Rare weapons and where to find them in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Deus Ex: Invisible War weapon analysis Grenades and mines

Deus Ex: Human Revolution, one of the best games released this year, inspired yours truly so much that he decided to try his hand at blogging. For this reason, please do not throw poop at me :)
Here on Kanobu we have already seen many enthusiastic articles about this undoubtedly great game. But why is this game so attractive to us? In DE:HR, the line between the game universe and the real world is thinner than anywhere else. Literally all the technologies that are in the game are present today, they are just not as advanced. Since man has always succeeded in inventing means of destroying his own kind, Adam's arsenal will be analyzed.

10mm pistol

Detroit's 2027 police workhorse and a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of Adam Jensen. High accuracy, silence and, with an upgrade, huge damage make this weapon ideal for agents who prefer a lethal approach to missions. Allows you to destroy an enemy squad without being noticed. Apparently, this pistol is a development of the Glock 17 model, known for its power, convenience and reliability.
.357 revolver

As befits a revolver, this one offers monstrous stopping power at short range. A kind of pocket gun. With the upgrade to explosive shells, it makes you feel like Sylvester Stallone in Tango and Cash. In general, it follows the design of Magnum revolvers, but with one serious improvement: it uses caseless cartridges, which eliminate the long operation of emptying the drum of spent cartridges.

A weapon that evokes an involuntary nostalgic tear and a desire to wave a crowbar. Very powerful, absolutely silent, it makes canapés out of enemy infantry. It’s a pity that the ammunition is small, and I’m strained with arrows. Allows you to install a system that pre-specifies the point for a pre-emptive shot at a moving target. By the way, such devices already exist, but for now they determine the elevation of the sight for long-distance shooting.

Shock gun

A pistol that fires darts that, upon contact with a target, release a stream of electricity of several hundred thousand volts. An ideal solution for an agent who doesn't want to get their hands dirty. “Turns off” any soldier with one shot, which is very useful closer to the last third of the game, when heavy infantry does not want to die from headshots. Also disables robots and cameras for a while. The only drawback is the long reload time after each shot.

Honestly, it's a strange weapon. On the one hand, the weapon is non-lethal, which means it should be suitable for secret attacks by pacifist agents. On the other hand, it is terribly noisy and does not guarantee knockout of the enemy when fired from a medium distance. It has no real analogues, since the operating principle is too complex and the efficiency is low.

Combat rifle

The combat rifle is the main weapon of any self-respecting Belltower mercenary. Fires large caliber finned projectiles similar to those used in modern assault shotguns to increase stopping power. It can be safely called a “dream rifle”, since for all its advantages it is practically devoid of disadvantages. Reminds me of a wild mixture of the current G11, FAMAS and F2000. The suitability of the rifle for combat at distances of more than 100 meters raises doubts, since the weapon is smooth-bore, and the design of the “feathered balls” is not conducive to firing at long distances. There are, of course, Steyr anti-tank rifles that fire feathered tungsten arrows, but that's a completely different story.

Submachine gun

A favorite of tank crews and gangsters, the submachine gun is designed to destroy groups of enemies at short ranges while providing the shooter with maximum mobility. Very reminiscent of TMP from Steyr. An excellent weapon that allows you to quickly kill groups of infidels from behind cover. The only drawback is that it eats cartridges like the author of this article eats cookies. That is, greedily and quickly.

Sniper rifle

Essentially, an inhumane weapon. The modern analogue in the form of the Barrett 50 caliber was prohibited for use in many cases, since even if a limb is wounded, there is a high risk of that very limb being torn off. In the game it has enormous penetrating power and range. It is noisy, but with constant changes of position it allows you to shoot soldiers with complete impunity. The customization system for a specific shooter is borrowed from the PSG-1. Thus, this rifle combines the power and range of a field rifle with the compactness and accuracy of a city sniper rifle.


An automatic shotgun with the very apt name "Widowmaker". Like two peas in a pod, it looks like the modern SRM Arms M1216. Used by agents who, as children, dug up the film "Rambo" in the family archive. We hide behind cover, wait for the patrol to pass by, and then sharply reduce the distance and kill everyone. A very powerful weapon, even without the double shot upgrade.

Tranquilizer rifle

A conventional air rifle that shoots darts that inject a series of sedatives into the target, rendering the target unconscious. The real ancestor is widely used by rangers to catch escaped animals. A shot to the unprotected head incapacitates the enemy instantly. The only drawback is that if you miss the head, the enemy may raise the alarm.

Mobile ATGM installation

The most powerful weapon in the game. Capable of killing a heavy mech and an accompanying group of soldiers in one shot. Takes up a huge 3x8 squares in your inventory. The most likely ancestor is the Carl Gustav anti-tank grenade launcher, which itself, of course, is not an ATGM installation, but many games use its image to create local weapons of mass destruction.

Laser machine

A very powerful weapon, capable of hitting targets behind obstacles. It's a pity that the hero receives it too late, and the ammunition is consumed very quickly. In fact, there are no modern operating mobile models of laser weapons, since powerful compact lasers do not currently exist, and the use of a laser to blind infantry is prohibited by international agreements.

Plasma rifle

BFG is alive! Plasma clots fly towards the target along an ionized path, which causes a low range of use. In reality, to hold the plasma, a powerful electromagnetic field is required, without which the plasma ejected from the barrel would immediately burn the shooter and everyone nearby. Of interest is a method that allows you to create a limiting field that simultaneously pushes projectiles towards the target.

Knives in hand implants

The knives in Adam's hand implants are expertly crafted. Long sharp blades make it possible to inflict extensive lacerations, and the chisel shape of the tip allows damage to the maximum number of vital organs during a stabbing blow.
The knife of Kochergin’s design was built using the same principle.

Unique implant. The operator takes a “pose,” and then a cloud of shrapnel, which has enormous kinetic energy, scatters from his back in all directions. The best weapon against bosses and large groups of strong opponents. The pacifists scream with indignation. The closest “relative” is the Arena tank defense system, which is capable of shooting down shells and missiles with a cloud of shrapnel.

Let's mention grenades and mines. The explosives reached 2027 in almost the same form as today. Except that the EMP bombs have significantly decreased in size.

Beus Ex: Human Revolution offers us an extensive arsenal of lethal and non-lethal weapons that can be adjusted to suit any playing style. Human Revolution gives the player freedom of choice. Real freedom.

Basic game mechanics Human Revolution- biomechanical implants with which our hero is stuffed. All improvements available in the game have already been implanted in Adam, but are turned off - Jensen’s brain has not yet recovered from his injuries and will not be able to control so many pieces of hardware if they are turned on at once. Therefore, we will connect the implants manually using Praxis software packages. Jensen receives one such package with each level increase - his brain slowly gets used to the new body. But if we want to speed up the process of addiction, we have a network of PROTEZ clinics at our service, where packages are sold for 5,000 credits apiece. In addition, “praxis” can be found in caches or received as a reward for some tasks.

Without implants, Jensen can do almost nothing - except maybe run, shoot and hide behind cover by pressing the right mouse button. Players will be taught all this in the first mission - with the exception of one nuance. There are two ways to fire from behind cover - either the usual “look, aim, shoot” method or blindly - shoot without sticking your head out. The probability of hitting a target with such a shot is extremely low, unless the enemy is very close to Adam’s shelter.

Body Enhancement System

Hit him in the neck, break his arm, and then knock him out with a blow to the temple. And let him say thank you for staying alive.

To expand his capabilities, Jensen needs to improve his mechanical body. All implants are divided into seven large groups, in addition, each implant has its own improvement tree. To turn on the implant itself you need to spend two praxis chips, to activate any improvement - one.

Skull modifications

The largest group of implants, which includes, among other things, a bunch of devices for hacking electronics. Hacked at all everything - computer networks, security terminals, control panels and electronic locks. A universal manipulator was not invented back in 2027, so what can you do?

Hacking is a mini-game. A small directed graph appears on the screen - nodes and connecting them ribs, and each node has its own level. At first, Jensen controls one “home” node. The task is to move along the edges from the home node to the target node, capturing all points along the way. From one node you can move simultaneously along several edges to capture several points at once. The higher the level of the node, the more time it takes to capture and the higher the likelihood that our presence will be detected by the defense system.

Wherever this ventilation shaft leads, we definitely won’t meet any guards in it.

After activating the protection system from a special node symbolizing a firewall, a computer will begin to move towards our home node - in the same way capturing nodes connected to “its” nodes. You can slow down the progress by strengthening your points - this takes time and distracts the player, but increases their level of defense. If the firewall finds our home node before we capture the target one, the hack will fail, and the network will be blocked for about thirty seconds at best. At worst, an alarm will be raised and security will start looking for the would-be hacker.

To facilitate the hacking process, Jensen can use viruses - "nuke", which allow you to capture any node instantly and without the risk of detection, as well as "worms", stopping the protection system for a few seconds. But these viruses need to be carried around on disks, and they take up space.

There are several types of nodes: custom folders serve only as “transshipment points”, storage may contain money or virus programs, which Jensen will immediately write to his disk, spam directories will fill the firewall with a mountain of rubbish, slowing down its progress, and access nodes scatter several protection increases and decreases among randomly selected nodes.

No network can resist our hacker implants.

Hacking: Capture

This implant is active from the very beginning of the game. Initial improvements - first level capture, which will allow hacking electronics of the first level of protection, and camera hacking, which will allow you to disable cameras by hacking the security terminal.

