Diamond breastplate in English. Minecraft: leather armor from A to Z. Damage affects strength

dark night, in the mine and in dangerous dimensions, the player cannot do without protection. This guide with a video tells how to make armor in Minecraft and not die from the attacks of evil mobs. There are as many as five species in the cubic world. All types of armor Minecraft game have varying degrees of protection and are crafted from different materials. Players will have no difficulty crafting one of the five types.

crafting recipes

The armor set consists of four parts. In Minecraft, you can make it mainly from ores and various materials. Recipes are very easy to remember, as they have a semblance of clothing.

Armor types

leather armor- the weakest and simplest. It will be enough for a couple of night trips or meetings with creepers. This is the only armor that can be repainted in any color. Made from cowhide.

golden armor created for beauty without any special properties. It breaks instantly and does not actually protect the character. Serves as decoration for rich houses. Crafted from gold bars after smelting gold ore.

Mail armor- the only armor for admins. It cannot be done, but you can register a set using the Creative mode. It is slightly more durable and has a transparent texture.

iron armor most useful and frequently used. Iron ingots for crafting are always full stacks, and it protects just fine. The set is enough for many trips.

diamond armor the most durable in the game Minecraft. It can be made from expensive and rare diamonds. In the whole game in one world, many players craft diamond armor only once and forget about broken armor for long battles.

Since the Minecraft game is quite versatile, the players in it need to not only craft and create, but also periodically fight. It is unlikely that anyone would think to go into battle naked, without any protection, so it will be useful to learn everything about the types of armor that exist in the game, as well as how to create it.

MineCraft offers 4 types of armor:

  • Boots
  • Cuirass
  • Leggings

In turn, these types of armor are divided according to the types of materials from which they are made. Armor in MineCraft does not completely absorb the received damage, but only reduces it.

leather armor

This type of armor is the cheapest and lightest. He's good at the start. If we talk about its strength, then it should be taken into account that:

The helmet will withstand 55 points of damage.
Breastplate will become unusable after 80 units
Leggings will be useless after 75 units
Boots - after 65 units

Leather armor will require a lot of leather, which is logical, but to create a certain type of armor, the item should be placed in a special way.

iron armor

To create iron armor, you first need to find iron ingots, and then arrange them as shown in the picture. Iron armor is stronger than leather armor, but it also has its own resource:

An iron helmet can withstand 165 damage.
Iron Cuirass - 240
Iron Leggings - 225
Iron boots - 195

golden armor

Creating gold armor is similar to creating leather armor, with the difference that you need to craft not from pieces of leather, but from gold ingots. As for the characteristics, for golden armor they are as follows:

The Golden Helm will fail after sustaining 77 damage.
Cuirass - after 112
Golden Leggings - after 105
And boots - after 91

diamond armor

This type of armor is the strongest and most reliable. Finding the ingredients to create it will not require much effort. The crafting recipe can be found in the picture. The characteristics of diamond armor in Minecraft are as follows:

The Diamond Helmet can withstand 363 points of damage before breaking.
Diamond Breastplate will withstand 528 damage
Diamond Leggings - 495
Boots - 429

These characteristics confirm that diamond armor is the most durable in Minecraft.

fire armor

Creating this type of armor will not be easy. To craft chain mail armor, you must first hack the inventory. The texture of the armor is transparent.

According to its characteristics, fire armor is similar to iron armor, and the difference between them is only in the image.

The mod has two more types of armor:

Nano Armor in MineCraft

To craft quantum armor, which will be discussed below, you need nano-armor. In turn, to create nano-armor, the player will need:

Energy Crystal
CFRP sheet

And now about such a rather rare type of armor as quantum.

quantum armor

This type of armor is unique in its properties and abilities. With its help, you can satisfy your hunger, remove poison, absorb all damage and much more. But without having nano-armor, it will not work to create it.
And now let's get acquainted with its elements.

Quantum helmet

This element of armor will not allow you to suffocate under water, remove poison from the body and will not allow you to die of hunger. To create it, you need to supplement the nano-armor with a multicrystal, iridium, improved electrical circuitry and reinforced glass.

Quantum breastplate

The chestplate is capable of absorbing all damage, however, this requires a full set of quantum armor. When crafting, you need to add a multicrystal, heavy-duty alloy and iridium.

Quantum Leggings

With the help of leggings, you can increase your movement speed by 300-400%, both on land and under water. To create quantum leggings, you need to add multicrystal, light dust, machine block and iridium to nano-leggings.

quantum boots

These boots increase the player's jump by 10 times, and also absorb damage after falling from a height of twenty blocks. The boots will become quantum if you add a multi-crystal, rubber boots and iridium to the nano-boots.

