into the room and kill them one by one. Then go to the pedestal that appears and make the girl rotate the lever.

The stairs will go down. Go to the next part of the hall, collect ammo and reload the rifle. A tense battle awaits now. Lift Ashley onto the ledge so she can reach the lever. Then run to the area near the water and take out your rifle.

You need to cover the girl while she turns two levers. There are not many monks, but you need to shoot quickly and accurately. They will try to drag Ashley away, so don't worry about the girl's health - if they grab you, you can always fight her off. Also, don't forget to switch to your shotgun and shoot at the fanatics who try to get to Leon, or use grenades to avoid wasting time. They help out a lot.

When the platforms rise, help Ashley jump down and run to the exit. There are no enemies in the next room yet. You can take a break, besides, a merchant stopped nearby, if you want, buy the necessary items. Also, don’t forget to knock down the gem from the sculpture; if you wish, you can play a mini-game.

When you have made the necessary preparations, run along the corridor next to the ordinary merchant. What a fool, where did you run? However, as in the saying - “it’s easier for the woman with the cart.” At least now you only have to worry about yourself.

Maybe Leon was grieving for the missing Ashley. Maybe he's right. But it has become much easier to play, there is no longer a burden and a potential source of problems. Turn right and go into the sewers. There live evil insects the size of sheep. Their approach can be determined by their characteristic sound. But it’s difficult to see monsters; they can become invisible. True, not entirely: if you look closely, you will see a slight distortion in the air.

The first creature will run out from around the bend. Shoot her down with a shotgun, then finish her off with a grenade. Two beetles live in a hole with water. Retreat into the corridor and hold the line. Then you will find yourself in a dungeon, where four monsters are already running around. The further into the forest, the angrier the partisans.

Then go up to the control room and turn the lever to dump the water. Don't forget to pick up the Butterfly Lamp. The path is clear and you can move on. When you pass the doorway, an insect will fall from above. Be prepared and have your shotgun ready. Don't forget to pick up the Velvet Blue near the broken grate.

In the next corridor, swinging knives are waiting, so if you walk past them, look at the shadow, it will be easier to navigate. As you pass the third and fourth “rocking chair”, note that they move together, so you will have to run even faster.

You will go out into the room where the merchant was (he did not disappear anywhere, he just moved to the landing). Below you will see a bunch of monks performing some kind of ceremony. Each of them has stored a jewel, and the leader will share a valuable pendant. But if they see Leon, they will immediately rush to retreat. Therefore, you need to kill everyone at once and quickly go down before the trophies disappear. First throw a blinding grenade, and then a regular one.

All that remains is to find the way down. On the chandelier, jump to the other side. Then go back on the other chandelier. Pick up the Elegant Mask and pull the lever to open the passage. Go down and collect the trophies. Return to the merchant and hand over the stolen goods.

In the next room there will be a battle with the monks. They are led by a leader in a red robe. When you deal with the enemy, he will hurry to get away. We'll have to catch up with him, kill a bunch of monks and give chase again. This leapfrog will end when he sits down at the machine gun in the center of the room. Retreat to cover and take out your rifle. Wait until the machine gun stops firing. You have a few seconds while it recharges. From cover, take out the leader with a headshot. Take the key from the body and go to the next room.

To get out of this room, you need to switch the pictures so that there are six corpses. The combination is simple - 2, 1, 4, 3. The owner of the castle is waiting in the next room. After an absurd conversation, the dwarf will disappear, leaving a bunch of monks. A lot of people are a good target for a grenade. The crossbowmen on the second floor and the dynamite men are much more dangerous; they can ruin your nerves, especially if you don’t pay attention to them in time.

After dealing with the monks, click the two switches to open the door and extend the bridge to the chest with the Goat Ornament. Next there will be a peaceful area. First, you can shoot the crows in the passage; they sit on the windows, hiding boxes of gold. On the roof of the castle, the birds are located on a fountain that hides many precious stones. Notice the closed door. You need to return here when you find Ashley.

Then go to the labyrinth garden. There live a bunch of monster dogs who love to jump out from around corners and bite painfully. It's usually impossible to predict where they'll come from, so have a shotgun ready. To get out of here, you need to find two halves of the Blue Moonstone, which will unlock the door. They lie near small fountains.

When you go up to the bedroom, you will meet Ada for the second time. After a short conversation, the girl will disappear in an unknown direction, leaving Leon in bitter loneliness.

Even though everyone abandons Leon, we are not upset. One is also fine, so happily search the room for ammo and money. Don't forget to check the box next to the merchant for a Mirror with Pearls and Rubies. After the shopping and health course, go to the dining room.

Collect everything that is lying around, go to the counter and press the bell. A painting will appear, shoot it with your pistol to open the door. But before you go into the opened passage, run into the room next to the roof. There are many boxes that require searching, just remember that there is a snake in one.

Go back and go through the opened door. After the cutscene, run out of the cage and start killing the monks, then take care of the monster with long claws. Be careful not to get confused or get surrounded. Then collect all the items, including the hourglass from the chest.

Break the jug to get to the rifle ammo. Then start shooting the monks. Having successfully completed the task, jump down and pull the lever. Climb back up the stairs. Immediately take out your shotgun and finish off the two cult ministers. Then turn towards the bridge that appears and shoot a couple more monks.

Cross the bridge and go down the stairs. At the exhibition there is a grenade launcher and a bunch of grenades with ammunition. If you can’t take it away at once, leave it for the future. You can still come back here, and you won’t need the grenade launcher for a long time.

Go to the merchant, sell your junk and buy the items you need. The backpack should release, so return to the exhibition for the grenade launcher. To finish the chapter, go out into the hall and watch the video. Damn it, he was fast, he only lasted half the game.

