A unique character in Fallout: Shelter is the Mysterious Stranger. Who are the raiders

Game creators Fallout Shelter made a small surprise to the players in the form of unique Fallout residents. For those who have played Fallout 3, they are well known as they are the most basic characters in the game. These residents in Fallout Shelter can be obtained by opening lunch boxes, or by luring a radio station.

Let's go in alphabetical order:

Abraham Washington

Owner of the Capital Preservation Society in Rivet City. His professor's outfit gives +4 intelligence and +1 luck.

Allistair Tenpenny

80 year old owner of Tenpenny Tower. Having won the tower from the previous owners, Alistair put it in order and settled wealthy residents. He does not leave his apartment, and only occasionally goes out to the balcony to shoot at the creatures from the wasteland. By obtaining his costume, you can increase perception, charisma, intelligence by 2 points, and luck by 1.


Daughter of the caretaker of Vault 101 and friend of the protagonist Fallout 3. Wears a normal vault dweller outfit.


Inhabitant of the Big City. Her clothes add +2 to perception, strength and stamina, +1 to charisma.


Vault 101 resident, possible partner in Fallout 3. From the age of 10, he becomes the leader of the Tunnel Snakes gang. The eponymous form gives a +2 bonus to perception, charisma and agility and +1 to stamina.

Colonel Autumn

Leader of all Enclave combat units in the Capital Wasteland. Main Antagonist Fallout 3. His cloak adds +2 to strength, perception and stamina, +1 to charisma.

Confessor Cromwell

Leader of the "Children of the Atom" sect in Megaton. He wears rags, which, however, give a bonus of +2 to perception, stamina, luck and +1 to intelligence.

Dr. Li

Fallout 3. Scientist, head of the scientific laboratory of Rivet City. Her white coat increases intelligence by 7 points.

Elder Lyons

Head of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Capital Wasteland. The robe he wears gives him +4 Charisma and +3 Agility.

Eulogy Jones

Head of the Paradise Falls slavers. The suit will give you +2 Perception, Charisma, Luck, and +1 Intelligence.


Sheriff of Rivet City, android. His armor increases strength by 4 and stamina by 3 points.


main character's father Fallout 3. One of the key characters. Like Dr. Lee, he wears a white medical coat.


Former raider, and now a resident of Megaton. Possible partner in Fallout 3. Its heavy leather armor gives +3 strength and +4 stamina.

Lucas Simms

Sheriff of Megaton City. Its form grants a +2 bonus to perception and a +5 bonus to stamina.

Moira Brown

Inventor, owner of the Crater Shop in Megaton. Her costume increases agility by 7 points.

Mr. Burke

Right hand of Alistair Tenpenny. Settled in Megaton on his orders in order to activate the bomb and destroy the city. The clothes he wears give him +7 luck.

Preston Garvey

Character Fallout 4, the leader of the militia group.

Sarah Lyons

One of the key characters Fallout 3, daughter of Elder Lyons, commander of the Brotherhood of Steel's elite unit, the Lion's Pride. Wears T-51f armor, +2 Strength, +5 Perception.

Reginald Rothchild

Brotherhood of Steel scribe and elder's assistant. The robe gives +2 Perception, Charisma, and Intelligence, and +1 Stamina.

Star Paladin Cross

Personal bodyguard and trusted advisor to Elder Lyons, possible partner in Fallout 3.

three dog

DJ at Galaxy News radio. His clothing gives +5 Charisma and +2 Perception.

Vault dwellers are an integral part of the game and are required to work in production rooms, have children, protect the shelter from attackers, and scout the Wasteland.

Where can you find residents?

The population of inhabitants can be increased by random inhabitants of the Wasteland appearing at the door of the shelter (at the initial levels), childbirth pairs of adult residents sent to living quarters, or by attracting the inhabitants of the Wasteland by broadcasting broadcasts from the built radio studios. The effectiveness of the studio also depends on the number of residents in it, their level and the level of characteristics.

About the inhabitants.

