Diversity in the world of GTA V after completing story missions. Diversity in the world of GTA V after completing story missions How the story of gta 5 ends

2004 Ludendorff, North Yankton. Professional robbers and best friends - Michael Townley, Trevor Phillips and Brad Snyder raid a local bank. The robbery is successful, but when leaving, the car gets into an accident, and the heroes have to escape on foot. But Brad and Michael are shot down by FBI agent (a game parody of the FBI) ​​- Dave Norton. Trevor manages to escape.

But, as it turns out later, Michael’s death was staged; before the robbery, he entered the witness protection program, began cooperation with the Federal Reserve Bank and, in order to save himself and his family, led friends into an ambush. He receives an expensive mansion and money from the Federal Reserve Bank, and so that the surviving Trevor does not find him, Michael changes his last name “Townley” to “de Santa”.

The game takes place in 2013, in Los Santos, San Andreas. Michael has a tense relationship with his family: his wife Amanda constantly spends his money and cheats on him, his son Jimmy is obsessed with video games and drugs, and his daughter Tracy is trying to get into television, in particular the porn industry. Michael goes to sessions with psychotherapist Isaiah Friedlander, who, in his opinion, does not help him at all.

On the street, two African-Americans, Franklin Clinton and his friend Lamar Davis, approach Michael and ask for the address of a house. They steal two sports cars from the owner of this house for Franklin's employer Simon Yetaryan, the owner of a car dealership. At the showroom, Simon sells an SUV on credit to Michael's son Jimmy. But soon Simon instructs Franklin to steal the car from Michael’s house “for late payment.” Franklin breaks into the house and steals a car. But Michael ends up in the back seat, puts a gun to Franklin’s head and forces him to drive into the window of Yetaryan’s car dealership. Michael beats Simon up for fraud and Franklin loses his job.

Franklin offers his services to Michael. Michael's son, Jimmy, is kidnapped by some bandits along with Michael's yacht, which Jimmy tried to sell to them. Michael and Franklin rescue Jimmy, but the yacht is lost. Michael, having caught Amanda in bed with her tennis coach, chases him and Franklin to his house and, tying the house's supports to his pickup truck, brings it to the ground. But it turns out that this was the house of the girlfriend of the leader of the Mexican mafia in Los Santos, Martin Madrazo. Michael owes two and a half million for repairs, and he has to return to robberies. He finds his old friend, Lester Cross. Franklin also helps his friend Lamar, who is associated with the Chamberlain Gangster Families, which is opposed by the Ballas gang. One of the honorary members of the Families, Harold "Stretch" Joseph, with whom Franklin has a tense relationship, returns from prison. Lamar also gives Franklin his dog Chop for his care.

Michael and Lester prepare a robbery at the Vangelico jewelry store. Together with Franklin and other gang members, Michael raids the store and takes out about five million dollars. He pays off Martin, and together with Franklin decides to lie low.

But during the robbery, Michael gives himself away with the phrase he said at Ludendorff in 2004: “Every day you forget a thousand little things. Let this be one of them." And he is recognized by this phrase by Trevor Phillips, who at that time was watching a news report about the robbery. Trevor lives in Sandy Shores, a small town in Blaine County. He has his own drug company, Trevor Philips Industries. But in his way stand the Lost bikers, who, after the collapse of the club in Liberty City, moved to Blaine County. Trevor, in a fit of rage, kills their president, Johnny Klebitz. Also, Trevor's business is hampered by the Latin American group Varrios Los Aztecas, which attacks his drug factory. Trevor repels the attack and kills the gang leader, Ortega. Tao Chen, the son of Wei Chen, the leader of the triad in San Andreas, begins working with Trevor. But Trevor’s competitors, the O’Neill brothers, lure him into their business. Trevor destroys their house. The surviving O'Neils and Wei Chen want revenge (the latter, Tao's father, wants this due to the fact that they lost a buyer because of Phillips).

