The Third World Nomad Games will be held in Issyk-Kul. Checkpoints are being introduced at Issyk-Kul during the World Nomad Games

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, two EU "headaches", were on the shores of Issyk-Kul in honor of the opening of the Third World Nomad Games.

Leaders of Kyrgyzstan, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Tatarstan at the World Nomad Games 2018; photo:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban made world headlines last week during a visit to Italy. On Tuesday in Milan, he met with Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, finding in him a like-minded person who shares his views on illegal migrants.

According to both politicians, Europe should not accept migrants at all. Hungary refused to participate in the distribution of "asylum seekers", initiated by the EU, and closed its borders to the flow of refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Afghanistan.

Orbán called Salvini a "hero" for not allowing a boatload of refugees to land on Italy's coast until the EU agreed to resettle them elsewhere.

Salvini, in turn, said that this is his first meeting with Orban, but they will continue to "change the fate of Europe."

American CNN called the emerging union between Hungary and Italy a "Trojan horse" for the European Union. The company's journalists believe that the processes of EU reintegration will continue, as the voices of right-wing politicians who put nationalist interests above obligations to the EU are becoming more and more powerful in Europe.

From Milan to Issyk-Kul

Already at the end of the week, on September 2, Viktor Orban was in another part of the world - in Kyrgyzstan - at the opening ceremony of the Third World Nomad Games, and he was accompanied by another no less tough world politician - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

In the European press, the participation of both leaders at the same event, moreover, in Kyrgyzstan, was interpreted as yet another confirmation of the authoritarianism and nationalism of politicians who find suitable companies for themselves and a reason to meet.

In Kyrgyzstan, at least officially, the arrival of Erdogan and Orban was perceived as recognition of the country and the World Nomad Games, which have been taking place on the shores of Issyk-Kul since 2012.

The President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov noted the arrival of distinguished guests in his speech with great enthusiasm.

“We are grateful to the President of the brotherly Republic of Turkey, who came to us from afar, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” Jeenbekov said. “I note with gratitude that our honored guest from Europe, the Prime Minister of our friendly Hungary, dear Viktor Orban, is also participating in today's ceremony.”

Jeenbekov also noted with gratitude the arrival of the permanent President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

The opening ceremony of the ethno-Olympiad at the hippodrome of the city of Cholpon-Ata broke all records this year. One and a half thousand artists were involved in the grandiose show: drama theater actors, circus performers, stuntmen, singers and musicians.

More than ten thousand people watched the ceremony from the stands. Viewers of 50 different channels with a total audience of 1.5 billion people could watch the show on TV this year.

The theatrical show was divided into nine large episodes. The first ones told about the history of nomadic peoples, about the traditions and customs of the Kyrgyz, demonstrating a rich cultural and historical heritage.

The audience saw the skill of horse riding, the game of half a thousand musicians on the national mouth instrument Temir-Komuz, scenes from Manas, the world's largest oral epic, accompanied by a many-voiced performance of this work by a thousand storytellers.

The following episodes smoothly transferred the guests to the works of the great Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov: scenes from his stories and novels were played.

The show continued with a parade of participants, which this year stretched for several kilometers.

Sports component

About 2.5 thousand athletes from 79 countries of the world take part in the Nomad Games 2018.

Athletes will compete in 37 disciplines, among which - different kinds racing, fighting, archery, Mind games and other national sports. It is noteworthy that only 16 of them are traditional for Kyrgyzstan. Other types, for example, Japanese sumo and Uzbek wrestling kurash, were borrowed from other peoples.

On the afternoon of September 2, even before the opening ceremony, the first Tajik belt wrestling competitions were held.

Athletes competed for three sets of medals. "Gold" in the fight up to 62 kilograms and the absolute weight category went to the representatives of Kyrgyzstan. In the category up to 82 kg, the first place was taken by the representative of Russia.

A total of 594 medals will be contested at the Third World Nomad Games.

BISHKEK, 4 Sep — Sputnik., the press service of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Kyrgyzstan reported.

