7 days to die codes for things. Cheat codes for "7 Days to Die". Days to Die: console commands for experience and perk leveling

Important Buttons

"F1" button- call console

"F3" button- Shows detailed information(only when debugmenu is enabled).

"F4" button- Switch to windowed mode.

"F5" button- Switching the view from the 1st / 3rd person.

"F6" button- Opens the spawn menu (only when debugmenu is enabled).

"F7" button- Disables HUD.

"F8" button- Shows FPS. When enabled, debugmenu shows more detailed information.

"U" button- Opens a window where you can get any items that are in the game (only when the creativemenu is enabled).

"H" button- Allows you to fly, using SPACE to move up, and press "C" to go down (only if creativemenu is enabled).

"G" button- Allows you to enable god mode. In this mode, you take no damage, but the effects still apply (only with debugmenu enabled).

Esc button- When debugmenu is enabled, in addition to the main menu, an additional control panel will also open on the right.

Help on commandhelp ban
admin add
Add admin rights (0 - Full rights) (1000 - Player)admin add 171 0
admin remove
Remove admin rightsadmin remove 171
Enables/disables AIDirector debug output
ban add
Ban playerban 171 10 hours griefing
ban 282 1 year hacking
ban list
Banned list.
ban remove
Unban a playerban remove 171
Applies the effect to the current player. Names from 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml filebuff CoffeeStaminaBoost
buff player
Applies an effect to the specified player. Names from 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml file.buffplayer 171 CoffeeStaminaBoost
chunkcacheccShows all loaded chunks in the cache.
Clears the console
cp add
Add an access level to a commandcp add gettime 0
cp remove
Remove command access level (by default 0)cp remove gettime
List of commands and access levels
creativemenucmTurns the creative menu on/off
Shows the screen of death
Removes the effect from the current playerdebuff brokenLeg
Removes the effect from the specified playerdebuff 171 brokenLeg
debug menudmEnables/disables the debug menu
enablescope esToggle debug scope.
Makes the player tired
exportitemicons Saves all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder Extremely useful for Wiki editing!
getgameprefggList of current game settings on the console (airdrop frequency, daylight length, etc.).
getgamestatggsList of current game settings on the console (land claim size, difficulty, etc.)
gettimegtDisplays the current game time in the console
Start the quest by the internal name of the quest. From the file 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml .givequest quest_BasicSurvival8
Get a specific item. The item falls under the feet with maximum (6) quality. Use the option to specify the quality. Item names are used from the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml filegiveself machete
Get experience points for the desired skillgiveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000
Get the required amount of total experience pointsgiveselfxp 1000
Kick a player from the server. You can specify a reasonkick 171 bye
Kick all players from the server. You can specify a reasonkickall bye
Kill all players
Enables\Disables the display of the radius around all light-emitting objects (candles, fires, etc.)
listentsleList of all entities currently in play this moment. (zombies, players, animals).
listplayeridslpiPrints to the console a list of all players with their ID
listplayerslpPrints to the console a list of all players with indications (IDs, positions, health, stats, IP address, etc.)
listthreadsltList of all threads..
loggamestate lgsWrites information about the current state of the game (memory usage, objects, threads, etc.) to the file 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt . is any string that will be included in the header of the generated log. True = the command should be run on the client. False = the command should be run on the server. "False" is default.loggamestate START
telnet/web. Choose what types of logs will be displayed in the connection. By default, all types of logs are displayed. Log types: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC, or ALL.loglevel INF false
Displays memory information and invokes the garbage collector.
Displays memory information on the client and invokes the garbage collector.
Shows SteamID -> ID information
Delete a specific quest from the 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml file.
repairchunkdensity rcdUsed to check if the block densities in a chunk match the actual block type. If there is a mismatch, it may cause the chunk to display incorrectly or not be displayed at all with the error message "Failed setting triangles. Some indices are references out of bounds vertices.". It can also fix inconsistencies within a chunk. and are the coordinates of any block within the chunk to check. Adding "fix" to the end of the command removes any inconsistencies.rcd 0 100 fix
saveworldsaManually saves the world.
Sends a message to all players on behalf of
setgamepref sgChanges game settings. The list can be viewed using the "gg" command (getgamepref).sg ZombiesRun 0
setgamestat sgsChanges game settings. The list can be viewed using the "ggs" command (getgamestat).sgs LandClaimExpiryTime 10
settempunit stuChange the temperature units to Celsius or Fahrenheit. (According to the Fahrenheit standard)
settime day
set time night
stGame time change. st [Day] [Hour] [minutes] You can also enter the "help settime" command for information.settime 1300
settime 6 15 0
showalbedoalbedoEnable\Disable albedo display in gBuffer.
showchunkdatascShows the data of the current chunk.
The artist's team to show one layer of clouds.
Displays the time of the wandering horde.
shownormalsnormsEnable/disable display normal cards in gBuffer.
showspecularspecEnables/disables Display of mirror values ​​in gBuffer.
Quit the game
Turns on/off the debug display of the SoundManager
Calls the plane (airdrop)
spawnentity seSummons various animals and zombies to the player. You can use F6 (Debug Mode)
spawn scouts
Summons a zombie screamer
Show spawn screen
Summons an airdrop box directly above the player's head.
Spawn of a wandering horde, the horde goes to the point where the command was issued from
Force a lighting spectrum. Choices are Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy. At the moment, the choice of "biome" and can lead to the crash of the game.
Causes hunger. (Food indicator is set to 0)
Toggles the Navazgane map between static and dynamic
switchviewsvChange from 1st person view to 3rd person view and vice versa. You can use F5 (Debug Mode)
Shows information about the current system (CPU, operating system etc.).
teleport [y]
teleport offset
tpTeleports you to the specified coordinates. The value [y] can be omitted. Use values and tp -200 77 300
tp -200 300
tp 171
tp offset 3 1 0
teleport player
teleport player
teleTeleports the player to the specified coordinates or to another player. The value [y] can be omitted. Use values and . To teleport to a player, specify your ID and the ID of the player to whom the teleport will be made.tele 171 -200 77 300
tele 171 365
tele<Игрок> <Вы>= The player you have: D.
Causes thirst. (Water value is set to 0)
trade area
If a player is in the trader's area, they will be kicked out, but may re-enter if the trader is not closed.
Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers.
Shows the game version and loaded mods.
Water settings. For details, enter "help water".
Weather settings. For details, enter "help weather". Turn off rain: weather rain 0 , Remove clouds: weather clouds 0weather rain 0
Toggles weather survival.
whitelist add
Add player to whitelist
whitelist remove
Remove player from whitelist
white list