With the help of his friend Wade, Trevor finds Michael in Los Santos. The friends reunite, but their relationship is tense - Trevor considers Michael a traitor who faked his death and absconded with the money. Michael meets with Dave Norton and his colleague Steve Haynes and, on their instructions, with Trevor and Franklin, rescues the man Ferdinand Kerimov, the FBI needs, from the TsUR building (a game parody of the CIA). Then, under the leadership of Trevor, the heroes steal a secret weapon from the military security organization Merryweather, which, however, has to be returned. Michael quarrels with his family, and Amanda and the children leave. Michael, Trevor and Franklin, on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank, rob a cash van with money, and Michael meets Devin Weston, a wealthy businessman who instructs the heroes to steal several rare cars for him. Weston introduces Michael to Solomon Richards, a famous film director, who invites de Sante to be the producer of his new film.

Martin Madrazo calls Michael and offers him a job. Together with Trevor, he blows up a jet plane and steals securities from it for Madrazo. But Martin refuses to pay, and Trevor, in anger, kidnaps his wife Patricia, with whom he subsequently becomes romantically involved. Michael and Trevor are forced to leave town for a while and move into Phillips' trailer in Sandy Shores. Trevor and his friend Ron hijack a Merryweather plane with weapons, but are shot down by fighters. Together with Michael and Franklin, Trevor kills the surviving O'Neil brothers. They then raid a bank in Paleto Bay, but most of the proceeds are given to the Federal Reserve Bank. To pay back Madrazo, Michael and Trevor rob the Merryweather train. Finally, together with Dave Norton and Steve Haynes, they steal a neurotoxin from a military laboratory. Trevor returns his wife Martina, Michael returns to the city.

The heroes are preparing for the main heist in the game - the Federal Vault heist. Trevor suddenly wonders who is in Michael Townley's grave instead of him. Trevor decides to get to Ludendorff to find out everything. Michael also flies to Yankton in pursuit of him. Trevor digs up the grave and finds Brad's body in it. Suddenly, Wei Chen's bandits appear. Trevor escapes, but Michael is captured by the Chinese. Franklin, meanwhile, delivers all the cars to Weston, but Devin refuses to pay. With Lester's help, Franklin finds Michael and saves him. Michael returns to the film studio. Devin Weston tries to take over Richards' new film, but Michael stops him. With the help of Dr. Friedlander, Michael is reunited with his family. Along with Franklin, Michael raids the FIB building and steals valuable files for Norton and Haynes. Norton arranges a meeting with Michael, which turns out to be an ambush by FIB, IAA and Merryweather agents orchestrated by Steve Haynes. With the help of Trevor who suddenly appears, Michael and Dave are saved.

Meanwhile, Franklin's friend, Lamar, is captured by the Ballas at a sawmill in Paleto Bay. With the help of Michael and Trevor, Franklin rescues Lamar. As it turns out, Stretch was behind this, betraying the gang and defecting to Ballas. Steve Haynes and Dave Norton assign Franklin to kill Trevor, who is a big problem for them. Michael and Jimmy head to the premiere of Solomon Richards' film Meltdown, which Michael is producing. But Michael's mansion is attacked by Merryweather agents hired by Devin Weston. Michael kills all the agents and saves the family. The heroes raid the Federal vault and take out $200 million. Devin Weston comes to Franklin and instructs him to kill Michael.

If in GTA 5 the missions of the main storyline are completed and 100 percent progress is achieved, then you should not be disappointed.

The main narrative gives a lot of positive emotions, but even after its completion there is something to do in the world of San Andres.

The developers have prepared a huge amount of all kinds of entertainment that will captivate you for dozens of additional hours. You can find out all the details about them from this article.

World tour and photography

Completing missions in GTA 5 does not mean that the adventure can be completed and the game should be deleted. Even without going into multiplayer mode, there are activities you can do to keep yourself entertained. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the beautiful world around us, which can be seen in the example of Los Santos. Even simply exploring the nooks and crannies of the metropolis and other places on the mainland can be fun.

The game has very beautiful places that are worth visiting

At the same time, the player will discover incredible beauty, interesting references to other projects and much more. To make your exploration more fun, you can set yourself the goal of taking a selfie with all the animals in San Andres. They must be alive, and completion of such a task will be rewarded with an achievement.

Cars, stunts and more

After completing GTA 100 percent, the player should definitely start his own collection of cars. Users have the opportunity to upgrade any car, which will become the coolest on the streets of Los Santos.

After this, it is recommended to drive around the streets a little, test the controls and stop at a red light next to some driver. This will be a kind of challenge similar to a short distance race. The diversity of the world in GTA 5 can be felt at the moment when the player slowly drives a cool car along Vespucci Street.