Each ordinary resident appears only in the coveralls of the shelter and unarmed. Ordinary residents start at level 1 (in Survival mode from level 5 and have the weakest weapon in their hands), further increase in it depends on the time spent in production rooms, the success of disaster prevention or production acceleration, as well as during reconnaissance in the Wasteland. The time of classes in training rooms, being in a warehouse or in a radio studio does not affect the level. The maximum level that residents can get is 50.
As a dweller levels up, the number of lives increases, and the shelter receives covers in an amount equivalent to the level received. All residents have an individual indicator, and most often the characteristics do not exceed 3 points. Also, all characteristics can be increased with the help of special training rooms such as gym or armory room. Rare or unique villagers that appear at the entrance to the hideout while in the prize card lunchboxes have additional levels, characteristics, costumes, and weapons.
Incest is forbidden in the shelter, so couples of relatives placed in a living room will not be able to have children (you can guess the relationship by surnames and spoken phrases like “There is nothing better than relaxing at home with the family”). Children automatically receive a last name and first name at the time of birth, with the first name being generated randomly and the child's last name being inherited from one of the parents of the opposite sex. The names and surnames of the characters can be changed at the request of the caretaker at any time.

Mysterious Stranger

The stranger periodically appears in the shelter, while the standard music for his appearance (as in Fallout 3) is played at the same time. The volume and direction of the sound (in the case of playing with stereo-enabled acoustics) helps to more accurately determine the location of the Stranger. If you manage to find it and click it, you can get caps, the number of which is randomly generated. When more than 500 caps fall out, the animation changes, cap rain falls, and the money is credited instantly.

This is how it looks.

The Mysterious Stranger appears in different rooms every 5 minutes for a duration depending on how close the camera is to the room he is in (the closer the camera is, the faster he will disappear). By touching it, you can get a certain amount of caps. Meeting him is the goal of some game tasks.

Residents (common and rare)

Residents are divided into common, rare and legendary:

Ordinary villagers have the first level and the minimum values ​​of parameters S.P.E.C.I.A.L.. Such residents are born in the Vault (their parameters S.P.E.C.I.A.L. inherited to some extent from parents), and make up the majority among those who came from the Wasteland;
Rare ones have higher stats S.P.E.C.I.A.L., as well as 5-10 level. Such residents can be obtained from lunch boxes and come dressed in rare costumes, but unarmed.
You can also get a legendary villager from lunchboxes. Such villagers have high levels and parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L., and come dressed in legendary costumes, as well as armed with legendary weapons.
The queue of residents coming from the Wasteland (including scouts and Mister Helpers) cannot exceed 10 people. If this limit is reached, it becomes impossible for a villager attracted by radio broadcasts to enter and open a lunchbox, however this will not prevent the return of new scouts. The number of residents in the Vault is also limited and cannot exceed 200 people.
Residents work by producing:

energy, water and food, necessary for survival in the Vault;
stimulants and antiradin needed to restore health;
costumes and weapons
Residents can be equipped with armor and weapons for protection, as well as attach a pet to them. For more efficient work in production, their parameters should be improved. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. in practice and training rooms. They can also be sent to the Wasteland to replenish supplies and increase their levels (to see what is happening with the villager or what he has found, you need to click on any point of the Wasteland).

Legendary Residents

You can also find Rare or Legendary Dwellers in lunchboxes. They have more experience than usual and, most importantly, their skills are much better developed (40 indicators S.P.E.C.I.A.L.). Legendary residents can also answer your radio signal and come from the outside world, but this happens very rarely. They always have a legendary weapon or/and costume.
There are a total of 22 Legendary villagers known to us that can be unlocked:

The first pet appears after the update when the received carrier is activated, the subsequent ones can be bought in the online store or received for completing tasks.
Pets can be attached to the residents of the shelter by adding them to the third inventory slot of the inhabitant. Description and information about pets can be found in the Survival Guide (help section in the hideout management menu). The number of all available pets is reflected in the general list of items stored in storage rooms.
Pets can be found in earned lunch boxes and carriers. The pet gives an additional effect to the villager to whom it was issued. He can also help in the exploration of the Wasteland. Each room, depending on its size, can contain from 1 to 3 pets. During attacks on the shelter, pets, like children and pregnant women, run away from rooms with enemies (after update 1.6, attackers are attacked along with residents). If you click on a pet, it will make a sound corresponding to its type.