Before rescuing Ashley, run around the hall and collect items. Now take out your rifle and shoot the shackles. The monks seemed to be waiting for a prearranged signal and rushed into the room. First there will be ordinary opponents. Then crossbowmen and a leader in a bloody cloak will appear. Until you kill the leader, the girl will not be able to get out of the room, because he has the key to the door. And until the girl picks up the key, new opponents will constantly run out.

Saving the girl will result in the need to play... for her. No weapons. You have to rely on agility and foot speed. Take a breath and pick up the gem, the yellow herb. In general, we ran as fast as we could.

The monk is already waiting in the next room. You can kill him by throwing three oil lamps (iron calculation - no more), which are hung on the walls. Thank God there is only one clergyman, otherwise it would have been difficult. If Ashley is grabbed, press the indicated button to escape from the hug.

After finishing off the first monk, collect the items and pull the lever to get to the next room. Take on the second enemy, then take the loot. All that remains is to raise the gate; to do this, turn the valve and leave the room.

Search the area for ammo, money and grass. Then go into the room with the raised bars. Crawl under the table, press the red switch and pick up the Stone Tablet. Then pull the next switch. Finally move the shelf and pull the last switch to reach the back door.

You will find yourself in a room with knight's armor. To unlock the entrance, you need to solve a simple puzzle. Mentally number the field in this way: 1 - upper left corner, 9 - lower right. The combination is as follows - 6, 3, 2, 5,4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9. Then insert the found sign and move on.

In the room, pick up a gold bracelet, a jewel, a Salazar Family Insignia and a Serpent Ornament. When you take the last thing, the armor will begin to come to life and swing healthy swords. Run from there, simultaneously dodging the attacks of the knights (you need to press the indicated buttons). Insert the Salazar Family Insignia to open the door, it's the only one you can't miss, and go up the stairs. The chapter is over, Ashley is back with Leon.

Before moving on, return to the roof and use Ashley to open the locked door. There you will find red weed, Elegant Perfume Bottle and the great terrible Broken Butterfly. After this, return to the room where the chapter began and go through the double doors.

Go to the room opposite the corridor (to do this you will have to ride a strange cart). When you find yourself inside a hall filled with lava, take out your rifle and shoot the monk who controls the stone dragon. After passing through the rotating room, fight off the attack of eight monks and move forward.

More stone dragons will appear. Dodge the flames and shoot down the shooters. When the last one dies, you can pick up the Lion Ornament. Now that you have three ornaments, you can remove the wall that appeared at the very beginning of the chapter. Return back to the hall, not forgetting to grab the pendant from the chest.

Run left. There will be a cart there that will take you almost to the very beginning of the map. Insert the found ornaments into the fresco. The wall will smoothly move to the side, now you can pass. Before moving on, run to the balcony where the owner of the castle spoke, take the money behind the painting and search the vase.

In the next room, visit the merchant, and then run to the right. Here you need to place two statues on stone tablets. Place Leon and Ashley on the other tiles. The door will open. Salazar is waiting in the hall, who will soon disappear from there, leaving you alone with the descending ceiling. To avoid the stakes, shoot at the four red stones on the ceiling.

Run after the owner of the castle. In the corridor, Ashley will fall into a trap. You need to shoot the monks with a rifle before the drilling machine smears the girl across the grate. Act quickly - time is short. Collect ammo and money, don't forget about Queen's Grail and Elegant Chessboard, knock down the door and leave the room.

Go to the next room. A strike force of knights was hiding there. Lure them closer and throw a grenade into the crowd, and then finish them off with a shotgun (blinding grenades also help a lot). Here you will find King's Grail.

Finally, another squad will appear at the exit. The distance is large, and you can shoot them with a rifle. Before moving on, collect the jewels from the statue. Then place the King's Grail and Queen's Grail on the stands to unlock the door.

To go further, you need to climb out the window and climb onto the roof. Take the cartridges from the boxes and jump down. When you pass by an incomprehensible nest, Ashley will be carried away by a flying beetle. But a dozen others will decide to take Leon seriously. Shoot them down with a shotgun and collect the crystals. Now you can work on the hive. To destroy it, you will have to spend about 50 pistol rounds. But you will receive so much jewelry that you don’t have to worry about your financial situation.

Then pull the lever and shoot off the rings that prevent the bridge from lowering. In the next room, sell the junk to the merchant and be sure to buy a grenade launcher. Although, if you didn’t spend what you found in Chapter 3-3, and there was nowhere to spend it, you don’t need to do this. Go outside.

Run across the bridge. When the catapults start firing, I advise you to increase your speed. Turn left on the stairs and finish off the monk. Search the barrels, shoot the monks behind the catapults and go into the tower.

Exit the tower and get ready to greet a squad of fanatics. Throw a grenade, they'll love it. Remove the gold bracelet from the leader's body and enter the tower. Inside the hall, in addition to the cult ministers, there is a creature with long claws. Fire from a grenade launcher to get rid of the dangerous monster. Then finish off the monks and collect the items.

Enter the hall and after the video, press the indicated buttons so as not to die. Once in the pit, collect cartridges, grenades, yellow grass and Crown from the corpses. Buy a grenade launcher from the merchant and go up the stairs.

Run along the corridor and collect items. Don’t pay attention to the alarming video, they are only scaring you. In the next area, run straight down the corridor until the creature appears. You can't engage her in battle yet, so keep rushing forward - I beg you, don't turn anywhere - remembering to dodge the blows.

