Glossary of terms. Usual terms Lack of suit in a card game

) - the players have an equal number of tricks of 6.

Raz (in Preference)- the minimum possible order (6 spades).

collapse - an equal number of cards of the same suit for whistlers.

Unlock (in Preference) - a technique that is based on discarding the highest card or several high cards in order to maintain communications between hands.

Rogue (in Preference)- a situation in the game when the partner is left alone with an unused mountain, and the game time has not yet expired.

collapse - the layout of cards of the same suit for the whistlers equally.

Bifurcation (in Faro) - the appearance of two cards of the same value in one round.

Off-suit (in Azi) - a situation in the game when a player is not obliged to trump the first card of the move with his trump card if he does not have a card of this suit, but if the second move is made in the same suit when playing a bribe, then it is necessary to trump.

Heterogeneous marriage- queen and king of different stripes.

Point guard (in Preference)- the player who ordered the contract.

Breaking switch (in Preference) - a change in the suit of the move, which was necessary for the landing.

Cancer (in preference)- the number 22, which means misfortune, is similar to the number 13 in life.

Framework - cards with pictures: jack, queen, king, ace.

Rams (in Rams) - in the usual rams this is a combination of four aces, and in the modern rams it is 4 jacks. The presence of rams in a player means the end of the game and the deduction of the points of this player.

Ramsh (in Skat) - a zero game, which is played in the event of a fold of all players.

Roll out the bullet - play one game of preference.

layout - cards in the hands of the players received after the distribution.

Disclosure (in Poker) - a situation in the game when all active hands (cards in the players' hands) are shown in order to determine the player who won the pot.

Disintegration or unpacking ( in Vint, in Preference):

a type of draw in which each of the players seeks to take as few tricks as possible;

in the screw, when all players say "pass", then the cards are thrown and the sign "x" is put in the record, which is called a cross.

Paint a bullet (in Preference)- this is the name of the offer of one player to other players to play preference.

Rip a bullet (in Preference)- play no matter what. About such a player they say that he "presumptuous".

Reverse (in Bridge) - The second bid of the one who opens above is a simple repetition of his suit.

Regulator (in Bridge)- trumpless hand.

Redudak (to Redudu) - this is the name of the player who loses the game.

Loss reduction - reception of the draw, which consists in postponing the receipt of a bribe in a certain suit.

Cutting, cutting or notching- reception in the draw of cards when a player puts no highest card by value in the suit, and the middle of those that are on hand.

Reserve - a part of the deck not distributed to the players, which is intended for further use in the game.

Props - items that are necessary for a card game: a deck of cards, chips, a sheet, a pencil or a pen.

Recontra - a call that is made after the opponent's double, and which increases the value of the record for losing or fulfilling the contract.

Relay - an unnatural application, its purpose is to convey the word.

Remise - non-fulfillment by the player of the obligation to collect the set number of tricks. In some games, a penalty is imposed for this shortfall.

Remise - force the opponent to lose due to a shortage of the set number of tricks.

Remise - to lose the game due to a shortage of the set number of tricks.


the absence of cards of any suit in the hand;

mistakenly demolish a card in a different suit or trump card.

Repik (in Picket) - the situation in the game, when one of the players has counted 30 or more points in his cards, and the opponent has nothing yet, then the first one counts already from ninety.

Resource - stock of trump cards.


in Picket - the situation at the end of the game when 2 players score an equal number of points;

in other games it is a multiplier.

Robert, robber - game episode, consisting of two winning games. In whist, screw and bridge, this is full game, which consists of two parties.

Horn (in Trinca) - one bribe taken.

Draw - a game episode consisting of a fight for bribes.

fatal games - an obsolete name for gambling.

Rhombus - means tipping downwards, that part of the cards that was removed.

Bullet painting (in Preference)- calculation of the game.

rotation - move the queue of dealing cards, receiving cards or making a move. Most games are played clockwise.

Shirt - the side of the card, by which it is impossible to determine its suit and value.

Rubicon (in Picket)- the number of points in the game, which must be achieved in order to beat the opponent. Usually it is 100 points.


cards in the player's hand;

the playing place to which the cards are dealt;

the turn of the move when taking a bribe: the first hand is the caller, the second hand is the one who sits to his left, the third hand is the caller's partner.