You can build your own collection of tuned cars

If you move at minimum speed, you can see how non-player characters begin to take pictures of the car. Returning to the topic of photographs, you can see an interesting secret if you get into any of the mansions in Vinewood, where the girls are swimming in the pool. At the same time, you need to have time to take a selfie with them. The entertainment is one-time, but the fun is worth your time.

After this, the player can take a BMX bike and go train in stunts. If you manage to create your own combinations, you can make a video and post it for public viewing in special services. This requires time and patience, but the result will definitely bring satisfaction.

Complete chaos

If tasks and missions in GTA 5 are not enjoyable, then you should try a proven scheme. In any of the parts of the series there was simple entertainment such as turning the streets into a real hell. To do this, you should stock up on weapons, codes for immortality and plenty of ammunition. Conquering Los Santos using this method, as well as seeing the reaction of law enforcement agencies, is worthy of attention. The activity doesn’t last long, but those who love a challenge should definitely capture the military base. The player, on behalf of one of the characters, for example Michael, calls Trevor and Franklin and invites them to have a drink.

Raise hell on the streets of Los Santos

Instead of going to the pub, you should go to the northwest coast, where there is a facility with maximum security. The fight against the military people will drag on for a long time, and the assault may not even succeed the first time. As a prize, you can receive interesting equipment for your collection.

If this level of mayhem seems insufficient and you want something original, then go as Trevor at night under the main bridge. The player will see such a diverse audience that there will be no limits to surprise. Hippies, homeless people, outcasts and other individuals with unusual behavior will be able to entertain with their conversations.

Sports passion

Of course, completing 100 percent includes some entertainment from the list of sports activities, but even after that you should not give up trying to become a champion. Darts and billiards are easy enough to learn, but golf is a tough challenge.

This game will require several hours of time and even developing your own tactics. Plus, this is an opportunity to earn good money and gain additional achievements. When such sports activities begin to get boring, the player can go skydiving.

Spend your free time playing golf

This method also pumps up the character's stamina. Ski jumping can be a great experience and an adrenaline rush. All you need to do is take a good motorcycle, go through a few training sessions, and then record your tricks for the collection. The same applies to air tests on airplanes and helicopters of various types.

Exploring the world from above can be even more fun. Another enjoyable attraction is the shooting range. Shooting tests are also necessary for complete completion, but for variety you should look a few times. Becoming a master of all sports in GTA 5 is not so easy and only a few users can boast of such an achievement.

Additional missions

In GTA 5, the additional mission called “Strangers and Oddballs” is recommended to be completed completely even after reaching 100 percent in the passage. This indicator requires only 20 out of 58 possible tasks, but no one limits the user in this regard. The developers have worked hard so that these quests can be of interest to unusual personalities and stories with unpredictable turns of events. For example, during one of the tasks the player will meet a person who is fighting in every way for the legalization of marijuana.

You can complete the game 100% by completing random missions

These missions are a great opportunity to brighten up time in the signature style of GTA 5. This activity will captivate the user for ten hours. You should also not ignore random events if they occur on the streets of Los Santos. In the game, these are considered to be incidents involving non-player characters. They occur in certain places at the moment when one of the main characters is nearby. To complete 100 percent you need 14 out of 57, but you can continue to have fun using this method. A random incident is always a joy to see, because it introduces chaos, variety and sets an additional goal for the player. This is why GTA 5 is loved by millions of people.

Stock Exchange

Making money is one of the main goals in the world of San Andreas. The currency will allow you to buy the best vehicles and real estate. In this case, you should pay attention to Lester's missions in GTA 5. They are related to investments on the stock exchange. If you complete all five tasks from this character, the total amount of funds will increase tenfold.

The first task, called "Murder - Hotel", is completed as Franklin. The point is to use all your money to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on the BAWSAQ market. After this, you should save 12 times at home, and the securities will become more expensive by 81.5 percent. The essence of the second task “Murder - 4 targets” is even simpler.

Play the stock market to earn millions

It is necessary to use the money of three heroes to look at the LCN exchange and buy shares of Debonaire Cigarettes. Then you should wait 2-3 hours until the competitor, Redwood, reaches the $50 mark. After this, all available shares should be sold and purchased by Redwood. Then again at home you should save 12 times, which equals four game days. As a result, the profit will be 300 percent of the initial amount.