A few cheat codes for our sandbox, just for variety purposes.

After the introduction of "cheat" modes (creative) to help build massive structures, many players wanted more. But they may not know that our game has a console (opened with the "~" key). And in this article I will write about some unusual commands that allow you to do difficult things. In order to enter the following commands, you must open the console itself.

So. First team:

It allows you to change the time in the game. When using this command, you will have 08:00 am in the game.
You can change the values:

It's 22:00 pm etc.


When using this command, a box with resources will appear above you. (drop the plane)

This command gives administrator rights on the server, to enable immortality, you must press the G key, and to enable flight, press the H key

After using it, a plane will fly over and drop your resources.

The fifth team, the largest:

Spawnentity<номер игрока без кавычек>

After entering spawnentity, your nickname will be displayed, and to the left of it your ID (default 171)

Thanks to this command, you can summon creatures.

Each creature has its own ID.


1 - Infected Survivor
2 - Animated corpse
3 - Gnawed zombie
4 - Festering Zombie
5 - zombie1*
6 - Crawling Zombie
7 - Frozen hunter
8 - Frozen woodcutter
9 - Frostbitten Worker
10 - Climbing Zombie
11 - Burnt Zombie
12 - Zombie Nurse
13 – Infected woman
14 – Infected Lady
15 – Infected cheerleader
16 - Feral Zombie
17 - Zombie Cop
18 - Fat Man
19 - Hornet
20 - Zombie dog.

The following car IDs.

21 - Blue
22 - Orange
23 - Red
24 - White


25 - Deer
26 - Rabbit
27 - Pig

The following IDs are crates dropped from the plane on you.

29 - Toolbox
30 - Box with food and rations
31 – Building resource box
32 - Box with firearms (sawed-off shotgun, shotgun, pistols, cartridges for them)
33 - Crate with firearms (same)
34 - Crate with firearms (same, but with a chance of Magnum parts spawning)
35 - Chest of explosives (mines, rocket launchers, bombs)
36 - A box with random resources.