The upgrade tree for this implant consists of two branches. The first of them contains four improvements - captures of the second, third, fourth And fifth levels. Whatever your playstyle, it makes sense to activate everything - the ability to open any locked door is worth a lot. Please note that before traveling to the island of Hensha, Adam will not encounter any castles higher third level, and the locks fifth level will appear only in the last third of the game - starting with Montreal.

They hacked the security computer and reconfigured the sentry turret. In a couple of seconds our enemies will be surprised to death.

The second branch of improvements includes first turret control, and then robot control, allowing you to hack the security terminal and reprogram the security turrets and guard bots connected to it, respectively: turn them off or configure them to attack your enemies.

The ability to hack turrets is priceless - good people don’t have them at their bases, but bad people will break them without a twinge of conscience. A hacked turret gets rid of its former owners in the blink of an eye. But guard bots are rarely useful - there are very few of them. The truly final improvement in this branch will only come in handy in Singapore, at the very end of the game.

We are not afraid of this small but deadly robot. Jensen reached the security terminal and reprogrammed it.

Hacking analysis unit

The starting improvement that comes with this implant is detection capability assessment. It will allow Jensen to see the chances that a hacked node will be detected by the security system by simply hovering over the node. Second improvement ( data warehouse analyzer) will allow you to view the contents of all storage nodes in the same way.

There is absolutely no sense, either from the first or from the second. If you have time, you'll grab the vault anyway. If not, why do you care what was in it? And the probability of capture is already displayed after clicking on the node.

Hacking: Fortification

Another implant available from the very beginning. The starting improvement will allow you to “strengthen” your nodes by one level, the second by two, and the third by three. There is almost never enough time or hands to strengthen the points, so there is no point in developing the implant beyond the first level.

Hacking: Stealth

Reduces the chances of you being detected by the defense system when capturing or strengthening nodes. The initial improvement will reduce the probability by 15%, the second by 30%, and the third by 45%. If the mini-game is difficult, it makes sense to increase your stealth, otherwise, even without this implant, everything will be hacked just fine.

Pathfinder radar system

Jensen's mini-card is issued from the very beginning of the game. At the first level, detects enemies, surveillance cameras and robots at a distance up to 25 meters. The second level of radar will increase the detection radius up to 50 meters, and, in addition, the radar will begin to detect all enemies, and not just those whom Adam sees or hears. A very useful thing.


Two-way communication system built into the head. Issued from the very beginning, does not improve, serves for plot negotiations with superiors and colleagues. I must say that Jensen’s communication system is better than the one that will be implemented in Denton in a couple of decades - JC’s infolink will only work for reception.

Social corrector

An invaluable implant for all lovers of dialogue playthroughs. Turns every conversation in the game almost into a separate mini-game.

In disputes with key characters, the proofreader will analyze the interlocutor’s vital signs and display brief personality description. It gives hints about what arguments the character will press you with and how you should respond to them. In addition, the screen will appear polygraph tape, which will mark the interlocutor’s reaction to your words. If the stripe on the tape creeps up, you are bending the correct line, if downward, your character’s words are not convincing.

Do you see Adam? And the enemies don't see. And he is.

At the beginning of any conversation, the social corrector will show Adam the sensors personality type - alpha,beta or omega. During the dialogue, these sensors will periodically be highlighted, and it is recommended to look at them. The frequency with which the sensors respond does not mean anything - only their values. A gauge on which all three bars are filled at least once indicates the personality type with one hundred percent probability. At some points in the dialogue, the social corrector will suggest spray pheromones- then the fate of the dispute will be decided by one remark, and the player will need to choose the correct tone of this very remark. Alpham needed in everything indulge, reasonable, but vain bet - charm compliments, and omegas will break under pressure. A correctly chosen tone will instantly end the argument in Adam's favor, but the wrong one can just as easily end it in favor of the opponent.

Stealth Monitor

The starting upgrade for this implant will display on the minimap the radius within which the noise you make can be heard. Not a very useful thing - as if we ourselves have no idea how much noise we make. Further improvements to the stealth monitor are divided into three branches.

The first of these consists of improving " viewing area", after which enemies' vision cones will be displayed on the mini-map. The improvement would be useful if even without it we couldn’t see on the mini-map which direction the enemies were facing.

The second branch improvement allows Jensen to see on the minimap the place where his opponents last noticed him. But again - the opponents can clearly see where they saw Adam for the last time - they keep this place at gunpoint and carefully try to surround it.

The third branch consists of three improvements called tagging and tracking. The improvement will allow you to mark three targets on the first level, five on the second, and seven targets on the third, the positions of which will be displayed on the screen and mini-map. Tracking operates at a distance of up to one hundred meters. But throughout the entire game there will not be a single situation where you would have to keep track of three, five or seven opponents.

A candidate for the title of the most useless implant in the game.

Lieutenant Wagner is a pronounced “omega”. And now we will bark at him properly.

Torso modifications

Health monitoring system "Guardian RX"

Issued from the very beginning and cannot be further improved. One of the starting improvements to this system is our on-screen health indicator, and the second is health regeneration. The system will begin to restore Adam's health automatically if he does not receive damage for several seconds. But this process is depressingly slow - there is nothing to even think about recovering directly in battle.

ON A NOTE: in emergency cases, you can treat yourself using painkillers or stimulants. They not only restore health, but can also push it above the maximum level.

Energy converter "Sharif-8"

Issued from the start with two initial improvements, each of which is the first in its branch. The left branch opens basic energy level, which will give Jensen two bioenergy storage cells. Energy levels can be improved three times, each time receiving an additional battery-power unit. Batteries are wasted on activating the implants, and are also discharged before our eyes if Adam is electrocuted or discharged by EMP.

The right branch begins base recharge speed, which can be improved twice. An energy unit with at least 1% charge remaining at the first level of improvement begins to recharge 10 seconds after the end of use and will be fully charged in 30 seconds; on the second - it starts charging after 5 seconds and charges in 25 seconds; on the third - it will start charging instantly, charging in 20 seconds. Jensen's last remaining power unit Always retains 1% charge and therefore always recharges. Stay at all It’s impossible to play without bioenergy in the game.

ON A NOTE: To recharge a completely depleted energy unit, you need to eat a special nutrition bar (restores one battery), a pack of candy bars (two batteries) or a can of energy drink (three).

Implanted breathing device

In the starting configuration it will give Adamu immunity to poisonous gases. The next two upgrades will increase the maximum sprint duration - each adding 2.5 seconds to it. Immunity to asphyxiating gases is certainly useful, but the extra sprint time is not so much. Adam will hardly need to run for more than two seconds.

Typhoon system

An experimental military development, cartridges for which are sold mainly in PROTEZ clinics. Requires manual activation. Will eat when used one "battery" and scatters mini-bombs around Adam, striking all living things within a radius of eight meters. At the second level, bombs will begin to hit everyone Not living - that is, robots.

In addition, “Typhoon” makes dealing with bosses noticeably easier, which is valuable even for the most humane Jensens - despite the fact that under normal conditions the “kill everyone around” button is completely unnecessary for Adam the spy.”

Hand modifications

Cyber ​​prosthetic hand

Issued from the very beginning. In the starting configuration, it allows Jensen to fight in hand-to-hand combat. Behind one power unit By pressing the “defuse” button, Adam will stun the enemy. And according to clamped the same button will kill you. It works, of course, only if the enemy is in the access zone. The main method of silent execution during covert passage.

Moving heavy objects- a very useful improvement. It will not only allow Jensen to throw all sorts of refrigerators and vending machines at enemies, but will also give him the opportunity to find secret passages, ventilation shafts, sewer hatches and the like behind them. But from breaking through walls There is less use - cracked walls that can be broken through are easily removed with explosives. But the improvement will begin to mark such walls as active objects, making it easier to find hiding places.

A gorilla with a machine gun is armored to the ears, but a well-aimed shot to the head will knock him down too.

These two improvements provide access to recoil compensation, which at the first level will halve the spread of automatic weapons, and at the second level will remove the recoil completely. Indispensable for aggressive players.

Improvements lifting capacity moderately useful - they expand the inventory, which will not be superfluous. But you should definitely not take them in the first place.

ON A NOTE: Initially, Jensen's backpack is eight cells wide and seven cells high. Each improvement in carrying capacity will add two more columns to it, that is, fourteen cells. The maximum inventory size that can be achieved in the game is 7x14. For comparison: a pistol takes up a 2x3 rectangle, an assault rifle takes up 2x5, and heavy weapons like a rocket launcher can reach 3x8 in size.

Sight stabilizer

Needed in case Jensen shoots while running. At the first level, it will halve the spread of bullets from movement, at the second, it will remove the effect of running completely.

It will be useful for Jensen the shooter, but Jensen the spy doesn’t need it at all.”

The main character's backpack is not nearly as large as we would like. Even taking into account that it can be expanded.

Leg modifications

Cyber ​​prosthetic leg

As in the case of the hand, it is set to Jensen from the start of the game. In the basic configuration, it only allows you to walk.

Jumping improvement will allow Adam to jump three meters - and this is definitely worth taking, and first of all. Allows you to jump over low fences, climb into hard-to-reach places, cut corners and find a lot of workarounds. And here improved running speed, which will speed up the sprint, is practically useless - we won’t have to sprint very often.

Improvement silent running when activated, it will slowly begin to consume the energy of the batteries, but will make Jensen’s steps completely inaudible. Further improvements to this branch - silent fast running And silent jumps- will enhance the effect. Secretive Adams are moderately useful, combative ones do not need it at all.

