Alice is a game for company. Game Alias ​​or Say Otherwise. Rules of the board game "Alias"

The classic board game Alias ​​is also known as "Say Otherwise" or, in the home version, "The Hat." For family gatherings and parties, Alias ​​is the most suitable game and one of the most popular. There is an online version.
Game "Alias": understand me, understand!

What is the game "Alias"?

The point of the game "Alias" is to guess words. The words written on the cards need to be explained to other participants. The team is given points for correct answers. Dynamic and fun.

There are many variations: the board game “Elias for the whole family”, and a fun game for any company “alias party”, and “alias for kids” (“alias junior”) and many others.

Packaging, design and localization

Alies game was developed in the 90s in Finland. “Alias” in English means “otherwise called” (all variants “Ellis”, “Elios”, “Ales”, “Alles”, “Aleas”, “Alies” and even “Alliance” are also her). Over the past time, cards with words have conquered many countries of the world and “multiplied” into a bunch of different versions, and reviews about it filled the Internet pages.

The design of Alice's game boxes changes regularly, and even more so from expansion to expansion. The quality of the cards also “floats” slightly, depending on what kind of alias the printing house printed today. You can recognize the original edition by the “Tactic” logo and the word “Alias” written in a proprietary font. In any case, the board game Alias ​​and “Say Otherwise”, and “Party”, and “For Children” will delight you with its content.

The “alias party” and “alias party 2” sets have an additional field with a rotating arrow. “Alias ​​the crazy version” will entertain you with an incredible number of ways of explanation, and “Alias ​​the brilliant version” will force you to completely invent words yourself based on the dropped letters.

In Russia, the game Alice is released in Russian or in two languages ​​with Russian rules.
The point of the game "Alias" is to guess words.

Complete set of the classic "Alias"

In the box you will find:

  • a playing field with a counter for guessed words;
  • cards for the game “Alias”, made in high-quality printing – 300 pieces;
  • figurine chips of different colors - 6 pieces;
  • hourglass (so you don't relax).


Each card has 8 different words - a total of 2400. In some editions, for example "Alias ​​3", instead of a back on the cards, words are written in English, that is, in fact, you get two sets - Russian and English.

Playing field

Pay attention to the numbering on the game board - every 8 steps it starts anew, and the number in the circle means the serial number of the hidden word. But, for example, in “alias junior” there are no numbers at all - only start and finish points.

Equipment for the game Alias

Number of players

What’s great about the Alias ​​game is that it can be played by an almost unlimited number of people. Although 4 to 12 participants are recommended, you can gather a larger group and play with two people, or even alone if you take the online version. Emotions are guaranteed in any case, and the complexity of the game depends on the level of erudition of those present.
The game Alias ​​can be played by an almost unlimited number of people.

Rules of the game Alias

The basic rules of the word game alias are simple and apply to all sets from “alias family” and “alias junior” to “alias party”. Anyone who has played at least once will not forget them.

How to correctly explain words

Progress of the game

Participants are divided into several teams (up to six), each with at least 2 people. The team takes a chip and places it on the field, determining the order of moves by drawing lots, counting, tossing a coin, or otherwise. The entire deck of cards is shuffled and divided equally between the teams.

The team determines who will guess and who will guess. Usually the roles change during the game. The guesser takes the entire deck in his hands, turns the clock over and begins to explain the words. He does not take them in a row or at random - the number of the word must correspond to the number on which their team chip is located.

For example: the chip is on the field with the number “3”, which means it explains the word number 3. As soon as the correct answer is given, this card is put aside and the explanation for the third word is announced on the next one, and so on for as long as possible.

Important: the words must be guessed exactly in the form in which they are indicated. The singular number instead of the plural, synonyms, simply the same root are not counted.

While the sand is pouring in the hourglass, you need to have time to explain as many words as possible. For each correct answer, the team is awarded 1 point, and the chip takes a step forward.

As soon as the clock runs out of sand, the other team shouts “Stop!” If the explanation is interrupted in the middle, then all teams can race to guess it and earn 1 extra point.

Afterwards, the used cards are removed to the bottom of the pile, and the turn is transferred to the next team.
For the game, private players are divided into several teams.


There are circles on the field marked with a thief figure. If a team passes by this, then on the next turn they act according to the following scheme:

  • do not use hourglasses;
  • guess words from only five cards;
  • and most importantly, any team can give answers and receive points for them.

There is no such clause in the “alias for kids” - so as not to complicate the rules and not cause offense among the participants.


At the end of each turn, points are counted. For each word guessed, 1 point is awarded, allowing you to take a step forward. For each word that is not guessed or missed (if the player cannot explain the word, it can be skipped) - 1 penalty point. “Penalty” cards are placed in a separate pile. It’s easy to get a fine if you name the word itself or the same root when explaining it. For the amount of fines, the team moves back along the field.


