Reggio emilia on the map of italy. Detailed map of Reggio Emilia - streets, house numbers. Prampolini's central square

Italy will never tire of surprising tourists with its unusual culture and beauty of the latitudes. There are few countries in the world where two completely different cities are located, but with the same names.

These are the cities of Reggio. These settlements are located in the south and in the north of the peninsula. You can distinguish them by the prefix-region in which they are located - Reggio Emilia and Reggio di Calabria.

The following will describe Reggio Emilia located between Parma and Modema.
It is noteworthy that tourists who like to rent expensive cars in Italy, such as a Ferrari, cannot always drive themselves. In the Italian city of Piedmont, special restrictions have been introduced for tourists: they must take a personal accompanying curator and follow the rules established by the authorities - not to drive sports cars after 19:00 and from 12:30 to 15:00 in the afternoon. The same restrictions apply in the commune of Maranello, but so far these rules have not been touched by Reggio Emilia. In the same way, complete freedom regarding rental cars is valid in Moscow. The Moscow car rental company "Rif" offers to take a car without a driver and personally drive, and you can find out the details of ordering a car at the link The service offers comfortable foreign cars that are completely at your service - a full tank and delivery of the car to the specified place will pleasantly surprise you.

Reggio Emilia - a colony that was called Regium Lepidi, appeared thanks to the Romans on the Emilian Way in 187 BC. The then ruler of the land was the consul Mark Aemilius Lepidus, after whom the city was named. The location of the city in itself provoked constant raids by barbarian tribes in the 4th century, although the city was ruled by a bishop.
However, this did not prevent the city from becoming the heart and industrial center of the Lombard kingdom thanks to Alboin. In the XI century. the Tuscan dynasty, who lived nearby, on the territory of the Canosan castle, stably holds power here.

Two hundred years later, Reggio gains the long-awaited independence and is part of the Lombard League as an independent player. However, it was not possible to resolve the issue of the struggle for power between the clans of the city. Representatives of the clergy and the Visconti, Gonzaga and d'Este clans enter into a fierce struggle for the city. The victory was won by the d'Este clan, they successfully managed to maintain dominance over the territory until the very invasion of Napoleon. But there was a period when Pope Julius II ruled the city.

During the rule of the city by the d'Este family, the region reaches an unprecedented flourishing in industrial and economic terms. Cultural life is also thriving - a particular flourishing is observed in the field of architecture. Memories of the city of this period are closely connected with the activities of the poets Ariosto and Boiardo.

The main value and favorite of tourists is the City Cathedral, made in the Romanesque style. Under it, archaeologists found a mosaic dating back to the period of the ancient Roman era.

The Basilica of the Madonna della Giara is a no less interesting historical and cultural monument; it originally combined Baroque with Mannerism.

In the 10th century, the Basilica of San Prospero was built here, which is decorated with stunning paintings by Ludovico Carracci and Camillo Procaccini. Both masters are from Bologna.

Overview of the sights of the provincial town of Reggio Emilia (Reggio Emilia) on an independent trip to Italy.

Reggio Emilia was one of the cities that ended up on a separate trip to Italy, and the reason for everything is tickets for 1€. At that moment, the company entered the Italian passenger transportation market and actively conquered the market by dumping prices and tickets in all directions cost 1 €.

It was foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity and it was decided to organize a separate trip around Italy on the buses of this company.

Road to Reggio Emilia

I got here by bus from the city, where I stopped for the night and made a trip to Venice. My route is more an exception than a rule, but if you decide to go to this city for only 5-10 €, then look for direct bus tickets on the website from Italian cities, and.

For those who do not like buses, there is an alternative in the form of high-speed trains, train tickets are sold in Russian without extra charges.

Reggio Emilia greeted us with a bit of a shock, since we were supposed to arrive at the central railway station on a ticket, but the bus stopped at some small bus station that did not look like a train station. But the driver announced that we had arrived and had to get out.

As you can see in the photo, the bus station is deserted, but there is Railway so there will be a train station somewhere. We head towards the railroad and meet a completely unimpressive picture. Everything is very abandoned, graffiti, some gop companies and the station is not visible at all. But as it turned out, it was necessary to dive into a long underground passage, which led to the railway station from which one could start sightseeing.

