Quest scenarios for February 23. Quest "Think with your head, but fight with your strength." Cipher machine - art cabinet

“Quest for February 23 for men” - one of the popular requests that have been appearing in our mail since December.

What are the quests for February 23? What scenarios could there be? How long should the quest for February 23 last, and how long does it take to prepare?

Quest for February 23 for men

In most cases, so-called gender holidays are financed from the budget of the employees themselves. And women want to give their colleagues an unusual and fun gift. Therefore, the quest is a fairly convenient and relatively budget-friendly format for such an event.

However, nothing prevents you from carrying out. After all, a good walk among male colleagues can end in a cozy cafe!

Scenarios for the quest for February 23

In our view, a quest is a team game that combines search, intellectual and creative activities. As a rule, the storyline is set in the quest legend: “Search for treasure (or an antidote, if the quest is very limited in time)”, “Find a mysterious code”, etc. For a “male” holiday, the legends can be more “heroic”. For example, "Special Agents".

We try to adapt the quest legend to the specifics of the company’s activities, and also take into account the number of participants/teams. Therefore, each time, in fact, we develop a new quest.

We... every time, in fact, we develop a new quest...

Naturally, an important element of success is the logistics of the quest. We design the quest in such a way that teams periodically “cross” each other, creating conditions for cooperation.

Quite often, the female part of the office becomes part of the game - “secret agents” for whom we come up with quest stages.

And, of course, we need a common ending: opening a treasured castle or finding a “treasure (treat)”, creating a common art object that will then decorate the office.

Like any office quest, the duration is from 2 to 4 hours.

How long does it take to prepare the quest?

We prefer to have about 1.5 weeks before the event to formalize all agreements, carefully familiarize yourself with the company, its office and develop/adapt the quest.

The cost of the quest greatly depends on the number of participants and additional modifications, but on average it is 1200-1400 rubles per participant. And this cost takes into account basic adaptation and the arrival of our game technicians to your office to manage the quest.

A holiday in the office on February 23 for men can be arranged not only with the help of a quest. We will offer other formats.

This school quest game is a search for a hidden surprise using notes. Cards with various puzzles are hidden in certain places or objects, for example, in a classroom. The solution to each problem indicates the location of the next one. This creates a chain that ultimately leads to a hidden gift. The quest can be carried out in the classroom or throughout the school on the eve of February 23rd.

Items and places

All tasks in this quest are presented in at least two options - each option has its own answer. This is made to make it easier for you to select places where you will hide task cards. These places are listed below. Please note that the words are grouped together. Within a group, answers related to one task are indicated through the “/” sign. In each group of words we also indicate whether a template is provided for this task.

Clock/chalk, box/textbook, keyboard/photo, water/vase/template, wardrobe/sink/template, blackboard/calculator/table, battery/monitor, figurine/calendar/template, book/carpet, piano/globe, lamp /window sill/template, closet/drawer, plant/stairs/template, desk/map, poster/magazine/template, curtain/diary/mirror.

Description of tasks

Below is a brief description of each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. Task “Riddle”

Common children's riddles, the answers to which are household and school objects.

2. Task “Message in the fillword”

You need to find all the military words in the fillword to read the secret message. It will indicate what to do next.

3. Task “Types of sports”

An interesting task on knowledge of sports and their corresponding equipment.

4. Task "Star"

You need to draw a star in a certain way to read the clue.

5. Task “Parts of the World”

A task to test geographical knowledge. You need to correctly identify the represented parts of the world and read the encrypted word.

6. Task “Coordinate system”

An interesting logical and mathematical task, the solution of which will indicate where to go next.

7. Task “Connect the stars”

A puzzle in which you have to connect multi-colored stars in a certain way and decipher a secret word.

8. Task “Question”

A couple of interesting questions about school items (equipment).

9. Task “Auto-puzzle”

Unusual puzzle with cars. A challenging and entertaining task.

10. Task “True or False”

You need to determine the truthfulness of several statements and read the encrypted word.

11. Task “Morse code”

A test of knowledge of the English language and the ability to use the well-known Morse code.

12. Rebus

A couple of puzzles, solving which you will be able to understand where to go next.

