The Story of M'aiq the Liar. Phrases from M'aiq the Liar Who is M'aiq the Liar

M"Ike knows a lot, says little. M"Ike knows
a lot that others don't know.
Nords often wear fur armor. Sometimes it's
makes M"Ike nervous.
Some, going out to look for adventures,
take friends with them. M"Ike thinks
traveling alone is better. None
disputes over the division of spoils.
Some say Alduin is Akatosh.
Some say M'Ike is a Liar. Not
believe neither one nor the other.
M"Ike hears a lot of stories about the war... but
Few of them are truthful.
For M"Ike, it doesn't matter whether someone is handsome or smart.
The only thing that matters is what he can do.
M"Ike once climbed the High
Hrothgar. I wanted to count the steps. But their
so many that M'Ike lost count.
M"Ike heard that the Skyrim people look
prettier than the Cyrodiilians, but that’s not particularly
important. For him, all people are nice.
One day M'Ike's soul was captured. Unpleasant
sensation. Think about it sometimes.
M"Aik is a realist. He has no need for mysticism.
Nords love beards so much. So many bearded people.
M"Ike thinks they dream of luxurious
Khajiit manes.
M"Ike loves the people of Skyrim. They
they tell each other so much
M'Ike can travel quickly.
Some sloths use carts.
For M"Ike it's all the same.
One day M"Ike got into trouble
situation in Riften and fled to Windhelm.
It's good that no one cared there
Snow falls. What difference does it make where it goes?
M"Ike thinks about the beauty of snowflakes.
How do we know that there is a city of Winterhold?
M"Ike didn't see it with his own eyes. And you?
M'Ike's father was also called M'Ike. And father's father
M"Aika. At least that's what his father said.
M"Ike does not remember his childhood. Perhaps
he wasn't there.
M"Ike carries two weapons with him, just in case
happening. If you wear one, suddenly it
will it break? This will be a problem.
M"Ike doesn't understand what's so special about
scream. M"Ike can also shout when he
want it.
Too much magic is dangerous. M"Ike like-
then cast two spells at the same time and
burned my sweet roll.
M"Ike recently saw a mud crab.
A terrible creature.
There is a lot of snow in Skyrim. Enough.
M"Ike wouldn't like more snow at all.
M"Ike knows why the Falmers are blind. And
the disappearance of the Dwemer is completely irrelevant here
what does it have to do with it. Is it true.
M"Ike is constantly looking for calipers, but not
finds. Where could they have gone?
Werebears? The Bears? Werewolves?
Bear people?
The dragons weren't going anywhere. They simply
were invisible and behaved very, very quietly.
What does it mean to combine magic? Magic plus
magic is still magic.
Why do we constantly repeat the same
stories? Now they are adding so many new...
Don't try to block with two weapons -
You'll only be embarrassed. And in general, it's better
hit twice.
Mike heard that being friends with you is dangerous.
People in Skyrim look at some things
more widely than residents of other provinces.
Why do soldiers shoot at targets?
By shooting at living targets, you learn a lot
It's always nice to chat with another traveler.
Something strange is happening to the Khajiit,
when they arrive in Skyrim.
What, you're wandering around, right? No? Then
pilgrimage? Peryite appeared to you,
Overseer and Plague Lord?

Mike's phrases
This and the next phrase concern the magical interface. They cite pre-release rumors that the current two-handed system would allow spell combos, a feature that never made it into the game.

This refers to double casting, which overloads simultaneously cast spells. Well, the “sweet bun” is actually a signature joke that pops up in many Bethesda games. For example, in Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind and Fallout 3, this is a part of character creation in which the player must deal with a bully in order to take the bun. Guardians in Skyrim often refer to this scene by asking, "Let me think...Did someone steal your bun?"
A reference to climate change, which in Cyrodiil was very mild in most areas (with the exception of the very north on the border with Skyrim), and which was replaced by the snow-capped mountain ranges and desert tundra of Skyrim. This may also refer to Mike's homeland - Elsweyr, known for its hot climate.
Possible reference to the fact that you can catch butterflies.
A reference to the work of the new physics engine, and specifically to the fact that “clumps” are formed from snowflakes. Or, this is a reference to the fact that snow and rain fly through most objects, and therefore it snows even under the roof.
A reference to the two-handed system introduced in Skyrim. Or, a reference to the fact that weapons and armor no longer break.
In Oblivion, at noon, no matter what he was doing, Mike stopped and spent five hours every day looking for calipers. There are none in Skyrim.
Possible self-criticism for Bethesda, whose character generation system made the "main" battles unrealistically small. This is the main reason for complaints about the Oblivion main quest and the Skyrim Civil War.
A reference to the completely changed and improved character designs in Skyrim.

