Table of ranked battles in world of tanks. “Ranked Battles” - an overview of the new World of Tanks game mode. Conditions for awarding prize battles

Along with patch 0.9.19, a new mode comes to the game - Ranked Battles.

Ranked battle- this is a separate type of random battle, the players for which will be selected according to their skill. In other words, very strong players will not be able to hit against (or together with) weak players. Everyone will be more or less equal.

  • You can only participate in level 10 vehicles.
  • The main goal is to show high personal effectiveness. The TOP 3 players by experience from the losing team will also receive buns and candy wrappers.

  • The balancer will try to match players of the same rank. However, to avoid very long queues, sometimes players of different ranks will be matched.
  • To receive a new rank, you need to be in the TOP 12 of the winning team in terms of experience or the TOP 3 of the losing team, which will give chevrons. To obtain the first rank you only need one chevron. With each new rank you will need more and more chevrons. 12 players of the losing team lose their chevron.
  • Ranked battles will be held in seasons (1 month), each season is divided into 4 stages (each lasting 1 week).

  • At the beginning of each stage, ranks are reset. The result achieved within seven days is included in the rating. At the end of the season, the results for the last 28 days are summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to the value of his rating.
  • In ranked battles there will be unique tricks and tricks - improved equipment, instructions (a new type of equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew).
  • As a reward for participating in the season, the player can receive a new appearance element - a patch, which is a unique icon that is displayed next to the player’s name in battle and is visible to all users.

New currency - bonds

Along with the standard reward based on the results of the battle, players will receive additional rewards (credits, equipment, personal reserves) for achieving new ranks and completing special combat missions, available only in ranked battles. At the end of the season and each stage, players will receive a certain amount of new game currency - bonds, which cannot be purchased with credits or gold.

Bonds can be used to purchase improved equipment that has increased characteristics compared to standard equipment, as well as pre-combat instructions that strengthen installed equipment or increase the level of learned skills/abilities for the crew. The higher the result for the season, the more bonds the player will earn.

A new mode and a new season of ranked battles only for the tenth levels, after many experiments, create something new but in the old way (perhaps this is ranking players by skill?).

Battles, as usual, will be carried out 15 tanks against 15 tanks, without platoons, pure skill. In ranked battles, the balancer will distribute players by Rank, equal rank versus equal rank, for the same conditions, but there will also be plus/minus one rank and this is normal.

Ranked battles 2019 – New season

Ranks in WoT

Such battles will take place in a standard format: 2 teams of 15 players. The peculiarity is that only level 10 tanks will participate in the battles.

The battle conditions correspond to the random battle mode: the team that completely destroys the opponents' tanks or captures the base wins.

However, this is where the analogy ends. The key feature of a ranked battle is personal results. The essence of the idea is as follows: by showing high performance in the game, tankers will move up the rankings, increasing their rank, receiving interesting awards and prizes.
If a tanker gets into the top 12 of the winners or the top 3 of the losing squad, he receives a chevron. Chevrons are the key to obtaining the next rank. To rise to the first step in the ranking and become the owner of the first rank, one chevron is enough, but then the conditions will gradually become more complicated.

It should be clarified that ranks 1 and 5 are kind of checkpoints that save game progress. Essentially, these are starting points from which players can move further in the ranking system.

Curiously, rank 5 is the maximum possible for an account. Having reached the top, the rank of the vehicle begins to increase. The same principle applies here: personal contribution to the outcome of the battle increases the rank of the tank.
You win in ranked battles, you progress and receive new ranks. Number of ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - rank.
You're losing — the first top 3 players of the losing team not only do not lose rank, but also continue to move up upon reaching the highest rank. The first and fifth ranks are non-combustible.
What to do if you reach rank 5 in World of Tanks? New opportunities open up for players, and vehicle ranks appear. The more ranks of cars you farm, the higher place you will take in the final table.

Season of Ranked Battles

Ranked battles are divided into seasons. Seasons of ranked battles were deliberately not very long - only a MONTH. Within the season, ranked battles are divided into stages. Where after each stage the results will be reset. At the end of each season, a table of the best players is formed - these are LEAGUES, there will be three leagues in total. The best players will enter the first league, those in the middle will enter the second league, and the rest will enter the third. All rewards in ranked battles will be awarded based on the results of the seasons.

The main reward for ranked battles will be special boxes containing boosters, credits, free experience, even in-game gold. A new reward in the form of BONKS has been added especially for ranked battles, which will give additional motivation to players. We worked to the smallest detail and took into account the experience of previous regimes.

For bonds you can buy two types of rewards:
— improves the characteristics of the crew, but only lasts for one battle.
— increased performance of conventional equipment installed on the tank. They will be very expensive and in BONKS.
Pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment can be used together to maximize the strength of the tank. In the future, the possibility of adding BONKS to other World of Tanks modes is being considered - it’s just a matter of time.