Game program: “Future defenders of the Fatherland”

(based on the principle of the war game “Zarnitsa”)

Audience: Family living room “Home”, children and parents.

Target: to cultivate a caring attitude towards the memory of military events, to develop cognitive activity towards the military valor of their people.

Equipment: name of teams, name and equipment of stations:

« Soldier's kitchen» - 4 types of cereals (rice, millet, pearl barley, buckwheat);

« Intelligence service» - Morse code, image of a radio transmitter, telephone, plan - map and objects (headquarters, warehouse, hospital), encryption in an envelope;

« Military equipment» - puzzles of types of military equipment (tank, ship, plane),

emblems of various branches of the military;

« Medical» - iodine, brilliant green, bandage, cards with drawings of medicinal plants.

« Halt» - darts, sheets of A-4 paper.

The stations are managed by library workers.

Each competition is worth 1 point, the total mark is included in the route sheet.

Progress of the event.

Leading: Today we will find out whose team is the friendliest, knows a lot, and knows how to show a sense of camaraderie. The teams will have an exciting journey through the stations. Get route sheets. We wish you good luck!

Description of stations.

"Soldier's Kitchen"

The presenter welcomes the team. Announces which station the guys have arrived at. Participants are asked to complete the following tasks:


The team needs to make a proverb from the cards:

OUR, cabbage soup, -, FOOD, YES, porridge.

(Shchi and porridge are our food)

Explain this army proverb.

(This is a healthy and satisfying food, suitable for people who spend a lot of effort and energy.)


Solve the crossword puzzle.

What is porridge made from? (from various cereals)

What cereals do you know? (In the crossword puzzle, the word “cereal” helps identify other cereals: pearl barley, rice, rolled oats, millet, buckwheat)

They also cook pea porridge for the soldiers.


Can you tell one grain from another?

The children are asked to identify different types of cereals by touch. The cereals are poured into transparent jars, into which a child’s hand can fit, eyes closed.

If you have time, you can mix 2.3 types of cereals and invite the children to separate one from the other for a while.


I wonder how the guys understand the word halt. Does a soldier need rest? What can soldiers do at a rest stop (clean up, their weapons, have a snack, rest...).

    They play the game "Islands".

Rules of the game: using 2 sheets of paper to move to the other “shore” in a certain time, stepping only on the sheets of paper.

    Game "Sharp Shooter".

The player is given 3 attempts to hit the target (using “Darts”).

The total number of points is calculated.

Summarize. Place a mark on the route sheet.

"Hospital. Medical"

The presenter welcomes the team. Announces which station the guys have come to and the rules for completing tasks.

At the station, participants will have to show their knowledge in providing first aid to an injured person who has cut his finger. Everything they need is in front of the guys.

On the table is: hydrogen peroxide, water in a bowl, adhesive plaster, brilliant green, iodine, bandage, ice, tourniquet.

    Participants are asked to choose first aid for a cut and arrange them in the order of use when providing assistance.

    Two students from the team must bandage the finger using a bandage.

    Participants are asked to identify medicinal plants from the pictures: plantain, coltsfoot, chamomile, bellflower, clover, lily of the valley.

(If the guys can name in what cases they are used, they receive an extra point).

Summarize. Place a mark on the route sheet.

"Intelligence service"

The presenter welcomes the team. Announces which station the guys are at.

The guys are invited to imagine themselves as intelligence officers and answer the question, how can you convey the important information that you obtained to your commander? (the guys offer various options)

The presenter demonstrates what devices were used during the Great Patriotic War (telephone and radio transmitter, walkie-talkie).

And he finds out whether the guys know how to work with a walkie-talkie (using a key and a code).

It explains what Morse code is and how it is used (the letter is encrypted - i.).

Shows you a Morse code table and asks you to use it to decipher a phrase.

    Each group receives its own encryption (words are encrypted using Morse code) and a table with symbols. After decryption, the text of the message is compiled.

Headquarters on the left bank of the river.

There are 60 people in the squad.

Weapons depot near the bridge.

Hospital in a coniferous forest.

    Draw objects on the map in encryption.

Weapons depot near the bridge.

Hospital in a coniferous forest.

Summarize. Place a mark on the route sheet.



Military equipment"

The presenter welcomes the team. Announces which station the guys are at.