The guests of the ethnic town learned about the games of jamby atmai, it tartysh, shamdagai alakan, jamby atmai, ashkabak chapmai and others. A specially selected 25 games are a "cheat sheet" for parents, guided by which they can spend time with their children in a fun and useful way.

On the initiative of the secretariat of the III WNG and UNICEF, in June of this year, a caravan of children's games of nomads was organized, which traveled all over the regions of Kyrgyzstan. The journey began in Kant, then the caravan visited Cholpon-Ata, Karakol, Kochkor, Naryn, Talas, Bakai-Ata, Suzak, Bazar-Korgon, Osh, Aravan, Batken, Isfana, Bishkek. The last point of the route was the Kyrchyn gorge.

    Children's games are held in the Kyrchyn Gorge as part of the World Nomad Games

  • The guests of the ethnic town learned about the games of jamby atmai, it tartysh, shamdagai alakan, jamby atmai, ashkabak chapmai and others.

    © Photo / press service of the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

  • A specially selected 25 games are a "cheat sheet" for parents, guided by which they can spend time with their children in a fun and useful way.

    © Photo / press service of the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

  • On the initiative of the secretariat of the III WNG and UNICEF, in June of this year, a caravan of children's games of nomads was organized, which traveled all over the regions of Kyrgyzstan.

    © Photo / press service of the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

  • The journey began in Kant, then the caravan visited Cholpon-Ata, Karakol, Kochkor, Naryn, Talas, Bakai-Ata, Suzak, Bazar-Korgon, Osh, Aravan, Batken, Isfana, Bishkek. The last point of the route was the Kyrchyn gorge.

    © Photo / press service of the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

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© Photo / press service of the representative office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Children's games are held in the Kyrchyn Gorge as part of the World Nomad Games

"Thanks to successful cooperation with the WNG secretariat, more than 5,000 children and their parents were able to learn more about the traditions of nomads and play national games. UNICEF calls for paying as much attention to children as possible, especially at an early age. The more love and care parents and others give to children family members, the more often they play with them, the more intense their physical, mental, emotional and social development takes place," said Yukie Mokuo, head of the representative office.

Aizhan Abdesova, Deputy Head of the WNG Secretariat, noted that the games are a great opportunity to revive the culture of nomads.

The gold medal of the Olympiad in ethnic sports, which takes place under the patronage of UNESCO, was won by an athlete from Buryatia, who played for the Russian team. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Buryatia.

— Oleg Tsybikzhapov, the multiple winner of the Datsan Games “Eryn Gurban Naadan” of the Traditional Sanha of Russia, won the gold in traditional archery according to the rules of Turkey among men. II and III places were taken by the representatives of Hungary Laszlo Koczka and Kyrgyzstan Nogoibaev Rustam, respectively, the Ministry of Sports specified.

Shooting competitions were held on September 6 in the Kyrchyn gorge. Men and women fired from the traditional bow. As reported on the official website of the Games, 153 athletes took part in the competition: 110 men and 43 women from 23 countries.

At the World Nomad Games, visitors from all over the world come to watch spectacular competitions in archery, horse racing and traditional belt wrestling. This year the Olympiad of mountain and steppe dwellers took place on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan.

These games were the third in a row: competitions originate in 2012 and are held every 2 years. This time, about 3,000 athletes from 80 countries of the world took part in them. Spectators watched competitions in 37 types of ethnosport, including national types of hunting, archery on horseback, various types of horse racing, wrestling and intellectual games.

Checkpoints will operate on the Balykchy-Ananyevo-Karakol highway, which runs along the lake.

“In order to avoid traffic jams on this road, a temporary restriction will be introduced for trucks, heavy vehicles, buses and minibuses, as well as agricultural machinery and vehicles carrying dangerous goods,” the Department of Internal Affairs reports.

Near the hippodrome in the village of Baktuu-Dolonotu, where the main part of the events will take place, a detour is provided. Turns to the bypass road will be installed at km 81.3 (near the Gazprom Neft gas station near the city of Cholpon-Ata) and km 83.5 (near the mosque in the village of Baktuu-Dolonotu) of the Balykchy-Ananyevo-Karakol highway.