Fish (in Poker) - so called a weak player at the table.

ALERT - notification that opponents may need an explanation.
ATTACK - the first move.
BALANCE - an assessment of the possible level of play, based on points and spread values ​​of both hands.
WITHOUT ONE - a contract for which one bribe was not enough.
A bluff is an intentional material misrepresentation of the power of the player or the length of the suit.
BLOCK - application for high level(usually with a double jump), in order to interfere with the trade of opponents. The block is made on a long suit of six cards and with a small number of points.
BLACKWOOD - the question of the number of aces is given by the application 4BK.
BOLVAN - point guard's partner.
GRAND Slam - game at the 7th level, that is, the obligation to take all the tricks.
BRIBE - a unit for determining the result of the contract; a trick consists of four cards, placed in order of priority, one from each player.
WIST - game of defenders (whistlers) against the point guard's contract (synonymous with defense).
ENTRY - the first application of the pair after the opening of the opponents.
GAME - a game for which 100 or more points are given.
DENOMINATION - suit or no trump, mentioned in the nomination.
DOUBLET, DOUBLETON - two cards in a suit.
DELAY is a combination of cards that does not allow opponents in a no-trump game (with 50% or more probability) to pick up all the tricks in this suit.
CALL - any appointment, double, redouble or pass.
DEFENDER - declarer's opponent.
Z.Z. - abbreviation of the phrase meaningful application.
SIGNIFICANT CALL (C.C.) - any call other than a pass.
ZONALITY - a condition for determining the amount of bonuses and penalties for uncollected bribes.
IMP - international match points. A unit of scoring the results of a sporting event (such as a match).
IMPAS - a technique consisting in moving towards a series of figures in the hope that the missing figure in this series lies in front of him.
INVIT - an application inviting the partner to bargain further if he has allowances in strength (or layout), and pass otherwise.
INTERVENTION - trade of a pair when one of the opponents made the first significant application.
QUALITATIVE SIGNAL - a signal showing strength in a certain suit.
KIBITZER - fan, observer (deprived of the right to vote).
trump - each card of the suit named in the final contract.
QUANTITATIVE SIGNAL - a signal showing the number of cards in a certain suit.
CONVENTION - trading by agreement, when some (or all) orders do not have a natural value.
DOUBLE - an application made after the appointment of an opponent, increasing the value of the record for the execution or loss of the contract.
CONTRACT - the obligation of the couple to take a certain number of bribes.
ENDING - the final part of the draw.
TRADING CIRCLE - the trading stage after each of the players has made one application.
KUBID - application of the opponent's suit in competitive trading.
LAVINTAL - a signal showing strength in a certain suit.
LINE - two players making a pair against two other players (synonymous - side).
EXTRA TRICK - each trick won by the playing pair in excess of those indicated in the contract.
MAJOR - one of the highest suits: spade or heart.
SMALL HELMET (helmet) - a game at the 6th level, that is, the obligation to give no more than one trick.
MARIAGE - king and queen of the same suit.
MINOR - one of the minor suits: clubs or diamonds.
MISFIT - no fit.
SURPRISE - values ​​(points or alignment), the presence of which the partner has not yet been informed during trading.
BEAT - put into a trick a higher card than previously played.
ASSIGNMENT - the obligation to win the number of declared tricks (plus six) in the designated denomination.
NATURAL CALL - a suit bid with at least four cards.
NEGATIVE - an order showing a minimum of strength.
UNCOLLECTED TRICK - each trick missing the declarer's side to fulfill the contract.
OVER - the same as an extra bribe.
OVERCALL - entry into the trade after the opening of opponents.
ONER - ace, king, queen, jack or ten.
OPPONENT - Opponent.
OPENING - the first significant application.
PLAYED SUIT - a suit in which only the highest cards remain (established suit, fortified suit).
MILTON WORK'S POINTS - card evaluation scale (ace=4, king=3, queen=2, jack=1). GENERALLY ACCEPTED POINTS DESIGNATION - rs.
ORDER - the order in which the right to make calls or play passes from player to player.
TURN - The correct moment when a player must call or play a card.
PARTNER - a player with whom they play on the same line against two other players.
PAS - an application, meaning that the player decided not to make Z.Z.
SUDDEN - the point guard receiving fewer tricks than the contract required.
SKIP - a conscious refusal of a bribe that can be received.
JUMP - A meaningful bid that you make at a higher level than the nearest available for that suit.
EVEN DISTRIBUTION - the distribution of cards like 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2 and 5-3-3-2 (no singles and no more than one doublet).
DECLAMPER - The player (of the line that made the final designation) who first designated the denomination of the final contract.
LAYING - distribution of cards in one hand according to suits or one suit in four hands.
REGULAR DISTRIBUTION - distribution of cards like 4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2 and 4-4-4-1 (no five-card suits).
REDOUBLE - an application made after the opponent's double, increasing the value of the record for the execution or loss of the contract.
RENONS - the absence of cards in the suit.
ROBBER - a classic bridge part (similar to a preference bullet or a hockey match).
ROBBER BRIDGE is a commercial game in which the first couple to close the rubber (having played two games on the same line) wins.
HAND - cards originally dealt to the player, or part of them, remaining with the player in the process of drawing.
ROW - several cards in a row in a suit (synonymous - sequence).
OWN PLAY is a well-executed contract.
DEAL - 1. distribution of the deck between the hands of four players; 2. the totality of all distributed cards; 3. trading and playing with the given distribution of cards.
SEQUENCE - 1. a series of applications on one line; 2. a combination of cards in which the pieces follow each other.
SIGNAL - playing a certain card that conveys some special information.
SINGLET, SINGLETON - one card in a suit.
SYSTEM - a set of conventions and agreements used by partners.
DEMOLITION - playing with a card not in the suit of the move and not a trump card. Demolition can be a signal.
SPORTS BRIDGE - a form of bridge, the main meaning of which is to compare the results obtained at different tables on the same card.
STEYMAN - a question about major fours, is asked after a partner's no-trump opening.
TABLE - 1. the surface on which the cards lie; 2. boob hand.
TRADING - 1. the process of defining a contract through a sequence of bids; 2. the totality of applications made.
TRIPLETE - three cards in a suit.
KILL - playing with a trump card in the absence of a move suit.
GAME LEVEL - the number declared before the suit or without a trump card.
REVOLVE - playing a card of a different suit by a player who is able to play the suit of the move.
FIGURE - ace, king, queen, jack.
FIT - cards that complement the number of partner cards in any suit up to eight or more. Fit is also called the distribution of cards in the trump suit of the playing pair.
