Assassin's Creed 3 where to find the mysterious woman. With your opinion

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With your opinion

It's been a few weeks since we killed Silas, and now all of our forces are focused on finding the mysterious Mohawk woman. After talking with Lee in the tavern, take a horse and ride to the south of Boston - get acquainted with the Frontier. Find her on the tracks and run a little. When you run into a pack of wolves will appear secondary task: do not lose more than 50% health . You can either shoot a pack of wolves or play a mini-game with them, just press the right button. After, find our girl in the tree. If you didn’t notice where she slipped away (when the wolves attacked us), turn on Eagle Vision. Let's watch the video.

We meet her on the cliff and make a deal - information in exchange for the life of Edward Braddock. We go into the tavern and eavesdrop on two conversations to determine the location of our target. In the first case, to quietly do this, stand behind the bar, and in the second case, stand near the window.

After that, we still run into a small mess, where another one will appear secondary task: Use destructible items in combat 2 times . And still you can not lose more than 50% of health. To perform synchronization, in battle, stay close to any table, while blocking the blows of opponents - "E"- and apply your - "LKM"- Haytham himself will break the table with the opponent.

Execution is everything

Secondary Tasks: Destroy two guns. Don't kill anyone. Jump into the wagon and wait until it stops in the center of the camp. I advise you to destroy the cannons first and remove a few extra eyes that might notice us. Jump into the haystack and drag the lone patrolman away. Climb up the stairs. On the left side, you can covertly stun the second guard from the bushes, and the third patrols on the observation tower. All bodies must be hidden. We spoil the first cannon and return along the same route, bypassing the central building.

Keep Right. From the bushes, stun the last patrolling guard and spoil the last cannon.

Now let's try to covertly eavesdrop on the conversation. Return to our wagon. Next, go past the well and make your way through the bushes, go to the "eavesdropping zone". As soon as you enter it, the characters will begin to move and go towards the first cannon. Follow them trying to spend all the time of pursuit in shelters - bushes, haystacks, a well - everything will help to do this unnoticed. Having received the information, we pick up the map and quietly leave the camp.

Braddock Expedition

We meet with Gadzidzio and we will receive a task to clean up the militia camp. We have to complete one secondary task: kill two militias avoiding skirmishes . Go around the camp on the right side and jump into the mound of forest branches (an alternative to a haystack) and drag the first one. Next, get over to the neighboring mound and from here you can quietly drag the second one. The task is completed and now, with a clear conscience, you can kill the remaining militias without hiding.

Having changed clothes, we proceed to the second stage of our task. Paying no attention to anyone, we go to ZhM. Watch the video, start the chase and you will need to complete secondary task: destroy three gunpowder wagons . At first glance, it’s not difficult, but rarely does anyone manage to complete this task the first time - at times Haytham simply refuses to shoot, or we ride a horse without being able to aim, and stopping to take a shot, we miss our target. So, in order to do this task, I will give a few recommendations. First, don't forget that we can gallop the horse with a single click - SPACES- the effect is short-term, so press periodically to shorten the distance to Braddock if you paused to shoot. Secondly, if you are riding at full gallop and aiming at the wagon while being very close, take a little to the right / left of it so that you are not hooked by the explosion. And third, reload the pistol in time after each shot. We catch up with Braddock, watch the video and complete the sequence by learning that one of our ancestors...

Part 1.


After listening to the stories on behalf of Father Desmond that the culminating notorious date of 12/21/12 is approaching, we leave the van and head to the cave. Main character uses the Apple of Eden and opens the passage. We continue to move deeper into the cave until we find ourselves on the Animus training field.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Animus firmware update is a reason to practice. Management since the previous parts practically did not change, but climbing became much easier. Now you do not need to hold additional buttons for this. It is still recommended to use the controller, along with the traditional PC mouse + keyboard bundle. We quickly run forward and climb the ledges. We kill two enemies in the air and get to the exit.

Death number.

Playing as the ancestor of Haytham Kenway, we follow forward. We pass through the door and render at the ball. We pass into the hall of the opera house and take our place on the left. After talking with an ally, activate Eagle Vision and find the target on the balcony on the right at the far end. We shift to the left, we pass into a small room and climb up. On the ledge we move to the right (occasionally upward). We find ourselves on the bed, which is opposite the one where the target is located. We go backstage, after breaking the lock on the door. We rotate each of the master keys until a characteristic click and quickly press the corresponding button to complete the hack. We jump onto the unstable scenery, which constantly falls down. But this will not prevent us from reaching the right place and dealing with the enemy. We take away his amulet and leave the building, pushing the panicking crowd.