In addition, the passage to the jailoo Kyrchyn will be one-way.

“Due to the fact that in the period from September 2 to September 8, a temporary restriction on the passage of trucks will be introduced, citizens need to transport goods to the jailoo Kyrchyn before the specified date for the games. Drivers also need to plan traffic routes along the Balykchy-Bokonbaevo-Karakol highway," the region's police department said.

At checkpoints, police officers will show drivers detours.

III World Nomad Games will be held in Kyrgyzstan on Issyk-Kul from September 2 to 8, 2018.

1,946 athletes from 53 countries of the world are expected to participate in the upcoming games, the official website of the games reports.

By the number of athletes who applied for participation in the III World Nomad Games, Kyrgyzstan is the leader. The team of this country, announced for the games, has 458 people. Team Russian Federation is the second largest - 235 people, in third place is Kazakhstan - 195 participants.

Athletes will compete in 37 sports. A total of 594 medals will be awarded (174 gold, 173 silver and 247 bronze).

Tickets are on sale for the opening and closing ceremonies. Their cost is from 350 to 4,900 soms (1,850-25,900 tenge). Entrance to the rest of the games is free.

One of the favorite local games is kok-bora (goat-cutting). Photo courtesy of

In Kyrgyzstan, on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul, the main sporting event of the year is being held - the World Nomad Games. The sports and ethnographic event, according to the organizers, should become an alternative to the Olympic Games.

The basis of the event is a return to the roots and popularization of traditional games for nomads. The project itself is personally supported by the President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambaev and seems to be classified as especially important.

These are the second games - the first took place in 2014. This time the organizers managed to outdo themselves: more guests, more athletes, more fireworks, artists, special effects, media representatives.

Large-scale, bright and juicy was the opening ceremony of the Games. Residents of Kyrgyzstan sincerely cried with delight and pride for their country, and guests who came from abroad published photos with admiring reviews.

One of the main guests of the event was Steven Seagal. The actor, dressed in the armor of a nomad, actively participated in various events and took pictures with the public. “I fell in love with Kyrgyzstan. Beshbarmak is probably the best dish I have ever eaten. We talked with the President on philosophical topics. Almazbek Atambayev is a great person,” the Hollywood actor praised the country and the organizers. How much the participation of Seagal in the event cost the Kyrgyz was not reported.

The action unfolded at several sites. Sports competitions were held on the banks of Issyk-Kul, and an ethnic village with 288 yurts was set up in a nearby mountain gorge at an altitude of 2,000 meters. There, the audience saw theatrical performances, performances of stuntmen, a competition between musicians and storytellers, a fashion show, and also tasted national cuisine. Several tens of thousands of guests were entertained by 2,000 artists and 100 stuntmen.

About 1,000 athletes from 53 countries participated in the competition in 23 types of games. Among the games are equestrian and foot archery, various types of wrestling, horse racing, hunting with dogs and falcons.

It is impossible not to mention one of the most famous local games - kok-boru, or goat-wrestling, in which teams of riders try to capture a fake goat carcass and throw it into the opponent's goal.

The outcome of the kok-boru bout between the Russian and American teams can serve as a source of pride for the Russians. Horsemen from Krasnoyarsk won the match against the cowboys with a score of 17:7. At the time of writing, the Russian team was leading in the team event, having won 16 medals. On account of the national teams of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, there were 13 and 10 medals, respectively.

It's too early to celebrate the victory, these are intermediate results. The World Nomad Games will end today.

The organizers of the event set themselves several tasks: to increase the tourist attractiveness of the country in general and Lake Issyk-Kul in particular, to raise the prestige of Kyrgyzstan in the international arena, and, importantly, to contribute to the formation of a national ideology.

Holding a beautiful mass event in Kyrgyzstan with a large number of foreign guests and national games should, according to local residents, become a basis for pride and “the realization that we are a united and strong people, that together we can do everything and together we can do everything.” This is faith in yourself, faith in the best.