There are three types of pets: common, rare, and legendary. Rarer pets provide a more powerful effect, but these effects can differ even between pets that are completely similar to each other.

: :Abyssinian- increased level of damage resistance.
american shorthair- finding covers from the Wasteland.
Bombay- Increases health by 26%.
British Shorthair- Increased healing speed.
Likoy- increased damage.
manul- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.
Maine Coon- reduction of training time by 6%.
Persian- An increase in the level of happiness by 31%.
Siamese- the rate of decrease in radiation is doubled.
Somalia- Reduced item creation time.
turkish van
Scottish lop-eared- increase in earning experience.


australian shepherd- increase in the SPECIAL parameters of the child.
Akita- increase the likelihood of a stranger appearing.
austrian mastiff- reducing the cost of creating items.
Bloodhound- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.
Boxer- increase in experience.
Brittany- -17% Production time and price.
golden retriever- Increased the chance of finding weapons and suits during reconnaissance in the Wasteland.
Greyhound- Reduced item creation time.
Dalmatian- increased chance of having twins.
doberman- Increased healing speed by 2 times.
Collie- decrease in the cost of creating items -9%.
german pointer- an increase in the rate of decrease in radiation.
German Shepherd- additional bonus for completing the task x2.
shepherd dog- Bonus when finding caps 15%.
pit bull terrier
Poodle- increase in the level of happiness.
Rottweiler- Increase health in by 27%.
st bernard- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.
Husky- Increased return speed from the Wasteland.
black labrador- reduction of training time by 7-19%.


Cocoa Bean- speed of return from the wasteland x4.
Apolda- Healing speed 4 times.
bandit- increase in the SPECIAL parameters of the child.
Barry- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.
Cindy- increased chance of finding suits and weapons in the Wasteland.
dogmeat- task completion x3.
Duke- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.
Four Score- wasteland caps +45%.
Gaston- Decreased time and cost of crafting items.
Goliath- Crafting cost: +26-30%.
Hulk- damage +6.
Kabosu- increase the likelihood of a stranger appearing.
Kuma- Increase the chance of a stranger appearing by 0.75.
little helper- Reduced item creation time.
Lord Puffington- Increase happiness by 100%.
Lucky- increased chance of having twins.
Maizie Rai- Health +100%.
Moose- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.
Mr. Peepers- an increase in the rate of decrease in radiation by 4 times.
Muttface- Speed ​​up learning by 30% (continuous).
Pal- Crafting cost: -26-30%.
pongo- increased chance of having twins.
Ranger- increased damage dealt.
Scavver- experience gain: +44%.
Titan- increased damage dealt.
Trench- an increase in the speed of returning from the Wasteland by 4 times.
Valentine- increase the probability of finding trash in the Wasteland.

After the announcement of Fallout 4 at E3 2015, Bethesda developers knew that players needed something that could be used on their mobile devices. What was Bethesda's response? An exciting game in which you build your own shelter and try to manage people and resources as efficiently as possible in order to create a prosperous society in a post-apocalyptic world.

However, managing an underground city is not an easy task. Of course, the inhabitants do all the hard work: turning levers, writing notes, shaking beakers of unknown substances while holding them in clamps. But still, you are the caretaker of the shelter, and you need to be careful when managing resources and your citizens, you will have to control unemployment and hunger. This is where tactics are needed.

Like residents in computer version Fallout, residents in the mobile Fallout Shelter have (from the English. Strength Perception Endurance Charisma Intelligence Agility Luck), which determines their statistics. Each stat affects a different aspect of life in the vault, so the optimal distribution of the abilities of your residents is a key factor in their happy existence.

Strength ( S strength): Villagers with a high strength score are ideal for physically demanding jobs, best for power plant jobs.