Possible reference to criticism that NPCs talk to each other about crabs too often.
A reference to the Dragon Shouts used by the player. In Mike's standard parody style.
A reference to the skill system whereby the player must hit targets to level up their combat skills.
This phrase may be a reference to the major redesign of the beast races in Skyrim.
A reference to one of Mike's dialogues in Oblivion, which concerned werewolves. There's also a reference to werebears in early Skyrim information that had many fans hoping they'd be in the game.
A reference to his line from Morrowind about having to fly high to see a dragon, because those near the ground are very difficult to see, almost invisible. This could also be a reference to the fact that dragons have never been seen in games in this series before.
Possible reference to Todd Howard's comment that he counted 7,000 steps to High Hrothgar.
A reference to the complete lack of children in Morrowind and Oblivion, and the lack of children of non-human races such as the Khajiit in Skyrim.
A reference to the fact that in Skyrim, spells from the school of mysticism were scattered among other spell trees.
The point of the joke is that Mike is a Khajiit, and very shaggy. And also one of Mike's darkest jokes about how much racist stuff is hidden in the game.

“Some people like to go on an adventure with friends. Mike thinks being alone is better. There are fewer arguments about how to divide the treasure.”

This may be a reference to the end of Oblivion, in which Akatosh, in dragon form, saves Tamriel. Some players speculated that Akatosh could be the protagonist of Skyrim. The second sentence refers to how many of the things Mike said were true or Easter eggs. Plus, the in-game encyclopedia often links the names of Akatosh and Alduin.
A reference to the fact that in Skyrim the character does not have characteristics such as Strength, Intelligence, which are present in other games.
He refers to the fact that using the Soul Trap spell, the player can imprison the soul of a dead enemy in the Soul Stone.
A reference to the ability to add facial hair, which was not possible in Oblivion.
A reference to the lack of voice actors and dialogue variety in Oblivion, a major complaint of the Oblivion community and critics. Skyrim has made great progress in this regard.
A reference to the new travel system in Skyrim, which threw it back to the caravans from Morrowind. This may be a reference to Oblivion, where, after talking to you, he ran away at great speed. He may also be referring to the fast travel system introduced in Oblivion and Skyrim.
A reference to the fact that crimes are calculated separately for each territory of Skyrim. Therefore, guards from one property do not try to arrest you for a crime committed in another.
Perhaps this is a reference to the fact that in Skyrim you can marry a person of the same sex, as well as a rather tolerant attitude towards necromancy.
He refers to the ability to hire people you've become friends with as teammates. They will follow you through battles and adventures. A very dangerous undertaking, given the frequent encounters with bandits, undead, dragons and other life-threatening things. He may also be referring to the fact that there are several places in the game where you can sacrifice your teammates.

(("Mike knows why the Falmer are blind. And it has nothing to do with the disappearance of the Dwemer. Exactly, exactly."))

A reference to one of the articles from the Skyrim knowledge base, which puts forward the theory that the Falmer, who lived on the islands under Skyrim, were poisoned and enslaved by the Dwemer, which subsequently led to the uprising of the latter and a bloody war, as a result of which the Dwemer disappeared. This could also be a humorous reference to the phrase found in many games that says that frequent masturbation causes blindness.

This is an obvious reference to the fact that Mike Liar appears in previous games in the series. And if in Morrowind and Oblivion, the duration of which is not very different, he can be considered the same Khajiit, then Mike from Skyrim, which takes place 200 years after the events of Oblivion, is definitely a descendant of those same Mikes.
A reference to the quest "The Great Collapse", as a result of which most of Winterhold fell into the Sea of ​​​​Ghosts.
A reference to the fact that you can't block while holding a weapon in both hands, as well as the disappearance of the block button that was in Oblivion from Skyrim.


  • If you rob Mike, you can find bottles of skooma on him.