Skin Modifications

Camouflage system

When activated it will start fast eat up the energy of the batteries, but will make Jensen completely invisible (but not inaudible!) both for enemies and for cameras, robots and laser alarm beams. It is almost irreplaceable for covert passage, since it allows you to cross open spaces right in front of the enemy’s nose, as well as pass through any defense systems simply straight away.

At the first level, one power unit is enough for three seconds of disguise, on the second - on five, on the third - on seven.

Skin armor

Simply and artlessly reduces damage received. At the first level by 15%, on the second - by 30%, on the third - by 45%. At first glance, the implant is far from essential, if not for one “but”. After the second level, a branch will appear in his tree - EMP protection, which completely eliminates damage received by the hero from EMP grenades and electrical discharges. And this will not only help a lot in passing, it will also make dealing with some bosses much easier. Jensen simply must get this improvement on his first trip to Hansha Island, because already in Montreal he will face a difficult battle among exposed electrical cables.

Back modifications

Icarus system

When falling from a height, it automatically activates a magnetic “cushion” that will smoothly lower the hero to the ground. A very nice thing, almost indispensable for finding workarounds. Often, detours end on roofs, from which the only way is down.

If you hold down the attack button while falling, Jensen will release the energy of the "pillow" into the ground upon landing, stunning and knocking down enemies around him. Once or twice per game can come in handy.

Reflex booster

Allows you to stun or kill two opponents at once in hand-to-hand combat in one “neutralization”. Fast, effective, relatively silent, and not to mention spectacular... At the beginning of the game, opponents are perfectly neutralized one at a time, but starting from the second third, there will be an indecent number of paired patrols. This is where Jensen's lightning-fast reflexes come in handy.

The Icarus landing system in action. Jensen glides majestically towards the ground.

Eye modifications


Requires manual activation. While it's on, it slowly drains battery energy, but gives Jensen the ability to see enemies through walls. The radius of vision is not very large, but you can see what is going on in the next room. And we don’t need anything else. The value to Jensen the spy is obvious.

But Jensen the warrior wouldn't hurt either. The game has weapons that allow you to shoot through walls, - however, it will appear closer to the end. Before his second trip to Hensha Island, even the warlike Adam should activate this implant.

Ocular prosthesis

The last of the implants activated without our direct participation. It is thanks to him that Jensen sees all the interface sensors, the mini-map, markers and the sight.

Flash suppressor will permanently make Adam immune to the effects of flash grenades. A very useful thing, especially considering that Adam himself will often throw flashbang grenades.

And here alarm timer, which analyzes the behavior and reflex movements of opponents, is practically useless. After raising the alarm, it begins to count down (and display next to the mini-map) the time until the enemies stop flinching from every rustle and go into the “Calm” state. But this doesn’t make it any easier for Adam - if he has shelter, he’ll wait out the alarm anyway, but if not, what difference does it make to him, how many seconds before lights out he was discovered?

By eavesdropping on guards' conversations, you can learn a lot of useful information. Or at least interesting.


All weapons in the game can be divided into two large groups: lethal and non-lethal. Weapons of the first group are perfect for open combat, but during covert passage they are practically inapplicable - they rattle, blaze and generally attract attention in every possible way. Non-lethal weapons, on the contrary, are silent and disable the enemy with one hit - but all as one single-shot, and therefore poorly suited for fierce firefights.

Nevertheless, even the most inveterate spy can use an ordinary pistol, and a stormtrooper can be helped out of a difficult situation by an electroshock stunner. This should be kept in mind when selecting equipment - and you need to select it carefully, since space is limited.

Almost every weapon in the game has a set of upgrades that can be purchased, received as a reward, or simply found in a secluded place. In addition to unique modifications, there are standardized standard weapon upgrades - damage boosters,reload boosters,increasing rate of fire And magazine extenders. If a weapon is compatible with these improvements, they can be applied to it all the way - until the corresponding indicator hits the maximum bar.

Non-lethal weapons

All weapons in this group are designed to stun the enemy without killing them. But if his comrades find an enemy lying unconscious, they will quickly return him to an awake state, after which they will not hesitate to raise the alarm and check the place where the unlucky warrior was sent to rest. What is characteristic is that enemies who have been put to sleep, paralyzed by electric shock, or even stunned by a blow to the head are equally easily brought to their senses.

If Jensen is asked by anyone detain or render harmless- it is implied that the person must be stunned, but at the same time alive. As a last resort, we will always have time to finish off the unconscious enemy. In a variety of ways - from the classic “control” to the head to throwing the body from a height.

Stun Gun

An old and sometimes very good stun gun. The range is below average, the spread is through the roof, but it is guaranteed to disable any organic target with one hit to any part of the body. You can also use a shocker to jam electronics (cameras, turrets, patrol bots), but only for a short period of time.

The scope of application of a stun gun is nowhere wider. First of all, this is the quiet neutralization of lone sentries, to whom Jensen does not have time or cannot run within melee attack range. The second involves a slightly less quiet neutralization of groups of two guards, when the first is stunned by a blow to the head, and the second by a shot in the face. Thirdly, the paralyzer is used in a shootout with Very a thick and armored enemy who is easier to knock out than to finish off. Finally, fourthly, a shocker is very convenient for stunning... bosses, whom it, like electronics, incapacitates for a few seconds.

Hit an enemy with a headshot through two walls? Just a piece of cake.

But against technology, the shocker is practically useless - if Adam managed to get within shooting distance of it, then he will be able to get around it. There’s no point in wasting charges, there aren’t enough of them all the time.

There are no improvements to the paralyzer in nature. You can't even attach standard damage amplifiers and reload boosters to it. It's a pity, the latter would be very useful.

Tranquilizer Rifle

In 2052, JC Denton will shoot tranquilizer darts from a small wrist crossbow. But in 2027, progress has not yet reached such heights - and Adam Jensen uses for these purposes an ordinary PAX-22 air gun, the ancestors of which are already euthanizing animals in zoos around the world. The rifle is absolutely silent and has a very long range, but is useless against inorganic targets, and it does not have a conventional sight - only an optical one. In addition, its projectiles fly in a parabola, and their initial acceleration is low - they go down quite a bit and do not reach their targets instantly.

The mixture with which the darts are coated includes not only a sleeping pill, but also a powerful anesthetic, thanks to which enemies do not notice the hits. And this is good, because in general, anesthesia does not act instantly - only a direct hit to the head, not protected by a helmet, will make you snore in the enemy’s place. Usually, having caught a dart, the target will walk around for a couple of seconds as if nothing had happened and only then collapse as if knocked down. This can and should be used - for example, shoot a patrolman so that he falls down only when he enters the room, disappearing from the field of view of his partners.

There is a mined passage on the right, an energized puddle on the left. The way out is simple - let's go through the top.

Of the standard upgrades, only the tranquilizer rifle can be equipped with reload boosters. After a couple of such improvements, the air gun will begin to reload faster than a pistol, which means an almost machine-gun rate, by the standards of non-lethal weapons. There is an upgrade specifically for the tranquilizer rifle target tracking. To activate it, aim at the enemy and hold down the action button for a second or two. The improvement will fix the target, calculate all the necessary corrections - for lead, for dart drift, for wind, for the phase of the moon - and draw on the screen a point at which you need to aim so that the dart digs right into the enemy’s neck.


The pulse energy protection system is a unique weapon of its kind that can be described as a non-lethal grenade launcher. This weapon fires a small, invisible beam of energy that explodes upon contact with a surface. The explosion knocks down and stuns enemies within a reasonable radius of the impact site, and organic targets near the epicenter lose consciousness.

PEPS is not suitable for silent neutralization - the shot is accompanied by a bright flash, and the explosion of the laser beam is comparable in volume to the explosion of an electromagnetic grenade. But it is very convenient for them to free small rooms and narrow corridors from guards, where one impulse can send three or four people to rest at once. True, if at least one of the opponents retains clarity of consciousness after the shot, we strongly recommend At once grab another weapon - PEPS takes an indecently long time to reload.

The impulse system cannot be improved with anything - special forces equipment, what to take from it.

Lethal Weapon

If we don't deal with the guard before his comrades run up, Jensen is screwed.

Here the choice is much richer, and in Deus Ex, unlike most classic action films, one type of weapon in no way replaces the other. The choice of weapons that Jensen will carry in his inventory should be based on the principle of “which one best suits the style of play,” and not “which one is more powerful and impressive.”

Pistol (10mm Pistol)

The simplest and perhaps most reliable firearm in the game is the ten-millimeter pistol. Zenith" It is accurate, quite fast-firing, reloads quickly and does not take up much space in your inventory. You can also find it anywhere - Zenits are readily used by street bandits, police officers, mercenaries, corporate security... Who doesn’t?

IT IS IMPORTANT: when hit on an unprotected head, the gun tends to kill in one shot. A hit to the head, covered by a helmet or helmet, will not kill the enemy, but it will still seriously damage his health. This applies to any firearm except the plasma rifle.

The first and only advice for using a pistol is never don't part with him. Whether your Jensen is a hacker or a thug, a spy or a stormtrooper, a gun will not hurt him. Selected at the very beginning, it will serve faithfully until the very end credits.

Zenit has two disadvantages. First of all, this is the sighting range, which is sorely lacking for firefights in open spaces. Secondly, it has low destructive power, which practically eliminates the value of the pistol when shooting. Not to the head.