FORCING - an application that prohibits the partner from passing. There are forcing to the circle and forcing to the game.
FORTA - the highest card in the suit (maybe a deuce if the rest of the cards are out of the game).
FOSCA - a card less than ten.
MOVE - the first card played in a trick.
PARTIAL GAME - a game for which less than 100 points are given. These are all games at levels 1-3 (except 3BC) and 4t/b.
HELMET - a contract in which you must win six (see the small slam) or seven declared tricks (see the grand slam).
EXPASS - a game to a piece in the hope that it will take a bribe if an older piece lies in front of it.
YARBORO - A hand containing no cards older than a nine.
Preference. Terminology
Amnister- The player with the lowest record in grief.
Amnesty- Decreasing all players of their record in grief by the same number.
Uppercut- A kind of surkup that allows you to spread trump cards on different hands and thereby get an extra trump bribe.
Without- Without one, without two - an indication of the size of the remise of the player or whistler.
Taking suit - The suit, with the cards of which the player intends to take bribes.
peakless cap- The situation in the draw in the absence of trump cards.
Form, Blank - One suit card in hand (bridge - singlet), e.g. blank queen, king blank.
blockhead- Non-existent player, i.e. one for which cards are dealt when there are not enough players, for example, when playing the goose.
Bomb- A bird on which a blind pass is announced.
Diamonds- The third highest suit in the deck.
in the face- Demolition of playing cards of the buyback. In the classics, when playing with four players, a remise is recorded for the dealer.
In the collapse- An indication of the layout of the suit (usually in the hands of whistlers).
Bring back whist - Envy after caring for your own.
Helicopter- Synonym of Mill.
Bribe- Three (or four) cards dealt face-up by the players to the table in order of priority, starting with the turn card. The trick is taken by the player who put the highest card of the suit being played or the highest trump card.
Fork- A combination of cards of the same suit in the hands of a player, the number of tricks in which depends on who walks. For example, a king-jack against an ace-queen in the same suit is called a fork. If the move belongs to the owner of the king-jack pair, then he will not take a single trick. If the one who has ace-queen in his hands must walk, then everyone will take one trick. In turn, ace-queen against a king-jack combination is also called a fork.
1. Unit of account in preference.
2. The obligation of the non-playing hand to take one, two or four tricks, depending on the order of the player.
3. A bribe received by the whistler in his fight with the player.
4. A card capable of taking a trick.
to whistle- Play the hand with the aim of planting the player and ensuring the obligation of the whistler.
whistling- The player who called the whist.
return whist - The whist announcement system in two steps.
octagon, eight - The obligation to take at least 8 tricks in the game.
inlet- The technique of drawing in preference and in many other commercial games in which you need to take bribes. Its essence lies in the fact that at the right moment the move is given to right hand opponent, forcing him to make a move that plays a trick.
1. A draw in which each player sees only the cards of his own hand and the played cards. Declared whistler(s) or at Stalingrad
2. Participation in trading without picking up cards from the table.
Second hand - Cards in the hand of the player sitting clockwise behind the player of the first hand; also the player who has these cards.
Second- An indication of a figure (oner) in a suit of 2 cards, for example, the second king.
Second- A synonym for the suit of clubs, for example. 9 second - the same as 9 clubs.
bright- A draw in which 20 cards of non-playing hands are openly laid out on the table at the direction of the whistler or when playing a minuscule or when checking a ten (totus).
well-groomed card - A card that has been moved or moved from the hand.
Mountain- A place to record remises.
goose- A game of preference together, often with a blockhead.
Two- A synonym for the announcement of 6 clubs.
Devyaterik, ninefold - The obligation to take at least 9 tricks in the game.
decimal, decimal - Obligation to take 10 tricks in the game.
Children's trellis - See Small system.
Gentleman whist - The whisting system, according to which, when the player is hooked, the whistler and the passer record whists equally.
Long Suit - A suit of 4 or more cards in a hand.
Dobor- See selection.
Get your - See Take away yours.
doublet, doubleton - Two cards of the same suit in a hand.
Christmas tree, herringbone - Image of birds and corresponding birds expensive games in recording. In the classic version of preference, a place to record bombs.
Zhlobsky whist - The whisting system, according to which, when the player is hooked, only the whistler records the whists for the tricks taken.
For two- The wording of the refusal to whist on the six.
For one- The wording of the refusal to whist on the seven.
For their- The wording of the refusal to whist on the six or seven.
Order- An announcement of the intention to take the specified number of tricks and a trump suit during the draw, for example, 7 tambourines, or to play without a trump card, for example, 8 without a trump card, or about drawing a minuscule.
close up bullet , close - Collect the value determined by the convention in the pool.
Recording- Marks in the pool of bets, times, games, whists, remises, birds, bombs, etc.
Bullet entry - A record of the games played and the absence of bribes on the passes.
Recording uphill - Recording remise.
Whist Recording - Record for bribes taken by the whistler, record of consolations, record at the section of the mountain.
Shot- Recording a remise without 3 uphill playing at his request without drawing. Whists and consolation are not recorded. Sometimes also called a remise.
Here(obsolete. I hold) - Announcement when trading a player junior hand, after passing any hand, an order equal to that declared by the player of the highest hand before it. A simple repetition of the last sounded order is allowed.
The game- A synonym for a draw or part of it - 10 moves and 20 moves from hands, for example. six-wheel game is played, on the hand strong game, played many pool games, etc.; also move or move from hand.
Christmas tree game - Playing in Classic with a bird, which doubles the cost of the game.
Play- Walk or walk with a hand, for example, the second hand plays an ace; often misused instead of playing a hand.
playing- The player who made the order after the demolition.
Carousel- Synonym of Mill.
Kibitzer- Fan watching the bullet.
Classic- Classic preference - the most common convention before 1940
Trump- The card of the suit, which the player declared as a trump card, is this suit itself.
trump- Walk as a trump card; on the unpacking - walk with the renounce suit of the rest of the hands.
Wheel- 100 whists.
Deck - Preference deck of 32 cards.
Combination- Several moves that implement the tactics of the player or whistlers.
Convention- A system of agreements on the size of the bullet, the type of preference, the cost and type of whist, the use of Stalingrad, the type of unpacking, etc. before the start of the bullet.

