What are vampires looking for in the black void script? Walkthrough of the game after awakening in Dawnguard. Description of the further path

Our walkthrough of Dawnguard will continue with Izran talking about the vampires who attacked the Watch Hall. Now they are in the crypt of the Gloomy Void. We just need to go there to figure out what the evil spirits wanted there. Before you leave, try to acquire a sufficient number of potions and other consumables you need.

You will find the target crypt southwest of Dawnstar, it is located near the sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon, as well as the Dwemer ruins of Mzinchaleft. As soon as you enter the cave, you will immediately encounter the first opponents - the vampires will not be happy with you and will immediately attack as soon as they see you. They are helped by unpleasant creatures - demonic dogs, death hounds. In the battle against vampires, be careful, because they are contagious and have necromancy, that is, they can resurrect killed colleagues, who immediately join the battle against our hero again.

When they are finished, continue through Dawnguard, finding a large passage into the crypt. It will be closed by a grate, but it is not fixed; it can and should be raised by going deeper into the cave through the narrow southern passage. After passing this place, go upstairs using the small stairs. There you will find a chest - search it, take away useful things in the form of potions and pull the metal ring.

Having passed into the next cave, you will find another handful of opponents, among whom there will be skeletons and one vampire, kill them all, go to the lever, which is on the right side of the grate blocking our path. So you will open your way to a room with dead draugr and coffins, there you can find a pentagram of souls and soul stones next to it. And on the right side of the entrance you will find a staircase that will lead you deeper down, it is illuminated by the light of a torch, so don’t miss it.

Go down along it and you will find a confrontation between vampires and draugr. Having smashed your opponents, find the grate again, which opens with a ring on a chain. Further on our route there is a spacious cave, in which there is a whole lake and a waterfall. As soon as you get closer, evil spirits in the form of skeletons will crawl out of the water and need to be killed. A little further ahead you will also encounter ancient vampire magicians, supported by their hellish dogs.

When all this goodness is finished, continue passing Dawnguard, examining the crypts; in some places they are covered with a dense web, so you may not be able to find the grate that opens with the lever on the left side right away. The first truly strong enemy awaits you behind bars - the vampire Master of the Night, with whom you will have to tinker a little. Once done, proceed through the wooden door into the Gloomy Void Cave.

In it you will get out onto the balcony with gargoyles and a scroll, which lies right on the pedestal. Voices can be heard there, so the optimal solution is to act secretly and quietly so as not to be discovered ahead of time. When you go down from the balcony, you will find the dead sentinel Adalvald; not far from his corpse there are also his notes. Having reached the platform with columns of stones, enter into battle against the vampire Lokil, as well as his companions - an accomplice-magician and a thrall - warrior.

Having dealt with them, continue the passage of Dawnguard, approaching the stone pedestal with a button in the middle of the platform. When you press the button, do not be alarmed by the metal spike that pops out; it is not dangerous. After you see a mysterious purple glow, now we need to arrange the braziers scattered throughout the hall so that they all burn with blue fire.

These frying pans can be moved either to the center of the circle, or vice versa away from it. Having found the right combination, you will launch a mechanism that will move the slabs apart in the center of the circle, which will move the slabs apart and push up a monolith of stone that does not have any window or door openings. You need to get closer to it and activate it, it turns out that it is a sarcophagus containing a sleeping... beauty or not - it’s up to you to decide, but some kind of sleeping girl for sure.

True, as soon as you open the lid of the sarcophagus, the girl will immediately regain consciousness and express surprise that we are not like her, she was waiting for one of her own, from the vampires, to free her. By the way, behind her back you can find an ancient scroll. The stranger's name is Serana, she will ask us to do her a favor - to help her get home to her father. Father is a powerful vampire who lives on the northern coast of Skyrim in a castle.

Written by Adalwald

May the Gods be praised! This is finally what I was looking for. The dangers I've avoided, the traps I've avoided, and the vile draugr I've miraculously sneaked past have all been worth it.

In the previous volume, I presented my observations and shared my thoughts on the possible connection of the Night Hollow crypt with the ancient vampire clans mentioned in the history of Skyrim. There I also wrote about a huge hall, much larger than the rest of the crypt.

