Fallout Shelter - Mysterious Stranger: How to find. Fallout Shelter advice Fallout shelter what kind of man in a raincoat

Take advantage of our detailed advice on Fallout Shelter before diving into the world of the game. These tips, which are collected in our article, will help any player to develop their Shelter very quickly and effectively, thereby tidying up the life of your characters in Fallout Shelter. Using our tips, you can protect yourself, and better, protect yourself from mistakes and failures in walkthrough Fallout Shelter. In the foreground, we pay attention to smartphone owners who use the Android operating system. On the this moment the game is already available on Android platforms, fortunately, we only have to enjoy the Fallout Shelter gameplay.
The release of Fallout Shelter on the Android platform is scheduled for August 2015, so the wait is not long at all. But even if you delved into the game on the iOS platform, there is still a lot for you useful information, which will help you brighten up your time in Fallout Shelter even better.

Resources and production

There are three main types of resources in the game: energy, water and food, success in the game lies precisely in the extraction of these elements. Therefore, you need to accompany the production of these elements from the beginning of the game. Energy helps your rooms light up, allowing you to operate normally. Food and water keeps people in the Vault in working condition, also maintaining health and vitality. At the start of the game, it is recommended to build one room for the production of each of the three main elements in the Fallout Shelter, if possible, try to maintain a balance between the production of resources. Naturally, the production of these elements requires labor, and the more people you involve in labor, the faster you will get the resources you need. The area of ​​the room directly affects the number of workers that the player can use directly in this room, therefore it is recommended from the very beginning of the game to build rooms from three rooms, gradually duplicating them to the next floors. It is necessary to notice a simple but effective rule that if you place two rooms of the same type side by side, then their useful effect will increase significantly.
Attention! If your rooms do not fit, pay attention to their level, apparently they are of different levels.

Expanding the shelter is not an easy task, it will take a lot of energy and water. Based on this, in some situations it is more profitable to upgrade the room that you have on your balance sheet. Efficient people need to be selected wisely for each room, as your success in the Fallout Shelter depends on this envy. All characters in the Vault have their own unique characteristics, which will indicate to you in which case the character will bring maximum benefit to the community. To view the characteristics, you need to click on the character or zoom in on the room, so that you can see the characteristics of the characters that are more suitable for this particular room.
Attention! In addition to the high efficiency of resource production, the optimal distribution of personnel affects the level of happiness of your population.
Be careful, if one of your characters is on some mission in the Wasteland, be sure to provide him with armor and weapons. Putting on armor will increase its characteristics, raising its productivity, and the weapon will be just right if an attack on your Shelter suddenly occurs.
Attention! Be sure to sell all excess equipment, because all unused stocks are directly related to the probability (chance) of receiving new items when sorting out of the Vault.

StrengthContributes to the reduction of the timer, when working at power plants
perceptionThe chance of winning in battle is increased
EnduranceHealth Boost (HP)
CharismaAccelerating the production of offspring, the appearance of a chance to reconcile with enemy characters outside the Vault
IntelligenceAccelerating drug production (Stims and Radaway)
AgilityAcceleration of food production
luckyIncreasing the amount of drops received while hunting outside the Vault, as well as the amount of chips received at the end of work

Attention! It is also necessary to unload the game from memory when the game ends. The important thing is that while you are not a member of the game, your resources are not used.
To speed up production, you need to click on a button called Rush, this is one of the most serious ways to get a large amount of resources in Fallout Shelter. Unfortunately, the production acceleration system also increases the risks of different kind, explosions and fires in the accelerated room, the game automatically warns the player about this. You should not reproduce more than 35% risk in order to secure production. It can be seen that the risk directly depends on the number of caps (caps) received as a reward for reproduced production. For example, if the probability of a fire is 25%, your reward will be 25 caps, a risk that is 40% will reward you with 40 caps. It is important to collect your production resources regularly.
Attention! You can safely sell the premises if you need caps, just as when the room is not in demand, quality is important, not quantity.

