The ace plays the deck into a fool. Card game fool. Let's consider the basic rules of these two types

Completely coincide with the classic rules of the game Fool toss.

The game uses a deck of 36 cards and involves two to four players. Everyone is dealt 6 cards, the next card after the deal is revealed and its suit sets the trump card for this game.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards. The last player who does not get rid of cards is left in the “fool”.

The player with the lowest trump card goes first, then goes clockwise. You can move any number of cards of the same value. The first “release” is 5 cards.

The player being followed can cover the cards either with the highest card of the same suit, or with a card of the trump suit, if the covering card is not itself a trump card - in this case it can only be covered with the highest trump card.

The walking player has the right to “throw” cards that match the value of any card on the table, including those that were used and those that were played. If more than two players are involved in the game, then the player who walked has the right to have the first word, but when he has finished walking, the remaining players have the right to throw in their cards according to the same rules. You can also throw cards when the player decides to accept the cards and not continue to fight back, this is called “catching up”. You cannot throw more cards than the fighting player has left - that is, if a player has three cards, they put one on him, and he decided not to cover it, then he can only add two after him. You cannot throw more than six cards in total, even if the player has more cards in his hand.

If the player who is being followed has fought back, then he goes next, but first all players get up to 6 cards, starting with the player who went first and ending with the player who fought back.

If the player was unable to fight back, then he accepts all the cards, and the player on the left goes next.

Muhlezh and anti-fraud

The ability to cheat adds even more lively excitement to the card game, just like in a real game with real people.

To cheat, you need to click on the “cheat” button and you can beat or transfer with any card, without any restrictions.

Remember that, just like in a live game with real opponents, any cheating can be exposed.

If you think that you have uncovered cheating, then before the end of the current round, click the “anti-cheating” button next to the avatar of the player who you think is cheating. If the player turns out to be honest, you lose the opportunity to reveal the player’s cheating until the end of the round.

Let me say that the card game of playing the fool is so common and has long been familiar to all of us that only a fool has never played it. sorry, or a person who is not familiar with cards at all. And who hasn't played the fool while stripping? well, or by desire, for example? Who didn't cheat? Yes, no one, believe me, we can say with confidence that the fool is a folk game. Perhaps the rules of the game of fool are familiar to many, these are not the rules of the game of poker. What's there to worry about? But for those who, for some reason, forgot or did not know for sure, I will now tell you about them, about the rules.

Rules of a simple Russian card fool

To play a simple Russian fool you will need a deck of 36 cards. First, a trump is drawn (a card whose suit will later be considered trump) and placed under the deck with the remaining cards. All players are dealt 6 cards. The first to start is the player who has the smallest trump card, or the player who has this trump card, and if no one gets a trump card in the hand, which happens rarely, but it does happen, then you should take one card at a time from the deck until someone - no luck. You need to walk clockwise and get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. The player who does not return the card accepts it and misses the turn. Whoever is left with cards at the end of the game is a fool.

Rules of the throwing fool

You can move any number of cards of the same value. The player being followed can cover the cards. or maybe accept. The walking player has the right to “throw” cards that match the value of any card on the table, including those that were used and those that were played. If more than two players are involved in the game, then the player who walked has the right to have the first word, but when he has finished walking, the remaining players have the right to throw in their cards according to the same rules. You can also flip cards. when a player decides to accept the cards and not continue to fight back, this is called “chasing.” You cannot throw more cards than the fighting player has left, that is, if a player has three cards, they put one on him, and he decided not to cover it, then he can only add two after him.

Also, you cannot throw more than six cards in total (along with the card that was played), even if the player has more cards in his hands. At the first “all-out”, you cannot even throw more than 5 cards to the batter (along with the card that was played). There is also such a thing as “epaulets”. When at the end of the game there are two people left, and one of them has only two cards, and both sixes, then he has won. What is called “hung the shoulder straps” on the loser, now the loser will be “a fool in the shoulder straps.”