The task “Murder - Panel” is completed using the same method, only operations are performed with Fruit and Facade. First, wait for the shares of the first company to rise to 51 percent, and then sell and buy the second ones. The fourth task is related to Vapid shares on the BAWSAQ exchange. Again, you should invest all the money, wait 2 days and withdraw twice the amount. The last mission is identical to the previous one, only shares of the Goldcoast company, and the profit is 81 percent.

Hi all. Gamebizclub team is in touch. Today we present to you a detailed review of GTA 5 - one of the best games of recent years and also the highest quality simulator of gangster life. This game was released on April 14, 2015, and from that moment on, there probably isn’t a gamer who isn’t at least a little interested in it.

From this article you will learn:

The whole world is at your feet

Let's start, perhaps, with the storyline, which from the first minutes draws you into the game headlong. Check out its official trailer.

The prologue throws you into the thick of things, namely a bank robbery located in North Yankton. Here you have intimidation of clerks, and explosions, and shootouts with hated cops, and only three minutes have passed since the moment you launched the recently installed toy.

After the prologue, the main development of events begins - you begin the passage as a black boy, Franklin, who dreams of big money and trades in the notorious thefts for the owner of a local car dealership.

It would seem to be a cliché - in all games of this franchise we start playing as a simple gangster and try to develop faster. However, not everything is so simple - as the gamer progresses, he has the opportunity to play for two more characters - the calm and calculating Michael Townley de Santa, as well as the hot-tempered and, perhaps, the most charismatic of the entire trinity, Trevor Philips.

So, the presence of three main characters, instead of one, is already something new, but the developers decided that such an innovation would not be enough, so a lot of different entertainment appeared that are available in parallel with the passage of the game, for example, games on the stock exchanges during Lester’s tasks - thanks to the cunning manipulations in the style of Jordan Bellfort (we sincerely hope that you know about such a magnificent schemer) can raise colossal sums on LCN and BAWSAQ, such as: by the end of the storyline, all three characters can earn themselves about 6 billion dollars, or even more .

The natural question would be: “Why such amounts?” The answer is extremely simple - this is Grand Theft Auto 5, with all its tunings, prostitutes, bars, and no one canceled the purchase of real estate (although, of course, they really wanted to: Dan Houser in his interview for Game Informer, ten months before the release of the game on the shelves, complained that the acquisition of real estate would be eradicated from the series, however, fans of the franchise turned the tide).

Real estate, by the way, costs incredible amounts of money, for example, for a golf club, a gamer will have to fork out $150 million, and this is not the only property - as many as 27 real estate properties are available throughout Los Santos and Blaine County. Of these, only two will be given to the character for free; the remaining 25 will have to be purchased for heavy bags of cash.

Among other things, one cannot fail to note the very atmosphere of the game - the majority of Russian (and, most likely, all NON-English-speaking gamers) are tearing their hair out and are indignant at the lack of Russian voice acting.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, learn English, because RockStar does not give permission to translate Grand Theft Auto V into other languages.

In principle, this is understandable - it’s hard to imagine how localizers will convey the character, charisma and accents of the characters. Although subtitles in Russian are present in the game.

The staging of cut scenes, the development of dialogues, everything was done with a bang. I’m very pleased with the whimsical humor, as well as references to other interesting things in the real world - it’s no secret that the developers are warming to Easter eggs.

Three bandits - three cheerful friends

We talked briefly about each of the characters, but came to the conclusion that a barely noticeable mention is not what the main characters deserve.

Let's start with Franklin - a fairly typical character in such games, he makes small, and, of course, illegal earnings, with the help of “brothers from the area.” The guy is open to adventures, and feels confident behind the wheel - his special ability is to slow down the passage of time while he is behind the wheel. This, by the way, helps a lot in passing various kinds of turns, evading police raids, and in general, a very cool skill.

Michael De Santa, born Michael Townley, is Trevor's old friend and accomplice, now a man who wants to retire from everything. Mike's calm and measured life is interrupted when they try to steal a car from his house. Further, events for him begin to get tangled up in such a tangle that your headphones getting tangled in your pocket is just a child’s prank. You will often be asked to shoot for this guy, and the good news is that he shoots excellently. If it’s really bad, you can slow down time and deal with opponents in the manner of Max Payne, however, you won’t have to jump and do other acrobatic sketches, after all, Mr. Townley is no longer 20.

