Secrets of the game Rules of War - nuclear strategy.

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1 strategy rules of war Harmful usurper

2. . The first thing you need to understand and remember in the game rules of war during occupation is more damage than during robbery in the rules of war! I have already described how to apply this in the secrets of the rules of war. The point is simple: if you want to break the enemy’s defenses and lose as little as possible, then first occupy his sector and then plunder. The punks rule.

The smaller the unit, the more damage it deals. That is, if you spend the same amount of resources on infantry and, for example, on splitters, then the total number of infantry has greater attack power.

Simple calculations:

Take for example 100,000 titanite we buy infantry with them and it turns out 666 infantry

(well, the number turned out) with the same money we buy splitters

18 chips

Now let's calculate their total attack amount

infantry 666*40=26,640

splitters 18*900=16,200.

That is, the striking force of the infantry turned out to be almost 10 K greater. If you compare the same infantry with a cruiser, the difference will be even greater. If you compare the Valkyries with the splitter and other troops, then the difference will also be, but a little less.

The same thing happens in defense. But in defense it’s a little more complicated, since different units have different protection indicators from one type or another.

5. How to use it? If you have enough credits to maintain such units, then with such force you can demolish all the protection, with less losses. Quantitative indicators of losses or long live cannon fodder

! It doesn’t matter whether it’s attack or defense, more troops (units) are lost than those that are larger in number!

Look at the screen below for sector protection:

6 Let's gather in a crowd. Error in understanding the number of troops! Previously, I thought that the more attacking troops I made, the greater their striking force, the less I would lose them during the attack. Nothing like that! Look at the example: I took the same amount of defense and attacked these troops with different numbers of troops.

What happened. if the sector has more or less normal defense, then the more troops you send, the more you lose, but the more defense troops you destroy. Another axiom follows from this: Whatever your attack power, you will lose exactly as much as the enemy’s troop protection:

And in defense too, the more defense you have, the more you lose it, but also the more the attacker loses. and you will lose exactly as much as the enemy’s attack, even if it costs you many times more defense army.

So think about how this can be applied strategically.

7.Combat reconnaissance or psychic. Checking the protection of a sector or mine. It happens that he explored a sector or a mine and was unable to explore it. Then you sit and wonder whether to attack or not to attack blindly? What if there is more protection there? How to find out what kind of protection there is!? It's simple! you take and send a small number of troops to capture, for example, 20 infantry, 10 Valkyries and one tank (at different levels different numbers of troops are sent to check, be guided by the level of development of the sector to which you send troops). If during an attack he has normal losses, then the defense there is weak, you can capture everything! If he has no losses or one or two, then it is better to abstain, unless you have a large army.

Thank you for reading the post, I hope these little tricks in the rules of war game strategies will help you in future victories in the wasteland!

So, you started playing and a lot of questions arise, among which “what to do” dominates. Sometimes “what’s going on.” I'll try to answer.
The main task is to develop our own sector.
Complete Lapidus' tasks - this is the easiest way to develop the sector. Try not to waste the crystals that are given for completing tasks. Your goal is Bur. A very useful thing. If there are tasks that require the expenditure of crystals, perform them only as part of the task. This is a sample, it will be much more expensive in the future.

First of all, take care of the economy of the sector: mines, mines (up to level 12), residential complexes (up to level 20), financial corporation, metallurgical plant and uranium enrichment laboratory.
Until you build at least two thousand heavy defense forces to protect the sector (Gaussians, mortars, interceptions, orbits), keep the troops always, ALWAYS!!, in the bunker. Whether a hornbeam is coming at you, an occupation, or you just went to sleep, your troops must be hidden.

The sector economy is the basis of the game. The main resource of the game, no matter how strange it may seem, is time. You may have a ton of all the resources, but at a certain point you will realize that you have a queue for troops for months, and at the moment there is no point in it. Another option is to speed up production using crystals (real money), but this is not suitable for everyone. Another option is saving. Always and in everything. Don’t get into conflict, let others merge, the more you save, the more you will have later.
The main method of obtaining resources is robbing neighbors. You shouldn’t immediately rush into an attack, but you should be ready for active action.