They no longer left on buses, but on a regional train to a neighboring larger city, where they rented an apartment through. We didn’t buy tickets in advance, because we didn’t know how long we would be exploring the city, and there are tickets for sale for regional trains in Italy before departure.

It takes only 15 minutes to get to Modena by train and what a pity it was to give 2.95 € when in the morning for 3 hours on a comfortable bus they gave only 1 €. Below is a photo of the Trenitalia ticket office, but I prefer to buy tickets in vending machines and have never used the services of a ticket office, but maybe it will even be romantic for someone to chat with Italians when buying tickets.

Attractions Reggio Emilia

We leave the railway station and, having crossed the road, we run into a very useful stand where all the main sights of Reggio Emilia are indicated. As you can see, the historical center is small and everything is very compact, if there is not enough time, you can spend a couple of hours on everything.

After evaluating the route on the map, it became clear that we would have to walk along the small streets in search of some places. It even pleased me, because there is always not enough time and you have to ignore the small cozy streets, but here everything coincided and there is enough time and you will have to circle the streets. There was hope that they would not disappoint.

As you can see from the map, you have to go almost straight from the station to get to the main street of the historical part of the city. And here it is this street Via Emilia A S. Pietro and it immediately becomes clear that the entire historical center is built up with such 3-storey houses and this picture will have to be observed for the next few hours.

Basilica of San Pietro

We move along the main street to the first attraction of the Basilica of San Pietro (Basilica di San Pietro).

Streets of Reggio Emilia

I’ll run ahead and say that the small streets disappointed me a little here, but I liked walking under the arches of the main street. On one side there is a thin pedestrian strip, but on the other side there is a solid arch.

And one more photo of the main street to show how it all looks from the outside. It is a pity that it is not pedestrian, because modern cars parked along the entire street spoil the atmosphere of a small province.

But the inner streets that did not live up to my expectations. The whole atmosphere was spoiled by solid asphalt. Apparently there are very few tourists here and they are not going to preserve or restore stone blocks for them, as they do in major cities where there are many tourists. And I naively thought that in a small town it should be everywhere on small streets.

The street in the next photo seemed to me the best among the small streets, but it was also covered with asphalt. And again, the cars in the background and foreground spoiled everything.

A mute positive was brought in by a cat freely walking along these streets. I didn’t see more cats in this city, but there were a large number of dogs on the run.

I will continue the positive wave with the courtyards of Reggio Emilia, it is not possible to get into many because they are closed, but if you see an open passage, then the interior should not disappoint. Here, at least now, shoot a historical movie.

A little more positive can be added by the found multi-colored horse and a rather strange figure on the street corner with one body and two heads.

Prampolini's central square

When the mood rose, Reggio Emilia began to please me more and more. I liked the small squares here and the cheap coffee on them. If earlier, due to savings, I avoided cafes in such squares, here, in the absence of tourists, you can sit in any cafe on the square and enjoy not only coffee, but also views.

A cup of coffee was drunk in Prampolini Square (Piazza Camillo Prampolini). On this square and next to it is one of the largest concentrations of attractions in the city.

If you look closely at the monument in the photo of the Town Hall, you can see that it is overgrown with grass and this is on the central square of the city in the same place as the City Hall. Which once again says that tourists are completely forgotten here.

Saint Prospero's Square

Near the central square there is another completely deserted St. Prospero Square with the basilica of the same name. Here, apparently, a parking lot was organized, but it was so unclaimed that there were only two cars.

Avenue Garibaldi

The next point of the program was Garibaldi Avenue, which begins in the South with the Church of Christ, somewhere in the middle is the Basilica of the Madonna della Ghiara (Basilica della Beata Vergine della Ghiara), and the avenue ends with an obelisk whose purpose could not be found.

Victoria Square

There are only a couple of streets from the obelisk to Piazza Vittoria. It was not possible to photograph the square itself, since it was not being repaired and all that could be seen through the scaffolding was the Ariosto Theater and the Art Gallery.

City Park

Immediately after the scaffolding on Victory Square, the city park began. Although the park is not big, it is worth visiting because of the colorful tree in the very center.