Hiking and quests

The regularity of sending highly equipped research teams around the Vault Zone is important. This action will allow you to gain experience, as well as caps in the amount of 5 to 1000 pieces in one sortie, all kinds of weapons and medicines. The characters that have escaped from the Vault can be observed by clicking on the button in the upper left corner of your screen. With enough drops collected, return the expedition to the Vault.
Attention! The duration of the sortie affects the value of the drop, so the longer you spend outside the Vault, the more valuable the drop you get there. To return home you will need half of the time spent on the expedition.

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When you're logged into the game, the first thing to do is check your tasks, which appear as a list. You can find them in a special radio menu. After analyzing the quests, go ahead and complete them. When completing one quest per day, your tasks will be replenished with new ones, upon your passage, one quest per day may appear.

Cheat quest 1

Two similar tasks, namely “dress 10 people” and “arm 5 people”, take quite a bit of time, about a couple of minutes. In the event that you have the required amount of weapons or clothing, whether it is dressed or not, the main thing is that you have it. In this task, the game system fixes whether the given artifact has ever been dressed as part of the quest being performed. You can use a dressed person, before undressing him and starting the quest, then putting them back on, the quest counter will automatically update according to the number of conditions in the quest.

Cheat quest 2

A task that has a meaning like “five people went to the desert” is not at all difficult. The quest doesn't say a word about how much time the characters should spend at the Vault, so our actions are logical. You need to send your character to the desert, and the counter is updated instantly, and after that, immediately call him back.

Caps and lunchboxes

The Fallout Shelter game is built in such a way that its main currency is caps and lunchboxes, for which you can buy literally everything from weapons to characters. No need to rush and open your lunch boxes as soon as you receive them. It will be more rational if you wait until the moment when you feel a lack of resources, it may be that randomly gives you the most necessary, at the very moment when you are broke. Another nice thing is that when you level up a character, you get caps, for example, you have a character with a level of 25, respectively, a reward of 25 caps is intended for you.

Asylum security

Your shelter is a tasty morsel for all sorts of raiders and redroaches who will always try to fall on your storage, and security is very important in our case. The first task is to arm all the inhabitants who are in the Vault, so that everyone together can defend it at the moment of need. As soon as the siren sounds, you need to send all the inhabitants to help the guards, especially since you will automatically gain valuable experience. To increase the security of the Vault, you need to improve the front door, and also leave two well-armed characters on guard, they will be able to destroy at least a couple of mutants when attacking enemy characters, giving the rest of the inhabitants the opportunity to cope with the invasion.

Demographics of the Vault

You need to try to ensure that your Vault has a high birth rate, so then make sure that at least a few women are pregnant, namely, at least two. After all, the new inhabitants of the colony will be very useful to you. The subtlety is that pregnant women are not able to fight, but this is not very important, because in return they can work, and most importantly, add the number of inhabitants of your storage, and this is the main thing. Born characters grow very quickly, so you need to be careful and pick up a pair of born ones in time. There is nothing complicated, you just need to drag a female and male character into a free living space. When we have identified a couple who will dine indoors, after eight hours they will have a child, who after the same amount of time will become an adult character who can perform the functions of a full-fledged resident. It must be taken into account that the cubs inherit the specialization of their parents, so carefully check the characteristics of the inhabitants that are received in lunchboxes or called on the radio signal.
Attention! Each male person has the ability to reproduce several children into the world. You can leave a man in one room by default, and simply change women, the birth rate will increase markedly. But you need to make sure that the girls change as soon as one of them shows signs of pregnancy. We recommend not to get hung up on these actions, because, as mentioned above, in such cases, specializations are inherited.
There is another way to increase the population with the help of a radio station. The functions of the radio station will be available if the number of your characters reaches twenty people. For the continuous operation of the station, it is necessary to constantly monitor the number of residents present in the room, in order to maintain constant work, several people are needed who will be there all the time. The task of these characters is to attract with a radio signal those people who survived, who roam somewhere near your fortress.

essence fallout games Shelter from the world-famous Bethesda - you need to develop an underground shelter called "Volt-Tek" right in the middle of an endless wasteland, repel attacks and make sure that everyone does not die, but also remains in good health and is happy. All this is seasoned with healthy irony and humor, as well as characters from the well-known Fallout game. Dress your wards, arm. Give them some fun, sex and rock 'n' roll and they'll have healthy offspring that can handle all the dangers. We will tell you the secrets and tricks of Fallout Shelter and write a small guide for beginners. You just have to stick to tactics and follow the advice, and then all the inhabitants of your dungeon will survive.