Translation Fool Rules

Translation fool rules. in fact, the same as in the thrown fool. but with one addition, which can be called a complication: if the player being played has a card of the same value, then he can put it next to the card already lying and “transfer” both cards to the next player. The first game cannot be transferred. You can transfer again if the next player also has a card of the same value. You cannot transfer more cards than the next player has in his hand. When cards are transferred to a player who cannot transfer them further, he becomes the counter player, and must cover everything, or accept. And in the transferable fool there is such a feature as a “travel card”: a trump card of the same value that was used for you, but unlike a simple card, you don’t have to throw it, you just need to show it, as in public transport they usually show their travel tickets , though next time it won’t be possible to use it in the same way, because you won’t have to show it, but throw it into the game. This is the tricky fool game.

Varieties of playing the fool

The game of fooling around is so widespread in our country and abroad that the fact that it has many types is not surprising. But even I did not expect that there were so many of these species. Such types of playing the fool are known. like: a sneaky fool. transferable fool. ostentatious fool, fool of spades, mad, Chinese and Albanian fool, Armenian fool, no-trump fool, big fool, two-trump fool, boring fool, royal fool, Magadan fool and so on, you can list as many more. Some of the most famous species are the transfer and throw-in fool.

Well, it seems like that’s all about the fool for now. I think it will be possible to write about other types of this game a little later. By the way, the New Year is just around the corner, and with it a feast in a cheerful company, well, when everyone fills their bellies, they will want entertainment and that’s right, so along with champagne and red caviar, I recommend purchasing a deck of cards. and all because after a few glasses of strong drinks there will definitely be a person at the festive table whom you want to beat the fool to undress or for whom you want to undress, with all the ensuing consequences). Agree, this is better than playing spider solitaire alone. So practice and good luck!

Number of players From 2 to 8

Party time From 10 minutes

Game difficulty Lightweight

A card game called “fool” - what are its instillations and what is the essence?

What is the essence of the game?

Up to six players take part in the game, and the game is played with a deck consisting of 36 cards. It is permissible to increase the number of party participants to 8 people, but subject to the use of a deck of 54 cards.

At the start of the game, 6 cards are distributed to each participant. From the deck remaining after the distribution, a random card is selected (from the top or from the pile), which is placed in the middle of the table under the remaining deck so that everyone can see it. The suit of the chosen card is the trump card for this game party, and the highest card is the Trump Joker (if it is not trump, then red – beats off red cards, black – black).

The rank of cards is determined from the smallest card to the largest. In a deck of 36 cards, it looks like this: the smallest card is 6; further in ascending order 7-10, Jack, Queen, King; the oldest is Ace. In a deck of 54 cards, the countdown is also ascending, but it starts with two, and the Joker is considered the highest, not the Ace.

The goal of the game is to get rid of (discard) your own cards before other participants. The only player who has them left is considered a “fool.” The beaten cards are redirected to the rebound (bat) and no longer take part in the game until a new game is dealt. One game of the game "Fool" is called "con".


If there are two players left in the game, each of whom has the same number of cards, and they are all hidden, it is a “draw”.