Mancraft - multilateral game, therefore, in it you can not only create and, it is also possible, and sometimes necessary, to fight. Well, you won’t go out to battle naked, so in this post I’ll tell you about all types of armor and how to create it.

Generally armor in minecraft divided into 4 types:

  • Cuirass
  • Leggings
  • Boots

And they are already again divided by the type of material from which they are made. In general, armor in Minecraft reduces the damage received, but does not completely absorb it.

Leather armor in MikeCraft (MineCraft)

The easiest and cheapest, but quite decent at the initial stage of the game. First about strength leather armor:

  • Helmet will break after 55 points of damage
  • Breastplate will break after 80 points of damage
  • Leggings break after 75 points of damage
  • Boots will break after 65 points of damage

You can see crafting recipes on the left. Logically, leather armor requires leather. Lots of skin. To get a certain type of armor, you need to place the item in a special way.

Iron armor in minecraft.

To do iron armor you need to find iron ingots and arrange them in a certain order, as in the picture on the left. And the characteristics of iron armor:

  • Iron helmet will break after 165 points of damage
  • Iron breastplate will break after 240 points of damage
  • Iron Leggings will break after 225 points of damage
  • Iron boots will break after 195 points of damage

Gold armor in Minecraft.

golden armor it is created by analogy with leather, only instead of pieces of leather it is necessary to craft from gold ingots. Without charistirists anywhere:

  • Golden helmet will break after 77 points of damage
  • The Golden Breastplate will break after 112 points of damage.
  • Golden Leggings will break after 105 points of damage
  • Golden boots will break after 91 points of damage

Diamond armor in minecraft.

This is perhaps the strongest armor that can be made without much effort in finding ingredients. The crafting recipe is again in the picture. Traditionally, characteristics diamond armor:

  • Diamond helmet will break after 363 points of damage
  • Diamond Breastplate will break after 528 points of damage
  • Diamond Leggings will break after 495 points of damage
  • Diamond boots will break after 429 damage

As you can see, this best armor in minecraft.

Fire armor in Minecraft.

This is where it gets more difficult, because craft mail armor only possible after hacking the inventory. This armor has a transparent texture. Fire Armor has the same stats as Iron Armor, but the difference is only in the image.

Descriptions of the following 2 types of armor are available in the industrial craft mod.

Nano armor in Minecraft

This armor is required to craft Quantum Armor (described below). For crafting nano armor needed:

  • Energy Crystal
  • CFRP sheet
  • Glass

I won't describe too much. creating nano armor just look at the recipe in the picture below.

And now I want to talk about a very rare armor - quantum.

Quantum armor in minecraft.

quantum armor unique in its properties, or rather abilities. She can satisfy hunger, absorb all damage, remove poison and much more. But in order to create it, you must first have nano-armor.

So, on the left - the recipes for all parts of quantum armor. Now I will explain what each element does.

Quantum helmet

It allows you not to suffocate under water, remove poison from the body, and also will not allow you to die of hunger. In addition to nano-armor, you need to add a multi-crystal, iridium, improved electrical circuit, reinforced glass

Quantum breastplate

The Quantum Chestplate can absorb all damage, although the entire Quantum Armor set is required. For crafting, you need to add iridium, superalloy and multicrystal.

Quantum Leggings

Quantifier Leggings are able to increase your movement speed by 300-400%, not only on land, but also underwater. To nano-leggings, you need to add a multicrystal, iridium, a machine block and.

quantum boots

Can increase the player's jump by 10 times, and also absorb fall damage from a height of 20 blocks. For the recipe, in addition to nano-boots, you will need iridium, a multicrystal and rubber boots.

Type - armor

Protection - complete set

Where to look - do it yourself, drop from some mobs, treasures

Foldability - no

Description and Features:

The second significant armor, after diamond, of course, is iron armor in minecraft. This type of uniform is quite simple to make yourself on the most early stages games, which is why let's do just that.

So, first you need to get enough iron ore. And you can do this in the mine using our favorite tool - pickaxe, and therefore better time not to lose, but to immediately take care of as much source material as possible. That is, we dig as much as possible iron ore.

Now, having collected the ore, we go up to our home, and already in the coal furnace we melt the ore into ingots.

So, the matter is small - we go to the chest and add up the extra res, and now we need a workbench, which I hope you have had for a long time.