  • There should always be water in the shelter, keep an eye on it. Without water, radioactive contamination will begin and then everyone will become ill.
  • When releasing one of the inhabitants to hunt in the wasteland, hand over: 20 stimpacks and 10 radx.
  • To earn money in Fallout Shelter, use rush. To do this, you need to have enough water and weapons on the inhabitants of your shelter. Protect your shelter from cockroaches.
  • Bring the best couples together. Is always. Important note- men in the park should have charisma, the higher the better. Remember that pregnancy takes 3 hours. The child grows in the same way for 3 hours.
  • It is desirable to build a radio for 1-2 cells as a replacement for childbearing.
  • Be sure to build production facilities for 3 fields, and training for 1 cell.
  • Don't forget to constantly train someone for production.
  • Simple armor and weapons for your villagers are obtained from the wastelands. Good ones - mainly through lunch boxes.
  • You can't turn off the room. You can only sell.
  • Parameter good luck affects the chance and size of the reward for the production of water / energy / food, so you need to download L (luck) first of all. It also affects the degree of coolness of the campaign in the wasteland, more precisely on the items found there.
  • If you build rooms in a checkerboard pattern, cockroaches, rats, fires will not spread to neighboring rooms. This is useful especially for survival mode.
  • Immediately after collecting the resource from the room, activate the acceleration. This is not necessary for an additional amount of resources, but for pumping people in the room. It's not scary if the acceleration fails, people will still get experience exactly.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L - Fallout Shelter RPG System

  • Strength: Decreases the timer when working in a power plant
  • perception: Increased chance to win in combat
  • Endurance: affects health points (inside and outside the hideout)
  • Charisma: reduces the time required for girls to become pregnant. Also gives a chance to befriend enemies outside (gain experience, zero damage).
  • Intelligence: Affects drug production timers (Stims and Radaway)
  • Agility: Affects the cooking timer
  • lucky: Affects the number of things collected outside, the number of caps when the work is finished.

Some tips for newbies on building a shelter in Fallout Shelter

The width of the "hole" under the shelter is ideal for each floor (except the first) to be built in the configuration "three-room building (A) - elevator (1) - three-room building (B) - elevator (2) - two-room building (C)" . Probably for a reason. It makes sense to build in this configuration. The “three-room premise” in the previous paragraph is a three-room premise. And not three rooms of different premises. Strategically it makes no sense to build a room if you don't want to grow it to the maximum (in this place).

The only difference on the first floor is that the vault door has two rooms (and, strangely, it can accommodate two people, not four), and the elevator (1) will start right after it.

If you don’t know yet, then, despite the fact that there is a mountain above you, and it would seem that something could be built in it, the second floor, the third - no, you can’t build anything up. The first floor - with an entrance door - and from it only downwards.

Building three-room versions of the premises is more profitable than upgrading. Of course, provided that you have people to work in it. If there are no people - it's urgent time for your non-pregnant ladies to relax in living quarters / apartments ... After all, you will have many floors and many rooms. A very good way to make it easier for yourself to navigate them is to build rooms in vertical pairs (eg Garden and another Garden below it). This does not apply to training rooms - you will not need so many of them. To the production of stimpacks / radpacks and a radio station - perhaps, too.

How easy is it to navigate the training halls? And build them one under the other, in the order of the letters of the word SPECIAL.

What to build in column A, what - in column B, what - in column C (with two rooms)?