Unfortunately, several draugr wandered in and forced me to retreat back into the corridors closer to the entrance, thereby depriving me of the opportunity to better explore the giant cave.

But, thank Stendarr, by that time I had spent almost the whole day in the cave and examined it.

Yes, I took a risk, but the risk was completely worth it, because what I found there is almost indescribable.

In the center of this huge cave is a stone island in the middle of an underground lake. And on that island there is what I can only describe as an intricate ceremonial structure surrounded by stone columns connected by arched spans.

Without a doubt, this architectural design is strikingly different from the rest, it is not the work of the ancient Nords. There I also discovered statues of gargoyles, which I first came across near the entrance to the crypt.

There are no draugr burials with such statues anywhere in Skyrim - except for the Night Hollow Crypt.

Yes, now I am sure that the strange structure in the central hall was erected much later than the crypt itself and by completely different craftsmen. The same builders must have placed gargoyles throughout the crypt, probably to scare away the curious.

All signs indicate that the stonemasons who built these unusual arches were under the command of some ancient master who paid tribute to necromancy or vampirism.

Stone carving not only differs in design, but, obviously, speaks of a completely different culture than the culture of the ancient Nords, and of a different working technique.

Thus, cutting and processing of stone indicate the use of more advanced tools than those that were available to the craftsmen who built the crypt.

Although I am happy that my theories have finally found visible confirmation, at the same time I am sad that so many blank spots remain. When were these new buildings erected? Who built them? And for what?

One thing, however, is certain. I need to go to the Watch Hall and tell my brothers and sisters about my findings. When they see them with their own eyes, they will no longer laugh at my research and theoretical constructions.

And after that I will return to my work. The crypt of the Night Empty may now be full of secrets, but by the will of Stendarr I will see the veil of secrecy lifted.

Early in the morning, after sleeping in the fresh frosty air, Lydia and I went to the Crypt of the Night Emptiness. She was very close to our camp. And the walk in the fresh air to get there was wonderful, albeit short. We approached the cave at dawn, and the sun, with a slightly pink light, illuminated the gray stones of the entrance to the cave... At the entrance, at the very beginning, the Crypt of the Night Emptiness resembles an icy cave with a beautifully falling waterfall, there is a thin crust of snow around, and a barely noticeable frosty freshness , relentlessly accompanies you to the ancient Nordic ruins...

Going out into the hall with the waterfall, I noticed a vampire and a master vampire talking to each other. Later, in this location I also came across one bloody vampire. In addition to various vampires, I met skeletons and draugs here.

Taking aim with my bow and pulling the bowstring tighter, I felled one of them with one arrow. With the other, as with the hounds of death, we had to tinker. It’s good that Lydia and I didn’t catch anything from vampires or death hounds. Next to their bodies, I found the body of Stendarr's Watcher named Tolan. Also, thanks to the enchanted elven bow, I filled a couple of soul stones, and I always like this action - it’s beautiful! =) There were several damaged books in the wooden cart. And also, it is here, in an icy cave, that a snowberry bush grows, the fruits of which were carefully collected by me for alchemy. But I met a snowberry bush only once, at the very beginning. Then, although rarely, I only encountered glowing mushrooms.

Throughout the long journey, several chests were found, a lot of potions (although not a single one that was new to me), coins, precious stones and jewelry were hidden in urns... Well, and, of course, there was both armor and weapons. In terms of weapons, there was one interesting find... In the open sarcophagus lay an enchanted Ebony Sword of Despair (creatures and people of level 13 and below take flight for 30 seconds). Oh, I need, when I finish the work I started, I need to deal with all my enchanted weapons, which are kept at my home in Whiterun. In one of the chamber caves, we came across old stone ancient Nordic tombstones. By the way, there was also a Pentagram of Souls here - a special table on which you can both disassemble enchanted objects and enchant new ones. But since I didn’t want to waste any time at all, and there is such a table in Whiterun, in Dragon’s Reach, I simply took the soul stones: Great and Large and grabbed a potion of magic standing nearby on the same table.

Having passed into the next round hall, we met a draugr executioner; skeletons lay in the niches. With a vampire - a guide of shadows, I discovered as many as 2 precious stones: a flawless amethyst and a flawless ruby, and this was the first time I had seen this.