Changes in the economy. Ranked battles provide an additional funding system. Players are awarded a standard number of credits based on the results of the battle, plus financial bonuses are added for obtaining the next rank and completing special missions. Prize equipment and personal reserves are added to this. When the season of ranked battles comes to an end, participants are awarded bonds - a new monetary unit that cannot be purchased in the game store. Bonds are spent on the purchase of modernized equipment and “Pre-combat briefing”, which significantly improve the performance of the crew and the vehicle as a whole. The number of bonds awarded depends on the player’s performance.

In the future, there will most likely be new ways to earn BONKS, but for now, in update 9.19 it is planned that ranked battles will be the only way.

Bonds- new WoT currency, earned exclusively in the Republic of Belarus. Bonuses cannot be purchased, but can only be earned in the game, which are credited after the end of the season/stage. You can spend Bonuses on new equipment added in patch 9.19.

Improved equipment - increased performance of conventional equipment installed on the tank. They will be very expensive and in BONKS.

Improved equipment purchased with bonds, where you cannot use two identical equipment on one tank. Installed in slots with conventional equipment. The cost in bonds is high, and can also be removed for 10 gold units.

Pre-battle instructions - improve the characteristics of the crew, but only last one battle. Also, a new slot is added for additional BUFFS (pre-battle instructions), something similar to additional gold equipment that adds bonuses to equipment or crew, but only for one battle.
Pre-combat instructions - for equipment.
Increases the effect of installed equipment.
Pre-combat instructions - for crew.
It helps to upgrade a perk for one battle or improve an existing one, but you cannot get two effects at the same time.

Use all the introduced innovations for bonds for absolutely any class of equipment and level, for all types of battles.

Ranked battles started on February 19 at 5:00 (Moscow time) and will continue until March 12, 5:00 (Moscow time). Detailed regulations can be found at the link:

One goal, one stage

Starting next year, the season of ranked battles will become continuous. The new season will consist of just one stage, so you will no longer need to sit in front of the computer all day long to reach the maximum rank in a week. Now you will have 21 days and a whopping 15 consecutive ranks.

Rank protection

As you already know, there will be 15 ranks in the new season (the higher the rank achieved, the better). Rank 1 and 15 do not expire. However, the season will be long and intense, so we are introducing a Rank Protection system that will guarantee the safety of certain ranks and give you room for error.

How it will work: Rank 5, 10 and 13 will have protection (literally) that will allow you to not lose rank even if according to the rules this should have happened. This system will allow us to forgive you some mistakes, and you will be able to gather yourself before the next breakthrough. The protection is destructible. Before the defense is destroyed and you lose rank, you will be forgiven a certain number of defeats.

  • Rank 5 allows 3 losses.
  • Rank 10 allows 2 defeats.
  • Rank 13 allows 1 defeat.

Remember that each defeat will reduce your rank defense by one point. However, even receiving one chevron will be enough to completely restore the strength of the defense.

The winner takes it all

Chevrons still determine your rank progression, and we've changed their distribution to help motivate you.

At the end of the battle, the 10 best players of the winning team and only 1 best player of the losing team will receive chevrons. However, if you are among the top three players on the winning team, you will receive an additional chevron. If you are among the bottom 10 players on the losing team, you will lose one chevron. For all other positions occupied, the number of your chevrons is maintained. This system will allow good players to earn ranks faster, providing additional motivation for effective play.

This is what it will look like:


To guarantee your place in the ranking, you will need to earn at least 6 rank points, which means reaching rank 6. Further progress will be more difficult than it seems. As before, you will receive one point for each new rank you achieve. After reaching rank 15, every 5 chevrons earned on a specific vehicle will give an additional rank point and 25 . And starting from this season, you will be able to monitor your position in the ranking both in the game and on our portal.

Participants in ranked battles will receive special rewards: they will depend on your success in the season. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate good performance both individually and as a team!

About the awards

Since next season will be a single competition, there will be no stage awards. However, the rewards for achieving ranks will remain and will be revised to justify your efforts and motivate you to move forward. For example, by reaching rank 9 you will earn up to 1,500, and the higher the rank, the larger the reward will become. For reaching rank 15 you will receive a total of 4,500 and more than 3,500,000.

We'll also be reviewing end-of-season rewards to ensure you get the rewards you deserve in gold, bonds, and premium account days. And for getting into each of the leagues you are guaranteed to receive unique styles and stripes

Short list of cards

The previous season showed that some maps are poorly suited to the requirements of ranked battles. For this reason, we have updated the list of available maps, removing Erlenberg and Marsh from the rotation.

Available maps: “Karelia”, “Robin”, “Himmelsdorf”, “Prokhorovka”, “Ensk”, “Lasville”, “Mines”, “Murovanka”, “Siegfried Line”, “Monastery”, “Westfield”, “Sandy” river", "El Halluf", "Airfield", "Fjords", "Fisherman's Bay", "Polar Region", "Highway", "Quiet Coast", "Tundra", "Windstorm", "Paris", "Industrial Zone" .