Perception ( P perception): Astute residents are good at understanding complex information and are best suited to work in wastewater treatment plants.

Endurance ( E Endurance: Residents with high endurance endure harsh conditions better than others, they are suitable for exploring the wasteland and producing cannonballs.

Charisma ( C- charisma): Charismatic villagers are the most charming and fit to work at the radio station. They are also the best at flirting and attracting Wasteland dwellers, so they can be used to increase the hideout's population more quickly.

Intelligence ( I- intelligence): Smart residents are well versed in science, which allows them to work in medical institutions or scientific laboratories.

Agility ( A- agility): Agile and fast villagers, well suited to work in the canteen.

Luck ( L- luck): Lucky dwellers can be placed just about anywhere, especially if you need faster production. They also have a high chance of finding rare items in the wasteland.

Once your hideout's population has reached a certain level, you can build training rooms where the villagers can train the above skills (the higher the level, the longer the training time), or dress the villagers in different equipment, which can also improve skills.

Fair work for residents

As mentioned above, each fallout shelter dweller has several S.P.E.C.I.A.L. values ​​that correspond to . Proper placement of workers in the premises not only adds happiness to everyone, but also increases production efficiency. Improving production facilities increases their productivity and size, which allows you to get more resources. You can plan for expansion in advance by placing rooms next to each other and merging rooms of the same level (maximum 3 rooms can be merged). Expanded production facilities also allow you to hire more workers. The maximum number of inhabitants in the game is 200 people.

You can check S.P.E.C.I.A.L. any villager to see which room it's best for, or just place it in a specific room and see how much it adds to the overall production rating. Plus or minus next to the number shows whether the villager lowers or raises the overall statistics. If there is no sign (as in the picture above), then this room has free place, and the number of the moved citizen shows +.

Happiness Rating

You think that for the happiness of your inhabitants it is enough to be outside the wasteland and away from the yao-gai, but no! They also want a certain level of comfort and fulfillment for their needs in an underground home. The good news is that if there are no fires for a long time, corpses lying around, and radioactive cockroaches with mole rats, raiders and death claws, then the population happiness level will be at least 50% (it is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen).

You can increase the level of happiness by placing villagers in a job that suits them or by building a radio. The happier your inhabitants, the greater the production of food, energy and water. You can track the happiness of residents individually by clicking on them directly in the shelter, or by clicking on the button in the upper left corner.

Energy production

If energy production drops below a critical level, then not everything is turned off at once. Rooms away from power plants will be the first to stop working, and their inhabitants stop working and start loitering around. Therefore, make sure to locate the most important areas, such as canteens and water treatment plants, close to energy sources.

Lack of energy can reduce the happiness of your inhabitants, so if you experience frequent power outages, destroy unnecessary facilities, such as study rooms or radio stations, until you can provide them with stable energy.

Keep the three main resources in sufficient supply

Each room in the Fallout Shelter has a specific function, but the power plants, water treatment plants, and restaurants/gardens are the most important to a healthy shelter, because shortages in these production lines can be devastating.

Lack of energy renders rooms non-functional (starting from those farthest from the factory), lack of clean water causes radiation poisoning (health indicator turns red, treated with Rad Anti), lack of food gradually reduces the health of residents until they starve to death. To avoid all this, give preference to the premises that produce these resources, and after achieving stability in their work, build everything else.

Use robots to collect resources. can independently collect ready-made resources from the floor on which it is located.

Reach goals to get lids and lunchboxes

You will always have three main goals: earn caps, equip a certain number of inhabitants and take rewards for completing difficult tasks, and the more difficult the task, the greater the reward will be. Don't forget to claim your lunchbox reward right away so you can immediately take advantage of the benefits it gives you.

What's in the box?

You'll use Caps to buy and upgrade rooms in the Fallout Shelter, but what's in the lunchboxes? Each lunchbox contains at least one rare or uncommon item, such as rare armor, powerful weapons, or a villager with high level S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You'll earn lunchboxes for completing especially difficult tasks, or you can simply buy them in the "shop" tab for real money.