Further, through the opening bars we found ourselves, as it were, in cells. Treasure seekers should wander around here very carefully. For example, I found the chest on the 2nd attempt. But I found a couple of potions: healing poisons and a weak potion of magic. In a small labyrinth in which a couple of frosty spiders live, there was a flask with a potion in a corner. Still, when you walk around and look out for everything carefully, you can find something rare and interesting, not to mention the necessity of the found thing. In the chest, by the way, in addition to 99 coins, there was a black soul stone.

Having passed another corridor near the inner river, opening the grate and wounding the frost spider, we reached a wooden door. Lydia and I needed to catch our breath. We sat down on some stones, a waterfall gurgled nearby, growing into a small river, and mushrooms grew.

Behind the next door we met a master vampire. Everything here was overgrown with cobwebs and I found spider nests with eggs. There was also a wooden door leading to the Cave of the Night Emptiness...

Behind the door, on a pedestal, lay "Scroll: Firestorm". Two gargoyle statues decorated this room. Walking further, we found ourselves in a very huge hall, where vampires were talking below in a round open room... We quietly made our way further, along the way opening a chest in which we found an iron battle ax of fear (creatures and people of level 5 and below take flight for 30 seconds ), 108 coins, 12 steel arrows and elven armor of true health (increases health by 50 units). On the way down, they found the body of the Watcher Adalvald, with nothing special on him, but next to him lay the book “Notes on the Crypt of the Night Emptiness, Volume 3.”

From afar, in a round open room, I defeated several vampires and entered his territory. Several vampires turned out to be: a vampire thrall, a vampire who is a guide of shadows, and they also found the bodies of a certain Lokil. Nothing special was found on them...

In the middle of the hall there is a button that I pressed quite painfully for myself - after pressing, a huge spike pierced my palm right through. It’s good that Lydia was nearby, who immediately began to calm me down and treat me with potions. There was a skeleton lying nearby... 5 coins from which Lydia took out herself. I honestly didn’t know what to do next and only my ingenuity helped me with this... There are beautiful things here that resemble large vases, but in fact they are braziers. They had to be moved somehow. The guess was that by moving them in a certain order, something should open. Moving the braziers, I realized that at a certain level a torch ignites in them. I decided to move them so that the torch burned in all of them. After this, the transformation of the hall in which we were began began... While the transformation was taking place, I even managed to learn, found a little earlier, “Spell Tome: Stone Flesh.”

A stone monolith appeared in the middle of the hall, after activation of which it opened and the Mysterious Woman appeared in it. I talked to her... It turned out that she is a vampire, the girl’s name is Serana. She was locked here many, many years ago and all this time she stayed in this sarcophagus. And now she wants to go home and asked to be escorted home, to a castle off the northern coast of Skyrim. Of course, I agreed.

Having walked further through the location, the three of us already defeated a couple of gargoyles, with which we found iron ore and precious stones, found another treasure chest and the body of a novice sorcerer, with whom a new recipe for the atronach forge was found. My elven gaze also noticed a bag of coins. Having examined the distant halls, we found the “Tome of Spells: Necromantic Treatment” and another chest. The chest, among other things, contained an ebony two-handed sword.

Wandering, we came out into the last huge hall... Everything was in desolation, and even poisonous bells grew. After killing a couple of draugr, including the warlord, we examined the hall in search of objects. Found a chest. The most interesting thing was that the Lamellar Helmet of True Restoration was found in it (restoration spells consume 20% less magic). Burnt bodies were also found...

And at the end of the path I had traveled, the Wall of Words was waiting for me, near which I learned the Word of Power: “Reserve of strength, Sucking of vital energy.”

The gifts are nearby, they also made me happy! In addition to bags of specie, there were also: Steel Greatsword of Decay and Glass Dagger of Horror. A pair of malachite veins were also found here. In one of the chests, in addition to small change, I found a Large Soul Stone.

We went outside to get some air, but then we went back to walk around the location looking for things we hadn’t seen. By the way, we found another malachite vein and a couple of valuable things. We walked there and back.