Journey to a new world.

Additional assignments:

Lost health limit: 10% (on first encounter with sailors)
- Rescue James within the given time (after the mast collapsed)

On the ship "Providence" we are going to a distant mainland - America, namely to the city of Boston, where we will find like-minded people for our great cause. Let's walk up to upper deck and meet aggressive sailors. You should teach them. To do this, hold down the counterattack button and parry the enemy's blows three times. We carry out a series of fast strikes. With the next opponent, we quickly press the counterattack button and also quickly the strike button. This will knock out the opponent. Let's repeat this action again to finish off the previous insolent. The sailor pulled out a knife, as soon as he is about to strike, press the counterattack button, and then the button indicated on the screen. This way we will disarm the opponent. Let's follow the captain who has appeared. He will ask for a favor: to find out what is happening on the ship. We return to the cabin and interact with the table.

The captain says it's time to act. Let's chat with the sailor who sends us to the cook and the doctor. Cook, in turn, will direct us to James. We rise to the helm. Someone is dropping barrels of food from the side. We get down to the lower deck and head to the green area on the mini-map. Activate Eagle Vision to see the hint on the barrel. We return to the cabin.

We will talk with the captain, and then we will be sent to the lower deck in connection with the advance of the enemy ship. At the bottom, Mills reveals that he was the one who started this whole mess to get even with us for what we did in the theater. We counterattack and inflict quick blows to deal with the enemy. We climb up, fix the gear at the points indicated by the marker. We climb the mast and lower the sails. Next, help James; it won't be hard to get to it.

We go upstairs and communicate with the captain. After 72 days, we successfully moored to the coast of America! We climb the highest mast.

Part 2.

Boston, 1755

Welcome to Boston.

We are met by Charles Lee, after which we will follow him. He wants us to train him. We get to the shop with mixed goods. Near the entrance we meet Benjamin Franklin, who asks for help (it is his face that is depicted on hundred dollar bills). We pass inside, we get a saber and a pistol from the merchant. We go outside, where Lee with horses is already waiting for us. We will saddle the one that is intended for us, and go to the Green Dragon.

Arriving at the place, we dismount and enter the building. We follow Charles upstairs and meet with William Johnson, an expert on local lands. He is one of our future associates. William reveals that his notes have been stolen by outlaws.

Johnson order.

Additional assignments:

Shoot 10 Mercenaries
- Don't let Hikki and Lee lose more than half their health

We leave the building, we communicate with William's assistant - Thomas Hickey. He has already found the kidnappers, it remains only to help him take what belongs to Johnson. We make a shot at the sentinel. Let's climb to his position, help the allies deal with the enemies at the entrance to the camp. To achieve 100% synchronization, you need to shoot nine more enemies. After clearing the point, few enemies hide behind the gate. With an aimed shot we destroy the powder keg and go inside. We pick up the box, deal with opponents.

It's time to leave camp. We accompany Hiki all the way, we must not allow a decrease in his health by more than fifty percent. We search the bodies after the murder to get ourselves bullets and some money. We shoot enemies on the roofs with aimed fire. It is advisable to get close to them, otherwise the firepower of the pistol will not be enough to kill them with one shot.

We show William the amulet.


Additional assignments:

Go unnoticed
- Eavesdrop on the conversation of patrolmen (not just locals)
- Eavesdrop on all conversations without letting yourself be seen

We communicate with Charles and together we decide to free the slaves. We go outside, we approach Church's house. No one answered the knock on the door, so the more daring Charles knocks the door out. There is no one inside, so we cut off part of the canvas and get to the orange marker. Being in a fenced area, we eavesdrop on the conversation of neighbors. We will be noticed, then we quickly merge with the crowd and avoid exposure. Next, we get to the green area, where we will find a lot of orange gossip targets and similarly eavesdrop on their conversations. Meanwhile, the green area will shrink. On the roofs we get to the restricted area and try to enter the barn. You will need a key that can be stolen from any of the captains marked with an orange marker. The easiest way to do this is for those who are not always watched by guards. We enter the barn and observe the conversation. Then we Eliminate three enemies, sneaking up on them with a hidden blade, and free Church.