1 task.

Try to guess the riddles:

    He's in the vast ocean

The cloud touches the wing.

Will unfold over its wings,

Casting silver. (Airplane)

    An iron whale above the water.

The whale does not sleep day or night:

Day and night over the water

Protects our peace. (Ship)

    It takes off skyward without acceleration.

Reminds me of a dragonfly. (Helicopter)

    In wartime I shoot at the enemy

And in peacetime I notify about noon. (Cannon)

As the riddles are solved, the presenter shows pictures of military equipment.

How can we call these objects in one word? (Military equipment)

What other military equipment do you know?

(If more than five are named, an extra point is awarded)

Task 2.

The children are invited to put together one piece of military equipment from a puzzle.

To help, an original picture is laid out on the table.

Students are asked to answer the questions:

Which troops use this technique? (railway)

What other equipment is there in aviation, navy, artillery:

(boats, submarines, helicopter, anti-aircraft guns, howitzer, Katyushas).

3 task.

Name the branch of the military based on the emblem pictures provided.

The results are summed up and the points earned are displayed.

The total number of points is calculated. The winning team is determined.



ides of technology.

communication devices

Target: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.
1. Introduce children to some traditions of celebrating the holiday dedicated to February 23.
2. Contribute to the development of dexterity and accuracy in children, as well as improve coordination of movements.
3. Continue to teach children how to navigate using route sheets and how to navigate in space.
4. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.
5. Foster patriotic feelings, promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships, and develop a sense of mutual assistance.
Necessary equipment: route sheet, envelopes, map, newspapers, elements of military clothing (jackets, raincoats, ties), glue sticks, scissors, colored paper, skittles with images of tanks, large and small balls, rugs, spears, cardboard boxes - tanks, balloons, cardboard circles (10 of them with images of bombs), a clockwork bomb, bandages, shoulder straps of various ranks, a tape recorder, audio recordings of various songs on military themes.

Progress of the quest:

Welcome to our holiday dedicated to February 23! This wonderful day of military glory of Russia, our Fatherland. We all love our Motherland and must be able to protect it. Russian soldiers defended it more than once, and always with honor and dignity.
So today we have gathered here to congratulate our fathers, grandfathers and boys - future defenders on the holiday. All the children tried hard and prepared gifts. (we open the box with gifts, but they are not there). But what happened, where did our gifts disappear? (there is a knock)
A messenger appears with a letter and a package.
- I have the honor! Good evening everyone! They asked you to convey this message.
- Guys, there is a letter in this package. Let's read it!?
“Your gifts are hidden, if you want to return them, then tests await you! To find gifts for dads and children, you need to collect a map, and the pieces of the map are in envelopes that are given after completing the task. And where you need to go, first of all, you will guess by solving the puzzle. A route sheet is provided to help you."
- Well, dads and children, shall we return our gifts? But like real soldiers, we must be ready for any challenge. And at the first alarm, you and I must get dressed. Here's a newspaper for you, while the music is playing, you all have to make a cap out of the newspaper, put on guys and raincoats and line up according to your height. (perform the task)
- The task is completed and you receive the first part of the map. Our team is ready. Where will we go first? What does the rebus tell us? (gym)
- Team, level up! Attention! To the right - one or two! Step march!
Gym – children and parents are greeted by the General.
- Welcome fighters! I know that you have to pass the most difficult test, but in order to complete all the tasks you must be well prepared. You are invited to take the “Young Fighter Course”. First of all, we divide into two teams.
I suggest you take part in several relay races that will show your physical fitness.
Relay "Shooting"- you need to run to the mats, take a “lying” position and hit strategic objects with the ball - tanks (pins).
Relay "On Horseback"- The father takes the form of a horse, sits the child on his shoulders, and the child, a rider with a spear, must hit the ball with the spear and burst it.
Relay race “In the tank”– Dad and child sit in a tank (box-tank), run to the ring, dad lifts the child, and he tries to get into the ring.
Arrange shoulder straps according to seniority and arrange ranks.
- So, teams, line up! You have completed the young fighter course, you are ready for battle! I give you the second part of the map. You will find out what is next on your route sheet by solving the puzzle. (Music hall) Wish you luck!
- Team, march!
- Look, there is a minefield on our way; in order to get through we need to clear it. There are many mines here, but only a few of them hide bombs, your task is to find all the bombs. (We time the stopwatch bomb, everyone is clearing the field and looking for bombs).
- There was an explosion! Are there any wounded? It is necessary to urgently contact the medical unit. (We go to the medical office, where children learn to provide first aid and apply bandages to wounded soldiers - dads). And we passed this test and for this we received the third part of the map. We go to the music room, all the soldiers have received assistance.
- Team, right! Step march!
- And the captain of the ship meets us in the hall. And he has prepared tests for you.