For dessert, Trevor Phillips is a drunk, a murderer and just a good person who gets very angry at the slightest mention of his Canadian accent. In his assets he has a friend Ron and an employee of the Chief - a sort of analogue of Walter White - the guy fights off attacks from competitors on the laboratory, which his friends proudly call Trevor Philips Industries, where Trevor spends a lot of time. Often, when switching to Trevor, you will find him in mental anguish - he will drink, climb on roofs, yell at everyone and beat up those who have distinguished themselves. They can periodically go on a rampage, providing incredible resistance to damage that the Hulk himself would envy.

After all three get acquainted, the incredible begins - torture, surveillance, chases and even work for the government, if you can call it that. And what are Trevor’s love urges worth? Such a subtle picking of girls probably looks very nice for such an ambitious Mr. Phillips.

By the way, there are a lot of moments with sexual overtones in the game, so in order not to injure your relatives, perfect the art of instantly turning off the monitor, or master the tactics code-named “Alt+Tab”. Hundreds of words are on the tongue, but it’s impossible to pick just one, since the action taking place on the screen is almost impossible to describe in words.

New Features

Gameplay is the strong point of most games in this series, so for the purposes of this review, it would be wrong to ignore it. Since Grand Theft Auto V is already the 15th game released by the developers within this franchise, our editors anticipate a reasonable question from the reader: “What can surprise this game?” and we declare with all confidence: “Everyone! Absolutely everyone!” Now in order:

  • A huge world, completely open to exploration and interaction with it: often rushing along the highway, or exploring city alleys, you will meet random people who need your help. What’s more remarkable is that some of them will more than repay your kindness, while others will even be ready to go to “deal” with you.
  • On PC and nextgen consoles there is a first-person view, and now GTA can be positioned as the most complete life simulator of all existing ones.
  • Switching between the main characters - during the game you can change one character to another at any time (if, of course, they are already open). Each of them has their own family, home, and life itself, into which you are literally thrown into as the game progresses. This can only be prevented by completing a mission or being chased by the police, but this is understandable, the artificial intelligence will not escape the chase for you, and it will not complete the mission.
  • For the first time, a game of this scale and type is equipped with an online mode, which will allow you to enjoy the game online with your friends. And if you create riots, the character will be assigned the status of “unreliable player” and he will be able to play on servers only with the same hooligans.
  • Lots of entertainment in case you get tired of playing: tennis, a strip club, an amusement park and much, much more.
  • For those who like to easily get a lot of money in multiplayer mode, there is now a donation; in total there are four types of purchased cards costing from 100 to 700 rubles.
  • LS Customs showrooms offer a wide range of different parts and accessories, making car tuning more than entertaining.

In addition to all of the above, I would like to talk about the implementation of such missions as plot robberies - here the gamer really has somewhere to roam.

For example, you yourself select a team to carry out this work, and it happens that thanks to certain decisions made during a free walk around the colorful Los Santos, you have additional accomplices. When planning heists, there are several options for completing them; as a rule, two ways are available - like Agent 47, do everything quietly in the first couple of minutes and then run away, or have fun on the ground, blowing up everything in your path.

And, of course, next-gen graphics - nowadays, looking back at the more boxy releases of the series of games under discussion, it’s hard to say that GTA used to stand out due to its graphical performance, the emphasis was on gameplay and interactivity, but now all parameters are implemented at a high level . You can praise the picture endlessly; even the reflections, light and shadows are executed at the highest level.

The entire GTA series is distinguished by the presence of interesting moments, and the fifth part is no exception.

The amazing interactivity of the game world is breathtaking - your antics are constantly mentioned on radio stations, and some are even broadcast on television. And the variety of actions outside the plot is literally limitless. For example, the opportunity to purchase real estate, which allows you to complete additional tasks in order to get even more money. As we indicated above, for misconduct in multiplayer mode the player is “sent” to servers for unreliable gamers, but even here there are some interesting things - such an offense is the only opportunity to receive a cap with the inscription Dunce (stupid).

The iFruit mobile device app appears in GTA 5. With its help, you can buy cars and tune them. Franklin also has a dog, Chop, which can be trained through this application. The dog can be taught various tricks and commands: sit, lie down, give me a paw, etc. Training helps develop your dog’s skills: it will listen and help you better, and it will use its scent to find the nearest hidden object when you take Chop out for a walk.