About behavior in the game in general: in one word - politeness. Treat everyone who writes to you like your best friend. It doesn't matter what he writes. Trolling is a weapon just like your army. You may be insulted based on your race, nationality or personal qualities, going far beyond the bounds of decency.

Insults may force you to attack a sector in which defense has already been collected from several sectors. As a result, you will lose your army and gain nothing, and the enemy will gain experience at your expense. Never take revenge for a raid on your sector. Revenge is unacceptable in this game. The retaliatory raid is calculated, perhaps even the meaning of this raid is in your response. Personally, in my memory there is a case when one person brought down all the sieges in the area, including mine. When I wrote to him, he replied that this was a hunt for noobs and his entire clan was on defense in his sector. And according to him, they showed up very well, their personal business has noticeably improved.

Fighting trolling - ignore or be polite. Do not respond or ridicule your opponent without overstepping the bounds of politeness. In fact, politeness is the same as trolling. If the enemy sees that he cannot piss you off and he only makes you laugh, this is your victory.

How to go to locations correctly

Locations. This is also quite an interesting thing, allowing you to significantly increase your army. Let me explain by type:
Imperial (Imperki) - locations with a fixed bonus (those with a skull on the emblem). Don't touch them. In fact, even level 1. The fact is that to break through them you need much more troops than for similar quests. It's better to leave them for later, when you can break through them without much expense.
Ordinary - all locations on the radar except quest ones.
Quests are locations of the highest level for you, for which there is a task.

It is more profitable to complete quests as late as possible, because at high levels, much more experience is required to obtain new ones.

The optimal tactic is this: send infantry and maximum armored vehicles to the location. In order to always receive a bonus, after the previous bonus (for example, you received 100 kopecks), you need to calculate how many resources are needed (titanite + uranium + credits) to build these troops, and then in the next location, pour troops into it for the same amount of resources. In this case, as a rule, you will receive troops of the highest level with an increase of 50%. The whole point of the locations is to exchange your simple troops for stronger ones.

In order to receive troops as bonuses, you must try to open locations exactly at the moment when your warehouses and banks are full. Because if they are empty, then the game is calculated in such a way that the likelihood of receiving resources in the form of bonuses is greater precisely with empty storages

Don't rush into level 100 locations. Get to it and don’t punch through, do 80-99. After each “hundredth”, the balance shifts down, so you need to drain more than you took. So you only need to break through a level 100 location once, take the maximum prize and not touch it at all again. Feed her well so that there will definitely be a prize.

Clan ratings in the Rules of War

The clans themselves do not give anything, the clan itself is a gathering of people who say: we are power, we are the clan, they flatter themselves, in reality the clan is a bunch of gopniks who have gathered in a crowd and terrorize passers-by (comparison from real life), hence the question: how many can they terrorize people? Long enough if they are close; quite ineffective if far away.

The maximum time for troops to reach any sector is 24 hours. In a day you can complete the construction and collect defense from the neighbors. Therefore, the main advantage of a clan (the only one at that) is to assemble a clan defense to ambush and repel the enemy. There are many more disadvantages - do not attack allied sectors, listen to requests, the main thing is to follow the orders of the commanders, no matter how stupid they are, in some clans there is also a tax on def, which is allocated to the rays.

What do emitters provide in the Rules of War?

Capturing new emitters from Morgana is, of course, much easier than knocking out the clans that have settled on them from old emitters.
Knowing the date of appearance of new emitters in the game Rules of War, you get a clear advantage because 

you will be able to prepare an attack for a successful capture, as well as the necessary number of defensive troops to further hold the emitter.

So, when will new emitters appear in the Rules of War game?

I admit that only the developers can know the exact date. 

