Dog tattoo playing poker. Tattoo lovers of gambling. "Exclusive for men -: Easter tattoo"

Tattoo (French tatouer, English tattoo, borrowed from the Polynesian language) applying drawings to the body by pricking and rubbing dyes under the skin. Among primitive peoples, it was carried out during initiations (the transition of an individual to new stage development), the drawing had a symbolic and magical (protective) character.

Today we will look at the types of tattoos that poker players and fans make for themselves.

1. Showcase your poker affiliation

One of the most common tattoos are images of various poker hands, card suits, playing cards and chips.

Since it is now very popular and online poker, then you can fill the logo of your favorite room.

2. Attract good luck

Luck in poker is important. Therefore, in order to attract fortune to their side more often, players like to depict the ace of spades (it is believed that spades bring good luck), horseshoes, the word "Luck" and the like.

3. Favorite card combination

Many also decorate their bodies with their favorite hand or hole cards. There are also combinations immortalized by the date and place of some significant victory.

4. Distraction

It is also impossible to exclude the possibility that tattoos can be done simply to distract the attention of other players at the table. Although this probability is quite small, but still. Hands are the best place for such drawings.

(Hands of the most tattooed girl in the world note).

Betting on a tattoo

Many poker pros are constantly engaged in making various unusual bets. Tattoo betting is no exception.

In 2010, Jeff Madsen, Joe Sebok and Gavin Smith played in the WPT L.A. Poker Classic Main Event. According to the terms of their dispute, the first one eliminated from the tournament had to get tattoos with the image of the other two remaining participants. The second eliminated had to fill only one tattoo with the image of the winner of the bet.

Sebok was the first to leave the tournament, then Madsen, and Gavin Smith got away with it. Images of tattoos, unfortunately, could not be found.

Could you decide to decorate yourself with some kind of “poker” pattern?

Thank you for your attention. Peace to your bankroll.

Today we will look at tattoos that are made by truly enthusiastic people, players and poker lovers.

Tattoos for good luck

Luck in poker is essential. Therefore, in order to attract fortune to their side more often, players make tattoos with the image of the ace of spades (the spades are considered lucky), horseshoes, the word “Luck”, and dice. Concerning dice, then it is desirable that they show the number 7 on the tattoo, which in itself is happy.

Favorite card combination

Very often, poker players choose winning card combinations (full house, flush, etc.) for tattoos.

Apparently, they would not mind getting such combinations during the game. In addition, such poker tattoos are a demonstration of past victories and attract new ones. Sometimes players get tattoos with lucky pocket cards.


Lettering is very popular. Usually these are English-language "Lucky" ("Lucky"), "The Winner Takes It All" ("The winner gets everything"), "Fortune Favors the Bold" ("Fortune favors the brave"), "Life Is a Game We Play" ( "Life is a game we play."


This tattoo can have several meanings, and each owner puts into it something important for himself. A tattoo with a joker can mean an irresistible desire for a game or indicate that its owner is a professional in gambling ah, maybe even a sharpie. If a joker girl is tattooed, then this may mean the inconstancy of the player’s fortune, which is thus associated with a female character. However, the vagaries of luck can also be expressed by an ordinary joker.

There were quite funny situations with tattoos in poker:

For example, one online casino arranged a kind of auction, as a result of which the girl voluntarily got a tattoo with a logo on her forehead for only $10,000. Thus, the administration of the gambling house advertised its establishment and attracted new players.

And in 2010, Jeff Madsen, Joe Sebok and Gavin Smith played in the WPT L.A. Main Event. Poker Classic. According to the terms of their dispute, the first one eliminated from the tournament had to get tattoos with the image of the other two remaining participants. The second eliminated had to fill only one tattoo with the image of the winner of the bet.

Sebok was the first to leave the tournament, then Madsen, and Gavin Smith was the winner)

The word and concept of "tattoo" is borrowed from the Polynesians. Seeing their painted bodies, the Europeans became interested in applying dyes to / under the skin. The appearance of a new tattoo among primitive peoples meant that this individual had moved to the next stage of development. Drawing often had a magical property.

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Poker tattoos "for good luck"

Although poker is a game of skill, but without luck, poker players have a hard time. In order for Fortuna to smile more often at the players, they are trying to get her interested in tattoos. “Lucky” pictures are considered to be images of the ace of spades and a horseshoe, the inscription “Luck”, dice with the number 7.