M´Aik the Liar is a Khajiit character who is an “Easter egg” in the third and fourth parts of TES. In Morrowind, he fishes on one of the deserted islands of Shigorad, and in Oblivion, he moves throughout Cyrodiil at a very fast pace, sometimes stopping near cities.
[edit] M´Ike the Liar in Morrowind

He can be found on an island located on the line between Ald Daedroth and Sorkvild's Tower at Dagon Fel. M´Ike is dressed very elegantly and wears a Colovian fur helmet. You can talk to him both about the realities of Vvardenfell and about something else - usually M´Ike “justifies” some omissions of the game, or simply lies.

M´Aika's dialogue topics

* "Hints":
o He speaks very vaguely about the talking mudcrab (and, perhaps, hintingly, about the scam merchant) - two more Easter eggs:

M'aiq heard about this. They took all the money. Mudcrabs take everything. They have already reached Pelagiad.

o About the flooded sanctuary of Boethiah - more clearly:

Are you looking for an altar that is no longer here? Very conceptual. Turn to the seas in the West. There is what was once an altar there. Take a deep breath and start searching.

o He also knows something about the Riddle of the Dwarves.

* "Excuses", M'aiq explains the absence from the game:
o Individual mounts
o Ability to climb ropes
o Possibilities of “network play”
o Nude
o Children

* "Cheats", tips that cannot be performed in the game:
o Supposedly you can see dragons if you fly very high
o Supposedly you can see Emperor crabs if you swim very far
o Supposedly you can become a lich if you “find the heart of a lich, and cook it together with the dragon’s tongue, adding the meat of a broken horse”

* You can also talk to him:
o About weresharks, whoever they are (weresharks - perhaps by analogy with werewolves: “were-sharks”)
o About naked liches
o About horses
o About walking corpses

[edit] M´Ike the Liar in Oblivion

M´Ike can be found everywhere in Cyrodiil. He is a sand-colored Khajiit wearing a gray hooded robe. Of the special topics of his dialogues, almost only “excuses” remain, which he can tell the player, mixed with ordinary rumors.

M´Aika's dialogue topics

* "Excuses". M'Aik explains the absence from the game:
o NPC children
o Throwing weapons
o Multiplayer
o Crossbows
o Ability to use staves as blunt weapons
o Ability to fight and cast spells while on horseback
o Levitation
o Nude
o Ability to damage static objects
o Werewolves

* M’aiq has only one “clue” left, about the completion of the main storyline.

* M'aiq also likes to boast:
o New look for Argonians and Khajiit
o Fasttravel system
o Map compass

* He also says that:
o He is looking for his fur Colovian helmet (M'aiq had it in the Morrowind game).
o He would like to have a fish stick to give to the player (perhaps he means a fishing rod, which he also had in the game Morrowind; according to another version, we are talking about the already disappeared tradition of members of the official forum “giving” newbies a “fish stick” stick" (snack) by posting a picture of a pirate holding it on the forum)
o “Legs are given in order to walk. Hands are for hitting. Or tremble. Or wave. Sometimes to applaud" is a possibly humorous listing of the main NPC animations in the game. Or perhaps an excuse that you can’t kick enemies, like, for example, in Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
o People love a good fable, and M'aiq is looking for one.

  • Riding animals: Do you want to ride the beast? There is one way... Go to one of the many Silt Strider ports and just pay! Would you like one for your own personal use? Bah! Walk if you must, run if they catch up!
  • Verscharki: I only knew one, but he was afraid of water.
  • Talking Mudcrab: M'aiq heard about this. They took all the money. Mudcrabs take everything. They have already reached Pelagiad.
  • Naked lychees: Horrible stuff. If you see one, let M'aiq know. M'aiq wants to look the other way.
  • Dragons: Dragons? Oh yes they are everywhere! Although you need to fly very high to see most of them. Those that stay close to the ground are very difficult to see as they are invisible.
  • Rope climbing: Climbing hanging ropes is too difficult. M'aiq prefers ropes tied horizontally.
  • Emperor crab: M'aiq sees a lot of them in the ocean. M'aiq knows that you will see them too if you swim far enough.
  • Horses: Horses... Oh, M'aiq loves horses! Especially with a good creamy sauce.
  • Nudity: Ahh... the beauty of naked forms. These Dunmer are prudes, aren't they? Of course, there is an island that is easy to reach, filled with wonderful, naked, sparkling bodies. This only happens on the full moon on M'aiq's birthday, when it rains and the sea turns red.
  • Sanctuary of Boethiah: Are you looking for an altar that is no longer here? Very conceptual. Turn to the seas in the west. There is what was once an altar there. Take a deep breath and start searching.
  • Multiplayer: M'aiq doesn't know this word. Will you want others to help you in your quest? Cowardly! But, if you want, look for the Argonian Im-Lit, or the big Nord, Rolf Hubert. They will surely join you.
  • Become a Lich: Do you wish to become a lich? It's very simple, my friend. You must find the lich's heart, and cook it together with the dragon's tongue, adding the meat of a broken horse. This combination will make you undead, that's for sure.
  • Walking Corpses: Walking Corpses? This scares M'aiq. You shouldn't joke with the undead.
  • Riddle of the Dwemer: There is no mystery. M'aiq knows everything. The Dwemer were here, and now they are not here! Short people... Or maybe not. It all depends on the point of view. They probably thought that he was the most suitable height.