Once in the room, pull the lever and go to the door. Press the button... That's what you are - the dwarf's personal bodyguard. You can’t finish him off in the usual way, you need to act cunningly. Run to one of the nitrogen cylinders and, when the monster comes close, push the cylinder to freeze the enemy. Run away and use the grenade launcher. The bodyguard will crumble into small pieces, leaving behind a Crown Jewel.

Pick up a stone, go around the rooms and collect objects. Then get into the elevator and go upstairs. This long chapter (or sub-chapter to be more precise) will end.

Pick up the green herb, search the barrels and exit through the door. In the tunnel, pick up another green herb, ammo and Velvet Blue. Look who's working in the cave! Good old (albeit rather stronger) peasants. I already miss these idiots. Take out your pretty dusty gun and start doing your usual thing. After that, collect the trophies and search the cave.

Then pull the switch at the bottom. The trolley will roll in. Run upstairs and use the other switch. A crowd will come running, led by another maniac with a chainsaw. Hide in some corner and fight back with a shotgun. Use the switch at the bottom again to lower the cart. Take the dynamite from it and place it under the boulder. You will have some time to run to a safe distance. Before entering the next room, have your Magnum ready.

Collect ammo, grenades and go to the double doors. Two giant monsters will jump out from there. Run to the platform and climb up. When they start swinging, climb down on the rope. Grab the lever - wait until one of the giants stands in the center of the circle - and open the valve. The Terminator's feat has been repeated.

This cave is home to many beetles - flying and running. They will attack in groups of three or four. Keep your shotgun ready and keep your eyes peeled for critters and objects. You need to pull two levers that you will find in the “sleeves”-tunnels in order to move on. Before leaving the cave, take the Royal Insignia from the grave.

Break three barrels and sell the unwanted items to the merchant. Now examine the area: peasants are hiding in the ruins. Two are standing at the entrance, the rest are warming themselves by the fire. If you can get close unnoticed, then you can finish off the entire squad with one grenade. After getting rid of your opponents, thoroughly search the area. There are many valuable items in secluded corners. When you're done, enter the house through the window and jump down into the basement.

Having reached the cave, begin to lure the inhabitants one by one. Then take out your rifle and finish off the guy with the chainsaw on the second floor. Now search the area and you will find a Staff of Royalty in one of the graves. Climb into the building using the stairs. There is a second chainsaw lover on the ground floor, so it’s best not to disturb him.

Pick up the yellow grass from the barrel and take out the shotgun. About 30 residents will soon come to visit. They will mainly climb through the window, so knock down the ladder in a timely manner and do not forget to throw grenades.

Search the barrels and get into the cart. Shoot the lever to set off. I advise you to sit in the last cart. Soon, residents will start jumping from above. You can shoot them down before they jump. Or vice versa - wait for them to climb inside so that after death you can collect trophies. But the main thing is to remember to avoid obstacles by pressing the indicated keys.

After going about halfway, the cart will stop. After this, a considerable number of residents and one maniac with a chainsaw will parachute towards you. Grenades and a shotgun will erase all problems into powder. Having dealt with the enemies, collect the trophies and fire on the lever to move on.

The rest of the way will be disturbed by residents, plus a “saw saw” will jump into the cart. Try to deal with them quickly, because soon the cart will fall into the abyss, and you will have to jump, pressing the indicated keys in time. Once on the other side, pick up the Stone of Sacrifice and go up the stairs. Insert the found stone into the statue and go inside.

It will be quiet at first. Suspiciously quiet. When you reach the statue, follow the path. Damn it, the statue is moving its arms! After shooting the clergy, climb up the stairs. There are several monks here, perhaps you can't cope without a shotgun. Having caught a good moment, jump onto the hand and, having climbed up, jump to the right. Having dealt with the enemy, pull the lever and go back.

Go to the ledge near the statue and shoot the lever on your back. From there, jump to the platform, collect the ammo and search the vase. Then another fight with the monks, you can throw them down to deal with it later. On your hand, go down to the level below and jump onto the platform.

The leader of the cult is wandering below. Lure him with a shot and throw him down the stairs until he dies from bruises. Then go down, finish off the fallen opponents through the grate and pull the lever. After fighting off four monks, run out onto the path...

I knew I couldn't trust giant stone dwarfs! The statue came to life. To avoid death from an indecently sized leg, press the indicated buttons. When you reach the door, quickly go outside. Again a tense sprint, a dashing leap over the abyss - and the statue flies into the abyss.

After the next scene with the dwarf, you have to make your way to the tower; the road to it is difficult. Grab the yellow herb from the box and go upstairs. You can hide from falling barrels in small branches to the right and left. Having reached the flooring made of wooden planks, run to the stairs, go up and pull the switch to crush the monks with barrels. Although someone will probably survive and will have to finish it off on their own. Don't forget about the cult leader who hid a lot of money in his robe pockets.

Return to the elevator and push the crates down. Now start the lift. When the elevator starts moving, take out your shotgun and fight off the jumping monks. Crossbowmen will cause some problems, but fortunately you can simply drive through them. In general, this is a rather difficult battle, so watch the amount of ammo and don’t be lazy to use grenades.

Having reached the very top, heal your wounds, be sure to buy a grenade launcher and reload the Broken Butterfly. Also mandatory. The evil dwarf, the damned Salazar, a headache from chapter 3-1, is about to taste the lead in full.

If you have a grenade launcher, dealing with the monster will not be difficult. First they shot the Broken Butterfly in the eye. The changed body of the dwarf will appear. An accurate hit from a grenade launcher - and you can take out the monster, your comrade is completely baked.

If there is no grenade launcher, then alternate attacks: eye, dwarf, shot at the tentacle - eye again. And so on. After winning, collect the money (Salazar will leave 50,000 pesetas), search the upper and lower levels for items and leave the room. Take the ammo from the boxes and take the elevator up. The merchant has significantly expanded its assortment, so take a closer look at the product and make the necessary purchases and upgrades.