As the game progresses, the more expensive but more efficient Nuclear Reactor can be built instead of the Power Generator; instead of Water Treatment - Water Purification; instead of Diner - more efficient Garden. Therefore, it is logical to plan that you will demolish all these premises at some point in order to make room for more advanced options.

For the same reasons, maybe try not to upgrade the Power Generator/Water Treatment/Diner. And money is not a pity when you demolish; and the drawdown on this resource in the period from demolition to the construction of an advanced version will be less noticeable.

You can only demolish a room, on one of the sides (left or right) of which there is nothing! Due to the above factors, it makes sense to build in column A - industrial premises (Power / Water / Diner), because to the left of them it will always be empty , and they can always be demolished; in column B - living quarters, training halls, the production of stimpacks / radpacks, a radio station; in column C are warehouses and possibly small branches of training halls. By the time you unlock the Nuclear Reactor/Water Purification/Garden, Pillar B will be able to build them as well.

Have you thought about what to train Endurance for? (well, except for increased survivability in incidents and in the desert) The warehouse is marked with the letter E, and people with high Endurance can be sent there, ... but this, in general, does not work. Well, besides that there will be someone to put out the fire or drive away the cockroaches. Warehouses work fine even without people. But people with pumped Endurance will work in ... Nuka-Cola Bottler. Of course, the Nuka-Cola Bottler will not replace Gardens and Water Purifications, but extra resources will not hurt; Again, diversification.

Several hacks and cheats for Fallout Shelter

Quests like "dress up 10 people" or "give 5 people weapons" are completed in a couple of minutes if you already have enough clothes or weapons (even if it is already worn / given to someone). It doesn't matter if someone was wearing this clothes (weapon) before this quest or not - the quest counter only records the fact that some particular item has already been worn within this quest, or not! Has this quest started? - OK, you look for a dressed person, take off his clothes, put them back on (the counter increments), look for the next person.

Quests like “five people went to the desert” are also not more difficult. After all, no one forces us to travel there for a long time, the main thing is to leave, right? OK; you throw a person into the desert, the counter increments, you immediately recall him back, repeat.

Since you already know how the elevators will go, here you are cunning: for the cost of one section of the elevator, you can build two - where you want, and (automatically) right under it! For example, if you have just completed a three-room building in column B; under it the room is not yet a three-room (!); you are going to build elevator 2 to the right of this room; there is no elevator under it yet (no stones interfere with its construction, but you cannot build it yet, because there is not yet a three-room room). If you build an elevator section 2 in such a place, another section will be completed right under it!

Did high-level “named” heroes come to you? At first, because they usually good level, they can be thrown into "hot places" in production; but in the end they will most likely be the best dullers. Although between sorties it would be nice to pump them up to the maximum.

Its essence is that you can set a new time on your phone. Let's say you run a getter for 5 hours. OK. We set the time on the phone to 5 hours, start the game - the resident is already standing at the gate, ready to hand over the booty. Cool, right? There is one unpleasant trifle, on Android this bug works over time, but on the iPhone, no matter how much I tried it, it doesn’t work.

The lunchbox bug is simpler. It allows you to get lunch boxes almost non-stop. Naturally - this will come with enriching you in the game. So, how to get rich in Fallout Shelter without much effort? This is pretty easy to do at the start of the game. To do this, you must wait for the presence of two of the three tasks:

  1. Issue a suit to 1 villager (Equip 1 Dweller with an Out fit);
  2. Sell ​​a weapon or outfit (Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit);
  3. Issue weapons to 1 villager ( Equip 1 Dweller with a Weapon).

IMPORTANT! Do not complete these tasks. You only need to complete the third (not these) tasks. Then it is guaranteed that you will receive a lunchbox for completing the third task. Okay, I was joking about the guaranteed one, but 1 of the two tasks is right. Of course, this will slow you down a bit in completing tasks, but this way you will definitely collect a lot of lunchboxes.