Street dancers had a party in a subway underpass. The guys look like drug addicts, but in fact they are quite adequate people.

The pistol is compatible with standard weapon modifications. You can also attach three special upgrades to it. Laser sight will significantly reduce spread, increase accuracy, and simply make aiming much more convenient. Muffler will almost completely eliminate the sound of a shot, which will significantly increase the value of the pistol for a stealthy play style. Finally, armor-piercing nozzle priceless - it will allow Zenit bullets to ignore any armor (helmets, helmets or subdermal implants) and kill with one shot to the head any target. Except maybe the bosses.


An extremely lethal piece of caliber .357 Magnum revolver " Diamondback"has a rather short sighting range and only a five-round drum. This makes it a weapon of last resort for the Jensen Assault - a weapon that is excellent for firefights at medium ranges and completely useless for espionage actions and subtle sabotage.

It is very easy to acquire a revolver, but only starting from the second third of the game. The Diamondbacks are often accompanied by corporate security, mercenaries, and some particularly wealthy and respected bandits. It’s more difficult with cartridges: an abundance of ammunition awaits towards the end of the game, and before that you only have to take cartridges from the same owners of revolvers.

Diamondback supports standard modifications and two unique ones. This laser sight And drum for explosive cartridges. Explosive cartridges will make the revolver even more lethal, its bullets will begin to cause damage in a small area, and the sound of the shot will become louder.

Machine Pistol

Nine-millimeter Hurricane"- a quick-firing short-barreled machine, which inherited both shortcomings of the pistol, and even added to them a strong recoil, which has an extremely negative effect on accuracy. Nevertheless, the high rate of shots allows the submachine gun to turn almost any enemy into a colander at short distances - however, it is not a fact that this will take only one magazine.

The Hurricane is no less widespread than a regular pistol - it can be found both among street riffraff and elite corporate squads. In view of this, cartridges for submachine guns are lying around almost everywhere - in weapons rooms, hiding places, guard rooms. However, they don’t have the chance to linger in a backpack - the “Uragan” eats cartridges at a speed that is quite consistent with its name.

The machine is compatible with all types of standard improvements and has mounts for those already familiar to us laser sight And muffler, and target search systems.

It seems to be Adam. Well, let's just not show ourselves to the guys...

The latest improvement will turn the submachine gun into a kind of analogue of the machine gun from the film “The Fifth Element”. By activating this system, we can forget about precise aiming - just shoot somewhere in the direction of the enemy for the system to automatically redirect the bullets to the target. The redirection trajectory is displayed on the screen as a bright white beam - or red if sight adjustment is not possible.

Installing a target search system will significantly increase the effectiveness of “blind” fire. There is no need to lean out from behind cover - just point out the barrel of your weapon and fire. More bullets are lost, but Jensen is more intact.

Automatic (Combat Rifle)

Army assault rifle FR-27 SFR- a balanced weapon that fires arrow-shaped projectiles. It has a good aiming range, low recoil and good stopping power. You have to pay for this with a ridiculously small 20-round magazine, which Always ends at the most inopportune moment.

The machine gun is perfect for firefights at medium and higher distances. High accuracy when firing single shots and short bursts will allow Adam to easily drive darts into the heads of opponents as soon as they appear from behind cover. But the FR-27 does not work well at point-blank range - in close combat you rarely have the opportunity to aim properly, and firing at random does not lead to anything good.

Getting an FR-27 is not that difficult, but it is more difficult than the same pistol. This is a high-quality, expensive weapon, and only professionals use it - special forces, mercenaries, corporate security services. In addition, if you decide to make an assault rifle your main weapon, prepare for a constant shortage of ammunition - they are, of course, consumed more slowly than Hurricane charges, but they are also less common.

Romanian special forces reached Detroit. The guys can't break down the door for an hour. And Jensen is to blame, as always.

Like the Hurricane, the FR-27 is compatible with all types of standard weapon upgrades. Magazine extenders are especially relevant for it, each of which increases the capacity by as much as 10 rounds. Special upgrades for the assault rifle are the same as for the submachine gun: laser sight,muffler And target search system.

After all the improvements, the FR-27 turns into an almost ideal weapon for open combat with any number of enemies (as long as they don’t come at point-blank range), as well as for relatively quietly eliminating patrols of two or three people with well-aimed and quiet shots to the head.

With a laser sight, the machine gun becomes a bit of a sniper.


Six-shot semi-automatic shotgun " Widowmaker"Easily demolishes an enemy of almost any degree of armor at point-blank range. And enemies armed with such shotguns can easily demolish Jensen at point-blank range! A shot from a shotgun is comparable in volume to a tank shot, so there’s no point in thinking about sneaking around with such a machine.

At short distances there is nothing to oppose the Widowmaker. But in all other cases, it can be opposed to anything - high dispersion and low sighting range contribute to this. The Widowmaker is as convenient for clearing small rooms and narrow passages as it is useless in open areas, where its use is justified only if you have a camouflage implant that will allow you to get within shooting range of the enemy.

It is not much more difficult to obtain a shotgun than a submachine gun - the "Widowmaker" is widespread in both criminal and human rights environments. With cartridges it’s worse: sometimes whole boxes will fall down, but on some levels you won’t find them during the day with fire.

When David Sharif suggested introducing a social corrector to Jensen, he had no idea that it would be used against him.

Widowmaker supports standard upgrades, the most useful of which are reload boosters and magazine extenders. When extended to its maximum, the magazine will hold as many as sixteen rounds - this is usually enough to shoot back at any enemy.

There is a unique modification for the shotgun double shot- “Widowmaker” will start firing two charges at a time. The damage will increase titanically, but the magazine will naturally empty twice as fast. And considering that it is already small, it is not worth including this improvement unless absolutely necessary.


Sniper crossbow XBow XH-II shoots on the same principle as a tranquilizer gun - with arrows flying in a parabola. A completely silent, accurate and long-range weapon, striking on the spot when hit in the head and capable of pinning enemies to walls. You have to pay for the lethal force with a long reload and the absence of a conventional sight - only optics. In general, a typical weapon for quiet but tough passage, ideal for neutralizing sentries forever.

Getting a crossbow is not so easy - there are no opponents equipped with such things in the game. It can either be picked up during one non-plot mission (failing the mission's side objective), or found at the Belltower Corporation port in the second half of the game. Towards the end, a crossbow can be purchased from some weapons merchants.

From the fact that the game is not rich in crossbows, it is easy to draw the absolutely correct conclusion that there are not a lot of arrows in it either. Throughout the game, Jensen will come across a dozen crossbow bolts. But the situation is partly mitigated by the fact that arrows can be extracted from killed opponents - another argument in favor of rare and accurate shooting, so that the arrows do not fly away to no one knows where.

You can install the same on a crossbow target tracking system, as for a tranquilizer gun. No further modifications can be installed on it.

Sniper Rifle

Large-caliber sniper rifle " Sword"- a long-range and accurate weapon that delivers death hundreds of meters straight to the head. At short and medium distances, the effectiveness is reduced due to the small magazine - five rounds is not enough to get involved in a firefight. The Sword is designed to eliminate opponents before they notice Jensen.

Getting a sniper rifle is not so easy - there are snipers in the game (mainly among corporate mercenaries), but we will only encounter them as opponents two or three times throughout the entire game. With lighter cartridges - this stuff is available at almost all military bases and police stations, and is used quite sparingly.

The Sword is compatible with standard upgrades. You can also adapt it to it laser sight, but there is a nuance. This will knock down optical sight - the bullet will fly where the laser beam is pointing, and not where the crosshair is aimed. Considering that in optical aiming mode the laser beam Not visible, after installing the laser sight you can safely forget about optics and use the “Sword” as a regular rifle.

So far the enemies haven't even realized what it was. But in a second, a whole shower of bullets will fall on Adam’s shelter.

Rocket Launcher

A portable missile launcher designed to destroy turrets and robots, as well as cause enormous damage over a rather large area. As a counterbalance to its lethality, it is bulky, clumsy and takes up a lot of space in your inventory.

Perhaps the only weapon in the game whose disadvantages clearly outweigh its advantages. Adamu's rocket launcher is simply need not, no matter what style he plays the game. The power of the installation is excessive to destroy living opponents, and it is much more reasonable to bombard the equipment with electromagnetic grenades. In addition, there is so much space for this beauty that it is enough for two more compact weapons with full ammunition.

If Jensen nevertheless decides to carry this shoulder artillery with him, then as a modification he can (and should) install heat seeking system.

Machine Gun (Heavy Rifle)

The M404 5.56mm multi-barreled light machine gun is a heavy weapon with a huge magazine, a high rate of fire, a long reload time and terrible spread. But who cares about this spread, given such and such a density of fire?

Before opening fire, the machine gun spins its barrels for several seconds. During shooting, these barrels heat up, and if the temperature becomes critical, the weapon will go silent for a while until the barrels cool down completely - exactly like in the first part Mass Effect. Therefore, it is better to let the weapon cool down in advance, without causing it to overheat.

Starting from the second half of the game, almost every second mercenary or guard will have machine guns. It is difficult to let these citizens pass - machine guns carry foreheads three meters tall and four meters in girth. It’s worse with cartridges: there will be a lot of them, and this is the main problem.

Supervision carefully tells Adam on which side no one is waiting for him.

The machine gun itself is quite a big gun, and boxes of cartridges for it take up the rest of the space in the backpack. Once Jensen decides to carry the M404 with him, it would make sense to fill the stop-cartridge magazine to capacity, and throw the rest of the boxes out of the backpack. Machine gunners come across often, there will be no problems with reloading.