Then go through the door to meet Ada and move to the island. The game is nearing completion, but the main surprises are ahead. Old acquaintances, references to previous parts and much more await us.

After completing the main campaign, access to a new “Professional” difficulty opens up, for those who want to go through the game again, but with more difficult opponents. A couple of small additional companies and an arcade game mode also open:

The Another Order– five separate missions for Ada Wong. The action of these missions is closely intertwined with the main company and more fully reveals the plot of the game.

Ada the Spy- missions for Ada Wong. A small adventure filled with action and many enemies. This company has nothing to do with the main plot.

The Mercenaries– arcade game mode. Our task is to hold out for a certain time and try to score the most points by destroying constantly appearing enemies. There are four locations to choose from, and you can unlock access to five different characters.

The Another Order

We get to play as the mysterious girl Ada Wong, who plays her own game, helping Leon from time to time.

After going through this company, you will understand who distracted the residents at the very beginning, what happened during the main character’s blackout, and what forces managed to stop Salazar at the end.

Ada Wong is more mobile than Leon. She can use a grappling hook called the Thrower to jump onto rooftops and other high points. The heroine has very little health, so you should avoid serious damage. Those blows that were moderate for Leon could become fatal for Ada.

The heroine is immediately armed with a weapon of average quality, but it is impossible to upgrade the weapon further; merchants do not have this opportunity. You can buy new weapons, including a unique crossbow that shoots explosive arrows.

1. Ring the Church Bell
Resident Evil 4. Separate Ways. Mission 1

As Ada Wong, we arrive at the Pueblo village before Leon even gets here. We are confronted here by a much larger number of enemies, and Leon will then finish off only the remnants.

Enemies appear here endlessly, so you shouldn't be too distracted by them. It’s better to quickly run through the entire location and collect useful items. In the high tower above lie shotgun cartridges. On the northern street leading up, you can find an egg in the houses, pistol cartridges, and near the gate lies a spinel. In a two-story house there are cartridges and incendiary grenade, on the roof of the house there is spinel. Near the northern fence you can find red grass, and a little further away you can find green grass. Behind the barn we find yellow grass, next to it there is red grass in the cart.

In the video we see that there is something shining on the roof of one of the houses. We stand a short distance in front of this house, almost near the fire, and use the grappling hook to climb onto the roof. At the top we select the Sign Key. We jump down and go open the door with the symbol.

There is a merchant inside the building, from him you can buy a treasure map, a medium case, a TMP machine gun, a rifle, but for now there is only enough money for one purchase. We sell the spinels, but keep the mask for now. We take it in the room pistol cartridges, in the box we find a snake from which we knock out an egg. Save on typewriter.

In the next room we take the green grass and jump into the hatch.

Let's go through the tunnel. Two peasants will attack us from behind. Along the way, we collect cartridges on the side shelves.

In the second wide room, peasants will again attack both from the front and from behind. We go up the stairs to the surface.


At the top we immediately prepare to shoot at the first enemy. Above the path we knock down two nests in the trees, in them we find a grenade and cartridges.

At the cemetery we shoot crows to earn extra coins. In the house on the right we find cartridges and yellow grass.

Near the church we knock down another nest, there are cartridges in it. The church is closed. We don’t approach the puzzle behind the building yet, we go along the cableway. In a house on a cliff, a snake and yellow grass are hidden in boxes. At the end of the wooden road we attack a maniac with a chainsaw and a couple more local residents. We take it away Green cat eye.

We return to the church, go behind the building, solve the puzzle. The solution is the same as in the main game: 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. After the solution, take the Round sign. We kill the two enemies that appear, and we see that the door has closed. We return to the pedestal, place the Green Cat's Eye on it, the door will open. We go to the church, along the way we need to destroy five more enemies, one of them is a dynamite.

Inside we kill half a dozen enemies. We take cartridges on the altar; in the corridor on the right there is a flash grenade.

We go along the left corridor and go up. We kill a new batch of enemies, collect cartridges. We approach the control panel and solve the puzzle with light filters:

red, red, blue, green, green, green.

2. Rescue Luis
Resident Evil 4. The Another Order. Mission 2

Leader's house

We start the level in the house of the village leader. There is a merchant nearby, we sell him an improved Mask, buy a case and a machine gun. In the room we collect money, in the table drawer we take cartridges.

First, you can go to the western part of the level. We leave the house, approach the well, and in the house nearby we find cartridges for machine gun.

Ada doesn’t want to go into the well of Hell yet. We return to the house, hand over what we found to the merchant, and buy more things for which we did not have enough money.

We go in an easterly direction, go down to the first floor. In the kitchen oven we find a golden egg. There is one enemy each in the room under the stairs and in the side room. In the closet behind the glass we find a grenade.

We go out into the street, destroy the maniac with a chainsaw and ordinary enemies. On the right side of the woodpile are cartridges. There is a nest in the tree ahead, where there are also cartridges. In the house on the left you can find red herb.

Everything here is the same as last time, only the number of enemies is now limited. We go around all the houses, collecting cartridges. After this, the acute shortage of ammunition will finally end. We enter the northern gate.

Here, too, everything is the same. Eat typewriter in the house on the left. Spinel over the well. There are traps placed in the shadows under the bridge.

Dilapidated houses

We pass through the tunnel and fight with the dynamites. We enter the southern destroyed house, at this time we see that Leon has already freed Luis, but the locals have stunned them both and are now carrying them to the house of the village chief.

We examine the empty eastern house, there is typewriter and a couple of remaining enemies. On the street we knock down a nest from a tree and find spinel. There is another spinel nearby in a box behind the house.