We've made all of these changes to make winning more rewarding, reward top-performing players, and rank based on your skill level. Now it's your turn: take part in ranked battles and tell us how it worked out with the help of reviews on the forum!

Ranked battle- this is a special type of team battle exclusively for 7x7 players and only on ships of certain levels. Each team can have a maximum of one aircraft carrier and two battleships. Players who have a certain level of game account and have equipment that meets the requirements of the season are allowed to participate in ranked battles. Ranked sprint can be distinguished from ranked battles - its main difference is the ability to participate as part of a squad.

general description

After reaching a certain level of the player’s account (from update 0.6.6 - 14), he has the opportunity to participate in ranked battles on ships of certain levels, which are determined by the conditions of each season. If you have just started playing and want to quickly try your hand at ranked battles, choose your preferred development branch and develop it mainly in order to have ships of suitable levels.

Ranked battles are available only during the next season. Since ranked battles take place in a 7x7 (sometimes 6x6) format, cards of the appropriate size are specially selected for them.

Squads are prohibited in ranked battles.

IN PvE Ranked battles are not possible.

During the season, for reaching certain ranks, players receive instant rewards without waiting for the end of the season - camouflages, signals, credits, etc.

You can track your achievements in the game client - profile in the “Ranked Battles” section of the player’s profile.

Season seven. 06/30/2017 – 08/7/2017

Season seven Ranked battles began on June 30 and ended on August 7, 2017. The number of ranks is the same as before, 23; for battles in the main leagues, rank VI equipment was required, for the League of Sea Wolves - VIII. The main difference is the first ranked season, available from the 14th level of the game account.

Eighth season. 12/22/2017 – 01/29/2018

Season Eight Ranked battles began on December 22, 2017 and ended on January 29, 2018. The number of ranks is 23; for battles in the main leagues, Tier VIII equipment was required (for the League of Sea Wolves - X). This season was available from the 14th level of the game account. One of the differences from other seasons is that the prize for repeatedly achieving rank 1 is now a unique permanent camouflage for the Flint and Black prize ships.

Season nine. 04/27/2018 – 06/4/2018

Season 9 of Ranked Battles started on April 27, 2018 and ended on June 4, 2018. The number of ranks, as before, is 23, although for battles in the main leagues not only level VIII equipment is required, but also level X (and for the League of Sea Wolves - VII). This season was available from the 14th level of the game account.

Tenth season. 08/24/2018 – 10/8/2018

Tenth Season of Ranked Battles started on August 24, 2018 and will end on October 8, 2018. For battles in the main leagues, not only Tier VIII equipment is required, but also Tier X (and for the League of Sea Wolves - V). The main difference is the reward in the form of steel for achieving certain ranks. This season is available from level 14 game account.

Eleventh season. 01/31/2019 – 02/26/2019

Eleventh season of ranked battles started on January 31 and will end on February 26, 2019. To fight in the main leagues, Tier IX equipment is required. The main differences are that battles take place in the Arms Race mode, the number of ranks is reduced to 18, as is the number of players in the team. This season is available from level 14 game account. For the first time, copper is awarded for reaching the first rank.

Twelfth season. 05/30/2019 – 06/25/2019

The twelfth season of ranked battles will begin on May 30 and end on June 25, 2019. To fight in the main leagues, Tier X equipment is required. The main differences are that battles again take place in the “Superiority” and “Epicenter” modes, the number of players on each team is again seven. This season is available from level 14 game account. For the first time, an in-game achievement will be awarded for reaching the first rank.

Thirteenth season. 08.08.2019 – 03.09.2019

The thirteenth season of ranked battles will begin on August 8 and end on September 3, 2019. To fight in the main leagues, Tier IX equipment is required. The main differences are that the number of players on each team is again six. This season is available from level 14 game account.

Ranked Sprint

Ranked sprint is an experimental type of ranked battles: there are ranks, there is a division into leagues, and only ships of certain levels are allowed to participate in battles. But there are also differences - the number of ranks is smaller, units are allowed to participate in battles. There is no Sea Wolves League - after reaching rank 1 you cannot participate in the sprint.

History of changes

  • Update
    • Fixed a bug due to which the client did not start for players who selected the “Ranked Battles” filter in the carousel before the release of version 0.7.0.
  • Update
    • the parameters of the “Superiority” mode in “Ranked battles” have been changed, on the maps “Archipelago”, “Ring”, “Strait”, “New Dawn”, “Trident”: when holding a capture point, 3 points are awarded for every 4 seconds (instead of 2 -oh points for every 3 seconds).
  • Update 0.7.11:
    • Fixed a bug in which the client was closed urgently after selecting the “Ranked Battle” mode by a player who was a member of a clan squad.
  • Update 0.8.1:
    • Fixed a bug where the button for selecting a ranked battle remained active after receiving the first rank.
  • Update 0.8.5:
    • The inscription indicating the remaining time until the end of the ranked season, when the season has already ended, has been removed.

see also

Links to Internet sources


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