We left the Crypt of the Night Emptiness only in the evening. The air was so fresh that you wanted to drink it! And the Deer running past reminded us that we are alive and there is beautiful nature around us.

We went to spend the night again in the camp that was set up at the Lord’s stone...

Entrance to the Night Void Crypt.

An icy cave at the entrance.

Ebony Sword of Despair.

Urn and chest.

Crypt decoration.

Ancient Nordic graves.

Pentagram of souls.

Draugr executioner.

Lattices in the crypt.

Potions on a pedestal.

Wounded frost spider.

Lydia against the backdrop of the door to the cave and spider nests.

Pedestal with a scroll.

The body of the Watchman Adalvald.

Cave decoration.

The main open hall of the cave.


A button piercing my hand.

Starting the fryer.

Moving the fryers in the right direction.

Transformation of the hall.

Stone monolith.

Walled up stranger.

A vampire named Serana.

Living stone gargoyles.

Chest and Spell Tome: Necromantic Healing.

Main hall of the location.

Wall of Words and Word of Power: "Strength Reserve, Life Energy Drain."

Steel greatsword of waning and Glass dagger of horror and pouches of coins.

Frosty evening on the way to our overnight stay.

  • Main article: Quests (Dawnguard)

Awakening(orig. Awakening) - quest of the main storyline of the Dawnguard faction in the add-on The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard.


Upon entering Fort Dawnguard, the main character will find a scene of conversation between Izran and Watcher Tolan. According to the latter, it will become clear that their faction was defeated in the war with the minions of the Daedra and vampires. He will tell you that vampires have settled in the cave of the Night Void crypt. Also, according to him, in this cave there is some kind of artifact that is very important for vampires. At the end of the conversation, Izran will send the protagonist to this crypt to find out what the vampires are looking for and bring what they are looking for to the fort.

Night Void Crypt

In the crypt the hero will find the corpse of sentinel Tolan. You need to move on to the next location, fighting vampires, death hounds, skeletons and draugr along the way.

Cave of the Night Void

Upon entering the cave, Dovahkiin will hear a conversation between the vampire Lokil and the watchman Adalvald. Lokil and another vampire are trying to get some information out of the patrolman, but he doesn’t say anything, which is why they kill him. You should go down and clear the hall. After cleaning, you need to go to the center and press the button. Watch a short cutscene and then start moving the fryers. To position them correctly, find the first line of magical flame and push the brazier to the end of the line, the line will continue moving and stop at the place where you want to push the next brazier. When all the braziers are correctly positioned, the transformation of the hall will begin. In the center there will be a sarcophagus that will need to be opened. Serana will be inside. When the hero talks to her, the quest will end.

Quest stages

To go to a specific stage of the quest, enter in the console:

Setstage DLC1VQ01 stage

where the stage parameter is a number, the stage of the quest (all stages are listed below).

Awakening (ID: DLC1VQ01)
StageDiary entry
10 I met Izran, the leader of a group of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard. The vampires that attacked the Watch Hall were probably the same ones that attacked the Night Hollow Crypt. Izran asked me to find out what the vampires were looking for there.
30 (Quest Update) Find out what the vampires are looking for.
40 Isran, the leader of a group of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard, asked me to find out what the vampires were looking for in a place called the Nighthollow Crypt. Deep in the crypt, I released the mysterious young woman Serana from an ancient sarcophagus. (Quest Update) Talk to the mysterious woman.
200 Isran, the leader of a group of vampire hunters known as the Dawnguard, asked me to find out what the vampires were looking for in a place called the Nighthollow Crypt. Deep in the crypt, I released the mysterious young woman Serana from an ancient sarcophagus.
The stage indicated in green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and in red - its failure.


  • Not all quest stages may appear in the quest log. Which of them will appear and which will not depend on how you complete the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, and also if some of the quest stages can be completed in any order.
  • If a stage is marked green, that is, as the end of a quest, then this means that the quest disappears from the list of active quests in the log, but new entries associated with the quest may still appear in the quest log.
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The Night Void Crypt is a vast location in the worldwide popular game Skyrim. This role-playing project is famous for its huge world where you can move freely. Among most similar caves, this one has some features, information about which will be presented in this article.

general description

To get to the Night Void Crypt, you first need to find it on the map. Since the territory appeared only with the Dawnguard add-on, without it the location will not be on the map at all. To find the cave, you need to go from Dawnstar in a southwestern direction all the way to the mountains. If you go up past the Watch Hall destroyed by vampires, the player will go straight to the place he needs. There is only one path up from this location, so you won’t be able to get lost even if you really want to. The main feature is that the appearance of the cave changes depending on whether the user came there with the “Awakening” task or simply found it on his travels.