Well, the most interesting code for today


Creates a mob of 15 - 60 zombies chasing you!
But it's worth waiting for it to arrive. It may take about a minute, and then...

Put in the game settings "running zombies always" and you will be happy!

A few more commands for the server administrator:

help - help

gameover - ends a round/match in deathmatch/horde mode

toggle_blood_off / toggle_blood_on - blood off / blood on

debugmenu - enable debug menu (for developers)

spawnentity — the ability to respawn near the player! For example: "se 1807 20".

kick Disconnecting a player from the server

ban Ban a player on the server

listents - list of objects

listplayers - lists of players

enablescopes - scope debugging mode, doesn't work for me :(

listthreads - list of threads

setgamepref - game options

chunkcache - display all chunks in the cache

showchunkdata - display information about the current chunk

shutdown - shut down the server

spawnsupplycrate - supply boxes at the player's place

physics active - disables physics in the game (blocks do not fall)


Also, let's add to the list together, write about new and interesting cheat codes/commands in the comments, I'll add them here! Thank you.

In order to enter commands into the game, you must press the f1 key.

Important Buttons
"F1" button- call console
"F3" button- Shows detailed information (only when debugmenu is enabled).
"F4" button- Switch to windowed mode.
"F5" button- Switching the view from the 1st / 3rd person.
"F6" button- Opens the spawn menu (only when debugmenu is enabled).
"F7" button- Disables HUD.
"F8" button- Shows FPS. When enabled, debugmenu shows more detailed information.
"U" button- Opens a window where you can get any items that are in the game (only when the creativemenu is enabled).
"H" button- Allows you to fly, using SPACE to move up, and press "C" to go down (only if creativemenu is enabled).
"G" button- Allows you to enable god mode. In this mode, you take no damage, but the effects still apply (only with debugmenu enabled).
Esc button- When debugmenu is enabled, in addition to the main menu, an additional control panel will also open on the right.

Console Commands.

admin add
Add admin rights (example admin add 171 1000)

admin remove
Remove admin rights (example admin remove 171)

ban add
Ban a player (example - ban 171 10 hours griefing / ban 282 1 year hacking)

ban list
Ban List

ban remove
Unban a player

Applies the effect to the current player (example buff CoffeeStaminaBoost)

buff player
Applying an effect to the specified player (buffplayer 171 CoffeeStaminaBoost)

Clears the console

cp add
Add command and access level (Example cp add gettime 1000)

cp remove
Delete command

List of commands and access levels

creative menu (cm)
enable/disable creative menu

Shows the screen of death

removes the effect from the current player

removes the effect from the specified player

debugmenu (dm)
enable/disable debug menu

exhausted (es)
Makes the player tired

Saves all item icons to the 7DaysToDie\ItemIcons folder. Extremely useful for Wiki editing!

Displays the current game time in the console

Start the quest by the internal name of the quest. (Example givequest quest_BasicSurvival8)

Get a specific item. (Example giveself machete 500)

Get experience points for the desired skill (example giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000)

Get the required amount of total experience points. (example giveselfxp 1000)

Kick a player from the server (example kick 171 bye)

Kick all players from the server

Kills the specified player

Kill all players

listplayerids (lpi)
Prints to the console a list of all players with their ID

listplayers (lp)
Prints a list of all players to the console

Delete a specific quest

repairchunkdensity (rcd)
Restore(fix) chunk (example rcd 0 100 fix)

Send a message on behalf of

Change temperature units to Celsius or Fahrenheit. (Example stu f / stu c)

settime (st)
Setting the time (for example, to set 10 days 12 hours and 33 minutes: settime 10 12 33)

shows the time of the next horde

exit the game

calls the plane (airdrop)

spawnentity (se)
spawn of various animals and zombies.

spawn scouts
zombie screamer spawn

Show spawn screen

On this page we have collected useful materials regarding the 7DTD game. The information obtained from here will help you in the game.

Quickly download the character

Everyone should know that character skills are far from the last place in the game. By pumping skills, you can get a significant advantage in the post-apocalyptic world of the game.