TES IV: Oblivion

  • M'aiq is looking for a Colovian fur helmet. Practical and stylish. M'aiq is very sad that he does not have such a helmet.
  • M'aiq would like to have a fish stick to give to you. Unfortunately, he doesn't have one.
  • M'aiq believes that children are our future. But he doesn't want them to ruin our fun.
  • M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are also wonderful. They all look better than ever.
  • Some people throw their weapons. M'aiku thinks this is stupid. If you don't let go of your weapon, you only need one.
  • Legs are given to walk. Hands are for hitting. Or tremble. Or wave. Sometimes to applaud.
  • M'aiq prefers to go on adventures alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk.
  • People always like a good fable. But M'aiq still needs to find one. Perhaps, somehow.
  • Some people like special bows - ones that take too long to load and require special arrows called bolts. M'aiq thinks they are idiots.
  • These days, getting around has become easier. Not like before. There was too much walking. Of course, nothing will stop M'aiq if he decides to walk.
  • M'aiq is glad that he has a compass. It makes it easy to find what you need. Much better than wandering around like a fool.
  • Why would someone want to swing a staff? The mace hits harder. Or a sword. You can't throw fireballs from a sword, however.
  • I don't want to fight while sitting on a horse. This can damage a good horse... which could, say, be a very good dinner.
  • Levitation is for fools. Why do we need to levitate? If you fly high, there is still nowhere to go but go down.
  • It's good that people wear clothes. M'aiq wears clothes. Who wants to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad.
  • I don't know why anyone would want to destroy buildings. It takes time to build them. A lot of time.
  • I saw dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon too. I won't say where I saw him. Maybe I didn't see it.
  • Werewolves? Where? Wolves? People who are wolves? Lots of wolves. Everywhere. Many people. That's enough for M'aiq.

TES V: Skyrim

  • M'Aik's father was also named M'Aik. And M'aiq's father's father. At least that's what his father said.
  • M'aiq knows a lot, says little. M'aiq knows many things that others do not know.
  • M'aiq carries two weapons with him, just in case. If you wear one, what if it breaks? This will be a problem.
  • M'aiq constantly looks for calipers, but does not find them. Where could they have gone?
  • M'aiq hears many stories about the war... but few of them are true.
  • How do we know that there is a city of Winterhold? M'aiq did not see him with his own eyes. And you?
  • Too much magic is dangerous. M'aiq somehow cast two spells at the same time and burned his sweet roll.
  • What does it mean to combine magic? Magic plus magic is still magic.
  • For M'aiq, it doesn't matter whether someone is handsome or smart. The only thing that matters is what he can do.
  • The dragons weren't going anywhere. They were simply invisible and very, very quiet.
  • Werebears? The Bears? Werewolves? Bear people?
  • There is a lot of snow in Skyrim. Enough. M'aiq wouldn't like more snow at all.
  • Snow falls. What difference does it make where it goes? M'aiq thinks about the beauty of snowflakes.
  • There was once a lot of butterflies in Skyrim. Now there are not so many of them.
  • M'aiq once climbed High Hrothgar. I wanted to count the steps. But there are so many of them that M’aiq lost count.
  • One day, M'aiq got into trouble in Riften and fled to Windhelm. It’s good that no one there cared about M’aiq.
  • M'aiq can travel quickly. Some sloths use carts. For M'aiq it's all the same.
  • M'aiq doesn't understand what's so special about the scream. M'aiq can also scream whenever he wants.
  • M'aiq recently saw a mud crab. A terrible creature.
  • M'aiq loves the people of Skyrim. They tell each other so many interesting things.
  • Nords love beards so much. So many bearded people. M'aiq thinks they dream of the luxurious manes of the Khajiit.
  • M'aiq does not remember his childhood. Perhaps he was not there.
  • M'aiq is a realist. He has no need for mysticism.
  • Nords often wear fur armor. Sometimes this makes M'aiq nervous.
  • One day, M'aiq's soul was captured. Unpleasant feeling. Think about it sometimes.
  • Some say Alduin is Akatosh. Some say M'aiq is a Liar. Don't believe either one or the other.
  • Something strange happens to the Khajiit when they arrive in Skyrim.
  • M'aiq had heard that Skyrimians were prettier in appearance than Cyrodiilians, but this was not particularly important. For him, all people are nice.
  • Why do soldiers shoot at targets? By shooting at live targets, you learn much faster.
  • M'aiq knows why the Falmer are blind. And the disappearance of the Dwemer has absolutely nothing to do with it. Is it true.
  • M'aiq has heard that being friends with you is dangerous.
  • People in Skyrim look at some things more broadly than residents of other provinces.
  • Some people take friends with them when they go on adventures. M'aiq thinks it's better to travel alone. No disputes when dividing the spoils.
  • Don't try to block with two weapons. You'll only be embarrassed. In general, it's better to hit twice.
  • M'aiq knows a lot, doesn't he?