1. Penalty points, the kind of penalties charged in various games beyond a direct loss. In preference, when the player remees, the whistlers and the deliverer receive a consolation in the amount of the number of bribes not collected by the player, multiplied by the cost of the bribe. For example, when getting hooked on a gear without one, everyone writes for actually taken bribes, plus one for not taking.

In worms the worst game
Played and - was without three!
Although in the soul the notation
I read to myself
But then the consolation
My neighbor charged me.
(Nekrasov. Talker)

2. Reward in a four-handed game to the dealer for an ace(s) or margin in the draw.

Crown- Ace, king and queen of the same suit in hand.
Short suit - A suit of one, two or three cards in hand.
Oblique layout - Layout, with a hand of 5 or more cards of the same suit.
crutch- The same as the leg.
A circle- The number of draws by the number of players (3 or 4), starting from the first dealer in the pool.
Buy- See buy.
Lying- See bright.
Catch- Catch a minuscule - determine the sequence of moves and moves of hands in order to force the player to take bribes and make these moves.
get down- Indication of the whistler to the passer for the game (rally) in the light.
Small system - Queen, jack and ten of the same suit in hand.
Malka, small - Seven, eight, nine or ten.
Marriage- King and queen of the same suit in hand. A king with a jack is sometimes called a blue (and also Transcaucasian) marriage.
Suit- Spades, clubs, diamonds or hearts.
Mill- A combination in which cards, more often figures, of two suits of the playing hand are alternately interrupted by trump cards of the remaining hands (less often - Helicopter, Meat Grinder, Carousel).
miser- The obligation of the player not to take a single bribe.
My- See here.
Young Marriage - Queen and jack of the same suit in hand.
On the wall - In some conventions - non-recording by a player (including the dealer) who has a closed bullet and zero in the mountain of the result of drawing a zero pass for him.
Purpose- See Order.
play enough, melody - After conducting a combination, give an unforeseen bribe.
Not taking suit - A suit that the hand does not count on for tricks.
Underorder- See supply.
irresponsible whist - Part of the convention providing for a softening of the shaft on whist.
Leg- Malka or jack with senior figures, preventing the clogging of the figure with a trump card.
Overtaking- See lead.
Onener- See Figure (borrowed from bridge).
Advance- A combination, as a result of which the player does not have time to play the suit.
Weakening- One or two sides left by the player in his hand.
Selection- Several moves in a row for tricks with high cards.
Select your - At the unpacking - selection before departure; on the game - the execution of the order and departure.
Responsible whist - Part of the convention that does not provide for a softening of the shaft on whist.
waste- A non-taking card, the presence of which allows you to retreat.
depart- Pass the move to the whistler with a non-taking card or pass the move to the player without playing a trick. At the unpacking - pass the move.
Played suit - A suit, with the cards of which, after several moves, it is no longer possible to take a bribe.
Leave without - Do not give the opportunity to fulfill the order to the player or the obligation to the whistler.
Locomotive- When playing a minuscule or unraveling - a situation in which, after several moves, the player or hand is forced to get the tricks remaining up to 10.
Pass- Refusal to participate in trading or whist.
Pass in the dark- Announcement of a pass without picking up cards from the table after the deal. Allowed in Classic by the player of the first hand, after a pass of the first hand - by the player of the second hand and after two passes - by the player of the third hand. Senior ad - 7 spades.
passer- The player (hand) who called the pass.
kill- Move with a hand card, senior groomed.
Overtrade - Announce the highest order when trading.
Interception- A suit card providing an opportunity to intercept.
Intercept - Take one extra trick, for example, by selecting your own to avoid a locomotive or several tricks at the unpacking.
First hand- Cards in the hand of the player sitting clockwise just behind the dealer; also the player who has these cards.
First- A synonym for the suit of spades, e.g. 7 first - the same as 7 spades.
skew- See oblique alignment.
Retake- Re-distribution in case of dealer's mistake.
Peaks- The first, lowest-ranking suit in the deck.
write whist - Whist.
writing a bullet- Play preference.
Density- Characteristics of the card structure in a certain suit. For example, KDV10 is a dense map, and KV97 is not dense (or full of holes, loose, liquid). The concept of density affects the ability to play a suit from your own turn if you have a certain number of tempos. So, for example, to play KDV109 one tempo is needed, and to play KV987 - three tempos (i.e. 3 moves). Accordingly, the density of a particular suit is taken into account by the player when ordering a trump card, choosing a move on the unpacking, demolition, drawing, etc.