You don't necessarily need to buy anything to enjoy the game and succeed in Fallout Shelter. The weapons, equipment, and resources you find in lunchboxes will give you a boost in developing your hideout.


Don't want to wait a long time? You can quickly get resources and small bonuses with a certain risk of fire or the appearance of radioactive cockroaches or mole rats.

If the chances of an incident occurring are less than 40%, then it's worth the risk, but the more you accelerate, the greater the chances of failure become.

Send pregnant women to work

Of course, putting in a job is not a gentleman's way, but wait, this is the Fallout Shelter post-apocalypse and everyone should do their bit. Once the lady has finished making emoji with the partner of your choice, she can return to a job that suits her. Its hasty return to the labor force is not only a matter of equality, but also of maintaining the amount of resources at the right level. Pregnancy in the game lasts a very long time, and a shortage of labor can have dire consequences.

Explore the Wasteland

You can produce enough energy, food and water, but unfortunately your shelter is not self-sufficient. You also need weapons and gear that increases S.P.E.C.I.A.L. to be able to defend against raiders and radioactive cockroaches.

Select villagers with better stamina, equip them, give them armor and RadAway Stimpaks, and send them out in search of loot. Don't forget to follow their adventures, everything that happens to your explorer is displayed as text messages with the time stamp. Characters will not take damage or absorb radiation on their way back to the vault after you call them back with the Recall button.

So just wait until the character reaches the maximum possible negative state, and then return him home. All caps, armor, and weapons that your explorer finds can only be placed in the Depot, so take care to build it in advance.

Make sure you have stimpacks and anti-radiation to heal Wasteland explorers, otherwise they will not only be vulnerable to attacks by raiders and cockroaches, but also quite unhappy.

Who are the raiders

So, there's bad news: Raiders are about to come and take your possessions, and the deathclaws are ready to attack the hideout and kill all its inhabitants. The good news is that! The first step is quite simple - upgrade the vault door to make it harder to knock it out. If you don't have many weapons, give them to the villagers with the best stats and assign them to guard the hideout. If you have a lot of cannons, arm every villager so that if the raiders pass the foyer, they will continue to face aggressive resistance. You can also drag villagers to certain room so that they fight, but only during a raid.

If you want to arm all the inhabitants of your shelter, then at the beginning of the game you will not have enough weapons for this. But infection with radioactive cockroaches can occur anywhere and anytime, raiders raiding a shelter is also completely unpredictable. Therefore, keep a few units in your inventory and distribute it upon the fact of the attack in the right rooms. Thus, you can arm the inhabitants near the source of the threat and quickly eliminate it.

Use elevators in case of emergency

A single elevator shaft in the middle of your hideout is nice and convenient, but it means it will take longer for the occupants to travel from one end of the hideout to the other. An extra walk is fine if they're just heading to the barracks for their love affairs, but in the event of a raider attack, a radioactive cockroach invasion, or a house fire, a few seconds difference could result in additional deaths. Remember to plan several different routes at different levels to make it easier to get around quickly in case of an emergency.

Improve the statistics of residents with average values

While some residents will have obvious talents in one area or another, many who come from the wasteland will not always be so. Luckily, there is an opportunity to increase the S.P.E.C.I.A.L., for example, in the armory or in the classroom.

When you have 24 residents, you get access to the gym, as well as other additional rooms to increase the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. After you build a room for developing skills, send residents there to improve their characteristics.

radio, radio

You can get a chance to build a radio station if you think it increases the happiness of your villagers. It's true that making wireless broadcasts uplifts the spirits of your underground people, but don't make changes to your layout too quickly to save people and energy.

You can also use the radio station to attract wanderers from the wasteland. is definitely a nice addition to your Hideout, but make sure you get a good grasp of the basics of the game before spending caps on it. The time between the arrival of new residents from the Wasteland is long, their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. leave much to be desired. At the same time, the price of a radio studio is considerable, citizens should work there, and pregnancy has a much greater effect. With the radio in Fallout Shelter, the developers apparently overdid it a little.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to attract new people to the shelter sounds like this - through pregnancy.