Rockstar Games also decided to make fun of the traditional way of the modern world - most of you are probably into social networks - there is LifeInvander for you, please hang out as much as you want in the virtual analogue of VKontakte and Litsokniga. Online shopping is also available and, of course, what changed the world! The thing that made a splash! Let’s not bore you with intrigue – selfies! Now you can photograph not only what surrounds you, but also your loved one.

To be or not to be

If you are still wondering: is GTA 5 worth playing?, then our answer is clear - absolutely! And in order to dispel all doubts, let’s summarize the positive and negative aspects of the game:

  1. A huge game world with a high degree of interactivity.
  2. Excellent realization of the surrounding world and the objects that fill it.
  3. Lots of options for spending time, even if the missions are over.
  4. Online mode.
  5. Colorful dialogues and picturesque cut scenes.

In its full form, this list will consist of dozens of items, so we will leave the opportunity to add to it to your taste, dear readers.

We were not able to identify any disadvantages, since the toy is implemented at the highest level.


I can describe this masterpiece for an infinitely long time, so we definitely advise you purchase this wonderful game, because it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

This concludes our review; we sincerely hope that this article has provided comprehensive answers to all your questions. Subscribe to blog updates and leave your feedback in the comments. Bye everyone.

It all starts back in 2004, when three best friends, who also happen to be robbers, decide to rob a bank in North Yankton. Everything goes according to plan - the robbers manage to take a big jackpot and jump into the car, but in a chase with the police, not the fastest car gets into an accident and the thieves have to run away from the police on their own. The robbers were Trevor Phillips, Michael Townley and their mutual friend Brad. In a shootout, Michael and Brad are wounded by FBI agent Dave Norton, and Trevor manages to escape the crime scene. Mr. Townley cooperates with the Federal Security Service, who staged his own death so that he could retire.

The main action of the game takes place in 2013 in Los Santos, San Andreas. The player gets to meet Franklin, a real guy from the area who works for a man named Simon, who tasks him and Lamar with stealing his clients' cars. This is how Michael meets Franklin Clinton, who tried to steal his son’s car. Franklin offers Michael his services, because he is a professional car thief, which means he knows how to handle stolen cars. From this moment on, the friendship between a former professional robber and a petty thief begins. But Townley’s carefree retirement must come to an end, and the reason for this is his wife Amanda, who cheats on him left and right, either with a tennis coach or with a yoga teacher. It was the yoga teacher that Michael “grabbed by the balls” when he attached them to his wife. The pursuit of the yogi ends with Mr. Townley destroying one of the houses in the most expensive area, and this is how Michael meets Martin Madrazo, the leader of one of the most influential mafia clans in Los Santos. Madrazo gives Michael a deadline to return two and a half million dollars. Townley has no choice but to contact his friend Lester, who 10 years ago organized a couple of high-profile robberies between him and Trever. Michael is destined to return to the world of big money, cooperation with the FBI, high-profile murders and kidnappings, and he decides to involve his friend and assistant, Franklin, in all of this.

Decisive twist in the plot.

Lester and Michael begin organizing a robbery at the Vangelico jewelry store in the heart of Los Santos. The money received should be enough to pay off the debt of Martin Madras and the comfortable life of each of the accomplices. This time everything goes like clockwork, the robbers break away from the police in the sewers of the largest city, and then safely lie to the bottom, only there is one big “BUT” in all this - Michael utters his catchphrase to the store security guard during the robbery. It is by this phrase that Trevor, who was watching the news broadcast at that time, recognizes his former accomplice and best friend.

Rejoice and shake with fear!

And finally the moment has come when you and I have to meet the most eccentric hero of GTA 5 - Mr. Trevor Philips. No one treats this character indifferently: he is either hated for his lifestyle and permissiveness, or adored. Trevor lives, or rather exists, in the small town of Sandy Shores. He founded his own company and called it Trevor Phillips Industries, the type of activity of which is very, very specific: the organization is engaged in the sale and transportation of weapons and drugs. And Trevor would have continued to kill, beat and mock the population of the small town, if not for his “dead friend” Michael. Mr. Phillips is very concerned about this issue, so he gives one of his assistants the task of going to Los Santos and finding Michael Townley there, who, in his opinion, should have been in the next world for a long time. And while Wade is looking for a forty-year-old robber in the metropolis, Trevor, along with his partner, Ron, destroys the Lost biker gang and their airport, destroys the house of the O'Neil brothers, who are competitors of Trevor Philips Industries in the drug business, and terrorizes Blaine County in every possible way . But he doesn’t even suspect that very soon he will have to see his former friend, who betrayed them, and now lives carefree in the most luxurious city.