Free entrance

If you look into the Night Void Crypt without a mission associated with this place, it will have a slightly different appearance. Most corners of the location will be inhabited by a variety of animals that call the cave their home. These will mainly be saber teeth, as well as wolves.

After a few brief skirmishes, you should head to the southern corner, where there is an ancient Nordic tower that can be explored. You can enter it and walk along the first two floors. The entrance will continue to be closed until the player takes on the “Awakening” quest.

On the first floor you can find a useful sword for your character - its characteristics depend on the hero’s level. The same applies to the chest located a little higher in the tower. The contents of this container also directly depend on the level of pumping of the central character. Otherwise, in the Skyrim game, the Night Void Crypt is no different from other similar locations. The center is cut by a small stream, there are many stone pillars and ledges.

Starting a quest at a location

Many players are wondering how to open the Night Void Crypt without having the quest “Awakening” in the quest log. This is impossible to do, because the passage to the towers and the far corners will be blocked with stones - no amount of magic will be able to dismantle it.

If you come here during the above-mentioned quest from the Dawnguard, the cave will change a little. Firstly, almost immediately at the entrance there is a grate that will have to be opened. Secondly, the inhabitants of this place will be much more dangerous. This list includes frost spiders, draugr, skeletons, and even death hounds. You will have to deal with such a company on your own.

Already in the first hall you can find two vampires talking near the corpse of sentinel Tolan. To go further, you need to open that same grate, and to do this you will have to step into the turret on the other edge of the territory. There will be a special chain there. If you interact with it, the passage further will instantly open.

Description of the further path

Passing the Crypt of the Night Emptiness on the task “Awakening” after opening the grate involves moving along a small corridor. Initially, the player will observe the architecture of the Nords, which will quickly give way to niches with the graves of vampires. There is a chest on the right near the exit, but you can miss it - you won’t be able to pick up any useful things from the meager loot.

The corridor will lead the player to a new location - a vast hall with four passages. Each of them is closed by bars, and in the center one of the vampires is fighting a high-level draugr. It is not recommended to interfere in a fight, because you can become an object of anger for two enemies. It is better to wait for the winner and then finish him off with several well-aimed attacks.

It is recommended to initially open the first two passages. They will contain a Master level chest with some good loot and a pedestal with potions in the next tunnel. It is better to skip the third passage, as there is another draugr living there. The fourth option will allow us to move further in the research.

Progress through the cave

The Nightvoid Crypt is quite vast, and the player begins to understand this only after looking at the flooded vampire cemetery. This will be the next area you enter from the hall with four passages. Here you will have to fight several vampires in order to go further into the tomb of the Nords.

The user is immediately recommended to go to the outermost alcove so as not to miss the chest. After this, you can see the vampire fighting behind bars and go to the next area. It will be a huge and beautiful hall with various decorations, including gargoyles. There is a stone circle in the center, and on the right there is a staircase down. If you go down it, you can find the corpse of another patrolman and a chest with useful items.

Completion of the hike

In the game Skyrim, the Crypt of the Night Void closes after pressing the button in the center of that same stone circle. This must be done on the “Awakening” task, which involves finding out the plans of the vampires. The grate at the beginning of the location lowers, leaving only the road ahead. Along with pressing a key, the player will have to move the braziers to free a mysterious woman named Serana. She slept here for a long time and will be able to tell you information about the task.

Advancing further will allow you to explore the Nordic ruins. You can move freely along them until the moment when the passage is again closed by the grate. The lever for moving the barrier is in the center of the hall. After the next passage, the player will see an interesting sight - inside the cave there is an amphitheater with a circle of fire inside, and on the pedestal there is a draugr throne, behind which there is a chest. There is also a path to the exit here, but initially you will have to pass a test.