TES Online

  • M'aiq believes that it is better to have a purpose in life than to mindlessly do everything.
    Just think of all those farmers who will try to increase their harvest with magic. M'aiq is afraid to imagine what their products will taste like.
  • It's good to have friends, isn't it?
    Sometimes M'aiq travels alone. Luckily for you, this isn't a problem!
  • M'aiq saw the future in his dreams.
    One day, adventurers will scale mountains greater than M'aiq has ever seen! He doesn't know why, but these adventurers will be determined to reach their destination.
  • Living in a house is boring.
    It's much more interesting to travel. Look at the world! M'aiq likes his life.
  • Some advise M'aiq to get married. Marry!
    Why would M'aiq want to do this? This means the end of wandering. No more exotic dishes and fish fingers.
    M'aiq advises you never to tie the knot.
  • M'aiq has heard that some people consider Tamriel a sad place. This amuses M'aiq.
  • Wood elves are not made from the trees of the forest. Sea elves are not made of seawater. M'aiq isn't sure about the high elves yet.
  • No ships go to Summerset. M'aiq wonders if the islands of the high elves are a fantasy.
  • One day M'aiq climbed the Elden Tree. And then he found out that there was a staircase inside. A handy thing when your claws are sore.
  • Why should M'aiq stay away from the grass? His step is always light.
  • M'aiq hates weddings. They never have enough sweet rolls.
  • The mane is chosen by smell. If M'aiq had known this, he would have washed himself.
  • M'aiq wonders who would want to live in faded Bleakrock? Why not in fun High Rock?
  • A local old-timer complained to M'aiq that he had lost his mittens. M'aiq advised not to stop searching. Everything is found someday.
  • M'aiq learned too late that the urns contained the ashes of the ancestors of the dark elves. He... um... hopes that the rain won't hurt them.
  • M'aiq is worried that there are no Imperials left in the abandoned forts. Too often even less pleasant creatures wander in there.
  • The people of Windhelm are strange. Whenever M'aiq comes, they only discuss how to get drunk.
  • M'aiq asked the Nord what she was looking for. And the Nord answered: “Wuthrad.” Naturally, M'aiq offered her his handkerchief.
  • M'aiq had heard a lot about Lord Byosek, but had seen little. M'aiq believes this is for the best.
  • M'aiq wonders how there can be other kings above kings?
  • M'aiq was asked to stay away from the Old Gate. This confused him. M'aiq remembers a time when the name was simply "The Gate".
  • Can vampires have families? How? It’s probably better for M’aiku not to know.
  • You step on the sand and you burn your paws. Bury yourself deeper, and grains of sand will get stuck under your claws. How poor is M'aiq's choice!
  • M'aiq wonders why he encounters Imperial armies everywhere except Cyrodiil?
  • M'aiq was unable to find the Tower of Lies. These are Molag Bal's jokes, right?
  • A Silvenar is a person, a place and an idea. M'aiq wonders how one entity can have three forms?
  • M'aiq believes that the dark elves are great guys. One elf offered M'aiq a pair of identical bracelets, but he refused.
  • M'aiq thought that High King Emeric would have the highest castle. Well, okay.
  • “Don’t come closer,” said the ghost, and M’aiq listened to her. But she continued to repeat this wherever M'aiq went.
  • The local elves have so many different titles, and all of them are so pompous. M'aiq prefers one and simple.
  • Why are embassies needed? M'aiq thinks that anyone becomes an ambassador if they are sent.
  • Sea elves? Do you see the elves from the sea?
  • Forest orcs are orcs that live in the forest among oak trees? If they are cudgels themselves, M'aiq thinks they'd better not touch the torches.
  • The moon priests have a lot of strange rules and stories. But M'aiq thinks that they are simply making them up as they go along.
  • M'aiku wonders why the guards aren't standing guard on the mushrooms? They are taller than the towers, and it’s more comfortable to sit on them.
  • M'aiq knows that the Brothers of Discord are either volcanoes or elves. If one of them is an elf and the other is a volcano, their mother has a lot to explain.
  • What if the Ordinators are Dark Elven gods walking among the people? In any case, M'aiq avoids them.
  • M'aiq has few regrets. Finding yourself in a swamp without boots is just such a case.
  • It's so cold here, but M'aiq has seen Nords in sandals. Madness!