Right and wrong decisions

Right: expand slowly

Building your own Fallout Shelter takes a lot of energy and manpower, and if you expand it too quickly, you'll soon run out of resources to keep the facilities functional and the residents happy. Build slowly. Make sure you can easily maintain the current size of your hideout in order to build more space, and then you'll be on your way to building a happy society.

Correct: focus on building power plants before expanding the shelter

Water treatment plants, restaurants and living quarters keep residents happy and healthy. But power plants are needed to make it all work. Without energy, not a single object will function, and you will get a lot of disgruntled residents sitting in the dark. Before you increase the load on the power plant, make sure that you can withstand it.

Correct: Place Important Objects Near Power Plants

Sometimes you can accidentally start to build up too quickly or lose some resources from raiders that you weren't ready for. If this is the case, and energy production drops below the critical level needed to keep the storage facility running normally, some areas away from the power plant will begin to lose power. In order to ensure the operation of the shelter in case of failure, place the most important objects (restaurants, vegetable gardens, water treatment facilities, medical rooms) near power plants. So they will stop working at the very last turn.

That's right: arm the explorers before you send them to the wasteland

The Savage Wasteland is dangerous, and an unarmed and lightly equipped villager will not be able to defend themselves against blizzards, wild dogs, radroaches, and other mutants that the Wasteland throws at them. In addition, if a resident can hardly fight off a giant ant, then it is unlikely that he will bring you good prey. If you want to save the lives of your explorers, make sure they are well armed for the journey. good weapon and equipment should do the trick.

Correct: optimally place villagers to work so that they are most efficient

The residents in your hideout are the work force, and they are much happier when they are working in a job that suits them. Keep this in mind and don't randomly assign tasks, but first of all look at the statistics of each citizen (check the instructions above if you are not sure which job corresponds to a particular skill). This will make residents happy and increase production efficiency - a double benefit!

That's right: keep an eye on kids who are transitioning into adulthood so you can assign them to work on time

Shelter residents are against child labor, so you won't be able to assign a child to work until they reach adulthood (this happens a few real-time hours after birth). They carelessly waste their youthful minutes with 50% happiness, so they need to be given work as quickly as possible. If you have so many residents that you can't tell who is of legal age, look at the list of residents. Any person with "coffee break" status is probably the one you're looking for.

Wrong: make every woman in the shelter pregnant

Aside from the obvious problem of turning your hideout into a baby farm, having too many pregnant women will also bring the practical problem of having more residents not giving you a functional workforce. Within the few hours it takes children to come of age, the shelter's infrastructure could be irreparably damaged after all these new adults suffer radiation poisoning.

Incorrect: use haste mode if chances of failure are greater than 40%

This mode (Rush) is one of the fastest and simple ways get resources in Fallout game Shelter, however, there are certain risks of an invasion of radroaches or a fire. This risk is justified if the chances of failure are less than 20%, acceptable up to 30%, but not more than 40%, otherwise you are doomed to constant disasters. Try using accelerated production in different rooms, or send villagers out in search of loot in the Wasteland.

False: allow residents not to work

The less a resident works, the sadder he will be, and the less will be the average contribution of each resident to the production process. Look for any villagers with a "coffee break" and give them a task, even if it's exploring the Wasteland or increasing their stats. Everyone will be happy about it.

Wrong: leave one or two residents to fight radioactive cockroach infestations

Radroaches are dangerous and quickly reduce the health of any nearby inhabitant, and the greater the excess in numbers, the faster the health will decrease. By sending one resident to fight the infection, you can prepare for the funeral and the fact that the infection will spread to other objects. So send as many people as possible, preferably armed, to fight cockroaches.

False: worry when exiting the application

You might feel nervous leaving your hideout to raiders and nasty insects when you put your gadget aside. But there is no cause for concern. As soon as you close the app, the hideout goes into auto-control, during which only good things will happen: children are born, resources are produced, and no fires or raids. So it is very convenient to pump S.P.E.C.I.A.L. residents, especially when it takes 16 hours of real time.