Additional assignments:

Do not exceed the detection time limit (easiest, take cover behind buildings)
- Get three consecutive multi-kills (perfect for this hidden blade)
- Prevent scammers from calling for reinforcements (keep an eye on the mini-map to follow the distant enemy)

We follow Charles to Pitcairn. An attempt to free him from the clutches of General Braddock was unsuccessful. We move behind a group of soldiers, trying not to catch their eyes at all. Lee will distract them with a daring act, we are catching up with him. We deal with nine guards and free Pitcairn, who will "play" in our team.

Penetration into Southgate.

Additional assignments:

Find and kill the general
- Perform three consecutive stealth kills around the corner
- Do not take damage from the ranged chain

We leave for the execution of a simple plan to penetrate the fort. Directly from the roof we attack the convoy and destroy thirteen guards. After changing clothes, we head to the fort. On the way, the guards will have suspicions, we will quickly neutralize them, giving orders to the allies. Arriving at the place, we release the prisoner.

We go forward to the crossroads, then turn right. Let's go to the end and find the general. Let's hide in the cart with hay and when he approaches us, we will press the strike button. To get three kills from around the corner, you need to cuddle up to the corner of a tent or other tall objects and use a stealth blade to destroy enemies that come close. Whistle can be used to lure.

We free the prisoners in three places. But before that, we deal with vigilant officers when they are left alone. Or just wait for them to leave.

We grab the enemy and save ourselves from four shots. We deal with enemies, we get to Cyrus. Similarly, we destroy everyone.

Part 3

Boston, 1755

After talking with Charles, we go to the frontier and get to Lexington.

With your opinion.

Additional assignments:

The limit of lost health is 50% (when fighting wolves, you need to press the first two buttons in time)
- Use destructible items in battle (in the tavern we stand so that there are tables behind our backs and then, after a counterattack, the enemies will break the interior with their bodies)

Together with Charles, we go in search of a mysterious woman that we released earlier. We follow Lee on horseback and find a recently extinguished fire. We move upward along a thick continuous trail. Charles kills the attacking wolf, we run after the woman. It's time to face the beasts face to face. We quickly press the appropriate buttons to deal with the bloodthirsty wolves on the fly. Activate Eagle Vision to reveal the woman (she's on the wooden platform above). We continue the pursuit and when the stranger descends to the ground, we can overtake her. The woman's name is Gadzidzio, we show her the amulet. She does not want to talk about the signs depicted on it, but asks to climb the hill.

From above we observe the camp in which the Bulldog (Braddock) commands. To deal with him, you must first find him. We dive into the haystack below and, having reached the tavern, we go inside. Let's go right and hug the counter. After listening to the first conversation, we go to the left. We get up at the window, eavesdrop on the second conversation. We return to the counter and listen to the conversation. We are heading for the exit, but the drunken guards will not let us leave. In hand-to-hand combat, we deal with eight opponents.

Execution is everything.

Additional assignments:

Don't kill the guards (after listening to the conversation, use only hand-to-hand combat)
- Destroy two cannons

Meet Jio near the camp. The easiest way to get inside unnoticed is on a cart, which just passes on our left. Having entered the camp, the wagon will soon stop. Let's get out of it and go right down the grass. We disable the first cannon without being seen by the enemies. We return to the wagon and go on the left side. We go to the white area on the mini-map and start listening to the conversation. When the enemies are a little farther away, it is best to immediately climb onto the roof. And jump from the other side to the grass. Before you get into the tent, we stun the guard from behind without using a weapon. We pick up the map, disable the second gun. From here we go down, leave the camp through a side passage and get to Gadzidza.

Expedition Braddock.

Additional assignments:

Kill two militias without drawing attention
- Destroy the gunpowder carts (buy ammo in advance!)

Together with like-minded people we go to the north, where we will meet with Dzio and her tribe. Let's go right and enter the red zone. Let's hide in a haystack and deal with the enemy. A little further there is another stack. On the grass we will get to there and similarly deal with the guard. Now we can kill everyone else.

We change clothes and on a horse we get to Braddock. He decided to run away from us, taking advantage of the French attack. We give chase, on the way we shoot at powder kegs on carts. Having overtaken the general, he runs away again. We choose a blade, catch up with the target and deal with it.

Having found nothing interesting in the cave, we return to the allies. Conducting an oath for Charles. From now on, he is a Templar.