But despite this, we can predict the date based on past experience of the appearance of new emitters.
There is a fairly truthful opinion that new emitters appear on the official game server every 4 months.

The first batch of emitters, which I personally found, appeared on December 14, 2012.

The following emitters appeared on April 16, 2013, i.e. 

in almost exactly 4 months.

How to loot in Rules of War

If your warehouses are pumped up, 50% of the resources are taken (from each warehouse, but not more than 100 tons in total, this includes loans), then 5% of what is available is taken (this is perfectly described in the rules).

Counteraction techniques: first and most importantly: your sector should never have a lot of resources, no one needs an empty sector! Second, if they still get you, then do the same - rivet infantry and send them to the enemy 10 times a day. 200 infantrymen can do quite a lot in an ordinary unfortified sector (fortified ones are a separate discussion), where only off-duty units are built. In this way, you will prevent the enemy from building, and this is already a lot, and the infantrymen are riveted quickly.

Intelligence service. It is enough to have 70-150 reconnaissance units; 5-10 reconnaissance officers are (most often) sent for reconnaissance: they either die or reconnaissance. If they die, it makes sense to probe - suddenly the feeder has begun to be built and has a bunch of troops, killing which you can gain experience. If they don’t die, then boldly go and plunder the lands.
How to distribute nanopods

Nanopods can be redistributed, but only once for free. Next we invest real money, so take your time. I suggest everyone initially study Recycle and Mutation Cost.

Further, for players who do not use elite status, you can level up +1 robbery. There are no excess resources.
It is very useful to pump up the number of mines, but in fact this should be done after lvl 75, otherwise you will get tired of fighting back.

The most profitable units

Let's look at which units should be built in which situations. I asked myself a question and calculated a table with the indicators of all units. By the way, the table turned out to be useful, I didn’t know that myself))
Column 2 shows the cost of the unit; it is this that is used when calculating the bonus at locations.
Column 3: unit production time in seconds
Column 4: unit attack/defense indicator. The indicator is accepted when the level 10 elite status is turned on, but it does not affect the overall percentage of attack/defense.
Column 5: shows the possibility of attack/defense if there are sufficient resources.
Column 6: affects the location bonus. If you need to remove a bonus from a location, be guided by these indicators.
Column 7: all units are eaten. When there are a lot of them, they eat a lot. Consider your army's credit consumption.

Next: what to build when.
It all depends on your hornbeams. How limited are your resources and for what purpose are you building troops. Location calculations use the total cost of the unit. At the same time, to produce troops, you should use column 6. Ultimately, this will give you a larger location bonus.
If there is a lack of resources, you should use the same column 6, but select the lowest values. In this case, fewer resources will be spent, but there will be an increase in attack/defense. Well, if you want to quickly make an attack/defense, look at column 5. By default, this is an interceptor and an orbital cannon, and by default, the absolute leader is an infantryman.
For this reason, I recommend for production (subject to availability of resources):
Mortar or Gauss Cannon
Orbital cannon

If there is an excess of credits during production, you should build troops with the maximum price for credits: Sniper, Machine Gunner, Pyrotechnician, Rocketeer (these have almost half the cost in credits) Liquidator, Protector; Chastener; Orbital cannon and fighter.

"Rules of War of Nuclear Strategy" is an excellent online browser game in the strategy genre that will take you into the world of cyborgs and apocalyptic battles. Released by developers from Plarium Gaymes back in 2011, and since then it has won millions of fans around the world. The game is free and runs without installation or downloads, and if you want to have a fun time playing an exciting strategy, then you should play it. But it should be remembered that “Rules of War of Nuclear Strategy” is not entertainment for a few hours. Here, as in any strategy, leveling up your character will take a considerable amount of time.

Sector - house and player rolled into one

The goal of the strategy is to develop your sector as much as possible, build a huge army and keep all nearby territory and resources under control. To achieve this, you will have to work hard. Initially, the sector itself will have nothing, but after a few hours uranium and titanium mines will appear on it, which bring resources so necessary for building an army.