The machine gun supports all standard upgrades, and can also be equipped with internal cooling system, with which the barrels will spin an order of magnitude longer, and laser sight, which will make an accurate weapon even from a machine gun.

Laser Rifle

Experimental Energy Rifle " Saber"- a sniper weapon equipped not with magazines, but with batteries. When fired, it generates a continuous laser beam that easily passes through through walls and shelters. By activating a super vision implant that allows him to see through walls, Jensen can safely clear a room without even entering it.

The other side of the coin is that the laser beam burns batteries at an indecent rate, so continuously shooting from the Saber for more than a second or two is wasteful. Batteries for a laser rifle in the game Very little and get them Very difficult - Adam will only come across them in sufficient quantities before the final battle.

And not everyone will carry this rifle to the final battle. It takes up a lot of space in your inventory, so when the starting supply of batteries is used up, the Saber goes straight to the landfill.

There are no enemies armed with laser rifles in the game, thank God. But it’s easy to find this gun - towards the end, the storyline will lead us to a room where it will stand peacefully against the wall in the most visible place.

There is nothing to improve the laser rifle with. And where else? The weapon is practically perfect, it would need charges, not improvements...

Plasma Rifle

By 2052, the design of plasma weapons will undergo significant changes, and for the worse. In 2027, from an automatic plasma rifle " A spear“You can even shoot, accurately and painfully. It deals average damage over a small area, but works equally well against both organics and vehicles. The disadvantages are a not very high rate of fire, a small magazine and a tendency to overheat, just like a machine gun.

But the main drawback of the “Spear” is that we will get it at the very end of the game, when there will be no one to shoot with it. Nevertheless, due to its armor-piercing properties, it can significantly facilitate the final battle, so carrying this rifle to the end is not a bad idea.

If by this moment Jensen by some miracle has standard weapon modifications lying around in his backpack, let him keep in mind that the plasma rifle is compatible with them. In addition, like the machine gun, it is compatible with internal cooling system And laser sight.

From a relatively safe location, Jensen can study guard positions and patrol routes.


In addition to small arms, Jensen can also use throwing weapons. With him everything is much simpler - four types of grenades and mines.

Frag Grenade They are designed to destroy manpower, but if necessary, they can undermine a thin wall. And this is also what enemies like to throw when they spot Jensen in hiding. The scattering of fragments from a grenade is low, so you can always run away from a “gift” that has fallen nearby.

EMP grenades (EMP Grenade) useful for destroying electronics. One such grenade will easily disable a bot of any size and level of armor, burn the camera and disable the turret. It will also temporarily shock any person with implants who comes within the range of action - including Jensen himself, if he did not bother with an EMP shielding implant.

Gas Grenade create a cloud of sleeping gas, which in a couple of seconds “turns off” everyone in the affected area. It's a pity that the cloud doesn't last long - throwing a grenade in a safe place and then luring enemies there won't work. And in general, you need to use this grenade carefully - Jensen, who did not bother to activate the lung implant, can suffocate in a cloud of gas from his own grenade.

Concussion Grenade disorient the enemy's manpower for a few seconds. They also perfectly blind Adam himself - if he does not turn away from the explosion or if his eyes are not covered with the appropriate implant.

Mines in the game they are made by connecting in the inventory Mine Template with some kind of grenade. The result will be a mine of the appropriate type, which, a second after installation, will begin to squeak and blink pleasantly, trying to detect some movement. If it detects it, it will immediately explode in joy.

You need to walk near mines not slowly, but Very slowly - for this you need sit down and hold down the “slow step” button(default is Ctrl). So Adam can either crawl past the mine, or crawl very close to it in order to deactivate it and, if desired, take it for himself.

* * *

A young lady came to the police station to complain about the disappearance of her neighbor, who boasted that he had uncovered a worldwide conspiracy.

Remember that both implants and weapons are just working tools. Their set does not determine the style of play, it determined them. And it’s not so much the means at hand that will help Jensen get out of any, even the most difficult situation, but a thoughtful analysis of the situation and clear planning of his actions. But you will feel all this yourself, as soon as you immerse yourself in the worldDeus Ex . Good luck and have a nice game!

1 2 All

Deus Ex: Minkind Divided little different from Human Revolution, especially in terms of gameplay. Essentially, these are twin brothers, two peas in a pod, one of which is thicker only due to additional augmentations. But that's where the differences end. We have already completed the game and have prepared a small guide for you Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, in which the most important aspects of the game were examined. Which augmentations to choose? How to make money? Hotkeys in Mankind Divided- all this and much more in our tips for passing the game.

Play on Hard Difficulty

Even if you are not a skilled player at all, even if you have never played a first-person shooter. Middle and Easy difficulty here is a walk for a baby. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided It's not a difficult game at all, especially after you unlock most of the lethal augmentations. No, no, of course, if you want to experience chill out (which is difficult to do with cyberpunk techno) and all that, then no problem. But it is precisely the high level of complexity that will help reveal all the gameplay ideas, make stealth interesting and justified, and RPG role-playing will take on more meaning.

At the start, take a rifle with a tranquilizer

At the start of the first mission you will be given a choice of weapons. In the dialogue, I advise you to select “non-lethal” and “remote” in order to get a rifle with a tranquilizer. And this, guys, in no way means that this weapon is the best choice. It’s just that in the future, tranquilizer weapons are much less common than other types. So why not take care of this from the very beginning?

In the skin of a ninja - the most interesting thing

I don't insist, play as you want, it's your right. But the entire game and game design were clearly designed and created to reward stealth playthroughs. It is in this mode that you, like a real James Bond, will be able to use the full range of all augmentations. By the way, you can complete the game without a single kill and get the “Pacifist” achievement for this. How do you like the challenge? Also, leveling up for stealth will allow you to complete many side missions that may not be available to a warrior.

Which augmentations to choose at the beginning of the game

At the very beginning of the game, you shouldn’t waste your time on unnecessary augmentations for Adam; here are some of the best combinations for improvements:
  • Intelligent Vision: The most commonly used augmentation in the game. With it you can find useful loot, hidden entrances and exits, and other mysterious openings. I advise you to study it first and bind it to a convenient key, for example, like I did - to the “bottom” of the D-Pad
  • Invisibility cloak: A good choice for stealth passage, as well as for diving under the beams of laser grids. And such devices, believe me, keep the most profitable secrets. Advice: augmentation drains the battery wildly, but not if you are standing. This can be used to great advantage in many situations!
And these augmentations will not help you in battle, but they will help you uncover many secret places, become the master of loot, and gain access to easy ways to complete tasks.
  • Hacker hack. For most side quests, level 3 or 4 will do, but ideally level up to level 5, then stealth will be a joy for you, and the opportunities after hacking an enemy security system are much more valuable than the same Titanium armor.
  • Cybernetic leg prostheses (jumping). Well, you haven't played Mario, have you? Using jumps, you can jump on enemies and kill them... Just kidding, I know, I know, I have genetic problems with jokes :-) But still, jumping is very, very necessary to get to interesting places. I suggest downloading first.
  • Improved musculature. No, not to crush enemies with his bare hands like Jax, but to work as a Gruzal. Well, you know, the loader, the loader is a hard-working guy. Moving and moving boxes and other objects here is a way to get into hard-to-reach, but this makes them so alluring places.
  • Inventory space. And there’s nothing to say here, the dream of every huckster is a Wasserman vest. This is an opportunity to carry the entire arsenal with you, and also to make fewer trips for goods, carry a bunch of Snickers bars with you. The most important augmentation in the gaming world...hehehe

By the way, I brought all these augmentations for a reason

Break everything you can! After all, your mother won’t scold you for this. Of course, Adam Jensen is our fashionable crime fighter at Interpol. But his strength lies in his dexterous cat fingers. If you want to live in a world of decline, it’s time to start robbing caravans. Hack all the doors, who knows, maybe in addition to Praxis there will be a sultry blonde with a third size? Sneak into laboratories, cook meth (steal Neuropozine), teach police how to shoot (at them). And then Prague will no longer seem to you such a boring place where eternally boring people gather.

Advice from an experienced trader. Sell ​​all weapons, forget about upgrades

Yes, weapons can be split into pieces, the magazine capacity can be improved... but these are all such petty operations. You will raise much more green bills from selling weapons. Choose 1-2 main trunks and, like a huckster, get to work! We take everything to the store, where they pay well for it, and with the money you can then buy whores, whiskey and, most importantly, a bunch of cool things to add to your inventory. This is especially helpful in Prague, since there are heaps of weapons on two legs all around. We take them, we knock out three guys patrolling the area, we take the weapons, we sell them, we knock them out again. Your bank account will thank you very much. And the little Jew inside you (what, aren’t all people descended from Jews? :D, damn) will tremble with joy. Oh yeah, don’t buy ammo, there’s just a ton of it in the game!!! And the weapons themselves - no less.

Buy Praxis Kits from Jensen's Apartments

In our hotel, you can buy as many as 2 praxis sets from the idiot downstairs; in the store they cost an incredible amount of money, and they are rare, in principle. And here it’s practically a freebie, well, that’s why he’s an idiot.

A sniper rifle for suckers, an assault rifle is a smart choice

Everything is simple here, the rifle can be equipped with a silencer, has automatic and semi-automatic shooting, as well as four-fold magnification (with which you can definitely see even an ant’s pussy). This is more than enough for 99.9% of all locations. A sniper rifle shoots slowly, and also summons a bunch of enemies to your soul. Do you need it?