  • M'aiq wouldn't fight for money. He has a weak chin.
  • M'aiq had never seen so many orcs in one place. Even inside their forges there are forges.
  • M'aiq heard that there were caves filled with spiders and unclear whispers. He prefers spiders.
  • M'aiq had a nightmare yesterday. Mud crabs flying across the sky. Nightmare!
  • M'aiq hates bats. Small winged skeevers. Abomination!
  • Redguards fear the undead, but why? Bodies in tatters? The stench of death? Hmm. Perhaps M'aiq understands.
  • One day M'aiq met Captain Blackheart and his thugs. M'aiq will think of a more appropriate name for them.
  • Don't drink glowing water. M'aiq learned this from experience.
  • The Khajiit told M'aiq that he was not like other Khajiit. M'aiq told the Khajiit that he was very similar to M'aiq. And then we started making moon sugar.
  • M'aiq asked the Argonian if she could breathe underwater. And she asked M'aiq if he could see in the dark. M'aiq was at a loss to answer.
  • Mike paid a merchant to move his things to Stormhaven. One half went to Stormhold, and the other to Haven. Stupid merchant.
  • M'aiq's father was Kia'm, from the ancient Kia'm dynasty. But M'aiq does not believe in these fictions. His father was also a liar.
  • One day, M'aiq's soul was captured. The mad elf tried to imprison her in stone!
  • M'aiq wonders if the skeletons in the minotaur cemetery are half-humans or half-bulls?
  • M'aiq does not want to deal with the Daedra. He heard that their trees could burn without being consumed. How do they do it?
  • M'aiq believes that some places cannot be explained. Such places have little to do with magic, but a lot to do with the weather.
  • M'aiq had heard of werewolves hiding in abandoned tombs and hidden forests. Ha! M'aiq prefers to walk in more open areas.
  • M'aiq always tells the truth, except when he lies. But for you - only the truth.
  • M'aiq cannot say how the members of the Spider Cult differ from the usual worthless rabble. Do they really need proper uniforms?
  • M'aiq would have enjoyed himself in the kwama mine if he had time.
  • Witches and witch hunters quarrel so often. Mike thinks that they are not breathing evenly towards each other.
  • M'aiq doesn't care much about politics. True, he thinks that there are only friends around him.
  • M'aiq doesn't care that the Wayrest tunnels are a marvel of engineering. The stench there is disgusting!
  • When M'aiq was still a kitten, he wanted to go to adventurer school. But Tamriel has more tombs than schools.
  • Volenfell is where the famous Dwarven hammer fell, right? M'aiq thinks "Where the Hammer Fell" would be a better title.
  • M'aiq believes that the craziest thing about the Vaults of Madness is their very location.
  • Some people like to buy the whole meal at once. Others prefer to pay only for what is on their plate. M'aiq just loves to eat.
  • M'aiq used to travel alone, but now he is used to going with his friends.
  • M'aiq always fishes when there is water nearby. This makes for great privacy.
  • M'aiq tried to swim to the open sea, but he had to turn back. Killer fish. Every time.
  • Have you ever seen dragons? No? M'aiq believes they are hiding... for now.
  • When M'aiq finds himself in an unknown place, he imagines it and meditates briefly.
  • M'aiq wonders why sellers always brag about the capacity of their bags rather than the weight they can hold.
  • M'aiq always moves forward. This way he won't get lost.
  • M'aiq cannot understand why some people in Tamriel stand out more than others?
  • The innkeeper asked M'aiq to wait outside until the tavern was cleaned up. It didn't take long, so M'aiq wasn't upset.
  • M'aiq would rather walk in the rain than repair a roof after a thunderstorm. M'aiq hates patching holes.
  • M'aiq believes that those who constantly get drunk on wine cannot be truly happy. That's why he drinks water.
  • Some people like to hurt others. They remind M'aika of mud crabs - disgusting creatures that have no excuse.
  • M'aiq does not want to join any guilds. And in general, most often M’aiq is on his own. Hmm, M'aiq might have to think about that.
  • Sometimes people disappear right in front of M'aiq. Are invisibility potions really that accessible?
  • M'aiq managed to talk to many people. Over time, people begin to repeat themselves. How strange.
  • M'aiq believes that most people need to talk more to the point. Of course, you are not one of them.
  • M'aiq was one of the Six Companions, but was asked to leave. One of them was jealous of his mustache.