Having searched everything around, we return back through the farm and the village. In the village we encounter very strong resistance from local residents. We see that one of the enemies has put on Leon’s jacket.

We enter the next location, approach the house and watch the cutscene.

Cable car

Having woken up, immediately press the buttons indicated on the screen. We found ourselves in a cave with a sacrifice stone. We kill all the peasants nearby.

We go to the lower stop of the cable car. We enter the control cabin, we see a merchant here. To the left of the merchant in the lockers we find yellow grass and shotgun cartridges. We take the Old key from the table.

We go down the stairs into the eastern cave, where we find a typewriter. Use the key to open the door to the next location.

Warehouse in the east

We enter the warehouse. Inside is a woman with a chainsaw and a couple more peasants. We kill them and take the Elevator Key. We search the warehouse and find cartridges, grenades. On the second floor we find red grass on the window.

Cable car

We return to the control room, along the way there will be enemies with dynamite. We use the found key on the control panel. We sit in the cable car cabin and go upstairs.

From the top stop we go to the southern house. We collect various cartridges in the house and behind the house. Inside the house there is typewriter.

We approach the southern gate, it is locked, so we move a little further away from it and use a pistol with a hook - Thrower.

We collect cartridges and grenades in wooden houses. We find red grass on the ground.

Boss: El Gigante

House on the outskirts

We enter the next location, where Leon and Louis are holding defense in a two-story house.

3. Retrieve the Sample
Resident Evil 4 HD Ultimate Edition. Mission 3

Garden labyrinth

We start near the fountain in the labyrinth garden. There is a merchant nearby; you can buy a new weapon from him - a crossbow with explosive arrows. Behind him, on the fountain lie crossbow arrows.

We go around the entire labyrinth, killing the monks. Under the central bridge we take the red grass. In the southwestern dead end we find yellow grass. All other dead ends contain various cartridges.

After some time, the double doors will open and three more monks will run out, kill them and exit the labyrinth.

We enter the room, search the furniture, find cartridges.

You can use a typewriter here. We enter the far western door.

Western wall of the castle

On the way we kill monks with crossbows. We approach a closed room where the revolver used to lie. Using the hook, we cling to the window on the second floor and get inside. We kill one enemy, in the chests we find cartridges, yellow grass and sand Gold plated watch.

We enter the wooden dining room. There are no enemies here, we just search the cabinets and talk to the merchant.

Dining room

We enter the gourmet dining room and destroy the enemies here. We collect from tables green and red grass. In the next room a trap with a cage awaits us. Once in the cage, we quickly knock out the lock and go outside, finishing off the wolverine and the jumping enemies. We open the chest in the center, put a gold-plated watch in it, and go through the opened door.

White and blue hall

We see that Leon is shooting the monks in the second half of the room, we are not allowed to go there. We walk along the bridge, we are surrounded by monks on both sides. Ahead, you can shoot the oil lamp on the ceiling to burn the enemies.

We enter the hall where Leon has to free Ashley.

4. Stop Leon's Assassination
Resident Evil 4. The Another Order. Mission 4

South tunnel

We start in the destroyed tunnel, where Leon and Ashley drove by on a bulldozer. At the very beginning there is a merchant. If you play well, you will already be able to buy all the goods he has.

We go to the room on the left, there you can use the hook to jump to the top floor in two different places. We collect cartridges and get out of here.

We pass between the rubble forward along the tunnel, destroy the soldiers and one big guy in armor. We enter the second side room and exit on the other side of the rubble.

Using the hook, we climb onto the bridge and enter the door.

We enter the docks, where there is a huge battleship ship. We go down to the lower platform, at this time the machine guns on the battleship are activated. We hide behind steel sheets from machine guns and shoot the enemies ahead. Then we run forward, take the key (blue) from the box, return upstairs with it, and sit in the machine-gun battery. Using a machine gun we destroy the same installations on the ship.

We go forward, climb up, collect all the cartridges and herbs on the pier. We sit in a circular carousel-type elevator. We jump from the elevator onto the ship, go left, go up to the upper deck, kill soldiers along the way, collect cartridges and herbs.

At the top we approach the red opening, at this time all the remaining machine guns and guns and cannons of the ship are activated. We quickly approach the right cliff, use the hook, and climb onto the upper platform. Take the key (red), go to the upper right cliff, use the hook again. We sit down at the cannon and shoot the ship’s defensive weapons.

After the first shot, the timer will start for 3 minutes. During this time, you need to have time to destroy all the cannons, get back onto the ship via the elevator, climb to the upper deck and enter the lattice door. As soon as we cross the threshold, the ship will sink.

Northern tunnel

We walk along the southern balcony, take green grass, kill enemies, and go down to the floor below. There are two bridges between the north and south balconies. But they are littered with boxes, so we jump even lower to the ground.

Below we lure the enemies closer and explode the barrel next to them. Spinel under the bridge. We approach the far bridge and cling to it with a hook.

We pass along the northern balcony, kill the enemies by exploding the barrel. We cross another bridge to the southern balcony, where inside the cage we find yellow grass and a flash grenade. Ahead we kill enemies with shields and iron masks.

Boiler room

We sign up for a typewriter and go to the boiler room.

At the top of the dead end we take shotgun shells.

Below we hit single enemies. In the room on the right we find cartridges and grenade. We enter the next room, at the dead end we take blue corduroy. We move a little further and use the hook.

We see Leon and Krauser fighting with knives. We help Leon by pressing the buttons indicated on the screen in time.

5. Obtain the Sample
Resident Evil 4. The Another Order. Mission 5

We follow the path where Leon walked under the cover of a helicopter. First, we meet the merchant, buy a mission map and a large case from him.