The winning conditions are even simpler than the rules. You just need to be the first to reach the finish line. Therefore it is required:

  • explain quickly and clearly;
  • avoid reservations;
  • Don't skip cards.
    Whoever is the fastest and smartest will win the game.

The fastest and most savvy will win the game.

Purpose of the game

The far-reaching goal of “Alias, or Say Otherwise” is the development of vocabulary and intelligence. A list of words may be completely unexpected and open up gaps in your knowledge.

If in editions for adults the main reason why they sit down to play is the desire to have fun and have a crazy time, then the children's analogue, Elias Junior, is even more educational than entertaining, with a cheerful playing field.
The goal of the game “Alias, or Say Otherwise” is to develop vocabulary and intelligence.

Major Additions

As already mentioned, the game has many versions - both stand-alone and compatible with the basic set. These are “alias for kids”, and “alias party”, and travel kits, and completely crazy and unusual ones.

"Elias Compact"

A very, very compact version that is easy to take with you. Only 800 words on 50 double-sided cards and a small playing field. A group of Elias fans will love the ability to simply throw the pack into their bag and enjoy the game anytime, anywhere.

Board game "Alias ​​junior"

The “alias for children” set is the simplest “guessing game” in the entire series. It is suitable even for those kids who do not yet know how to read, because there is only one word on the cards, and each is accompanied by a picture. You can explain not only with phrases, but also with singing or just sounds. If you guess right, you step forward; if you don’t guess right, you step back. There are no unnecessary complications in “alias junior”.

The Elias Junior Compact game differs from it only in a small box that you can put in your pocket and then entertain the kids on the road. And for a children's party, an “Elias party for children” is suitable - with additional tasks that make the process more fun.
Set of "alias for children".

Board game "Alias ​​party"

The board game "Elias Party" will be an indispensable addition to a fun party. Simple basic rules diversify the new ways of explanation found on the field, and roulette introduces an element of surprise. There are as many as 400 cards, among them not only ordinary words, but also lists of celebrities and emotions.
An indispensable addition to a fun party.

The “Party 2” set also includes forfeits, which can further entertain the party in the process of guessing the mystery. “Elias Party Compact” is a small box with fifty double-sided cards and a notepad instead of a playing field.

For “Elias Party” the “Crazy Version” (“alias crazy”) will be an excellent competitor, which will blow everyone’s mind with as many as two hundred ways of explanation. Of course, you can refuse to participate in this madness and explain, as usual, but then you will have to move across the field not forward, but backward, which is somewhat offensive. “Elias the Crazy Version” will blow your mind with as many as two hundred ways of explanation.

"Elias genius version" especially for scholars.

Game Alice Super-simulator for erudites! The cards have not words, but letters, and from the letters you get, you first need to come up with something, and only then explain it. If it’s really difficult, you can pay with points to replace the letters.

"Elias for the whole family"

“Alias ​​Family” is a kind chamber edition that can be played by groups of three or more people. The teams are formed anew every turn. The cards have two levels of difficulty - “family” and “adults”. The goal is not to tear apart your rivals, but to have a fun evening with your family.

"Elias Who am I?"

200 cards with celebrities that players become during their turn. The explainer’s task is to describe the person whose card is attached to the guesser’s forehead. At speed, of course.

Another great party version. Girls go to one team, boys to another. Ladies have a deck with various “masculine” concepts, for example, “tool belt,” while gentlemen have a deck with “feminine” ones, like “studs” or “eye cream.” And try to explain!
In this version it's girls versus boys.

By and large, all games, except for “alias for kids,” can be combined with the base game and with each other.

Elias Party 2 is the perfect game for a long-awaited meeting with friends. With this game, any holiday will be unforgettable, and the participants will remember for a long time how fun it was that day.

The updated version of the famous game has more task cards, and new words have also appeared. The player takes a card on which words or phrases are written. His task is to explain in other words what is indicated on the card to his partner or team. However, not everything is so simple: in the deck there are special fantasy cards marked “Party”, they indicate what action needs to be performed in the process of explaining the words. Try to get used to the role of presenting a weather forecast, or explain a task while jumping on one leg. Still not funny? Imagine that the time on the timer is inexorably running out.

Elias Party 2 is perfect for entertaining your guests. As a result, the audience will become more united, because nothing brings people together like team play. You can also attract children, because Elias promotes the development of logical thinking and enrichment of vocabulary. The game evokes genuine joy and laughter, bright jokes will not take long to appear, and your party will leave guests with only positive emotions.