Martyrs' Square

Entering the park from the side of Victory Square, we exit it from the side of the Martyrs' Square. These two areas, if not for scaffolding, can be mistaken for one big one, because they are not separated by anything.

City Wall - Santa Croce Gate

The Santa Croce Gate is the only remnant of the city's defensive wall that once existed. Today, almost the entire wall is a city avenue in the form of an octagon.


The province of Reggio Emilia is one of Italy's most visited areas in the region, with countless historical monuments and sites, fascinating routes, gastronomic delights and almost unspoiled scenic natural landscapes.

As can be clearly seen on the map of Italy, Reggio Emilia occupies part of the northern part of the country, from the Po River to the north and to the Tusco-Emilian Apennines to the south.

Location of Reggio Emilia on the map of Italy

The vast territory of the province has the shape of an elongated flat rectangle and is notable for dense forest plantations, which occasionally replace rocks and lakes, forming an amazing unusual landscape as a whole.

The northern Apennines with mountains over 2000m, like Monte Cuzna, for example, are intertwined with a hilly landscape dotted with small rivers and streams, creating a unique atmosphere.

The territory is rich in historical villages, castles, towers, aristocratic villas.

The city is rich in historical cultural values ​​and is thoroughly saturated with the spirit of antiquity.
Therefore, here every tourist will find where to go, but the most impressive are the main sights of Reggio Emilia:

After watching the video, you can admire the province of Reggio Emilia:

Festivals and events

In Reggio Emilia, you should definitely visit the following events:

  • Festival of Two Worlds(Festival dei Due Mondi) is a grandiose event that gathers participants from all over the world. During the holiday competitions are held in music, art, culture and theater. Held every year from the beginning of June to the end of July;
  • International Short Film Festival(Reggio Film Festival) - the main objective of the event is the promotion of short films with the demonstration of the most popular films. Held annually from 4 to 31 July.

Where to stay

According to tourists, it is worth staying in hotels:

  • Metripolis Hotel- cozy accommodation in the very center of the city for only 2,468 rubles. per day;
  • Saint Lorenz Hotel– accommodation in the historical center of the city for 2,468 rubles. per day.

Where to eat

You can taste the delicious dishes of Reggio Emilia in restaurants:

Climatic conditions

Reggio Emilia is located in the subtropical climate zone. best time to visit the period from the end of May to the beginning of September is considered.

There are many sunny days a year and not much rainfall.

The air is clean, thanks to the sea air, numerous green spaces and the proximity of the mountain range.

For tourist recreation

The city has a rich tourist infrastructure and is ready to offer guests a vacation for every taste and opportunity - to get acquainted with the sights, visit exhibition halls and museums, walk through the parks, go on one of the many tourist routes, enjoy the nightlife or make an exciting shopping - any entertainment for different categories of tourists.

A trip to Reggio Emilia allows you to get acquainted with no less interesting cities nearby, among which Reggio nel Emilia is especially revered by tourists, and.

How to get better and faster

By train: from Modena in just 11 minutes.
By plane: from Parma to overcome only 130 km.
By bus: safe and comfortable Flix Bus from 15.90 euros

You can truly be convinced of all the advantages of service and the profitability of a holiday in Reggio Emilia at a personal meeting with this unique corner of Italian land.

Here is a map of Reggio Emilia with streets → Emilia-Romagna region, Italy. We study detailed map Reggio Emilia with houses and streets. Real-time search, coordinates

More about the streets of Reggio Emilia on the map

A detailed map of the city of Reggio Emilia with street names will be able to show all the routes and roads of the Emilia-Romagna region, where the street is located. Via Sessi. Located close to.

For a detailed view of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page is an interactive scheme-plan of the city of Reggio Emilia (Italy) with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Via Rocco now.

The ability to plot a route through the country and calculate the distance - the Ruler tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (Hybrid scheme type), see the stations and borders of the Emilia-Romagna region.

You will find everything you need detailed information o location of urban infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

Accurate satellite map Reggio-Emilia (Reggio-Emilia) in Russian with Google search is in its own heading, panoramas as well. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on the map of the city in Italy / in the world, in real time. . st. Filippo Re will help you navigate the terrain.

Coordinates - 44.6960,10.6370