An infantryman-machine gunner jumps from the destroyed tower, we hide from him behind the boxes, and while reloading we shoot at him with a crossbow. Four arrows and the machine gunner will die. Near the tower we collect spinel and cartridges.

On the road we take yellow grass. Ahead, in a narrow gorge, a crossbowman and a dynamite man are waiting for us; we shoot them with a sniper rifle. We shoot at the barrels ahead and run across the bridge.

Inside the second tower we are locked in a trap, all the passages are closed, and new enemies jump from above one by one. Ada has a hard time with close combat, and she has less health than usual, so it will be difficult. We shoot enemies with a shotgun. Huddled in a corner, we throw combat and fire grenades into the center. We collect herbs from the walls.

After some time we get out. We shoot at the barrel ahead, thereby killing two enemies. We look to the left, kill the crossbowman on the platform with the lever. We climb up the stairs and slide down on a bungee. Below we collect yellow grass and cartridges. We press the lever, this will open the gate.

We jump down, then even lower into the tent city. We find one enemy in the tents, red and yellow grass and cartridges. We go upstairs and enter the gate.

Inside the courtyard, we immediately run into the left tunnel so as not to fall under the crossbowmen’s shots. We go up to the second floor and slowly shoot the crossbowmen from an ambush.

When we walk along the bridge to the switch, a machine gunner will appear ahead. We run back, hiding behind a metal plate, and shoot at him with a sniper rifle. Having killed the enemy, we go forward, kick out the grate, press the lever.

We jump into the center of the courtyard and collect all the bonuses. When we climb onto the second bridge to the lever, a second machine gunner will appear, we shoot at him, hiding behind the boxes. Press the second lever.

High plateau

We go out onto the cliff and shoot at a soldier with a grenade launcher. We enter the central opening between the columns and take the yellow grass. On the way out, we kill the enemies who have jumped off. On the northern slope we kill two crossbowmen from afar.

At the entrance we meet a merchant and his typewriter. In the hall in the closet we take a flash grenade, in the cabinet there is an egg, in the side room we collect yellow grass.

We go to the cameras, here we destroy several ordinary soldiers. We collect cartridges in the cells themselves. At the exit we take red grass. We go outside.

Boss: Krauser

After the battle with Leon, the half-finished Krauser ends up on the roof of the building, so we jump to him. There is very little space on the first roof; you will have to dodge enemy attacks more often than hit. Oddly enough, in such a situation it is best to use a sniper rifle. We act like this: we take aim, wait for Krauser to approach, before striking he will remove his shield for a second, it is at this moment that we shoot at his head or chest, this will interrupt his attack and cause serious damage. Four such shots, and the boss will jump to another roof.

On the second roof there is a little more space and there are cartridges. Here you can already use a standard technique: shoot from afar at the legs with a machine gun, and then finish off with a powerful weapon such as crossbow arrows or grenades.

We jump over to the third roof, here we collect a new portion of cartridges. We finish off Krauser, after which Ada jumps onto the balcony of the neighboring building.

Around the corner we visit a merchant and typewriter.

Boss: Sadler

We enter the laboratory and meet Sadler immediately after his mutation. He is still in human form, but can already release tentacles.

Sadler is a very dangerous opponent, he can release a tentacle and hit across the entire room, so be prepared to dodge at any time. He can also quickly move close and hit Ada on the floor, you need to avoid melee combat at all costs, it is better to run in circles around the laboratory installation.

To cause damage, we attack the boss from afar with all the accumulated crossbow arrows. Having lost a certain amount of damage, Sadler will glow, after which he will be able to shoot a stream of energy from his hand. We hide from such attacks and continue to cause damage. The boss is defeated, he begins to mutate further.

Building under construction

We go out onto the roof and see Leon fighting the Spider Sadler in the distance. Our task is to help Leon by throwing him a red grenade launcher.

Using the hook, we jump over to the construction site, we see that all the supports are mined. After this, the time countdown starts for 2 minutes. We run through the scaffolding and shoot at the oncoming enemies. There is very little time, so you shouldn’t waste time finishing off enemies, you can just shoot at their legs and run past.

We go down several floors, move to another part of the construction site, and here we go up. At the end there will be enemies with grenade launchers, it is better to kill them completely. We jump over to the tower under which the battle is taking place, jump onto the balcony, take and throw off the red grenade launcher. Leon will finish off the boss.

Completing The Another Order will give you access to new weapons - Thompson submachine gun(Chicago Typewriter). This weapon can be purchased from a merchant if you play through the game a second time.

Ada the Spy

This additional company also tells about the adventures of spy Ada Wong. But this company has little connection with the main plot. This is either an alternate universe or a backstory that happened long before the conflict from the main company.

As we pass through, we will not meet any merchants or typewriters. There are only quick saves between locations. There are no normal saves, so Ada the Spy must be completed in one go, without leaving it for tomorrow.

Ada is dressed in camouflage. In this outfit she does not have a knife. Weapons include a pistol, a machine gun and a rifle. There are very few cartridges, they need to be saved. More often it is worth shooting enemies in the knees, and then finishing them off with a kick.

Camp on the coast

We walk along the path between the rocks. At the fork we go to a dead end on the left, kill the enemies, take a grenade and yellow grass in the boxes on the rocks.

At the fork, go right and jump over the pit. At the base, you can shoot from afar at two crossbowmen on the hill on the right. We go around the destroyed buildings, killing ordinary enemies. We climb to the second floor and take the healing spray on the box.

After some time, a special forces machine gunner will appear at the far door. This enemy can kill us in two hits, so we hide from his shots in time, go out and shoot back only while the machine gun is reloading.