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Game Alias ​​Party

The game "Alias ​​Party" is fun entertainment for people who love excitement. The game has captured the hearts of people from all over the world. You can play it at home, outdoors or even in a cafe. Such entertainment will not incur much cost, but will give a lot of impressions. There are a lot of other interesting entertainments for organizing leisure time, the rules of which can be found in the “Board Games for Adults” category.

Getting ready for the game

The game "Alias ​​Party" begins with the need to place a spinning top on the work surface and lay out special cards. After pronouncing the text, the cards are distributed between groups of players and laid face down on the playing table. Among these cards there are photos of well-known people. Celebrity cards include a blank card with the names of some of the participants and mutual friends on it. In this situation, the guessing process becomes more spectacular and emotional.

Everyone who wants to play is grouped into teams, the number of each team varies from 2 people. Having shared, they decide which chip to take and place it on the start sector. The playing field consists of sections numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Each game card contains 8 different words. Next, the following happens: when a chip from one of the teams lands on one or another number, the player explains the word corresponding to the number of the number. During the initial move, the numbers for the words are chosen by the opponents.

First round in the game Alias ​​Party

The rules of the game in “Alias ​​Party” state that the one who was chosen by lot to explain first takes about 15 cards with words. The minute is recorded using a stopwatch. And, within the minute allotted by the rules, it is necessary to skillfully show the maximum number of words under one or another number. Players from other teams are called upon to watch the clock and, if the time limit is violated, say stop. During the guessing process, the whole team is involved; if the correct answer is given, then they move forward along the playing field. The more words a team guesses, the more steps it can take with its chips. Errors are also possible that contribute to the return of the chip in the opposite direction.

What mistakes can be made?

The most common mistake is when, when directly explaining the hidden word, the player repeatedly names words with a similar root. As an example, use the word tea with the word teapot. In such cases, it is better to use synonyms, this helps to guess the riddle word faster.

Another mistake is missing words. Words are skipped when they cannot be explained, so that later when explaining them they can be returned to, but, as a rule, they forget about it.

Now let's get acquainted with the fields in the game

The Alias ​​Party game is played on certain fields, each of which has its own specifics.

So, fields like "party". On a similar field and on certain cards, teams of players will see how tasks are designated. These unique designations are intended to make the gaming party even more exciting and fun. When success overtakes one of the teams, players will have the opportunity to spin the spinning top and receive prizes and points.

The “book” type field encourages players to tell various incredible stories. Based on the cards and words received, the team player must come up with and skillfully tell a fascinating story. The trick is that the time is too short, just a minute. It is necessary to use other cards for new stories. If words are missed, then negative points are earned and the participant is deprived of the right to spin the top.

The rules of the game "Alias ​​Party" say that the point of the "position" field is to produce an explanation in a certain position. The player takes two cards, on one there is a word, and on the second - the position required for display. The position card must be presented to everyone for review. Take the desired position and explain. You did it - it's great, spin the top.

In the next field called “smile”, players will have to show the makings of acting. Again, the game process takes place with the help of two cards, on one of which a smiley face will be indicated, that is, the player will have to show a word with a certain emotion. You need to not only guess the word, but also convincingly show the hidden smiley face.

And, the most interesting field is called “camera”. Instead of cards with words, the player receives a card with the celebrities mentioned above. He must show them skillfully and engagingly.

As a result, victory goes to the team whose chip reaches the finish line first.

People often forget that life needs to be filled with pleasant experiences, and this website will help with this. Detailed descriptions of other board games can be found here.

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Alias ​​is a fun board game for any company. Alias, Elias, Elias, whatever they call this board game. The whole point comes down to one simple phrase “say otherwise.” The classic version of this board game is a red rectangular box; there are also other subtypes in this game.

People play this board game in atikaf, at home, outdoors, but why is it so attractive? How to play the board game Alias? Cost of the game? Is there a mobile phone app and a children's version? We talk about everything in detail on our website.

How many people can play?

From two or more;

From 4 people or more, it is more interesting to play, because there is a greater chance that someone from the team will guess the hidden word.

What can't you do in the game?

You cannot use gestures, words with the same root, or call a word with a different ending.

What's inside the box?

The Alias ​​board game contains: a playing field that folds into the shape of a box, several chips of different colors, an hourglass, instructions with the rules of the game and cards with different words. Sometimes a card may contain not one word, but several.

How to play the board game Alias?

Lay out the playing field on a flat surface. On the playing field, numbers from 1 to 8 and after 8 are repeated again until the end of the field. Cards with words are mixed. Each player (or team) chooses the color of the piece they will play with. Players are divided into teams. Everyone puts chips on the number 1.