Polvista- See For yours, For two, For one.
supply- Consciously ordering the number of tricks less than provided in the hand.
Trump suit - The renounce suit of the player.
Plant (ka)- Failure to fulfill obligations. Sometimes also called a remise.
plant, plant - Inflict remise on someone.
Catch- Give a bribe to the player who is miserable.
Semi-responsible whist - See irresponsible whist.
To help, help - A situation in the record, in which, having closed your bullet, the record for the game is made with whists on a partner.
Get into the trump - Move to recall the other hand.
in half- An indication of an equal number of suit cards in two hands, for example, if the player has 4 tambourines, and the whistlers have two, they say that the tambourines are in half.
Landing- See planting.
Last hand - See third hand.
outsider- Card not taking suit.
Outside suit - A suit in which bribes are not supposed.
1. Actually the general name of the game.
2. The layout of the hand specified in the convention, for playing 10 without a trump card when moving from any hand. Options - with the demolition of two aces or with the demolition of any two aces or the mandatory presence of four crowns. Usually provides a bullet win.
Invitation - Whists for an invitation - a consolation, additionally recorded by the whistler for the passer during the redneck whist.
Prize- Conventional remuneration for, for example, closing a bullet.
Cover, cover, support - The same as the leg.
Prikup- Two cards except 30 hand cards.
buy- Show the buyback to the players and add it to your hand; in the Classic, at games in the dark, the buyback is not opened.
Purchase card - A hand with senior pieces in all suits.
Prikupnaya- See dealer.
Breakdown-Such cards in the suit of the player are minuscule, in which this suit cannot be considered clean, for example. the player who plays has a minuscule seven and ten tambourines - a breakdown in tambourines.
Progressive unpacking - The agreement of the participants to increase the cost of the bribe during repeated distributions.
Verify- Check the decimal point - make sure that the player fulfills the order.
Carrying- A move from the hand (not a move!) with a card of the taking suit.
slotting- A move, usually small, to a suit of at least two cards in the hand on the left, if there is this suit with the highest card in the hand on the right.
simple game - See six.
birdie- A mark in the entry about the unpacking when playing Classic.
Bullet, bullet:
1. Party in preference.
2. Paper (tablecloth) for recording the results of the game.
3. A place in the record to mark the games played by the player and the absence of tricks on the passes.
Five- Synonymous with ad 6 no trump.
five-four- A hand with 5 cards of one suit and 4 of another.
Equidistant - Equally spread out - there are no long suits in the hands.
Once- Synonymous with ad 6 of spades.
Time in the dark- Announcement of 6 of spades without picking up cards from the table after the deal. Allowed in the Classic with the first hand, after a pass of the first hand - with the second hand and after two passes - with the third hand. Interrupted by the announcement of 7 spades. Doubles the cost of the game, and quadruples the cost if a bomb is present.
Rogue- A specific kind of preference in which each player must play a certain number of certain games.
Distribution- Dealt cards of three hands and buyback.
play out- Play suit - move several cards of the suit in hand to trick the rest of the cards of that suit.
Play the game , play the hand - Make a plan of moves and moves from the hands to fulfill (failure to fulfill) the order and make 10 moves.
layout- Arrangement of cards in the hand(s).
Folding minuscule - A miser with a breakdown, which can be clean in some cases.
Unpacking - game situation in which three hands refused to trade, announcing a pass; 10 moves in order to take a minimum of tricks with each hand.
Paint the bullet - Determine the gain and loss of each player after the end of the bullet.
Remise- Lack of tricks, getting hooked on a game or whist, failure to fulfill the obligation to take one or another number of tricks in a game (or the obligation not to take tricks - on a minuscule). An entry for a remise in preference is made up the mountain. It's always a loss. There are expressions: to remit - to plant a partner, to arrange a plant for him, to prevent him from collecting the required number of bribes; bring under the remise - do not allow the declared bribes to be taken; remit, burden - get hooked yourself, do not fulfill your obligations in the game.
"The maid silently moved along the fluffy carpet, carrying glasses of strong tea, and only her starched skirts rustled, the chalk creaked, and Nikolai Dmitrievich sighed, putting on a big remise"
(Leonid Andreev. Grand Slam).
Renonce- Lack of suit in hand; an erroneous move from the hand out of suit. It is recommended to ask the hand about the revoke.