Card game Fool: rules of the game

  • The game “Fool” has several variations, and therefore, before starting the game, participants must decide on its type. Thus, the most common varieties are considered to be transfer or throw-up fool, but there are also less common types.
  • As we noted earlier, the number of participants in this game can be from 2 to 8, and this depends on the number of cards in the deck (6 players - 36 cards, maximum 8 - 54 cards). At the same time, the most common option is to use a deck of 36 cards, with up to six players.
  • The goal of any type of fool game is to quickly get rid of personal cards. The one who still has them is considered a fool.
  • Before the start of the kon (game), the cards are shuffled and dealt in a circle, clockwise, one card (sometimes two) to each player. The deal starts with the player taking the place to the left of the one who deals. Thus, 6 cards are dealt. From the deck of remaining cards, one is selected (usually it is removed from the top) and placed under the deck of remaining cards with the face value up. The entire deck is placed face down in the middle of the playing table.
  • The suit of the chosen card is trump in this game, in other words, it beats all other cards except cards of the same suit that are higher than its face value. At the same time, it also takes part in the game as the last deck.
  • After a mulligan, the trump card can be repeated and can be repeated many times during the mulligan.
  • If the number of players corresponds to the number of cards, that is, there are no cards left after the deal, then the last card of the deck is also considered a trump card. When replacing players, increasing or decreasing their number, the game must begin again. After the participant releases the card, this action is recognized as a move made. Note that each player has the right to demand a full mulligan of cards if, after the distribution has been made, he has 5 or more cards in his hands belonging to the same suit.
  • The first to move is the one who has the card of the smallest value when there is a card of more than ten at stake; if the card is less than ten, then the card of the highest value. Players move clockwise in any case, and with each subsequent deal they start with a move for the person who became a fool in the previous game. Thus, they “teach a fool” and such moves are called “for the fool” or “for the fool.” But, with the consent of everyone, it is possible to make moves “from under the fool”, that is, from the one sitting on the left.
  • During the game, the participant puts down any card at his discretion, and the next participant in the circle must beat it off, or take it into his deck. You can beat your opponent's card by placing on it the highest card of exactly the same suit, or any other trump card. Note that a card of a trump suit can only be beaten with a trump card of a higher value. After the card is beaten, any of the participants can add a card of any suit that matches the value of the cards on the line. At the same time, some variations of this game may limit the circle of card tossers, for example, to those who sit next to the players fighting back.
  • Tossing cards, as a rule, occurs under one, and the first person entering is given this right and only after the word “Beat!” it is passed on to other players in a circle. You can only toss a number of cards not exceeding six (but if the one who fought back has more of them, then it is allowed to throw one less than the number that he currently has in his hands). If the one who fights back, for certain reasons (does not want or cannot), does not cover at least one card, he takes them all and continues the game with more cards.
  • After all the cards have been dealt, they are sent to a separate pile called “discard” and are no longer used in the game until the next round. At the same time, they must be turned face down, so that their value is not visible to the players, and peeking at them until the end of the game is prohibited. You cannot take cards from the remaining deck until all the cards are beaten or taken by the opponent. After such an entry, the players, starting with the entering player, get cards from the main deck to the initial number, namely up to six. The last card to be taken is the one who fought back.
  • After the end of the cards in the deck, the game is played according to the same rules, the only exception being that no more cards are drawn. The game ends only when the cards of all players are discarded, and the one who has them left is recognized as a loser, or, as they say, a “fool.” Sometimes players agree among themselves to identify winners, according to the order in which the cards are discarded. For example, the first one to discard all the cards is the winner, the subsequent ones take the corresponding places (second place, third and in that order).

the site is a portal for board games, where we tried to collect the most popular board games, as well as the latest in the gaming industry. The "Fool Card Game" page provides an overview of the game, photos and rules. If you are interested in the "Fool Card Game", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with games in other categories with similar characteristics.

One of the most common and simple board games is still considered the card game Fool. To play you will need a deck with 36 cards, from two to six players. You can play each for yourself, or you can play in pairs 2 on 2, or 3 on 3. The winner in this game is the one who gets rid of all the cards first. If a team is playing, then the first ones who are left without cards from the team are recognized as the winners.

The leader is the one who walks first and then throws the cards first. A simple game is one that does not involve throwing cards other than the denomination from which the move began. In other words, either the opponent has beaten off the cards of the same value placed on the table, they are discarded and the right to move passes to him.

Rules of the “toss-up fool” standard game

The simplest game of this type. The players are dealt 6 cards each, and a trump card “shines” from the remaining deck. If the cards are dealt in full (when six players are playing), either the last card in the deck or the suit highlighted by the dealer is considered a trump card. The remaining cards are stacked on top of the trump card and subsequently serve as an opportunity to replenish the stock. The player who has the lowest value trump card on the crayfish starts the game (usually a six). If there are several players, the opponent located to the left of the leader begins to fight back first. As a rule, the move begins with the lowest value card (six), and if there is none, it proceeds upward. At the same time, the rules of the game do not limit the player’s right to make a move with any card (even a trump ace!) that is in his possession. The main task is to end up as the winner and make sure that the opponent(s) hold the cards in their hands.