Riddles from the captain:
1. I am currently serving in the navy,
My hearing is good.
There is the same in the infantry -
We are friends with the walkie-talkie for good reason!
(Radio operator)

2. This uniform is dark blue
He defends the country
And in a huge submarine
Sinks to the bottom.
Protecting the ocean
I have been to the ports of a dozen countries.
(Sailor - submariner)

3. I work on a “tractor”
This is the only way I can tell you:
“After all, before plowing my arable land,
I’ll deploy the tower first.”

4. The Motherland gave the order,
And he goes straight to the Caucasus!
Jumped at night with a parachute -
The road, sometimes a minute!

5. Will replace the robot-machine -
He will defuse a bomb or a mine himself.
Shouldn't be wrong at all
To stay alive later.

6. Go into battle with an intact gun,
Best friend.
Need an accurate eye
So that the aim is correct.

7. He lifts to heaven
Your steel bird.
He sees mountains and forests,
Air borders.
Why is he flying high?
To protect your country!
(Military pilot, pilot)

8. At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret,
On the path, on the shore,
Blocking the enemy's path.
(Border Guard)
- And you completed this task. Keep it up! All the soldiers, setting off on a long journey, sang a song. Real defenders can march and sing a song without much preparation. Are our dads ready?! (Parents March)
- To be a real defender, you need to be brave, strong, resilient, and for this you need to do morning exercises. Now the dads will rest, and our children will show how they do exercises to the music. (Children perform gymnastics to music)
- You have completed one more task and receive the last, fourth part of the map.
All that remains is to add up all the pieces of the map and we will understand where the gifts are hidden.
(Fold the map, on the map there is a diagram of the group’s premises)
- Now we know where our gifts are hidden, we go to the group and look for them. (They find gifts. Children congratulate dads.)
- This concludes our tests. To be strong and strong, we tried to eat well while hiking, and the healthiest thing was porridge. We invite you to our field kitchen to taste porridge.

Choose your quest for February 23

Especially for Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer several scenarios of wonderful quests that are perfect for congratulating men of any age! Now you can entertain your men in an original way during a family, corporate or school celebration! And finding hidden gifts will be the most memorable event of the holiday! All quests can be organized for one participant in the game, or for one or more teams!

Quest for February 23 for men

A universal quest for teenagers and adult men is an ideal way to congratulate and entertain your husband, beloved man, brother, dad or friend on any significant day.

Location: apartment, private house.

Age: 15+.

Corporate men's quest in the office on February 23

If over the years of office work you have already exhausted the entire stock of ideas for congratulating male colleagues, then our quest will be a real find for you!

You will be able to hold a competitive game for two teams, greatly amuse and at the same time unite the male team!

Location: office.

Age: 15+.

Family quest for fathers and sons on February 23

Arrange a real adventure for your men right at home! The peculiarity of this quest is that players of different ages can take part in it at the same time, starting with boys of 8 years old and ending with fathers and grandfathers.

A team game is also possible.

A great way to have a fun and varied family celebration!

Location: apartment, private house.

Age: 8+.

Quest for February 23 for boys from 9 to 14 years old

This quest is ideal for congratulating a boy or a group of boys on February 23rd. The tasks are designed for any age, starting from 9 years.

Team competitions are possible.

Location: apartment, private house.

Age: 9-14.

Quest for February 23 at school, for boys from 9 to 14 years old

If your task is to organize a party for students on school grounds, then this quest is ideal for you. It is specially designed to be carried out in a school premises. The tasks are designed for any age, starting from 9 years. Either one or two teams can take part in the quest.

Location: school premises.

Age: 9-14.