Draw- The draw of the distribution includes: trading, buying, demolition, ordering (assigning) the game to the players, determining the whistler (s), determining the method of whistling (light or dark) and 10 moves. Recording the results is usually not included in the draw.
Hand- Cards received by the player after the distribution. They also say the first (second, third) hand - in the order of the move.
Own- Own game - an indication of the fulfillment of the order by the player and obligations by the whistler.
Change- Synonymous with distribution.
deliverer, Dealer - The player who dealt (distributed) cards before the hand was played.
Semerik, seven - The obligation to take at least 7 tricks in the game.
sit down, Sit - Default on whist or order.
Sit on the bench - In the pool of four - to be the dealer.
Strong card - The layout of the suits in the hand, allowing you to take a lot of tricks.
Long suit - The suit of the hand in which there are more tricks than in other suits.
Singlet- See blank.
System- King, jack and ten of the same suit in hand.
horse racing, jump - See Prize.
squeeze- Move to a recall hand to force a carry.
Sliding unpacking - Arrangement to move the next hand to the first hand, regardless of the outcome of the trade.
Weak card - A hand with less than three implied tricks.
Short suit - A suit in which there are few (less than two) tricks.
Demolition- Two cards that the player puts face down on the table after buying before ordering the game. Demolition can be replaced by playing before the order.
change- Cheating technique, secret substitution of a deck of cards during the game. In shifts, the unfavorable alignment is brought to an extreme degree, to the point of absurdity.
Take off- Make a pickup.
Remove from the game - Overtrade by buying cards that another bargaining hand could play a big game with.
Dog, snot - The same as the little one.
Bid- The cost of whist in monetary units.
Stalingrad- Obligation to whistle together in the dark when ordering 6 spades.
Whist cost - By convention - the number of monetary units for each whist.
Table- Place to play; a deck is placed on the table during removal, cards are laid out on the table by players during moves, cards are laid out when playing bright, bribes are added, and a bullet for recording is also located on the table.
standing- Blind draw without laying cards on the table.
Stand- An indication of the whistler to the player and the passer about the draw in the dark.
String- A hand with four suits of three cards each.
Play- Play a game - complete an order - collect the required number of tricks or take none on a minuscule; play a suit (card) - a move or a move from a hand with a suit (card).
1. A game situation when a player moves to a non-trump suit that the other two partners do not have (revoke), one of them beats it with a trump card, and the other interrupts the card with a senior trump card. This technique is a formidable weapon against the player who plays blind whistlers.
2. (obsolete) Take under surprise - take under suspicion, observation, arrest.
Usage examples. "For a long time the old men were angry at the harsh nihilists and were looking for an opportunity to bring them under a surkup ..." (A. Herzen, "The Past and Thoughts"). "... Our hero clearly saw that all the persecutions remained empty and futile, and therefore he took a fortune. "You won't leave," he thought, "you will fall under the surkup in time, sheep's tears will be shed to the wolf ..." (F. Dostoevsky, "Double ").
Etymology: from French. surcoupe - "overlap in card game"(Fasmer). The word consists of the prefix sur - over, over - and the root coupe - chopping, cutting, shooting (cards). A move to renounce two hands if they have trump cards; often ensures that the whistlers receive an additional bribe.
Eat- Separation by the player sitting to the right of the dealer from the deck of at least five cards lying on the table, laying this part on the table next to the remaining cards and laying the dealer of the remaining cards on those removed from the deck. Must be done before the distribution of the deck.
Trade- Consistent increasing announcement of orders (auction) by players for the right to take a buyback and assign a game.
Trade minuscule - In the Classic, the seniority of games (taking into account suits) is 6, 7, 8, Mizer, 9, Mizer without a buy-in, 9 without a buy-in, 10, Preference.
Totus- (Synonym - ten.) Ten game.
trellis- King, queen and jack of the same suit in hand.
Third- An indication of a figure (oner) in a suit of 3 cards, for example. third ace.
Third- A synonym for the suit of diamonds, for example. 8 thirds - the same as 8 tambourines.
third hand- (Also - the last hand.) Cards in the hand of the player sitting clockwise behind the player of the second hand; also the player who has these cards.
Clubs- The second highest suit in the deck.
Three - Synonymous with ads 6 tambourines.
Fell- order minuscule.
Fall with a swift jack - order a minuscule without buyback.