The task of the rebounding player is simple. He needs to cover all the cards he is given for beating. When the moving player still has an additional denomination with which the opponent fights back, he can (but no one obliges him to do this) toss it. You can “beat” a suit only with the highest value of one suit. If there is none, you can use trump cards. It must be remembered that the trump cards themselves “beat” exclusively only with trump cards of the highest suit. The maximum number of cards that can be tossed per turn is six. This rule applies even when the player has already collected a larger number of cards from previous unsuccessful attempts to fight back.

Video rules and history of the fool:

After the presenter has finished tossing the cards, this right comes to the rest of the players (only from one team). Now they can toss cards to the opponent. After all the tossed cards are covered, those present no longer have a face value to toss (or do not want to toss), the turn is considered over, and the cards are turned over. Then each player replenishes the missing number of cards from the deck, up to six. Replenishment begins with the one who started the move, and then, clockwise, those present replenish their cards. The opponent takes the last one from the deck (what remains). After this, he has the right to move to the next player on the left. If there are a pair of players playing (two or three), and the player who is fighting has completely run out of cards, but he has completely fought off the opponents, the right to make the next move goes to the next player on the left side of his team.
If the rebounding player was unable to cover all the cards that other players put to him for the rebound, he must pick up all the cards. Then he misses the right to move, it goes to the next player (the enemy or from someone else’s team).

The participant is declared the winner, who managed to be the first to get rid of all the cards. It is necessary to take into account the lack of opportunity to replenish them through the deck.

Transferable Fool

Another common form of this type of game is the translated Fool. The essence of this game is similar to the flip Fool described above. Ultimately, you need to leave your opponent with the cards and get rid of them completely. You can play either for yourself or in pairs. The maximum that can be involved in the game at the same time is 6 people.

The main highlight of this type of game is a small rule where each batter has the additional right to “transfer” the need to fight back to another player. This is done as follows. After the walking player puts the first card (or several of the same value) on the table, the batter can either start hitting them, or supplement this move with a card of the same value. For example, if the move was a six, he simply puts another six and thus transfers the right to fight back to the next opponent sitting to his left. If the next player also has a card of the same value in his hands, he can put it down, thereby transferring the right of release to the next from the team.

Separately, it should be noted the right of the trump card. When the player has a trump card of the value being played in his hands, he has the right to simply show it to those present, thereby transferring the need to end the turn to the next one from the opposing side. This right is valid once per law (in other words, a single turn). If the circle is closed, and the need for a rebound returns to the one who has the trump card, then in order to transfer the rebound away from himself, he is now obliged to lay out this card. It is important to note that in the case of a doubles competition, translation is carried out sequentially from players of different teams, adhering to the rule of the person sitting on the left.

Playing the Fool with pagons

A more complex version of playing cards in Durak is considered to be a game with pagons. Required to play with 2 to 6 players. It is optimal if 4 people compete at the same time, acting as two opposing teams. The point of this game is to finish the game in a certain way. Namely, “hang” shoulder straps of a certain denomination. To do this, you need to force the opponent to accept (pick up) the cards, and then hand him the “pagons”, or, in some cases, completely beat off all the moves in your direction and simply hand over the “pagons”.

You should start hanging the pagons with sixes, then sevens and ascending. The last pagon that is hung in this game is the queen of a certain suit. Therefore, in the process of ascending, ladies are skipped and end up last. It is important to note that only simple pagons can be “hanged” (trump cards of this denomination are not taken into account if they are not hung together with a simple card of the same denomination, except for the queen). The number of cards that you hang as pagons can be different (from one to 4, except for the queen, which is hung alone and exclusively of the selected denomination).