Another way to get free lunchboxes is to follow the official account

Endless wastelands, a world scorched by radiation, music from the 80s, shooting cockroaches with a flamethrower, deathclaws in a coat, exciting quizzes at raider bases, lunchboxes with people and other manifestations of the writers' charming madness - this is what Fallout Shelter is famous for.

The game also stands out for the developer's trademark humor, which often borders on gore, and a huge number of references to other games in the franchise. What delivers refers both to the first two parts, published before the beginning of the 2000s, and to the relatively recently released three subsequent parts.

But there are no secrets in Fallout Shelter, at least in the standard meaning for games: their developers simply didn’t deliver them. No matter what you do, no matter where you click, and no matter who is sent to the wasteland, you will not receive additional references and rewards. Even if you drag a character to the notorious quiz, which is also mentioned in it, he will not react in any way and will not give out any special remark. So it goes.

Keeping track of the shelter is not an easy task (suddenly, for example, the water chip breaks), so below we will talk about several non-obvious mechanics and subtleties of the game.

Not a feature but a bug

Few people know, but the possibility of time travel has been implemented in Fallout Shelter! You will need, in fact, a time machine (in this case, an Android smartphone) and a little vulgarity, without which not a single valiant bug user can do. Actually, all you need to do is go to the date and time settings on your phone and change to the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you need. The game reads the time from operating system, and decides that a day has really passed or how much you have conjured there. This is useful not to wait 6 hours for a villager to return with loot from the wasteland, to speed up the pregnancy of women and the growth of children, and to quickly level up the skills of the characters in the training rooms. But beware, brave time travelers! When you reset the time on your phone to normal, the resource production timers in the rooms will go negative for the corresponding number of hours. However, this is easily solved with the help of a successful acceleration: the task is considered completed and the timer is reset to the standard several minutes.

The second bug is, well, just a bug, in the very bad sense words, and it is somehow even ashamed to use them. However, as you know, money (and lunch boxes!) Do not smell. The bottom line is that while you have two specific quests, the third one will almost always give out a lunchbox as a reward. To start this vicious circle, you need to have two of the three quests described below at the same time:

  • sell a weapon or suit;
  • issue weapons to one resident;
  • give out a suit to one resident.

These quests are one of the starting ones and simply cannot help but get caught. It is recommended to guess so that “sell weapons” and “give out clothes” remain - then it will be possible to fight off cockroaches and stray raiders with immb machine guns that come across in lunchboxes.

Secrets in Fallout Shelter: non-obvious mechanics and just useful tips

  • One of the best sources of caps in the game - a mysterious stranger. So do not be lazy to press on the figure in a raincoat with a raised collar and a wide-brimmed hat!
  • The "Luck" parameter affects the amount of rewards received for accelerated production and the coolness of items that characters can drag from the wastelands. Since it is good things that allow you to overcap the characteristics of the characters, luck becomes the paramount parameter in the game.
  • If you arrange the rooms in a checkerboard pattern, then you can play chess cockroaches, rats and fire will not go to neighboring rooms. This tactic is especially good in the Survival mode, which is quite hardcore, especially out of the habit.
  • If you activate the acceleration immediately after collecting the resource in the room, all workers will receive additional experience. And even if the acceleration fails and burning cockroaches start running around the shelter.
  • Quests in the style of "dress 10 villagers" and "give weapons to three villagers" can be completed by putting the same item on different villagers in turn. Just mothers and daughters.

Of course, there are many more subtleties in the game, such as how it is better to build rooms than to equip villagers when going to the wasteland, etc. However, they are much more obvious and quickly become clear in the process, therefore they are not suitable for the category of secrets in Fallout Shelter. That's all, and may the Dogmeat be with you!

Fallout Shelter is a small but addictive mobile strategy game inspired by the Fallout universe. The game will allow you to take on the role of the Overseer and immerse yourself in managing your own shelter-shelter, taking care of the well-being of its inhabitants and helping them survive in the Wasteland full of dangers and enemies.
You can download Fallout Shelter and check your makings of a strategist on our website.