revoke - Wrong demolition. If, when entering any suit or trump card, a player put a card of another suit into a bribe, although he had a card of this suit, or did not beat with a trump card in the presence of a trump card and no move suit, such a violation of the rules is called a revoke.
Figure- Ace, king, jack or queen.
fort- A card (usually a face), which, after the release of the highest cards, itself becomes a taking trick in the played suit.
Fosca- See Malka, little one.
move- The first card played as a trick.
Walk with hand - Move from the hand to the central part of the table not the first trick card. A similar term for bridge is to walk in a bribe.
Master of the mountain- The player with the highest record in grief
hostess- Seven
Worms- The fourth, highest suit in the deck.
Fourth- A synonym for the suit of hearts, for example. 8 fourths - the same as 8 worms.
Fourth (th) - An indication of a figure (oner) in a suit of 4 cards, for example. fourth king.
Four- Synonymous with ad 6 of hearts.
four-four - A hand with two suits of 4 cards.
Four to four - The presence in two hands of 4 cards of a suit, for example, - hearts - four to four.
quadruple- King, queen, jack and ten of the same suit in hand.
Pure suit - A suit in which it is impossible to give a bribe to a minuscule player.
Pure minuscule - Miser without bribes from the player.
Shesterik, gear - The obligation to take at least 6 tricks in the game.
Selection of cards, cleansing the opponent's hand of all extra cards. An auxiliary technique in order to force the opponent to play a trick in a certain suit.