Give this dude some Neuropozyne

There's a guy right behind our Interpol apartments who will lead us on some interesting quests in exchange for Neuropozyne. Believe me, his advice will be very useful. As is the reward for these quests.

The best delight is sidequests. Pass them!

For what? In order not to miss a bunch of really interesting stories, nice rewards and to fully reveal this world, and it is certainly very interesting. And there are many transition points in the game, after passing which you can no longer return to some quests.

Visit points of interest

They often lead to sidequests, sometimes they give us small and cool stories, they reveal human facets to us, they give us feelings. And, of course, this way we can visit all the sights of futuristic Prague, isn’t it wonderful?

Find the strength to limit yourself

And again, I’m teaching you, but I really want you to experience all the possible roleplaying in this game. What could be better than getting the full benefit of what the gameplay offers us!?
  • Play without fast loading, act according to the situation. The game itself will give you choices, as if you were living in the game.
  • Disable radar and object markers (in options). The pleasant sensations of stealth will delight you.
  • Disable UI elements, HP and ammo indicators. Count them, focus on feelings and skills. Isn't this acting out?
  • Multitools are too easy. Hack, find passwords, interrogate people - what are you really doing?? Then you will whine about easy difficulty???

Remember the new control shortcuts

For those who play on PC with an Xbox One gamepad, remember the new useful shortcuts
Hold X + RB = Change grenade type
Hold X + LB = Change weapon
Press X + LT = Put ​​away weapon.
Press X + RT = Switch between two most commonly used weapons

Use Icarus Landing as often as you can

Why use a ladder when we can glide like a cybernetic god? Hehehehe, pathetic little people!

Have a Snickers and Read the Letters

They tell really cool stories. Many of them are simply incredible, and the world itself will open up for you from a different perspective. It's like taking a car apart one by one and seeing the weaknesses and defects, very cool.

Live in the world of Deus Ex

This is my most important advice. You can get great pleasure from the game, for this you just need to take your time, live the game, slow down and listen to the voice on the street. Explore beautiful Prague, there are so many attractions. Listen to people, their conversations will make your experience in the world more alive. Even in hostile territories there is a lot of interesting things available only to inquisitive players.

Thank you for reading our guide and tips for passing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. And evgenii.bad was with you. We also advise you to familiarize yourself with our

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided features several different types of weapons. Some of them (pistols, shotguns) are very easy to find, while others (sniper rifles, revolvers) are well hidden by the developers in various locations of the game world. In this guide, we will tell you where you can find not only rare and best weapons in the game, but also additional modules for them, such as silencers and sights.

Paralyzer or stun gun (Stun Gun)

Where to find: Prague, in the Time Machine bookstore (Koller is located here).

You need to go to the top floor and find a room with a secret elevator. Get in it and go downstairs to Koller's hideout. Enter the new room and immediately turn right. There you will see a lonely shelf with a globe and a framed picture. The stunner will be right next to the picture.

Tranquilizer Rifle

Where to find: Prague, next to the Time Machine store (Koller's hideout).

This weapon is located next to the bookstore. Approach the main entrance to the store, and then go down the left alley. Then go through the open door into a room in which one of the walls will be dilapidated. Use a special augmentation to break through the wall. Then jump down and find the tranquilizer rifle. There may also be a sniper rifle here.

Combat or assault rifle (Lancer Rifle)

Where to find: Golem City - Throat

In Golem City, during the seventh mission, you will be able to get to a place called "The Throat". Once you're there, jump into the trench and then turn left. Walk forward until you reach a container house. Climb through the window and then climb onto the roof to reach the ladder. Ride it upstairs, jump onto the adjacent elevator and press the “Up” button on its control panel.

After the elevator stops, continue along the small ledge. You will see a second staircase ahead - no need to climb it. You need to jump down and go left, following the yellow ray. As a result, you will find a case with a powerful assault rifle.

Grenade Launcher

Where to find: during 13 missions in the first Hangar.

When completing this mission, you will be taken to Hangar number 1. At this moment, it is worth checking your map to make sure that you are in the right location. After that, go up the stairs to the office, the windows of which overlook the Hangar. Approach the weapon rack located in the corner. This is where you will find the hand grenade launcher.

Sniper Rifle

Where to look: Golem City - RVAC Line.

The ARC Soldier area, known as the RVAC Line, is located just outside the Throat location in Golem City. As soon as you enter this area, immediately use the stairs to the right, and then jump up to reach the vent leading to the room labeled "Gymnasium" on the map. Enter this room and examine the weapons cabinet in the back corner - it should contain a sniper rifle.


Where to find: shopping area lobby.

After passing through the restricted area, you will come to a narrow passage leading directly to the market. This hallway has several locked rooms on the right side. Just before entering the trading area, you should climb the stairs and turn in the opposite direction after leaving the checkpoint.

Hack the security terminal to enter a small room with a sofa. To the right of the sofa is a table. It is on this table that the revolver will lie.

4x Zoom (4x Zoom Mod)

At the far back of the RVAC Line, you will encounter two soldier girls talking to each other next to large brown cylinders located in the storage room. This place is located immediately behind the residential complex.

Climb the brown cylinders to find an open space behind the first row. It is in this hidden niche that the 4x weapon magnifier is hidden.

Silencer Mod

Where to find: Prague, Task Force 29 headquarters.

Climb the stairs to the top floor and find Vincent Black's office. Enter the room and immediately turn left. There will be a safe on the wall. Hack it or open it with a master key. The safe will contain a silencer for weapons.

Holographic sight (Holosight Mod)

Where to find: Golem City - RVAC Line.

In the ARC area, you can use the elevator to go up to an area called the RVAC Line. Check your map and look for the room marked "Gymnasium". Go up the stairs and turn right. You can use the vent outside the gymnasium to get into the room where the weapon box is located. This container will contain the holographic sight.

They say that when you lose a significant part of your own body, the hardest thing is to simply remain human. Our hero will have to solve a moral dilemma fourteen times - to help or to pass by? Or maybe he agrees, but prefers the benefit for himself?

In Deus Ex: Human Revolution there is no overloaded quest log, random passers-by do not offer to take unknown things to unknown places, and in general it is not proper for the head of the security service to play philanthropist.

And yet, rare breaks between special operations and international business trips are the right time to settle the problems of friends, colleagues and old acquaintances. Sometimes extra-plot missions are found in the most unexpected places - in a brothel or on a ship of a private military corporation. One way or another, this is a source of invaluable experience and new knowledge, and in almost every task we are faced with a difficult moral choice.

Additional quests are available in four locations - Detroit, Hansha, the Belltower ship and the Rifleman Bank base. Some will appear according to the plot and even after our refusal will not go anywhere - you just have to chat with the character again. The rest are not always obvious and accessible. And we'll start from the very beginning.

The main villain of Missing Link, Peter Burke, is armed with a unique revolver. Well, almost unique. You can find another experimental model of a weapon with a laser sight in his office while stealing lenses. The revolver is in a secret safe.

In Dr. Kavanagh’s office (yes, there’s a lot of stuff there!) we will hear one of the “patients” begging for an end to her suffering. In the same room there is a first aid kit containing a lethal dose of morphine.

First time for the first time... hole

Before we have time to return home after the mess with the “cleanliness fighters,” the first sufferers will appear right at the Sharif Industries office. A colleague gets involved in illegal dealings, and Cassandra Reed begs to find out what happened to her daughter Megan “that day six months ago” when the laboratory was attacked by mercenaries. An undercover policewoman hangs out in the Slums area, eager to expose a corrupt cop, and two more mini-quests depend on exactly how Adam spent his time at a factory in Milwaukee.


At the end of the first day of work, Adam will be asked in a stern voice to look into his office. Waiting for him there is Tim Carella, a scientist who has gotten into big trouble. He secretly “borrowed” Neuropozyne from the company’s warehouse, repented, but his partner is now threatening the poor fellow with incriminating evidence if he leaves the game. Goal: steal video recordings. Reward: Laser targeting system.

THIS IS INTERESTING: You can find out about the mysterious Neuropozine thief even before leaving for the factory. Read the mail in your office - one of the employees will express his suspicions and ask to investigate. Not noted in the quest logs, the detective walk will take you through the offices of several employees. You will find another trace of the thief in the ventilation shaft of the Sharif headquarters. But it’s better to start ransacking other people’s rooms after the mission in Milwaukee - if you don’t rush to the helicopter, the hostages will be dead before the operation begins. In addition, it is impossible to complete the quest before departure.

There are three ways to get into the house where the blackmailer has settled: hack the second-level terminal on the locked gate (code 0002): build a pyramid from a pile of garbage cans, jump over the fence or climb the fire escape nearby (you need the skill of throwing and moving heavy objects) and enter through roof; climb the fire escape of the neighboring building and jump onto the roof (you will need a jump boost).

Inside, nothing but trouble awaits us: after reading the mail, a big guy with a shotgun will come to visit. Having pacified him, look into the gateway where Brian Tindall, the culprit of all the troubles, hangs out.

If you are in a hurry, knock out the insolent person and take away the incriminating evidence (use tranquilizers or shock discreetly, otherwise the punks standing nearby will open fire). If you have a social corrector, you can convince him by selecting the “alpha” option. Otherwise, neutralize the two armed gangsters living near the basketball court (take the "reflex booster" to knock them out with one blow, or climb higher and shoot them with a tranquilizer rifle).