One team picks up a deck of cards and begins to explain the words to their team using the number 1. At this time, the other team turns over the hourglass and keeps track of the time. As soon as the time runs out, the other team can also give an answer if the word has not yet been spoken. And if the opposing team gives the correct answer, then the point is awarded to them.

As many words as the team guesses, the chip moves along the playing field.

If the word is difficult, you can put the card aside, but then this is a minus for the team. If a player puts the card aside, then 1 point is deducted from the team.

You need to guess the word exactly as it is written (taking into account the ending).

Whose piece reaches the finish line first, that player or team wins.

What if the chip lands on a number with a black background?

In some places on the playing field, you can see that there are numbers not on a white, but on a black background. Then the player counts out 6 cards and explains the words to his team without taking into account time. He must explain in such a way that his team, and not his opponents, can guess faster.

If the other team guesses the word, then the point is awarded to them.

Is there a mini version of the game?

Yes. A small box that is convenient to take with you on a picnic, on the road, for a walk or a trip.

Is there a mobile phone app?

Yes. You need to go through the play market icon, enter the name of the game alias in the search bar and install the application on your cell phone.

Is there a children's version of the game?

Yes. Alias ​​Junior: For kids.

Is there a game in English?

Yes. This is an option for people who speak English fluently.

Sometimes the game is used in English courses or in schools, because there are words on the cards, and it is easier for a person to perceive the word visually.

What is the cost of the game?

The approximate cost of the game Alias ​​is 1200-1500 rubles. In different places, it is different.

Where can I buy the game?

Museums and exhibitions;
- book Shop;
- free classifieds sites;
- an online store where they sell toys;

Can I buy the game cheaper or get it for free?

Yes. You need to understand that not all people like to play board games; some may have been given it as a gift, won a competition, or have no one to play with. That's why some people list a board game for sale on free classifieds sites.

How to get the game “Say Otherwise” for free? Ask your relatives to buy this board game for you for your birthday or other holiday (February 14, February 23, March 8, New Year, Christmas).

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Alias ​​for parties or Alias ​​Party is a new version of the already beloved board game Alias. The goal of the game remains the same, the game itself remains the same... players will now also need the ability to explain words.

Game Features

“Say Otherwise / Party” - this version of “Say Otherwise” is adapted for parties and get-togethers. In this game, as well as in other games in the series, you need to use hints to depict the required word for your teammate (hints - synonymous words, etc.). Unlike other games in the series, this one will have to explain itself in new, unusual and incredible ways if the team piece falls into the Party field. Here, be prepared that you will have to not only explain the words but, for example, tell a joke that contains words from the card, explain the word while jumping or in an unusual pose. You may also be tasked with explaining words in different emotional states - happy, angry, hysterical. “Say Different / Party” will bring out everyone’s ability to explain and encourage creativity and activity.

As in the classic Alias, you need to try so that your comrades can guess the word (person, emotion) that you get. But the most important thing is not to name this word! They explained the word – perfectly. A card on the table - the next one in your hand. Let's not waste time!

Game cards

In the Alias ​​version for parties, all game cards are divided into 4 categories:

  • "Celebrities"
  • "Words"
  • "Poses"
  • “Mood Maps/Smileys.”

Each type of card (except for “Words”) on the playing field is designated by a special zone (the “Party” field), upon entering which the player must take a card from the corresponding deck. If the task is completed successfully, the team has the right to spin the bonus top and make additional moves!

Game process

Let's imagine that the team's piece lands on a colored field:

  • Red – Celebrities. The player takes the corresponding card and tries to explain the largest number of “famous people” on the list. On one card there may well be completely “diverse” personalities: Whoopi Goltberg, Alsou, Korney Chukovsky, Anna Semenovich, Ronaldinho, Winnie the Pooh, Dalai Lama and others. We guessed all 8 – great! Now let’s spin the “bonus top” and add 1-3 steps (or more) to the existing ones (since while time is running out, you can have time to explain a few additional words).
  • Blue – Poses. Time for laughter! The player must, while maintaining the state specified by the “Poses” card (jumping on one leg, standing, sitting...), explain the words from the list of “Words” until the time runs out. If we succeed, we spin the top again!
  • Yellow – Mood. You will spend your entire turn explaining words while in a given mood (fun, angry, sad, embarrassed...).
  • White. Are you a writer? And they will have to become! Tell your partners a “crazy” story, naming the words from the card, observing the word order. If the story is funny and you liked it, spin the top!

“Say otherwise. Party” - for a large and cheerful company. The minimum number of players is four, each team has 2, the maximum is unlimited, 6 teams can play.

Alias ​​for parties has a more colorful and bright design compared to the classic version. Alias ​​for parties exists in 2 versions: standard Alias ​​Party and compact version.