So minecraft: how to make iron armor? And it's very simple:

Iron breastplate

And here's how to make a helmet:

iron helmet

Creating boots is also quite standard:

Boots for the player

And these will be iron leggings:

iron pants

Well, you and I have got armor that will help us in battle. This type of equipment can partially reduce damage from the following types of attacks:

  • bow arrows;
  • Hitting players;
  • Contact with lava;
  • Explosions.

And keep in mind that a full set reduces damage by about five times, but does not remove it completely, so if you stand in the lava for a long time and in surprise, or silently and meekly smile at the skeleton, you will soon be dead.

And with the loss of strength, the level of protection will gradually fall, do not forget about this too!

Also, keep in mind that iron armor in minecraft will not save you from suffocation in blocks, or from falling from a height, or from falling into the void.

In addition, such protection for a loved one can not only be made, but also found. For example, some things can be found in dungeons, and some will disappear when killing certain types of mobs, one of which can be Wolf Kings in dark forest. It is also very convenient that the armor then disappears already enchanted.

By the way, if you have a sufficient level of experience, you can enchant iron armor in minecraft on the enchanting table. And you can also use magic books and enchant your equipment in the anvil, then you can choose the enchantment yourself, while on the table the choice will be random (random).

So, you already know how to make iron armor in minecraft, it's easy: play and win! You will succeed!

In order to fight, you will need a certain protection - armor. Therefore, you should know about how to make armor in minecraft. They play a huge role and importance in the game, as they help players maintain health, strength and power. Each player must know how and from what material to make armor.The raw materials that will serve to create armor are iron, diamonds, leather or gold. You should also know that armor consists of four components - helmet, breastplates. Each element must be created separately.

Armor Craft

The first thing you need to do is a helmet. For this piece of armor, take gold or iron (more in the article), which you place in the crafting grid. The scheme of this element is special and unusual. Take the 2 pieces of metal that you have chosen, place them at the bottom of the grid so that there is one empty cell between them. Then take 3 pieces of the same metal, put them on top. After the done procedure, put them in the furnace and fuse. The first part of your armor, namely the helmet, is ready. The next step is to create the bibs. The raw materials that were used to create the helmet are also suitable. Take pieces of iron or gold as an elk, lay them out in a crafting grid to make the letter “P”, but upside down. Send it to the oven. The bibs are ready.

The next component of the armor, you cannot do without it and it will make you invulnerable - these are pants or leggings. Creating pants will require seven pieces of metal. Lay them out with the letter "P" and send them to the oven. In just a few seconds, the pants will be ready.

The last thing you need in the battle with enemies is shoes, boots. Its protection is equal to that provided by the helmet. Therefore, it is a very important and indispensable part of the armor.

The raw material is gold or iron. Take them and place them in the crafting grid in the following way: put 2 ingots on the left and 2 on the right, leave empty cells between them. The final step is to bake and your boots are ready. Depending on how the armor loses durability, protection decreases. If you take care of the armor, then you can play calmly and comfortably. For example, leather armor saves only from your fears, steel - will help fight mobs, and diamond - will make you the "king" in the game.

Damage affects durability

However, you must remember that the armor will not help you from any damage. Damage from such sources is reduced with the help of armor, and its durability also gradually decreases:

— explosions;
- direct damage from various players, arrows, fireballs;
- contact damage from lava, fire, cacti.

Damage does not affect durability or armor

— damage from burning or falling;
- drowning in water;
- hit by lightning;
- poisoning, suffocation;
- fall into the void.

The amount of damage the armor can take

leather armor

1) Boots - 65;
2) Helmet - 55;
3) Leggings - 75;
4) Cuirass - 80.

iron armor

1) Boots - 195;
2) Helmet - 165;
3) Leggings - 225;
4) Cuirass - 240.

golden armor

1) Boots - 91;
2) Helmet - 77;
3) Leggings - 105;
4) Cuirass - 112.

diamond armor

1) Boots - 429;
2) Helmet - 363;
3) Leggings - 495;
4) Cuirass - 528.

There is also a rare unique armor- quantum. To create it, you will need: glass, an energy crystal and a sheet of carbon fiber. It can only be done by those who have nano-armor, nothing will work without it. Quantum armor is unique in its functions and features. It is able to remove toxic substances, quench thirst or hunger, absorb all damage, and so on.

Therefore, armor is an important component of the game, without which you can not do. Thanks to them, you can provide yourself with protection, peace of mind and a comfortable pastime in the game.