Residential complexes provide loans, which are extremely important for maintaining troops, and it is worth pumping them up even without tasks from General Lapidus, so as not to face the disbandment of troops. But the most important building is the command center, because through it you can interact with your troops, record friends or enemies in notes and collect resources from the colonies. There are many more buildings in the sector that you will become familiar with as you progress.

Player interaction

Rules of War: Nuclear Strategy is not a solo game and you will have to interact with other players. Some of them will become an enemy or a resource base, and some will become loyal allies.

A separate topic in the game "Rules of War of Nuclear Strategy" is the extraction of resources. After all, the mines will not be able to provide you with the required amount of consumables. And to extract them, you will need to commit robberies or seize mines. But other players are unlikely to want to share with you, and this is where the battles will begin. At first, it is worth plundering abandoned sectors whose owners have abandoned the game. But when you are confident in your abilities, you can safely engage in battle with the enemy, because for this you can get invaluable experience and several useful artifacts.

Making friends in the game “Nuclear Strategy Game Rules” is an important step, because thanks to them you can get this type of units such as cyborgs every day. A special advantage of this type of troops is that they do not consume credits, which is quite convenient. When you level up your character, you will be offered to join a clan, which is definitely worth doing. “Rules of War of Nuclear Strategy” is a team game, and only together can you capture the emitter, as well as hold it in your hands. And the emitters, in turn, will provide valuable mutagen, which increases the performance of troops and reduces the number of credits required to maintain them.

Fast leveling

The much-needed crystals will help you increase sector performance, buy troops, or increase resource production. You can get them by completing tasks from the general or by purchasing them for real money. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time leveling up the sector or building troops, then you can clean up the ATM a little and speed up the process itself. Crystals do a variety of useful things, from restoring troops after battles to purchasing elite and strategic units, and chasing them has become the main focus of Rule of War: Nuclear Strategy. You should not use cheats to cheat this resource. Because the developers keep a vigilant eye on thieves, and for the first time the sector will be banned for a week, but the option of deleting the account from the game forever is possible.

"Rules of War: Nuclear Strategy" - locations

The game has prepared many interesting tasks, which are a pleasure to complete. And, probably, the main role in them is played by locations with Morgana, where you can get valuable experience and a prize in the form of resources and troops. It is worth remembering that locations can be defensive or attacking, and troops should be sent to them accordingly. Locations are, first of all, an excellent opportunity to get heavy troops by exchanging your infantry for them. This option is quite simple for initial levels - build infantrymen or cyberdogs and send them to the appropriate location, and from there you will receive a prize in the form of heavy equipment. At more difficult levels, infantry alone is not enough, and this is where you need to use your tactical skills. Many people who play “Rules of War of Nuclear Strategy” have their own system for completing tasks. Some go only to attacking or defensive locations, while some take prizes from small ones and use them to attack more advanced areas. You'll have to choose your own strategy.

I decided to sketch out a little screed for those who still don’t know what emitters are in the rules of war.

The essence is actually painfully simple and is not much different from the principle of the wonder of the world in Travian, except that it is not the end of the game and the arrival of the Natars.

The emitter (popularly simply called a ray) is captured by the clan and only the clan from the bots - Morgan, or taken from other clans (improvements are not lost).

With capture, points are awarded to the clan; the more emitters and the higher their lvl, the higher the clan in the ranking.

The emitter can and even needs to be upgraded to at least level 2.

Only at the second level does it become possible to use the antigen by mutating troops.

How the emitter works - it is attacked with enviable regularity by bots - Morgana. They hit very weakly, at least my defense on the emitter does not lose a single soldier from these attacks (it costs 100 combat vehicles + small things like cyberdogs and machine gunners, even small things usually don’t fall). After each repelled attack, enemies leave behind an antigen that can be used to mutate their own troops. In itself, this is complete bullshit, the troops’ stats increase by a lot, but the consumption of credits is halved. For example, when a cyberdog mutates, it receives 21 defensive stats (becomes 21-21-19-19), but eats only 0.5 credits. And since on average 1-3k antigens are mined per day, it looks so-so, especially considering how much it costs to improve the emitter by 2 lvl - 100 ups for 20k of each resource, in total the clan loses more than 6 million resources for this pampering. At the third level, each up costs 30k of each resource - titanite, uranium and credits.