"A polite person does not interrupt tattoos."

Strong card combination

On tattooed poker players, you can often see royal flushes, full houses and four of a kind. There are no statistics on whether such tattoos help to collect real card combinations.

“Love will be until the grave. Tattoo - a couple of months longer.


Catchphrases, quotes, just words tattooed in an intricate font are a hit for all time. "Lucky", "The Winner Takes It All", "Fortune Favorites the Bold", "Life Is a Game We Play" and more blah blah blah does not help the game, but can distract an opponent trying to make out the letters! And if you make a couple of grammatical errors in the inscription, then there is a chance to confuse your opponent.

“The phrase is very annoying:“ Well, something like that ..., ”said behind your back in a tattoo parlor.”


No one plays poker with the Joker anymore. A tattoo with the Joker means an irresistible passion for gambling, cheating or sadness for Heath Ledger.

"Exclusive for men -: Easter tattoo."

Tattoo to introduce rivals into a stupor

The combination of "17" and "8" black diamonds, with "1" red diamonds and "4" hearts is something. I wonder how opponents around the table will react if a player exposes such a tattoo? Apparently, they will give him the bank without resistance, just for the sake of not seeing this picture again!

Casinos and poker tournaments have long ceased to be elite entertainment. Among modern card players there is no special dress code or specific behavioral rules. Many stars at major tournaments are dressed in casual style, play far from classical music and, like Dan Bilzerian, shock the audience with ungentlemanly behavior at tournaments and on social networks.


Among modern players, tattoos are becoming more and more fashionable and even begin to acquire a cult significance: the players endow the images on their bodies with a special meaning. One of the world-famous professional players Daniel Negreanu is so charismatic and loved by fans that some of them even began to turn the idol's autographs on their bodies into tattoos. So, in 2014, a fan made a tattoo on her lower back in the form of Negreanu's signature. Two years later, a Norwegian fan of the player also got an autographed tattoo on his left leg. At first, only Negreanu's painting adorned the leg, but then the gold bracelet of the WSOP tournament and the ten of clubs with the seven of spades were also included in the composition.

At first glance, it looks like an act of a fanatic. On the other hand, the ten of clubs and seven of spades is the combination of cards with which Negreanu won the decisive hand of the WSOP - 2006, and which, according to the player, is his favorite card pair. Thus, it is possible that the fan made the composition on the left foot with the hope that the successful player's autograph along with the lucky card combination will bring him good luck in the game.

Meanings of Poker Tattoos

Indeed, among poker players it is believed that if a player gets a tattoo, then the reason is not only aesthetic. Due to the placement of certain symbols on the body, card players try to attract good luck, since the vast majority of them are extremely superstitious. Tattoos with symbols such as a horseshoe, dice giving the number 7, a four-leaf clover, and also “three sevens” are widespread among players.

The tattoo may also include several "lucky" symbols, but the symbols must not be from different gambling.
As in the case of the Norwegian fan, winning card combinations, such as full house, are especially popular.


A distinctive feature of "gambling" tattoos is their ambiguity. Several semantic meanings can be embedded in the same picture. Therefore, before making a tattoo of this type, we strongly recommend that you thoroughly study its semantic meaning so that it is correctly understood and interpreted by others.

The ambiguous tattoos include the Joker. Its first meaning is an irresistible craving for the game. The second meaning suggests that the owner of the tattoo is a professional card player - a master of his craft. But the joker can also mean cheating. If the tattoo depicts a joker - a woman, then in this case the owner of the tattoo is sure that fortune is changeable like female inconstancy.


A tattoo in the form of dice does not mean that its owner is fond of the game. The generally accepted meaning of this tattoo is that the player relies more on luck than their skill. Dice can also express the unpredictability of the game.

Cards on fire

A tattoo depicting cards in flames is not very common among poker players. But if it comes across, then most likely its owner is a lover of taking risks during the game. The second meaning of this tattoo is addiction to the game.

Location of the tattoo

Most often, "gambling" lucky tattoos are on the hands. It is the hands of the players that are most involved in the game - they shuffle cards, take chips, recalculate the winnings, therefore, according to tradition, luck should be attracted to the hands.

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