At the front entrance to Sharif Industries we will be intercepted by a concerned Cassandra Reed. Since her only daughter disappeared after a mercenary attack on the corporation's headquarters, the lady cannot calm down, complaining that there are inconsistencies in Megan's case. She wants to get to the bottom of the truth.

You can get to the vault in several ways: through the police station (back door or ventilation), sewers with aggressive punks, passage in the east (under voltage): build a barricade and climb over the fence to the left of the site. Inside we will find four e-books (you should read them all) and Megan's bracelet in the safe.

Wagner hangs out in the police station reception area. A social corrector will help in a conversation if you apply pressure (“omega”) in time. In case of failure, we go to the third floor (it is important to win a conversational duel with Haas so that we are allowed inside the station, otherwise - only hide and seek and ventilation), hack the computer in Chet's office and go to the impudent man with incriminating evidence - he will not get away.

Captain Penn's office on the second floor is locked by the second level terminal. There is a policeman wandering nearby who does not approve of breaking into government property, so we either quietly stun him or go through the ventilation in the next office. The computer in the captain's office is also subject to hacking.

Having collected all the evidence, we go northwest, to the Chiron Building, - Cassandra is already there. We can give her Megan’s bracelet or keep it for ourselves - this decision only affects the “Sentimentality” achievement.


While walking in the Slums area, you will meet a former colleague, detective Jenny Alexander (if you take too long walking around the city, Pritchard will inform you about her through the infolink). The girl seeks to expose the corrupt cop Jack O'Malley. The scoundrel is suspected of corruption, trading with local gangs, but someone from above is covering for him, and Jenny's department cannot prove anything.

The skimpily dressed detective will immediately load Jensen with assignments: to find a cache of weapons on the territory of a gang of “boys” in the Slums; search the cop's apartment: meet O'Malley under the guise of an assassin.

The cache is easy to find by going through the sewers. We approach the “guys” checkpoint, hiding in the pipe, behind boxes and concrete blocks, we make our way to the hatch leading to the drains. If we don’t turn on camouflage, we will be noticed the moment we open the hatch, but the optional condition (to remain unnoticed) will still be fulfilled - the bandits on the street will be alarmed, but will not become hostile.

Inside you have to fight your way through four enemies - these will not stand on ceremony and at the first opportunity they will add lead to the body of our already metal hero. One can be knocked out in close combat, the rest can be stuffed with tranquilizers or sneak past using disguise. Having climbed out through the hatch to the surface, we will see an opening near the barrels, and behind it is the treasured hiding place.

If you have a social corrector, when meeting with a police officer you can get 1000 credits in advance by choosing “alpha” in the conversation. O'Malley will order you to pick up a weapon (crossbow) in the service room next to the Chiron Building, and shoot Double-T, the gang leader, with it. Jenny asks to leave the victim alive, so use a tranquilizer rifle.

The last goal is the apartment of the “werewolf in uniform.” It is in the same place as Tindall’s home, a participant in the “Lesser Evil” quest. Having cracked the first level lock, we will find ourselves in the living room, where there is no evidence, but there is a pocket secretary with a code for the bedroom (1029), protected by a level 4 terminal. There are several fragmentation mines inside - crouch down and press Caps Lock to slowly crawl towards the charges and neutralize them. All that remains is to inspect the cargo with weapons, pick up the drugs to the left of the bed and search the computer.

ON A NOTE: when completing Jenny's quest, you will have a choice - give the crossbow or keep it for yourself. In the first case, we will receive 1000 credits and a modification to increase the store capacity, otherwise - only money.

Finally, we will be asked to personally arrest the scoundrel in his apartment (we can refuse, but why lose experience?). There are several endings: neutralize (lethal or not) or accept a bribe (3000 credits at Jensen's apartment). The amount of experience is the same everywhere, but if you decide to neutralize O'Malley without first talking to him, do it from close range, you will receive 200 more experience units.


If you saved Josie and the other hostages during the riot at the factory in Milwaukee, upon your return, look into your office and read a letter from Greg Thorpe, who wants to personally thank Adam for the rescue.

We go to a residential area behind an old gas station (where we also meet Detective Chase for the “Maternal Care” quest), looking for the Thorpe family’s apartment on the second floor. Greg will tell you about the merchant Sera and advise us to mention his name when meeting him so that we can get a discount. This will complete the task, you will have to look for the merchant on your own - he stopped in a residential area near the basketball court, on the second floor. To get inside, we use the ladder and climb through the window.

If you win a conversational duel with Zeke Sanders, he will contact you and set up a meeting near the Sharif Industries office. The mission does not involve hidden paths and unexpected troubles, the leader of the “purity movement” will give us a pocket secretary with various codes and information about the secret F.E.M.A. base. In addition, the quest will give you some experience.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: before leaving for Hansha, talk to Pritchard (when he says that Adam should see him) and convince the boss during a conversational duel to tell about the secret communication channel. When David Sharif sends the data by email, be sure to read all the letters in your account. Without this series of actions, one of the tasks will not be activated upon the second visit to the city.

Problem solver is a profession in demand

After a walk to Highland Park and a meeting with the first “boss,” fate will throw Adam into Hansha, a multi-tiered anthill where a variety of segments of the population hang out. But no matter where we are, the skills of the “tin cans” are always in demand. So, a representative of one ancient profession is looking for a representative of the second - a hired killer. A bartender from a prestigious establishment needs a “tax collector,” and our friend Malik wants justice to prevail. Who to help first?


At the Honghua Hotel (Kuaigan District), which looks more like a brothel, go up to the fourth floor - you will hear Mei Suen quarrel with the manager Edgar. After talking with the lady, we learn that they are trying to get her and other girls hooked on implants to please clients with “special” desires. One of the hotel workers, a girl named Ning, disappeared without a trace, and Mei suspected something was wrong.

Guard Chuan Li knows Ning's location. He asks for 2000 credits for information, but you can use a social corrector (“alpha”), and the bouncer will tell you everything for thanks. Or you can first pay the Chinese, then cut it off and take the money back.

The girl is being held in the Daigong area, south of the entrance to the Alice Garden capsule hotel. Three guards are easier to tranquilize or knock out in close combat. Nin is in the garage, under a second-level lock (code - 5377), safe and sound. We return to May for a reward and further instructions.

Now you should go to the Yuzhao region, get into a private apartment and neutralize Daimon Chan, who has become a headache for the girls from Honghua. May asks to set up an accident, and if we wish, we can clarify whether there is a way to do without casualties. Miss Suen will hand over a bag of drugs to frame the villain.

Chan's hideout is on the roof, you can get there by jumping from the adjacent building. Creeping up to the entrance, eavesdrop on the conversation and wait for the target to move away from the door (otherwise the scoundrel will become alarmed), then climb inside and hit him from behind. What we do with Daimon afterwards will not affect the amount of experience, but if the drugs have already been planted, killing him or dropping his body from the roof will result in failure of the mission.


After you visit The Hive for the first time, you then proceed to the front exit of the club. Adam will be called by a bouncer, offering to visit a real bartender for a well-paid job. Bobby Bao will tell a moving story about how their gang helped the poor girl Jaya with the installation of a social implant, and she “threw them over” by refusing to pay. Task: shake out every last penny from the scoundrel.

To find out where Jaya is hiding, you need to “borrow” their tracking system from Belltower - jump across the roofs in the spirit of a Florentine assassin and turn off three antennas (hacking second-level terminals). Difficulties are possible only at the last transmitter - there are two patrolmen there, but they can be sent to temporary or eternal rest with one blow.

The girl hid in the Hansch Gardens hotel, where we were looking for the hacker "Melnik" (Belltower, by the way, has not gone anywhere and continues to guard the building). The mission has several endings: with a social corrector (“alpha”) or brute force, take the chip from Jaya and take it to the “Hive” - the bartender will be dissatisfied (where, you know, is the money?) and will not give a reward: use the same corrector to persuade her to pay - the bartender will approve and give us praxis; leave the lady alone and persuade Bobby Bao to write off Jaya's debt - we pay 5,000 credits and get praxis. The last option promises more experience than the others, but if you beg for money and then pay off the bartender, the XP bonus will be 200 points less.

ON A NOTE: After the mission, you can quietly knock out the bartender (so that his body does not fall within the viewing radius of surveillance cameras) and take back the money you spent (or praxis). The collectors in the “Hive” will become neutral for a while (white marks on the map) - sit for a couple of minutes at the bar counter.


When the plot sends Adam to the Alice Garden Hotel, we "accidentally" meet Farida, our pilot. Even without social implants, Jensen will understand that something is wrong... It turns out that her friend died in Hensha, but everyone considered it an accident, although Malik rules it out.

After we take the police report from capsule 009 on the second floor of the hotel, we should go to the Prosthetic clinic and pick up the autopsy report from the mysterious Mr. X. It is not necessary to say a code phrase when meeting - a Chinese man in a funny cap will make an appointment for any outcome not far from the establishment. There is also no need to pay a health worker a thousand - our paths with him will not cross in the future.

ON A NOTE: If you refuse the task, you will no longer be able to talk to Malik again. To reactivate the task, you should “touch” (without target indicators) find the report in capsule 009 and meet with Mr. X at the clinic.

The next stage of the mission is to infiltrate the apartment of Lee Gon, a murder suspect. The hero of the occasion is not there - all that remains is to search the home for evidence. Notice the answering machine next to the bed, the broken antique clock on the closet, the baseball bat by the entrance, and don't forget to rummage through the computer. After studying the evidence, there will no longer be any doubt about the guy’s involvement in the murder.