It should be noted that the game of pagons can be with the right to move cards that are pagons, or without it. In the first case, the entire game is played on the principle of playing a simple throwing Fool. The second type of confrontation between the parties is somewhat more complicated. After all, here, if the opposite side’s move is carried out from the “pagon”, then the opponent must take this card, regardless of the possibility of repelling it. He is prohibited from moving with pagons, even if only high-level trump cards remain in the denominations.

If a doubles game is being played, and the fighting player has no more cards besides the pagons, they are not hung up, but are passed on to the next player on the team, except in the case when all players of one team only have pagons left in their hands (then they are simply hanged). After the transfer of the parcels, the turn passes to the players of the opposing team. The game continues until the pagons are hung.

How to remember cards when playing the fool

One of the most common card games is toss fool. The rules are simple: each player at the beginning of the game has six cards, each one in turn (if he didn’t take it) throws it to each other, you have to fight in the same suit, the trump card beats everything, the seniority of the cards is standard. If you want to increase your winning percentage, then you need to remember the cards that came out so that at the end of the game you know your opponent’s hand. Knowing the enemy's cards, and if the opponent does not know yours, the probability of winning increases significantly: often, even with the help of knowledge, you can emerge victorious with a worse hand. But how do you remember cards?

If you play the fool online, then there is a special program for memorization - Card Assistant. Its interface is very simple: we click on the cards that are currently in the game, and then send them either to the batto or back to the deck, depending on the result. But this program is unlikely to help you if you do not play online, but with friends and acquaintances - with real cards. In this case, all that remains is to learn to memorize the cards. We will look at two ways to do this below.

Let's analyze the problem into its components. So we have 36 cards, 4 suits. At first glance, the task of keeping all of them in your head is impossible, or at least difficult to achieve. However, don't despair. The first thing you should pay attention to is the main cards. What are our main cards? That's right, trump cards and pictures (aces, kings, queens, jacks). So, first of all, let's learn to remember the trump cards that came out. Believe me, sometimes knowing the trump cards that come out is a huge advantage.

To remember the trump cards that came out, you can use the repetition method. It consists in the fact that you pronounce the cards that have come out. For example, seven, ten, jack are already trump cards. You simply constantly (automatically and without distraction), monotonously repeat their names to yourself, preferably in ascending order of seniority: 7, 10, jack, 7, 10, jack, and so on throughout the game. As soon as, for example, another eight and an ace come out, we add them to the repeated row: 7,8, 10, jack, ace, 7, 8, 10, jack, ace - and so on until the moment when there are no more cards left in the deck - they are all in their hands. As soon as such a moment comes, we do the opposite: we look at our trump cards, throw away those that we repeated and, voila, we know our opponent’s cards!

You shouldn’t think that this method is complicated; in fact, after some practice, everyone can remember the trump cards that came out in this way. However, if you want to know not only the trump cards that came out, but also all the others, then you should pay attention to another method - visual representation. Its essence lies in the fact that a person imagines a deck of cards, for example, in this form

And, as soon as some of them come out, he simply throws them away. At the end of the game, you just need to remove your own as well - and the opponent’s hand is in full view. It’s worth saying right away that this method of memorizing cards for a fool is more complex than the previous one. Therefore, it would be wiser to first present not the entire deck, but, for example, a number of trump cards - and throw them out gradually, as they go into the bit. Then you can gradually complicate the task - add other suits or expand vertically - aces, kings.

Finally, it is worth noting that the game of throwing the fool itself, despite its apparent relative simplicity, is still excellent training for developing attention, memory and making quick decisions. And if you use the method described above to memorize cards, the training will be even more effective. Generally speaking, for the flip-flop, as for other games, there are well-established game strategies, using which, together with knowledge of the opponent’s cards, the winning percentage can be increased, if not to one hundred percent, then it can be increased very significantly. In future articles I will share some of these secrets. In fact, these are not exactly secrets, but information that an experienced player knows on an intuitive level - I will try to generalize and systematize it. But this is in other articles, and from this, I hope, you gained knowledge about how to memorize cards. A fool and more.