Etymology: from English. eliminate - eliminate, liquidate, exclude, destroy.

No suit

Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what "No Suit" is in other dictionaries:

    Horse color is the coloring of the horse's hairline, as well as the skin and eyes. One of the main individual distinguishing features. Like the colors of cats and dogs, the color of horses is not just a color, but a certain combination of colors, a type of distribution ... ... Wikipedia

    No diamonds, so (at least) dick beat- Regret in the absence of a card of the corresponding suit, in this case diamonds ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    Of the same suit

    of the same suit- who. Razg. Express. Identical, similar to someone in some way. But who will take them apart, Shevyryov waved his hand. You, young people, are now all of the same suit, everything owes you: parents, school, state, and it seems like you have, except for rights, ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    - “Preference”, painting ... Wikipedia

    All stripes. Razg. Unapproved About whom l., about what l. very different type. BMS 1998, 367; ShZF 2001, 47. Passed all suits. Psk. About the one who has experienced everything in life: both bad and good. SRNG 18, 18. Mow the wrong suit. Jarg. they say 1. Pretend. 2. Issue ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    This term has other meanings, see Peaks. Peaks Number of players 4 No age limit Set up time Approximately 1 minute Game duration 30 sec ... Wikipedia

    whip- WHIP, a, m. 1. When playing uphill: four cards of the same suit. ◘ No whip, but thick suit. V.I.Dal. Dictionary. 2. The name of the card game. ◘ bardadym in a simple card game (whip or three leaves) the king of black suit ...

    force- forcer. 1. Force. Mounds. To force means to force your comrade or opponent to trump a suit that he does not have. If, by chance, you or your opponents have already crossed your comrade (even if you were weak on ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

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  • , Huxley S. , Simon Haxey's English Conservatives in Suit lifts the veil over one corner of vaunted English democracy. There are no theoretical generalizations and scientific analysis in it. More… Category: Miscellaneous Publisher: YoYo Media, Manufacturer: YoYo Media,
  • English Conservatives in Power, Huxley S., Simon Haxey's English Conservatives in Suit lifts the veil over one corner of the vaunted English "democracy". There are no theoretical generalizations and scientific analysis in it. More… Category: Humanities Series: Publisher: YoYo Media,