Lee is chilling in the Hive, on the second floor of the club. We should crush him with facts so that he will confess. It is difficult to fail a conversation, because two out of three options in the dialogue are always correct. Just don’t use these options: “inaccurate”, “drunkard”, “fists”, “break”, “police”.

After Lee Gon's sincere confession, all that remains is to add the final touch - to hack the command panel on the same floor. Do not use automatic master keys - the guards will instantly become alarmed and open fire. The only guard is not looking in your direction, so hacking the third level terminal will not require tricks. We go outside - and the job is done.

Second time - in the same hole!

After staying in Montreal, Adam returns home. The town has turned from a meditative, sleepy kingdom into a stirred up hornet's nest - people oppose implants, police robots walk the streets, society is on the brink of war between supporters and opponents of modifications. Here again you can get hold of a couple of quests - we definitely won’t miss one, the other depends on our actions in previous chapters.


Remember the incident with the secret communication channel and the conversation with Sharif after the mission to Highland Park? If you convinced your boss and then read all the mail in your office, then upon returning to Detroit, Pritchard will be in touch. He will give out the address of the detective who made inquiries about Jensen's biography.

Brent Radford lives in a residential area near the basketball court (entrance via the stairs and through the window), opposite the apartment of the Double-T gang from the mission "Cloak and Dagger". Inside we will find a seriously wounded detective and a stranger in a suit (the spitting image of an agent from The Matrix) standing next to him.

Having knocked out the enemy, start a conversation with the detective - he tells you to find a first aid kit with morphine. Redford will lead Adam to a new lead, and finally ask for a lethal dose of painkiller in order to ease his suffering. If you are armed with a social corrector, talk the old man out of suicide by taking the “alpha” or “omega” position (both options work, but the detective will only survive if he chooses “alpha”).

The next task is to search the data storage facility near the police station. “Men in black” are already hanging around there - they need to be neutralized without attracting attention (there is a police brigade around the corner of the building - we don’t need any extra trouble). In the computer (third-level terminal) find records about Michelle Walters, and in the safe under the fifth-level lock (code 4062) - valuable photographs.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The IDENTITY of who is behind the attack on Radford and who has an interest in Adam's past is not specified, but it can be assumed that it is none other than Hugh Darrow. On the body of one of the attackers there is a pocket secretary, where the schedule of the routes of movement of a certain Mr. Gray is indicated. Destinations include Singapore (possibly Darrow's Omega Ranch) and Prague (during our first stay in Hensha, we will hear an interview with Elisa about Darrow's meeting with the UN delegation).

We go to the residential area (behind the gas station, entrance through the fire escape on the roof), where Miss Walters has settled, to find out the answers to many questions. When we give the photographs to the elderly woman, she will tell you about the mysterious past of baby Adam. With a social corrector (“beta”), the conversation will last a little longer. It doesn’t matter whether you take the money or not; this decision will no longer affect the plot.


After a verbal altercation with Taggart in the convention center, you will meet a former colleague, Officer Nicholas. The cop is alarmed, and for good reason - an informant says that veteran repeat offender Jacob White has obtained explosives and is planning “something big.”

The officer asks Adam to comb the subway crosswalk, alley, and sewer. With a social corrector (“omega”), you can reduce the number of places for terrorist attacks to two, excluding the metro.

The villain occupied the sewers, bringing with him not only a bomb, but also turrets. The approach to the criminal is covered with fragmentation mines. Electrified water will come in handy - throwing a turret at it turns the combat installation into a pile of rubbish (though without an XP bonus). Jacob himself is easiest to put to sleep with tranquilizers (a living White is more valuable).

The bomb can be defused in three ways: hack the fourth level terminal (most experience), enter the code 0000, break one of the flasks. In any case (provided that Jacob is alive) we will receive 1000 credits and a silencer from Nikki.

How to earn money with muscles and intelligence

After a short stay in his homeland, Jensen is again thrown into a familiar metropolis. A couple of new tasks await us, where success depends on the talent to persuade and skillfully choose words. However, when there are not enough arguments, you can always pass the word to the machine.


When you finally reach the Yuzhao region after a forced emergency helicopter landing, millionaire Hugh Darrow gets in touch asking for help. The “father” of implant technology is a man of few words - if you please, look at your assistant, she will tell you everything.

Mr. Darrow's companion, Mengyao, is waiting for us on a rooftop in a residential area of ​​the city. Calling Jensen a valuable resource, the lady tells about the Panchaea project and admits that terrorists stole some secret information and are demanding a ransom for it. Adam needs to take away the data chip and neutralize the gang.

Five gentlemen with submachine guns are waiting for Adam (or rather, the one who was supposed to come instead) in the Daigong area, not far from the Alice Garden capsule hotel. Menyao asks to take the terrorists alive, so we use our fists or a tranquilizer rifle (going up a level).

Don't rush to give the girl the chip. If you have a social corrector, ask her about the data on the electronic device. Select the “beta” option - Menyao will talk about a secret project being developed on Panchaea. For the quest we receive 1000 credits, and after that Hugh himself will contact us to thank us.


When you look into the Prosthetic clinic, you will notice an alarmed Dr. Vin there. He will tell the thrilling story of a Belltower operative named Michael Zelazny. He deserted from the corporation and is robinhood - taking the lives of bad guys and sparing the respectable ones. True, he determines the criteria of integrity himself. In the old days, Wing Hui personally turned Michael into a murder weapon, installing a bunch of the most modern implants for the fighter, and now asks Adam to make him come to his senses.

Our target, according to the doctor, is hiding in a butcher shop in the Yuzhao district. But we will only find the corpse of a special forces soldier and a pocket secretary, which talks about Zelazny’s desire to move into the sewer.

IT IS IMPORTANT: after reading the entry, the next target marker will not appear on the map. This is not a bug, it’s just that the deserter’s exact location is unknown and you have to look for him yourself. A comrade with a literary name hid in the Daigong area; You will find the sewer hatch where you neutralized the terrorists in the “Corporate Wars” quest.

Having gone down to the drains, go to the green marks on the map - this is Michael and the three fighters loyal to him. Zelazny is a pronounced “alpha”, but in a conversation with him the social corrector is powerless. You won't be able to convince the saboteur to surrender - you can either approve his actions at the end of the conversation, or engage his squad in battle. No matter what you do, the amount of experience is the same (not counting the bonuses for winning the battle).

With a forceful approach, a gas grenade is effective - one successful throw will get rid of all enemies. If you are in the mood for a fight, you can not start a conversation at all and attack Michael’s squad right away. If you release the righteous man in peace, he will contact you via the infolink and inform you that Belltower has changed its patrol routes for some time.

Dr. Vin will give you a Praxis kit regardless of the result - even if you lie that you haven't seen Zelazny at all.

Hey there, on the ship!

In the Missing Link downloadable add-on, the scenario will drop Adam onto the military corporation Belltower cargo ship. In an unfriendly environment, we should not count on an abundance of people suffering for help, but one assignment is still available to us.


After you take your equipment out of storage and head to the bow hold, the ship will shake from an unexpected blow, and the game will offer to understand the reasons for the shock.

We go to the control room and climb through the window into the cargo compartment with containers. One of the blocks, according to all the laws of gravity, fell down, breaking a hole in the floor. Cryogenic chambers are stored on the “minus first” floor - one of them was smashed, causing a malfunction of the power source. We should find a spare battery and connect it to the server.

The find is waiting for us in the next room on the right, next to the elevator. The whole room is littered with boxes, one of them can be moved aside and you can get through the gap. There is also another container there - moving it aside, we will find ourselves in a cache with a battery and a weapon modification to speed up reloading.

We connect the energy source to the server and finish the optional mission. This kind deed will not go unnoticed - merchant Quinn at the Rifleman Bank military base will give Adam a discount.

Rocket launcher on the Great Tower

After leaving the ill-fated ship, Adam will find himself at the secret Belltower base. The military complex is teeming with enemies, and the only problem we can help them solve is getting rid of evening duty. But even here you can find a side mission.


During the meeting with Lieutenant Keitner, mention “weapons” in the dialogue - Netanya will tell us. where you can get hold of equipment by sending Adam up to the service level to mechanic Quinn. The stingy Irishman will show you the assortment and tell you about the “special offer”, the mysterious 329 series grenade launcher. We are talking about a simple rocket launcher, and to make it, a mechanic needs parts - a barrel, a sight and a trigger mechanism.

QUOTE: One ship once had grenade launchers, but I didn’t have time to get to them. Sent to the arsenal. Fortunately, my friend managed to “lose” one grenade launcher during maintenance work, but he was fired, and again I did not have time to pick up the weapon. And now this beauty is lying around somewhere, dismantled into pieces! I'm talking about a grenade launcher, not a friend. Although who knows where he really is now.

The sight is in the administrative building (on the way from the first cargo bay to the prison block), in one of the rooms in the western section. The trigger mechanism is in cargo compartment 1, inside the container in the western part of the room. The grenade launcher barrel is in cargo compartment 2, in a blue container (lying on top of the red ones); to get to it, build steps from boxes and crates or use a “jumping” implant.

These parts can be found and picked up even before accepting the quest - then Adam will give all the things to Garvin Quinn without further ado or questioning. The mechanic will assemble the rocket launcher for free immediately after we bring him the last part.