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Grand Theft Auto V(also known as GTA V or GTA 5) is a video game created by Rockstar Games and is the fifteenth installation in the Grand Theft Auto series of games. The game is also linked with Grand Theft Auto Online, a game released in October that takes place in the same setting but shortly before the events of GTA V.

For full details on the announcement, buildup, hype and leaks of GTA V, see History of GTA V.


Game Information

3D Universe
2D Universe
GTA 1 Era
3D Universe
2D Universe
GTA 2 Era
3D Universe
HD Universe
GTA IV EraThe Lost and Damned
The Ballad of Gay Tony



Michael, Franklin and Trevor then begin to work together to achieve their goals of earning enough money to live out of their lives, while also attempting to keep FIB agents Steve Haines , Dave Norton and Andreas Sanchez from arresting or killing them. Together they steal military hardware, "recover" a man from the IAA with information about a terrorist and perform a heist at a [-based bank, although Michael and Trevor briefly go into hiding after kidnapping Patricia Madrazo. Trevor also spends this time piecing together the events of and brings his suspicions to Michael who is unable to successfully deny the truth.

The truth revealed

Michael and Trevor, having planned to perform one last heist, go their separate ways with Trevor promising to return and kill Michael. Michael and Franklin, however, continue to work together by perform a terrorist attack on the FIB building , with the promise of being set free from their work with the FIB corrupt agents. They, however, double cross the group and plan another meeting, which is subsequently raided by FIB agents after having received information from Andreas Sanchez. Steve Haines escapes and leaves his partner Dave Norton behind. Norton, however, also escapes with help from Michael and Trevor, who agree to put their differences aside to work on one last heist.

The ending

Michael, Franklin and Trevor prepare for and then execute the heist, getting away with a vast sum of gold, which is later melted down and sold by Lester Crest . The crew gets its agreed share and the relationship between Michael, Franklin and Trevor ends. However, unknown to Michael and Trevor, Franklin had been contacted by the FIB to kill Trevor and by Devin Weston, a businessman and billionaire the trio had stolen cars for, to kill Michael.

The player, as Franklin, then has three choices: to kill Trevor for the FIB, to kill Michael for Devin Weston or to save both:

  • Killing Michael: If the player kills Michael, then he and Franklin will drive to a secluded spot before Michael is pushed off a water tower. Franklin can then either let him fall to his death or attempt to save him, causing Michael to headbutt him and fall to his death.
  • Killing Trevor: If the player kills Trevor, then Michael and Franklin will chase him to an oil plant where Trevor will crash his car into an oil tank, covering him with oil, which Franklin lights on fire.
  • Saving both: If the player decides to save both Michael and Trevor then the three work together one final time to attack FIB agents and Merryweather mercenaries before agreeing to split up and kill their various enemies. Michael agrees to kill Stretch , who had tried to get Franklin and Lamar killed on numerous occasions, Franklin agrees to kill Triad boss Wei Cheng , who had almost had a business relationship with Trevor and who had almost killed Michael, while Trevor is left to kill Steve Haines. Afterwards Trevor kidnaps Devin Weston and locks him in the boot Devin's car, which is driven to a secluded location and pushed into the Pacific Ocean by the trio. With Trevor and Michael reconciling, the three agree to remain friends, but end their relationships professionally.


Grand Theft Auto V was commercially successful within twenty-four hours of release having generated 800 million, equating to 13 million copies being sold, and set a new record for first-day sales. Three days after released, on September 20th, 2013, the game exceeded $1 billion, making it the fastest selling entertainment product in history. Six days after release, September 26, 2013, GTA V had become the UK's fastest-selling game of all time and the 24th biggest-selling game ever.


The mission By the Book generated significant controversy regarding its use of torture on Mr. K in order to extract information about an Azerbaijani terrorist. Trevor Philips uses various torture devices on Mr. K, who is strapped to a chair. Trevor is later asked by corrupt FIB

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