The radiators also provide a minor bonus to the garrison.

But the emitter has one mega-useful property for noobs - it is an excellent save for troops in case of an attack or if you are leaving.

You just make troops and in the process send them to the beam and prevent you from farming by inflating your warehouses. And when there are already enough troops, you simply return the troops and give battle to the offender, and do not offensively merge 50 cars each. Certainly. There are a number of BUTs in this scheme. Firstly. you must be in a good clan that firmly holds the emitter, since in the later stages of the game 10k vehicles and 1k interceptors make their way through the forces of several top attackers.

Secondly, it is often easier to ask your neighbors for help.

Thirdly, noobs who are not able to stand up for themselves are usually not accepted into normal clans with emitters. Although this point is entirely in your hands - you can always come to an agreement if you wish, although this is a paramilitary game, it is played by ordinary people for the most part.

That's all for now, have a good game and more emitters :)

I’ll make a reservation “on the shore”; in my article I will not tell you about various bugs and hacks of the game. If anyone wanted to read about something like this, then you shouldn’t come to me. I will only tell you the secrets that are based on the experience of other players. After all, everyone knows that when starting any event, even if it is a new game, without knowing the basic rules and nuances, you can make a lot of mistakes. These are the secrets I will tell you about.

  • Invite your friends to the game Rules of War - Nuclear Strategy. The more friends and allies you have in the game, the larger your army will be. And the defense is stronger.
  • When you log into the game every day, as well as during the game, various bonuses will appear in your sector: uranium, titanium, credits. You can also collect bonuses in your friends’ sectors.
  • It is better to spend crystals in the game on improving the army, otherwise it will not be profitable.
  • It is cost-effective to improve resources only up to the tenth level. In the future, their payback is reduced by almost 2 or even 3 times.
  • Since expanding the sector is expensive, you should not get carried away with the development of factories. There is little income, but an expensive place is occupied.
  • It is not advisable to build a black market building, the place is occupied and there is no benefit.
  • When building towers and gate walls, it is worth considering that they will cost less if you complete the task of building them. Otherwise, they cost at least 25 crystals.
  • Each time you increase the perimeter and build new walls, you will have to demolish previously built fortifications (walls, towers), i.e. pay twice!
  • All erected perimeter fortifications: towers, walls, etc. are meaningless for defense if there are no troops in the perimeter at the time of the attack.
  • The warehouse and bank only protect half of its resource capacity.
  • To protect yourself from robbery, do not store more than 50% in a bank or warehouse, in this case the enemy will take only 5%.
  • To protect yourself from robberies, you should improve your warehouse and bank.
  • You can only rob another player for 80 resources.
  • When attacking, you should not take defensive troops with you. And vice versa. Do not use attacking troops on defense.
  • But it is better to hold the occupied sector with defensive troops, and remove the occupation with attacking troops.
  • For the occupation you will only receive a rating; only first places receive crystals.
  • Robbery of an occupied sector automatically removes occupation from it.
  • If you are occupied, you should not immediately lift the occupation. The enemy who occupied you will not be able to rob you, and neither will other opponents.
  • Until the ninth sector, no one can attack you. Therefore, you have time to improve your troops. Also send your army for reinforcements to the sectors, so you can increase it.
  • Allies get to each other 20 times faster than to a regular sector, in a maximum of 1 hour. The maximum travel time to a regular sector does not exceed 24 hours, even if it is located ten thousand kilometers away.

Of course, there are still a lot of nuances and secrets in the game, but everyone comes to them on their own. So play and win.