We go around everything, inspect the building and two towers on the coast, we find cartridges of all types. On the upper platform there are also sandbags cartridges for machine gun. There is green grass to the left of the slanted stairs.

We enter the cave, behind the sandbags we find yellow grass. We kill the soldiers and the crossbowman. We pass to the end of the tunnel, we find red grass. We go up the stairs.

Checkpoint on the rocks

We leave the tent, inspect the barrels on the left, we find rifle cartridges and green grass, we kill several enemies on the right.

Let's climb out the window of the cave. Inside we kill two enemies. At the end of the right tunnel we find red grass, in the left tunnel we blow up a barrel, behind it we climb onto the rock, in the chest we find a grenade.

We leave the cave, go right through the gorge. Here we carefully shoot the dynamite men and crossbowmen perched at the top.

We enter the left rock, go up, cross the bridge, and at the dead end we take the red grass.

We go up to the base, along the way we take green grass on the table. We kill the last two crossbowmen. We climb up the stairs to the balcony and enter the ventilation shaft.


We find ourselves on the landing. We look at the game map; the location of all five samples is marked on it.

We go down to the first floor, kill one soldier, and find in the room cartridges for machine gun and green grass.

We go up to the second floor. In the corridor in the corner we take green grass. At the intersection we go left, to the southern room. In the red wall cabinet we find pistol cartridges, on the shelf on the left we break the box, take rifle cartridges.

operating room

We enter the southern compartment, where Leon met the first regenerator. We have nothing to fear here; all regenerators have not yet been activated and are completely motionless. We take it from the table cartridges for machine gun. In the left room we kill a couple of enemies, break the glass, take the yellow herb. In the right room we kill one enemy, take pistol cartridges. We find a sitting corpse of a person, next to it we take the first sample - a small violet flask. At the exit we meet three soldiers; you don’t have to kill them, but run past them.


We go back along the corridor, open the double grate, and enter the northern room. Inside in the near right room we find rifle cartridges, on the container on the left there is green grass, behind the glass there is a grenade. In the far right room we open the armored glass, inside we take the second sample.

Garbage bin

We go further along the western corridor, collect cartridges. We enter the room and find ourselves in the garbage bucket control cabin. This time the bucket doesn't work. We kill two enemies in the cabin, take rifle cartridges. We look out the window, below we see two ordinary enemies and one special forces machine gunner, we kill them from here, shooting from a rifle. We hide from machine gun fire by running away from the window to the right. Having defeated the enemies, we go down. We kill the two dynamites that appear.

We enter the control room and kill two enemies. Press the button on the panel, after which a crowd of enemies will come running. We take it from the table cartridges for machine gun off the table, let's move on.

In the hall in the corner we take the yellow grass, in the red wall cabinet we find a grenade. We enter the cell where Ashley was kept in the main passage. There are only a few enemies here. We go around the bend and take cartridges for machine guns and pistols and the third sample.

Eastern corridor

We enter the room with x-rays, there are a couple of enemies here. We go down the stairs, take the red herb at the bottom, and find it on the windowsill pistol cartridges.

We are trying to open the door, but it is locked. At this time, four soldiers with shields and one machine gunner will come running from above. We hide around the corner, constantly coming out so that the machine gunner shoots and does not come closer. We wait for the enemies with shields to arrive and throw a grenade at them. Then we finish off the machine gunner one on one, constantly hiding around the corner, and jumping out in time and shooting him with a sniper rifle.

After the victory, the door will open, behind it we kill a couple more enemies. We pass along the corridor, kill the dynamite men who appear from behind the door, and go inside.


We enter, kill one enemy, take green grass. We enter the next room, here you can take cartridges in a suitcase on the far table.

We climb through the window, collect in the closets two clips of cartridges each all kinds, and three types of grass. We break the display case in the center, take fourth sample. After this, the alarm will go off, the doors will close, and a crowd of people will come running here. It is not necessary to fight off everyone, we just climb through the window, press the button on the panel to turn off the alarm, in the corridor we go into the leftmost door.

Communication tower

Boss: Krauser

We go outside and go to the elevator. After the video, Krauser attacks from behind, so we quickly turn around and shoot his legs with a machine gun. When the boss reveals himself, we hit him in the head. If we run out of machine gun cartridges, we use a sniper rifle like this: we take aim, wait for the enemy to come up and start striking, before that he removes his shield, it is at this moment that we shoot at him, he will not be able to carry out his blow to the end.

We inflict certain damage on the boss, after which he throws a blinding grenade and disappears, leaving behind the fifth sample. We go up the elevator, in the communications room we call a helicopter for evacuation.

For completing Ada The Spy we open access to Thompson submachine gun in The Other Order game mode.

The Mercenaries

The Mercenaries is an arcade game mode. Our task is to hold out for a certain time and try to score the most points by destroying constantly appearing enemies.

Points are awarded for killing opponents, approximately 70 -150 points for each. You can get more points for combo kills. The greatest number of points is given after taking a bonus in the form of an hourglass, which is laid out in chests. This bonus gives 1000 points for each kill in one combo.

You are given 2 minutes to complete each level, but at the level itself you can collect bright yellow bonuses in the form of a clock, adding from 30 to 90 seconds of extra time. The location of these bonuses is marked on the level map in the form of stars.

Game characters The Mercenaries
Resident Evil 4 HD Ultimate Edition. Chapter 4-4

CharacterWeapons, description
Leon Scott Kennedy

How to open access: from the very beginning

Weapons: Blacktail pistol, Riot Gun shotgun.

Description: Standard character with average stats. There are no good long-range weapons, so you constantly have to engage in close combat. There are no grenades in the initial set, so in difficult situations you have to retreat.