Construction+Mining tools smithing

To quickly level up the skill of making high-quality picks, axes, shovels and other construction and mining tools, stock up on wood, pick grass and gouge stone. Now make stone picks out of all this for as long as your patience lasts. Make them and throw them away, we're pumping skill. In the process, you will see how each new pickaxe has a higher level than the previous one, which means it deals more damage and will last longer before it breaks.

Melee weapons, crossbows, bows

Focus on finding bird nests. They are perfectly visible in the winter biome, so I recommend stomping there. Collect as many feathers as you can and make arrows out of them. Creating 500, 1000 arrows will allow you to significantly upgrade the skill of creating hand weapons, bows, crossbows.

You can also create a wooden club with great success indefinitely, until you like the level of the weapon.

Firearms (Gun smithing)

In order to quickly pump the skill of creating firearms, you should have quite a lot of coal and potassium nitrate. They can be found on the surface, but pointwise and in small quantities, so you should find a cave. In it, you can easily get 10,000-15,000 thousand units of coal and nitrate and start creating gunpowder. It is the creation of gunpowder that will pump you the skill of creating, repairing firearms. (Crafting gunpowder will take a very long time, so it's best to feed and drink the Persian and leave it in a safe place until the crafting is over.)

How to quickly get more skill points?

The increase in skill points is affected by the fact of increasing the level of the character and not only. To get started, you should complete the tasks of the survivor, which are displayed on the right with a list of things that need to be crafted, applied, etc. Completing these tasks will give you points. To get points, we need to quickly upgrade the global level of the Persian, and this can be done by making picks, gunpowder, arrows, which you can read about above.

How to carry more backpack volume?

For example, you ended up in a cave, where you just mined a lot of different minerals and everything still allows you to continue working, only the place in your backpack is over, and it’s far to run home. You can start crafting gunpowder right in the cave. It takes a very long time to craft, and all items involved in crafting (nitrate and coal slots) will disappear, freeing up space in the backpack. Since there are 4 crafting queue slots in the game, filling the first slot with gunpowder can fill the remaining 3. Iron frames can be made from all metal, even if we don’t need them, the main thing is to return to the chests before all the gunpowder is crafted in the first slot. You can also deliberately fill all slots by splitting stacks with other resources so that the resource from the first slot due to lack free space in the backpack did not craft at all and thus did not allow crafting resources from other crafting slots. When you get to the chest, be sure to free up enough space in your backpack before canceling the crafting.

With this technique, you can collect the following materials in crafting slots:

Gasoline by creating barrels of gasoline

Iron, creating iron frames

You can continue the list for a long time, in the game you yourself will understand what can be used, what is not. The main thing is to try to put something long on 1 slot in order to at least have time to fill the inventory with the necessary things.

How to increase Wellness faster?

Over time, you will understand that it is better to eat only those foods that increase Wellness, drink only yellow and red tea, do not drink alcohol, coffee and other products that lower it, and also not bring thirst and hunger to 0%. You can increase this parameter by eating food, but the slowing down factor is not soon coming hunger (Many players pump the perk of slower hunger and thirst because of this, it takes longer to pump Wellness). Freezing helps speedy fasting. Just enter the winter biome and take off your clothes. By maintaining the temperature at 25-29F you will starve very quickly. You can also quickly awaken thirst by entering the desert and putting on a bunch of warm clothes. Where can I find Wellness food products? You can either grow your own or loot or steal from other players.