Which, often, is found randomly on the roads and tells you things that are unusual for the average NPC. This is M"Ike the Liar, and he can be found in III, IV, V, as well as Online parts of the series.

M"Ike, without a doubt, is an Easter egg character. In the same Morrowind, where he first appeared, he could not even be found on the roads, he always lived in one place on a small secluded island, which still had to be successfully stumbled upon. However, , with this character, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Is M'Ike canon?

Let's think about it, is this character purely an Easter egg and a joke for the developers? Or, despite this fact, which is stupid to deny, it is still part of the Elder Scrolls world? And the correct answer is “yes” - it is part of the Elder Scrolls world.

The thing is that M"Ike knows how to break the fourth wall just like one of the popular Marvel heroes (Deadpool). And this is expressed in the fact that 99% of M"Ike's lines relate to the technical aspects of the game, references to the gameplay, as well as incomprehensible lore moments, which M"Ike comments in his characteristic humorous manner. In other words, M"Ike understands that he is in the game.

For example, in Morrowind, M"Ike tried to explain such things as the lack of network play, mounts, dragons and other things that were not in the third part. In Oblivion, he talked about the newly introduced fast travel system, the absence of child characters and much more. In Skyrim, things are exactly the same, literally every phrase he says is a reference to in-game memes or technical aspects of the game, and sometimes he references both at the same time in just one phrase.

Origin of M'aiq

Now let's talk about the origin of M"Ike and discuss the question of his age, which worries many. After all, if only 6 years passed between Parts III and IV, and the appearance of M"Ike did not raise any questions, then between Parts IV and V the chronology of the world made a leap as much as 201 years ahead. Therefore, many players are interested in how M"Ike was able to live for so long. In addition, M"Ike also appears in TES Online, the actions of which take place 1000 years before the events of Part V, which makes the question of his longevity even more relevant.

Michael Kickbride, one of the former developers, wrote on one of the forums that such personalities as Pelinal, Heimskr, KINMUNE and M"Ike the Liar are multi-personal omnipresents, and conditionally dubbed them Celestials. This phrase, of course, cannot be considered canon, but, However, the truth about Pelinal and Heimskr is true, as confirmed by in-game books, so draw your own conclusions here.

Due to his ability to break the fourth wall, some fans believe that M'aiq has learned chim. And there really is logic in this, because, in fact, it just allows you to go beyond the boundaries of Aurbis, as the universe of the Scrolls is called, and to experience the illusory nature of your world, which in the case of the inhabitants of Nirn is a computer game in relation to a real player. The same Vivec, about whom it is known for sure that he learned chim, also often made references to the game mechanics of the series in his sermons.

Well, we must not forget that M’aiq is also called the Liar, so not everything he says is the absolute truth. Sometimes he might just be trolling you.