Ada Wong

How to open access: get 30,000 points in Village level

Weapons: Punisher pistol, semi-automatic rifle, TMP assault rifle, incendiary grenades.

Description: Runs faster than anyone, but has very little health. Both the pistol and rifle can penetrate multiple enemies, so it makes sense to keep your defenses in narrow corridors so that enemies line up behind each other.

Jack Krauser

How to open access: get 30,000 points in Castle level

Weapons: bow, blinding grenades.

Description: Maximum health, normal speed. No rapid fire weapons. The bow hits accurately, does not kill with the first hit, but stuns opponents, so you can run up and finish off enemies manually. There is a special ability: turn your hand into a weapon and use it for a ramming attack. To do this, you need to gain concentration; it can only be used when your hand is on fire.


How to open access: Reach 30,000 points in Mercenary Camp

Weapons: TMP machine gun, fragmentation grenades.

Description: Very weak firearms, but hand-to-hand techniques are lethal. You need to either stun the enemy, or shoot them in the knees, and then approach and finish them off manually. If you don't know how to use such techniques well, then Hunk is useless to you.

Albert Wesker

How to open access: Reach 30,000 points in Waterworld level

Weapons: Handgun pistol with silencer, Killer7 Magnum, semi-automatic rifle, all types of grenades.

Description: There are powerful weapons for both close and long range, but there are no rapid-fire barrels. Another feature: Albert has almost all his inventory from the very beginning, so he needs to quickly spend grenades.

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Several boss fight options.

Description of the "comrade"

In general, it is correct to write comrade, but Americans have their own opinion... Let's start, as usual, with information. Jack Krauser appears in chapter 5-3.

But we see him himself in one of the previous clips, where Sadler orders him to remove Leon. The first face-to-face meeting occurs at the beginning of the chapter through a QTE in the clip, it turns out that Krauser and Leon know each other. This is confirmed by one of the games in the series, namely Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles. There, the theme of the relationship between the two “friends” is more explored. Krauser was believed to have died two years before RE4. It turned out he survived and it was he who kidnapped Ashley. The next meeting place with him is in the ruins at the end of the chapter, where Krauser has built an obstacle course. In order to pass, you need to collect three parts of the picture-fresco: The first is in the room with columns, the second is on the top of the tower, and the third is at Krauser. The battle is divided into two phases, in each of which he has his own attacks:

1) Occurs before hitting the tower. Here Krauser is immortal, but not invulnerable. He attacks with TMP, grenades, a bow with explosive shells and a knife. Moreover, he attacks in different sequences, with the exception of the final attack with a knife. The tactics against him are as follows: if you see Krauser with a TMP or a bow in his hands, shoot him in the head, this will stun him and interrupt the attack. If you see a grenade, try to hit it in the air or dodge it. If you see a knife, take out yours. Krauser attacks with a knife in different ways: if he runs at you, then there will be a QTE, if he walks slowly, then he will just hit, wait for the moment when he is nearby and chop off the head. Sometimes Krauser makes ambushes, but he can be identified by the shadow on the floor. If you see him, take out your weapon and aim in that direction, as soon as he sticks out, shoot. As soon as he receives enough damage, he will run away, throwing a flash-noise grenade, which can be shot down in flight.

As you approach the tower, Krauser will launch drones on you. They die from one pistol shot, so they pose no threat.

2) In the tower, after you pick up the second part of the picture, Krauser will attack in full force. But this time he will be mortal (well, almost mortal, Ada will kill him in his scenario). Here his attacks are all melee. It is not difficult to dodge them; Krauser, like Doc Salvador, needs to be bypassed to the left, then he will miss or press the QTE keys, but it does not help against all attacks. And the attacks themselves are as follows: Sharp forward thrust the attack works even at a medium distance, Krauser pulls his arm back, growls and sharply punches forward. Overhead strike a powerful attack, Krauser jumps up, somersaults and hits the ground, the attack is useful because it temporarily makes him very vulnerable to the player’s attacks (plus you can dodge by simply running under Krauser). Strike from below a sharp chopping movement from the bottom up, very fast, difficult to dodge, but only works at close range. Kick the same technique as Leon, but does it twice, and you also need to dodge yourself. Sweeping makes a sweep with the foot and, if successful, tries to nail it with an overhead blow, we also dodge on our own.

Overall, the boss is tricky and one of the most interesting. And also a very smart devil. When mutated, the right arm forms an impenetrable shield, so the legs become the only weak point. We hit them, and when it opens we attack the head. The ideal weapon is a shotgun. You can also use a magnum, but this requires accuracy. Also use TMP, it will quickly knock off a ton of his HP. Rifles and pistols do not help much, the former are too slow, the latter are too weak. To the difficulties you can add a time limit for the battle, but usually a minute is enough.

Methods of reprisal

  1. Regular weapons as already mentioned, a shotgun, or a magnum and a TMP. We shoot and dodge in time.
  2. Explosives only grenades, the grenade launcher fires too slowly and explodes, it will do more harm than good. As a last resort, use it as a finishing weapon when Krauser opens up. With RPG-7 everything is clear. I won’t show a video, explosives work too poorly on it.
  3. Knife works better than magnum, honestly! After 4-5 hits to the head, Krauser glues his fins. The tactics are the same as with the dock, i.e. we provoke him to attack. After an attack, he almost always slowly returns to form, this must be used. Go around to the left, turn around, chop the torso, and then the head. Ideally, if he does an overhead kick, he gets up the slowest after that.
  4. Combined method all previous ones together. Shotgun-knife and magnum-knife combinations work great. We shoot at the legs, run up and chop off the head.