Translation of all skills and perks

1. THE SURVIVOR:0/5 When learning this perk to level 5, your health will increase from everything you do, and hunger will awaken 2 times slower than without pumping the perk!
2. RUN FOREST RUN:0/5 When you learn this perk to level 5, you will be able to run 2 times longer than before!
3. THE CAMEL:0/5 When you learn this perk to level 5, you will go without water for 2 times longer than before!
4.QUICKER CRAFTING:0/5 When learning this perk, the crafting time will be reduced by 2 times!
5. THE FIXER:0/5 When learning this perk to level 5, the crafting time will decrease by 2 times, the cost of repair will decrease by 2 times, when repairing an item, you will not lose its quality!
6.ARCHERY:1/100 Bows and crossbows do more damage. Increases skill when using items of this group!
7. ARMOR SMITHING:1/100 Clothes made from iron and scrap metal are created faster and best quality. Reduces the penalty and gives a greater effect when repairing. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
8.ATHLETICS:1/100 when learning this perk to level 100, you will be able to run 34% longer, can work with the second perk!
9. HEALTH NUT:0/5 When you learn this perk to level 5, your minimum health will be 120 HP, when you die, you will have 120 HP left!
10. SEXUAL TYRANNOSAURUS:0/5 By learning this perk to level 5, your stamina will regenerate faster!
11. BLADE WEAPONS: 1/100 sharp objects deal more damage, increases the skill when using items of this group!
12. KNIFE GUY:0/5 When learning this perk to level 5, knife damage will increase by 56.3%. When butchering animals, stamina will be lost 2 times less!
13. THE DECAPITATOR:0/3 When learning this perk to level 3, the chance of dismembering zombies will increase by 30%!
14.BLUNT WEAPON:1/100 Blunt items do more damage, increases skill when using items of this group!
15.PUMMEL PETE:0/5 When learning this perk up to level 5, the damage from blunt tools is increased by 56.3%, the fatigue from hitting with a blunt tool is 2 times less!
16. CONSTRUCTION TOOLS:1/100 Construction tools deal more damage, repair and upgrade faster, and provide a bonus when collecting resources. Increases the skill when using items of this group: stone axe, key, hammer, nail gun!
17 CONCRETE MIXING:0/1 By learning this perk, you will have access to recipes: Cement, Bucket of Cement and Concrete Mixer!
18. STEEL SMITHING:0/1 When learning this perk, recipes will be available to you: steel ingot and a steel tip!
19. WORKBENCH:0/1 When learning this perk, you will have access to the recipe for a workbench (desktop)
20. GUN SMITHING:1/100 Reduces the penalty and gives a greater effect when repairing. Increases ammo generation speed. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
21. 9MM ROUND CRAFTING:0/1 By learning this perk, you will be able to craft a 9mm cartridge, bullet tip and cartridge case!
22. 10MM ROUND CRAFTING:0/1 When learning this perk, you will be able to craft a 10 mm cartridge, bullet tip and cartridge case!
23. .44 MAGNUM ROUND CRAFTING:0/1 When you learn this perk, you will be able to craft a magnum cartridge, bullet tip and cartridge case!
24.7.62MM ROUND CRAFTING:0/1 By learning this perk, you will be able to craft a 7.62MM cartridge, bullet tip and cartridge case!
25. SHOTGUN SHELL CRAFTING:0/1 By learning this perk, you will be able to craft shotgun shells and ammo!
26. HEAVY ARMOR:1/100 You take less damage while wearing iron and scrap clothing. Increases the skill when receiving damage while wearing clothes of this category!
27. LEATHERWORKING:1/100 Clothing from hides and skins is created faster and of better quality. Reduces the penalty and gives a greater effect when repairing. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
28. LEATHER TANNING:0/1 By learning this perk, you will be able to craft leather from an animal skin!