Gameplay Features

Development in the game requires thoughtful planning of the shelter. To do this, you need to build and improve production and auxiliary rooms for the game currency - caps. The resurrection of researchers and shelter residents who died in the Wasteland, who could not withstand the attack of radio cockroaches with mole rats or the attacks of raiders and terrifying death claws, is also not free. Therefore, it is wise to always have a supply of a couple of thousand caps.

Earned game currency when exploring the Wasteland, completing tasks, successfully accelerating production in rooms and raising the level of residents. But there is another not always obvious way: use a funny Easter egg from the developers - visits from a mysterious stranger.

How to find a mysterious stranger

This character may already be familiar to you from previous games in the series. In Fallout Shelter, he cannot be a full-fledged resident of the shelter, but his appearance is able to support the others in a critical situation. If you manage to find a mysterious stranger and tap on him, you will be rewarded with from a hundred to several thousand caps - their number is determined randomly each time. When luck favors you, and the reward exceeds five hundred, you will see an animation in the form of an avalanche of caps and a pleasant replenishment of the game account.

How to find out about its appearance and not miss the opportunity to earn?

  1. What does he look like. The secret stranger is a man in a brown hat and a beige raincoat. He hides his face behind a high collar. This appearance helps the mysterious stranger to disguise himself well, it is especially difficult to notice him in rooms with walls of similar colors: residential and storerooms.
  2. How to find out about the visit of a secret stranger. A special sound signal notifies you of the occurrence of this game event. When a mysterious stranger appears, you need to move the camera as far as possible as soon as possible and carefully examine all the rooms of the shelter. The visit lasts only a few seconds, and if you don't find it in time, it will disappear with a corresponding disappointing sound, and you will be left without a reward. it game event occurs at intervals of 5 minutes of real time.
  3. Locations of the mysterious stranger. He can appear anywhere in the shelter: production facilities, living and training rooms, storerooms and elevators. Often, equipment or furniture closes it almost completely, so if possible, a mysterious stranger should be carefully examined in order to be recognized later even by the protruding edge of the hat.

To suggest in which direction it is better to look, the volume and direction of the game music can.

The appearance of a mysterious stranger can bring you not only additional caps, but also more significant rewards from lunchboxes if you wait for the task to "capture" him. The reward received is also taken into account in the frequently occurring tasks for collecting a certain number of caps, so this secret will help you complete them much faster.

And most importantly - the "hunt" for a secret stranger well distracts from the monotonous collection of resources, for which it is not long to fall asleep, trains attention, reaction speed and fills with gambling anticipation.

Hundreds of years before the first man set foot on the Wind Mountains, dragons were already soaring above the earth. They reigned supreme in the skies of Fiara, and no one could challenge their freedom and independence. In those days, the only white dragon was born. He soared over Godmark and with one wing beat covered the ground with frost. It seemed that such perfect whiteness could not exist in nature: his eyes shone with the cold light of the winter sun, and his breath breathed a fierce cold. No dragon could compare to him, for he was the very Breath of Winter. Brothers and sisters fled from him in fear, and all the ground beneath him froze and covered with ice. He was given the name Eirin, the Deadly Blizzard.

However, the strength that the dragon owned could not overcome the pain and loneliness that tormented him. For nothing living could survive next to him, only death and cold remained his eternal companions. Eirin wandered in vain in search of a living soul that would not be afraid of him, but all living things fled away, and the longer he searched, the more ...

Nest of super mutants. EEP laboratory (evolutionary experimental program). Tests of the virus of man-made evolution. Garden of Eden Generator Compact.

- Get off, cockroach. I just need a GECK.

“Stupid Fox says that someday people will come to us. Take the green goo. - Let them come to us! We will tear them apart! They will become weak, and we will throw them into the green goo! – Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I think I heard something...

Vault-Tec frozen you in a cryochamber for two hundred years? Pfff...

“Fox, what do you know about GECK?” – I know that there is this, I know where this is, and most importantly, I know how it can be in your hands. But if I do you a favor, I expect a courtesy in return. Get me out of this makeshift dungeon, and I myself will personally take you to the GECK and