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On the this moment There are two types of pets in Fallout Shelter - dogs and cats.

general characteristics

In the game, pets are unique units. They can be placed in rooms (similar to residents) or act as a buff item (placed in a special cell of an animal). Pets are not combat units and in the event of an incident (fire, attack by raiders, radroaches or rats) they immediately leave the room. Only one pet can be in the room at a time. In the case of expansion of rooms (building two rooms of the same type next to each other), the number of animals increases to two and three, respectively.

Since pets are items of equipment, information about them can be viewed in the pantry, where all pets that are not attached to residents are stored.

How to get a?

Pets appear from special carriers, which the player can receive either from lunch boxes (for a fee) or as a reward for completing missions (for free). This may be a bug, but according to some players, there is a small chance of finding a Carrier in the Wasteland.

Pet types

As mentioned earlier, pets are divided into two types: cats and dogs. In turn, each species can have three levels of uniqueness: common, rare and legendary.

Common and rare uniqueness levels are divided into breeds, and legendary pets have a unique name.

An important feature: even with complete resemblance, rare and legendary pets can give a completely different bonus than ordinary ones.

Let's list the varieties of pets and the bonuses that they bring to the inhabitant to which they are attached.

  1. American Shorthair - The number of caps found during sorties increases by 6-15%.
  2. Abyssinian - increases protection against incoming damage by 20-24%.
  3. Scottish Fold - experience gained by a villager is increased by 6-15%.
  4. British Shorthair - Resident heals twice as fast.
  5. Siamese - Doubles the rate of healing from radiation.
  6. Maincoon - reduces the training time of a villager by 6-10%.
  7. Persian - increases the level of happiness of a resident by 25-33%.
  8. Bombay - increase the health of a resident by 25-33%.
  9. Sphinx - 1.25 times increases the speed of returning a resident to the shelter.
  10. Ocicat - Increases the chance of finding an item while raiding the wasteland by 6-10%.

Legendary cats:

  1. Ashes - Quadruple the healing time.
  2. Bangor - 26% faster villager training time.
  3. Bastet - Quadruple the speed of returning to the hideout.
  4. Ginger - Increases the experience gained by the villager by 45%.
  5. Goblet - a resident removes radiation from the body four times faster.
  6. Pebbles - a resident becomes as happy as possible (100%).
  7. Shadow - 98% health of the inhabitant is increased.
  8. Speckle - Increases the chance of finding items in the Wasteland by 30%.
  9. Sterling - Increases the number of caps found in the Wasteland by 45%.
  10. Zula - The villager has a 48% increase in damage resistance.

  1. Black Labrador - Reduces villager training time by 6-10%.
  2. Boxer - experience gained by a villager is increased by 6-15%.
  3. Golden Retriever - 6-10% increases the chance of finding an item during forays into the wasteland.
  4. Doberman - a resident heals twice as fast.
  5. Shepherd Dog - The number of caps found during sorties is increased by 6-15%.
  6. German Hound - Doubles the rate of healing from radiation.
  7. Husky - 1.25 times the speed of returning a villager from a sortie to the wasteland.
  8. Poodle - Increases villager happiness by 25-33%.
  9. Rottweiler - Increases a villager's health by 25-33%.
  10. German Shepherd - gives additional bonuses for completing tasks. It happens only rare and legendary.

legendary dogs

  1. Four Score - Increases the number of caps found in the Wasteland by 45%.
  2. Apolda - four times reduces the treatment time.
  3. Maizie Rai - Increases the villager's health by 100%.
  4. Lord Puffington - villager's happiness becomes maximum (100%).
  5. Muttface - Villager training time reduced by 30%.
  6. Peepers - radiation is excreted from the body four times faster.
  7. Scavver - Increases villager experience gained by 44%.
  8. Trench - 4 times the speed of returning from the wasteland.
  9. Cindy - Increases the chance of finding items in the wasteland by 30%.
  10. Dogmeat - The speed of completing the task is increased by three times.