29. LIGHT ARMOR:1/100 You take less damage while wearing animal hides and skins. Increases the skill when receiving damage while wearing clothes of this category!
30. MEDICINE:1/100 You gain more health when using medicines and medicines. Increases skill when using items of this group!
31.MINING TOOLS:1/100 Mining tools deal more damage and also provide a bonus when mining resources. Increases skill when using items of this group!
32.MINER 69ER:0/5 By learning this perk, you will be able to deal more block damage and use less stamina on hits!
33.MISC CRAFTING:1/100 Items from the Misc category are created faster. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
34. PISTOLS: 1/100 Pistols and revolvers do more damage. Increases skill when using items of this group!
35. THE OUTLAW:0/5 When learning this perk, the damage from the pistol increases with each level of the perk!
36. DEAD SHOT:0/3 When learning this perk, the chance of dismemberment with a pistol will increase with each level of the perk!
37.RIFLES:1/100 Rifles and assault rifles deal more damage. Increases skill when using items of this group!
38. BETTER LEAD THAN DEAD:0/5 When learning this perk, damage from rifles and assault rifles increases with each perk level!
39.SCAVENGING:1/100 Be the master of the collection. Decreases search time for items and gives % chance to find better loot. The skill increases when searching items marked "untouched" (untouched)!
40. FAST EDDIE:0/3 When learning this perk, the looting time will decrease with each level of the perk!
41 QUALITY JOE:0/3 Adds 25, 50 and 100 to the quality of items found!
42. SCIENCE:1/100 Craft medicines, chemicals, gears, and traps faster and with better quality. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
43.SHOTGUNS:1/100 Shotguns do more damage. Increases skill when using items of this group!
44.BOOM STICK:0/5 When learning this perk, the damage from shotguns and sawn-off shotguns increases with each level of the perk!
45. SPLATTER GUN:0/3 When learning this perk, the chance of dismemberment from shotguns and sawn-off shotguns increases with each level of the perk!
46. ​​TAILORING:1/100 Clothes made from grasses and fabrics are created faster and of better quality. Reduces the penalty and gives a greater effect when repairing. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
47. TOOL SMITHING:1/100 Hand and mechanized tools are created faster and of better quality. Reduces the penalty and gives a greater effect when repairing. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!
48. TREASURE HUNTER:0/3 When learning this perk, the radius of the treasure decreases with the increase in the level of the perk!
49. WEAPON SMITHING:1/100 Bows, crossbows, arrows and melee weapons are crafted faster and of better quality. Reduces the penalty and gives a greater effect when repairing. The skill increases when creating and repairing this category of items!

Thanks to the dudes from VK for translating perks

Recently into the game 7 Day to Die"A new creative (creative) mode has been introduced, in which it is possible to use cheat codes (cheats). This mode expands standard features player and allows you to build buildings of incredible scale. But not all players know how to access the advanced features of the game, to do this, open the console and enter certain commands there. The console is opened by pressing the ~ key. Commands can also be accessed directly from the console by typing help.

Below are commands to make the construction process extremely convenient and simply have more fun from the game. Press ~ to open the console, select desired command, we introduce its process is extremely simple.

List of codes 7 Day to Die:

With this command 7 Day to Die can be translated play time, is set in the format: number of hours since the beginning of the game + 000. For example: settime 6000 is 06:00 on the first day (6 hours have passed since the beginning of the game); settime 72000 is midnight on the fourth day (72 hours have passed since the game started).

This command is used to get a box with a decent amount of resources. Recommended for outdoor use.

Does the same as the previous command. Except that the resources are dropped from the aircraft. There is a chance that resources will be dropped at a great distance

In order to find out your own id, you need to enter the spawnentity command without parameters, you can find out your nickname and id (if no changes were made to the server configuration, the default will be 171)
With this 7 Day to Die command, you can create creatures from the players whose id was specified. All zombies have an identification number(id). For convenience, we will divide all id into groups.

7 Day to Die commands to summon Zombies:

1- Infected Survivor
2- Animated corpse
3 - Gnawed zombie
4 - Purulent zombie
5 - Zombie 1
6 - Crawler
7 - Dead Hunter
8 - Dead forester
9 - Frostbitten Worker
10 - Climbing
11 - Burnt Zombie
12 - Paramedic
13 - zombie woman
14 - Zombie Lady
15 - Zombie Cheerleader
16 - Feral Zombie
17 - Zombie Cop
18 - Fat Man
19 - Great Hornet
20 - Zombie dog.

21 - Auto blue
22 - Auto orange
23 - Auto red
24 - Auto white

25 - Deer
26 - Crawl
27 - Animal Pig
Resources dropped from the aircraft:
29 - Box - with useful tools
30 - Box - food and dry rations
31 - Box - resources that will be useful for construction
32 - Box - firearms (Sawed-off shotgun, hunting rifle, pistols and a set of cartridges for each type of weapon)
33 - Box - firearm (Same as 32)
34 - Box - firearms (Like the previous ones, but parts for the Magnum may fall)
35 - Box - explosives (Mines, rocket launchers, bombs)
36 - Box - random (different resources in random order)

Allows you to summon a huge horde of zombies (from 15 to 60). You have to wait a little while the crowd gets to you, it happens in a couple of minutes. For convenience, we recommend activating the "running, zombies always" mode in the game settings.
I hope these commands will help you get more enjoyment out of the game. More weapons and zombies on the horizon!
Important note: when using cheat mode commands, be sure to find no more than three blocks.